int connman_session_config_update(struct connman_session *session) { struct session_info *info = session->info; GSList *allowed_bearers; char *allowed_interface; int err; DBG("session %p", session); /* * We update all configuration even though only one entry * might have changed. We can still optimize this later. */ if (session->id_type != session->policy_config->id_type) { cleanup_firewall_session(session); err = init_firewall_session(session); if (err < 0) { connman_session_destroy(session); return err; } session->id_type = session->policy_config->id_type; } apply_policy_on_bearers( session->policy_config->allowed_bearers, session->user_allowed_bearers, &allowed_bearers); allowed_interface = apply_policy_on_interface( session->policy_config->allowed_interface, session->user_allowed_interface); if (session->active) set_active_session(session, false); session->active = false; session_deactivate(session); g_slist_free(info->config.allowed_bearers); info->config.allowed_bearers = allowed_bearers; g_free(info->config.allowed_interface); info->config.allowed_interface = allowed_interface; session_activate(session); info->config.type = apply_policy_on_type( session->policy_config->type, info->config.type); info->config.roaming_policy = session->policy_config->roaming_policy; info->config.ecall = session->policy_config->ecall; if (info->config.ecall) ecall_session = session; info->config.priority = session->policy_config->priority; session_notify(session); return 0; }
/* * Parses a map file * Given the path to a map file, returns a new map struct * The struct must be freed once it's done being used */ ALLEGRO_MAP *al_open_map(const char *dir, const char *filename) { xmlDoc *doc; xmlNode *root; ALLEGRO_MAP *map; unsigned i, j; ALLEGRO_PATH *cwd = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH); ALLEGRO_PATH *resources = al_clone_path(cwd); ALLEGRO_PATH *maps = al_create_path(dir); al_join_paths(resources, maps); if (!al_change_directory(al_path_cstr(resources, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to change directory in al_parse_map()."); } al_destroy_path(resources); al_destroy_path(maps); // Read in the data file doc = xmlReadFile(filename, NULL, 0); if (!doc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to parse map data: %s\n", filename); return NULL; } // Get the root element, <map> root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); // Get some basic info map = MALLOC(ALLEGRO_MAP); map->width = atoi(get_xml_attribute(root, "width")); map->height = atoi(get_xml_attribute(root, "height")); map->tile_width = atoi(get_xml_attribute(root, "tilewidth")); map->tile_height = atoi(get_xml_attribute(root, "tileheight")); map->orientation = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(root, "orientation")); map->tile_layer_count = 0; map->object_layer_count = 0; // Get the tilesets GSList *tilesets = get_children_for_name(root, "tileset"); map->tilesets = NULL; GSList *tileset_item = tilesets; while (tileset_item) { xmlNode *tileset_node = (xmlNode*)tileset_item->data; tileset_item = g_slist_next(tileset_item); ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET *tileset = MALLOC(ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET); tileset->firstgid = atoi(get_xml_attribute(tileset_node, "firstgid")); tileset->tilewidth = atoi(get_xml_attribute(tileset_node, "tilewidth")); tileset->tileheight = atoi(get_xml_attribute(tileset_node, "tileheight")); tileset->name = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(tileset_node, "name")); // Get this tileset's image xmlNode *image_node = get_first_child_for_name(tileset_node, "image"); tileset->width = atoi(get_xml_attribute(image_node, "width")); tileset->height = atoi(get_xml_attribute(image_node, "height")); tileset->source = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(image_node, "source")); tileset->bitmap = al_load_bitmap(tileset->source); // Get this tileset's tiles GSList *tiles = get_children_for_name(tileset_node, "tile"); tileset->tiles = NULL; GSList *tile_item = tiles; while (tile_item) { xmlNode *tile_node = (xmlNode*)tile_item->data; tile_item = g_slist_next(tile_item); ALLEGRO_MAP_TILE *tile = MALLOC(ALLEGRO_MAP_TILE); tile->id = tileset->firstgid + atoi(get_xml_attribute(tile_node, "id")); tile->tileset = tileset; tile->bitmap = NULL; // Get this tile's properties tile->properties = parse_properties(tile_node); // TODO: add a destructor tileset->tiles = g_slist_prepend(tileset->tiles, tile); } g_slist_free(tiles); //tileset->tiles = g_slist_reverse(tileset->tiles); // TODO: add a destructor map->tilesets = g_slist_prepend(map->tilesets, tileset); } g_slist_free(tilesets); //map->tilesets = g_slist_reverse(map->tilesets); // Create the map's master list of tiles cache_tile_list(map); // Get the layers GSList *layers = get_children_for_either_name(root, "layer", "objectgroup"); map->layers = NULL; GSList *layer_item = layers; while (layer_item) { xmlNode *layer_node = (xmlNode*)layer_item->data; layer_item = g_slist_next(layer_item); ALLEGRO_MAP_LAYER *layer = MALLOC(ALLEGRO_MAP_LAYER); layer->name = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "name")); layer->properties = parse_properties(layer_node); char *layer_visible = get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "visible"); layer->visible = (layer_visible != NULL ? atoi(layer_visible) : 1); char *layer_opacity = get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "opacity"); layer->opacity = (layer_opacity != NULL ? atof(layer_opacity) : 1.0); if (!strcmp((const char*)layer_node->name, "layer")) { layer->type = TILE_LAYER; layer->width = atoi(get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "width")); layer->height = atoi(get_xml_attribute(layer_node, "height")); decode_layer_data(get_first_child_for_name(layer_node, "data"), layer); // Create any missing tile objects for (i = 0; i<layer->height; i++) { for (j = 0; j<layer->width; j++) { char id = al_get_single_tile_id(layer, j, i); if (id == 0) { continue; } ALLEGRO_MAP_TILE *tile = al_get_tile_for_id(map, id); if (!tile) { // wasn't defined in the map file, presumably because it had no properties tile = MALLOC(ALLEGRO_MAP_TILE); tile->id = id; tile->properties = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL); tile->tileset = NULL; tile->bitmap = NULL; // locate its tilemap GSList *tilesets = map->tilesets; ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET *tileset_ref; while (tilesets) { ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET *tileset = (ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET*)tilesets->data; tilesets = g_slist_next(tilesets); if (tileset->firstgid <= id) { if (!tile->tileset || tileset->firstgid > tile->tileset->firstgid) { tileset_ref = tileset; } } } tile->tileset = tileset_ref; tileset_ref->tiles = g_slist_prepend(tileset_ref->tiles, tile); g_hash_table_insert(map->tiles, GINT_TO_POINTER(tile->id), tile); } // create this tile's bitmap if it hasn't been yet if (!tile->bitmap) { ALLEGRO_MAP_TILESET *tileset = tile->tileset; int id = tile->id - tileset->firstgid; int width = tileset->width / tileset->tilewidth; int x = (id % width) * tileset->tilewidth; int y = (id / width) * tileset->tileheight; tile->bitmap = al_create_sub_bitmap( tileset->bitmap, x, y, tileset->tilewidth, tileset->tileheight); } } } map->tile_layer_count++; map->tile_layers = g_slist_prepend(map->tile_layers, layer); } else if (!strcmp((const char*)layer_node->name, "objectgroup")) { layer->type = OBJECT_LAYER; layer->objects = NULL; layer->object_count = 0; // TODO: color? GSList *objects = get_children_for_name(layer_node, "object"); GSList *object_item = objects; while (object_item) { xmlNode *object_node = (xmlNode*)object_item->data; object_item = g_slist_next(object_item); ALLEGRO_MAP_OBJECT *object = MALLOC(ALLEGRO_MAP_OBJECT); object->layer = layer; object->name = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(object_node, "name")); object->type = g_strdup(get_xml_attribute(object_node, "type")); object->x = atoi(get_xml_attribute(object_node, "x")); object->y = atoi(get_xml_attribute(object_node, "y")); char *object_width = get_xml_attribute(object_node, "width"); object->width = (object_width ? atoi(object_width) : 0); char *object_height = get_xml_attribute(object_node, "height"); object->height = (object_height ? atoi(object_height) : 0); char *gid = get_xml_attribute(object_node, "gid"); if (gid) { object->gid = atoi(gid); } char *object_visible = get_xml_attribute(object_node, "visible"); object->visible = (object_visible ? atoi(object_visible) : 1); // Get the object's properties object->properties = parse_properties(object_node); layer->objects = g_slist_prepend(layer->objects, object); layer->object_count++; } map->object_layer_count++; map->object_layers = g_slist_prepend(map->object_layers, layer); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: found invalid layer node \"%s\"\n", layer_node->name); continue; } map->layers = g_slist_prepend(map->layers, layer); } g_slist_free(layers); // If any objects have a tile gid, cache their image layer_item = map->layers; while (layer_item) { ALLEGRO_MAP_LAYER *layer = (ALLEGRO_MAP_LAYER*)layer_item->data; layer_item = g_slist_next(layer_item); if (layer->type != OBJECT_LAYER) { continue; } GSList *objects = layer->objects; while (objects) { ALLEGRO_MAP_OBJECT *object = (ALLEGRO_MAP_OBJECT*)objects->data; objects = g_slist_next(objects); if (!object->gid) { continue; } object->bitmap = al_get_tile_for_id(map, object->gid)->bitmap; object->width = map->tile_width; object->height = map->tile_height; } } xmlFreeDoc(doc); al_change_directory(al_path_cstr(cwd, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP)); return map; }
GtkWidget* gtr_torrent_options_dialog_new (GtkWindow * parent, TrCore * core, tr_ctor * ctor) { const char * str; GtkWidget * w; GtkWidget * d; GtkGrid * grid; int row; GtkWidget * l; GtkWidget * source_chooser; struct OpenData * data; bool flag; GSList * list; GSList * walk; /* make the dialog */ d = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Torrent Options"), parent, GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (d), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT); gtk_dialog_set_alternative_button_order (GTK_DIALOG (d), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, -1); if (tr_ctorGetDownloadDir (ctor, TR_FORCE, &str)) g_assert_not_reached (); g_assert (str); data = g_new0 (struct OpenData, 1); data->core = core; data->ctor = ctor; data->filename = g_strdup (tr_ctorGetSourceFile (ctor)); data->downloadDir = g_strdup (str); data->file_list = gtr_file_list_new (core, 0); str = _("Mo_ve .torrent file to the trash"); data->trash_check = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (str); str = _("_Start when added"); data->run_check = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (str); w = data->priority_combo = gtr_priority_combo_new (); gtr_priority_combo_set_value (GTK_COMBO_BOX (w), TR_PRI_NORMAL); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (d), "response", G_CALLBACK (addResponseCB), data); row = 0; grid = GTK_GRID (gtk_grid_new ()); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (grid), GUI_PAD_BIG); gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (grid, GUI_PAD); gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (grid, GUI_PAD_BIG); // "torrent file" row l = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Torrent file:")); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (l), 