Beispiel #1
static void measure_word(fz_context *ctx, fz_html_flow *node, float em)
	const char *s;
	int c, g;
	float w;

	em = fz_from_css_number(node->style->font_size, em, em);
	node->x = 0;
	node->y = 0;
	node->h = fz_from_css_number_scale(node->style->line_height, em, em, em);

	w = 0;
	s = node->text;
	while (*s)
		s += fz_chartorune(&c, s);
		g = fz_encode_character(ctx, node->style->font, c);
		if (g)
			w += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, node->style->font, g) * em;
			g = fz_encode_character(ctx, node->style->fallback, c);
			w += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, node->style->fallback, g) * em;
	node->w = w;
	node->em = em;
Beispiel #2
static float ui_draw_glyph(fz_font *font, int gid, float x, float y)
    struct glyph *glyph;
    float s0, t0, s1, t1, xc, yc;

    glyph = lookup_glyph(font, gid, &x, &y);
    if (!glyph)
        return 0;

    s0 = (float) glyph->s / g_cache_w;
    t0 = (float) glyph->t / g_cache_h;
    s1 = (float) (glyph->s + glyph->w) / g_cache_w;
    t1 = (float) (glyph->t + glyph->h) / g_cache_h;
    xc = floorf(x) + glyph->lsb;
    yc = floorf(y) - glyph->top + glyph->h;

    glTexCoord2f(s0, t0);
    glVertex2f(xc, yc - glyph->h);
    glTexCoord2f(s1, t0);
    glVertex2f(xc + glyph->w, yc - glyph->h);
    glTexCoord2f(s1, t1);
    glVertex2f(xc + glyph->w, yc);
    glTexCoord2f(s0, t1);
    glVertex2f(xc, yc);

    return fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, gid, 0) * g_font_size;
Beispiel #3
static void
write_comb_string(fz_context *ctx, fz_buffer *buf, const char *a, const char *b, fz_font *font, float cell_w)
	float gw, pad, carry = 0;
	fz_append_byte(ctx, buf, '[');
	while (a < b)
		int c, g;

		a += fz_chartorune(&c, a);
		c = fz_windows_1252_from_unicode(c);
		if (c < 0) c = REPLACEMENT;

		g = fz_encode_character(ctx, font, c);
		gw = fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g, 0) * 1000;
		pad = (cell_w - gw) / 2;
		fz_append_printf(ctx, buf, "%g", -(carry + pad));
		carry = pad;

		fz_append_byte(ctx, buf, '(');
		if (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '\\')
			fz_append_byte(ctx, buf, '\\');
		fz_append_byte(ctx, buf, c);
		fz_append_byte(ctx, buf, ')');
	fz_append_string(ctx, buf, "] TJ\n");
Beispiel #4
static float
break_simple_string(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, float size, const char *a, const char **endp, float maxw)
	const char *space = NULL;
	float space_x, x = 0;
	int c, g;
	while (*a)
		a += fz_chartorune(&c, a);
		if (c >= 256)
		if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
		if (c == ' ')
			space = a;
			space_x = x;
		g = fz_encode_character(ctx, font, c);
		x += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g, 0) * size;
		if (space && x > maxw)
			return *endp = space, space_x;
	return *endp = a, x;
Beispiel #5
static void draw_flow_box(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *box, float page_top, float page_bot, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm)
	fz_html_flow *node;
	fz_text *text;
	fz_matrix trm;
	const char *s;
	float color[3];
	float x, y;
	int c, g;

	for (node = box->flow_head; node; node = node->next)
		if (node->type == FLOW_IMAGE)
			if (node->y > page_bot || node->y + node->h < page_top)
			if (node->y > page_bot || node->y < page_top)

		if (node->type == FLOW_WORD)
			fz_scale(&trm, node->em, -node->em);
			text = fz_new_text(ctx, node->style->font, &trm, 0);

			x = node->x;
			y = node->y;
			s = node->text;
			while (*s)
				s += fz_chartorune(&c, s);
				g = fz_encode_character(ctx, node->style->font, c);
				fz_add_text(ctx, text, g, c, x, y);
				x += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, node->style->font, g) * node->em;

