bool OgreSerializer::setPos( fpos_t pos ) { return (fsetpos( mpfFile, &pos) == 0); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Name : ReadBinHeader // // Description: // Read header from binary raw data file (.BIN). Bin files were created for use // with an early version of Media Tracker. Defintion of header file // proposed in email from Pelowitz defines this format for the header structure: // struct TRGAcquireHeader { // 73 characters // char SizeOfHeader[4]; // char unused1[5]; // char Version[5]; // char StationId[3];//node number // char Year[3]; // char Month[3]; // char Day[3]; // char Year4[4]; // char unused2[43]; // }; // // Declaration: // int CBinaryDataFile::ReadBinHeader(char *szFilename, short *psSta,int *piYr, int *piMon, int *piDay, FILE **pHandle, double *pdVer, unsigned long *pulFirstRecordTime) // // Input: // strNameWithPath filename with full path that is to be opened // // Output: pstrErrorMsg error, if any // // mdVersionNumber version number read from header // msStaNum station number read from header // miYr year read from header // miMon month read from header // miDay day read from header // mdTimestampOfFirstRecordInFile time of first record in the file in DATE // // Return: true (header read) / false (some kind of error, see pstrErroMsg) // // date / author revision // ----------------- -------- // 17-Oct-2002 SFK Created from ReadBIDHeader in GrandDataFile.cpp in GRAND COM //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CBinaryDataFile::ReadBinHeader(const CString &strNameWithPath, CString *pstrErrorMsg) { int iHdrSize; char str[54]; fpos_t pos; struct TRGAcquireRecord BinaryRawPt; CMyDateTime MyDate; // Open the file if (!OpenDataFile(strNameWithPath, pstrErrorMsg)) return(false); // generate an error message in case we get an error in any of the reads, // will clear at end of function if all okay if (pstrErrorMsg) { miErrorNum = iFILE_READ_ERR; pstrErrorMsg->Format("\nError: Unexpected error reading header for file %s", strNameWithPath); } // Read the first 4 bytes to get the number of bytes in header. if (fread(str, 4, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[4] = '\0'; iHdrSize = atoi(str); if (iHdrSize <= 22) return(false); // The next 5 bytes no longer contain useful information, just // skip by them. if (fread(str, 5, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); // Read past the version number in the next 5 bytes. if (fread(str, 5, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[5] = '\0'; mdVersionNumber = atof(str); // Read station. if (fread(str, 3, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[3] = '\0'; msStaNum = atoi(str); // Read year. if (fread(str, 3, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[3] = '\0'; miYr = atoi(str); // Read month. if (fread(str, 3, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[3] = '\0'; miMon = atoi(str); if ((miMon < 1) || (miMon >12)) return(false); // Read day and put it in return variable. if (fread(str, 3, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[3] = '\0'; miDay = atoi(str); if ((miDay < 1) || (miDay >31)) return(false); // Read 4 digit year. if (fread(str, 4, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[4] = '\0'; miYr4 = atoi(str); // Read past the expansion space in the header so the file pointer // is positioned at the beginning of the first data point at exit. if (fread(str, (iHdrSize - 26), 1, mpFile)!= 1) return(false); // Save the position of the file pointer. // Read the first record in the file to get the time of it. // Restore file pointer to be positioned at the first record. if(fgetpos(mpFile, &pos ) != 0) return(false); if (fread(&BinaryRawPt, sizeof(struct TRGAcquireRecord), 1, mpFile) == 0) return(false); mdTimestampOfFirstRecordInFile = MyDate.MyTimestampToDATETimestamp((double)BinaryRawPt.uiJulianSeconds); if(fsetpos(mpFile, &pos ) != 0) return(false); if (pstrErrorMsg) pstrErrorMsg->Empty(); miErrorNum = 0; // no error return(true); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ReadEvtDataFile // // Description: // Read the data from a single data file and put it into an Access database. // This routine supports the *.EVT format. // // An .EVT file can have several types of records in the file. The first two characters // determine the type of record. The types possible are: // RecTypeA RecTypeB Number of Characters // BINARYEVENT_REC "3" "2" 13 // VACOSSINFO_REC "3" "5" 31 // VACOSSEVENT_REC "3" "6" 44 // VACOSSERROR_REC "3" "9" 16 // MICROGRAND_REC "4" "0" 17 // GPSDATA_REC "3" "A" 65 // // The formats of these records can be found at the beginning of this file. // // In addition to reading the file, information about the data read such // as (first record, last record, number of records read, number of records // out of order, number of records taken during offsets, number of records // with timestamps not in the day, etc) are reported and also whether the day was overwritten // or added to in the database. // // Declaration: // bool CBinaryDataFile::ReadBinDataFile(CDbAccess* pDb, const CString &strNameWithPath, CString *pstrMsg) // // Input: // strNameWithPath filename with full path that is to be opened // // Output: pstrErrorMsg error, if any // // mdVersionNumber version number read from header // msStaNum station number read from header // miYr year read from header // miMon month read from header // miDay day read from header // mulTimestampOfFirstRecordInFile julian time of first record in the file // miErrorNum problem during read // iFILE_READ_ERROR // iSKIP_FILE // iDB_BAD // // Return: true (header read) / false (some kind of error, see pstrErroMsg and miErrorNum) // // date / author revision // ----------------- -------- // 10-Dec-2001 SFK Created from ImportData in DbImport.cpp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CBinaryDataFile::ReadEvtDataFile(CDbAccess* pDb, const CString &strNameWithPath, CString *pstrMsg) { char szDateStr[MAX_DT_LEN+1], szFirst[MAX_DT_LEN+1], szLast[MAX_DT_LEN+1], szDum[MAX_DT_LEN+1]; bool bOverwrote = false; CString TempStr; CFacCfgWrap FacCfg; // 28-Sep-2005 SFK Removed static CDirUtilities Dir(m_bQuietMode); //QUIET MODE IS ALWAYS OFF FOR the non-NDAR Binary Component pjm 11/27/2007 for B2R1 CMyDateTime MyDate; // During read of header, got the station number associated with this file. // Verify from the Facility Configuration Com that this is a valid station // number and is a BINARY type. struct db_sta_rec dbSta; bool bExists = FacCfg.GetStationRecord(pDb->msFacNum, msStaNum, &dbSta); if (!bExists) { if (pstrMsg) pstrMsg->Format("\nError: Skipping file %s with unknown station %d",Dir.StripPathFromFilename(strNameWithPath), msStaNum); if (mpFile) fclose(mpFile); return(false); } if (dbSta.s_sta_type != BINARY_TYPE) { if (pstrMsg) pstrMsg->Format("\nError: Skipping file %s with unexpected station type %d",Dir.StripPathFromFilename(strNameWithPath), dbSta.s_sta_type); if (mpFile) fclose(mpFile); return(false); } // By the time get here, know we have binary data and a valid station number CString strStationName = dbSta.sz_sta_name; CBinaryData BInst(pDb, msStaNum, -1, BINARY_INST, true, m_bQuietMode); // Determine the limits of julian times that belong in the day referred to in the file header sprintf(szDateStr,"%02d.%02d.%02d", miYr, miMon, miDay); DB_D_INTERVAL FileDay, ActualDay; FileDay.dStart = MyDate.DateTimeStrsToDATETimestamp(szDateStr, "00:00:00"); FileDay.dEnd = FileDay.dStart + 86399.0/86400.0; DATE dFirstTimeInNextDay = FileDay.dStart + 1.0; // Check if any data already exists for this day for this node in database unsigned long ulPtsInDay = 0; bool bStatus = BInst.DayExists(FileDay.dStart, &ulPtsInDay, &ActualDay); // If data already in database for the day, check if the new data can be appended to // the existing data. If not, if bOverwrite = true then delete all data for the day; // if bOverwrite = false, then ask a question as to whether they want to overwrite the // day's data. bool bDayAlreadyExists = false; if (ulPtsInDay > 0) { // ulPtsInDay nonzero says some data from day in database if (mdTimestampOfFirstRecordInFile > ActualDay.dEnd) { // data beyond end of db, can add to end of day bDayAlreadyExists = true; } else { // our data file overlaps with data already in db if (!mbOverwrite) { // don't automatically overwrite data TempStr.Format("File %s contains data from %s which already exists in database. Do you want to overwrite the day?", mstrFilenameWithPath, szDateStr); if (MessageBox(NULL, TempStr, "EventCom: Day Already In Database", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDNO) { if (pstrMsg) pstrMsg->Format("\nSkipping file %s (date=%02d.%02d.%02d): day's data already in database", mstrFilenameWithPath, miYr, miMon, miDay); if (mpFile) CloseDataFile(); miErrorNum = iSKIP_FILE; return(false); } } // are going to overwrite the data so delete the entire day bStatus = BInst.DeleteDay(FileDay.dStart); if (!bStatus) { //if (glpDb->DeleteData(&BInst, DayRequested)) { miErrorNum = bStatus; if (mpFile) CloseDataFile(); return(false); } bOverwrote = true; ulPtsInDay = 0; } } int i = 0; unsigned long ulPtsInFile = 0; BinaryEventFileRec FilePt; OpCode Op; // To do yet: add records for other types of data in event file DATE dCurrentPtTime = 0; DATE dLastPtTime; int iDuplicateTimestamps = 0; int iInvalidData = 0; int iOutOfOrder = 0; dLastPtTime = 0.0; short sLastStation = -1; CBinaryRawDataPt PtsForDb[NUM_RAW_DATA_PTS_IN_GROUP+16]; // allow for extra records written on last raw data point bool bFirstPoint = true; DATE dFirstValidTimeInFile; // Read records from the raw data file one at a time. First read the opcode and // decide what kind of record you have. Skip past any records other than the BinaryEvent type. // For each data point in the BinaryEventRecs check whether it has the same timestamp as // the previous point -- if yes, add a small increment to the timestamp read from the file. // Also check if the point really belongs in the day and whether it is in chronological order. // After you have accumulated a bunch of points, do a write to the database. while (fread(&Op, sizeof(struct OpCode), 1, mpFile) != 0) { // read the op code // if record is BinaryEvent type, then read the record and process it. if ((Op.RecTypeA == '3') && (Op.RecTypeB == '2')) { fread(&FilePt, sizeof(struct BinaryEventFileRec), 1, mpFile); dCurrentPtTime = MyDate.MyTimestampToDATETimestamp(FilePt.uiTime); ulPtsInFile++; // this just counts whether there was a point to read // catch two raw data points from the same node with the same timestamp if ((dCurrentPtTime == dLastPtTime) && (sLastStation == FilePt.usNode) ){ dCurrentPtTime = dLastPtTime + dINCREMENT; // the base time of this point is past the last point's time iDuplicateTimestamps++; // count the number of data points with duplicate timestamps FilePt.bStatus = FilePt.bStatus | DUPLICATE_POINT_BIT; } // If the point's time is not in this day, note it and skip this point. if ((dCurrentPtTime < FileDay.dStart) || (dCurrentPtTime > FileDay.dEnd)) { iInvalidData++; continue; } // If the point is out of order count it. // If the points are in order then set a new prev point // Since there can be multiple node numbers logged into a single // file, check that the node numbers are the same when // checking if out of order. if (bFirstPoint) { dLastPtTime = dCurrentPtTime; sLastStation = FilePt.usNode; } if ((dCurrentPtTime < dLastPtTime) && (sLastStation == FilePt.usNode)){ iOutOfOrder++; if (mbSkipOutOfOrder == true) continue; FilePt.bStatus = FilePt.bStatus | OUT_OF_ORDER_BIT; } else { dLastPtTime = dCurrentPtTime; // set for the next point read sLastStation = FilePt.usNode; } // The largest point in the day is the last point and the smallest // point in the day is the first point. if (dCurrentPtTime > ActualDay.dEnd) ActualDay.dEnd = dCurrentPtTime; if (bFirstPoint) { ActualDay.dStart = dCurrentPtTime; dFirstValidTimeInFile = dCurrentPtTime; bFirstPoint = false; } else { if (dCurrentPtTime < ActualDay.dStart) { ActualDay.dStart = dCurrentPtTime; dFirstValidTimeInFile = dCurrentPtTime; } } // generate the stuff to write into the database // write one data record for each bit in the mask that is set BYTE bTempMask = 1; for (int j=0; j< 8; j++) { if ((bTempMask & FilePt.bMask) == bTempMask) { // check if this bit is set PtsForDb[i].m_dJulianTime = dCurrentPtTime; PtsForDb[i].m_ucStatus = FilePt.bStatus; //if ((FilePt.bState & bTempMask) != 0) PtsForDb[i].m_ucState = 1; // determine state of this bit //else PtsForDb[i].m_ucState = 0; PtsForDb[i].m_ucState = FilePt.bState; PtsForDb[i].m_usBit = j+1; // bit number 1-8 corresponds to channel 1-8 PtsForDb[i].m_ucReserved = FilePt.bReserved; PtsForDb[i].m_usLogNodeNumber = msStaNum; // the "station" number in the file is really the log node number // PtsForDb[i].m_usStationNumber = FilePt.usNode + 1000; // this is the real station of the data -- where the binary data came from PtsForDb[i].m_usStationNumber = FilePt.usNode; // this is the real station of the data -- where the binary data came from i++; // count the point just read from the file } bTempMask = bTempMask << 1; // go on to next bit } // when accumulate enough data points, write the group to the database if (i >= NUM_RAW_DATA_PTS_IN_GROUP) { BInst.m_ulNumPtsRequested = i; BInst.m_pBinaryRawPts = PtsForDb; BInst.AddData(pstrMsg); ulPtsInDay += i; // count points read so far i = 0; } } else { // was not a binary record -- skip past the record fpos_t FilePosition; fgetpos(mpFile, &FilePosition); FilePosition += Op.sRecSize - 2; // subtract the opcode bytes that you've already read fsetpos(mpFile, &FilePosition); } } // Got an error reading the data file. Are expecting an EOF // error. If it's anything else, then abort and delete the partial // data already in the db. If it's EOF, close the raw data file // and continue. if (feof(mpFile) == 0) { // check for any error other than end of file if (pstrMsg) pstrMsg->Format("\nImport Error Reading File %s. File Error = %s", mstrFilenameWithPath, strerror(errno)); if (mpFile) CloseDataFile(); BInst.DeleteDay(FileDay.dStart); if (mpFile) CloseDataFile(); return(false); } if (mpFile) CloseDataFile(); // Are at the end of the raw data file. So write whatever points // we have read in our group to the database if (i > 0) { BInst.m_ulNumPtsRequested = i; BInst.m_pBinaryRawPts = PtsForDb; BInst.AddData(pstrMsg); ulPtsInDay += i; // accumulate points read so far } // If there was no data for this day, make sure there is nothing about // this day in the database. // Print out some hints for the user as to why no data points are in the day. if (ulPtsInDay == 0) { BInst.DeleteDay(FileDay.dStart); // delete data for entire day if (pstrMsg) { // Can return hints to caller if (ulPtsInFile == 0) { // the file is completely empty pstrMsg->Format("\nImport Warning Reading File %s. No binary data in file.", Dir.StripPathFromFilename(strNameWithPath)); } else { if (iInvalidData> 0) { // all times were invalid MyDate.DATETimestampToDateTimeStrs(dCurrentPtTime, szFirst, szDum, GEN_DTF_IAEA, GEN_DTF_HMSM); pstrMsg->Format("\nImport Error Reading File %s. Header indicates data from %s, file data from %s\n", Dir.StripPathFromFilename(strNameWithPath), szDateStr, szFirst); } if (iOutOfOrder > 0) // all data was out of order TempStr.Format("\nImport Error Reading File %s. %5d pts out of order.", Dir.StripPathFromFilename(strNameWithPath), iOutOfOrder); *pstrMsg += TempStr; } } return(true); } // Log which file was just imported successfully. Include date, station // name, file name and first/last time in the file. // Also log if the day's data was overwritten and if there were // any points out of order or data with invalid times. if (pstrMsg) { MyDate.DATETimestampToDateTimeStrs(dFirstValidTimeInFile, szDum, szFirst, GEN_DTF_IAEA, GEN_DTF_HMSM); MyDate.DATETimestampToDateTimeStrs(ActualDay.dEnd, szDum, szLast, GEN_DTF_IAEA, GEN_DTF_HMSM); TempStr.Format("\n%s %25s %s %s %s %5ld", szDateStr, strStationName, Dir.StripPathFromFilename(strNameWithPath), szFirst, szLast, ulPtsInDay); *pstrMsg += TempStr; if (bOverwrote == TRUE) { TempStr.Format(" Overwrote existing day's data."); *pstrMsg += TempStr; } if (bDayAlreadyExists == TRUE) { TempStr.Format(" Added to existing day's data."); *pstrMsg += TempStr; } if (iOutOfOrder > 0) { TempStr.Format(" %5d pts out of order.", iOutOfOrder); *pstrMsg += TempStr; } if (iInvalidData > 0) { TempStr.Format(" %5d rec(s) with invalid times.",iInvalidData); *pstrMsg += TempStr; } if (iDuplicateTimestamps > 0) { TempStr.Format(" %5d rec(s) with duplicate times.",iDuplicateTimestamps); *pstrMsg += TempStr; } } // Calculate and add the information about this day's worth of data TempStr.Empty(); BInst.AddDayData(ActualDay, ulPtsInDay, &TempStr); *pstrMsg += TempStr; return(true); }
/*this writes the actual data*/ static void writestructs(SDF *sdfp1, SDF *sdfp2, FILE *fp, fpos_t pos_npart) { int i, j, nvecs1, nvecs2, nmembers1, nmembers2, nmembers; char **vecs1, **vecs2, **members1, **members2; SDF_type_t *types; SDF_type_t type2; size_t stride = 0, outstride = 0; void *btab; void **addrs; int *inoffsets, *strides, *starts, *lines; int flag=0, incr=1; int npart1, npart2, newnpart, countnpart, max; int ident, idindex, ident_last, ident_max, identnew; fpos_t pos1_npart; double x, y, z; float radius, R0, maxR0, disk_h; /*make INCR and nlines user input */ nvecs1 = SDFnvecs(sdfp1); vecs1 = SDFvecnames(sdfp1); max = nvecs1; nvecs2 = SDFnvecs(sdfp2); vecs2 = SDFvecnames(sdfp2); /* Count structure members */ /* don't use SDFnrecs, since that reads in the entire file which I'm trying to avoid. But I know that the structure (so far) always has "x" as the first member, so I can start counting from there -CE */ for (i = 0, nmembers1 = 0; i < nvecs1; ++i) { if (strncmp(vecs1[i], "x", strlen(vecs1[i])) == 0) { /* x is the first member of the structure */ flag=1; } if (flag) ++nmembers1; } flag=0; for (i = 0, nmembers2 = 0; i < nvecs2; ++i) { if (strncmp(vecs2[i], "x", strlen(vecs2[i])) == 0) { /* x is the first member of the structure */ flag=1; } if (flag) ++nmembers2; } if( nmembers1 != nmembers2) { fprintf(stderr, "non-matching headers: %d and %d\n",nvecs1,nvecs2); // exit(1); } printf("Enter disk radius: "); scanf("%f", &R0); printf(" %f\n", R0); printf("Enter disk height: "); scanf("%f", &disk_h); printf(" %f\n", disk_h); printf("Enter max r: "); scanf("%f",&maxR0); printf("%f\n",maxR0); SDFgetint(sdfp1, "npart", &npart1); SDFgetint(sdfp2, "npart", &npart2); printf("%d and %d particles\n", npart1, npart2); /*malloc memory space for the respective features of the struct-CE*/ members1 = (char **)malloc(nmembers1 * sizeof(char *)); members2 = (char **)malloc(nmembers2 * sizeof(char *)); addrs = (void **)malloc(nmembers1 * sizeof(void *)); types = (SDF_type_t *)malloc(nmembers1 * sizeof(SDF_type_t)); inoffsets = (int *)malloc(nmembers1 * sizeof(int)); strides = (int *)malloc(nmembers1 * sizeof(int)); starts = (int *)malloc(nmembers1 * sizeof(int)); lines = (int *)malloc(nmembers1 * sizeof(int)); printf("done malloc'ing\n"); flag=0; /*one by one, go through the fields in the column, i.e. members of the struct?-CE*/ for (i = 0, stride = 0, nmembers = 0; i < nvecs1; ++i) { if (strncmp(vecs1[i], "x", strlen(vecs1[i])) == 0) flag=1; if (strncmp(vecs1[i], "ident", strlen(vecs1[i])) == 0) idindex=nmembers; if(flag) { members1[nmembers] = vecs1[i]; // members2[nmembers] = vecs2[i]; types[nmembers] = SDFtype(members1[nmembers], sdfp1); inoffsets[nmembers] = stride;/* offsets (from beginning of 'line'?) of each column of data (struct member) */ stride += SDFtype_sizes[types[nmembers]]; lines[nmembers] = incr; nmembers++; } } /* unnecesary, just use 'stride' ? CE */ outstride = 0; for(i=0; i< nmembers1; i++) outstride += SDFtype_sizes[ types[i] ]; printf("outstride = %d\n", outstride); btab = (void *)malloc( outstride*incr ); printf("printing header\n"); /*print the struct declaration part from the header-CE*/ fprintf(fp, "struct {\n"); for (i = 0; i < nmembers1; ++i) { strides[i] = stride; switch (types[i]) { case SDF_INT: fprintf(fp, "\tint %s;\n", members1[i]); break; case SDF_FLOAT: fprintf(fp, "\tfloat %s;\n", members1[i]); break; case SDF_DOUBLE: fprintf(fp, "\tdouble %s;\n", members1[i]); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: type not supported\n", members1[i]); exit(-1); } } fgetpos(fp, &pos1_npart); fprintf(fp, "}[%d];\n", npart1); /*figure out how to save the location of the file position indicator, so we can come back and update npart -CE */ fprintf(fp, "#\n"); fprintf(fp, "# SDF-EOH\n"); /*calculate the byte offset in memory to the address of the next member-CE*/ addrs[0] = (char *)btab; for (i=1; i< nmembers1; i++) addrs[i] = addrs[i-1] + SDFtype_sizes[ types[i-1] ]; /* writing ISM material with cut out disk; assume whole ISM file is kept */ /* cut out a disk for r<R0 and z<disk_h */ printf("getting file 1 .... "); for( i=0, countnpart = 0; i < npart1-1; i++) { /* need to increment starts-array */ for( j = 0; j < nmembers1; j++) starts[j] = i; /* read data into btab (via addrs) */ SDFseekrdvecsarr(sdfp1, nmembers1, members1, starts, lines, addrs, strides); x = *((double *)(btab + inoffsets[0])); y = *((double *)(btab + inoffsets[1])); z = *((double *)(btab + inoffsets[2])); radius = sqrt(x*x + y*y); /*dump the btab data into the file now-CE*/ if( radius > R0 || fabs(z) > disk_h ) { ident_last=ident; ident = *((int *)(btab + inoffsets[idindex])); if(ident_last==ident)printf("same ident\n"); identnew = countnpart; /* renumber the idents */ memcpy( btab + inoffsets[idindex], &identnew, sizeof(ident) ); fwrite(btab, outstride, 1, fp); countnpart++; } } newnpart = countnpart-1; ident_max=identnew; /* add the disk */ printf("got %d lines, last ident=%d\n",countnpart,ident_max); printf("getting file 2 .... "); for( i=0, countnpart = 0; i < npart2-1; i++) { /* need to increment starts-array */ for( j = 0; j < nmembers1; j++) starts[j] = i; /* read data into btab (via addrs) */ SDFseekrdvecsarr(sdfp2, nmembers1, members1, starts, lines, addrs, strides); x = *((double *)(btab + inoffsets[0])); y = *((double *)(btab + inoffsets[1])); z = *((double *)(btab + inoffsets[2])); radius = sqrt(x*x + y*y); /*dump the btab data into the file now-CE*/ if( radius < R0 && fabs(z) < disk_h) { /* radius is always greater than -99., no extra case needed*/ /* update the particle id, so it does not start at 1 again */ ident_last=ident; ident = *((int *)(btab + inoffsets[idindex])); if(ident_last==ident)printf(" same ident "); ++countnpart; identnew = countnpart + ident_max; /* so there aren't duplicate particle ids */ memcpy( btab + inoffsets[idindex], &identnew, sizeof(ident) ); fwrite(btab, outstride, 1, fp); } } newnpart += countnpart-1; printf("got %d lines\n",countnpart); /* update npart to the new value */ fsetpos(fp, &pos1_npart); fprintf(fp, "}[%d];", newnpart); fsetpos(fp, &pos_npart); fprintf(fp, "int %s = %d;", "npart", newnpart); /*and we're done! clean up now -CE: if it ever works*/ /* free(members); free(btab); free(addrs); free(types); free(inoffsets); */ /*free(outbtab);*/ }
