Beispiel #1
bool ftpMisc::ftpDownload( string filename, string filepath,string localfile ) {
	stringstream		 ircOut;
	ftpConnection		*ftp = ftpConnect();
	bool				 result = false;

	if(!ftp || ftp->failed()) {
			_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

		return false;

	ftp->directoryChange( filepath, true );
	result = ftp->fileDownload( localfile, filename );

	_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

	return result;
FtpClientWindow::FtpClientWindow(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags)
: QDialog(parent, flags)
    ftpClient = new FtpClient(this);
    connect(ftpServerLineEdit, SIGNAL(editingFinished ()),
			this, SLOT(changeServerName()));
    //connect(ftpServerPortLineEdit, SIGNAL(editingFinished ()),
    //	this, SLOT(changeServerPort()));
    //connect(userNamelineEdit, SIGNAL(editingFinished ()),
    //	this, SLOT(changeUserName()));
    //connect(passWordlineEdit, SIGNAL(editingFinished ()),
    //	this, SLOT(changePWD()));
    connect(listWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *)),
			this, SLOT(processItem(QListWidgetItem *)));
    connect(listWidget, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *, QListWidgetItem *)),
			this, SLOT(switchDownloadButton()));
    connect(connectPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ftpConnect()));
    //connect(cdUpDirPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cdParent()));
    connect(downLoadPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(downloadFile()));
    connect(putLoadPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(putloadFile()));
    connect(choosePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chooseFile()));
    connect(ftpClient, SIGNAL(cmdChangeList(const QUrlInfo &)), 
			this, SLOT(changeList(const QUrlInfo &)));
    connect(ftpClient, SIGNAL(cmdConncted(bool)), 
			this, SLOT(onConnect(bool)));
    connect(ftpClient, SIGNAL(cmdGot(bool)), 
			this, SLOT(onGot(bool)));
    connect(ftpClient, SIGNAL(cmdPut(bool)),
            this, SLOT(onPut(bool)));
    connect(ftpClient, SIGNAL(cmdList(bool)), 
			this, SLOT(onList(bool)));		
    //connect(ftpClient, SIGNAL(cmdIsTopDir(bool)),
    //	this, SLOT(onTopDir(bool)));
    connect(quitPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close()));
Beispiel #3
error_t ftpClientTest(void)
   error_t error;
   size_t length;
   IpAddr ipAddr;
   FtpClientContext ftpContext;
   static char_t buffer[256];

   //Debug message
   TRACE_INFO("\r\n\r\nResolving server name...\r\n");
   //Resolve FTP server name
   error = getHostByName(NULL, "", &ipAddr, 0);

   //Any error to report?
      //Debug message
      TRACE_INFO("Failed to resolve server name!\r\n");
      //Exit immediately
      return error;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_INFO("Connecting to FTP server %s\r\n", ipAddrToString(&ipAddr, NULL));
   //Connect to the FTP server
   error = ftpConnect(&ftpContext, NULL, &ipAddr, 21, FTP_NO_SECURITY | FTP_PASSIVE_MODE);

   //Any error to report?
      //Debug message
      TRACE_INFO("Failed to connect to FTP server!\r\n");
      //Exit immediately
      return error;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_INFO("Successful connection\r\n");

   //Start of exception handling block
      //Login to the FTP server using the provided username and password
      error = ftpLogin(&ftpContext, "anonymous", "password", "");
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) break;

      //Open the specified file for reading
      error = ftpOpenFile(&ftpContext, "welcome.msg", FTP_FOR_READING | FTP_BINARY_TYPE);
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) break;

      //Dump the contents of the file
         //Read data
         error = ftpReadFile(&ftpContext, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, &length, 0);
         //End of file?
         if(error) break;

         //Properly terminate the string with a NULL character
         buffer[length] = '\0';
         //Dump current data
         TRACE_INFO("%s", buffer);

      //End the string with a line feed
      //Close the file
      error = ftpCloseFile(&ftpContext);

      //End of exception handling block
   } while(0);

   //Close the connection
   //Debug message
   TRACE_INFO("Connection closed...\r\n");

