static void deleteptycmd(Ptycmd cmd) { Ptycmd p, q; for (q = NULL, p = ptycmds; p != cmd; q = p, p = p->next); if (p != cmd) return; if (q) q->next = p->next; else ptycmds = p->next; zsfree(p->name); freearray(p->args); zclose(cmd->fd); /* We kill the process group the command put itself in. */ kill(-(p->pid), SIGHUP); zfree(p, sizeof(*p)); }
void semicolonarrsetfn(Param pm, char *x) { char ***dptr = (char ***)pm->data; freearray(*dptr); *dptr = x ? semicolonsplit(x, pm->flags & PM_UNIQUE) : mkarray(NULL); if (pm->ename) semicolon_arrfixenv(pm->nam, *dptr); }
int finish_(UNUSED(Module m)) { if (compwords) freearray(compwords); if (compredirs) freearray(compredirs); zsfree(compprefix); zsfree(compsuffix); zsfree(complastprefix); zsfree(complastsuffix); zsfree(compiprefix); zsfree(compisuffix); zsfree(compqiprefix); zsfree(compqisuffix); zsfree(compcontext); zsfree(compparameter); zsfree(compredirect); zsfree(compquote); zsfree(compqstack); zsfree(compquoting); zsfree(comprestore); zsfree(complist); zsfree(compinsert); zsfree(compexact); zsfree(compexactstr); zsfree(comppatmatch); zsfree(comppatinsert); zsfree(complastprompt); zsfree(comptoend); zsfree(compoldlist); zsfree(compoldins); zsfree(compvared); hascompmod = 0; return 0; }
mod_export void restrict_range(int b, int e) { int wl = arrlen(compwords) - 1; if (wl && b >= 0 && e >= 0 && (b > 0 || e < wl)) { int i; char **p, **q, **pp; if (e > wl) e = wl; i = e - b + 1; p = (char **) zshcalloc((i + 1) * sizeof(char *)); for (q = p, pp = compwords + b; i; i--, q++, pp++) *q = ztrdup(*pp); freearray(compwords); compwords = p; compcurrent -= b; } }
static void compunsetfn(Param pm, int exp) { if (exp) { if (pm-> { if (PM_TYPE(pm->node.flags) == PM_SCALAR) { zsfree(*((char **) pm->; *((char **) pm-> = ztrdup(""); } else if (PM_TYPE(pm->node.flags) == PM_ARRAY) { freearray(*((char ***) pm->; *((char ***) pm-> = zshcalloc(sizeof(char *)); } else if (PM_TYPE(pm->node.flags) == PM_HASHED) { deleteparamtable(pm->u.hash); pm->u.hash = NULL; } } } else if (PM_TYPE(pm->node.flags) == PM_HASHED) { Param *p; int i; deletehashtable(pm->u.hash); pm->u.hash = NULL; for (p = compkpms, i = CP_KEYPARAMS; i--; p++) *p = NULL; } if (!exp) { Param *p; int i; for (p = comprpms, i = CP_REALPARAMS; i; p++, i--) if (*p == pm) { *p = NULL; break; } } }
static int comp_wrapper(Eprog prog, FuncWrap w, char *name) { if (incompfunc != 1) return 1; else { char *orest, *opre, *osuf, *oipre, *oisuf, **owords, **oredirs; char *oqipre, *oqisuf, *oq, *oqi, *oqs, *oaq; zlong ocur; unsigned int runset = 0, kunset = 0, m, sm; Param *pp; m = CP_WORDS | CP_REDIRS | CP_CURRENT | CP_PREFIX | CP_SUFFIX | CP_IPREFIX | CP_ISUFFIX | CP_QIPREFIX | CP_QISUFFIX; for (pp = comprpms, sm = 1; m; pp++, m >>= 1, sm <<= 1) { if ((m & 1) && ((*pp)->node.flags & PM_UNSET)) runset |= sm; } if (compkpms[CPN_RESTORE]->node.flags & PM_UNSET) kunset = CP_RESTORE; orest = comprestore; comprestore = ztrdup("auto"); ocur = compcurrent; opre = ztrdup(compprefix); osuf = ztrdup(compsuffix); oipre = ztrdup(compiprefix); oisuf = ztrdup(compisuffix); oqipre = ztrdup(compqiprefix); oqisuf = ztrdup(compqisuffix); oq = ztrdup(compquote); oqi = ztrdup(compquoting); oqs = ztrdup(compqstack); oaq = ztrdup(autoq); owords = zarrdup(compwords); oredirs = zarrdup(compredirs); runshfunc(prog, w, name); if (comprestore && !strcmp(comprestore, "auto")) { compcurrent = ocur; zsfree(compprefix); compprefix = opre; zsfree(compsuffix); compsuffix = osuf; zsfree(compiprefix); compiprefix = oipre; zsfree(compisuffix); compisuffix = oisuf; zsfree(compqiprefix); compqiprefix = oqipre; zsfree(compqisuffix); compqisuffix = oqisuf; zsfree(compquote); compquote = oq; zsfree(compquoting); compquoting = oqi; zsfree(compqstack); compqstack = oqs; zsfree(autoq); autoq = oaq; freearray(compwords); freearray(compredirs); compwords = owords; compredirs = oredirs; comp_setunset(CP_COMPSTATE | (~runset & (CP_WORDS | CP_REDIRS | CP_CURRENT | CP_PREFIX | CP_SUFFIX | CP_IPREFIX | CP_ISUFFIX | CP_QIPREFIX | CP_QISUFFIX)), (runset & CP_ALLREALS), (~kunset & CP_RESTORE), (kunset & CP_ALLKEYS)); } else { comp_setunset(CP_COMPSTATE, 0, (~kunset & CP_RESTORE), (kunset & CP_RESTORE)); zsfree(opre); zsfree(osuf); zsfree(oipre); zsfree(oisuf); zsfree(oqipre); zsfree(oqisuf); zsfree(oq); zsfree(oqi); zsfree(oqs); zsfree(oaq); freearray(owords); freearray(oredirs); } zsfree(comprestore); comprestore = orest; return 0; } }
static char * get_zle_state(UNUSED(Param pm)) { char *zle_state = NULL, *ptr = NULL, **arr = NULL; int itp, istate, len = 0; /* * Substrings are sorted at the end, so the user can * easily match against this parameter: * if [[ $ZLE_STATE == *bar*foo*zonk* ]]; then ...; fi */ for (itp = 0; itp < 2; itp++) { char *str; for (istate = 0; istate < 2; istate++) { int slen; switch (istate) { case 0: if (insmode) { str = "insert"; } else { str = "overwrite"; } break; case 1: if (hist_skip_flags & HIST_FOREIGN) { str = "localhistory"; } else { str = "globalhistory"; } break; default: str = ""; } slen = strlen(str); if (itp == 0) { /* Accumulating length */ if (istate) len++; /* for space */ len += slen; } else { /* Accumulating string */ if (istate) *ptr++ = ':'; memcpy(ptr, str, slen); ptr += slen; } } if (itp == 0) { len++; /* terminating NULL */ ptr = zle_state = (char *)zhalloc(len); } else { *ptr = '\0'; } } arr = colonsplit(zle_state, 0); strmetasort(arr, SORTIT_ANYOLDHOW, NULL); zle_state = zjoin(arr, ' ', 1); freearray(arr); return zle_state; }
static int bin_stat(char *name, char **args, Options ops, UNUSED(int func)) { char **aptr, *arrnam = NULL, **array = NULL, **arrptr = NULL; char *hashnam = NULL, **hash = NULL, **hashptr = NULL; int len, iwhich = -1, ret = 0, flags = 0, arrsize = 0, fd = 0; struct stat statbuf; int found = 0, nargs; timefmt = "%a %b %e %k:%M:%S %Z %Y"; for (; *args && (**args == '+' || **args == '-'); args++) { char *arg = *args+1; if (!*arg || *arg == '-' || *arg == '+') { args++; break; } if (**args == '+') { if (found) break; len = strlen(arg); for (aptr = statelts; *aptr; aptr++) if (!strncmp(*aptr, arg, len)) { found++; iwhich = aptr - statelts; } if (found > 1) { zwarnnam(name, "%s: ambiguous stat element", arg); return 1; } else if (found == 0) { zwarnnam(name, "%s: no such stat element", arg); return 1; } /* if name of link requested, turn on lstat */ if (iwhich == ST_READLINK) ops->ind['L'] = 1; flags |= STF_PICK; } else { for (; *arg; arg++) { if (strchr("glLnNorstT", *arg)) ops->ind[STOUC(*arg)] = 1; else if (*arg == 'A') { if (arg[1]) { arrnam = arg+1; } else if (!(arrnam = *++args)) { zwarnnam(name, "missing parameter name"); return 1; } flags |= STF_ARRAY; break; } else if (*arg == 'H') { if (arg[1]) { hashnam = arg+1; } else if (!(hashnam = *++args)) { zwarnnam(name, "missing parameter name"); return 1; } flags |= STF_HASH; break; } else if (*arg == 'f') { char *sfd; ops->ind['f'] = 1; if (arg[1]) { sfd = arg+1; } else if (!(sfd = *++args)) { zwarnnam(name, "missing file descriptor"); return 1; } fd = zstrtol(sfd, &sfd, 10); if (*sfd) { zwarnnam(name, "bad file descriptor"); return 1; } break; } else if (*arg == 'F') { if (arg[1]) { timefmt = arg+1; } else if (!