Beispiel #1
 * Handler for the connection "route" command
 * route show
 * route add -dev eth0|tap0 -net nw_addr -netmask mask [-gw gw_addr]
 * route del route_number
void routeCmd()
	char *next_tok;
	char tmpbuf[MAX_TMPBUF_LEN];
	uchar net_addr[4], net_mask[4], nxth_addr[4];
	int interface, del_route;
	char dev_name[MAX_DNAME_LEN];

	// set defaults for optional parameters
	bzero(nxth_addr, 4);

	next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");

	if (next_tok != NULL)
		if (!strcmp(next_tok, "add"))
			GET_NEXT_PARAMETER("-dev", "route:: missing device name ..");
			strcpy(dev_name, next_tok);
			interface = gAtoi(next_tok);

			GET_NEXT_PARAMETER("-net", "route:: missing network address ..");
			Dot2IP(next_tok, net_addr);

			GET_NEXT_PARAMETER("-netmask", "route:: missing netmask ..");
			Dot2IP(next_tok, net_mask);

			verbose(2, "[routeCmd]:: Device %s Interface %d, net_addr %s, netmask %s ",
			       dev_name, interface, IP2Dot(tmpbuf, net_addr), IP2Dot((tmpbuf+20), net_mask));

			if (((next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n")) != NULL) &&
			    (!strcmp("-gw", next_tok)))
				next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
				Dot2IP(next_tok, nxth_addr);
			addRouteEntry(route_tbl, net_addr, net_mask, nxth_addr, interface);
		else if (!strcmp(next_tok, "del"))
			next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
			del_route = gAtoi(next_tok);
			deleteRouteEntryByIndex(route_tbl, del_route);
		else if (!strcmp(next_tok, "show"))
Beispiel #2
void pingCmd()
	char *next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
	int tries, pkt_size;
	uchar ip_addr[4];
	char tmpbuf[MAX_TMPBUF_LEN];

	if (next_tok == NULL)

	if (next_tok[0] == '-')
		tries = gAtoi(next_tok);
		next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
	} else
		tries = 1;
	Dot2IP(next_tok, ip_addr);
	verbose(2, "[pingCmd]:: ping command sent, tries = %d, IP = %s",
		tries, IP2Dot(tmpbuf, ip_addr));

	if ((next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n")) != NULL)
		if (!strcmp(next_tok, "-size"))
			next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
			pkt_size = atoi(next_tok);
		} else
			pkt_size = 64;
	} else
		pkt_size = 64;
	ICMPDoPing(ip_addr, pkt_size, tries);
Beispiel #3
 * ARGUMENTS: device:  e.g. tun2
 * 			  mac_addr: hardware address of the interface
 * 			  nw_addr: network address of the interface (IPv4 by default)
 * 			  dst_ip: physical IP address of destination mesh station on the MBSS
 *				  dst_port: interface number of the destination interface on the destination yRouter
 * RETURNS: a pointer to the interface on success and NULL on failure
interface_t *GNETMakeTunInterface(char *device, uchar *mac_addr, uchar *nw_addr,
                                  uchar* dst_ip, short int dst_port)
    vpl_data_t *vcon;
    interface_t *iface;
    int iface_id;
    char tmpbuf[MAX_TMPBUF_LEN];

    verbose(2, "[GNETMakeTunInterface]:: making Interface for [%s] with MAC %s and IP %s",
	device, MAC2Colon(tmpbuf, mac_addr), IP2Dot((tmpbuf+20), nw_addr));

    iface_id = gAtoi(device);
    if (findInterface(iface_id) != NULL)
	verbose(1, "[GNETMakeTunInterface]:: device %s already defined.. ", device);
	return NULL;
    // setup the interface..
    iface = newInterfaceStructure(device, device,
                                  mac_addr, nw_addr, MAX_MTU);
    verbose(2, "[GNETMakeTunInterface]:: trying to connect to %s..", device);
    vcon = tun_connect((short int)(BASEPORTNUM+iface_id+gAtoi(rconfig.router_name)*100), NULL, (short int)(BASEPORTNUM+dst_port+gAtoi(rconfig.router_name)*100), dst_ip); 
    if(vcon == NULL)
        verbose(1, "[GNETMakeTunInterface]:: unable to connect to %s", device);
        return NULL;