static enum nss_status internal_getgrent_r (ent_t *ent, char *buffer, size_t buflen, const char *user, gid_t group, long int *start, long int *size, gid_t **groupsp, long int limit, int *errnop) { struct parser_data *data = (void *) buffer; struct group grpbuf; if (!ent->files) return getgrent_next_nss (ent, buffer, buflen, user, group, start, size, groupsp, limit, errnop); while (1) { fpos_t pos; int parse_res = 0; char *p; do { /* We need at least 3 characters for one line. */ if (__builtin_expect (buflen < 3, 0)) { erange: *errnop = ERANGE; return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN; } fgetpos (ent->stream, &pos); buffer[buflen - 1] = '\xff'; p = fgets_unlocked (buffer, buflen, ent->stream); if (p == NULL && feof_unlocked (ent->stream)) return NSS_STATUS_NOTFOUND; if (p == NULL || __builtin_expect (buffer[buflen - 1] != '\xff', 0)) { erange_reset: fsetpos (ent->stream, &pos); goto erange; } /* Terminate the line for any case. */ buffer[buflen - 1] = '\0'; /* Skip leading blanks. */ while (isspace (*p)) ++p; } while (*p == '\0' || *p == '#' || /* Ignore empty and comment lines. */ /* Parse the line. If it is invalid, loop to get the next line of the file to parse. */ !(parse_res = _nss_files_parse_grent (p, &grpbuf, data, buflen, errnop))); if (__builtin_expect (parse_res == -1, 0)) /* The parser ran out of space. */ goto erange_reset; if (grpbuf.gr_name[0] != '+' && grpbuf.gr_name[0] != '-') /* This is a real entry. */ break; /* -group */ if (grpbuf.gr_name[0] == '-' && grpbuf.gr_name[1] != '\0' && grpbuf.gr_name[1] != '@') { blacklist_store_name (&grpbuf.gr_name[1], ent); continue; } /* +group */ if (grpbuf.gr_name[0] == '+' && grpbuf.gr_name[1] != '\0' && grpbuf.gr_name[1] != '@') { if (in_blacklist (&grpbuf.gr_name[1], strlen (&grpbuf.gr_name[1]), ent)) continue; /* Store the group in the blacklist for the "+" at the end of /etc/group */ blacklist_store_name (&grpbuf.gr_name[1], ent); if (nss_getgrnam_r == NULL) return NSS_STATUS_UNAVAIL; else if (nss_getgrnam_r (&grpbuf.gr_name[1], &grpbuf, buffer, buflen, errnop) != NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS) continue; check_and_add_group (user, group, start, size, groupsp, limit, &grpbuf); return NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* +:... */ if (grpbuf.gr_name[0] == '+' && grpbuf.gr_name[1] == '\0') { ent->files = FALSE; return getgrent_next_nss (ent, buffer, buflen, user, group, start, size, groupsp, limit, errnop); } } check_and_add_group (user, group, start, size, groupsp, limit, &grpbuf); return NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
void mm_loc_donereading(struct mm_loc *p) { fsetpos(p->fp, &p->pos); }
/* pc_resetsrc() * "position" may only hold a pointer that was previously obtained from * pc_getpossrc() */ void pc_resetsrc(void *handle,void *position) { assert(handle!=NULL); fsetpos((FILE*)handle,(fpos_t *)position); }
/* DB_Search * Search the DB for any entry related to the file being received */ int DB_Search(char *f_name, char *c_sum, Eventinfo *lf) { int p = 0; int sn_size; int agent_id; char *saved_sum; char *saved_name; FILE *fp; /* Getting db pointer */ fp = DB_File(lf->location, &agent_id); if(!fp) { merror("%s: Error handling integrity database.",ARGV0); sdb.db_err++; /* Increment db error */ return(0); } /* Reads the integrity file and search for a possible * entry */ if(fgetpos(fp, &sdb.init_pos) == -1) { merror("%s: Error handling integrity database (fgetpos).",ARGV0); return(0); } /* Looping the file */ while(fgets(sdb.buf, OS_MAXSTR, fp) != NULL) { /* Ignore blank lines and lines with a comment */ if(sdb.buf[0] == '\n' || sdb.buf[0] == '#') { fgetpos(fp, &sdb.init_pos); /* getting next location */ continue; } /* Getting name */ saved_name = strchr(sdb.buf, ' '); if(saved_name == NULL) { merror("%s: Invalid integrity message in the database.",ARGV0); fgetpos(fp, &sdb.init_pos); /* getting next location */ continue; } *saved_name = '\0'; saved_name++; /* New format - with a timestamp */ if(*saved_name == '!') { saved_name = strchr(saved_name, ' '); if(saved_name == NULL) { merror("%s: Invalid integrity message in the database",ARGV0); fgetpos(fp, &sdb.init_pos); /* getting next location */ continue; } saved_name++; } /* Removing new line from saved_name */ sn_size = strlen(saved_name); sn_size -= 1; if(saved_name[sn_size] == '\n') saved_name[sn_size] = '\0'; /* If name is different, go to next one. */ if(strcmp(f_name,saved_name) != 0) { /* Saving currently location */ fgetpos(fp, &sdb.init_pos); continue; } saved_sum = sdb.buf; /* First three bytes are for frequency check */ saved_sum+=3; /* checksum match, we can just return and keep going */ if(strcmp(saved_sum, c_sum) == 0) return(0); /* If we reached here, the checksum of the file has changed */ if(saved_sum[-3] == '!') { p++; if(saved_sum[-2] == '!') { p++; if(saved_sum[-1] == '!') p++; else if(saved_sum[-1] == '?') p+=2; } } /* Checking the number of changes */ if(!Config.syscheck_auto_ignore) { sdb.syscheck_dec->id = sdb.id1; } else { switch(p) { case 0: sdb.syscheck_dec->id = sdb.id1; break; case 1: sdb.syscheck_dec->id = sdb.id2; break; case 2: sdb.syscheck_dec->id = sdb.id3; break; default: return(0); break; } } /* Adding new checksum to the database */ /* Commenting the file entry and adding a new one latter */ fsetpos(fp, &sdb.init_pos); fputc('#',fp); /* Adding the new entry at the end of the file */ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fprintf(fp,"%c%c%c%s !%d %s\n", '!', p >= 1? '!' : '+', p == 2? '!' : (p > 2)?'?':'+', c_sum, lf->time, f_name); fflush(fp); /* File deleted */ if(c_sum[0] == '-' && c_sum[1] == '1') { sdb.syscheck_dec->id = sdb.idd; snprintf(sdb.comment, OS_MAXSTR, "File '%.756s' was deleted. Unable to retrieve " "checksum.", f_name); } /* If file was re-added, do not compare changes */ else if(saved_sum[0] == '-' && saved_sum[1] == '1') { sdb.syscheck_dec->id = sdb.idn; snprintf(sdb.comment, OS_MAXSTR, "File '%.756s' was re-added.", f_name); } else { int oldperm = 0, newperm = 0; /* Providing more info about the file change */ char *oldsize = NULL, *newsize = NULL; char *olduid = NULL, *newuid = NULL; char *c_oldperm = NULL, *c_newperm = NULL; char *oldgid = NULL, *newgid = NULL; char *oldmd5 = NULL, *newmd5 = NULL; char *oldsha1 = NULL, *newsha1 = NULL; oldsize = saved_sum; newsize = c_sum; c_oldperm = strchr(saved_sum, ':'); c_newperm = strchr(c_sum, ':'); /* Get old/new permissions */ if(c_oldperm && c_newperm) { *c_oldperm = '\0'; c_oldperm++; *c_newperm = '\0'; c_newperm++; /* Get old/new uid/gid */ olduid = strchr(c_oldperm, ':'); newuid = strchr(c_newperm, ':'); if(olduid && newuid) { *olduid = '\0'; *newuid = '\0'; olduid++; newuid++; oldgid = strchr(olduid, ':'); newgid = strchr(newuid, ':'); if(oldgid && newgid) { *oldgid = '\0'; *newgid = '\0'; oldgid++; newgid++; /* Getting md5 */ oldmd5 = strchr(oldgid, ':'); newmd5 = strchr(newgid, ':'); if(oldmd5 && newmd5) { *oldmd5 = '\0'; *newmd5 = '\0'; oldmd5++; newmd5++; /* getting sha1 */ oldsha1 = strchr(oldmd5, ':'); newsha1 = strchr(newmd5, ':'); if(oldsha1 && newsha1) { *oldsha1 = '\0'; *newsha1 = '\0'; oldsha1++; newsha1++; } } } } } /* Getting integer values */ if(c_newperm && c_oldperm) { newperm = atoi(c_newperm); oldperm = atoi(c_oldperm); } /* Generating size message */ if(!oldsize || !newsize || strcmp(oldsize, newsize) == 0) { sdb.size[0] = '\0'; } else { snprintf(sdb.size, OS_FLSIZE, "Size changed from '%s' to '%s'\n", oldsize, newsize); #ifdef PRELUDE os_strdup(oldsize, lf->size_before); os_strdup(newsize, lf->size_after); #endif } /* Permission message */ if(oldperm == newperm) { sdb.perm[0] = '\0'; } else if(oldperm > 0 && newperm > 0) { snprintf(sdb.perm, OS_FLSIZE, "Permissions changed from " "'%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c' " "to '%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c'\n", (oldperm & S_IRUSR)? 'r' : '-', (oldperm & S_IWUSR)? 'w' : '-', (oldperm & S_ISUID)? 's' : (oldperm & S_IXUSR)? 'x' : '-', (oldperm & S_IRGRP)? 'r' : '-', (oldperm & S_IWGRP)? 'w' : '-', (oldperm & S_ISGID)? 's' : (oldperm & S_IXGRP)? 'x' : '-', (oldperm & S_IROTH)? 'r' : '-', (oldperm & S_IWOTH)? 'w' : '-', (oldperm & S_ISVTX)? 't' : (oldperm & S_IXOTH)? 'x' : '-', (newperm & S_IRUSR)? 'r' : '-', (newperm & S_IWUSR)? 'w' : '-', (newperm & S_ISUID)? 's' : (newperm & S_IXUSR)? 'x' : '-', (newperm & S_IRGRP)? 'r' : '-', (newperm & S_IWGRP)? 'w' : '-', (newperm & S_ISGID)? 's' : (newperm & S_IXGRP)? 'x' : '-', (newperm & S_IROTH)? 'r' : '-', (newperm & S_IWOTH)? 'w' : '-', (newperm & S_ISVTX)? 't' : (newperm & S_IXOTH)? 'x' : '-'); #ifdef PRELUDE lf->perm_before = oldperm; lf->perm_after = newperm; #endif } /* Ownership message */ if(!newuid || !olduid || strcmp(newuid, olduid) == 0) { sdb.owner[0] = '\0'; } else { snprintf(sdb.owner, OS_FLSIZE, "Ownership was '%s', " "now it is '%s'\n", olduid, newuid); #ifdef PRELUDE os_strdup(olduid, lf->owner_before); os_strdup(newuid, lf->owner_after); #endif } /* group ownership message */ if(!newgid || !oldgid || strcmp(newgid, oldgid) == 0) { sdb.gowner[0] = '\0'; } else { snprintf(sdb.gowner, OS_FLSIZE,"Group ownership was '%s', " "now it is '%s'\n", oldgid, newgid); #ifdef PRELUDE os_strdup(oldgid, lf->gowner_before); os_strdup(newgid, lf->gowner_after); #endif } /* md5 message */ if(!newmd5 || !oldmd5 || strcmp(newmd5, oldmd5) == 0) { sdb.md5[0] = '\0'; } else { snprintf(sdb.md5, OS_FLSIZE, "Old md5sum was: '%s'\n" "New md5sum is : '%s'\n", oldmd5, newmd5); #ifdef PRELUDE os_strdup(oldmd5, lf->md5_before); os_strdup(newmd5, lf->md5_after); #endif } /* sha1 */ if(!newsha1 || !oldsha1 || strcmp(newsha1, oldsha1) == 0) { sdb.sha1[0] = '\0'; } else { snprintf(sdb.sha1, OS_FLSIZE, "Old sha1sum was: '%s'\n" "New sha1sum is : '%s'\n", oldsha1, newsha1); #ifdef PRELUDE os_strdup(oldsha1, lf->sha1_before); os_strdup(newsha1, lf->sha1_after); #endif } #ifdef PRELUDE os_strdup(f_name, lf->filename); #endif if(lf->data) { merror("XXX changed: %s",lf->data); } /* Provide information about the file */ snprintf(sdb.comment, OS_MAXSTR, "Integrity checksum changed for: " "'%.756s'\n" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s%s", f_name, sdb.size, sdb.perm, sdb.owner, sdb.gowner, sdb.md5, sdb.sha1, lf->data == NULL?"":"What changed:\n", lf->data == NULL?"":lf->data ); } /* Creating a new log message */ free(lf->full_log); os_strdup(sdb.comment, lf->full_log); lf->log = lf->full_log; lf->data = NULL; /* Setting decoder */ lf->decoder_info = sdb.syscheck_dec; return(1); } /* continuiing... */ /* If we reach here, this file is not present on our database */ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fprintf(fp,"+++%s !%d %s\n", c_sum, lf->time, f_name); /* Alert if configured to notify on new files */ if((Config.syscheck_alert_new == 1) && (DB_IsCompleted(agent_id))) { sdb.syscheck_dec->id = sdb.idn; /* New file message */ snprintf(sdb.comment, OS_MAXSTR, "New file '%.756s' " "added to the file system.", f_name); /* Creating a new log message */ free(lf->full_log); os_strdup(sdb.comment, lf->full_log); lf->log = lf->full_log; /* Setting decoder */ lf->decoder_info = sdb.syscheck_dec; return(1); } return(0); }