			color[0] = node->style->color.r / 255.0f;
			color[1] = node->style->color.g / 255.0f;
			color[2] = node->style->color.b / 255.0f;

			fz_fill_text(ctx, dev, text, ctm, fz_device_rgb(ctx), color, 1);

			fz_drop_text(ctx, text);
		else if (node->type == FLOW_IMAGE)
			fz_matrix local_ctm = *ctm;
			fz_pre_translate(&local_ctm, node->x, node->y);
			fz_pre_scale(&local_ctm, node->w, node->h);
			fz_fill_image(ctx, dev, node->image, &local_ctm, 1);
Beispiel #6
static float
measure_simple_string(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, const char *text)
	float w = 0;
	while (*text)
		int c, g;
		text += fz_chartorune(&c, text);
		c = fz_windows_1252_from_unicode(c);
		if (c < 0) c = REPLACEMENT;
		g = fz_encode_character(ctx, font, c);
		w += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g, 0);
	return w;
Beispiel #7
fz_show_string(fz_context *ctx, fz_text *text, fz_font *user_font, fz_matrix *trm, const char *s, int wmode)
	fz_font *font;
	int gid, ucs;
	float adv;

	while (*s)
		s += fz_chartorune(&ucs, s);
		gid = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, user_font, ucs, 0, &font);
		fz_show_glyph(ctx, text, font, trm, gid, ucs, wmode);
		adv = fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, gid, wmode);
		if (wmode == 0)
			fz_pre_translate(trm, adv, 0);
			fz_pre_translate(trm, 0, -adv);
Beispiel #8
static void draw_flow_box(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *box, float page_top, float page_bot, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm)
    fz_font *font;
    fz_html_flow *node;
    fz_text *text;
    fz_matrix trm;
    const char *s;
    float color[3];
    int c, g;

    for (node = box->flow_head; node; node = node->next)
        if (node->type == FLOW_IMAGE)
            if (node->y >= page_bot || node->y + node->h <= page_top)
            if (node->y > page_bot || node->y < page_top)

        if (node->type == FLOW_WORD)
            fz_scale(&trm, node->em, -node->em);

            color[0] = node->style->color.r / 255.0f;
            color[1] = node->style->color.g / 255.0f;
            color[2] = node->style->color.b / 255.0f;

            /* TODO: reuse text object if color is unchanged */
            text = fz_new_text(ctx);

            trm.e = node->x;
            trm.f = node->y;
            s = node->content.text;
            if (node->char_r2l)
                float w = 0;
                const char *t = s;

                while (*t)
                    t += fz_chartorune(&c, t);
                    if (node->mirror)
                        c = ucdn_mirror(c);
                    g = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, node->style->font, c, 0, &font);
                    w += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g) * node->em;

                trm.e += w;
                while (*s)
                    s += fz_chartorune(&c, s);
                    if (node->mirror)
                        c = ucdn_mirror(c);
                    g = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, node->style->font, c, 0, &font);
                    trm.e -= fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g) * node->em;
                    if (node->style->visibility == V_VISIBLE)
                        fz_add_text(ctx, text, font, 0, &trm, g, c);
                trm.e += w;
                while (*s)
                    s += fz_chartorune(&c, s);
                    g = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, node->style->font, c, 0, &font);
                    if (node->style->visibility == V_VISIBLE)
                        fz_add_text(ctx, text, font, 0, &trm, g, c);
                    trm.e += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g) * node->em;

            if (text)
                fz_fill_text(ctx, dev, text, ctm, fz_device_rgb(ctx), color, 1);
                fz_drop_text(ctx, text);
        else if (node->type == FLOW_IMAGE)
            if (node->style->visibility == V_VISIBLE)
                fz_matrix local_ctm = *ctm;
                fz_pre_translate(&local_ctm, node->x, node->y);
                fz_pre_scale(&local_ctm, node->w, node->h);
                fz_fill_image(ctx, dev, node->content.image, &local_ctm, 1);
Beispiel #9
static void draw_list_mark(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *box, float page_top, float page_bot, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm, int n)
    fz_font *font;
    fz_text *text;
    fz_matrix trm;
    fz_html_flow *line;
    float y, w;
    float color[3];
    const char *s;
    char buf[40];
    int c, g;

