Beispiel #1
static void expandstream(fz_obj *obj, int num, int gen)
	fz_error error;
	fz_buffer *buf, *tmp;
	fz_obj *newlen;

	error = pdf_loadstream(&buf, xref, num, gen);
	if (error)

	fz_dictdels(obj, "Filter");
	fz_dictdels(obj, "DecodeParms");

	if (doascii && isbinarystream(buf))
		tmp = hexbuf(buf->data, buf->len);
		buf = tmp;


	newlen = fz_newint(buf->len);
	fz_dictputs(obj, "Length", newlen);

	fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen);
	fz_fprintobj(out, obj, !doexpand);
	fprintf(out, "stream\n");
	fwrite(buf->data, 1, buf->len, out);
	fprintf(out, "endstream\nendobj\n\n");

Beispiel #2
    pdf_xref*   pdfXRef,
    fz_obj*     pageObj,
    fz_rect     mediaBox
    fz_error    *error;
    fz_obj      *objMedia;
    fz_irect    mRect;
    fz_obj      *objInt;

    // Delete the CropBox. This is done because we are reducing
    // the size of the media box and CropBox is of no use to us
    fz_dictdels(pageObj, "CropBox");
    //objMedia = fz_dictgets(pageObj, "CropBox");
    //if (objMedia == NULL) return fz_throw("no CropBox entry");
    //error = pdf_resolve(&objMedia, pdfXRef);
    //if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot resolve page bounds");
    //if (! fz_isarray(objMedia)) return fz_throw("cannot find page bounds");
    //fz_rect cRect = pdf_torect(objMedia);

    // Get the media box
    objMedia = fz_dictgets(pageObj, "MediaBox");
    if (objMedia == NULL) return fz_throw("no MediaBox entry");

    error = pdf_resolve(&objMedia, pdfXRef);
    if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot resolve page bounds");

    if (! fz_isarray(objMedia)) return fz_throw("cannot find page bounds");

    // We have the MediaBox array here
    mRect = fz_roundrect(mediaBox);

    error = fz_newint(&objInt, mRect.x0);
    if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot allocate int"); 
    fz_arrayput(objMedia, 0, objInt);

    error = fz_newint(&objInt, mRect.y0);
    if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot allocate int"); 
    fz_arrayput(objMedia, 1, objInt);

    error = fz_newint(&objInt, mRect.x1);
    if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot allocate int"); 
    fz_arrayput(objMedia, 2, objInt);

    error = fz_newint(&objInt, mRect.y1);
    if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot allocate int"); 
    fz_arrayput(objMedia, 3, objInt);

    return NULL;
Beispiel #3
	fz_error *error;
	fz_obj *stmobj;
	fz_buffer *buf;
	fz_obj *stmlen;
	int i, gen;

	for (i = 0; i < src->len; i++)
		if (src->table[i].type == 'n')
			gen = src->table[i].gen;

			if (pdf_isstream(src, i, gen))
				error = pdf_loadobject(&stmobj, src, i, gen);
				if (error) die(error);

				error = pdf_loadstream(&buf, src, i, gen);
				if (error) die(error);

				fz_dictdels(stmobj, "Filter");
				fz_dictdels(stmobj, "DecodeParms");

				error = fz_newint(&stmlen, buf->wp - buf->rp);
				if (error) die(error);
				error = fz_dictputs(stmobj, "Length", stmlen);
				if (error) die(error);

				pdf_updateobject(src, i, gen, stmobj);
				pdf_updatestream(src, i, gen, buf);

Beispiel #4
editcopy(int pagenum)
	fz_error *error;
	fz_obj *obj;
	fz_obj *ref;
	fz_obj *num;

	printf("copy %s page %d\n", srcname, pagenum);

	ref = srcpages->pref[pagenum - 1];
	obj = pdf_getpageobject(srcpages, pagenum - 1);

	fz_dictdels(obj, "Parent");
	fz_dictdels(obj, "B");
	fz_dictdels(obj, "PieceInfo");
	fz_dictdels(obj, "Metadata");
	fz_dictdels(obj, "Annots");
	fz_dictdels(obj, "Tabs");

	pdf_updateobject(src, fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref), obj);

	error = fz_arraypush(editobjects, ref);
	if (error)

	error = fz_newint(&num, editmode);
	if (error)

	error = fz_arraypush(editmodelist, num);
	if (error)

Beispiel #5
    soPdfFile* inFile,
    soPdfFile* outFile
    fz_error    *error;
    int         pageTreeNum, pageTreeGen;

    assert(inFile != NULL);
    assert(outFile != NULL);

    // Process every page in the source file
        printf("\nProcessing input page : ");
        for (int pageNo = 0; pageNo < pdf_getpagecount(inFile->pageTree); pageNo++)
            displayPageNumber(pageNo + 1, !pageNo);

