int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { double tf = 10, t0, dt; double g = 9.8, l = 1, ko, kw; double o0 = M_PI/4, w0 = 0, o1, w1; int n = 100000; dt = (tf - t0)/n; printf("t\ttheta\tomega\n"); printf("%f\t%f\t%f\n", t0, o0, w0); while (t0 <= tf) { ko = fo(w0); kw = fw(o0); o1 = o0 + dt*fo(w0 + 0.5*dt*ko); w1 = w0 - dt*fw(o0 + 0.5*dt*kw); o0 = o1; w0 = w1; t0 += dt; printf("%f\t%f\t%f\n", t0, o0, w0); } return 0; }
VideoScreen::VideoScreen(const UString &videoPath, sp<Stage> nextScreen) : Stage(), nextScreen(nextScreen) { if (videoPath != "") { this->video = fw().data->loadVideo(videoPath); if (!this->video) { LogWarning("Failed to load video \"%s\"", videoPath); } else { // Scale keeping aspect ratio to the max of the screen size Vec2<float> unscaled_frame_size = this->video->getVideoSize(); Vec2<float> display_size = fw().displayGetSize(); Vec2<float> scale_factors = display_size / unscaled_frame_size; float scale = std::min(scale_factors.x, scale_factors.y); this->frame_size = unscaled_frame_size * scale; LogInfo("Scaling video from %s to %s", this->video->getVideoSize(), this->frame_size); this->frame_position = (fw().displayGetSize() / 2) - (this->frame_size / 2); } } else { LogInfo("No video"); } }
void MessageBox::eventOccurred(Event *e) { form->eventOccured(e); if (e->type() == EVENT_FORM_INTERACTION) { if (e->forms().EventFlag == FormEventType::ButtonClick) { if (e->forms().RaisedBy->Name == "BUTTON_OK" || e->forms().RaisedBy->Name == "BUTTON_YES") { fw().stageQueueCommand({StageCmd::Command::POP}); if (callbackYes) callbackYes(); return; } else if (e->forms().RaisedBy->Name == "BUTTON_CANCEL" || e->forms().RaisedBy->Name == "BUTTON_NO") { fw().stageQueueCommand({StageCmd::Command::POP}); if (callbackNo) callbackNo(); return; } } } }
void TextEdit::onRender() { int xpos = align(TextHAlign, Size.x, font->getFontWidth(text)); int ypos = align(TextVAlign, Size.y, font->getFontHeight()); if (editing) { int cxpos = xpos + font->getFontWidth(text.substr(0, SelectionStart)) + 1; if (cxpos < 0) { xpos += cxpos; cxpos = xpos + font->getFontWidth(text.substr(0, SelectionStart)) + 1; } if (cxpos > Size.x) { xpos -= cxpos - Size.x; cxpos = xpos + font->getFontWidth(text.substr(0, SelectionStart)) + 1; } if (caretDraw) { auto textImage = font->getString(cursor); fw().renderer->draw(textImage, Vec2<float>{cxpos, ypos}); } } auto textImage = font->getString(text); fw().renderer->draw(textImage, Vec2<float>{xpos, ypos}); }
VEquipScreen::VEquipScreen(sp<GameState> state) : Stage(), form(fw().gamecore->GetForm("FORM_VEQUIPSCREEN")), selected(nullptr), selectionType(VEquipmentType::Type::Weapon), pal(fw().data->load_palette("xcom3/UFODATA/VROADWAR.PCX")), labelFont(fw().gamecore->GetFont("SMALFONT")), highlightedVehicle(nullptr), highlightedEquipment(nullptr), drawHighlightBox(false), draggedEquipment(nullptr), state(state), glowCounter(0) { form->FindControlTyped<RadioButton>("BUTTON_SHOW_WEAPONS")->SetChecked(true); sp<Vehicle> vehicle; for (auto &vehiclePtr : state->getPlayer()->vehicles) { vehicle = vehiclePtr.lock(); if (vehicle) break; LogError("Invalid vehicle found in list - this should never happen as they're cleaned up " "at the end of each city update?"); } if (vehicle == nullptr) { LogError( "No vehicles - 'original' apoc didn't allow the equip screen to appear in this case"); } this->setSelectedVehicle(vehicle); }