   //Return status code
   return error;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int status,poll_socket,drive_socket,end=0;
    int ftpSocket;
    char *gatheringData = "GROUP1.PHI.SetpointPosition;"
    char *positioner[NUM_AXES] = {"GROUP1.PHI", "GROUP1.KAPPA", "GROUP1.OMEGA", "GROUP1.PSI", "GROUP1.2THETA", "GROUP1.NU"};
    char group[] = "GROUP1";
    char outputfilename[500];
    double maxp, minp, maxv, maxa;
    char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    int currentSamples, maxSamples;
    int i;
    int groupStatus;
    int eventID;
    time_t start_time, end_time;

    poll_socket  = TCP_ConnectToServer(XPS_ADDRESS, 5001, POLL_TIMEOUT);
    drive_socket = TCP_ConnectToServer(XPS_ADDRESS, 5001, DRIVE_TIMEOUT);

    status = GroupStatusGet(poll_socket, group, &groupStatus);
    printf("Initial group status=%d\n", groupStatus);
    /* If group not initialized, then initialize it */
    if (groupStatus >= 0 && groupStatus <= 9) {
        printf("Calling GroupInitialize ...\n");
        status = GroupInitialize(drive_socket, group);
        if (status) {
            printf("Error calling GroupInitialize error=%d\n", status);
            return status;
        printf("Calling GroupHomeSearch ...\n");
        status = GroupHomeSearch(drive_socket, group);
        if (status) {
            printf("Error calling GroupHomeSearch error=%d\n", status);
            return status;

    printf("FTPing trajectory file to XPS ...\n");
    /* FTP the trajectory file from the local directory to the XPS */
    status = ftpConnect(XPS_ADDRESS, USERNAME, PASSWORD, &ftpSocket);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error calling ftpConnect, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;
    status = ftpChangeDir(ftpSocket, TRAJECTORY_DIRECTORY);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error calling ftpChangeDir, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;
    status = ftpStoreFile(ftpSocket, TRAJECTORY_FILE);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error calling ftpStoreFile, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;
    /* Define trajectory output pulses */
     printf("Defining output pulses ...\n");
    status = MultipleAxesPVTPulseOutputSet(poll_socket, group, 2, 
                                           NUM_TRAJECTORY_ELEMENTS-1, PULSE_TIME);
    /*************************** Verify trajectory **********************/
    printf("Verifying trajectory ...\n");
    status = MultipleAxesPVTVerification(drive_socket, group, TRAJECTORY_FILE);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing MultipleAxesPVTVerification, status=%d\n",status);
        end = 1;

    printf("Reading verify results ...\n");
    printf(" MultipleAxesPVTVerificationResultGet\n");                
    for (i=0; i<NUM_AXES; i++) {
        status = MultipleAxesPVTVerificationResultGet(poll_socket,positioner[i], 
                                                      &minp, &maxp, &maxv, &maxa);
        printf(" positioner %d, status %d, Max. pos. %g, Min. pos. %g, Max. vel. %g, Max. accel. %g\n",
                i, status, maxp, minp, maxv, maxa);

    if (end == 1) return -1;    
   /***********************Configure Gathering and Timer******************/
    printf("Reseting gathering ...\n");
    status = GatheringReset(poll_socket);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing GatheringReset, status=%d\n",status);
        return status;

    printf("Defining gathering ...\n");
    status = GatheringConfigurationSet(poll_socket, NUM_AXES*NUM_GATHERING_ITEMS, gatheringData);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing GatheringConfigurationSet, status=%d\n",status);
        return status;

    printf("Defining trigger ...\n");
    status = EventExtendedConfigurationTriggerSet(poll_socket, 2, 
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing EventExtendedConfigurationTriggerSet, status=%d\n",
        return status;

    printf("Defining action ...\n");
    status = EventExtendedConfigurationActionSet(poll_socket, 1, "GatheringOneData",
                                                 "", "", "", "");
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing EventExtendedConfigurationActionSet, status=%d\n",
        return status;

    printf("Starting gathering ...\n");
    status= EventExtendedStart(poll_socket, &eventID);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing EventExtendedStart, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;

    /********************* Run trajectory ****************************/
    status = GroupStatusGet(poll_socket, group, &groupStatus);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing GroupStatusGet, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;
    printf("Group status before executing trajectory=%d\n", groupStatus);
    printf("Executing trajectory ...\n");
    start_time = time(NULL);
    status = MultipleAxesPVTExecution(drive_socket, group, TRAJECTORY_FILE, 1);
    end_time = time(NULL);
    printf("Time to execute trajectory=%f\n", difftime(end_time, start_time));
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing MultipleAxesPVTExecution, status=%d\n", status);    
        return status;
    status = GroupStatusGet(poll_socket, group, &groupStatus);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing GroupStatusGet, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;
    printf("Group status after executing trajectory=%d\n", groupStatus);