0.0f, 0.5f); gtk_grid_attach (grid, l, 0, row, 1, 1); w = gtk_file_chooser_button_new (_("Select Source File"), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN); source_chooser = w; gtk_widget_set_hexpand (w, TRUE); gtk_grid_attach_next_to (grid, w, l, GTK_POS_RIGHT, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (l), w); addTorrentFilters (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (w)); g_signal_connect (w, "selection-changed", G_CALLBACK (sourceChanged), data); // "destination folder" row row++; l = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Destination folder:")); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (l), 0.0f, 0.5f); gtk_grid_attach (grid, l, 0, row, 1, 1); w = gtk_file_chooser_button_new (_("Select Destination Folder"), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER); if (!gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (w), data->downloadDir)) g_warning ("couldn't select '%s'", data->downloadDir); list = get_recent_destinations (); for (walk = list; walk; walk = walk->next) gtk_file_chooser_add_shortcut_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (w), walk->data, NULL); g_slist_free (list); gtk_grid_attach_next_to (grid, w, l, GTK_POS_RIGHT, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (l), w); g_signal_connect (w, "selection-changed", G_CALLBACK (downloadDirChanged), data); row++; l = data->freespace_label = gtr_freespace_label_new (core, data->downloadDir); gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (l, GUI_PAD_BIG); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (l), 1.0f, 0.5f); gtk_grid_attach (grid, l, 0, row, 2, 1); // file list row row++; w = data->file_list; gtk_widget_set_vexpand (w, TRUE); gtk_widget_set_size_request (w, 466u, 300u); gtk_grid_attach (grid, w, 0, row, 2, 1); // torrent priority row row++; l = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("Torrent _priority:")); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (l), 0.0f, 0.5f); gtk_grid_attach (grid, l, 0, row, 1, 1); w = data->priority_combo; gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (l), w); gtk_grid_attach_next_to (grid, w, l, GTK_POS_RIGHT, 1, 1); // torrent priority row row++; w = data->run_check; if (tr_ctorGetPaused (ctor, TR_FORCE, &flag)) g_assert_not_reached (); gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (w), !flag); gtk_grid_attach (grid, w, 0, row, 2, 1); // "trash .torrent file" row row++; w = data->trash_check; if (tr_ctorGetDeleteSource (ctor, &flag)) g_assert_not_reached (); gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (w), flag); gtk_grid_attach (grid, w, 0, row, 2, 1); /* trigger sourceChanged, either directly or indirectly, * so that it creates the tor/gtor objects */ w = source_chooser; if (data->filename) gtk_file_chooser_set_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (w), data->filename); else sourceChanged (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_BUTTON (w), data); gtr_dialog_set_content (GTK_DIALOG (d), GTK_WIDGET (grid)); w = gtk_dialog_get_widget_for_response (GTK_DIALOG (d), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT); gtk_widget_grab_focus (w); return d; }
/* * mono_arch_get_call_filter: * * Returns a pointer to a method which calls an exception filter. We * also use this function to call finally handlers (we pass NULL as * @exc object in this case). */ gpointer mono_arch_get_call_filter (MonoTrampInfo **info, gboolean aot) { guint8* start; guint8 *code; MonoJumpInfo *ji = NULL; GSList *unwind_ops = NULL; guint kMaxCodeSize = NACL_SIZE (64, 128); /* call_filter (MonoContext *ctx, unsigned long eip) */ start = code = mono_global_codeman_reserve (kMaxCodeSize); x86_push_reg (code, X86_EBP); x86_mov_reg_reg (code, X86_EBP, X86_ESP, 4); x86_push_reg (code, X86_EBX); x86_push_reg (code, X86_EDI); x86_push_reg (code, X86_ESI); /* load ctx */ x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_EAX, X86_EBP, 8, 4); /* load eip */ x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_ECX, X86_EBP, 12, 4); /* save EBP */ x86_push_reg (code, X86_EBP); /* set new EBP */ x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_EBP, X86_EAX, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoContext, ebp), 4); /* restore registers used by global register allocation (EBX & ESI) */ x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_EBX, X86_EAX, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoContext, ebx), 4); x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_ESI, X86_EAX, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoContext, esi), 4); x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_EDI, X86_EAX, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoContext, edi), 4); /* align stack and save ESP */ x86_mov_reg_reg (code, X86_EDX, X86_ESP, 4); x86_alu_reg_imm (code, X86_AND, X86_ESP, -MONO_ARCH_FRAME_ALIGNMENT); g_assert (MONO_ARCH_FRAME_ALIGNMENT >= 8); x86_alu_reg_imm (code, X86_SUB, X86_ESP, MONO_ARCH_FRAME_ALIGNMENT - 8); x86_push_reg (code, X86_EDX); /* call the handler */ x86_call_reg (code, X86_ECX); /* restore ESP */ x86_pop_reg (code, X86_ESP); /* restore EBP */ x86_pop_reg (code, X86_EBP); /* restore saved regs */ x86_pop_reg (code, X86_ESI); x86_pop_reg (code, X86_EDI); x86_pop_reg (code, X86_EBX); x86_leave (code); x86_ret (code); nacl_global_codeman_validate(&start, kMaxCodeSize, &code); if (info) *info = mono_tramp_info_create ("call_filter", start, code - start, ji, unwind_ops); else { GSList *l; for (l = unwind_ops; l; l = l->next) g_free (l->data); g_slist_free (unwind_ops); } g_assert ((code - start) < kMaxCodeSize); return start; }