    iface->iface_fd = vcon->data;
    iface->vpl_data = vcon;
    return iface;
Beispiel #4
interface_t *GNETMakeTapInterface(char *device, uchar *mac_addr, uchar *nw_addr)
	vpl_data_t *vcon;
	interface_t *iface;
	int iface_id;
	char tmpbuf[MAX_TMPBUF_LEN];

	verbose(2, "[GNETMakeTapInterface]:: making Interface for [%s] with MAC %s and IP %s",
		device, MAC2Colon(tmpbuf, mac_addr), IP2Dot((tmpbuf+20), nw_addr));

	iface_id = gAtoi(device);

	if (findInterface(iface_id) != NULL)
		verbose(1, "[GNETMakeTapInterface]:: device %s already defined.. ", device);
		return NULL;
		// setup the interface.. with default MTU of 1500 we cannot set it at this time.
		iface = newInterfaceStructure(device, device, mac_addr, nw_addr, 1500);

		 * try connection (as client). only option here...
		verbose(2, "[GNETMakeTapInterface]:: trying to connect to %s..", device);
		if ((vcon = tap_connect(device)) == NULL)
			verbose(1, "[GNETMakeTapInterface]:: unable to connect to %s", device);
			return NULL;

		// fill in the rest of the interface
		iface->iface_fd = vcon->data;
		iface->vpl_data = vcon;

		return iface;
Beispiel #5
void setupProgram(int ac, char *av[])
	int indx;

	prog_set_syntax("[options] router_name");
	prog_set_author("Muthucumaru Maheswaran <*****@*****.**>");
	prog_set_desc("GINI router provides a user-space IP router for teaching and learning purposes.");


	indx = prog_opt_process(ac, av);

	if (indx < ac)
		rconfig.router_name = strdup(av[indx]);

	if (rconfig.router_name == NULL)
		prog_usage_msg("\n[setupProgram]:: Router name missing.. \n\n");
	rconfig.gini_home = getenv("GINI_HOME");
	if (rconfig.gini_home == NULL)
		verbose(2, "\n[setupProgram]:: Environment variable GINI_HOME is not set..\n\n");
		rconfig.gini_home = "~/Desktop/Grouter/";
        rconfig.top_num = gAtoi(rconfig.router_name);
Beispiel #6
 * Create an interface data structure and fill it with relevant information.
 * This routine does not setup any external elements.. other than finding
 * the device driver and linking it. We need the correct device driver for
 * the interface.. because a particular device would provide its own I/O routines.
interface_t *newInterfaceStructure(char *vsock_name, char *device,
				   uchar *mac_addr, uchar *nw_addr, int iface_mtu)
	int iface_id;
	interface_t *iface;

	iface_id = gAtoi(device);

	// fill in the interface structure...
	iface = (interface_t *) malloc(sizeof(interface_t));
	if (iface == NULL)
		fatal("[createInterfaceStructure]:: Memory allocation error ");
		return NULL;

	verbose(2, "[createInterfaceStructure]:: Memory allocated for interface structure ");

	bzero((void *)iface, sizeof(interface_t));
	iface->interface_id = iface_id;
	iface->mode = IFACE_CLIENT_MODE;
	iface->state = INTERFACE_DOWN;                           // start in the DOWN state
	sscanf(device, "%[a-z]", iface->device_type);
	strcpy(iface->device_name, device);
	strcpy(iface->sock_name, vsock_name);
	COPY_MAC(iface->mac_addr, mac_addr);
	COPY_IP(iface->ip_addr, nw_addr);
	iface->device_mtu = iface_mtu;

	verbose(2, "[makeInterface]:: Searching the device driver for %s ", iface->device_type);
	iface->devdriver = findDeviceDriver(iface->device_type);
	iface->iarray = &netarray;

	return iface;
Beispiel #7
 * class add class_name [-src ( packet spec )] [-dst ( packet spec )]
 * class del class_name
 * class show
 * packet_spec = -net ipaddr/prevlen -port lower-upper -prot number
void classCmd()
	char *next_tok;
	char tmpbuf[MAX_TMPBUF_LEN];
	char cname[MAX_DNAME_LEN];
	int sside;
	ip_spec_t *ips;
	port_range_t *pps;

	next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
	if (next_tok != NULL)
		if (!strcmp(next_tok, "add"))
			next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
			strcpy(cname, next_tok);
			addClassDef(classifier, cname);

			while ((next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n")) != NULL)
				if (!strcmp(next_tok, "-src")) sside = 1;
				if (!strcmp(next_tok, "-dst")) sside = 0;