    /* Remove the event */
    printf("Removing event ...\n");
    status = EventExtendedRemove(poll_socket, eventID);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing ExtendedEventRemove, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;

    /***********************Save the gathered data ***************/
    printf("Stopping gathering ...\n");
    start_time = time(NULL);
    status = GatheringStop(drive_socket);
    end_time = time(NULL);
    printf("Time to stop gathering=%f\n", difftime(end_time, start_time));
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing GatheringExternalStop, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;
    status = GroupStatusGet(poll_socket, group, &groupStatus);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error performing GroupStatusGet, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;
    printf("Group status after stopping gathering=%d\n", groupStatus);

    /* Read the number of lines of gathering */
    status = GatheringCurrentNumberGet(drive_socket, &currentSamples, &maxSamples);
    if (status != 0) {
        printf("Error calling GatherCurrentNumberGet, status=%d\n", status);
        return status;
    if (currentSamples != NUM_GATHERING_POINTS) {
        printf("readGathering: warning, NUM_GATHERING_POINTS=%d, currentSamples=%d\n", 
            NUM_GATHERING_POINTS, currentSamples);
    status = GatheringDataMultipleLinesGet(drive_socket, 0, currentSamples, buffer);
    printf("GatheringDataMultipleLinesGet, status=%d, currentSamples=%d\n", status, currentSamples);
    printf("Buffer length=%d, buffer=\n%s\n", strlen(buffer), buffer);    
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
bool ftpMisc::ftpExecuteCommand( string command, vector<string> &responses ) {
	ftpConnection		*ftp = 0;
	bool				 actResult = false;
	string				 argument;
	size_t				 pos;
	pos = command.find(" ");

	if( pos != string::npos ) {
		argument = command.substr( pos + 1 );
		command  = command.substr(0, pos);

	transform( command.begin(), command.end(), command.begin(), ::tolower );
	ftp = ftpConnect();
	if(!ftp || ftp->failed()) {
		string fail = string( "Connection Failed. " );
		if(ftp) {
			fail.append( ftp->errorGet() );
			_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

		responses.push_back( fail );
		return false;
	try {

		if(command == "list") {
			// No path? use root
				argument = "/";

			ftpEntry *entry = new ftpEntry(0, _serverConnection, argument, 0, (serverDetail()->_ftpType == ftpTypeRAIDEN) ? true : false );

			if( ftp->directoryChange(argument, true) == false)
				responses = *ftp->ResponsesGet();

			else {
				size_t count = 0;

				// Read/Process directorys
				responses = ftp->directoryRead( entry, true );
				entry->entryProcess( responses, false );

				actResult = !ftp->failed();

				// add all folders/files into responses
				vector<ftpEntry*>::iterator entryIT;
				for( entryIT = entry->entrysDirectorysGet()->begin(); entryIT != entry->entrysDirectorysGet()->end(); ++entryIT, count++ ) {
					responses.push_back( (*entryIT)->pathGet() );
					if(count > 19)
				for( entryIT = entry->entrysFilesGet()->begin(); entryIT != entry->entrysFilesGet()->end(); ++entryIT, count++ ) {
					responses.push_back( (*entryIT)->entryNameGet() );
					if(count > 19)

		} else if(command == "site") {			// Site Commands
			string argumentCmd, param;

			pos = argument.find(" ");
			if(pos != string::npos) {
				argumentCmd = argument.substr(0, pos);
				param = argument.substr(pos+1);
			} else
				argumentCmd = argument;

			if( argumentCmd.substr(0, 10) == "extractrar" ) {
				string target;
				if(param.substr( param.size()-1, 1 ) == "/")
					param.erase( param.size()-1, 1);

				pos = param.find_last_of("/" );
				if(pos != string::npos) {
					target = param.substr( pos + 1 );

						ftp->siteCommand("extractrar", target);

				vector<string>				*str = ftp->ResponsesGet();
				vector<string>::iterator	 strIT;

				for( strIT = str->begin(); strIT != str->end(); ++strIT) {
					responses.push_back( *strIT );

			} else {
				//actResult	 = ftp->command(command, argument);
				//responses = *ftp->ResponsesGet();
				responses.push_back("all commands except list disabled");

