Beispiel #1
void Glissando::layout()
      Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(parent());
      if (chord == 0) {
      Note* anchor2   = chord->upNote();
      Segment* s = chord->segment();
      s = s->prev1();
      while (s) {
            if ((s->subtype() & (Segment::SegChordRestGrace)) && s->element(track()))
            s = s->prev1();
      if (s == 0) {
            qDebug("no segment for first note of glissando found\n");
      ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(s->element(track()));
      if (cr == 0 || cr->type() != CHORD) {
            qDebug("no first note for glissando found, track %d\n", track());
      Note* anchor1 = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->upNote();

      setPos(0.0, 0.0);

      QPointF cp1    = anchor1->pagePos();
      QPointF cp2    = anchor2->pagePos();

      // construct line from notehead to notehead
      qreal x1 = (anchor1->headWidth()) - (cp2.x() - cp1.x());
      qreal y1 = anchor1->pos().y();
      qreal x2 = anchor2->pos().x();
      qreal y2 = anchor2->pos().y();

      // on TAB's, adjust lower end point from string line height to base of note height (= ca. half line spacing)
      if (chord->staff()->isTabStaff()) {
            qreal yOff = chord->staff()->lineDistance() * 0.5 * spatium();
            if (anchor1->pitch() > anchor2->pitch())  // descending glissando:
                  y2 += yOff;                               // move ending point to base of note
            else                                      // ascending glissando:
                  y1 += yOff;                               // move starting point to base of note

      QLineF fullLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);

      // shorten line on each side by offsets
      qreal xo = spatium() * .5;
      qreal yo = xo;   // spatium() * .5;
      QPointF p1 = fullLine.pointAt(xo / fullLine.length());
      QPointF p2 = fullLine.pointAt(1 - (yo / fullLine.length()));

      line = QLineF(p1, p2);
      qreal lw = spatium() * .15 * .5;
      QRectF r = QRectF(line.p1(), line.p2()).normalized();
      setbbox(r.adjusted(-lw, -lw, lw, lw));
Beispiel #2
void Glissando::layout()
      Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(parent());
      if (chord == 0) {
      Note* anchor2   = chord->upNote();
      Segment* s = chord->segment();
      s = s->prev1();
      while (s) {
            if ((s->subtype() == SegChordRest || s->subtype() == SegGrace) && s->element(track()))
            s = s->prev1();
      if (s == 0) {
            qDebug("no segment for first note of glissando found\n");
      ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(s->element(track()));
      if (cr == 0 || cr->type() != CHORD) {
            qDebug("no first note for glissando found, track %d\n", track());
      Note* anchor1 = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->upNote();

      setPos(0.0, 0.0);

      QPointF cp1    = anchor1->pagePos();
      QPointF cp2    = anchor2->pagePos();

      // construct line from notehead to notehead
      qreal x1 = (anchor1->headWidth()) - (cp2.x() - cp1.x());
      qreal y1 = anchor1->pos().y();
      qreal x2 = anchor2->pos().x();
      qreal y2 = anchor2->pos().y();
      QLineF fullLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);

      // shorten line on each side by offsets
      qreal xo = spatium() * .5;
      qreal yo = xo;   // spatium() * .5;
      QPointF p1 = fullLine.pointAt(xo / fullLine.length());
      QPointF p2 = fullLine.pointAt(1 - (yo / fullLine.length()));

      line = QLineF(p1, p2);
      qreal lw = spatium() * .15 * .5;
      QRectF r = QRectF(line.p1(), line.p2()).normalized();
      setbbox(r.adjusted(-lw, -lw, lw, lw));
Beispiel #3
void Ambitus::layout()
      int         bottomLine, topLine;
      ClefType    clf;
      qreal       headWdt     = headWidth();
      Key         key;
      qreal       lineDist;
      int         numOfLines;
      Segment*    segm        = segment();
      qreal       _spatium    = spatium();
      Staff*      stf         = nullptr;
      if (segm && track() > -1) {
            int tick    = segm->tick();
            stf         = score()->staff(staffIdx());
            lineDist    = stf->lineDistance(tick) * _spatium;
            numOfLines  = stf->lines(tick);
            clf         = stf->clef(tick);
      else {                              // for use in palettes
            lineDist    = _spatium;
            numOfLines  = 3;
            clf         = ClefType::G;