VideoScreen::VideoScreen(const UString &videoPath, std::future<void> task, std::function<sp<Stage>()> nextScreenFn, sp<Image> background) : Stage(), loading_task(std::move(task)), nextScreenFn(nextScreenFn), backgroundimage(background) { if (videoPath != "") { this->video = fw().data->loadVideo(videoPath); if (!this->video) { LogWarning("Failed to load video \"%s\"", videoPath.cStr()); } else { // Scale keeping aspect ratio to the max of the screen size Vec2<float> unscaled_frame_size = this->video->getVideoSize(); Vec2<float> display_size = fw().displayGetSize(); Vec2<float> scale_factors = display_size / unscaled_frame_size; float scale = std::min(scale_factors.x, scale_factors.y); this->frame_size = unscaled_frame_size * scale; LogInfo("Scaling video from {%d,%d} to {%d,%d}", this->video->getVideoSize().x, this->video->getVideoSize().y, this->frame_size.x, this->frame_size.y); this->frame_position = (fw().displayGetSize() / 2) - (this->frame_size / 2); } } else { LogInfo("No video"); } }
void ScrollBar::OnRender() { // LoadResources(); if (Minimum == Maximum) return; int pos = static_cast<int>(segmentsize * (Value - Minimum)); Vec2<float> newpos, newsize; switch (BarOrientation) { case Orientation::Vertical: newpos = {0, pos}; newsize = {Size.x, grippersize}; break; case Orientation::Horizontal: newpos = {pos, 0}; newsize = {grippersize, Size.y}; break; } switch (RenderStyle) { case ScrollBarRenderStyles::SolidButtonStyle: fw().renderer->drawFilledRect(newpos, newsize, GripperColour); break; case ScrollBarRenderStyles::MenuButtonStyle: fw().renderer->draw(gripperbutton, newpos); break; } }
void InGameOptions::Render() { fw().Stage_GetPrevious(this->shared_from_this())->Render(); fw().renderer->drawFilledRect({0, 0}, fw().Display_GetSize(), Colour{0, 0, 0, 128}); menuform->Render(); fw().gamecore->MouseCursor->Render(); }
int pack_exe(FILE *stream, char *msg) { char lx[2]; long patch_offset; int i; fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_SET); if(fread(lx, 1, 2, stream)<2||memcmp(lx, "LX", 2)) { printf("Not an unstubbed LX executable, can't pack\n"); return(1); } fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_END); patch_offset=ftell(stream); if(patch_offset>32870) { printf("The EXE file is too large\n"); return(1); } fseek(stream, 8L, SEEK_SET); fc(0xEB); fc(0x7F); fseek(stream, 0x89L, SEEK_SET); fc(0xE9); fw(patch_offset-0x8C); fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_END); fc(0xB4); fc(0x09); fc(0xBA); fw(patch_offset+0x109); fc(0xCD); fc(0x21); fc(0xCD); fc(0x20); fprintf(stream, "%s$", msg); return(0); }
void VideoScreen::render() { TRACE_FN; if (this->video) { auto time_now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto time_since_last_frame = time_now - this->last_frame_time; while (time_since_last_frame >= this->video->getFrameTime()) { this->last_frame_time += video->getFrameTime(); this->current_frame = this->video->popImage(); if (!this->current_frame) { // End of video this->video = nullptr; break; } time_since_last_frame = time_now - this->last_frame_time; } } if (this->current_frame) { if (this->current_frame->palette) fw().renderer->setPalette(this->current_frame->palette); fw().renderer->drawScaled(this->current_frame->image, this->frame_position, this->frame_size, Renderer::Scaler::Nearest); } }
void ResearchSelect::eventOccurred(Event *e) { form->eventOccured(e); if (e->type() == EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { if (e->keyboard().KeyCode == SDLK_ESCAPE) { fw().stageQueueCommand({StageCmd::Command::POP}); return; } } if (e->type() == EVENT_FORM_INTERACTION) { if (e->forms().EventFlag == FormEventType::ButtonClick) { if (e->forms().RaisedBy->Name == "BUTTON_OK") { fw().stageQueueCommand({StageCmd::Command::POP}); return; } } } }
