Beispiel #1
GURLS_EXPORT void svd(const gMat2D<float>& A, gMat2D<float>& U, gVec<float>& W, gMat2D<float>& Vt) {

    char jobu = 'S', jobvt = 'S';
    int m = A.rows();
    int n = A.cols();
    int k = std::min<int>(m, n);

    if ((int)W.getSize() < k) {
        throw gException("The length of vector W must be at least equal to the minimum dimension of the input matrix A");
    if ((int)U.rows() < m || (int)U.cols() < k) {
        throw gException("Please check the dimensions of the matrix U where to store the singular vectors");
    if ((int)Vt.rows() < k || (int)Vt.cols() < n) {
        throw gException("Please check the dimensions of the matrix Vt where to store the rigth singular vectors");

    int lda = A.cols();
    int ldu = U.cols();
    int ldvt = Vt.cols();
    int info, lwork = std::max<int>(3*k+std::max<int>(m,n), 5*k);
    float* work = new float[lwork];
    float* copy = new float[m*n];
    A.asarray(copy, m*n);
    sgesvd_(&jobu, &jobvt, &n, &m, copy, &lda, W.getData(), Vt.getData(), &ldvt, U.getData(), &ldu, work, &lwork, &info);
    delete[] work;
    delete[] copy;
Beispiel #2
GURLS_EXPORT void eig(const gMat2D<float>& A, gVec<float>& Wr, gVec<float>& Wi)
    if (A.cols() != A.rows())
        throw gException("The input matrix A must be squared");

    float* Atmp = new float[A.getSize()];
    copy(Atmp, A.getData(), A.getSize());

    char jobvl = 'N', jobvr = 'N';
    int n = A.cols(), lda = A.cols(), ldvl = 1, ldvr = 1;
    int info, lwork = 4*n;
    float* work = new float[lwork];

    sgeev_(&jobvl, &jobvr, &n, Atmp, &lda, Wr.getData(), Wi.getData(), NULL, &ldvl, NULL, &ldvr, work, &lwork, &info);

    delete[] Atmp;
    delete[] work;

    if(info != 0)
        std::stringstream str;
        str << "Eigenvalues/eigenVectors computation failed, error code " << info << ";" << std::endl;
        throw gException(str.str());
Beispiel #3
void BigArray<T>::loadNC(const std::string &fileName)
    dataFileName = fileName;

    connection = releaseSignal().connect(boost::bind(&gurls::BigArray<T>::close, this));

    std::string errorString = "Error opening file " + fileName + ":";

    // Set up file access property list with parallel I/O access
    plist_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
    if(plist_id == -1)
        throw gException(errorString);

    herr_t status;

#ifdef USE_MPIIO
    status = H5Pset_fapl_mpio(plist_id, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL);
    status = H5Pset_fapl_mpiposix(plist_id, MPI_COMM_WORLD, false);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    // Create a new file collectively and release property list identifier.
    file_id = H5Fopen(fileName.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDWR, plist_id);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(file_id, errorString)

    status = H5Pclose(plist_id);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    dset_id =  H5Dopen(file_id, "mat", H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(dset_id, errorString)

    hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space( dset_id );
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(filespace, errorString)

    hsize_t dims[2], maxDims[2];
    status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(filespace, dims, maxDims);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    status = H5Sclose(filespace);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    this->numrows = static_cast<unsigned long>(dims[1]);
    this->numcols = static_cast<unsigned long>(dims[0]);

    // Create property list for collective dataset write.
    plist_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
    if(plist_id == -1)
        throw gException(errorString);

    status = H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(plist_id, H5FD_MPIO_INDEPENDENT);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