      // if pitch == INVALID_PITCH oor tpc == INALID_TPC, set to some default:
      // for use in palettes and when actual range cannot be calculated (new ambitus or no notes in staff)
      qreal xAccidOffTop    = 0;
      qreal xAccidOffBottom = 0;
      if (stf)
            key = stf->key(segm->tick());
            key = Key::C;

      // top notehead
      if (_topPitch == INVALID_PITCH || _topTpc == Tpc::TPC_INVALID)
            _topPos.setY(0);                          // if uninitialized, set to top staff line
      else {
            topLine  = absStep(_topTpc, _topPitch);
            topLine  = relStep(topLine, clf);
            _topPos.setY(topLine * lineDist * 0.5);
            // compute accidental
            AccidentalType accidType;
            // if (13 <= (tpc - key) <= 19) there is no accidental)
            if (_topTpc - int(key) >= 13 && _topTpc - int(key) <= 19)
                  accidType = AccidentalType::NONE;
            else {
                  AccidentalVal accidVal = AccidentalVal( (_topTpc - Tpc::TPC_MIN) / TPC_DELTA_SEMITONE - 2 );
                  accidType = Accidental::value2subtype(accidVal);
                  if (accidType == AccidentalType::NONE)
                        accidType = AccidentalType::NATURAL;
            if (accidType != AccidentalType::NONE)
            _topAccid.rypos() = _topPos.y();

      // bottom notehead
      if (_bottomPitch == INVALID_PITCH || _bottomTpc == Tpc::TPC_INVALID)
            _bottomPos.setY( (numOfLines-1) * lineDist);          // if uninitialized, set to last staff line
      else {
            bottomLine  = absStep(_bottomTpc, _bottomPitch);
            bottomLine  = relStep(bottomLine, clf);
            _bottomPos.setY(bottomLine * lineDist * 0.5);
            // compute accidental
            AccidentalType accidType;
            if (_bottomTpc - int(key) >= 13 && _bottomTpc - int(key) <= 19)
                  accidType = AccidentalType::NONE;
            else {
                  AccidentalVal accidVal = AccidentalVal( (_bottomTpc - Tpc::TPC_MIN) / TPC_DELTA_SEMITONE - 2 );
                  accidType = Accidental::value2subtype(accidVal);
                  if (accidType == AccidentalType::NONE)
                        accidType = AccidentalType::NATURAL;
            if (accidType != AccidentalType::NONE)
            _bottomAccid.rypos() = _bottomPos.y();

      // Note: manages colliding accidentals
      qreal accNoteDist = point(score()->styleS(Sid::accidentalNoteDistance));
      xAccidOffTop      = _topAccid.width() + accNoteDist;
      xAccidOffBottom   = _bottomAccid.width() + accNoteDist;

      // if top accidental extends down more than bottom accidental extends up,
      // AND ambitus is not leaning right, bottom accidental needs to be displaced
      bool collision =
            (_topAccid.ipos().y() + _topAccid.bbox().y() + _topAccid.height()
                   > _bottomAccid.ipos().y() + _bottomAccid.bbox().y() )
            && _dir != MScore::DirectionH::RIGHT;
      if (collision) {
            // displace bottom accidental (also attempting to 'undercut' flats)
            xAccidOffBottom = xAccidOffTop +
                  ((_bottomAccid.accidentalType() == AccidentalType::FLAT
                        || _bottomAccid.accidentalType() == AccidentalType::FLAT2
                        || _bottomAccid.accidentalType() == AccidentalType::NATURAL)
                  ? _bottomAccid.width() * 0.5 : _bottomAccid.width());

      switch (_dir) {
            case MScore::DirectionH::AUTO:               // noteheads one above the other
                  // left align noteheads and right align accidentals 'hanging' on the left
                  _topAccid.rxpos()       = - xAccidOffTop;
                  _bottomAccid.rxpos()    = - xAccidOffBottom;
            case MScore::DirectionH::LEFT:               // top notehead at the left of bottom notehead
                  // place top notehead at left margin; bottom notehead at right of top head;
                  // top accid. 'hanging' on left of top head and bottom accid. 'hanging' at left of bottom head
                  _topAccid.rxpos() = - xAccidOffTop;
                  _bottomAccid.rxpos() = collision ? - xAccidOffBottom : headWdt - xAccidOffBottom;
            case MScore::DirectionH::RIGHT:              // top notehead at the right of bottom notehead
                  // bottom notehead at left margin; top notehead at right of bottomnotehead
                  // top accid. 'hanging' on left of top head and bottom accid. 'hanging' at left of bottom head
                  _bottomAccid.rxpos() = - xAccidOffBottom;
                  _topAccid.rxpos() = headWdt - xAccidOffTop;