sp<PaletteImage> BitmapFont::getString(const UString &Text) { int height = this->getFontHeight(); int width = this->getFontWidth(Text); int pos = 0; auto img = fw().data->getFontStringCacheEntry(this->name, Text); if (img) return img; img = mksp<PaletteImage>(Vec2<int>{width, height}); auto u8Str = Text.str(); auto pointString = boost::locale::conv::utf_to_utf<UniChar>(u8Str); for (size_t i = 0; i < pointString.length(); i++) { UniChar c = pointString[i]; auto glyph = this->getGlyph(c); PaletteImage::blit(glyph, img, {0, 0}, {pos, 0}); pos += glyph->size.x; } fw().data->putFontStringCacheEntry(this->name, Text, img); return img; }
void Ticker::onRender() { int xpos; int ypos; if (!animating) { xpos = align(TextHAlign, Size.x, font->getFontWidth(text)); ypos = 0; auto textImage = font->getString(text); fw().renderer->draw(textImage, Vec2<float>{xpos, ypos}); } else { UString out = text; xpos = align(TextHAlign, Size.x, font->getFontWidth(out)); ypos = 0 - animTimer / 4; auto outImage = font->getString(out); fw().renderer->draw(outImage, Vec2<float>{xpos, ypos}); if (!messages.empty()) { UString in = messages.front(); xpos = align(TextHAlign, Size.x, font->getFontWidth(in)); ypos = 15 - animTimer / 4; auto inImage = font->getString(in); fw().renderer->draw(inImage, Vec2<float>{xpos, ypos}); } } }
void MessageBox::render() { fw().stageGetPrevious(this->shared_from_this())->render(); form->render(); fw().renderer->drawRect(form->Location, form->Size, Colour{48, 48, 52}); fw().renderer->drawRect(form->Location + 2, form->Size - 2, Colour{96, 100, 104}); fw().renderer->drawRect(form->Location + 1, form->Size - 2, Colour{236, 236, 236}); }
void BaseScreen::render() { fw().stageGetPrevious(this->shared_from_this())->render(); fw().renderer->drawFilledRect({0, 0}, fw().displayGetSize(), Colour{0, 0, 0, 128}); form->render(); renderBase(); BaseStage::render(); }
void BootUp::update() { bool skipIntro = skipIntroOption.get(); // The first forms instance causes it to get loaded sp<GameState> loadedState; std::future<void> loadTask; bool loadGame = false; if (loadGameOption.get().empty()) { loadTask = fw().threadPoolEnqueue([]() { auto &ui_instance = ui(); std::ignore = ui_instance; }); } else { loadGame = true; auto path = loadGameOption.get(); loadedState = mksp<GameState>(); loadTask = fw().threadPoolEnqueue([loadedState, path]() { auto &ui_instance = ui(); std::ignore = ui_instance; LogWarning("Loading save \"%s\"", path); if (!loadedState->loadGame(path)) { LogError("Failed to load supplied game \"%s\"", path); } loadedState->initState(); }); } sp<Stage> nextScreen; if (loadGame == true) { nextScreen = mksp<LoadingScreen>(std::move(loadTask), [loadedState]() -> sp<Stage> { if (loadedState->current_battle) { return mksp<BattleView>(loadedState); } else { return mksp<CityView>(loadedState); } }); } else { nextScreen = mksp<LoadingScreen>(std::move(loadTask), []() -> sp<Stage> { return mksp<MainMenu>(); }); } fw().stageQueueCommand( {StageCmd::Command::REPLACE, mksp<VideoScreen>(skipIntro ? "" : "SMK:xcom3/smk/intro1.smk", nextScreen)}); }
TextButton::TextButton(const UString &Text, sp<BitmapFont> font) : Control(), buttonclick(fw().data->loadSample( "RAWSOUND:xcom3/RAWSOUND/STRATEGC/INTRFACE/BUTTON1.RAW:22050")), buttonbackground(fw().data->loadImage("UI/TEXTBUTTONBACK.PNG")), TextHAlign(HorizontalAlignment::Centre), TextVAlign(VerticalAlignment::Centre), RenderStyle(ButtonRenderStyle::Menu) { label = mksp<Label>(Text, font); }