(timefmt = *++args)) { zwarnnam(name, "missing time format"); return 1; } /* force string format in order to use time format */ ops->ind['s'] = 1; break; } else { zwarnnam(name, "bad option: -%c", *arg); return 1; } } } } if ((flags & STF_ARRAY) && (flags & STF_HASH)) { /* We don't implement setting multiple variables at once */ zwarnnam(name, "both array and hash requested"); return 1; /* Alternate method would be to make -H blank arrnam etc etc * * and so get 'silent loss' of earlier choice, which would * * be similar to stat -A foo -A bar filename */ } if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'l')) { /* list types and return: can also list to array */ if (arrnam) { arrptr = array = (char **)zalloc((ST_COUNT+1)*sizeof(char *)); array[ST_COUNT] = NULL; } for (aptr = statelts; *aptr; aptr++) { if (arrnam) { *arrptr++ = ztrdup(*aptr); } else { printf("%s", *aptr); if (aptr[1]) putchar(' '); } } if (arrnam) { setaparam(arrnam, array); if (errflag) return 1; } else putchar('\n'); return 0; } if (!*args && !OPT_ISSET(ops,'f')) { zwarnnam(name, "no files given"); return 1; } else if (*args && OPT_ISSET(ops,'f')) { zwarnnam(name, "no files allowed with -f"); return 1; } nargs = 0; if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'f')) nargs = 1; else for (aptr = args; *aptr; aptr++) nargs++; if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'g')) { flags |= STF_GMT; ops->ind['s'] = 1; } if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'s') || OPT_ISSET(ops,'r')) flags |= STF_STRING; if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'r') || !OPT_ISSET(ops,'s')) flags |= STF_RAW; if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'n')) flags |= STF_FILE; if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'o')) flags |= STF_OCTAL; if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'t')) flags |= STF_NAME; if (!(arrnam || hashnam)) { if (nargs > 1) flags |= STF_FILE; if (!(flags & STF_PICK)) flags |= STF_NAME; } if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'N') || OPT_ISSET(ops,'f')) flags &= ~STF_FILE; if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'T') || OPT_ISSET(ops,'H')) flags &= ~STF_NAME; if (hashnam) { if (nargs > 1) { zwarnnam(name, "only one file allowed with -H"); return 1; } arrsize = (flags & STF_PICK) ? 1 : ST_COUNT; if (flags & STF_FILE) arrsize++; hashptr = hash = (char **)zshcalloc((arrsize+1)*2*sizeof(char *)); } if (arrnam) { arrsize = (flags & STF_PICK) ? 1 : ST_COUNT; if (flags & STF_FILE) arrsize++; arrsize *= nargs; arrptr = array = (char **)zshcalloc((arrsize+1)*sizeof(char *)); } for (; OPT_ISSET(ops,'f') || *args; args++) { char outbuf[PATH_MAX + 9]; /* "link " + link name + NULL */ int rval = OPT_ISSET(ops,'f') ? fstat(fd, &statbuf) : OPT_ISSET(ops,'L') ? lstat(unmeta(*args), &statbuf) : stat(unmeta(*args), &statbuf); if (rval) { if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'f')) sprintf(outbuf, "%d", fd); zwarnnam(name, "%s: %e", OPT_ISSET(ops,'f') ? outbuf : *args, errno); ret = 1; if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'f') || arrnam) break; else continue; } if (flags & STF_FILE) { if (arrnam) *arrptr++ = ztrdup(*args); else if (hashnam) { *hashptr++ = ztrdup(HNAMEKEY); *hashptr++ = ztrdup(*args); } else printf("%s%s", *args, (flags & STF_PICK) ? " " : ":\n"); } if (iwhich > -1) { statprint(&statbuf, outbuf, *args, iwhich, flags); if (arrnam) *arrptr++ = metafy(outbuf, -1, META_DUP); else if (hashnam) { /* STF_NAME explicitly turned off for ops.ind['H'] above */ *hashptr++ = ztrdup(statelts[iwhich]); *hashptr++ = metafy(outbuf, -1, META_DUP); } else printf("%s\n", outbuf); } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < ST_COUNT; i++) { statprint(&statbuf, outbuf, *args, i, flags); if (arrnam) *arrptr++= metafy(outbuf, -1, META_DUP); else if (hashnam) { /* STF_NAME explicitly turned off for ops.ind['H'] above */ *hashptr++ = ztrdup(statelts[i]); *hashptr++ = metafy(outbuf, -1, META_DUP); } else printf("%s\n", outbuf); } } if (OPT_ISSET(ops,'f')) break; if (!arrnam && !hashnam && args[1] && !