				while ((next_tok = strtok(NULL, "( )\n")) != NULL)
					if (!strcmp(next_tok, "-net"))
						next_tok = strtok(NULL, " )\n");
						ips = parseIPSpec(next_tok);
						insertIPSpec(classifier, cname, sside, ips);
					if (!strcmp(next_tok, "-port"))
						next_tok = strtok(NULL, " )\n");
						pps = parsePortRangeSpec(next_tok);
						insertPortRangeSpec(classifier, cname, sside, pps);
					if (!strcmp(next_tok, "-prot"))
						next_tok = strtok(NULL, " )\n");
						insertProtSpec(classifier, cname, gAtoi(next_tok));
					if (!strcmp(next_tok, "-tos"))
						next_tok = strtok(NULL, " )\n");
						insertTOSSpec(classifier, cname, gAtoi(next_tok));
		else if (!strcmp(next_tok, "del"))
			next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
			if (next_tok != NULL)
				strcpy(cname, next_tok);
				delClassDef(classifier, cname);
		else if (!strcmp(next_tok, "show"))
Beispiel #8
 * Handler for the interface configuration command:
 * ifconfig add eth1 -socket socketfile -addr IP_addr  -hwaddr MAC [-gateway GW] [-mtu N]
 * ifconfig add tap0 -device dev_location -addr IP_addr -hwaddr MAC
 * ifconfig add tun0 -dstip dst_ip -dstport portnum -addr IP_addr -hwaddr MAC
 * ifconfig del eth0|tap0
 * ifconfig show [brief|verbose]
 * ifconfig up eth0|tap0
 * ifconfig down eth0|tap0
 * ifconfig mod eth0 (-gateway GW | -mtu N)
void ifconfigCmd()
	char *next_tok;
	interface_t *iface;
	char dev_name[MAX_DNAME_LEN], con_sock[MAX_NAME_LEN], dev_type[MAX_NAME_LEN];
	uchar mac_addr[6], ip_addr[4], gw_addr[4], dst_ip[4];
	int mtu, interface, mode;
	short int dst_port;

	// set default values for optional parameters
	bzero(gw_addr, 4);

	// we have already matched ifconfig... now parsing rest of the parameters.
	next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");

	if (next_tok == NULL)
		printf("[ifconfigCmd]:: missing action parameter.. type help ifconfig for usage.\n");
	if (!strcmp(next_tok, "add"))

		next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
		if ( (next_tok == NULL) || (findDeviceDriver(next_tok) == NULL) ) 
			printf("ifconfig:: missing or invalid interface spec ..\n");

		strcpy(dev_name, next_tok);
		sscanf(dev_name, "%[a-z]", dev_type);
		interface = gAtoi(dev_name);

		if ((interface == 0) && (strcmp(dev_type, "eth") == 0))
			printf("[ifconfigCmd]:: device number 0 is reserved for tap - start from 1\n");

		if (strcmp(dev_type, "eth") == 0)
			GET_NEXT_PARAMETER("-socket", "ifconfig:: missing -socket spec ..");
			strcpy(con_sock, next_tok);
		} else if(strcmp(dev_type, "tun") == 0)
			GET_NEXT_PARAMETER("-dstip", "ifconfig:: missing -dstip spec ..");
			Dot2IP(next_tok, dst_ip);  
			GET_NEXT_PARAMETER("-dstport", "ifconfig:: missing -dstport spec ..");
			dst_port = (short int)atoi(next_tok);

		GET_NEXT_PARAMETER("-addr", "ifconfig:: missing -addr spec ..");
		Dot2IP(next_tok, ip_addr);

		GET_NEXT_PARAMETER("-hwaddr", "ifconfig:: missing -hwaddr spec ..");
		Colon2MAC(next_tok, mac_addr);

		while ((next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n")) != NULL)
			if (!strcmp("-gateway", next_tok))
				next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
				Dot2IP(next_tok, gw_addr);
			} else if (!strcmp("-mtu", next_tok))
				next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
				mtu = atoi(next_tok);

		if (strcmp(dev_type, "eth") == 0)
			iface = GNETMakeEthInterface(con_sock, dev_name, mac_addr, ip_addr, mtu, 0);
		else if (strcmp(dev_type, "tap") == 0)
			iface = GNETMakeTapInterface(dev_name, mac_addr, ip_addr);
		else if (strcmp(dev_type, "tun") == 0)
			iface = GNETMakeTunInterface(dev_name, mac_addr, ip_addr, dst_ip, dst_port);
		else {
			printf("[ifconfigCmd]:: Unkown device type %s\n", dev_type);