            // Get the page object from the source
            fz_obj  *pageRef = inFile->pageTree->pref[pageNo];
            fz_obj  *pageObj = pdf_getpageobject(inFile->pageTree, pageNo);

            // Process the page. Each page can be split into up-to 3 pages
            fz_rect    bbRect[3];
            error = processPage(inFile, pageNo, bbRect, 3);
            if (error)
                return soPdfError(error);

            for (int ctr = 0; ctr < 3; ctr++)
                // Check if this was a blank page
                if (fz_isemptyrect(bbRect[ctr]))

                // copy the source page dictionary entry. The way this is done is basically
                // by making a copy of the page dict object in the source file, and adding
                // the copy in the source file. Then the copied page dict object is 
                // referenced and added to the destination file.
                // This convoluted procedure is done because the copy is done by pdf_transplant
                // function that accepts a source and destination. Whatever is referenced by
                // destination object is deep copied

                // allocate an object id and generation id in source file
                // There is a bug in mupdf where the object allocation returns
                // 0 oid and 0 gid when the input pdf file has iref stream
                // so to work around the issue, we wrap the pdf_allocojbect
                // in a for loop 10 times to get the number
                int sNum, sGen, tries;

                for (tries = 0; tries < 10; tries++)
                    error = pdf_allocobject(inFile->xref, &sNum, &sGen);
                    if (error)
                        return soPdfError(error);

                    // If sNum is non zero then the allocation was successful
                    if (sNum != 0)
                    pdf_updateobject(inFile->xref, sNum, sGen, pageObj);

                // If we didn't succeed even after 10 tries then this file 
                // is not going to work.
                if (tries >= 10)
                    return soPdfError(fz_throw("cannot allocate object because of mupdf bug"));

                // make a deep copy of the original page dict
                fz_obj  *pageObj2;
                error = fz_deepcopydict(&pageObj2, pageObj);
                if (error)
                    return soPdfError(error);

                // update the source file with the duplicate page object
                pdf_updateobject(inFile->xref, sNum, sGen, pageObj2);


                // create an indirect reference to the page object
                fz_obj  *pageRef2;
                error = fz_newindirect(&pageRef2, sNum, sGen);
                if (error)
                    return soPdfError(error);

                // delete the parent dictionary entry
                // Do we need to delete any other dictionary entry 
                // like annot, tabs, metadata, etc
                fz_dictdels(pageObj2, "Parent");

                // Set the media box
                setPageMediaBox(inFile->xref, pageObj2, bbRect[ctr]);

                // Set the rotation based on input
                    // no rotation if fit height
                case FitHeight:
                case Fit2xHeight:

                    // rotate -90 deg if fit width
                case Fit2xWidth:
                case FitWidth:
                    setPageRotate(pageObj2, p_reverseLandscape ? 90 : -90);

                case SmartFitHeight:
                case SmartFitWidth:
                    return soPdfError(fz_throw("Mode(%d) not yet implemented.", p_mode));

                // push the indirect reference to the destination list for copy by pdf_transplant
                error = fz_arraypush(outFile->editobjs, pageRef2);
                if (error)
                    return soPdfError(error);

    // flush the objects into destination from source
        fz_obj      *results;
        int         outPages;

        printf("\nCopying output page : ");
        error = pdf_transplant(outFile->xref, inFile->xref, &results, outFile->editobjs);
        if (error)
            return soPdfError(error);

        outPages = fz_arraylen(results);
        for (int ctr = 0; ctr < outPages; ctr++)
            displayPageNumber(ctr + 1, !ctr);
            error = fz_arraypush(outFile->pagelist, fz_arrayget(results, 
                p_reverseLandscape ? outPages - 1 - ctr : ctr));
            if (error)
                return soPdfError(error);


    // flush page tree

    // Create page tree and add back-links
        fz_obj  *pageTreeObj;
        fz_obj  *pageTreeRef;

        // allocate a new object in out file for pageTree object
        error = pdf_allocobject(outFile->xref, &pageTreeNum, &pageTreeGen);
        if (error)
            return soPdfError(error);

        // Create a page tree object
        error = fz_packobj(&pageTreeObj, "<</Type/Pages/Count %i/Kids %o>>",
            fz_arraylen(outFile->pagelist), outFile->pagelist);
        if (error)
            return soPdfError(error);

        // Update the xref entry with the pageTree object
        pdf_updateobject(outFile->xref, pageTreeNum, pageTreeGen, pageTreeObj);


        // Create a reference to the pageTree object
        error = fz_newindirect(&pageTreeRef, pageTreeNum, pageTreeGen);
        if (error)
            return soPdfError(error);

