Beispiel #1
Viewer::Viewer( const QColor4ub& background_color
              , double fov
              , bool z_up
              , bool orthographic
              , boost::optional< comma::csv::options > camera_csv, boost::optional< Eigen::Vector3d > cameraposition
              , boost::optional< Eigen::Vector3d > cameraorientation
              , boost::property_tree::ptree* camera_config
              , boost::optional< Eigen::Vector3d > scene_center
              , boost::optional< double > scene_radius
              , bool output_camera_position )
    : qt3d::view( background_color
                , fov
                , z_up
                , orthographic
                , scene_center ? boost::optional< QVector3D >( QVector3D( scene_center->x()
                                                                        , scene_center->y()
                                                                        , scene_center->z() ) )
                               : boost::optional< QVector3D >()
                , scene_radius )
    , m_lookAt( false )
    , m_cameraposition( cameraposition )
    , m_cameraorientation( cameraorientation )
    if( output_camera_position ) { camera_position_output_.reset( new camera_position_output( *this ) ); }
    QTimer* timer = new QTimer( this );
    timer->start( 40 );
    connect( timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( read() ) );
    if( camera_csv ) { m_cameraReader.reset( new CameraReader( *camera_csv ) ); }
    if( camera_config )
        comma::from_ptree from_ptree( *camera_config, true );
        comma::visiting::apply( from_ptree ).to( *camera() );
        //boost::property_tree::ptree p;
        //comma::to_ptree to_ptree( p );
        //comma::visiting::apply( to_ptree ).to( *camera() );
        //std::cerr << "view-points: camera set to:" << std::endl;
        //boost::property_tree::write_json( std::cerr, p );
    m_cameraFixed = m_cameraposition || m_cameraReader || camera_config;
Beispiel #2
camera_parser::camera_parser ( const std::string& file, const std::string& path )
    std::ifstream ifs( file.c_str() ); // todo: config stream instead?
    if( !ifs.is_open() )
        COMMA_THROW_STREAM( comma::exception, "failed to open camera config file: " << file );
    boost::property_tree::ptree tree;
    comma::property_tree::from_name_value( ifs, tree, '=', ' ' );
    comma::from_ptree from_ptree( tree, path, true );
    camera_parameters parameters;
    comma::visiting::apply( from_ptree, parameters );

    if( parameters.focal_length == "0,0" ) { std::cerr << "stereo-to-points: warning: " << path << ": focal-length set to default (\"0,0\")" << std::endl; }
    std::vector< std::string > v = comma::split( parameters.focal_length, ',' );
    if ( v.size() != 2 ) COMMA_THROW_STREAM( comma::exception, " unexpected input for " << path << " focal-length : " << parameters.focal_length );
    double fX = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[0] );
    double fY = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[1] );
    // std::cerr << parameters.focal_length << " ( " << fX << "," << fY << " ) " << std::endl;

    if( == "0,0" ) { std::cerr << "stereo-to-points: warning: " << path << ": center set to default (\"0,0\")" << std::endl; }
    v = comma::split(, ',' );
    if ( v.size() != 2 ) COMMA_THROW_STREAM( comma::exception, " unexpected input for " << path << " center : " << );
    double cX = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[0] );
    double cY = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[1] );
    // std::cerr << << " ( " << cX << "," << cY << " ) " << std::endl;

    if( parameters.distortion == "0,0,0,0,0" ) { std::cerr << "stereo-to-points: warning: " << path << ": distortion set to default (\"0,0,0,0,0\")" << std::endl; }
    v = comma::split( parameters.distortion, ',' );
    if ( v.size() != 5 ) COMMA_THROW_STREAM( comma::exception, " unexpected input for " << path << " distortion : " << parameters.distortion );
    double k1 = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[0] );
    double k2 = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[1] );
    double p1 = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[2] );
    double p2 = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[3] );
    double k3 = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[4] );
    // std::cerr << parameters.distortion << " ( " << k1 << "," << k2 << "," << p1 << "," << p2 << "," << k3 << " ) " << std::endl;
    if( parameters.rotation == "0,0,0" ) { std::cerr << "stereo-to-points: warning: " << path << ": rotation set to default (\"0,0,0\")" << std::endl; }
    v = comma::split( parameters.rotation, ',' );
    if ( v.size() != 3 ) COMMA_THROW_STREAM( comma::exception, " unexpected input for " << path << " rotation : " << parameters.rotation );
    double roll = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[0] );
    double pitch = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[1] );
    double yaw = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[2] );
    // std::cerr << parameters.rotation << " ( " << roll << "," << pitch << "," << yaw << " ) " << std::endl;

    if( parameters.translation == "0,0" ) { std::cerr << "stereo-to-points: warning: " << path << ": translation set to default (\"0,0,0\")" << std::endl; }
    v = comma::split( parameters.translation, ',' );
    if ( v.size() != 3 ) COMMA_THROW_STREAM( comma::exception, " unexpected input for " << path << " translation : " << parameters.translation );
    double tX = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[0] );
    double tY = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[1] );
    double tZ = boost::lexical_cast< double >( v[2] );
    // std::cerr << parameters.translation << " ( " << tX << "," << tY << "," << tZ << " ) " << std::endl;

    m_camera << fX, 0,  cX,
                 0, fY, cY,
                 0, 0,  1;

    m_distortion << k1,k2,p1,p2,k3;
    snark::rotation_matrix rotation( Eigen::Vector3d( roll, pitch, yaw ) );
    m_rotation = rotation.rotation();    
    m_translation << tX, tY, tZ;

    if( ! )
        v = comma::split( parameters.size, ',' );
        if ( v.size() != 2 ) COMMA_THROW_STREAM( comma::exception, " unexpected input for " << path << " map size : " << parameters.size );
        unsigned int width = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[0] );
        unsigned int height = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[1] );
        std::ifstream stream(, std::ios::binary );
        if( !stream )
            COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to open undistort map in \"" << << "\"" );
        std::size_t size = width * height * 4;
        std::vector< char > buffer( size );
        &buffer[0], size );
        if( stream.gcount() < 0 || std::size_t( stream.gcount() ) != size )
            COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to read \"" << << "\"" << " stream.gcount():" <<stream.gcount() );
        m_map_x = cv::Mat( height, width, CV_32FC1, &buffer[0] ).clone(); &buffer[0], size );
        if( stream.gcount() < 0 || std::size_t( stream.gcount() ) != size )
            COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to read \"" << << "\"" );
        m_map_y = cv::Mat( height, width, CV_32FC1, &buffer[0] ).clone();
        if( !stream.eof() )
            COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected " << ( size * 2 ) << " bytes in \"" << << "\", got more" );