Beispiel #1
FreeRotateElementLowLevel (DataType *Data, ElementType *Element,
			   Coord X, Coord Y,
			   double cosa, double sina, Angle angle)
  /* solder side objects need a different orientation */

  /* the text subroutine decides by itself if the direction
   * is to be corrected
#if 0
    if (Data && Data->name_tree[n])
      r_delete_entry (Data->name_tree[n], (BoxType *)text);
    RotateTextLowLevel (text, X, Y, Number);
    free_rotate (&line->Point1.X, &line->Point1.Y, X, Y, cosa, sina);
    free_rotate (&line->Point2.X, &line->Point2.Y, X, Y, cosa, sina);
    SetLineBoundingBox (line);
  PIN_LOOP (Element);
    /* pre-delete the pins from the pin-tree before their coordinates change */
    if (Data)
      r_delete_entry (Data->pin_tree, (BoxType *)pin);
    RestoreToPolygon (Data, PIN_TYPE, Element, pin);
    free_rotate (&pin->X, &pin->Y, X, Y, cosa, sina);
    SetPinBoundingBox (pin);
  PAD_LOOP (Element);
    /* pre-delete the pads before their coordinates change */
    if (Data)
      r_delete_entry (Data->pad_tree, (BoxType *)pad);
    RestoreToPolygon (Data, PAD_TYPE, Element, pad);
    free_rotate (&pad->Point1.X, &pad->Point1.Y, X, Y, cosa, sina);
    free_rotate (&pad->Point2.X, &pad->Point2.Y, X, Y, cosa, sina);
    SetLineBoundingBox ((LineType *) pad);
  ARC_LOOP (Element);
    free_rotate (&arc->X, &arc->Y, X, Y, cosa, sina);
    arc->StartAngle = NormalizeAngle (arc->StartAngle + angle);

  free_rotate (&Element->MarkX, &Element->MarkY, X, Y, cosa, sina);
  SetElementBoundingBox (Data, Element, &PCB->Font);
  ClearFromPolygon (Data, ELEMENT_TYPE, Element, Element);
Beispiel #2
repaint (ppm_t *p, ppm_t *a)
  int         x, y;
  int         tx = 0, ty = 0;
  ppm_t       tmp = {0, 0, NULL};
  ppm_t       atmp = {0, 0, NULL};
  int         r, g, b, h, i, j, on, sn;
  int         num_brushes, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight;
  guchar      back[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  ppm_t      *brushes, *shadows;
  ppm_t      *brush, *shadow = NULL;
  double     *brushes_sum;
  int         cx, cy, maxdist;
  double      scale, relief, startangle, anglespan, density, bgamma;
  int         max_progress;
  ppm_t       paper_ppm = {0, 0, NULL};
  ppm_t       dirmap = {0, 0, NULL};
  ppm_t       sizmap = {0, 0, NULL};
  int        *xpos = NULL, *ypos = NULL;
  int         progstep;
  static int  running = 0;

  int dropshadow = pcvals.general_drop_shadow;
  int shadowblur = pcvals.general_shadow_blur;

  if (running)

  runningvals = pcvals;

  /* Shouldn't be necessary, but... */
  if (img_has_alpha)
    if ((p->width != a->width) || (p->height != a->height))
        g_printerr ("Huh? Image size != alpha size?\n");

  num_brushes = runningvals.orient_num * runningvals.size_num;
  startangle = runningvals.orient_first;
  anglespan = runningvals.orient_last;

  density = runningvals.brush_density;

  if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_EVEN_DIST)
    density /= 3.0;

  bgamma = runningvals.brushgamma;

  brushes = g_malloc (num_brushes * sizeof (ppm_t));
  brushes_sum = g_malloc (num_brushes * sizeof (double));

  if (dropshadow)
    shadows = g_malloc (num_brushes * sizeof (ppm_t));
    shadows = NULL;

  brushes[0].col = NULL;
  brush_get_selected (&brushes[0]);

  resize (&brushes[0],
          brushes[0].height * pow (10, runningvals.brush_aspect));
  scale = runningvals.size_last / MAX (brushes[0].width, brushes[0].height);

  if (bgamma != 1.0)
    ppm_apply_gamma (&brushes[0], 1.0 / bgamma, 1,1,1);