static void msn_logout( struct im_connection *ic ) { struct msn_data *md = ic->proto_data; GSList *l; int i; if( md ) { /** Disabling MSN ft support for now. while( md->filetransfers ) { imcb_file_canceled( md->filetransfers->data, "Closing connection" ); } */ msn_ns_close( md->ns ); while( md->switchboards ) msn_sb_destroy( md->switchboards->data ); msn_msgq_purge( ic, &md->msgq ); msn_soapq_flush( ic, FALSE ); for( i = 0; i < sizeof( md->tokens ) / sizeof( md->tokens[0] ); i ++ ) g_free( md->tokens[i] ); g_free( md->lock_key ); g_free( md->pp_policy ); g_free( md->uuid ); while( md->groups ) { struct msn_group *mg = md->groups->data; g_free( mg->id ); g_free( mg->name ); g_free( mg ); md->groups = g_slist_remove( md->groups, mg ); } g_free( md->profile_rid ); if( md->domaintree ) g_tree_destroy( md->domaintree ); md->domaintree = NULL; while( md->grpq ) { struct msn_groupadd *ga = md->grpq->data; g_free( ga->group ); g_free( ga->who ); g_free( ga ); md->grpq = g_slist_remove( md->grpq, ga ); } g_free( md ); } for( l = ic->permit; l; l = l->next ) g_free( l->data ); g_slist_free( ic->permit ); for( l = ic->deny; l; l = l->next ) g_free( l->data ); g_slist_free( ic->deny ); msn_connections = g_slist_remove( msn_connections, ic ); }
void read_xmms_config() { int count; /*char tempname[100];*/ char *tempname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*100); gchar *path; gchar *ext; mcs_handle_t *config; DPRINT (__DEBUG_GENERAL__,"Starting to read xmms config"); // empty cover search list, the plugin is probably initialized twice by the user g_slist_free (cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths); cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths = NULL; // empty extension search list, the plugin is probably initialized twice by the user g_slist_free (cdcover_config.cover_extensions); cdcover_config.cover_extensions = NULL; config = aud_cfg_db_open (); if (config) { // Window position aud_cfg_db_get_bool (config,PLUGIN_NAME,"savewindowpos",&cdcover_config.save_window_pos); aud_cfg_db_get_int (config,PLUGIN_NAME,"windowposx",&cdcover_config.winpos_x); aud_cfg_db_get_int (config,PLUGIN_NAME,"windowposy",&cdcover_config.winpos_y); // Aspect ratio aud_cfg_db_get_bool (config,PLUGIN_NAME,"aspectratio",&cdcover_config.preserve_aspectratio); // Skin if (!aud_cfg_db_get_string (config,PLUGIN_NAME,"skinpath",&cdcover_config.skin_path)) { cdcover_config.skin_path = NULL; } // Read in the paths sprintf (tempname,"path1"); count=1; while (aud_cfg_db_get_string (config,PLUGIN_NAME,tempname,&path)) { // save the pointer to this resource string in the list cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths = g_slist_append (cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths,path); //printf("Got path '%s' with var %s\n", path, tempname); // construct next path variable count++; sprintf (tempname,"path%d",count); } // Where we able to read any search paths ? if (g_slist_length(cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths)==0) { // Some default paths to start with // Allocate memory, so we can free it on shutdown //printf("No paths found, populating with defaults\n"); gchar *path1 = g_strconcat ("?PATH?/cover.jpg",NULL); gchar *path2 = g_strconcat ("?PATH?/?BASE?.jpg",NULL); gchar *path3 = g_strconcat ("?PATH?/media/?FILENAME?.jpg",NULL); gchar *path4 = g_strconcat ("?PATH?/*.jpg",NULL); cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths = g_slist_append (cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths,path1); cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths = g_slist_append (cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths,path2); cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths = g_slist_append (cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths,path3); cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths = g_slist_append (cdcover_config.cover_searchpaths,path4); } // Read in the extensions sprintf (tempname,"ext1"); count=1; while (aud_cfg_db_get_string (config,PLUGIN_NAME,tempname,&ext)) { // save the pointer to this resource string in the list cdcover_config.cover_extensions = g_slist_append (cdcover_config.cover_extensions,ext); //printf("Got ext '%s' with var %s\n", ext, tempname); // construct next path variable count++; sprintf (tempname,"ext%d",count); } // Were we able to read any extensions? if (g_slist_length(cdcover_config.cover_extensions)==0) { // Some default extensions to start with // Allocate memory, so we can free it on shutdown //printf("No extensions found, populating with defaults\n"); gchar *ext1 = g_strconcat ("png",NULL); gchar *ext2 = g_strconcat ("jpg",NULL); gchar *ext3 = g_strconcat ("gif",NULL); cdcover_config.cover_extensions = g_slist_append(cdcover_config.cover_extensions,ext1); cdcover_config.cover_extensions = g_slist_append(cdcover_config.cover_extensions,ext2); cdcover_config.cover_extensions = g_slist_append(cdcover_config.cover_extensions,ext3); } // Free config handle aud_cfg_db_close (config); } else { DPRINT (__DEBUG_GENERAL__,"Cannot open config file"); } }
void gimp_text_buffer_get_iter_at_index (GimpTextBuffer *buffer, GtkTextIter *iter, gint index, gboolean layout_index) { GtkTextIter start; GtkTextIter end; gchar *string; g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer)); gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), &start, &end); string = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), &start, &end, TRUE); if (layout_index) { gchar *my_string = string; gint my_index = 0; gchar *tmp; do { GSList *tags = gtk_text_iter_get_tags (&start); GSList *list; tmp = g_utf8_next_char (my_string); my_index += (tmp - my_string); my_string = tmp; for (list = tags; list; list = g_slist_next (list)) { GtkTextTag *tag = list->data; if (g_list_find (buffer->kerning_tags, tag)) { index = MAX (0, index - WORD_JOINER_LENGTH); break; } } g_slist_free (tags); gtk_text_iter_forward_char (&start); /* We might have moved too far */ if (gtk_text_iter_compare (&start, &end) > 0) start = end; } while (my_index < index && ! gtk_text_iter_equal (&start, &end)); } string[index] = '\0'; gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), iter, g_utf8_strlen (string, -1)); g_free (string); }