/* Read multiline logs. */ void *read_multiline(int pos, int *rc, int drop_it) { int __ms = 0; int linecount; int linesgot = 0; size_t buffer_size = 0; char *p; char str[OS_MAXSTR + 1]; char buffer[OS_MAXSTR +1]; fpos_t fp_pos; buffer[0] = '\0'; buffer[OS_MAXSTR] = '\0'; str[OS_MAXSTR]= '\0'; *rc = 0; linecount = atoi(logff[pos].logformat); /* Getting initial file location */ fgetpos(logff[pos].fp, &fp_pos); while(fgets(str, OS_MAXSTR - OS_LOG_HEADER, logff[pos].fp) != NULL) { linesgot++; /* Getting the last occurence of \n */ if ((p = strrchr(str, '\n')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } /* If we didn't get the new line, because the * size is large, send what we got so far. */ else if(strlen(str) >= (OS_MAXSTR - OS_LOG_HEADER - 2)) { /* Message size > maximum allowed */ __ms = 1; } else { /* Message not complete. Return. */ debug1("%s: Message not complete. Trying again: '%s'", ARGV0,str); fsetpos(logff[pos].fp, &fp_pos); break; } #ifdef WIN32 if ((p = strrchr(str, '\r')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } #endif debug2("%s: DEBUG: Reading message: '%s'", ARGV0, str); /* Adding to buffer. */ buffer_size = strlen(buffer); if(buffer[0] != '\0') { buffer[buffer_size] = ' '; buffer_size++; } strncpy(buffer + buffer_size, str, OS_MAXSTR - buffer_size -2); if(linesgot < linecount) { continue; } /* Sending message to queue */ if(drop_it == 0) { if(SendMSG(logr_queue, buffer, logff[pos].file, LOCALFILE_MQ) < 0) { merror(QUEUE_SEND, ARGV0); if((logr_queue = StartMQ(DEFAULTQPATH,WRITE)) < 0) { ErrorExit(QUEUE_FATAL, ARGV0, DEFAULTQPATH); } } } buffer[0] = '\0'; /* Incorrectly message size */ if(__ms) { merror("%s: Large message size: '%s'", ARGV0, str); while(fgets(str, OS_MAXSTR - 2, logff[pos].fp) != NULL) { /* Getting the last occurence of \n */ if ((p = strrchr(str, '\n')) != NULL) { break; } } __ms = 0; } fgetpos(logff[pos].fp, &fp_pos); continue; } return(NULL); }
static void GetSRF(LWOBInfo *object, char *buf, int siz) { fsetpos(object->fp,&object->srfPos); fread(buf,1,siz,object->fp); }
static void GetSDat(LWOBInfo *object, char *buf, int siz,fpos_t *datpos) { fsetpos(object->fp,datpos); fread(buf,1,siz,object->fp); }
static int GetPolygon(LWOBInfo *object, LWPolygon *poly) { unsigned short pntcnt; unsigned short pointval; unsigned short junk; unsigned short detail; short surface; int k,x; fsetpos(object->fp,&object->polPosCur); if (object->polSizeCur<object->polSize){ fread(&pntcnt,2,1,object->fp); BSWAP_W(pntcnt) ; object->polSizeCur = object->polSizeCur + 2; poly->npoints = pntcnt; for(x=0;x<pntcnt;x++){ fread(&pointval,2,1,object->fp); BSWAP_W(pointval); object->polSizeCur = object->polSizeCur + 2; poly->plist[x]=pointval; } fread(&surface,2,1,object->fp); BSWAP_W(surface); object->polSizeCur = object->polSizeCur + 2; if (surface<0) { fread(&detail,2,1,object->fp); BSWAP_W(detail); object->polSizeCur = object->polSizeCur + 2; for(k=0;k<detail;k++) { fread(&junk,2,1,object->fp); BSWAP_W(junk); fseek(object->fp,(junk+1)*2,SEEK_CUR); object->polSizeCur = object->polSizeCur + ((junk+2)*2); } poly->surface = abs(surface); } else poly->surface=surface; fgetpos(object->fp,&object->polPosCur); } else return(0); return(1); }
void read_data(FILE *inf, wave_object_t *obj) { double xt, yt, zt; double it, jt, kt; double st, tt; size_t num_pts; size_t i; size_t j; size_t type_pos; size_t next_space; char tmp; size_t cur_vert = 0; size_t cur_norm = 0; size_t cur_text = 0; size_t cur_face = 0; char in_buffer[512] = ""; size_t blen = 0; char *fgs = NULL; enum obj_entry_type obj_type; int end = 0; size_t pt_cnt = 0; char *end_ptr; size_t vert; size_t text; size_t norm; // Assume no faces will ever have more than 20 points char *pts[20]; size_t cur_pt = 0; int in_word = 0; char *num_start; char *num_end; // Save original file positon fpos_t original_pos; fgetpos(inf, &original_pos); // Go to the beginnning rewind(inf); do { fgs = fgets(in_buffer, 512, inf); if (fgs == NULL) continue; blen = strlen(in_buffer); in_buffer[blen-1] = '\0'; --blen; if (in_buffer[blen-1] == '\r') { in_buffer[blen-1] ='\0'; --blen; } obj_type = get_entry_type(in_buffer); switch (obj_type) { case vertex: // Find the 'v' and skip it and the white space after it num_start = strchr(in_buffer, 'v')+1; xt = strtod(num_start, &num_end); yt = strtod(num_end, &num_end); zt = strtod(num_end, &num_end); obj->verts[cur_vert][0] = (RtFloat)xt; obj->verts[cur_vert][1] = (RtFloat)yt; obj->verts[cur_vert][2] = (RtFloat)zt; ++cur_vert; break; case normal: // Find the 'n' and skip it and the white space after it num_start = strchr(in_buffer, 'n')+1; it = strtod(num_start, &num_end); jt = strtod(num_end, &num_end); kt = strtod(num_end, &num_end); obj->norms[cur_norm][0] = it; obj->norms[cur_norm][1] = jt; obj->norms[cur_norm][2] = kt; ++cur_norm; break; case text_coord: // Find the "vt" and skip it and the white space after it num_start = strchr(in_buffer, 'v')+2; st = strtod(num_start, &num_end); tt = strtod(num_end, &num_end); obj->text_coords[cur_text].s = st; obj->text_coords[cur_text].t = tt; ++cur_text; break; case face: // Find the 'f' and skip it and the white space after it i = strchr(in_buffer, 'f') - in_buffer + 1; while (isspace(in_buffer[i])) ++i; end = 0; pt_cnt = 0; cur_pt = 0; in_word = 0; while (in_buffer[i] != '\0') { if (!isspace(in_buffer[i]) && in_word == 1) { in_word = 1; } if (!isspace(in_buffer[i]) && in_word == 0) { pts[cur_pt++] = in_buffer+i; in_word = 1; pt_cnt++; } if (isspace(in_buffer[i]) && in_word == 1) { in_word = 0; in_buffer[i] = '\0'; } if (isspace(in_buffer[i]) && in_word == 0) { in_word = 0; in_buffer[i] = '\0'; } ++i; } obj->faces[cur_face].size = pt_cnt; obj->faces[cur_face].verts = malloc(sizeof(size_t)*pt_cnt); obj->faces[cur_face].norms = malloc(sizeof(size_t)*pt_cnt); obj->faces[cur_face].texts = malloc(sizeof(size_t)*pt_cnt); for (j=0; j<pt_cnt; ++j) { vert = strtoul(pts[j], &end_ptr, 10); text = strtoul(end_ptr+1, &end_ptr, 10); norm = strtoul(end_ptr+1, &end_ptr, 10); if (vert) vert -= 1; if (norm) norm -= 1; if (text) text -= 1; obj->faces[cur_face].verts[j] = vert; obj->faces[cur_face].norms[j] = norm; obj->faces[cur_face].texts[j] = text; } if (pt_cnt>obj->largest_face) { obj->largest_face = pt_cnt; } ++cur_face; break; case object: break; default: break; } } while (!feof(inf)); // Return to original position fsetpos(inf, &original_pos); }
void preprocess(FILE* inf, wave_object_t *obj) { /* Scan through the file and count the number of vertices, texture coordinates, normals and faces */ // Save original position in file size_t nv=0; size_t nn=0; size_t nt=0; size_t nf=0; size_t no = 0; char in_buffer[512] = ""; size_t blen = 0; fpos_t original_pos; fgetpos(inf, &original_pos); // Go to the beginnning rewind(inf); while (!feof(inf)) { char *fgs = fgets(in_buffer, 512, inf); if (fgs == NULL) continue; blen = strlen(in_buffer); in_buffer[blen-1] = '\0'; --blen; if (in_buffer[blen-1] == '\r') { in_buffer[blen-1] ='\0'; --blen; } if (blen == 0) continue; enum obj_entry_type obj_type = get_entry_type(in_buffer); switch (obj_type) { case vertex: ++nv; break; case normal: ++nn; break; case text_coord: ++nt; break; case face: ++nf; break; case object: ++no; read_object_type(in_buffer, obj); break; default: break; } } obj->num_verts = nv; obj->verts = malloc(sizeof(RtPoint) * nv); obj->num_norms = nn; obj->norms = malloc(sizeof(RtPoint) * nn); obj->num_texts = nt; obj->text_coords = malloc(sizeof(text_coord_t) * nt); obj->num_faces = nf; obj->faces = malloc(sizeof(face_t) * nf); // Return to original position fsetpos(inf, &original_pos); }
static void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { switch (key) { case 'a': povray = pix = -9999; makePov(MOLDYN_EXPORT_TO_PNG); break; case 'r': if (magstep <= 10) { magstep++; magnification = pow(1.2, (double) magstep); zeye = -2 * range * magnification; glutPostRedisplay(); } break; case 'm': if (magstep >= -10) { magstep--; magnification = pow(1.2, (double) magstep); zeye = -2 * range * magnification; glutPostRedisplay(); } break; case 's': if (move_stat == ROTATE) { move_stat = TRANSLATE; } else if (move_stat == TRANSLATE) { move_stat = ROTATE; } break; case 'n': if (file_done && last_init_done) { break; } else { show_stat = SHOW_NEXT; read_cycle(); moldyn_update_graphics(); glutPostRedisplay(); break; } case 'b': if (current_cycle == 1) { break; } show_stat = SHOW_PREV; current_cycle -= 2; file_done = 0; if (feof(fptr)) rewind(fptr); if (fsetpos(fptr, &cycle_position[current_cycle])) moldyn_error("can't position file"); read_cycle(); moldyn_update_graphics(); glutPostRedisplay(); break; case 'h': case 'j': if (show_stat == HOLD && !file_done) { if (key == 'j') { jpeg = True; moldyn_export_(MOLDYN_EXPORT_TO_JPEG, window_width, window_height); } glutIdleFunc(animate); show_stat = SHOW_ALL; } else if (show_stat == SHOW_ALL) { jpeg = False; show_stat = HOLD; moldyn_update_graphics(); glutPostRedisplay(); } break; case 'c': case 'C': moldyn_export_(MOLDYN_EXPORT_TO_JPEG, 800, 800); break; case 'J': moldyn_export_(MOLDYN_EXPORT_TO_JPEG, window_width, window_height); break; case 'p': { char *argv[] = {"jpeg2ps", "-o", "moldyn.eps", path}; moldyn_export_(MOLDYN_EXPORT_TO_JPEG, 2000, 2000); jpeg2ps_main(sizeof(argv)/sizeof(char *),argv); } #ifdef _WIN32 system("copy moldyn.eps %PRINTER%"); #else system("lpr -h moldyn.eps"); #endif break; case '0': xeye = 0.0; yeye = 0.0; zeye = -2.0 * range; glutPostRedisplay(); break; case '?': hint = (hint) ? False : True; glutPostRedisplay(); break; case 'T': case 't': numbers = (numbers) ? False : True; glutPostRedisplay(); break; case 'q': case 'Q': case GLUT_KEY_ESCAPE: moldyn_exit(0); break; } }
/* * Output handler */ static void opng_write_data(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, size_t length) { struct opng_codec_context * context = (struct opng_codec_context *)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr); struct opng_encoding_stats * stats = context->stats; FILE * stream = context->stream; unsigned io_state = png_get_io_state(png_ptr); unsigned io_state_loc = io_state & PNG_IO_MASK_LOC; OPNG_ASSERT((io_state & PNG_IO_WRITING) && (io_state_loc != 0), "Incorrect info in png_ptr->io_state"); /* Handle the optipng-specific events. */ if (io_state_loc == PNG_IO_CHUNK_HDR) { OPNG_ASSERT(length == 8, "Writing chunk header, expecting 8 bytes"); png_bytep chunk_sig = data + 4; context->crt_chunk_is_allowed = opng_allow_chunk(context, chunk_sig); if (memcmp(chunk_sig, opng_sig_IDAT, 4) == 0) { context->crt_chunk_is_idat = 1; stats->idat_size += png_get_uint_32(data); } else /* not IDAT */ { context->crt_chunk_is_idat = 0; } } if (context->no_write) { return; } /* Continue only if the current chunk type is allowed. */ if (io_state_loc != PNG_IO_SIGNATURE && !context->crt_chunk_is_allowed) return; /* Here comes an elaborate way of writing the data, in which all IDATs * are joined into a single chunk. * Normally, the user-supplied I/O routines are not so complicated. */ switch (io_state_loc) { case PNG_IO_CHUNK_HDR: if (context->crt_chunk_is_idat) { if (context->crt_idat_offset == 0) { /* This is the header of the first IDAT. */ context->crt_idat_offset = ftell(stream); context->crt_idat_size = length; png_save_uint_32(data, (png_uint_32)context->crt_idat_size); /* Start computing the CRC of the final IDAT. */ context->crt_idat_crc = crc32(0, opng_sig_IDAT, 4); } else { /* This is not the first IDAT. Do not write its header. */ return; } } else { if (context->crt_idat_offset != 0) { png_byte buf[4]; /* This is the header of the first chunk after IDAT. * Finalize IDAT before resuming the normal operation. */ png_save_uint_32(buf, context->crt_idat_crc); fwrite(buf, 1, 4, stream); if (stats->idat_size != context->crt_idat_size) { /* The IDAT size, unknown at the start of encoding, * has not been guessed correctly. * It must be updated in a non-streamable way. */ png_save_uint_32(buf, (png_uint_32)stats->idat_size); fpos_t pos; if (fgetpos(stream, &pos) != 0 || fflush(stream) != 0 || (fseek(stream, context->crt_idat_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) || (fwrite(buf, 1, 4, stream)!=4) || (fflush(stream) != 0) || (fsetpos(stream, &pos) != 0)) { io_state = 0; } } if (io_state == 0) png_error(png_ptr, "Can't finalize IDAT"); context->crt_idat_offset = 0; } } break; case PNG_IO_CHUNK_DATA: if (context->crt_chunk_is_idat) context->crt_idat_crc = crc32(context->crt_idat_crc, data, length); break; case PNG_IO_CHUNK_CRC: if (context->crt_chunk_is_idat) return; /* defer writing until the first non-IDAT occurs */ break; } /* Write the data. */ if (fwrite(data, 1, length, stream) != length) png_error(png_ptr, "Can't write file"); }