Beispiel #4
void BigArray<T>::getMatrix(unsigned long startingRow, unsigned long startingCol, gMat2D<T>&result) const
    if(startingRow >= this->numrows || startingCol >= this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    if(startingRow+result.rows() > this->numrows || startingCol+result.cols() > this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    getMatrix(startingRow, startingCol, result.rows(), result.cols(), result.getData());
Beispiel #5
void BigArray<T>::setColumn(unsigned long col, const gVec<T>& value)
    if(col >= this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    if(value.getSize() != this->numrows)
        throw gException(Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    setMatrix(0, col, value.getData(), this->numrows, 1);
Beispiel #6
void BigArray<T>::setRow(unsigned long row, const gVec<T>& value)
    if(row >= this->numrows)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    if(value.getSize() != this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    setMatrix(row, 0, value.getData(), 1, this->numcols);
Beispiel #7
void BigArray<T>::getMatrix(unsigned long startingRow, unsigned long startingCol, unsigned long numRows, unsigned long numCols, gMat2D<T>&result) const
    if(startingRow >= this->numrows || startingCol >= this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    if(startingRow+numRows > this->numrows || startingCol+numCols > this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    result.resize(numRows, numCols);

    getMatrix(startingRow, startingCol, numRows, numCols, result.getData());
Beispiel #8
const OptFunction* OptFunction::dynacast(const GurlsOption* opt)
    if (opt->isA(FunctionOption) )
        return static_cast<const OptFunction*>(opt);

    throw gException(gurls::Exception_Illegal_Dynamic_Cast);
Beispiel #9
void BigArray<T>::setValue(unsigned long row, unsigned long col, T value)
    if(row >= this->numrows || col >= this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    std::string errorString("Error writing BigArray value");

    hsize_t dims[2] = {1, 1};
    hid_t memspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(memspace, errorString)

    hsize_t point[2] = {col, row};
    hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(dset_id);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(filespace, errorString)

    herr_t status;

    status = H5Sselect_elements(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, 1, point);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    status = H5Dwrite(dset_id, getHdfType<T>(), memspace, filespace, plist_id, &value);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    status = H5Sclose(memspace);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    status = H5Sclose(filespace);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)
Beispiel #10
const OptProcess* OptProcess::dynacast(const GurlsOption* opt)
    if (opt->isA(ProcessOption) )
        return static_cast<const OptProcess*>(opt);

    throw gException(gurls::Exception_Illegal_Dynamic_Cast);
Beispiel #11
OptStringList* OptStringList::dynacast(GurlsOption* opt)
    if (opt->isA(StringListOption) )
        return static_cast<OptStringList*>(opt);

    throw gException(gurls::Exception_Illegal_Dynamic_Cast);
Beispiel #12
const OptNumber* OptNumber::dynacast(const GurlsOption* opt)
    if (opt->isA(NumberOption) )
        return static_cast<const OptNumber*>(opt);

    throw gException(gurls::Exception_Illegal_Dynamic_Cast);
Beispiel #13
const OptString* OptString::dynacast(const GurlsOption* opt)
    if (opt->isA(StringOption) )
        return static_cast<const OptString*>(opt);

    throw gException(gurls::Exception_Illegal_Dynamic_Cast);
Beispiel #14
const OptTaskSequence *OptTaskSequence::dynacast(const GurlsOption *opt)
    if (opt->isA(TaskSequenceOption) )
        return static_cast<const OptTaskSequence*>(opt);

    throw gException(gurls::Exception_Illegal_Dynamic_Cast);
Beispiel #15
GURLS_EXPORT void lu(gMat2D<float>& A, gVec<int>& pv)
    unsigned int k = std::min(A.cols(), A.rows());

    if (pv.getSize() != k)
        throw gException("The lenghth of pv must be equal to the minimun dimension of A");

    int info;
    int m = A.rows();
    int n = A.cols();
    int lda = A.rows();

    sgetrf_(&m, &n, A.getData(), &lda, pv.getData(), &info);

    if(info <0)
        throw gException("LU factorization failed");
Beispiel #16
GURLS_EXPORT float dot(const gVec<float>& x, const gVec<float>& y)
    if ( x.getSize() != y.getSize() )
        throw gException(gurls::Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    int n = x.getSize();
    int incr = 1;

    return sdot_(&n, const_cast<float*>(x.getData()), &incr, const_cast<float*>(y.getData()), &incr);
Beispiel #17
gVec<T> BigArray<T>::operator() (unsigned long i) const
    if(i >= this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    gVec<T> ret(this->numrows);

    getMatrix(0, i, this->numrows, 1, ret.getData());

    return ret;
Beispiel #18
GURLS_EXPORT double dot(const gVec<double>& x, const gVec<double>& y) {

    if ( x.getSize() != y.getSize() ) {
        throw gException(gurls::Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    int n = x.getSize();
    int incr = 1;

    return ddot_(&n, const_cast<double*>(x.getData()), &incr, const_cast<double*>(y.getData()), &incr);