static void sig_message_quit(SERVER_REC *server, const char *nick, const char *address, const char *reason) { WINDOW_REC *window; GString *chans; GSList *tmp, *windows; char *print_channel; int once, count; if (ignore_check(server, nick, address, NULL, reason, MSGLEVEL_QUITS)) return; print_channel = NULL; once = settings_get_bool("show_quit_once"); count = 0; windows = NULL; chans = g_string_new(NULL); for (tmp = server->channels; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { CHANNEL_REC *rec = tmp->data; if (!nicklist_find(rec, nick)) continue; if (ignore_check(server, nick, address, rec->name, reason, MSGLEVEL_QUITS)) { count++; continue; } if (print_channel == NULL || active_win->active == (WI_ITEM_REC *) rec) print_channel = rec->name; if (once) g_string_sprintfa(chans, "%s,", rec->name); else { window = window_item_window((WI_ITEM_REC *) rec); if (g_slist_find(windows, window) == NULL) { windows = g_slist_append(windows, window); printformat(server, rec->name, MSGLEVEL_QUITS, TXT_QUIT, nick, address, reason, rec->name); } } count++; } g_slist_free(windows); if (!once) { /* check if you had query with the nick and display the quit there too */ QUERY_REC *query = query_find(server, nick); if (query != NULL) { printformat(server, nick, MSGLEVEL_QUITS, TXT_QUIT, nick, address, reason, ""); } } if (once || count == 0) { if (chans->len > 0) g_string_truncate(chans, chans->len-1); printformat(server, print_channel, MSGLEVEL_QUITS, count <= 1 ? TXT_QUIT : TXT_QUIT_ONCE, nick, address, reason, chans->str); } g_string_free(chans, TRUE); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int err, i; GNOME_Pilot_Survival survive; GError *error; GList *pilots = NULL; GOptionContext *option_context; bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, GNOMELOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); if (argc<2) { g_message ("usage : %s [--now|--later] [--pilot PDA] [FILE ...]", argv[0]); exit (1); } option_context = g_option_context_new (PACKAGE); g_option_context_add_main_entries (option_context, options, NULL); if (!g_option_context_parse(option_context, &argc, &argv, &error)) { g_error (_("Error parsing commandline arguments: %s"), error->message); exit (1); } gtk_init (&argc, &argv); gpc = GNOME_PILOT_CLIENT (gnome_pilot_client_new ()); g_object_ref_sink (G_OBJECT (gpc)); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gpc),"completed_request", G_CALLBACK(gpilotd_request_completed), NULL); gnome_pilot_client_connect_to_daemon (gpc); if (pilot_arg!=NULL) { pilots = g_list_append (pilots, g_strdup (pilot_arg)); } else { err = gnome_pilot_client_get_pilots (gpc, &pilots); if (err !=GPILOTD_OK || pilots == NULL) { g_warning (_("Unable to get PDA names")); show_warning_dialog (_("Unable to get PDA names")); exit (1); } } notfailed = failed = handles = NULL; survive = GNOME_Pilot_IMMEDIATE; if (later) survive = GNOME_Pilot_PERSISTENT; i=0; while (filenames && filenames[i]!=NULL) { gint err; err = gnome_pilot_client_install_file (gpc, pilots->data, /* get first pilot */ filenames[i], survive, 0, &handle); if (err == GPILOTD_OK) { handles = g_slist_prepend (handles,GINT_TO_POINTER(handle)); notfailed = g_slist_prepend (notfailed, (void *) filenames[i]); } else { failed = g_slist_prepend (failed, (void *) filenames[i]); } i++; } if (!later) { gchar *message; message = NULL; if (failed != NULL) { GSList *e; message = g_strdup (_("Following files failed :\n")); for (e=failed;e;e = g_slist_next (e)) { gchar *tmp; tmp = g_strconcat (message,"\t- ", e->data,"\n", NULL); g_free (message); message = tmp; } g_slist_free (failed); } { GSList *e; if (message == NULL) message = g_strdup_printf (_("Installing to %s:\n"), (char*)pilots->data); else { gchar *tmp; tmp = g_strconcat (message,"\nInstalling to ", (char*)pilots->data, ":\n", NULL); g_free (message); message = tmp; } for (e=notfailed;e;e = g_slist_next (e)) { gchar *tmp; tmp = g_strconcat (message,"\t- ", e->data,"\n", NULL); g_free (message); message = tmp; } g_slist_free (notfailed); } { gchar *tmp; gchar *info; if (handles == NULL) info = g_strdup (_("No files to install")); else { info = g_strdup (_("Press synchronize on the cradle to install\n" " or cancel the operation.")); err = gnome_pilot_client_conduit (gpc, pilots->data, "File", GNOME_Pilot_CONDUIT_DEFAULT, survive, 0, &handle); } tmp = g_strconcat (message==NULL?"":message, "\n", info, NULL); g_free (message); g_free (info); message = tmp; } dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, GTK_MESSAGE_OTHER, GTK_BUTTONS_CANCEL, "%s", message); gint response = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); if (dialog != NULL) /* if not destroyed by callback */ gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL) { GSList *e; for (e=handles;e;e = g_slist_next (e)) { gnome_pilot_client_remove_request (gpc,GPOINTER_TO_INT(e->data)); } g_slist_free (handles); } g_free (message); } g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (gpc)); return 0; }