bool CpuProfileInputStream::setCurrentPosition(fpos_t* pPos) { return 0 == fsetpos(m_fileStream.getHandler(), pPos); }
// Added by Amir Szekely 8th July 2002 // replace_icon, must get an initialized resource editor // return values: // 0 - All OK // -1 - Bad icon file int replace_icon(CResourceEditor* re, WORD wIconId, char* filename) { FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) return -1; IconGroupHeader igh; fread(&igh, sizeof(IconGroupHeader), 1, f); if (igh.wIsIcon != 1 && igh.wReserved != 0) return -1; BYTE* rsrcIconGroup = (BYTE*)malloc(sizeof(IconGroupHeader) + igh.wCount*SIZEOF_RSRC_ICON_GROUP_ENTRY); if (!rsrcIconGroup) throw bad_alloc(); CopyMemory(rsrcIconGroup, &igh, sizeof(IconGroupHeader)); RsrcIconGroupEntry* ige = (RsrcIconGroupEntry*)(rsrcIconGroup + sizeof(IconGroupHeader)); int i = 1; // Delete old icons while (re->UpdateResource(RT_ICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(i++), MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), 0, 0)); int iNewIconSize = 0; for (i = 0; i < igh.wCount; i++) { fread(ige, sizeof(FileIconGroupEntry)-sizeof(DWORD), 1, f); ige->wRsrcId = i+1; DWORD dwOffset; fread(&dwOffset, sizeof(DWORD), 1, f); fpos_t pos; fgetpos(f, &pos); if (fseek(f, dwOffset, SEEK_SET)) { free(rsrcIconGroup); return -1; } BYTE* iconData = (BYTE*)malloc(ige->dwRawSize); if (!iconData) { free(rsrcIconGroup); throw bad_alloc(); } fread(iconData, sizeof(BYTE), ige->dwRawSize, f); re->UpdateResource(RT_ICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(i+1), MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), iconData, ige->dwRawSize); free(iconData); fsetpos(f, &pos); // Every icon entry should be 8 aligned iNewIconSize += ((ige->dwRawSize%8 == 0) ? ige->dwRawSize : ige->dwRawSize - (ige->dwRawSize%8) + 8); // Seems like the compiler refuses to increase the pointer by just 14. // If you'll replace this line by ige++ you will get unwanted results. ige = (RsrcIconGroupEntry*)((BYTE*)ige + SIZEOF_RSRC_ICON_GROUP_ENTRY); } fclose(f); re->UpdateResource(RT_GROUP_ICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(wIconId), MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), rsrcIconGroup, sizeof(IconGroupHeader) + igh.wCount*SIZEOF_RSRC_ICON_GROUP_ENTRY); free(rsrcIconGroup); icondata_size = iNewIconSize; return 0; }
/* extract base64 for a specific agent */ int k_extract(char *cmdextract) { FILE *fp; char *user_input; char *b64_enc; char line_read[FILE_SIZE +1]; char n_id[USER_SIZE +1]; if(cmdextract) { user_input = cmdextract; if(!IDExist(user_input)) { printf(NO_ID, user_input); exit(1); } } else { if(!print_agents(0, 0, 0)) { printf(NO_AGENT); printf(PRESS_ENTER); read_from_user(); return(0); } do { printf(EXTRACT_KEY); fflush(stdout); user_input = read_from_user(); /* quit */ if(strcmp(user_input, QUIT) == 0) return(0); if(!IDExist(user_input)) printf(NO_ID, user_input); } while(!IDExist(user_input)); } /* Trying to open the auth file */ fp = fopen(AUTH_FILE, "r"); if(!fp) { ErrorExit(FOPEN_ERROR, ARGV0, AUTH_FILE); } fsetpos(fp, &fp_pos); memset(n_id, '\0', USER_SIZE +1); strncpy(n_id, user_input, USER_SIZE -1); if(fgets(line_read, FILE_SIZE, fp) == NULL) { printf(ERROR_KEYS); fclose(fp); exit(1); } chomp(line_read); b64_enc = encode_base64(strlen(line_read),line_read); if(b64_enc == NULL) { printf(EXTRACT_ERROR); fclose(fp); exit(1); } printf(EXTRACT_MSG, n_id, b64_enc); if(!cmdextract) { printf("\n" PRESS_ENTER); read_from_user(); } free(b64_enc); fclose(fp); return(0); }
/* * We use a simple registry for now by using dir/files as our index table. * For every file registered we create a file under "/tmp/indsvr/" (if it does * not exist already). And append the name of the peer-node to that file. */ int add_peer (char *fname, char *peername) { FILE *fh; char filepath[MAXPATHLEN]; char peer[MAXHOSTNAME+2]; int old_bw, ret, found = 0; int fd; fpos_t fpos; static init_done = 0; /* * Create the server index directory for the first time. */ if (init_done == 0) { ret = mkdir(SERVER_DIR, 0755); /* * If we failed to create the index directory and failed for any other * reason other than EEXIST we exit. */ if (ret == -1 && errno != EEXIST) { char errorstr[512]; sprintf(errorstr, "Failed to create the index directory : %s", SERVER_DIR); perror(errorstr); } close(ret); init_done = 1; } /* * Try to open the name of the file under the index diorectory. If it * already exists we open it else we create a new one. */ sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", SERVER_DIR, fname); fh = fopen(filepath, "rw"); if (fh == NULL) { /* * The file does not exist. Hence try creating it. */ if ((fh = fopen(filepath, "a+")) == NULL) { printf("index-server : Failed to make an entry : errno = %d : %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return (errno); } } fd = fileno(fh); /* * Lock the file in exclusive mode so that other contending threads don't * modify it while we are searching. */ flock(fd, LOCK_EX); /* * Search through the file to make sure the peer is not already registered. * If it is already registered do nothing. Else, append the peers name to * the file. */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("Walking through current entries for %s: ", fname); #endif fgetpos(fh, &fpos); while ((fscanf(fh, "%s %d", peer, &old_bw)) != EOF) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("peer %s oldbw = %d\n", peer, old_bw); #endif if (strcmp(peer, peername) == 0) { found = 1; break; } fgetpos(fh, &fpos); } if (found == 0) { fprintf(fh, "%s %d\n", peername, bw); printf("Registering file : %s from peer %s\n", fname, peername); } else { /* * We found an entry. We check if the new b/w is different from * old_bw and record the change. */ if (bw != old_bw) { fsetpos(fh, &fpos); printf("errno = %d\n", errno); fprintf(fh, "%s %d\n", peername, bw); printf("errno = %d\n", errno); printf("Registering file with new bandwidth: %s from peer %s BW = %d\n", fname, peername, bw); } } flock(fd, LOCK_UN); fclose(fh); return (0); }
// returns -1 for error, 0 if not found (end of section or file) // and 1 if found static int prv_read_key_value(FILE * fd, char ** keyP, char ** valueP) { char * line; fpos_t prevPos; ssize_t res; size_t length; size_t start; size_t middle; size_t end; *keyP = NULL; *valueP = NULL; line = NULL; if (fgetpos(fd, &prevPos) != 0) return -1; while ((res = getline(&line, &length, fd)) != -1) { length = strlen(line); start = 0; while (start < length && isspace(line[start]&0xff)) start++; // ignore empty and commented lines if (start != length && line[start] != ';' && line[start] != '#') { break; } lwm2m_free(line); line = NULL; length = 0; if (fgetpos(fd, &prevPos) != 0) return -1; } if (res == -1) return -1; // end of section if (line[start] == '[') { lwm2m_free(line); fsetpos(fd, &prevPos); return 0; } middle = start; while (middle < length && line[middle] != '=') middle++; // invalid lines if (middle == start || middle == length) { lwm2m_free(line); return -1; } end = length - 2; while (end > middle && isspace(line[end]&0xff)) end--; // invalid lines if (end == middle) { lwm2m_free(line); return -1; } end += 1; line[middle] = 0; *keyP = strdup(line + start); if (*keyP == NULL) { lwm2m_free(line); return -1; } middle +=1 ; while (middle < end && isspace(line[middle]&0xff)) middle++; line[end] = 0; *valueP = strdup(line + middle); if (*valueP == NULL) { lwm2m_free(*keyP); *keyP = NULL; lwm2m_free(line); return -1; } lwm2m_free(line); return 1; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The variable class constructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable::Variable( char *name, FILE *file ) { // Store the name of the variable m_name = new char[strlen( name ) + 1]; strcpy( m_name, name ); // Ensure the file pointer is valid. if( file == NULL ) return; // Read the variable's type. char buffer[MAX_PATH]; fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); if( strcmp( buffer, "bool" ) == 0 ) { // The variable is a boolean. m_type = VARIABLE_BOOL; // Read and set the bool for the variable. bool value; fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); if( strcmp( buffer, "true" ) == 0 ) value = true; else value = false; m_data = new bool; memcpy( m_data, &value, sizeof( bool ) ); } else if( strcmp( buffer, "colour" ) == 0 ) { // The variable is a colour. m_type = VARIABLE_COLOUR; // Read and set the colour for the variable. D3DCOLORVALUE colour; fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); colour.r = (float)atof( buffer ); fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); colour.g = (float)atof( buffer ); fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); colour.b = (float)atof( buffer ); fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); colour.a = (float)atof( buffer ); m_data = new D3DCOLORVALUE; memcpy( m_data, &colour, sizeof( D3DCOLORVALUE ) ); } else if( strcmp( buffer, "float" ) == 0 ) { // The variable is a float. m_type = VARIABLE_FLOAT; // Read and set the float for the variable. float value; fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); value = (float)atof( buffer ); m_data = new float; memcpy( m_data, &value, sizeof( float ) ); } else if( strcmp( buffer, "number" ) == 0 ) { // The variable is a number. m_type = VARIABLE_NUMBER; // Read and set the number for the variable. long value; fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); value = atol( buffer ); m_data = new long; memcpy( m_data, &value, sizeof( long ) ); } else if( strcmp( buffer, "string" ) == 0 ) { // The variable is a string. m_type = VARIABLE_STRING; // Find the opening inverted commas. bool commasFound = false; ZeroMemory( buffer, MAX_PATH * sizeof( char ) ); fscanf( file, "%c", buffer ); while( true ) { if( strcmp( buffer, "\"" ) == 0 ) { commasFound = true; break; } if( strcmp( buffer, " " ) != 0 ) { fpos_t pos; fgetpos( file, &pos ); fsetpos( file, &--pos ); break; } fscanf( file, "%c", buffer ); } // Read and set the string for the variable. char completeString[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory( completeString, MAX_PATH * sizeof( char ) ); bool addSpacing = false; do { fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); if( strcmp( &buffer[strlen( buffer ) - 1], "\"" ) == 0 ) { buffer[strlen( buffer ) - 1] = 0; commasFound = false; } if( addSpacing == false ) addSpacing = true; else strcat( completeString, " " ); strcat( completeString, buffer ); } while( commasFound == true ); m_data = new char[strlen( completeString ) + 1]; strcpy( (char*)m_data, completeString ); } else if( strcmp( buffer, "vector" ) == 0 ) { // The variable is a vector. m_type = VARIABLE_VECTOR; // Read and set the vector for the variable. D3DXVECTOR3 vector; fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); vector.x = (float)atof( buffer ); fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); vector.y = (float)atof( buffer ); fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); vector.z = (float)atof( buffer ); m_data = new D3DXVECTOR3; memcpy( m_data, &vector, sizeof( D3DXVECTOR3 ) ); } else { // The variable has an unknown type. m_type = VARIABLE_UNKNOWN; // Read and set the data (same as a string) for the variable. fscanf( file, "%s", buffer ); m_data = new char[strlen( buffer ) + 1]; strcpy( (char*)m_data, buffer ); } }