Beispiel #19
void BaseArray<T>::resize(unsigned long n) {
    if (! this->isowner) {
        throw gException("It is not possible to resize an array that is not the owner of its data.");
    else if (n != this->size) {
        T* tmp = this->data;
        unsigned long oldsize = this->size;
        this->set(tmp, std::min(n, oldsize));
        if(tmp != NULL)
            delete[] tmp;
Beispiel #20
GURLS_EXPORT void eig(const gMat2D<float>& A, gVec<float>& Wr, gVec<float>& Wi) {

    if (A.cols() != A.rows()) {
        throw gException("The input matrix A must be squared");

    char jobvl = 'N', jobvr = 'N';
    int n = A.cols(), lda = A.cols(), ldvl = 1, ldvr = 1;
    int info, lwork = 4*n;
    float* work = new float[lwork];
    sgeev_(&jobvl, &jobvr, &n, const_cast<gMat2D<float>&>(A).getData(), &lda, Wr.getData(), Wi.getData(), NULL, &ldvl, NULL, &ldvr, work, &lwork, &info);
    delete[] work;
Beispiel #21
void BigArray<T>::setMatrix(unsigned long startingRow, unsigned long startingCol, const T* M, const unsigned long M_rows, const unsigned long M_cols)
    if(startingRow >= this->numrows || startingCol >= this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    if(startingRow+M_rows > this->numrows || startingCol+M_cols > this->numcols)
        throw gException(Exception_Index_Out_of_Bound);

    std::string errorString("Error writing matrix data");

    hsize_t dims[2] = {M_cols, M_rows};
    hid_t memspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(memspace, errorString)

    hsize_t	count[2] = {1, 1};
    hsize_t	stride[2] = {1, 1};
    hsize_t	block[2] = {dims[0], dims[1]};
    hsize_t	offset[2] = {startingCol, startingRow};

    // Select hyperslab in the file.
    hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(dset_id);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(filespace, errorString)

    herr_t status;
    status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, stride, count, block);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    status = H5Dwrite(dset_id, getHdfType<T>(), memspace, filespace, plist_id, M);
    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)

    CHECK_HDF5_ERR(status, errorString)
Beispiel #22
GURLS_EXPORT void eig(const gMat2D<float>& A, gMat2D<float>& V, gVec<float>& Wr, gVec<float>& Wi) {

    if (A.cols() != A.rows()) {
        throw gException("The input matrix A must be squared");

    char jobvl = 'N', jobvr = 'V';
    int n = A.cols(), lda = A.cols(), ldvl = 1, ldvr = A.cols();
    int info, lwork = 4*n;
    float* work = new float[lwork];
    gMat2D<float> Atmp = A;
    gMat2D<float> Vtmp = V;
    sgeev_(&jobvl, &jobvr, &n, Atmp.getData(), &lda, Wr.getData(), Wi.getData(), NULL, &ldvl, Vtmp.getData(), &ldvr, work, &lwork, &info);
    delete[] work;
Beispiel #23
gMat2D<T>* RecursiveRLSWrapper<T>::eval(const gMat2D<T> &X)
        throw gException("Error, Train Model First");

    gurls::PredPrimal<T> predTask;
    gMat2D<T> y;

    OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >* result = predTask.execute(X, y, *(this->opt));

    gMat2D<T>& pred_mat = result->getValue();
    delete result;

    return &pred_mat;
Beispiel #24
void OptFunction::setValue(std::string func_name)
    name = func_name;

    if(func_name == "mean")
        f = new Mean();
    else if(func_name == "min")
        f = new Min();
    else if(func_name == "max")
        f = new Max();
    else if(func_name == "median")
        f = new Median();
        f = NULL;
        throw gException(Exception_Unknown_Function);
Beispiel #25
GURLS_EXPORT void dot(const gMat2D<float>& A, const gVec<float>& x, gVec<float>& y)
    if ( (A.cols() != x.getSize()) ||  (A.rows() != y.getSize()))
        throw gException(Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    // y = alpha*A*x + beta*y
    float alpha = 1.0f;
    float beta = 0.0f;

    char transA = 'N';

    int m = A.rows();
    int n = A.cols();
    int lda = m;
    int inc = 1;

    sgemv_(&transA, &m, &n, &alpha, const_cast<float*>(A.getData()), &lda,
          const_cast<float*>(x.getData()), &inc, &beta, y.getData(), &inc);
Beispiel #26
void RecursiveRLSCholUpdateWrapper<T>::update(const gMat2D<T> &X, const gMat2D<T> &y)
        throw gException("Error, Train Model First");

    RLSPrimalRecUpdateCholesky<T> optimizer;

    const unsigned long d = X.getSize();
    const unsigned long t = y.getSize();

    gMat2D<T>X_mat(1, d);
    copy(X_mat.getData(), X.getData(), d);
    gMat2D<T>y_mat(1, t);
    copy(y_mat.getData(), y.getData(), t);
    GurlsOptionsList* ret = optimizer.execute(X_mat, y_mat, *(this->opt));
    this->opt->addOpt("optimizer", ret);

Beispiel #27
T GurlsWrapper<T>::eval(const gVec<T> &X, unsigned long *index)
        throw gException("Error, Train Model First");

    gMat2D<T>X_mat(1, X.getSize());
    copy(X_mat.getData(), X.getData(), X.getSize());

    gMat2D<T>* pred_mat = eval(X_mat);

    const T* pred = pred_mat->getData();
    const unsigned long size = pred_mat->getSize();

    const T* max = std::max_element(pred, pred+size);
    T ret = *max;
    if(index != NULL)
        *index = max-pred;

    delete pred_mat;
    return ret;
Beispiel #28
GURLS_EXPORT void dot(const gMat2D<double>& A, const gVec<double>& x, gVec<double>& y){

    if ( (A.cols() != x.getSize()) ||  (A.rows() != y.getSize()))
        throw gException(Exception_Inconsistent_Size);

    // y = alpha*A*x + beta*y
    double alpha = 1.0f;
    double beta = 0.0f;

    char transA = 'T';  // row major matrix

    int m = A.cols();   // row major matrix
    int n = A.rows();   // row major matrix
    int lda = m;        // row major matrix
    int inc = 1;

    dgemv_(&transA, &m, &n, &alpha, const_cast<double*>(A.getData()), &lda,
          const_cast<double*>(x.getData()), &inc, &beta,
          y.getData(), &inc);

Beispiel #29
void RecursiveRLSWrapper<T>::update(const gVec<T> &X, const gVec<T> &y)
        throw gException("Error, Train Model First");

    RLSPrimalRecUpdate<T> optimizer;

    const unsigned long d = X.getSize();
    const unsigned long t = y.getSize();

    gMat2D<T>X_mat(1, d);
    copy(X_mat.getData(), X.getData(), d);
    gMat2D<T>y_mat(1, t);
    copy(y_mat.getData(), y.getData(), t);

    GurlsOptionsList* ret = optimizer.execute(X_mat, y_mat, *(this->opt));
    this->opt->addOpt("optimizer", ret);


    gMat2D<T>* xtx = new gMat2D<T>(d,d);
    gMat2D<T>* xty = new gMat2D<T>(d,t);

    dot(X.getData(), X.getData(), xtx->getData(), 1, d, 1, d, d, d, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);
    dot(X.getData(), y.getData(), xty->getData(), 1, d, 1, t, d, t, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, CblasColMajor);

