Beispiel #1
 * gdk_pixbuf_set_option:
 * @pixbuf: a #GdkPixbuf
 * @key: a nul-terminated string.
 * @value: a nul-terminated string.
 * Attaches a key/value pair as an option to a #GdkPixbuf. If @key already
 * exists in the list of options attached to @pixbuf, the new value is 
 * ignored and %FALSE is returned.
 * Return value: %TRUE on success.
 * Since: 2.2
gdk_pixbuf_set_option (GdkPixbuf   *pixbuf,
                       const gchar *key,
                       const gchar *value)
        GQuark  quark;
        gchar **options;
        gint n = 0;
        g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf), FALSE);
        g_return_val_if_fail (key != NULL, FALSE);
        g_return_val_if_fail (value != NULL, FALSE);

        quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("gdk_pixbuf_options");

        options = g_object_get_qdata (G_OBJECT (pixbuf), quark);

        if (options) {
                for (n = 0; options[2*n]; n++) {
                        if (strcmp (options[2*n], key) == 0)
                                return FALSE;

                g_object_steal_qdata (G_OBJECT (pixbuf), quark);
                options = g_renew (gchar *, options, 2*(n+1) + 1);
        } else {
Beispiel #2
 * gtk_text_buffer_register_serialize_format:
 * @buffer: a #GtkTextBuffer
 * @mime_type: the format's mime-type
 * @function: the serialize function to register
 * @user_data: %function's user_data
 * @user_data_destroy: a function to call when @user_data is no longer needed
 * This function registers a rich text serialization @function along with
 * its @mime_type with the passed @buffer.
 * Return value: (transfer none): the #GdkAtom that corresponds to the
 *               newly registered format's mime-type.
 * Since: 2.10
gtk_text_buffer_register_serialize_format (GtkTextBuffer              *buffer,
                                           const gchar                *mime_type,
                                           GtkTextBufferSerializeFunc  function,
                                           gpointer                    user_data,
                                           GDestroyNotify              user_data_destroy)
  GList   *formats;
  GdkAtom  atom;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), GDK_NONE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (mime_type != NULL && *mime_type != '\0', GDK_NONE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (function != NULL, GDK_NONE);

  formats = g_object_steal_qdata (G_OBJECT (buffer), serialize_quark ());

  formats = register_format (formats, mime_type,
                             (gpointer) function,
                             user_data, user_data_destroy,

  g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (buffer), serialize_quark (),
                           formats, (GDestroyNotify) free_format_list);

  g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (buffer), "copy-target-list");

  return atom;
_signon_object_ready (gpointer object, GQuark quark, const GError *error)
    SignonReadyData *rd;

    g_object_set_qdata((GObject *)object, _signon_object_ready_quark(), GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));

        g_object_set_qdata_full ((GObject *)object, _signon_object_error_quark(),

    /* steal the qdata so the callbacks won't be invoked again, even if the
     * object becomes ready or is finalized while still invoking them */

    rd = g_object_steal_qdata ((GObject *)object, quark);
    if (!rd) return;

    g_object_ref (object);

    signon_object_invoke_ready_callbacks (rd, error);
    rd->self = NULL; /* so the callbacks won't be invoked again */
    signon_ready_data_free (rd);

    g_object_unref (object);

    //TODO: set some sort of ready information
Beispiel #4
 * fm_icon_set_user_data_destroy
 * @func: function for user data
 * Sets @func to be used by fm_icon_unload_user_data_cache() to destroy
 * user data that was set by fm_icon_set_user_data().
 * Since: 0.1.0
 * Deprecated: 1.2.0:
static gboolean reload_user_data_cache(GIcon* key, FmIcon* icon, gpointer unused)
    /* reset destroy_func for data -- compatibility */
    gpointer user_data = g_object_steal_qdata(G_OBJECT(icon), fm_qdata_id);
    if (user_data)
        g_object_set_qdata_full(G_OBJECT(icon), fm_qdata_id, user_data, destroy_func);
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #5
 * fm_pixbuf_from_icon_with_fallback
 * @icon: icon descriptor
 * @size: size in pixels
 * @fallback: (allow-none): name of fallback icon
 * Creates a #GdkPixbuf and draws icon there. If icon cannot be found then
 * icon with name @fallback will be loaded instead.
 * Returns: (transfer full): an image.
 * Since: 1.2.0
GdkPixbuf* fm_pixbuf_from_icon_with_fallback(FmIcon* icon, int size, const char *fallback)
    GtkIconInfo* ii;
    GdkPixbuf* pix = NULL;
    GSList *pixs, *l;
    PixEntry* ent;

    pixs = (GSList*)g_object_steal_qdata(G_OBJECT(icon), fm_qdata_id);
    for( l = pixs; l; l=l->next )
        ent = (PixEntry*)l->data;
        if(ent->size == size) /* cached pixbuf is found! */
            return ent->pix ? GDK_PIXBUF(g_object_ref(ent->pix)) : NULL;