      // compute line from top note centre to bottom note centre
      QLineF fullLine(_topPos.x() + headWdt*0.5, _topPos.y(),
            _bottomPos.x() + headWdt*0.5, _bottomPos.y());
      // shorten line on each side by offsets
      qreal yDelta = _bottomPos.y() - _topPos.y();
      if (yDelta != 0.0) {
            qreal off = _spatium * LINEOFFSET_DEFAULT;
            QPointF p1 = fullLine.pointAt(off / yDelta);
            QPointF p2 = fullLine.pointAt(1 - (off / yDelta));
            _line = QLineF(p1, p2);
            _line = fullLine;

      QRectF headRect = QRectF(0, -0.5*_spatium, headWdt, 1*_spatium);
void Glissando::layout()
      Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(parent());
      if (chord == 0)
      Note* anchor2   = chord->upNote();
      Segment* s = chord->segment();
      s = s->prev1();
      while (s) {
            if ((s->segmentType() & (Segment::SegChordRest)) && s->element(track()))
            s = s->prev1();
      if (s == 0) {
            qDebug("no segment for first note of glissando found\n");
      ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(s->element(track()));
      if (cr == 0 || cr->type() != CHORD) {
            qDebug("no first note for glissando found, track %d", track());
      qreal _spatium = spatium();
      Note* anchor1 = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->upNote();

      setPos(0.0, 0.0);

      QPointF cp1    = anchor1->pagePos();
      QPointF cp2    = anchor2->pagePos();

      // line starting point
      int dots = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->dots();
      LedgerLine * ledLin = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->ledgerLines();
      // if dots, from right of last dot (assume a standard dot with of 1/4 sp)
      // if no dots, from right of ledger line, if any; from right of note head, if no ledger line
      qreal x1 = (dots ? anchor1->dot(dots-1)->pos().x() + anchor1->dot(dots-1)->width()
                  : (ledLin ? ledLin->pos().x() + ledLin->width() : anchor1->headWidth()) )
            - (cp2.x() - cp1.x());              // make relative to end note
      qreal y1 = anchor1->pos().y();
      // line end point: left of note head
      qreal x2 = anchor2->pos().x();
      qreal y2 = anchor2->pos().y();

      // angle glissando between notes with the same pitch letter
      if (anchor1->line() == anchor2->line()) {
            int upDown = anchor2->pitch() - anchor1->pitch();
            if (upDown != 0)
                  upDown /= abs(upDown);
            y1 += _spatium * 0.25 * upDown;
            y2 -= _spatium * 0.25 * upDown;

      // on TAB's, adjust lower end point from string line height to base of note height (= ca. half line spacing)
      if (chord->staff()->isTabStaff()) {
            qreal yOff = chord->staff()->lineDistance() * 0.3 * _spatium;
            if (anchor1->pitch() > anchor2->pitch()) {  // descending glissando:
                  y2 += yOff;
                  y1 -= yOff;
                  }                                     // move ending point to base of note
            else {                                      // ascending glissando:
                  y1 += yOff;                               // move starting point to base of note
                  y2 -= yOff;

      // shorten line to avoid end note ledger line
      if (ledLin)
            x2 = ledLin->pos().x();
      // shorten line so it doesn't go through end note accidental or arpeggio
      if (Accidental* a = anchor2->accidental()) {
            x2 = a->pos().x() + a->userOff().x();
      if (Arpeggio* a = chord->arpeggio()) {
            x2 = a->pos().x() + a->userOff().x();

      QLineF fullLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);

      // shorten line on each side by offsets
      qreal xo = _spatium * .5;
      qreal yo = xo;   // spatium() * .5;
      QPointF p1 = fullLine.pointAt(xo / fullLine.length());
      QPointF p2 = fullLine.pointAt(1 - (yo / fullLine.length()));

      line = QLineF(p1, p2);
      qreal lw = _spatium * .15 * .5;
      QRectF r = QRectF(line.p1(), line.p2()).normalized();
      setbbox(r.adjusted(-lw, -lw, lw, lw));
Beispiel #5
void Glissando::layout()
      Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(parent());
      if (chord == 0)
      Note* anchor2   = chord->upNote();
      Segment* s2 = chord->segment();
      Segment* s1 = s2->prev1();
      while (s1) {
            if ((s1->segmentType() & (Segment::Type::ChordRest)) && s1->element(track()))
            s1 = s1->prev1();
      if (s1 == 0) {
            qDebug("no segment for first note of glissando found");
      ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(s1->element(track()));
      if (cr == 0 || cr->type() != Element::Type::CHORD) {
            qDebug("no first note for glissando found, track %d", track());
      qreal _spatium = spatium();
      Note* anchor1 = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->upNote();

      setPos(0.0, 0.0);