void DebugMenu::Render() { fw().Stage_GetPrevious(this->shared_from_this())->Render(); fw().renderer->drawFilledRect(Vec2<float>(0, 0), Vec2<float>(fw().Display_GetWidth(), fw().Display_GetHeight()), Colour(0, 0, 0, 128)); menuform->Render(); fw().gamecore->MouseCursor->Render(); }
TileView::TileView(TileMap &map, Vec3<int> isoTileSize, Vec2<int> stratTileSize, TileViewMode initialMode) : Stage(), map(map), isoTileSize(isoTileSize), stratTileSize(stratTileSize), viewMode(initialMode), dpySize(fw().displayGetWidth(), fw().displayGetHeight()), strategyViewBoxColour(212, 176, 172, 255), strategyViewBoxThickness(2.0f), selectedTilePosition(0, 0, 0), maxZDraw(map.size.z), centerPos(0, 0, 0), isoScrollSpeed(0.5, 0.5), stratScrollSpeed(2.0f, 2.0f) { LogInfo("dpySize: %s", dpySize); }
void VideoScreen::begin() { last_frame_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (this->video) { this->current_frame = this->video->popImage(); fw().soundBackend->setTrack(video->getMusicTrack()); fw().soundBackend->playMusic([](void *) {}, nullptr); } }
ScrollBar::ScrollBar() : Control(), capture(false), grippersize(1), segmentsize(1), gripperbutton(fw().data->load_image( "PCK:XCOM3/UFODATA/NEWBUT.PCK:XCOM3/UFODATA/NEWBUT.TAB:4:UI/menuopt.pal")), buttonerror(fw().data->load_sample("RAWSOUND:xcom3/RAWSOUND/EXTRA/TEXTBEEP.RAW:22050")), Value(0), BarOrientation(Orientation::Vertical), RenderStyle(ScrollBarRenderStyles::MenuButtonStyle), GripperColour(220, 192, 192), Minimum(0), Maximum(10), LargeChange(2) { // LoadResources(); }
InGameOptions::~InGameOptions() { /* Store persistent options */ fw().Settings->set("Audio.GlobalGain", menuform->FindControlTyped<ScrollBar>("GLOBAL_GAIN_SLIDER")->GetValue()); fw().Settings->set("Audio.MusicGain", menuform->FindControlTyped<ScrollBar>("MUSIC_GAIN_SLIDER")->GetValue()); fw().Settings->set("Audio.SampleGain", menuform->FindControlTyped<ScrollBar>("SAMPLE_GAIN_SLIDER")->GetValue()); }
void tst_factor_rewriter() { ast_manager m; m.register_decl_plugins(); factor_rewriter_star fw(m); arith_util a(m); expr_ref fml1(m), fml2(m); expr_ref z(m.mk_const(symbol("z"), a.mk_real()), m); expr_ref two(a.mk_numeral(rational(2),false),m); expr_ref zero(a.mk_numeral(rational(0),false),m); fml1 = a.mk_le(zero, a.mk_mul(two, z, z)); fw(fml1, fml2); std::cout << mk_pp(fml1, m) << " -> " << mk_pp(fml2, m) << "\n"; }
int KinshipHolder::saveDecomposed() { char buffer[1024]; FileWriter fw(this->eigenFileName.c_str()); const std::vector<std::string>& names = *this->pSample; const int nSample = (int)names.size(); fw.write("IID\tLambda"); for (int i = 0; i < nSample; ++i) { fw.printf("\tU%d", i + 1); } fw.write("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < nSample; ++i) { fw.write(names[i].c_str()); fw.write("\t"); char* p = rapidjson::internal::dtoa(matS->mat(nSample - 1 - i), buffer); *p = '\0'; fw.write(buffer); for (int j = 0; j < nSample; ++j) { char* p = rapidjson::internal::dtoa(matU->mat(i, nSample - 1 - j), buffer); *p = '\0'; fw.write("\t"); fw.write(buffer); } fw.write("\n"); } return 0; }
