void GameplayFrame::DrawGame(Core::Graphics& graphics)
	PROFILE("Total Draw");
	graphics.SetColor( RGB( 255, 255, 255));
	char buf[50];
	sprintf_s(buf, "%f", debugTime);
	graphics.DrawString(35,980, buf);
	graphics.DrawString(5, 980, "FPS:");
		PROFILE("Draw Planets");
	graphics.SetColor( RGB( 255, 255, 255));
		PROFILE("Draw Enemies");
		PROFILE("Draw Particles");
	Vector2D fuel(fuelStation[1].x+(fuelStation[3].x-fuelStation[1].x)/4.5f, (fuelStation[0].y + ((fuelStation[2].y-fuelStation[0].y)/2.5f)));
	gameText.drawText(graphics, 4.0f, RGB(255,255,255), "Fueling", 20.0f, 5.0f, 0, fuel);
	gameText.drawText(graphics, 4.0f, RGB(255,255,255), "Station", 20.0f, 5.0f, 0, Vector2D(fuel.x, fuel.y + 35.0f));
	myCash.DrawCash(graphics, 5.0f);
	graphics.SetColor( RGB(255, 255, 255));
	graphics.DrawString(30, 100, "PRESS I TO OPEN/CLOSE THE LIST OF INSTRUCTIONS.");
	graphics.SetColor( RGB( 255, 100, 0));
		char buf[50];
		sprintf_s(buf, "You survived for %i seconds!", (int)totalTime);
		Core::RGB textColor = RGB(255, 149, 0);
		gameText.drawText(graphics,  5.0f, textColor, "GAME OVER...", 30.0f, 5.0f, 0, Vector2D(250.0f, 250.0f));
		gameText.drawText(graphics,  5.0f, textColor, buf, 30.0f, 5.0f, 0, Vector2D(680.0f, 250.0f));
		graphics.DrawString(700, 500, "Game over, you have died and as thus you are");
		graphics.DrawString(700, 520, "reading this screen. If you wish to try again");
		graphics.DrawString(700, 540, "simply press the space bar to reset the game. Yep...");
		graphics.DrawString(700, 560, "why are you still reading this?? I mean I");
		graphics.DrawString(700, 580, "don't care but you are kind of wasting your");
		graphics.DrawString(700, 600, "time at this point.");
	if(paused && upgradesPause)
		armorUpgrade.DrawUpgrade(graphics, mouse, 3.0f);
		healthDropUpgrade.DrawUpgrade(graphics, mouse, 3.0f);
		bulletsUpgrade.DrawUpgrade(graphics, mouse, 3.0f);
		fuelUpgrade.DrawUpgrade(graphics, mouse, 3.0f);
	else if(paused && instructionsPause)
		graphics.DrawString(825, 430, "	(Press I to close/open the list of instructions.)");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 450, "	Instructions: use up, down, W or S to move the ship. A and D");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 470, "or left and right to rotate the spaceship. Use the left mouse");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 490, "to fire your turret. Keep in mind that only ten bullets can");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 510, "be on the screen at once and that the sun in the background");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 530, "is simply for ambiance.");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 570, "	Upgrades: Use the cash that you have earned to purchase");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 590, "the upgrades. To open the upgrade menu press R. You can");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 610, "view individual upgrade information by hovering over the tiles.");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 650, "Fueling: Your fuel will slowly decrease as time goes on...because");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 670, "you know.....space....well anyway drive over the aptly named");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 690, "'FUELING STATION' to fuel your ship. You can't, however, fire");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 710, "your turret while you are fueling, because that is illegal.");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 750, "Damage: When an enemy ship collides with you, you'll take");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 770, "some damage. If you have the armor upgrades then your armor");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 790, "will absorb the first chuncks of damage. Each ship has a");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 810, "one second spawn delay from being able to damage your ship");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 830, "as well as a three second delay from the game starting to");
		graphics.DrawString(800, 850, "being able to damage your spacecraft.");