    fz_scale(&trm, box->em, -box->em);

    text = fz_new_text(ctx);

    line = find_list_mark_anchor(ctx, box);
    if (line)
        y = line->y;
        float h = fz_from_css_number_scale(box->style.line_height, box->em, box->em, box->em);
        float a = box->em * 0.8;
        float d = box->em * 0.2;
        if (a + d > h)
            h = a + d;
        y = box->y + a + (h - a - d) / 2;

    if (y > page_bot || y < page_top)

    format_list_number(ctx, box->style.list_style_type, n, buf, sizeof buf);

    s = buf;
    w = 0;
    while (*s)
        s += fz_chartorune(&c, s);
        g = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, box->style.font, c, UCDN_SCRIPT_LATIN, &font);
        w += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g) * box->em;

    s = buf;
    trm.e = box->x - w;
    trm.f = y;
    while (*s)
        s += fz_chartorune(&c, s);
        g = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, box->style.font, c, UCDN_SCRIPT_LATIN, &font);
        fz_add_text(ctx, text, font, 0, &trm, g, c);
        trm.e += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g) * box->em;

    color[0] = box->style.color.r / 255.0f;
    color[1] = box->style.color.g / 255.0f;
    color[2] = box->style.color.b / 255.0f;

    fz_fill_text(ctx, dev, text, ctm, fz_device_rgb(ctx), color, 1);

    fz_drop_text(ctx, text);
Beispiel #10
static void
fz_text_extract(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_device *dev, fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_text_style *style)
	fz_font *font = text->font;
	FT_Face face = font->ft_face;
	fz_matrix tm = text->trm;
	fz_matrix trm;
	float adv;
	float ascender = 1;
	float descender = 0;
	int multi;
	int i, j, err;

	if (text->len == 0)

	if (dev->spans == NULL)
		dev->spans = new_span_soup(ctx);

	if (style->wmode == 0)
		if (font->ft_face)
			fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);
			err = FT_Set_Char_Size(font->ft_face, 64, 64, 72, 72);
			if (err)
				fz_warn(ctx, "freetype set character size: %s", ft_error_string(err));
			ascender = (float)face->ascender / face->units_per_EM;
			descender = (float)face->descender / face->units_per_EM;
			fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);
		else if (font->t3procs && !fz_is_empty_rect(&font->bbox))
			ascender = font->bbox.y1;
			descender = font->bbox.y0;
		ascender = font->bbox.x1;
		descender = font->bbox.x0;
	style->ascender = ascender;
	style->descender = descender;

	tm.e = 0;
	tm.f = 0;
	fz_concat(&trm, &tm, ctm);

	for (i = 0; i < text->len; i++)
		/* Calculate new pen location and delta */
		tm.e = text->items[i].x;
		tm.f = text->items[i].y;
		fz_concat(&trm, &tm, ctm);

		/* Calculate bounding box and new pen position based on font metrics */
		adv = fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, text->items[i].gid);

		/* Check for one glyph to many char mapping */
		for (j = i + 1; j < text->len; j++)
			if (text->items[j].gid >= 0)
		multi = j - i;

		if (multi == 1)
			fz_add_text_char(ctx, dev, style, text->items[i].ucs, &trm, adv, text->wmode);
			for (j = 0; j < multi; j++)
				fz_add_text_char(ctx, dev, style, text->items[i + j].ucs, &trm, adv/multi, text->wmode);
			i += j - 1;

		dev->lastchar = text->items[i].ucs;
Beispiel #11
float ui_measure_character(fz_context *ctx, int ucs)
    fz_font *font;
    int gid = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, g_font, ucs, 0, &font);
    return fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, gid, 0) * g_font_size;