static void remove_button_clicked_callback (GtkWidget *button, void *data) { GladeXML *xml; GtkWidget *dialog; GtkListStore *tree = NULL; GtkTreeSelection *selection; GtkWidget *treeview; GConfClient *client; GSList *filenames = NULL; GSList *tmp = NULL; GSList *loaded_files = NULL; dialog = data; xml = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "treeview1"); treeview = glade_xml_get_widget (xml, "treeview1"); selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview)); gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (selection, get_selected_files_func, &filenames); if (!filenames) return; /* Remove the selected file */ client = gconf_client_get_default (); loaded_files = gconf_client_get_list (client, LOADED_FILES_KEY, GCONF_VALUE_STRING, NULL); loaded_files = remove_string_from_list (loaded_files, (char *)filenames->data); gconf_client_set_list (client, LOADED_FILES_KEY, GCONF_VALUE_STRING, loaded_files, NULL); g_object_unref (client); tree = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "tree"); gtk_list_store_clear (tree); tmp = loaded_files; while (tmp != NULL) { GtkTreeIter iter; gtk_list_store_append (tree, &iter); gtk_list_store_set (tree, &iter, 0, (char *)tmp->data, -1); tmp = tmp->next; } g_slist_foreach (loaded_files, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (loaded_files); }
static void load_button_clicked_callback (GtkWidget *button, void *data) { GtkWidget *dialog; GtkListStore *tree = NULL; GtkTreeSelection *selection; GtkWidget *treeview; GSList *filenames = NULL; GSList *tmp = NULL; GSList *loaded_files = NULL; GConfClient *client; dialog = data; treeview = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "loaded-treeview"); selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview)); gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (selection, get_selected_files_func, &filenames); if (!filenames) return; /* Add the files to left-tree-view */ client = gconf_client_get_default (); loaded_files = gconf_client_get_list (client, LOADED_FILES_KEY, GCONF_VALUE_STRING, NULL); tmp = loaded_files; while (tmp != NULL) { if (strcmp (tmp->data, (char *)filenames->data) == 0) return;; tmp = tmp->next; } loaded_files = g_slist_append (loaded_files, (char *)filenames->data); gconf_client_set_list (client, LOADED_FILES_KEY, GCONF_VALUE_STRING, loaded_files, NULL); g_object_unref (client); tree = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "tree"); gtk_list_store_clear (tree); tmp = loaded_files; while (tmp != NULL) { GtkTreeIter iter; gtk_list_store_append (tree, &iter); gtk_list_store_set (tree, &iter, 0, (char *)tmp->data, -1); tmp = tmp->next; } g_slist_foreach (loaded_files, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (loaded_files); }
void window_item_create(WI_ITEM_REC *item, int automatic) { WINDOW_REC *window; WINDOW_BIND_REC *bind; GSList *tmp, *sorted; int clear_waiting, reuse_unused_windows; g_return_if_fail(item != NULL); reuse_unused_windows = settings_get_bool("reuse_unused_windows"); clear_waiting = TRUE; window = NULL; sorted = windows_get_sorted(); for (tmp = sorted; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { WINDOW_REC *rec = tmp->data; /* is item bound to this window? */ if (item->server != NULL) { bind = window_bind_find(rec, item->server->tag, item->visible_name); if (bind != NULL) { if (!bind->sticky) window_bind_destroy(rec, bind); window = rec; clear_waiting = FALSE; break; } } /* use this window IF: - reuse_unused_windows is ON - window has no existing items - window has no name - window has no sticky binds (/LAYOUT SAVEd) - we already haven't found "good enough" window, except if - this is the active window - old window had some temporary bounds and this one doesn't */ if (reuse_unused_windows && rec->items == NULL && rec->name == NULL && !window_bind_has_sticky(rec) && (window == NULL || rec == active_win || window->bound_items != NULL)) window = rec; } g_slist_free(sorted); if (window == NULL && !settings_get_bool("autocreate_windows")) { /* never create new windows automatically */ window = active_win; } if (window == NULL) { /* create new window to use */ if (settings_get_bool("autocreate_split_windows")) { signal_emit("gui window create override", 1, GINT_TO_POINTER(MAIN_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLIT)); } window = window_create(item, automatic); } else { /* use existing window */ window_item_add(window, item, automatic); } if (clear_waiting) window_bind_remove_unsticky(window); }
static void session_activate(struct connman_session *session) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; if (!service_hash) return; if (policy && policy->get_service_for_session) { struct connman_service *service; struct connman_service_info *info; GSList *service_list = NULL; enum connman_service_state state = CONNMAN_SESSION_STATE_DISCONNECTED; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, service_hash); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { struct connman_service_info *info = value; state = connman_service_get_state(info->service); if (is_session_connected(session, state)) service_list = g_slist_prepend(service_list, info->service); } service_list = g_slist_reverse(service_list); service = policy->get_service_for_session(session, service_list); if (service) { info = g_hash_table_lookup(service_hash, service); DBG("session %p add service %p", session, info->service); info->sessions = g_slist_prepend(info->sessions, session); session->service = info->service; update_session_state(session); } g_slist_free(service_list); return; } g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, service_hash); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { struct connman_service_info *info = value; enum connman_service_state state; state = connman_service_get_state(info->service); if (is_session_connected(session, state) && session_match_service(session, info->service)) { DBG("session %p add service %p", session, info->service); info->sessions = g_slist_prepend(info->sessions, session); session->service = info->service; update_session_state(session); return; } } session_notify(session); }