    /* not found! load the icon from disk */
    ii = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_by_gicon(gtk_icon_theme_get_default(), G_ICON(icon), size, GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE);
        pix = gtk_icon_info_load_icon(ii, NULL);

        /* increase ref_count to keep this pixbuf in memory
           even when no one is using it. */
    if (pix == NULL)
        char* str = g_icon_to_string(G_ICON(icon));
        g_debug("unable to load icon %s", str);
            pix = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon(gtk_icon_theme_get_default(), fallback,
        if(pix == NULL) /* still unloadable */
            pix = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon(gtk_icon_theme_get_default(), "unknown",

    /* cache this! */
    ent = g_slice_new(PixEntry);
    ent->size = size;
    ent->pix = pix;

    /* FIXME: maybe we should unload icons that nobody is using to reduce memory usage. */
    /* g_object_weak_ref(); */
    pixs = g_slist_prepend(pixs, ent);
    g_object_set_qdata_full(G_OBJECT(icon), fm_qdata_id, pixs, destroy_pixbufs);

    return pix;
Beispiel #6
 * gdk_pixbuf_remove_option:
 * @pixbuf: a #GdkPixbuf
 * @key: a nul-terminated string representing the key to remove.
 * Remove the key/value pair option attached to a #GdkPixbuf.
 * Return value: %TRUE if an option was removed, %FALSE if not.
 * Since: 2.36
gdk_pixbuf_remove_option (GdkPixbuf   *pixbuf,
                          const gchar *key)
        GQuark  quark;
        gchar **options;
        guint n;
        GPtrArray *array;
        gboolean found;

        g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf), FALSE);
        g_return_val_if_fail (key != NULL, FALSE);

        quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("gdk_pixbuf_options");

        options = g_object_get_qdata (G_OBJECT (pixbuf), quark);
        if (!options)
                return FALSE;

        g_object_steal_qdata (G_OBJECT (pixbuf), quark);

        /* There's at least a nul-terminator */
        array = g_ptr_array_new_full (1, g_free);

        found = FALSE;
        for (n = 0; options[2*n]; n++) {
                if (strcmp (options[2*n], key) != 0) {
                        g_ptr_array_add (array, g_strdup (options[2*n]));   /* key */
                        g_ptr_array_add (array, g_strdup (options[2*n+1])); /* value */
                } else {
                        found = TRUE;

        if (array->len == 0) {
                g_ptr_array_unref (array);
                g_strfreev (options);
                return found;

        if (!found) {
                g_ptr_array_free (array, TRUE);
                g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (pixbuf), quark,
                                         options, (GDestroyNotify) g_strfreev);
                return FALSE;

        g_ptr_array_add (array, NULL);
        g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (pixbuf), quark,
                                 g_ptr_array_free (array, FALSE), (GDestroyNotify) g_strfreev);
        g_strfreev (options);

        return TRUE;
Beispiel #7
 * gtk_text_buffer_unregister_deserialize_format:
 * @buffer: a #GtkTextBuffer
 * @format: a #GdkAtom representing a registered rich text format.
 * This function unregisters a rich text format that was previously
 * registered using gtk_text_buffer_register_deserialize_format() or
 * gtk_text_buffer_register_deserialize_tagset().
 * Since: 2.10
gtk_text_buffer_unregister_deserialize_format (GtkTextBuffer *buffer,
                                               GdkAtom        format)
  GList *formats;

  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer));
  g_return_if_fail (format != GDK_NONE);

  formats = g_object_steal_qdata (G_OBJECT (buffer), deserialize_quark ());

  formats = unregister_format (formats, format);

  g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (buffer), deserialize_quark (),
                           formats, (GDestroyNotify) free_format_list);

  g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (buffer), "paste-target-list");
static void
post_decodebin_pad_removed_handler (GstElement * decodebin, GstPad * pad,
    KmsHttpEndpoint * self)
  GstElement *appsink, *appsrc;
  GstPad *sinkpad;

  if (GST_PAD_IS_SINK (pad))