        // For every page in the output file, update the parent entry
        for (int ctr = 0; ctr < fz_arraylen(outFile->pagelist); ctr++)
            fz_obj  *pageObj;

            int num = fz_tonum(fz_arrayget(outFile->pagelist, ctr));
            int gen = fz_togen(fz_arrayget(outFile->pagelist, ctr));

            // Get the page object from xreft
            error = pdf_loadobject(&pageObj, outFile->xref, num, gen);
            if (error)
                return soPdfError(error);

            // Update the parent entry in the page dictionary
            error = fz_dictputs(pageObj, "Parent", pageTreeRef);
            if (error)
                return soPdfError(error);

            // Update the entry with the updated page object
            pdf_updateobject(outFile->xref, num, gen, pageObj);


    // Create catalog and root entries
        fz_obj  *catObj, *infoObj;
        int     rootNum, rootGen;
        int     infoNum, infoGen;

        // Copy the info catalog to the destination

        // alloc an object id and gen id in destination file
        error = pdf_allocobject(outFile->xref, &infoNum, &infoGen);
        if (error)
            return soPdfError(error);

        // make a deep copy of the original page dict
        error = fz_deepcopydict(&infoObj, inFile->xref->info);
        if (error)
            return soPdfError(error);

        // update the dest file with object
        pdf_updateobject(outFile->xref, infoNum, infoGen, infoObj);
        outFile->xref->info = infoObj;


        // root/catalog object creation
        error = pdf_allocobject(outFile->xref, &rootNum, &rootGen);
        if (error)
            return soPdfError(error);

        error = fz_packobj(&catObj, "<</Type/Catalog /Pages %r>>", pageTreeNum, pageTreeGen);
        if (error)
            return soPdfError(error);

        pdf_updateobject(outFile->xref, rootNum, rootGen, catObj);


        // Create trailer
        error = fz_packobj(&outFile->xref->trailer, "<</Root %r /Info %r>>", 
            rootNum, rootGen, infoNum, infoGen);
        if (error)
            return soPdfError(error);


    // Update the info in the target file and save the xref
    error = setPageInfo(inFile, outFile);
    if (error)
        return soPdfError(error);

    error = pdf_savexref(outFile->xref, outFile->fileName, NULL);
    if (error)
        return soPdfError(error);

    if (g_errorCount != 0)
        printf("\nFollowing issues encounted were ignored.\n\n");
        for (int ctr = g_errorCount - 1; ctr >= 0; ctr--)

    return 0;
Beispiel #6
pdf_loadpagetreenode(pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *node, struct info info)
	fz_obj *dict, *kids, *count;
	fz_obj *obj, *tmp;
	int i, n;

	/* prevent infinite recursion */
	if (fz_dictgets(node, ".seen"))

	kids = fz_dictgets(node, "Kids");
	count = fz_dictgets(node, "Count");

	if (fz_isarray(kids) && fz_isint(count))
		obj = fz_dictgets(node, "Resources");
		if (obj)
			info.resources = obj;
		obj = fz_dictgets(node, "MediaBox");
		if (obj)
			info.mediabox = obj;
		obj = fz_dictgets(node, "CropBox");
		if (obj)
			info.cropbox = obj;
		obj = fz_dictgets(node, "Rotate");
		if (obj)
			info.rotate = obj;

		tmp = fz_newnull();
		fz_dictputs(node, ".seen", tmp);

		n = fz_arraylen(kids);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			obj = fz_arrayget(kids, i);
			pdf_loadpagetreenode(xref, obj, info);

		fz_dictdels(node, ".seen");
		dict = fz_resolveindirect(node);

		if (info.resources && !fz_dictgets(dict, "Resources"))
			fz_dictputs(dict, "Resources", info.resources);
		if (info.mediabox && !fz_dictgets(dict, "MediaBox"))
			fz_dictputs(dict, "MediaBox", info.mediabox);
		if (info.cropbox && !fz_dictgets(dict, "CropBox"))
			fz_dictputs(dict, "CropBox", info.cropbox);
		if (info.rotate && !fz_dictgets(dict, "Rotate"))
			fz_dictputs(dict, "Rotate", info.rotate);

		if (xref->pagelen == xref->pagecap)
			fz_warn("found more pages than expected");
			xref->pagecap ++;
			xref->pagerefs = fz_realloc(xref->pagerefs, sizeof(fz_obj*) * xref->pagecap);
			xref->pageobjs = fz_realloc(xref->pageobjs, sizeof(fz_obj*) * xref->pagecap);

		xref->pagerefs[xref->pagelen] = fz_keepobj(node);
		xref->pageobjs[xref->pagelen] = fz_keepobj(dict);
		xref->pagelen ++;