Beispiel #1
Node<TypeNode>::Link TypeParser::type() {
  skip(); // Skip "type"
  expect(TT::IDENTIFIER, "Expected identifier after 'type' token");
  Node<TypeNode>::Link tn;
  Token identTok = current();
  if (accept(TT::INHERITS)) {
    if (accept(TT::FROM)) skip(); // Having "from" after "inherits" is optional
    tn = Node<TypeNode>::make(, getTypeList());
  } else {
    tn = Node<TypeNode>::make(;
  expect(TT::DO, "Expected type body");
  while (!accept(TT::END)) {
    if (accept(TT::FILE_END)) {
      skip(-1); // Go back to get a prettier trace
      throw Error("SyntaxError", "Type body is not closed by 'end'", current().trace);
    bool isStatic = false;
    bool isForeign = false;
    Visibility visibility = INVALID;
    // Expect to see a visibility_specifier or static or foreign
    while (accept(TT::PUBLIC) || accept(TT::PRIVATE) || accept(TT::PROTECT) || accept(TT::STATIC) || accept(TT::FOREIGN)) {
      if (accept(TT::STATIC)) {
        if (isStatic == true) throw Error("SyntaxError", "Cannot specify 'static' more than once", current().trace);
        isStatic = true;
      } else if (accept(TT::FOREIGN)) {
        if (isForeign == true) throw Error("SyntaxError", "Cannot specify 'foreign' more than once", current().trace);
        isForeign = true;
      } else {
        if (visibility != INVALID) throw Error("SyntaxError", "Cannot have more than one visibility specifier", current().trace);
        visibility = fromToken(current());
    // Handle things that go in the body
    if (accept(TT::CONSTR)) {
      if (isStatic) throw Error("SyntaxError", "Constructors can't be static", current().trace);
      tn->addChild(constructor(visibility, isForeign));
    } else if (accept(TT::METHOD)) {
      if (visibility == INVALID) throw Error("SyntaxError", "Methods require a visibility specifier", current().trace);
      tn->addChild(method(visibility, isStatic, isForeign));
    } else {
      if (isForeign) throw Error("SyntaxError", "Member fields can't be foreign", current().trace);
      tn->addChild(member(visibility, isStatic));
  return tn;
Beispiel #2
template<> int fromToken<double>(double * dst, int size, int stride, const std::string& src){
	return fromToken(dst,size,stride, src, "0123456789-+.","%lg");
Beispiel #3
template<> int fromToken<int>(int * dst, int size, int stride, const std::string& src){
	return fromToken(dst,size,stride, src, "0123456789-+","%i");
Beispiel #4
template<> int fromToken<float>(float * dst, int size, int stride, const std::string& src){
	return fromToken(dst,size,stride, src, "0123456789-+.","%g");
Beispiel #5
template<> int fromToken<bool>(bool * dst, int size, int stride, const std::string& src){
	return fromToken(dst,size,stride, src, "01","%hhi");