  resize (&brushes[0], brushes[0].width * scale, brushes[0].height * scale);
  i = 1 + sqrt (brushes[0].width  * brushes[0].width +
                brushes[0].height * brushes[0].height);
  ppm_pad (&brushes[0], i-brushes[0].width, i-brushes[0].width,
           i - brushes[0].height, i - brushes[0].height, back);

  for (i = 1; i < num_brushes; i++)
      brushes[i].col = NULL;
      ppm_copy (&brushes[0], &brushes[i]);

    for (i = 0; i < runningvals.size_num; i++)
      double sv;
      if (runningvals.size_num > 1)
        sv = i / (runningvals.size_num - 1.0);
      else sv = 1.0;
      for (j = 0; j < runningvals.orient_num; j++)
          h = j + i * runningvals.orient_num;
          free_rotate (&brushes[h],
                       startangle + j * anglespan / runningvals.orient_num);
          rescale (&brushes[h],
                   ( sv      * runningvals.size_first +
                    (1.0-sv) * runningvals.size_last    ) / runningvals.size_last);
          autocrop (&brushes[h],1);

  /* Brush-debugging */
#if 0
  for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++)
      char tmp[1000];
      g_snprintf (tmp, sizeof (tmp), "/tmp/_brush%03d.ppm", i);
      ppm_save (&brushes[i], tmp);

  for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++)
      if (!runningvals.color_brushes)
        prepare_brush (&brushes[i]);
      brushes_sum[i] = sum_brush (&brushes[i]);

  brush = &brushes[0];

  maxbrushwidth = maxbrushheight = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++)
      if (brushes[i].width > maxbrushwidth)
        maxbrushwidth = brushes[i].width;
      if (brushes[i].height > maxbrushheight)
        maxbrushheight = brushes[i].height;

  for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++)
      int xp, yp;
      guchar blk[3] = {0, 0, 0};

      xp = maxbrushwidth - brushes[i].width;
      yp = maxbrushheight - brushes[i].height;
      if (xp || yp)
        ppm_pad (&brushes[i], xp / 2, xp - xp / 2, yp / 2, yp - yp / 2, blk);

  if (dropshadow)
      for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++)
          shadows[i].col = NULL;
          ppm_copy (&brushes[i], &shadows[i]);
          ppm_apply_gamma (&shadows[i], 0, 1,1,0);
          ppm_pad (&shadows[i], shadowblur*2, shadowblur*2,
                   shadowblur*2, shadowblur*2, back);
          for (j = 0; j < shadowblur; j++)
            blur (&shadows[i], 2, 2);
#if 0
          autocrop (&shadows[i],1);
#if 0
      maxbrushwidth += shadowdepth*3;
      maxbrushheight += shadowdepth*3;

  /* For extra annoying debugging :-) */
#if 0
  ppm_save (brushes, "/tmp/__brush.ppm");
  if (shadows) ppm_save (shadows, "/tmp/__shadow.ppm");
  system ("xv /tmp/__brush.ppm & xv /tmp/__shadow.ppm & ");

  if (runningvals.general_paint_edges)
      edgepad (p, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushwidth,
               maxbrushheight, maxbrushheight);
      if (img_has_alpha)
        edgepad (a, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushwidth,
                 maxbrushheight, maxbrushheight);

  if (img_has_alpha)
    /* Initially fully transparent */
      if (runningvals.general_background_type == BG_TYPE_TRANSPARENT)
          guchar tmpcol[3] = {255, 255, 255};

          ppm_new (&atmp, a->width, a->height);
          fill (&atmp, tmpcol);
          ppm_copy (a, &atmp);

  if (runningvals.general_background_type == BG_TYPE_SOLID)
      guchar tmpcol[3];

      ppm_new (&tmp, p->width, p->height);
      gimp_rgb_get_uchar (&runningvals.color,
                          &tmpcol[0], &tmpcol[1], &tmpcol[2]);
      fill (&tmp, tmpcol);
  else if (runningvals.general_background_type == BG_TYPE_KEEP_ORIGINAL)
      ppm_copy (p, &tmp);
      int dx, dy;