void BaseSelectScreen::Render() { TileView::Render(); for (auto b : state->current_city->buildings) { auto building = b.second; if (building->base_layout) { Vec3<float> posA = {building->bounds.p0.x, building->bounds.p0.y, 0}; Vec2<float> screenPosA = this->tileToOffsetScreenCoords(posA); Vec3<float> posB = {building->bounds.p1.x, building->bounds.p1.y, 0}; Vec2<float> screenPosB = this->tileToOffsetScreenCoords(posB); // Apply offset to borders every half-second if (counter >= COUNTER_MAX / 2) { screenPosA -= Vec2<float>{2.0f, 2.0f}; screenPosB += Vec2<float>{2.0f, 2.0f}; } Colour borderColour; if (building->owner == state->getPlayer()) { borderColour = PLAYER_BASE_OWNED; } else if (building-> == "ORG_GOVERNMENT") { borderColour = PLAYER_BASE_AVAILABLE; } fw().renderer->drawRect(screenPosA, screenPosB - screenPosA, borderColour, 2.0f); } } menuform->Render(); }
void InitialGameStateExtractor::extractBuildings(GameState &state, UString bldFileName, sp<City> city) { auto &data = this->ufo2p; auto fileName = "xcom3/ufodata/" + bldFileName + ".bld"; auto inFile = fw().data->; if (!inFile) { LogError("Failed to open \"%s\"", fileName.c_str()); } auto fileSize = inFile.size(); auto bldCount = fileSize / sizeof(struct bld_file_entry); LogInfo("Loading %lu buildings from %s", (unsigned long)bldCount, fileName.c_str()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < bldCount; i++) { struct bld_file_entry entry; *)&entry, sizeof(entry)); auto b = mksp<Building>(); b->name = data.building_names->get(entry.name_idx); b->owner = {&state, data.get_org_id(entry.owner_idx)}; // Our rects are exclusive of p2 b->bounds = {entry.x0, entry.y0, entry.x1 + 1, entry.y1 + 1}; auto id = UString::format("%s%s", Building::getPrefix().c_str(), canon_string(b->name).c_str()); city->buildings[id] = b; } }
void VideoScreen::begin() { // FIXME: This is now useless, as it doesn't actually load anything interesting here loadingimage = fw().data->loadImage("ui/loading.png"); if (!backgroundimage) { backgroundimage = fw().data->loadImage("ui/logo.png"); } fw().displaySetIcon(); loadingimageangle = 0; last_frame_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); this->current_frame = this->video->popImage(); fw().soundBackend->setTrack(video->getMusicTrack()); fw().soundBackend->playMusic([](void *) {}, nullptr); }
GraphicButton::GraphicButton(sp<Image> image, sp<Image> imageDepressed, sp<Image> imageHover) : Control(), image(image), imagedepressed(imageDepressed), imagehover(imageHover), buttonclick( fw().data->loadSample("RAWSOUND:xcom3/rawsound/strategc/intrface/button1.raw:22050")) { isClickable = true; }
void GraphicButton::eventOccured(Event *e) { Control::eventOccured(e); if (e->type() == EVENT_FORM_INTERACTION && e->forms().RaisedBy == shared_from_this() && e->forms().EventFlag == FormEventType::MouseDown) { if (buttonclick) { fw().soundBackend->playSample(buttonclick); } } if (e->type() == EVENT_FORM_INTERACTION && e->forms().RaisedBy == shared_from_this() && e->forms().EventFlag == FormEventType::MouseClick) { this->pushFormEvent(FormEventType::ButtonClick, e); if (ScrollBarPrev != nullptr) { ScrollBarPrev->scrollPrev(!scrollLarge); } if (ScrollBarNext != nullptr) { ScrollBarNext->scrollNext(!scrollLarge); } } }
bool QPanel::forward(QMouseEvent *e) { QPoint pos, globalPos = e->globalPos(), ref = editor()->viewport()->pos(); if ( editor()->viewport()->parentWidget() ) ref = editor()->viewport()->parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(ref); globalPos.setX(qBound(ref.x(), globalPos.x(), ref.x() + editor()->width())); globalPos.setY(qBound(ref.y(), globalPos.y(), ref.y() + editor()->height())); pos = editor()->viewport()->mapFromGlobal(globalPos); QMouseEvent fw( e->type(), pos, globalPos, e->button(), e->buttons(), e->modifiers() ); bool ok = qApp->sendEvent(editor()->viewport(), &fw) && fw.isAccepted(); //qDebug("forwarding mouse event : (%i, %i) => %i", pos.x(), pos.y(), ok); return ok; }