      // since line will be drawn relative to end note,
      // calculate offsets for start note coordinates relative to end note
      qreal x1off = 0.0;
      qreal y1off = 0.0;
      QPointF cp1 = anchor1->pagePos();
      QPointF cp2 = anchor2->pagePos();

      // layout of glissandi happens before we have staff positions within the system
      // so these "page" positions are not accurate across different staves
      // cheap partial fix for cross-staff glissandi: adjust vertical position according to difference in staffMove
      int moveDiff   = anchor2->chord()->staffMove() - anchor1->chord()->staffMove();
      if (moveDiff)
            y1off = moveDiff * 4.0 * _spatium;

      // now calculate offsets
      if (s1->system() == s2->system()) {
            // normal case - start and end note in same system
            x1off = cp2.x() - cp1.x();
            if (!moveDiff)
                  y1off = cp2.y() - cp1.y();
      else {
            // cheap partial fix for cross system glissandi: just draw a short line into end note
            // TODO: draw line coming out of start note on previous system
            x1off = 4.0 * _spatium;
            if (!moveDiff)
                  y1off = anchor2->pos().y() - anchor1->pos().y();

      // line starting point
      int dots = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->dots();
      LedgerLine * ledLin = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->ledgerLines();
      // if dots, from right of last dot (assume a standard dot with of 1/4 sp)
      // if no dots, from right of ledger line, if any; from right of note head, if no ledger line
      qreal x1 = (dots && anchor1->dot(dots-1) ? anchor1->dot(dots-1)->pos().x() + anchor1->dot(dots-1)->width()
                  : (ledLin ? ledLin->pos().x() + ledLin->width() : anchor1->headWidth()) )
            - x1off;                            // make relative to end note
      qreal y1 = anchor2->y() - y1off;
      // line end point: left of note head
      qreal x2 = anchor2->pos().x();
      qreal y2 = anchor2->pos().y();

      // angle glissando between notes with the same pitch letter
      if (anchor1->line() == anchor2->line()) {
            int upDown = anchor2->pitch() - anchor1->pitch();
            if (upDown != 0)
                  upDown /= abs(upDown);
            y1 += _spatium * 0.25 * upDown;
            y2 -= _spatium * 0.25 * upDown;

      // on TAB's, adjust lower end point from string line height to base of note height (= ca. half line spacing)
      if (chord->staff()->isTabStaff()) {
            qreal yOff = chord->staff()->lineDistance() * 0.3 * _spatium;
            if (anchor1->pitch() > anchor2->pitch()) {  // descending glissando:
                  y2 += yOff;
                  y1 -= yOff;
                  }                                     // move ending point to base of note
            else {                                      // ascending glissando:
                  y1 += yOff;                               // move starting point to base of note
                  y2 -= yOff;

      // shorten line to avoid end note ledger line
      ledLin = anchor2->chord()->ledgerLines();
      if (ledLin)
            x2 = ledLin->pos().x();
      // shorten line so it doesn't go through end note accidental or arpeggio
      if (Accidental* a = anchor2->accidental()) {
            x2 = a->pos().x() + a->userOff().x();
      if (Arpeggio* a = chord->arpeggio()) {
            x2 = a->pos().x() + a->userOff().x();

      QLineF fullLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);

      // shorten line on each side by offsets
      qreal xo = _spatium * .5;
      qreal yo = xo;   // spatium() * .5;
      QPointF p1 = fullLine.pointAt(xo / fullLine.length());
      QPointF p2 = fullLine.pointAt(1 - (yo / fullLine.length()));

      line = QLineF(p1, p2);
      qreal lw = _spatium * .15 * .5;
      QRectF r = QRectF(line.p1(), line.p2()).normalized();
      setbbox(r.adjusted(-lw, -lw, lw, lw));