int main(int argc, Char *argv[]) { /* Read in sequences or frequencies and bootstrap or jackknife them */ #ifdef MAC argc = 1; /* macsetup("SeqBoot",""); */ argv[0] = "SeqBoot"; #endif init(argc,argv); openfile(&infile, INFILE, "input file", "r", argv[0], infilename); ibmpc = IBMCRT; ansi = ANSICRT; doinput(argc, argv); bootwrite(); freenewer(); freenew(); freerest(); if (nodep) matrix_char_delete(nodep, spp); if (nodef) matrix_double_delete(nodef, spp); FClose(infile); if (factors) { FClose(factfile); FClose(outfactfile); } if (weights) FClose(weightfile); if (categories) { FClose(catfile); FClose(outcatfile); } if(mixture) FClose(outmixfile); if(ancvar) FClose(outancfile); if (justwts && !permute) { FClose(outweightfile); } else FClose(outfile); #ifdef MAC fixmacfile(outfilename); if (justwts && !permute) fixmacfile(outweightfilename); if (categories) fixmacfile(outcatfilename); if (mixture) fixmacfile(outmixfilename); #endif printf("Done.\n\n"); #ifdef WIN32 phyRestoreConsoleAttributes(); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, Char *argv[]) { /* Read in sequences or frequencies and bootstrap or jackknife them */ init(argc,argv); openfile(&infile, argv[1], "input file", "r", argv[0], infilename); reps = atol(argv[2]); doinput(argc, argv); bootwrite(); freenewer(); freenew(); freerest(); if (nodep) matrix_char_delete(nodep, spp); FClose(infile); return 0; }