void inventory::form_from_map( map &m, const tripoint &origin, int range, bool assign_invlet,
                               bool clear_path )
    for( const tripoint &p : m.points_in_radius( origin, range ) ) {
        // can not reach this -> can not access its contents
        if( clear_path ) {
            if( origin != p && !m.clear_path( origin, p, range, 1, 100 ) ) {
        if( m.has_furn( p ) ) {
            const furn_t &f = m.furn( p ).obj();
            const itype *type = f.crafting_pseudo_item_type();
            if( type != nullptr ) {
                const itype *ammo = f.crafting_ammo_item_type();
                item furn_item( type, calendar::turn, 0 );
                furn_item.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
                furn_item.charges = ammo ? count_charges_in_list( ammo, m.i_at( p ) ) : 0;
                add_item( furn_item );
        if( m.accessible_items( p ) ) {
            for( auto &i : m.i_at( p ) ) {
                if( !i.made_of( LIQUID ) ) {
                    add_item( i, false, assign_invlet );
        // Kludges for now!
        if( m.has_nearby_fire( p, 0 ) ) {
            item fire( "fire", 0 );
            fire.charges = 1;
            add_item( fire );
        // Handle any water from infinite map sources.
        item water = m.water_from( p );
        if( !water.is_null() ) {
            add_item( water );
        // kludge that can probably be done better to check specifically for toilet water to use in
        // crafting
        if( m.furn( p ).obj().examine == &iexamine::toilet ) {
            // get water charges at location
            auto toilet = m.i_at( p );
            auto water = toilet.end();
            for( auto candidate = toilet.begin(); candidate != toilet.end(); ++candidate ) {
                if( candidate->typeId() == "water" ) {
                    water = candidate;
            if( water != toilet.end() && water->charges > 0 ) {
                add_item( *water );

        // keg-kludge
        if( m.furn( p ).obj().examine == &iexamine::keg ) {
            auto liq_contained = m.i_at( p );
            for( auto &i : liq_contained ) {
                if( i.made_of( LIQUID ) ) {
                    add_item( i );

        // WARNING: The part below has a bug that's currently quite minor
        // When a vehicle has multiple faucets in range, available water is
        //  multiplied by the number of faucets.
        // Same thing happens for all other tools and resources, but not cargo
        const optional_vpart_position vp = m.veh_at( p );
        if( !vp ) {
        vehicle *const veh = &vp->vehicle();

        //Adds faucet to kitchen stuff; may be horribly wrong to do such....
        //ShouldBreak into own variable
        const cata::optional<vpart_reference> kpart = vp.part_with_feature( "KITCHEN", true );
        const cata::optional<vpart_reference> faupart = vp.part_with_feature( "FAUCET", true );
        const cata::optional<vpart_reference> weldpart = vp.part_with_feature( "WELDRIG", true );
        const cata::optional<vpart_reference> craftpart = vp.part_with_feature( "CRAFTRIG", true );
        const cata::optional<vpart_reference> forgepart = vp.part_with_feature( "FORGE", true );
        const cata::optional<vpart_reference> kilnpart = vp.part_with_feature( "KILN", true );
        const cata::optional<vpart_reference> chempart = vp.part_with_feature( "CHEMLAB", true );
        const cata::optional<vpart_reference> cargo = vp.part_with_feature( "CARGO", true );

        if( cargo ) {
            const auto items = veh->get_items( cargo->part_index() );
            *this += std::list<item>( items.begin(), items.end() );

        if( faupart ) {
            for( const auto &it : veh->fuels_left() ) {
                item fuel( it.first, 0 );
                if( fuel.made_of( LIQUID ) ) {
                    fuel.charges = it.second;
                    add_item( fuel );

        if( kpart ) {
            item hotplate( "hotplate", 0 );
            hotplate.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            hotplate.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( hotplate );

            item pot( "pot", 0 );
            pot.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( pot );
            item pan( "pan", 0 );
            pan.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( pan );
        if( weldpart ) {
            item welder( "welder", 0 );
            welder.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            welder.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( welder );

            item soldering_iron( "soldering_iron", 0 );
            soldering_iron.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            soldering_iron.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( soldering_iron );
        if( craftpart ) {
            item vac_sealer( "vac_sealer", 0 );
            vac_sealer.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            vac_sealer.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( vac_sealer );

            item dehydrator( "dehydrator", 0 );
            dehydrator.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            dehydrator.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( dehydrator );

            item food_processor( "food_processor", 0 );
            food_processor.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            food_processor.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( food_processor );

            item press( "press", 0 );
            press.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            press.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( press );
        if( forgepart ) {
            item forge( "forge", 0 );
            forge.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            forge.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( forge );
        if( kilnpart ) {
            item kiln( "kiln", 0 );
            kiln.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            kiln.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( kiln );
        if( chempart ) {
            item hotplate( "hotplate", 0 );
            hotplate.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            hotplate.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( hotplate );

            item chemistry_set( "chemistry_set", 0 );
            chemistry_set.charges = veh->fuel_left( "battery", true );
            chemistry_set.item_tags.insert( "PSEUDO" );
            add_item( chemistry_set );