	} catch(...) {

	_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

	return actResult;
Beispiel #6
ftpTypes ftpMisc::ftpTypeTest(bool forceTalk) {
	serverDetails		*server = _serverConnection->serverGet();
	stringstream		 ircOut;
	bool				 result = false;
	ftpTypes			 ftpType = ftpTypeUNKNOWN;
	string				 response;
	size_t				 pos = 0;
	ftpConnection		*ftp = 0;

	try {
		ftp = ftpConnect();

		if(!ftp || ftp->failed()) {
				_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

			return ftpTypeUNKNOWN;

		ircOut << Spidz->ircName( server );

		// site vers check
		result = ftp->siteCommand("vers");
		if(result) {
			//200 glFTPd 2.01 FreeBSD+TLS
			if( (response = responseFind( ftp, "glftpd", true )) != "" ) {	
				ftpType = ftpTypeGLFTPD;
				ircOut << " glFTPd detected";

		// site ver check
		if(!result) {
			result = ftp->siteCommand("ver");
			if(result && ftpType == ftpTypeUNKNOWN) {
				//[15:50:28] [L] 220--------------------------------[ SITE VER ]------------------------------------
				//[15:50:28] [L] 220-Running RaidenFTPD v2.4 build 3401
				//[15:50:28] [L] 220 .
				if( (response = responseFind( ftp, "raidenftpd", true )) != "" ) {
					ftpType = ftpTypeRAIDEN;
					ircOut  << " raidenFTPd detected";

		if(!result) {
			result = ftp->siteCommand("version");
			//Running ioFTPD version 5-8-5r

			if(result && ftpType == ftpTypeUNKNOWN) {
				if( (response = responseFind( ftp, "ioftpd", true )) != "" ) {
					ftpType = ftpTypeIOFTPD;
					ircOut << " ioFTPd detected";


		if(!result) {
			response = ftp->ftpResponse();
			ircOut << " unknown FTPd: " << response;
		if(response.size() < 4)
			response = ftp->ftpResponse();

		// Only talk to irc if the ftp type was previoausly unknown, or if it has changed
		if( server->_ftpType == ftpTypeUNKNOWN || server->_ftpType != ftpType || forceTalk) {

			if( response.size() > 4 )
				ircOut << " " << response.substr(4);
				ircOut << " No Response";
				Spidz->IRCChat( ircOut, channelPUBLIC );

			if(server->_ftpType != ftpType && ftpType != ftpTypeUNKNOWN) {
				Spidz->serverGet()->moduleGet< moduleSpidz >(modSPIDZ)->serverTypeSet( _serverID, ftpType );
				server->_ftpType = ftpType;

				// Return the stored ftp type if we couldnt determine it, but its in the DB already
			} else if( server->_ftpType != ftpType && ftpType == ftpTypeUNKNOWN )
				ftpType = server->_ftpType;

	} catch(...) {


	if( ftp )
		_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

	return ftpType;
Beispiel #7
bool ftpMisc::ftpFXP( pathFXP *Fxp, string &error ) {
	ftpMisc				*miscDest = 0;
	ftpConnection		*ftp = ftpConnect();
	bool				 result = false;
	stringstream		 ircOut;
	size_t				 errorCode = 0;

	// Ensure source connects
	if(!ftp || ftp->failed()) {
			_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

		return false;

	miscDest = new ftpMisc( Fxp->destID, this->_thread );

	// Ensure destination connects
	ftpConnection		*destFtp = miscDest->ftpConnect();

	// Ensure destination connects
	if(!destFtp || destFtp->failed()) {
			_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

		delete miscDest;
		return false;

	try {
		// Source: Change directory
		if(!ftp->directoryChange( Fxp->sourcePath ) ) {
			_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );
			miscDest->ftpDone( destFtp->ftpIDGet() );

			delete miscDest;
			return false;

		// Dest: Change/Create directory
		if(!destFtp->directoryChange( Fxp->destPath )) {

			// Create the target folder
			destFtp->directoryCreate( Fxp->destPath );
			// If it fails again, fail
			if(!destFtp->directoryChange( Fxp->destPath )) {
				_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );
				miscDest->ftpDone( destFtp->ftpIDGet() );

				delete miscDest;
				return false;

		string errorDest;
		// Do the fxp
		result = ftp->fileTransfer( destFtp, Fxp->filename, Fxp->filename, errorDest );
 		error = ftp->errorGet();
		if(!result) {
			ircOut << Spidz->ircName( _serverID, false ) << "->" << Spidz->ircName( Fxp->destID, false ) << " " << Fxp->filename << " Failed: ";
			ircOut << error;