static DBusMessage *change_session(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *user_data) { struct connman_session *session = user_data; struct session_info *info = session->info; DBusMessageIter iter, value; const char *name; const char *val; GSList *allowed_bearers; int err; DBG("session %p", session); if (!dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter)) return __connman_error_invalid_arguments(msg); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) return __connman_error_invalid_arguments(msg); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &name); dbus_message_iter_next(&iter); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT) return __connman_error_invalid_arguments(msg); dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter, &value); switch (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&value)) { case DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY: if (g_str_equal(name, "AllowedBearers")) { err = parse_bearers(&value, &allowed_bearers); if (err < 0) return __connman_error_failed(msg, -err); if (session->active) set_active_session(session, false); session->active = false; session_deactivate(session); update_session_state(session); g_slist_free(info->config.allowed_bearers); session->user_allowed_bearers = allowed_bearers; apply_policy_on_bearers( session->policy_config->allowed_bearers, session->user_allowed_bearers, &info->config.allowed_bearers); session_activate(session); } else { goto err; } break; case DBUS_TYPE_STRING: if (g_str_equal(name, "ConnectionType")) { dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&value, &val); info->config.type = apply_policy_on_type( session->policy_config->type, connman_session_parse_connection_type(val)); } else if (g_str_equal(name, "AllowedInterface")) { dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&value, &val); if (session->active) set_active_session(session, false); session->active = false; session_deactivate(session); update_session_state(session); g_free(session->user_allowed_interface); /* empty string means allow any interface */ if (!g_strcmp0(val, "")) session->user_allowed_interface = NULL; else session->user_allowed_interface = g_strdup(val); info->config.allowed_interface = apply_policy_on_interface( session->policy_config->allowed_interface, session->user_allowed_interface); session_activate(session); } else { goto err; } break; case DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (g_str_equal(name, "SourceIPRule")) { dbus_bool_t source_ip_rule; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&value, &source_ip_rule); info->config.source_ip_rule = source_ip_rule; update_session_state(session); } else { goto err; } break; default: goto err; } session_notify(session); return g_dbus_create_reply(msg, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); err: return __connman_error_invalid_arguments(msg); }
void sp_sel_trans_ungrab (SPSelTrans * seltrans) { SPItem * item; const GSList * l; gchar tstr[80]; NRPointD p; unsigned int updh; g_return_if_fail (seltrans->grabbed); updh = TRUE; if (!seltrans->empty && seltrans->changed) { l = sp_selection_item_list (SP_DT_SELECTION (seltrans->desktop)); tstr[79] = '\0'; while (l != NULL) { item = SP_ITEM (l->data); /* fixme: We do not have to set it here (Lauris) */ if (seltrans->show == SP_SELTRANS_SHOW_OUTLINE) { NRMatrixF i2d, i2dnew; sp_item_i2d_affine (item, &i2d); nr_matrix_multiply_ffd (&i2dnew, &i2d, &seltrans->current); sp_item_set_i2d_affine (item, &i2dnew); } if (seltrans->transform == SP_SELTRANS_TRANSFORM_OPTIMIZE) { sp_item_write_transform (item, SP_OBJECT_REPR (item), &item->transform); /* because item/repr affines may be out of sync, invoke reread */ /* fixme: We should test equality to avoid unnecessary rereads */ /* fixme: This probably is not needed (Lauris) */ sp_object_read_attr (SP_OBJECT (item), "transform"); } else { if (sp_svg_transform_write (tstr, 79, &item->transform)) { sp_repr_set_attr (SP_OBJECT (item)->repr, "transform", tstr); } else { sp_repr_set_attr (SP_OBJECT (item)->repr, "transform", NULL); } } l = l->next; } p = seltrans->center; seltrans->center.x = NR_MATRIX_DF_TRANSFORM_X (&seltrans->current, p.x, p.y); seltrans->center.y = NR_MATRIX_DF_TRANSFORM_Y (&seltrans->current, p.x, p.y); sp_document_done (SP_DT_DOCUMENT (seltrans->desktop)); sp_selection_changed (SP_DT_SELECTION (seltrans->desktop)); updh = FALSE; } if (seltrans->items) { int i; for (i = 0; i < seltrans->nitems; i++) sp_object_unref (SP_OBJECT (seltrans->items[i]), NULL); nr_free (seltrans->items); seltrans->items = NULL; } if (seltrans->transforms) { nr_free (seltrans->transforms); seltrans->transforms = NULL; } seltrans->nitems = 0; seltrans->grabbed = FALSE; seltrans->show_handles = TRUE; sp_canvas_item_hide (seltrans->norm); sp_canvas_item_hide (seltrans->grip); if (seltrans->show == SP_SELTRANS_SHOW_OUTLINE) { sp_canvas_item_hide (seltrans->l1); sp_canvas_item_hide (seltrans->l2); sp_canvas_item_hide (seltrans->l3); sp_canvas_item_hide (seltrans->l4); } sp_sel_trans_update_volatile_state (seltrans); if (updh) sp_sel_trans_update_handles (seltrans); if (seltrans->stamp_cache) { g_slist_free(seltrans->stamp_cache); seltrans->stamp_cache = NULL; } }