      ppm_new (&tmp, p->width, p->height);
      ppm_load (runningvals.selected_paper, &paper_ppm);

      if (runningvals.paper_scale != 100.0)
          scale = runningvals.paper_scale / 100.0;
          resize (&paper_ppm, paper_ppm.width * scale, paper_ppm.height * scale);

      if (runningvals.paper_invert)
        ppm_apply_gamma (&paper_ppm, -1.0, 1, 1, 1);

      dx = runningvals.general_paint_edges ? paper_ppm.width - maxbrushwidth : 0;
      dy = runningvals.general_paint_edges ? paper_ppm.height - maxbrushheight : 0;

      for (y = 0; y < tmp.height; y++)
          int lx;
          int ry = (y + dy) % paper_ppm.height;

          for (x = 0; x < tmp.width; x+=lx)
              int rx = (x + dx) % paper_ppm.width;

              lx = MIN (tmp.width - x, paper_ppm.width - rx);

              memcpy (&tmp.col[y * tmp.width * 3 + x * 3],
                      &paper_ppm.col[ry * paper_ppm.width * 3 + rx * 3],
                      3 * lx);

  cx = p->width / 2;
  cy = p->height / 2;
  maxdist = sqrt (cx * cx + cy * cy);

  switch (runningvals.orient_type)
      ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height);
      for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3];
          guchar *srcrow = &p->col[y * p->width * 3];
          for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[x * 3] =
                (srcrow[x * 3] + srcrow[x * 3 + 1] + srcrow[x * 3 + 2]) / 3;

      ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height);
      for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3];
          double ysqr = (cy - y) * (cy - y);

          for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[x*3] = sqrt ((cx - x) * (cx - x) + ysqr) * 255 / maxdist;

      ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height);
      for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3];

          for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[x * 3] = (G_PI + atan2 (cy - y, cx - x)) *
                              255.0 / (G_PI * 2);

      ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width / 6 + 5, p->height / 6 + 5);
      mkgrayplasma (&dirmap, 15);
      blur (&dirmap, 2, 2);
      blur (&dirmap, 2, 2);
      resize (&dirmap, p->width, p->height);
      blur (&dirmap, 2, 2);
      if (runningvals.general_paint_edges)
        edgepad (&dirmap, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight,
                 maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight);

      ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height);
      for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3];
          guchar *srcrow = &p->col[y * p->width * 3];

          for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[x * 3] = get_hue (&srcrow[x * 3]);

        guchar tmpcol[3] = {0, 0, 0};

        ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height);
        fill (&dirmap, tmpcol);

      ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width-maxbrushwidth*2, p->height-maxbrushheight*2);
      for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3];
          double tmpy = y / (double)dirmap.height;
          for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[x * 3] = get_pixel_value(90 -
                                              get_direction(x /
                                                            tmpy, 1));
      edgepad (&dirmap,
               maxbrushwidth, maxbrushwidth,
               maxbrushheight, maxbrushheight);

  if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_VALUE)
      ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height);
      for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3];
          guchar *srcrow = &p->col[y * p->width * 3];

          for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[x * 3] =
                (srcrow[x * 3] + srcrow[x * 3 + 1] + srcrow[x * 3 + 2]) / 3;
  else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_RADIUS)
      ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height);
      for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3];
          double ysqr = (cy - y) * (cy - y);

          for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[x * 3] =
                sqrt ((cx - x) * (cx - x) + ysqr) * 255 / maxdist;
  else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_RADIAL)
      ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height);
      for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3];

          for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[x * 3] = (G_PI + atan2 (cy - y, cx - x)) *
                              255.0 / (G_PI * 2);
  else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_FLOWING)
      ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width / 6 + 5, p->height / 6 + 5);
      mkgrayplasma (&sizmap, 15);
      blur (&sizmap, 2, 2);
      blur (&sizmap, 2, 2);
      resize (&sizmap, p->width, p->height);
      blur (&sizmap, 2, 2);
      if (runningvals.general_paint_edges)
        edgepad (&sizmap,
                 maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight,
                 maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight);
  else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_HUE)
      ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height);
      for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3];
          guchar *srcrow = &p->col[y * p->width * 3];

          for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[ x * 3] = get_hue (&srcrow[x * 3]);
  else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_ADAPTIVE)
      guchar tmpcol[3] = {0, 0, 0};

      ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height);
      fill (&sizmap, tmpcol);
  else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_MANUAL)
      ppm_new (&sizmap,
               p->width-maxbrushwidth * 2,
               p->height-maxbrushheight * 2);

      for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++)
          guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3];
          double tmpy = y / (double)sizmap.height;

          for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++)
              dstrow[x * 3] = 255 * (1.0 - get_siz_from_pcvals (x / (double)sizmap.width, tmpy));
      edgepad (&sizmap,
               maxbrushwidth, maxbrushwidth,
               maxbrushheight, maxbrushheight);
#if 0
  ppm_save(&sizmap, "/tmp/_sizmap.ppm");
  if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_RANDOM)
      i = tmp.width * tmp.height / (maxbrushwidth * maxbrushheight);
      i *= density;
  else if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_EVEN_DIST)
      i = (int)(tmp.width * density / maxbrushwidth) *
          (int)(tmp.height * density / maxbrushheight);
#if 0
    g_printerr("i=%d\n", i);

  if (i < 1)
    i = 1;

  max_progress = i;
  progstep = max_progress / 30;
  if (progstep < 10)
    progstep = 10;

  if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_EVEN_DIST)
      int j;

      xpos = g_new (int, i);
      ypos = g_new (int, i);
      for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
          int factor = (int)(tmp.width * density / maxbrushwidth + 0.5);

          if (factor < 1)
            factor = 1;
          xpos[j] = maxbrushwidth/2 + (j % factor) * maxbrushwidth / density;
          ypos[j] = maxbrushheight/2 + (j / factor) * maxbrushheight / density;
      for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
          int a, b;

          a = g_rand_int_range (random_generator, 0, i);
          b = xpos[j]; xpos[j] = xpos[a]; xpos[a] = b;
          b = ypos[j]; ypos[j] = ypos[a]; ypos[a] = b;
Beispiel #3
FreeRotateBuffer (BufferType *Buffer, Angle angle)
  double cosa, sina;

  cosa = cos(angle * M_PI/180.0);
  sina = sin(angle * M_PI/180.0);

  /* rotate vias */
  VIA_LOOP (Buffer->Data);
    r_delete_entry (Buffer->Data->via_tree, (BoxType *)via);
    free_rotate (&via->X, &via->Y, Buffer->X, Buffer->Y, cosa, sina);
    SetPinBoundingBox (via);
    r_insert_entry (Buffer->Data->via_tree, (BoxType *)via, 0);

  /* elements */
  ELEMENT_LOOP (Buffer->Data);
    FreeRotateElementLowLevel (Buffer->Data, element, Buffer->X, Buffer->Y,
			       cosa, sina, angle);

  /* all layer related objects */
  ALLLINE_LOOP (Buffer->Data);
    r_delete_entry (layer->line_tree, (BoxType *)line);
    free_rotate (&line->Point1.X, &line->Point1.Y, Buffer->X, Buffer->Y, cosa, sina);
    free_rotate (&line->Point2.X, &line->Point2.Y, Buffer->X, Buffer->Y, cosa, sina);
    SetLineBoundingBox (line);
    r_insert_entry (layer->line_tree, (BoxType *)line, 0);
  ALLARC_LOOP (Buffer->Data);
    r_delete_entry (layer->arc_tree, (BoxType *)arc);
    free_rotate (&arc->X, &arc->Y, Buffer->X, Buffer->Y, cosa, sina);
    arc->StartAngle = NormalizeAngle (arc->StartAngle + angle);
    r_insert_entry (layer->arc_tree, (BoxType *)arc, 0);
  /* FIXME: rotate text */
  ALLPOLYGON_LOOP (Buffer->Data);
    r_delete_entry (layer->polygon_tree, (BoxType *)polygon);
    POLYGONPOINT_LOOP (polygon);
      free_rotate (&point->X, &point->Y, Buffer->X, Buffer->Y, cosa, sina);
    SetPolygonBoundingBox (polygon);
    r_insert_entry (layer->polygon_tree, (BoxType *)polygon, 0);

  SetBufferBoundingBox (Buffer);
  SetCrosshairRangeToBuffer ();