		if (iface != NULL)
			verbose(2, "[configureInterfaces]:: Inserting the definition in the interface table ");
			addMTUEntry(MTU_tbl, iface->interface_id, iface->device_mtu, iface->ip_addr);
			// for tap0 interface the MTU value cannot be changed. should we allow change?
	else if (!strcmp(next_tok, "del"))
		GET_THIS_OR_THIS_PARAMETER("eth", "tap", "ifconfig:: missing interface spec ..");
		strcpy(dev_name, next_tok);
		interface = gAtoi(next_tok);
	else if (!strcmp(next_tok, "up"))
		GET_THIS_OR_THIS_PARAMETER("eth", "tap", "ifconfig:: missing interface spec ..");
		strcpy(dev_name, next_tok);
		interface = gAtoi(next_tok);

	else if (!strcmp(next_tok, "down"))
		GET_THIS_OR_THIS_PARAMETER("eth", "tap", "ifconfig:: missing interface spec ..");
		strcpy(dev_name, next_tok);
		interface = gAtoi(next_tok);
	else if (!strcmp(next_tok, "mod"))
		GET_THIS_PARAMETER("eth", "ifconfig:: missing interface spec ..");
		strcpy(dev_name, next_tok);
		interface = gAtoi(next_tok);

		while ((next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n")) != NULL)
			if (!strcmp("-gateway", next_tok))
				next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
				strcpy(gw_addr, next_tok);
			} else if (!strcmp("-mtu", next_tok))
				next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n");
				mtu = atoi(next_tok);

		changeInterfaceMTU(interface, mtu);
	else if (!strcmp(next_tok, "show"))
		if ((next_tok = strtok(NULL, " \n")) != NULL)
			if (strstr(next_tok, "bri") != NULL)
				mode = BRIEF_LISTING;
			else if (strstr(next_tok, "verb") != NULL)
		} else

Beispiel #9
interface_t *GNETMakeEthInterface(char *vsock_name, char *device,
			   uchar *mac_addr, uchar *nw_addr, int iface_mtu, int cforce)
	vpl_data_t *vcon;
	interface_t *iface;
	int iface_id, thread_stat;
	char tmpbuf[MAX_TMPBUF_LEN];
	vplinfo_t *vi;
	pthread_t threadid;

	verbose(2, "[GNETMakeEthInterface]:: making Interface for [%s] with MAC %s and IP %s",
		device, MAC2Colon(tmpbuf, mac_addr), IP2Dot((tmpbuf+20), nw_addr));

	iface_id = gAtoi(device);
	if (findInterface(iface_id) != NULL)
		verbose(1, "[GNETMakeEthInterface]:: device %s already defined.. ", device);
		return NULL;
		// setup the interface..
		iface = newInterfaceStructure(vsock_name, device,
					      mac_addr, nw_addr, iface_mtu);

		 * try connection (as client). if it fails and force client flag
		 * is set, then return NULL. Otherwise, try server connection,
		 * if this fails, print error and return NULL

		verbose(2, "[GNETMakeEthInterface]:: trying to connect to %s..", vsock_name);
		if ((vcon = vpl_connect(vsock_name)) == NULL)
			verbose(2, "[GNETMakeEthInterface]:: connecting as server.. ");
			// if client mode is forced.. fail here.. cannot do much!
			if (cforce)
				verbose(1, "[GNETMakeEthInterface]:: unable to make network connection...");
				return NULL;
			// try making a server connection...
			// now that the client connection has failed

			if ((vcon = vpl_create_server(vsock_name)) == NULL)
				verbose(1, "[GNETMakeEthInterface]:: unable to make server connection.. ");
				return NULL;

			vi = (vplinfo_t *)malloc(sizeof(vplinfo_t));
			iface->mode = IFACE_SERVER_MODE;
			vi->vdata = vcon;
			vi->iface = iface;
			thread_stat = pthread_create(&(iface->sdwthread), NULL,
						     (void *)delayedServerCall, (void *)vi);
			if (thread_stat != 0)
				return NULL;

			// return for now.. the thread spawned above will change the
			// interface state when the remote node makes the connection.
			return iface;

		verbose(2, "[GNETMakeEthInterface]:: VPL connection made as client ");

		// fill in the rest of the interface
		iface->iface_fd = vcon->data;
		iface->vpl_data = vcon;

		return iface;