Beispiel #1
static void face_coeff_from_below_por (FttCell * cell)
  FttDirection d;
  GfsFaceStateVector * f = GFS_STATE (cell)->f;
  guint neighbors = 0;

  for (d = 0; d < FTT_NEIGHBORS; d++) {
    FttCellChildren child;
    guint i, n;

    f[d].v = 0.;
    n = ftt_cell_children_direction (cell, d, &child);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      if (child.c[i])
        f[d].v += GFS_STATE (child.c[i])->f[d].v;
    f[d].v /= n;
    /* fixme: this stuff may not be necessary anymore? The 'dumbell'
       test case seems to work fine without this */
    FttCell * neighbor;
    if (f[d].v != 0. &&
        (neighbor = ftt_cell_neighbor (cell, d)) && !GFS_CELL_IS_BOUNDARY (neighbor))

  if (neighbors == 1)
    for (d = 0; d < FTT_NEIGHBORS; d++)
      f[d].v = 0.;
Beispiel #2
static void traverse_face (FttCell * cell, gpointer * datum)
  FttDirection * d = datum[0];
  gint max_depth = *((gint *) datum[1]);
  FttFaceTraverseFunc func = (FttFaceTraverseFunc) datum[2];
  gpointer data = datum[3];
  gboolean check = *((gboolean *) datum[4]);
  gboolean boundary_faces = *((gboolean *) datum[5]);  
  FttCellFace face;
  face.d = *d;
  face.cell = cell;
  face.neighbor = ftt_cell_neighbor (cell, face.d);
  if (face.neighbor) {
    if (!check || (face.neighbor->flags & FTT_FLAG_TRAVERSED) == 0) {
      if (FTT_CELL_IS_LEAF (cell) && 
	  !FTT_CELL_IS_LEAF (face.neighbor) && 
	  (max_depth < 0 || ftt_cell_level (face.neighbor) < max_depth)) {
	/* coarse -> fine */
	FttCellChildren children;
	guint i, n;
	face.d = FTT_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION (face.d);
	n = ftt_cell_children_direction (face.neighbor, face.d, &children);
	face.neighbor = face.cell;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
	  if ((face.cell = children.c[i]) && 
	      (!check || (face.cell->flags & FTT_FLAG_TRAVERSED) == 0))
	    (* func) (&face, data);
	(* func) (&face, data);
  else if (boundary_faces)
    (* func) (&face, data);
Beispiel #3
static void obtain_face_fluxes (const FttCell * cell)
  FttCellChildren child;
  GfsStateVector * s = GFS_STATE (cell);

  FttDirection d;
  for (d = 0; d < FTT_NEIGHBORS; d++) {
    FttCell * neighbor = ftt_cell_neighbor (cell, d);
    if (neighbor) {
      if (!FTT_CELL_IS_LEAF (neighbor)) {
        gint i, n = ftt_cell_children_direction (neighbor, FTT_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION(d), &child);
        s->f[d].v = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
          if (child.c[i])  
            s->f[d].v += GFS_STATE (child.c[i])->f[FTT_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION(d)].v;
        s->f[d].v /= n;
      else if ((d % 2) > 0 && ftt_cell_level(cell) == ftt_cell_level(neighbor))
        s->f[d].v = GFS_STATE (neighbor)->f[FTT_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION(d)].v;
      s->f[d].v = 0;