void read_cycle() { static int dim; static double scale; static Bool init = False; double dummy1, dummy2; double meanx, meany, meanz; char c, s[4], *cp, *temp; int i, j, k; char line[MAX_STRING]; Bool read_it = False; Bool done = False; int nbonds; fpos_t fpos; float dt; if (file_done) { return; } if (current_cycle < MAX_CYCLES) { fgetpos(fptr, &cycle_position[current_cycle++]); } else { moldyn_error("too many cycles"); } for (k = 0; k < step; k++) { if (format == normal) { fgets(line, MAX_STRING, fptr); if (feof(fptr)) { file_done = True; if (read_it) { break; } current_cycle--; return; } else if (*line == '#') { fgets(line, MAX_STRING, fptr); } if (sscanf(line, "%d %lg %lg %lg", &icycle, &dummy1, &energy, &dummy2) < 4) { moldyn_error("can't read cycle record"); } read_it = True; num_atoms = 0; } else if (format == xyz) { fgets(line, MAX_STRING, fptr); if (feof(fptr)) { file_done = True; if (read_it) break; current_cycle--; return; } else if (*line == '#') { fgets(line, MAX_STRING, fptr); sscanf(line, "%d", &num_atoms); } else { sscanf(line, "%d", &num_atoms); } fgets(title, MAX_STRING, fptr); strtok(title, "\n"); read_it = True; } else { fgets(line, MAX_STRING, fptr); if (feof(fptr)) { file_done = True; if (read_it) { break; } current_cycle--; return; } else if (*line == '#') fgets(line, MAX_STRING, fptr); strcpy(title, line); strtok(title, "\n"); if (!isalnum(*title)) *title = '\0'; fgets(line, MAX_STRING, fptr); sscanf(line, "%d", &num_atoms); if (feof(fptr)) { file_done = True; if (read_it) { break; } return; } read_it = True; } if (format != normal) { if (num_atoms > max_atoms) { max_atoms = num_atoms; allocate_atom_memory(); } else { max_atoms = num_atoms; } } for (i = 0; i < max_atoms; i++) { fgetpos(fptr, &fpos); fgets(line, MAX_STRING, fptr); if (feof(fptr)) { file_done = True; if (read_it) { done = True; break; } moldyn_error("missing data record"); return; } if (format == normal) { atom_numbers[i] = atoi(strtok(line, SEPARATORS)); temp = strtok(NULL, SEPARATORS); if (strchr(temp, '.') != NULL) { fsetpos(fptr, &fpos); break; } atom_numbers2[i] = atoi(temp); atom_positions[0+3*i] = atof(strtok(NULL, SEPARATORS)); atom_positions[1+3*i] = atof(strtok(NULL, SEPARATORS)); atom_positions[2+3*i] = atof(strtok(NULL, SEPARATORS)); atom_colors[0+3*i] = element_colors[atom_numbers[i] - 1][0] / 255.0; atom_colors[1+3*i] = element_colors[atom_numbers[i] - 1][1] / 255.0; atom_colors[2+3*i] = element_colors[atom_numbers[i] - 1][2] / 255.0; num_atoms++; } else if (format == xyz) { cp = line; while (isspace(*cp)) { cp++; } if (sscanf(cp, "%3s %g %g %g", s, &atom_positions[0+3*i], &atom_positions[1+3*i], &atom_positions[2+3*i]) != 4) { moldyn_error("can't read data record"); } c = s[0]; atom_numbers[i] = atomname2atomnumber(s); atom_numbers2[i] = 1; atom_colors[0+3*i] = element_colors[atom_numbers[i] - 1][0] / 255.0; atom_colors[1+3*i] = element_colors[atom_numbers[i] - 1][1] / 255.0; atom_colors[2+3*i] = element_colors[atom_numbers[i] - 1][2] / 255.0; if (sscanf(cp, "%3s %g %g %g %g %g %g", s, &atom_positions[0+3*i], &atom_positions[1+3*i], &atom_positions[2+3*i], &atom_spins[0+3*i], &atom_spins[1+3*i], &atom_spins[2+3*i]) != 7) { atom_spins[3*i] = 0; atom_spins[3*i+1] = 0; atom_spins[3*i+2] = 0; } strcpy(atom_names[i], s); } else { cp = line; while (isspace(*cp)) { cp++; } if (sscanf(cp, "%d %g %g %g", &atom_numbers[i], &atom_positions[0+3*i], &atom_positions[1+3*i], &atom_positions[2+3*i]) != 4) { moldyn_error("can't read data record"); } atom_colors[0+3*i] = element_colors[atom_numbers[i] - 1][0] / 255.0; atom_colors[1+3*i] = element_colors[atom_numbers[i] - 1][1] / 255.0; atom_colors[2+3*i] = element_colors[atom_numbers[i] - 1][2] / 255.0; atom_numbers2[i] = 1; } atom_positions[2+3*i] = -atom_positions[2+3*i]; } if (done) { break; } } if (!init) { init = True; energy0 = energy; } xmin = atom_positions[0+3*0]; xmax = atom_positions[0+3*0]; ymin = atom_positions[1+3*0]; ymax = atom_positions[1+3*0]; zmin = atom_positions[2+3*0]; zmax = atom_positions[2+3*0]; for (i = 0; i < num_atoms; i++) { if (atom_positions[0+3*i] < xmin) xmin = atom_positions[0+3*i]; if (atom_positions[0+3*i] > xmax) xmax = atom_positions[0+3*i]; if (atom_positions[1+3*i] < ymin) ymin = atom_positions[1+3*i]; if (atom_positions[1+3*i] > ymax) ymax = atom_positions[1+3*i]; if (atom_positions[2+3*i] < zmin) zmin = atom_positions[2+3*i]; if (atom_positions[2+3*i] > zmax) zmax = atom_positions[2+3*i]; } meanx = (xmin + xmax) / 2; meany = (ymin + ymax) / 2; meanz = (zmin + zmax) / 2; xmin -= meanx; xmax -= meanx; ymin -= meany; ymax -= meany; zmin -= meanz; zmax -= meanz; if (size > 0) { xmin = -size; xmax = size; ymin = -size; ymax = size; zmin = -size; zmax = size; } dim = 3; if (xmax == xmin || ymax == ymin || zmax == zmin) { dim--; } scale = (xmax - xmin + ymax - ymin + zmax - zmin) / dim; while (scale < (zmax - zmin) / 2) { scale = scale * 1.5; } dist = 3 * scale; sscale = 1 / scale; if (delta <= 0) { if (bonds && delta < 0) { delta = 0; for (j = 1; j < num_atoms; j++) { i = j - 1; delta += sqrt((atom_positions[0+3*i] - atom_positions[0+3*j]) * (atom_positions[0+3*i] - atom_positions[0+3*j]) + (atom_positions[1+3*i] - atom_positions[1+3*j]) * (atom_positions[1+3*i] - atom_positions[1+3*j]) + (atom_positions[2+3*i] - atom_positions[2+3*j]) * (atom_positions[2+3*i] - atom_positions[2+3*j])); } delta = 1.125 * delta / (num_atoms - 1); } else { delta = 2.25 * scale / sqrt((double) num_atoms); } while (bonds) { nbonds = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_atoms; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < num_atoms; j++) if (sqrt((atom_positions[0+3*i] - atom_positions[0+3*j]) * (atom_positions[0+3*i] - atom_positions[0+3*j]) + (atom_positions[1+3*i] - atom_positions[1+3*j]) * (atom_positions[1+3*i] - atom_positions[1+3*j]) + (atom_positions[2+3*i] - atom_positions[2+3*j]) * (atom_positions[2+3*i] - atom_positions[2+3*j])) < delta) nbonds++; if (nbonds > 3 * num_atoms) { delta *= 0.75; } else { break; } } } if (radius == 0) { radius = 0.15 * scale / ((num_atoms > 3) ? log(0.5 * num_atoms) : 1); while (radius > 0.25 * delta) { radius *= 0.75; } } cyl_rad = 0.15 * radius; if (autoscale) { xmin = global_xmin; xmax = global_xmax; ymin = global_ymin; ymax = global_ymax; zmin = global_zmin; zmax = global_zmax; meanx = global_meanx; meany = global_meany; meanz = global_meanz; } if (size <= 0) { double rmax; rmax = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (radius * element_radii[i] > rmax) rmax = radius * element_radii[i]; xmin -= rmax; xmax += rmax; ymin -= rmax; ymax += rmax; zmin -= rmax; zmax += rmax; } for (i = 0; i < num_atoms; i++) { atom_positions[0+3*i] -= meanx; atom_positions[1+3*i] -= meany; atom_positions[2+3*i] -= meanz; atom_radii[i] = atom_numbers[i] > 0 ? radius * element_radii[atom_numbers[i] - 1] : 0; } if (atom_adjacency_matrix != NULL) { double del = delta * delta; double tol = tolerance * tolerance; if (tolerance > 0) { for (i = 0; i < num_atoms; i++) { for (j = i; j < num_atoms; j++) { dt = fabs((atom_positions[0+3*i] - atom_positions[0+3*j]) * (atom_positions[0+3*i] - atom_positions[0+3*j]) + (atom_positions[1+3*i] - atom_positions[1+3*j]) * (atom_positions[1+3*i] - atom_positions[1+3*j]) + (atom_positions[2+3*i] - atom_positions[2+3*j]) * (atom_positions[2+3*i] - atom_positions[2+3*j]) - del); atom_adjacency_matrix[i * num_atoms + j] = atom_adjacency_matrix[j * num_atoms + i] = ((dt - del) < tol) || (atom_numbers2[i] < 0 && atom_numbers2[j] < 0) ? True : False; } } } else if (!chain) { for (i = 0; i < num_atoms; i++) { for (j = i; j < num_atoms; j++) { dt = (atom_positions[0+3*i] - atom_positions[0+3*j]) * (atom_positions[0+3*i] - atom_positions[0+3*j]) + (atom_positions[1+3*i] - atom_positions[1+3*j]) * (atom_positions[1+3*i] - atom_positions[1+3*j]) + (atom_positions[2+3*i] - atom_positions[2+3*j]) * (atom_positions[2+3*i] - atom_positions[2+3*j]); atom_adjacency_matrix[i * num_atoms + j] = atom_adjacency_matrix[j * num_atoms + i] = (dt < del) || (atom_numbers2[i] < 0 && atom_numbers2[j] < 0) ? True : False; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < num_atoms; i++) { for (j = i; j < num_atoms; j++) { atom_adjacency_matrix[i * num_atoms + j] = atom_adjacency_matrix[j * num_atoms + i] = (j == i + 1) ? True : False; } } } } return; }
void epi_init_agent(void) { FILE *g; FILE *f; fpos_t pos; tw_memory *b; tw_memory *next; epi_agent *a; int *home_to_ct; int nagents = 0; int nlp = -1; int i; int j; int h; int o; int t; printf("\nEPI Agent Initialization: \n\n"); home_to_ct = tw_calloc(TW_LOC, "home to ct", sizeof(*home_to_ct), 3363607); // create census tract table, hard-coded to 2214 (all CT) for Chicago g_epi_nregions = 2215; g_epi_regions = tw_calloc(TW_LOC, "", sizeof(unsigned int *), g_epi_nregions); // need to read in homes.dat to get CT ids if(NULL == (g = fopen("homes.dat", "r"))) tw_error(TW_LOC, "Unable to open: homes.dat"); i = 0; while(EOF != (fscanf(g, "%d", &home_to_ct[i++]))) ; for(i = 0; i < g_epi_nregions; i++) { g_epi_regions[i] = tw_calloc(TW_LOC, "", sizeof(unsigned int *), g_epi_ndiseases); for(j = 0; j < g_epi_ndiseases; j++) g_epi_regions[i][j] = tw_calloc(TW_LOC, "", sizeof(unsigned int), g_epi_diseases[j].nstages); } if(NULL == (f = fopen("agents.dat", "r"))) tw_error(TW_LOC, "Unable to open: agents.dat"); i = 0; if(!g_epi_nagents) { fgetpos(f, &pos); while(EOF != fscanf(f, "%d %d %*d", &h, &o)) g_epi_nagents++; fsetpos(f, &pos); } if(0 == g_epi_nagents) tw_error(TW_LOC, "No agents in agents.dat!"); g_epi_agents = tw_calloc(TW_LOC, "", sizeof(tw_memoryq), 1); g_epi_agents->start_size = g_epi_nagents; g_epi_agents->d_size = sizeof(epi_agent); g_epi_agents->grow = 1; tw_memory_allocate(g_epi_agents); b = g_epi_agents->head; while(EOF != (fscanf(f, "%d %d %d", &h, &o, &t))) { // allocate the agent a = tw_memory_data(b); a->id = nagents++; if(h && h > nlp) nlp = h; if(o != -1 && o > nlp) nlp = o; // the CT id is stored on the h-th line of the homes.dat file a->region = home_to_ct[h]; if(a->region > 2214) tw_error(TW_LOC, "Bad Home to CT Mapping!"); a->pathogens = NULL; #if 0 // default disease stats a->stage = EPI_SUSCEPTIBLE; a->ts_stage_tran = DBL_MAX; #endif a->curr = 0; //a->ts_last_tran = 0.0; // go to work at 9am on first day a->ts_next = a->ts_remove = (double) 32400.0; //a->n_infected = 0; if(-1 != o) a->nloc = 3; else a->nloc = 2; // only two locs =( a->loc[1] = o; a->loc[0] = a->loc[a->nloc-1] = h; a->dur[0] = 9 * 3600; a->dur[1] = 8 * 3600; a->dur[a->nloc-1] += 7 * 3600; a->behavior_flags = 0; a->ts_remove = a->ts_next = a->dur[a->curr]; for(i = 0; i < g_epi_ndiseases; i++) g_epi_regions[a->region][i][0]++; if(g_epi_nagents == nagents) break; b = b->next; } if(nlp == 0) tw_error(TW_LOC, "No locations!"); else printf("\t%-48s %11d\n", "Max Location", ++nlp); g_epi_pq = tw_calloc(TW_LOC, "", sizeof(void *), nlp); for(i = 0; i < nlp; i++) g_epi_pq[i] = pq_create(); for(b = g_epi_agents->head; b; b = next) { a = tw_memory_data(b); next = b->next; pq_enqueue(g_epi_pq[a->loc[0]], b); } g_tw_nlp = nlp; }