(flags & STF_PICK)) putchar('\n'); } if (arrnam) { if (ret) freearray(array); else { setaparam(arrnam, array); if (errflag) return 1; } } if (hashnam) { if (ret) freearray(hash); else { sethparam(hashnam, hash); if (errflag) return 1; } } return ret; }
static int raw_getbyte(long do_keytmout, char *cptr) { int ret; struct ztmout tmout; #if defined(HAS_TIO) && \ (defined(sun) || (!defined(HAVE_POLL) && !defined(HAVE_SELECT))) struct ttyinfo ti; #endif #ifndef HAVE_POLL # ifdef HAVE_SELECT fd_set foofd; # endif #endif calc_timeout(&tmout, do_keytmout); /* * Handle timeouts and watched fd's. If a watched fd or a function * timeout triggers we restart any key timeout. This is likely to * be harmless: the combination is extremely rare and a function * is likely to occupy the user for a little while anyway. We used * to make timeouts take precedence, but we can't now that the * timeouts may be external, so we may have both a permanent watched * fd and a long-term timeout. */ if ((nwatch || != ZTM_NONE) #ifdef FIONREAD && ! delayzsetterm #endif ) { #if defined(HAVE_SELECT) || defined(HAVE_POLL) int i, errtry = 0, selret; # ifdef HAVE_POLL int nfds; struct pollfd *fds; # endif # if defined(HAS_TIO) && defined(sun) /* * Yes, I know this is complicated. Yes, I know we * already have three bits of code to poll the terminal * down below. No, I don't want to do this either. * However, it turns out on certain OSes, specifically * Solaris, that you can't poll typeahead for love nor * money without actually trying to read it. But * if we are trying to select (and we need to if we * are watching other fd's) we won't pick that up. * So we just try and read it without blocking in * the time-honoured (i.e. absurdly baroque) termios * fashion. */ gettyinfo(&ti); ti.tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; settyinfo(&ti); ret = read(SHTTY, cptr, 1); ti.tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; settyinfo(&ti); if (ret > 0) return 1; # endif # ifdef HAVE_POLL nfds = 1 + nwatch; /* First pollfd is SHTTY, following are the nwatch fds */ fds = zalloc(sizeof(struct pollfd) * nfds); fds[0].fd = SHTTY; /* * POLLIN, POLLIN, POLLIN, * Keep those fd's POLLIN... */ fds[0].events = POLLIN; for (i = 0; i < nwatch; i++) { fds[i+1].fd = watch_fds[i]; fds[i+1].events = POLLIN; } # endif for (;;) { # ifdef HAVE_POLL int poll_timeout; if ( != ZTM_NONE) poll_timeout = tmout.exp100ths * 10; else poll_timeout = -1; selret = poll(fds, errtry ? 1 : nfds, poll_timeout); # else int fdmax = SHTTY; struct timeval *tvptr; struct timeval expire_tv; FD_ZERO(&foofd); FD_SET(SHTTY, &foofd); if (!errtry) { for (i = 0; i < nwatch; i++) { int fd = watch_fds[i]; FD_SET(fd, &foofd); if (fd > fdmax) fdmax = fd; } } if ( != ZTM_NONE) { expire_tv.tv_sec = tmout.exp100ths / 100; expire_tv.tv_usec = (tmout.exp100ths % 100) * 10000L; tvptr = &expire_tv; } else tvptr = NULL; selret = select(fdmax+1, (SELECT_ARG_2_T) & foofd, NULL, NULL, tvptr); # endif /* * Make sure a user interrupt gets passed on straight away. */ if (selret < 0 && errflag) break; /* * Try to avoid errors on our special fd's from * messing up reads from the terminal. Try first * with all fds, then try unsetting the special ones. */ if (selret < 0 && !errtry) { errtry = 1; continue; } if (selret == 0) { /* * Nothing ready and no error, so we timed