  GST_DEBUG ("pad %" GST_PTR_FORMAT " removed", pad);

  appsink = g_object_steal_qdata (G_OBJECT (pad), appsink_data_quark ());

  if (appsink == NULL) {
    GST_ERROR ("No appsink was found associated with %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, pad);

  sinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (appsink, "sink");
  appsrc = g_object_get_qdata (G_OBJECT (sinkpad), appsrc_data_quark ());
  g_object_unref (sinkpad);

  if (!gst_element_set_locked_state (appsink, TRUE))
    GST_ERROR ("Could not block element %s", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (appsink));

  GST_DEBUG ("Removing appsink %s from %s", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (appsink),
      GST_ELEMENT_NAME (self->pipeline));

  gst_element_set_state (appsink, GST_STATE_NULL);
  gst_bin_remove (GST_BIN (self->pipeline), appsink);

  if (appsrc == NULL) {
    GST_ERROR ("No appsink was found associated with %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, pad);

  if (GST_OBJECT_PARENT (appsrc) != NULL) {
    g_object_ref (appsrc);
    gst_bin_remove (GST_BIN (GST_OBJECT_PARENT (appsrc)), appsrc);
    gst_element_set_state (appsrc, GST_STATE_NULL);
    g_object_unref (appsrc);
static gboolean
category_filter_model_update( GtkTreeStore * store )
    int i, n;
    int low = 0;
    int all = 0;
    int high = 0;
    int public = 0;
    int normal = 0;
    int private = 0;
    int store_pos;
    GtkTreeIter top;
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    GtkTreeModel * model = GTK_TREE_MODEL( store );
    GPtrArray * hosts = g_ptr_array_new( );
    GStringChunk * strings = g_string_chunk_new( 4096 );
    GHashTable * hosts_hash = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_free );
    GObject * o = G_OBJECT( store );
    GtkTreeModel * tmodel = GTK_TREE_MODEL( g_object_get_qdata( o, TORRENT_MODEL_KEY ) );

    g_object_steal_qdata( o, DIRTY_KEY );

    /* Walk through all the torrents, tallying how many matches there are
     * for the various categories. Also make a sorted list of all tracker
     * hosts s.t. we can merge it with the existing list */
    if( gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child( tmodel, &iter, NULL, 0 ) ) do
        tr_torrent * tor;
        const tr_info * inf;
        int keyCount;
        char ** keys;

        gtk_tree_model_get( tmodel, &iter, MC_TORRENT, &tor, -1 );
        inf = tr_torrentInfo( tor );
        keyCount = 0;
        keys = g_new( char*, inf->trackerCount );

        for( i=0, n=inf->trackerCount; i<n; ++i )
            int k;
            int * count;
            char buf[1024];
            char * key;

            gtr_get_host_from_url( buf, sizeof( buf ), inf->trackers[i].announce );
            key = g_string_chunk_insert_const( strings, buf );

            count = g_hash_table_lookup( hosts_hash, key );
            if( count == NULL )
                count = tr_new0( int, 1 );
                g_hash_table_insert( hosts_hash, key, count );
                g_ptr_array_add( hosts, key );

            for( k=0; k<keyCount; ++k )
                if( !strcmp( keys[k], key ) )
            if( k==keyCount )
                keys[keyCount++] = key;

        for( i=0; i<keyCount; ++i )
            int * incrementme = g_hash_table_lookup( hosts_hash, keys[i] );
        g_free( keys );


        if( inf->isPrivate )
Beispiel #10
 * fm_icon_set_user_data
 * @icon: a #FmIcon object
 * @user_data: data pointer to set
 * Sets @user_data to be associated with @icon.
 * See also: fm_icon_get_user_data(), fm_icon_unload_user_data_cache().
 * Since: 0.1.0
 * Deprecated: 1.2.0: Use g_object_set_qdata_full() instead.
void fm_icon_set_user_data(FmIcon* icon, gpointer user_data)
    /* this old API meant to replace data not freeing it */
    g_object_steal_qdata(G_OBJECT(icon), fm_qdata_id);
    g_object_set_qdata_full(G_OBJECT(icon), fm_qdata_id, user_data, destroy_func);