int read_ctrees(char * filename, struct treeData ** galacticusTrees, int * nOutputTrees, struct nodeData*** nodeArray, int * totalNodes) { /* */ /* open the file obtained from consistent_trees */ FILE * file; file=fopen(filename,"r"); if(file==0) { printf("Could not find file %s\n", filename); return 1; } /* make a struct for the tree, as read in from the ctrees output */ /* this is necessary, as ctrees outputs a seperated tree for each */ /* subhalo. Galacticus expects the subhalos to be within the tree */ /* of their parent halo. */ struct inputTreeData { int id; int nNodes; int mainNodeId; int parentId; int upId; int upmostId; int gTreeIndex; /* index of the corresponding galacticus tree */ int gNodeIndex; /* nodeIndex within the corresponding galacticus tree */ fpos_t startPos; fpos_t endPos; }; /* get the number of data fields */ /* for information purposes only */ char line[800]; int nfields=0; int i=0; while((line[i] = fgetc(file))!='\n') { i++; } strtok(line, " "); nfields=1; while(strtok(NULL," ")) { nfields++; } printf("%s has %i fields\n",filename,nfields); /* go to the beginning of the data section */ /* ATTENTION! This may change with future */ /* versions of consistent_trees */ skipline(file,24); /* get the number of trees in the ctrees output file */ /* as subhalos have their own trees, this number */ /* will not correspond to the number of trees in the */ /* galacticus input file */ int nTreesInput; fscanf(file,"%i\n",&nTreesInput); printf("%s contains %i trees\n",filename,nTreesInput); /* fill struct inputTreeData with the data from the input file */ struct inputTreeData cTrees[nTreesInput]; for(i=0; i<nTreesInput; i++) { cTrees[i].id=i; fscanf(file,"%*s %i\n",&cTrees[i].mainNodeId); fgetpos(file,&cTrees[i].startPos); fscanf(file,"%*f %*i %*f %*i %*i %i %i", &cTrees[i].parentId, &cTrees[i].upId); fsetpos(file, &cTrees[i].startPos); cTrees[i].nNodes = countNodes(file); fgetpos(file,&cTrees[i].endPos); } int nTrees; nTrees = 0; /* get the number of trees (without subhalo trees) */ for(i=0; i<nTreesInput; i++) { if(cTrees[i].parentId==-1) nTrees++; } printf("%s contains %i distinct trees\n", filename,nTrees); /* make the array of galacticus trees */ (*galacticusTrees) = malloc(nTrees*sizeof(struct treeData)); if((*galacticusTrees)==NULL){ fprintf(stdout, "Problem with the allocation\n"); exit(1); } /* give the galacticus trees an id */ for(i=0; i<nTrees; i++) { (*galacticusTrees)[i].id=i; } /* fill the galacticus tree struct */ /* with the non-subhalo tree data from */ /* the input file */ int j=0; for(i=0; i<nTreesInput; i++) { if(cTrees[i].parentId==-1) { /* true if cTree is a non subhalo tree */ (*galacticusTrees)[j].mainNodeId=cTrees[i].mainNodeId; (*galacticusTrees)[j].nNodes=cTrees[i].nNodes; cTrees[i].gTreeIndex=j; cTrees[i].gNodeIndex=0; j++; } } for(i=0; i<nTreesInput;i++) { cTrees[i].upmostId=cTrees[i].upId; } /* Get upmost Id, because a subhalo can have an upId */ /* which is not a distinct halo if the subhalo lies out */ /* of the virial radius of the host halo of the upId halo */ /* therefore make a loop to determine the really upmost halo */ /* attention, several levels might be necessary */ int levels; int n_changed; int top_found; n_changed=0; for(levels=0; levels<4; levels++) { for(i=0; i<nTreesInput; i++) { top_found =0; #ifdef PATCH if(cTrees[i].upmostId!=-1) { #else if(cTrees[i].upId!=-1) { #endif for(j=0; j<nTreesInput; j++) { if(cTrees[i].upId==cTrees[j].mainNodeId) { top_found=1; if(cTrees[j].upId!=-1) { cTrees[i].upmostId=cTrees[j].upId; n_changed++; } } } #ifdef PATCH if(top_found==0){ fprintf(stderr, "upmostId for itree %i not found\n",i); exit(1); } #endif } } } fprintf(stdout, "FInished the upmost ID calculation: %d changes\n",n_changed); /* correct the nNodes field for subhalo trees belonging */ /* to this galacticus tree */ for(j=0; j<nTrees; j++) { for(i=0; i<nTreesInput; i++) { if(cTrees[i].upmostId==(*galacticusTrees)[j].mainNodeId) { cTrees[i].gNodeIndex=(*galacticusTrees)[j].nNodes; (*galacticusTrees)[j].nNodes+=cTrees[i].nNodes; } } } fprintf(stdout, "Fnished correction 1\n"); /* set the galacticus tree index in the inputTreeData struct */ for(i=0; i<nTreesInput; i++) { if(cTrees[i].parentId!=-1) { /* true if tree is a subhalo tree */ for(j=0; j<nTrees; j++) { if((*galacticusTrees)[j].mainNodeId==cTrees[i].upmostId) cTrees[i].gTreeIndex=j; } } } fprintf(stdout, "Fnished correction 2\n"); /* set the first node field for the galacticus tree data */ /* needed, for galacticus to know, where a tree starts */ /* in the node data array */ (*galacticusTrees)[0].firstNode=0; for(i=1; i<nTrees; i++) { (*galacticusTrees)[i].firstNode=(*galacticusTrees)[i-1].firstNode+(*galacticusTrees)[i-1].nNodes; } fprintf(stdout, "Fnished correction 3\n"); /* allocate the memory for the node array */ /* the node array has two dimensions, the */ /* first for each tree, the second for */ /* the nodes within a tree */ (*nodeArray) = (struct nodeData**)malloc(sizeof(struct nodeData *)*nTrees); if((*nodeArray)==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Problem with node alllocation\n"); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<nTrees;i++) { (*nodeArray)[i] = (struct nodeData*)malloc(sizeof(struct nodeData)*(*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes); if((*nodeArray)[i]==NULL){ fprintf(stdout, "Problem with the nodeArray allocation (%i nodes)\n", (*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes); exit(1); } } fprintf(stdout, "Fnished allocation 3\n"); /* fill the node array */ for(i=0;i<nTreesInput;i++) { /* loop over the input trees */ /* fprintf(stdout, "%i %i [%i,%i]\n", i, cTrees[i].nNodes, cTrees[i].gTreeIndex, cTrees[i].gNodeIndex); */ fsetpos(file,&cTrees[i].startPos); /* set file pointer to the start of tree i */ for(j=0;j<cTrees[i].nNodes;j++) { /* loop over the node in each input tree */ // fprintf(stdout,"%i %i %f\n",j,cTrees[i].nNodes,&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].scale); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].scale); fscanf(file,"%i",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].id); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].desc_scale); fscanf(file,"%i",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].desc_id); fscanf(file,"%i",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].num_prog); fscanf(file,"%i",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].pid); fscanf(file,"%i",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].upid); fscanf(file,"%i",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].desc_pid); fscanf(file,"%i",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].phantom); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].mVir); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].mVirOrig); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].rVir); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].scaleRadius); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].vRMS); fscanf(file,"%i",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].mmp); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].scaleLastMM); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].vMax); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].pos[0]); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].pos[1]); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].pos[2]); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].v[0]); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].v[1]); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].v[2]); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].l[0]); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].l[1]); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].l[2]); fscanf(file,"%f",&(*nodeArray)[cTrees[i].gTreeIndex][cTrees[i].gNodeIndex+j].spin); fscanf(file,"\n"); } } fclose(file); /* set nOutputTrees and totalNodes */ /* which are needed, so, that the */ /* other functions know about the */ /* length of the arrays */ *nOutputTrees = nTrees; *totalNodes = 0; for(i=0;i<nTrees;i++) { *totalNodes += (*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes; } printf("%s contains %i nodes\n",filename,*totalNodes); #ifdef PATCH fprintf(stdout, "started the new ID\n"); /*calculate the parent ID to be the corresponding most up ID*/ /* int l, m; for(i=0;i<nTrees;i++){ for(j=0;j<(*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes;j++){ (*nodeArray)[i][j].pid = (*nodeArray)[i][j].upid; } } fprintf(stdout, "started the new ID for subs\n"); for(i=0;i<nTrees;i++){ for(j=0;j<(*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes;j++){ if((*nodeArray)[i][j].pid!=-1){ levels = 0; do{ for(l=0;l<nTrees;l++){ for(m=0;m<(*galacticusTrees)[l].nNodes;m++){ if((*nodeArray)[i][j].pid==(*nodeArray)[l][m].id){ (*nodeArray)[i][j].pid = (*nodeArray)[l][m].upid; if((*nodeArray)[l][m].upid==-1){ levels = 5; } } } } levels++; }while(levels<4); if(levels!=6){ fprintf(stdout, "the host wast not found for tree %i node %i (%i)levels %i\n", i, j, (*nodeArray)[i][j].pid, levels); exit(1); } } } } */ #endif #ifdef PATCH int search; int found; int l; int notfound; notfound=0; for(i=0;i<nTrees;i++){ for(j=0;j<(*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes;j++){ search = (*nodeArray)[i][j].pid; if(search!=-1){ found = 0; l = 0; do{ if((*nodeArray)[i][l].id==search) found = 1; l++; }while(!found && l<(*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes); if(!found){ // fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find pid %d for halo %d\n", search, (*nodeArray)[i][j].id); (*nodeArray)[i][j].pid = -1; notfound++; } } } } fprintf(stdout, "The number of not found parent ids %d\n", notfound); notfound=0; for(i=0;i<nTrees;i++){ for(j=0;j<(*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes;j++){ search = (*nodeArray)[i][j].desc_id; if(search!=-1){ found = 0; l = 0; do{ if((*nodeArray)[i][l].id==search) found = 1; l++; }while(!found && l<(*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes); if(!found){ // fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find pid %d for halo %d\n", search, (*nodeArray)[i][j].id); (*nodeArray)[i][j].desc_id = -1; notfound++; fprintf(stdout, "Not found desc in tree %i - node %i out of %i\n", i, j,(*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes); } } } } fprintf(stdout, "The number of not found desc ids %d\n", notfound); #endif for(i=0;i<nTrees;i++) { for(j=0;j<(*galacticusTrees)[i].nNodes;j++) { /* if host node has no parent node, consistent_trees sets parent id field to -1 */ /* galacticus, in such a case expects parent id field to be equal to the node id */ if((*nodeArray)[i][j].pid==-1) { (*nodeArray)[i][j].pid=(*nodeArray)[i][j].id; } } } return 0; }