			//errorCode = atoi(error.c_str());

			// glftpd dupecheck fail
			//if(errorCode != 553)
			if( ircOut.str().find("dupe") != string::npos )
				Spidz->IRCChat( ircOut, channelPUBLIC );

	} catch (... ) {


	_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );
	miscDest->ftpDone( destFtp->ftpIDGet() );

	delete miscDest;
	return result;
Beispiel #8
bool ftpMisc::ftpTest( bool silent, size_t flags, bool firstAttempt ) {
	serverDetails		*serverMaster = 0;
	stringstream		 ircMessage;
	ftpConnection		*ftp = 0;
	ftpEntry			*ftpRoot = 0;

	try {
		//  Test the Connection
		ircMessage << Spidz->ircName( serverDetail() ); ircMessage << " Connecting as ";
		if( serverDetail()->_serverMasterID) {
			serverMaster = _serverConnection->serverMasterGet();
			ircMessage << ((_scanAccount) ? serverMaster->_scanUsername : serverMaster->_serverUsername);
		} else
			ircMessage << ((_scanAccount) ? serverDetail()->_scanUsername : serverDetail()->_serverUsername);

			Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );

		_ftpConnections->ftpNoClose( true );
		ftp = ftpConnect();

		// Check connection
		ircMessage << Spidz->ircName( serverDetail() );
		if(!ftp || ftp->failed()) {
			ircMessage << " Connection Failed. "; ircMessage << _lastError;
				Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );

				_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

			_ftpConnections->ftpNoClose( false );
			return false;
		// Allow typetest to use our ftp connection
		_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );
		ftpTypeTest( !silent );

		if( serverDetail()->_serverMasterID ) {
			ircMessage << " Master Found, skipping password change";
				Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC ); 
			ircMessage.str(""); ircMessage << Spidz->ircName( serverDetail() );

		} else {

			if( flags & ftpTestPasswordChange ) {
				if(!silent) {
					string pass = randomString(8);
					ircMessage << " Changing Password";
					Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC ); 

					ircMessage.str(""); ircMessage << Spidz->ircName( serverDetail() );
					if( ftpPasswordChange( pass ) == false ) {
						ircMessage << " Password Change Failed: " << pass;
						Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );
						_ftpConnections->ftpNoClose( false );
						return false;

		// Grab it back
		ftp = ftpConnect();

		ftpRoot = new ftpEntry(0, _serverConnection, "/", 0, false );

		// Lets do a directory test
		ircMessage << " Changing to " << ftpRoot->pathGet();
			Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );
		ircMessage.str(""); ircMessage << Spidz->ircName( serverDetail() );

		if( !ftp->directoryChange(ftpRoot->pathGet(), true) ) {
			ircMessage << " Directory Change Failed. ";
				Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );
			_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );
			_ftpConnections->ftpNoClose( false );
			delete ftpRoot;
			return false;

		// Lets grab the directory listing
		ircMessage << " Reading Directory /";
			Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );
		ircMessage.str(""); ircMessage << Spidz->ircName( serverDetail()  );

		// Read the ftp root, and process it
		vector<string>	entrys			= ftp->directoryRead( ftpRoot, true );
		size_t			directoryCount  = 0;

			ftpRoot->entryProcess( entrys, false );

		if(entrys.size() > 1)
			directoryCount = entrys.size() - 2;				// remove .. and .

		if( ftp->failed() || ! entrys.size() ) {
			ircMessage << " Directory Read Failed. "; ircMessage << ftp->errorGet();
				Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );
			_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );
			_ftpConnections->ftpNoClose( false );
			delete ftpRoot;
			return false;

		} else {
			ircMessage << " Directory Entrys: "; ircMessage << directoryCount;
				Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );
			ircMessage << Spidz->ircName( serverDetail() );

		if(_scanAccount) {

			ircMessage << " Attempting IPList Upload";
				Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );
			ircMessage.str(""); ircMessage << Spidz->ircName( serverDetail() );
			_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );
			if(!ftpIPUpdate()) {
				_ftpConnections->ftpNoClose( false );
				delete ftpRoot;
				return false;
			ftp = ftpConnect();