    GurlsOptionsList* kernel = this->opt->template getOptAs<GurlsOptionsList>("kernel");

    const gMat2D<T>& XtX = kernel->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("XtX");
    const gMat2D<T>& Xty = kernel->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("Xty");

    axpy(d*d, (T)1.0, XtX.getData(), 1, xtx->getData(), 1);
    axpy(d*t, (T)1.0, Xty.getData(), 1, xty->getData(), 1);

    kernel->addOpt("XtX", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*xtx));

    kernel->addOpt("Xty", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*xty));

    unsigned long proportion = static_cast<unsigned long>(gurls::round(1.0/this->opt->getOptAsNumber("hoproportion")));

    if(nTot % proportion == 0)
        const gMat2D<T>& Xva = kernel->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("Xva");
        const gMat2D<T>& yva = kernel->getOptValue<OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> > >("yva");

        const unsigned long nva = Xva.rows();
        const unsigned long nva_new = nva+1;

        gMat2D<T>* Xva_new = new gMat2D<T>(nva_new, d);

        const T* old_it = Xva.getData();
        T* new_it = Xva_new->getData();
        for(const T* end = new_it+(nva_new*d); new_it< end; old_it+=nva, new_it +=nva_new)
            copy(new_it, old_it, nva);

        copy(Xva_new->getData()+nva, X.getData(), d, nva_new, 1);

        kernel->addOpt("Xva", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*Xva_new));

        gMat2D<T>* yva_new = new gMat2D<T>(nva_new, t);

        old_it = yva.getData();
        new_it = yva_new->getData();
        for(const T* end = new_it+(nva_new*t); new_it< end; old_it+=nva, new_it +=nva_new)
            copy(new_it, old_it, nva);

        copy(yva_new->getData()+nva, y.getData(), t, nva_new, 1);

        kernel->addOpt("yva", new OptMatrix<gMat2D<T> >(*yva_new));

Beispiel #30
void KernelRLSWrapper<T>::train(const gMat2D<T> &X, const gMat2D<T> &y)

    const unsigned long nlambda = static_cast<unsigned long>(this->opt->getOptAsNumber("nlambda"));
    const unsigned long nsigma = static_cast<unsigned long>(this->opt->getOptAsNumber("nsigma"));

    OptTaskSequence *seq = new OptTaskSequence();
    GurlsOptionsList * process = new GurlsOptionsList("processes", false);
    OptProcess* process1 = new OptProcess();
    process->addOpt("one", process1);
    this->opt->addOpt("seq", seq);
    this->opt->addOpt("processes", process);

    if(this->kType == KernelWrapper<T>::LINEAR)
        if(nlambda > 1ul)
            *seq << "split:ho" << "kernel:linear" << "paramsel:hodual";
            *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave;
        else if(nlambda == 1ul)
                *seq << "kernel:linear";
                *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave;
                throw gException("Please set a valid value for the regularization parameter, calling setParam(value)");
            throw gException("Please set a valid value for NParam, calling setNParam(value)");

    else if(this->kType == KernelWrapper<T>::RBF)
        if(nlambda > 1ul)
            if(nsigma > 1ul)
                *seq << "split:ho" << "paramsel:siglamho" << "kernel:rbf";
                *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave;
            else if(nsigma == 1ul)
                    *seq << "split:ho" << "kernel:rbf" << "paramsel:hodual";
                    *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave;
                    throw gException("Please set a valid value for the kernel parameter, calling setSigma(value)");
                throw gException("Please set a valid value for NSigma, calling setNSigma(value)");
        else if(nlambda == 1ul)
            if(nsigma == 1ul)
                if(this->opt->hasOpt("paramsel.sigma") && this->opt->hasOpt("paramsel.lambdas"))
                    *seq << "split:ho" << "kernel:rbf";
                    *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave << GURLS::computeNsave;
                    throw gException("Please set a valid value for kernel and regularization parameters, calling setParam(value) and setSigma(value)");
                throw gException("Please set a valid value for NSigma, calling setNSigma(value)");
            throw gException("Please set a valid value for NParam, calling setNParam(value)");

    *seq << "optimizer:rlsdual";
    *process1 << GURLS::computeNsave;

    GURLS G;, y, *(this->opt), "one");
