extern void
ft_mem_debug_free( FT_Memory   memory,
                   FT_Pointer  block )
    FT_MemTable  table = (FT_MemTable)memory->user;

    if ( block == NULL )
        ft_mem_debug_panic( "trying to free NULL in (%s:%ld)",
                            FT_FILENAME( table->file_name ),
                            table->line_no );

    ft_mem_table_remove( table, (FT_Byte*)block );

    /* we never really free the block */
    table->file_name = NULL;
    table->line_no   = 0;
Beispiel #2
  extern void
  ft_mem_debug_free( FT_Memory   memory,
                     FT_Pointer  block )
    FT_MemTable  table = (FT_MemTable)memory->user;

    if ( block == NULL )
      ft_mem_debug_panic( "trying to free NULL in (%s:%ld)",
                          FT_FILENAME( _ft_debug_file ),
                          _ft_debug_lineno );

    ft_mem_table_remove( table, (FT_Byte*)block, 0 );

    if ( !table->keep_alive )
      ft_mem_table_free( table, block );


    _ft_debug_file   = "<unknown>";
    _ft_debug_lineno = 0;
Beispiel #3
  extern FT_Pointer
  ft_mem_debug_realloc( FT_Memory   memory,
                        FT_Long     cur_size,
                        FT_Long     new_size,
                        FT_Pointer  block )
    FT_MemTable  table = (FT_MemTable)memory->user;
    FT_MemNode   node, *pnode;
    FT_Pointer   new_block;
    FT_Long      delta;

    const char*  file_name = FT_FILENAME( _ft_debug_file );
    FT_Long      line_no   = _ft_debug_lineno;

    /* unlikely, but possible */
    if ( new_size == cur_size )
      return block;

    /* the following is valid according to ANSI C */
#if 0
    if ( block == NULL || cur_size == 0 )
      ft_mem_debug_panic( "trying to reallocate NULL in (%s:%ld)",
                          file_name, line_no );

    /* while the following is allowed in ANSI C also, we abort since */
    /* such case should be handled by FreeType.                      */
    if ( new_size <= 0 )
        "trying to reallocate %p to size 0 (current is %ld) in (%s:%ld)",
        block, cur_size, file_name, line_no );

    /* check `cur_size' value */
    pnode = ft_mem_table_get_nodep( table, (FT_Byte*)block );
    node  = *pnode;
    if ( !node )
        "trying to reallocate unknown block at %p in (%s:%ld)",
        block, file_name, line_no );

    if ( node->size <= 0 )
        "trying to reallocate freed block at %p in (%s:%ld)",
        block, file_name, line_no );

    if ( node->size != cur_size )
      ft_mem_debug_panic( "invalid ft_realloc request for %p. cur_size is "
                          "%ld instead of %ld in (%s:%ld)",
                          block, cur_size, node->size, file_name, line_no );

    /* return NULL if the maximum number of allocations was reached */
    if ( table->bound_count                           &&
         table->alloc_count >= table->alloc_count_max )
      return NULL;

    delta = (FT_Long)( new_size - cur_size );

    /* return NULL if this allocation would overflow the maximum heap size */
    if ( delta > 0                                                       &&
         table->bound_total                                              &&
         table->alloc_current + (FT_ULong)delta > table->alloc_total_max )
      return NULL;

    new_block = (FT_Byte *)ft_mem_table_alloc( table, new_size );
    if ( new_block == NULL )
      return NULL;

    ft_mem_table_set( table, (FT_Byte*)new_block, new_size, delta );

    ft_memcpy( new_block, block, cur_size < new_size ? cur_size : new_size );

    ft_mem_table_remove( table, (FT_Byte*)block, delta );

    _ft_debug_file   = "<unknown>";
    _ft_debug_lineno = 0;

    if ( !table->keep_alive )
      ft_mem_table_free( table, block );

    return new_block;