		} else {
			// Not scan account, check for GENERALNAME folder
			vector<ftpEntry *>::iterator	entryIT;
			string							entry;
			string							path = string(GENERALNAME);

			transform(path.begin(), path.end(), path.begin(), ::tolower);
			for( entryIT = ftpRoot->entrysDirectorysGet()->begin(); entryIT != ftpRoot->entrysDirectorysGet()->end(); ++entryIT ) {
				entry = (*entryIT)->entryNameGet();
				transform(entry.begin(), entry.end(), entry.begin(), ::tolower);

				if( entry == path ) {

					if( ftp->directoryChange(generalNamePath(), true) ) {
						ircMessage << "Fatal: " << generalNamePath() << " Accessible by general account!";
							Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );
						_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );
						_ftpConnections->ftpNoClose( false );
						delete ftpRoot;
						return false;
					} else {
						ircMessage << "Warning: " << generalNamePath() << " Visible from general account!";
							Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelPUBLIC );


	} catch(...) {

		_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );
	_ftpConnections->ftpNoClose( false );

		delete ftpRoot;
	// FTP is ok
	return true;
Beispiel #9
bool ftpMisc::ftpPasswordChange( string newPassword ) {
	moduleKillarmy		*modKillarmy = Spidz->serverGet()->moduleGet< moduleKillarmy >(modKILLARMY);

	stringstream		 ircOut;
	ftpConnection		*ftp = 0;
	bool				 actResult, result = false;
	stringstream		 ircMessage;
	string				 response;
	string				 Command;
	vector<string>::iterator  resIT;

	// Dont change password if we got a master
		return true;

	if(!_serverID || ! newPassword.size() )
		return false;

	if(!modKillarmy || !_ftpConnections || (serverDetail()->_ftpType == ftpTypeUNKNOWN))
		return false;
	if( serverDetail()->_ftpType == ftpTypeRAIDEN ) { 	 
		Command = "chpass "; 	 
		if( _scanAccount ) 
			Command.append( serverDetail()->_scanUsername);
			Command.append( serverDetail()->_serverUsername);

	} else
		Command = "passwd";

	ftp = ftpConnect();
	// Failed connection?
	if(!ftp || ftp->failed())
		response = "Connection Failed";

	else {
		// Execute the command
		actResult	 = ftp->siteCommand(Command, newPassword);
		response = ftp->ftpResponse();
		// Check for a response
		if( responseFind( ftp, "success" )		   != "" ||	
			responseFind( ftp, "password changed") != "" || 	
			responseFind( ftp, "password is now")  != "") {

			result = true;

		_ftpConnections->ftpDone( ftp->ftpIDGet() );

	if(result) {
			Spidz->serverGet()->moduleGet<moduleSpidz>(modSPIDZ)->serverScanPasswordChange( _serverID, newPassword);
			Spidz->serverGet()->moduleGet<moduleSpidz>(modSPIDZ)->serverPasswordChange( _serverID, newPassword);

		ircMessage << "PW changed ";
	} else
		ircMessage << "PW change failed: " << newPassword << " ";

		ircMessage << serverDetail()->_scanUsername << " - ";
		ircMessage << serverDetail()->_serverUsername << " - ";

	ircMessage << serverDetail()->_serverName;
	ircMessage << " " << response;
	Spidz->IRCChat( ircMessage, channelADMIN );
	return result;
Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
		int mySock;
		char cmd[1024], *param,  *cp;
		char *par[3];
		int connecte = 0;
		ctxClient* client = (ctxClient*)malloc(1*sizeof(ctxClient));
		client->serverAddress = (char*)malloc(1*sizeof(char));
		printf("Pour voir la liste des commandes supportées tappez 'help' :\n");

			fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), stdin);		
			param = strchr(cmd,' ');
				if (param) {
					par[0] = strtok (cp, " ");
					par[1] = strtok (cp, " ");
					printf("Par 1 : %s Par 2 %s", par[0], par[1]);

					printf("Vous êtes déja connecté à un serveur. \n");
					printf("OK connect to server !\n");
					mySock = ftpConnect(client,"", 21);
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"close\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"cd\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"pwd\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"get\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"put\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"del\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"mkd\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"rmd\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"dir\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"help\n\0")==0){
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"exit\n\0")==0);
			else if(strcmp(cmd,"\n\0")==0);
				printf("Commande non reconnue \n");
    return 0;