bool play_pcm_file (playable_pcm_file_t *file) { int status; snd_pcm_t *handle; snd_pcm_format_t format; snd_pcm_sframes_t frames_wrote; uint8_t playback_buf[BUFSIZ]; int frames_count; size_t read_bytes; format = determine_pcm_format (&(file->info)); if (format == SND_PCM_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to determine the beep's PCM data format.\n", progname); return false; } if (fsetpos (file->stream, &(file->pcm_start_pos)) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Failed to seek to the PCM data of `%s': %s.\n", progname, file->name, strerror (errno)); return false; } status = snd_pcm_open (&handle, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0); if (status < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Failed to open the playback device: %s\n", progname, snd_strerror (status)); return false; } status = snd_pcm_set_params (handle, format, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED, file->info.channels, file->info.sample_rate, 1, /* soft_resample */ 0); /* latency (us).*/ if (status < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Failed to configure the playback device: %s.\n", progname, snd_strerror (status)); snd_pcm_close (handle); return false; } while (true) { read_bytes = fread (playback_buf, 1, BUFSIZ, file->stream); if (read_bytes == 0) { if (ferror (file->stream)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: An error occured while reading from `%s': %s.\n", progname, file->name, strerror (errno)); snd_pcm_close (handle); return false; } break; } frames_count = snd_pcm_bytes_to_frames (handle, read_bytes); frames_wrote = snd_pcm_writei (handle, playback_buf, frames_count); if (frames_wrote < 0) frames_wrote = snd_pcm_recover (handle, frames_wrote, 0); if (frames_wrote < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Writing to the playback device failed: %s.\n", progname, snd_strerror (frames_wrote)); snd_pcm_close (handle); return false; } if (frames_wrote > 0 && frames_wrote < frames_count) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Warning: Wrote only %ld frames instead of the " "expected %d to the playback device.\n", progname, frames_wrote, frames_count); } } snd_pcm_drain (handle); snd_pcm_close (handle); return true; }
// // Declaration: // bool CBinaryDataFile::ReadEvtHeader(const CString &strNameWithPath, CString *pstrErrorMsg) // // Input: strNameWithPath filename with full path that is to be opened // // Output: pstrErrorMsg error, if any // // mdVersionNumber version number read from header // msStaNum station number read from header // miYr year read from header // miMon month read from header // miDay day read from header // mulTimestampOfFirstRecordInFile julian time of first record in the file // // Return: true (header read) / false (some kind of error, see pstrErroMsg) // // date / author revision // ----------------- -------- // 17-Oct-2002 SFK Created from ReadBIDHeader in GrandDataFile.cpp in GRAND COM // 21-Jun-2005 SFK Pick up station number from first record rather than getting it // out of the header due to a problem in MIC ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CBinaryDataFile::ReadEvtHeader(const CString &strNameWithPath, CString *pstrErrorMsg) { int iHdrSize; char str[54]; struct BinaryEventFileRec Rec; struct OpCode OpRec; fpos_t pos; CMyDateTime MyDate; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Open the file * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!OpenDataFile(strNameWithPath, pstrErrorMsg)) return(false); // generate an error message in case we get an error in any of the reads, // will clear at end of function if all okay if (pstrErrorMsg) { miErrorNum = iFILE_READ_ERR; pstrErrorMsg->Format("\nError: Unexpected error reading header for file %s", strNameWithPath); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Read the first 4 bytes to get the number of bytes in header. * Based on the location of the number, determine whether the data * file is from CDMPC or LANL GRAND Collect. The CDMPC number * must be decremented by 1. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (fread(str, 4, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[4] = '\0'; iHdrSize = atoi(str); if (str[3] == ' ') iHdrSize = iHdrSize - 1; // this file formed by CDMPC if (iHdrSize <= 22) return(false); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * The next 5 bytes no longer contain useful information, just * skip by them. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (fread(str, 5, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Read past the version number in the next 5 bytes. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (fread(str, 5, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[5] = '\0'; mdVersionNumber = atof(str); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Read station of logging node and put it in return variable. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (fread(str, 3, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[3] = '\0'; msStaNum = atoi(str); // msStaNum += 1000; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Read year and put it in return variable. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (fread(str, 3, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[3] = '\0'; miYr = atoi(str); //3-aug-2005 hn Added a four digit year. if (miYr < 86) { miYr4 = miYr + 2000; } else { miYr4 = miYr + 1900; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Read month and put it in return variable. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (fread(str, 3, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[3] = '\0'; miMon = atoi(str); if ((miMon < 1) || (miMon >12)) return(false); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Read day and put it in return variable. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (fread(str, 3, 1, mpFile) != 1) return(false); str[3] = '\0'; miDay = atoi(str); if ((miDay < 1) || (miDay >31)) return(false); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Read past the expansion space in the header so the file pointer * is positioned at the beginning of the first data point at exit. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (fread(str, (iHdrSize - 22), 1, mpFile)!= 1) return(false); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Save the position of the file pointer. * Read the first record in the file to get the time of it. Will * read the first record as if it is a binary record since we are * only interested in the julian time in the record and that is in * the same position in all types of records in an .evt/.bny file. * Restore file pointer to just at the first record. * ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(fgetpos(mpFile, &pos ) != 0) return(false); // 01-Sep-2005 SFK Fixed for reading old files that might have other types // of records interspersed with binary records. bool bFoundBinaryRecord = false; do { if (fread(&OpRec, sizeof(struct OpCode), 1, mpFile) == 0) return(false); if ((OpRec.RecTypeA == '3') && (OpRec.RecTypeB == '2')) { if (fread(&Rec, sizeof(struct BinaryEventFileRec), 1, mpFile) == 0) return(false); msStaNum = Rec.usNode; // 21-Jun-2005 SFK Pick up station number from first record mdTimestampOfFirstRecordInFile = MyDate.MyTimestampToDATETimestamp((double)Rec.uiTime); if(fsetpos(mpFile, &pos ) != 0) return(false); bFoundBinaryRecord = true; } else { // was not a binary record -- skip past the record fpos_t FilePosition; fgetpos(mpFile, &FilePosition); FilePosition += OpRec.sRecSize - 2; // subtract the opcode bytes that you've already read fsetpos(mpFile, &FilePosition); } } while (!bFoundBinaryRecord); if (pstrErrorMsg) pstrErrorMsg->Empty(); miErrorNum = 0; // no error return(true); }
/** Write this table. * @param wr the file writer * @param td table data to be written * @return -1 on error, or bytes written on success. */ int yytbl_data_fwrite (struct yytbl_writer *wr, struct yytbl_data *td) { int rv; flex_int32_t bwritten = 0; flex_int32_t i, total_len; fpos_t pos; if ((rv = yytbl_write16 (wr, td->td_id)) < 0) return -1; bwritten += rv; if ((rv = yytbl_write16 (wr, td->td_flags)) < 0) return -1; bwritten += rv; if ((rv = yytbl_write32 (wr, td->td_hilen)) < 0) return -1; bwritten += rv; if ((rv = yytbl_write32 (wr, td->td_lolen)) < 0) return -1; bwritten += rv; total_len = yytbl_calc_total_len (td); for (i = 0; i < total_len; i++) { switch (YYTDFLAGS2BYTES (td->td_flags)) { case sizeof (flex_int8_t): rv = yytbl_write8 (wr, yytbl_data_geti (td, i)); break; case sizeof (flex_int16_t): rv = yytbl_write16 (wr, yytbl_data_geti (td, i)); break; case sizeof (flex_int32_t): rv = yytbl_write32 (wr, yytbl_data_geti (td, i)); break; default: flex_die (_("invalid td_flags detected")); } if (rv < 0) { flex_die (_("error while writing tables")); return -1; } bwritten += rv; } /* Sanity check */ if (bwritten != (int) (12 + total_len * YYTDFLAGS2BYTES (td->td_flags))) { flex_die (_("insanity detected")); return -1; } /* add padding */ if ((rv = yytbl_write_pad64 (wr)) < 0) { flex_die (_("pad64 failed")); return -1; } bwritten += rv; /* Now go back and update the th_hsize member */ if (fgetpos (wr->out, &pos) != 0 || fsetpos (wr->out, &(wr->th_ssize_pos)) != 0 || yytbl_write32 (wr, wr->total_written) < 0 || fsetpos (wr->out, &pos)) { flex_die (_("get|set|fwrite32 failed")); return -1; } else /* Don't count the int we just wrote. */ wr->total_written -= sizeof (flex_int32_t); return bwritten; }
static int globus_l_job_manager_parse_events( globus_l_job_manager_logfile_state_t * state) { int rc; int protocol_msg_type; time_t stamp; char jobid[129]; char nl[2]; int job_state; int exit_code; struct tm gmstamp, *gmstampp; fpos_t pos; SEG_JOB_MANAGER_DEBUG(SEG_JOB_MANAGER_DEBUG_INFO, ("globus_l_job_manager_parse_events() called\n")); fgetpos(state->fp, &pos); while ((rc = fscanf(state->fp, "%d;%ld;%128[^;];%d;%d%1[\n]", &protocol_msg_type, &stamp, jobid, &job_state, &exit_code, nl)) > 4) { if (rc == 4 && fscanf(state->fp, "%1[\n]", nl) != 1) { goto bad_line; } if (protocol_msg_type != 1) { goto bad_line; } gmstampp = globus_libc_gmtime_r(&stamp, &gmstamp); if (globus_l_time_is_newer(&state->start_timestamp, &gmstamp)) { /* Ignore events that occur before our start timestamp */ goto bad_line; } switch(job_state) { case GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_PENDING: globus_scheduler_event_pending(stamp, jobid); break; case GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE: globus_scheduler_event_active(stamp, jobid); break; case GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_DONE: globus_scheduler_event_done(stamp, jobid, exit_code); break; case GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED: globus_scheduler_event_failed(stamp, jobid, exit_code); break; default: goto bad_line; } bad_line: fgetpos(state->fp, &pos); } if (feof(state->fp)) { clearerr(state->fp); rc = SEG_JOB_MANAGER_ERROR_LOG_EOF; } else { rc = 0; } fsetpos(state->fp, &pos); SEG_JOB_MANAGER_DEBUG(SEG_JOB_MANAGER_DEBUG_INFO, ("globus_l_job_manager_parse_events() exits\n")); return rc; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { char ifile[255]; char ofile[255]; /* clock_t start; */ if(argc < 2) { printf("%s", "Enter Text File Name: "); scanf("%s",ifile); printf("%s", "Enter save file name: "); scanf("%s", ofile); } else { strcpy(ifile, argv[1]); strcpy(ofile, argv[2]); } /* create new file */ spfile* fp = spfile_new(ifile); if(!fp) return 1; /* set out file name */ spfile_set_outpath(fp, ofile); /* read file */ spfile_read(fp); int rt_val = 0; if(!spfile_exe(fp)) { rt_val = 1; } /* delete spfile object */ spfile_delete(&fp); /* printf("%s%f\n", "Exec time: ", */ /* ((double) clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); */ /* char ch[2]; */ /* printf("%s", "press any key: "); */ /* scanf("%c", ch); */ time_t st; time_t et; double t = 0.0; double l_t = 0.0; /* last time */ time(&st); char* buff = (char*) malloc(sizeof(double) * sizeof(char)); fpos_t pos; /* file position */ /* get position */ fgetpos(stdout, &pos); while(1) { time(&et); t = difftime(et, st); if(t > 3) break; else if(l_t != t) { sprintf(buff, "%f", t); fputs(buff, stdout); fsetpos(stdout, &pos); } l_t = t; } return rt_val; }