out. */ switch ( { case ZTM_NONE: /* keeps compiler happy if not debugging */ #ifdef DEBUG dputs("BUG: timeout fired with no timeout set."); #endif /* treat as if a key timeout triggered */ /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case ZTM_KEY: /* Special value -2 signals nothing ready */ selret = -2; break; case ZTM_FUNC: while (firstnode(timedfns)) { Timedfn tfdat = (Timedfn)getdata(firstnode(timedfns)); /* * It's possible a previous function took * a long time to run (though it can't * call zle recursively), so recalculate * the time on each iteration. */ time_t now = time(NULL); if (tfdat->when > now) break; tfdat->func(); } /* Function may have messed up the display */ if (resetneeded) zrefresh(); /* We need to recalculate the timeout */ /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case ZTM_MAX: /* * Reached the limit of our range, but not the * actual timeout; recalculate the timeout. * We're cheating with the key timeout here: * if one clashed with a function timeout we * reconsider the key timeout from scratch. * The effect of this is microscopic. */ calc_timeout(&tmout, do_keytmout); break; } /* * If we handled the timeout successfully, * carry on. */ if (selret == 0) continue; } /* If error or unhandled timeout, give up. */ if (selret < 0) break; /* * If there's user input handle it straight away. * This improves the user's ability to handle exceptional * conditions like runaway output. */ if ( # ifdef HAVE_POLL (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) # else FD_ISSET(SHTTY, &foofd) # endif ) break; if (nwatch && !errtry) { /* * Copy the details of the watch fds in case the * user decides to delete one from inside the * handler function. */ int lnwatch = nwatch; int *lwatch_fds = zalloc(lnwatch*sizeof(int)); char **lwatch_funcs = zarrdup(watch_funcs); memcpy(lwatch_fds, watch_fds, lnwatch*sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < lnwatch; i++) { if ( # ifdef HAVE_POLL (fds[i+1].revents & POLLIN) # else FD_ISSET(lwatch_fds[i], &foofd) # endif ) { /* Handle the fd. */ LinkList funcargs = znewlinklist(); zaddlinknode(funcargs, ztrdup(lwatch_funcs[i])); { char buf[BDIGBUFSIZE]; convbase(buf, lwatch_fds[i], 10); zaddlinknode(funcargs, ztrdup(buf)); } # ifdef HAVE_POLL # ifdef POLLERR if (fds[i+1].revents & POLLERR) zaddlinknode(funcargs, ztrdup("err")); # endif # ifdef POLLHUP if (fds[i+1].revents & POLLHUP) zaddlinknode(funcargs, ztrdup("hup")); # endif # ifdef POLLNVAL if (fds[i+1].revents & POLLNVAL) zaddlinknode(funcargs, ztrdup("nval")); # endif # endif callhookfunc(lwatch_funcs[i], funcargs, 0, NULL); if (errflag) { /* No sensible way of handling errors here */ errflag = 0; /* * Paranoia: don't run the hooks again this * time. */ errtry = 1; } freelinklist(funcargs, freestr); } } /* Function may have invalidated the display. */ if (resetneeded) zrefresh(); zfree(lwatch_fds, lnwatch*sizeof(int)); freearray(lwatch_funcs); } } # ifdef HAVE_POLL zfree(fds, sizeof(struct pollfd) * nfds); # endif if (selret < 0) return selret; #else # ifdef HAS_TIO ti = shttyinfo; ti.tio.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; ti.tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; ti.tio.c_cc[VTIME] = tmout.exp100ths / 10; # ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H tcsetattr(SHTTY, TCSANOW, &ti.tio); # else ioctl(SHTTY, TCSETA, &ti.tio); # endif ret = read(SHTTY, cptr, 1); # ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H tcsetattr(SHTTY, TCSANOW, &shttyinfo.tio); # else ioctl(SHTTY, TCSETA, &shttyinfo.tio); # endif return (ret <= 0) ? ret : *cptr; # endif #endif } ret = read(SHTTY, cptr, 1); return ret; }