void pixmap_save_cb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer pixmap_ptr _U_) { GtkWidget *save_as_w; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,22,0) surface_info_t *surface_info = (surface_info_t *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(w), "surface-info"); #else GdkPixmap *pixmap = (GdkPixmap *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(w), "pixmap"); #endif GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; GdkPixbufFormat *pixbuf_format; GtkWidget *main_vb, *save_as_type_hb, *type_lb, *type_cm; GSList *file_formats,*ffp; GdkWindow *parent; gchar *format_name; guint format_index = 0; guint default_index = 0; gchar *filename, *file_type; GError *error = NULL; gboolean ret; GtkWidget *msg_dialog; #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,22,0) pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface (surface_info->surface, 0, 0, surface_info->width, surface_info->height); #else pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(NULL, pixmap, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1); #endif if(!pixbuf) { simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK, "%sCould not get image from graph%s", simple_dialog_primary_start(), simple_dialog_primary_end()); return; } save_as_w = file_selection_new("Wireshark: Save Graph As ...", FILE_SELECTION_SAVE); gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(save_as_w), TRUE); /* Container for each row of widgets */ main_vb = ws_gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0, FALSE); file_selection_set_extra_widget(save_as_w, main_vb); gtk_widget_show(main_vb); save_as_type_hb = ws_gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0, FALSE); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), save_as_type_hb, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show(save_as_type_hb); type_lb = gtk_label_new("File type: "); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(save_as_type_hb), type_lb, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show(type_lb); type_cm = gtk_combo_box_text_new(); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(save_as_type_hb), type_cm, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* List all of the file formats the gdk-pixbuf library supports */ file_formats = gdk_pixbuf_get_formats(); ffp = file_formats; while(ffp) { pixbuf_format = (GdkPixbufFormat *)ffp->data; if (gdk_pixbuf_format_is_writable(pixbuf_format)) { format_name = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name(pixbuf_format); gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(type_cm), format_name); if (!(g_ascii_strcasecmp(format_name, "png"))) default_index = format_index; format_index++; } ffp = g_slist_next(ffp); } g_slist_free(file_formats); gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(type_cm), default_index); gtk_widget_show(type_cm); gtk_widget_show(save_as_w); window_present(save_as_w); parent = gtk_widget_get_parent_window(w); gdk_window_set_transient_for(gtk_widget_get_window(save_as_w), parent); /* * Loop until the user either selects a file or gives up. */ for (;;) { if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(save_as_w)) != GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { /* They clicked "Cancel" or closed the dialog or.... */ window_destroy(save_as_w); return; } filename = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(save_as_w)); /* Perhaps the user specified a directory instead of a file. Check whether they did. */ if (test_for_directory(filename) == EISDIR) { /* It's a directory - set the file selection box to display that directory, and leave the selection box displayed. */ set_last_open_dir(filename); g_free(filename); file_selection_set_current_folder(save_as_w, get_last_open_dir()); gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(save_as_w), ""); continue; } file_type = gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(type_cm)); ret = gdk_pixbuf_save(pixbuf, filename, file_type, &error, NULL); g_free(filename); g_free(file_type); if (!ret) { msg_dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(save_as_w), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, "%s", error->message); gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(msg_dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy(msg_dialog); continue; } window_destroy(save_as_w); return; } }
static void write_network_to_xml (const gchar *id, EmpathyIrcNetwork *network, xmlNodePtr root) { xmlNodePtr network_node, servers_node; GSList *servers, *l; gchar *name, *charset; if (!network->user_defined) /* no need to write this network to the XML */ return; network_node = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, "network", NULL); xmlNewProp (network_node, "id", id); if (network->dropped) { xmlNewProp (network_node, "dropped", "1"); return; } g_object_get (network, "name", &name, "charset", &charset, NULL); xmlNewProp (network_node, "name", name); xmlNewProp (network_node, "network_charset", charset); g_free (name); g_free (charset); servers = empathy_irc_network_get_servers (network); servers_node = xmlNewChild (network_node, NULL, "servers", NULL); for (l = servers; l != NULL; l = g_slist_next (l)) { EmpathyIrcServer *server; xmlNodePtr server_node; gchar *address, *tmp; guint port; gboolean ssl; server = l->data; server_node = xmlNewChild (servers_node, NULL, "server", NULL); g_object_get (server, "address", &address, "port", &port, "ssl", &ssl, NULL); xmlNewProp (server_node, "address", address); tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%u", port); xmlNewProp (server_node, "port", tmp); g_free (tmp); xmlNewProp (server_node, "ssl", ssl ? "TRUE": "FALSE"); g_free (address); } /* free the list */ g_slist_foreach (servers, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL); g_slist_free (servers); }
void gaim_connection_destroy(GaimConnection *gc) { GaimAccount *account; GSList *buddies, *tmp; #if 0 GList *wins; #endif GaimPluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info = NULL; gboolean remove = FALSE; g_return_if_fail(gc != NULL); account = gaim_connection_get_account(gc); gaim_debug_info("connection", "Disconnecting connection %p\n", gc); if (gaim_connection_get_state(gc) != GAIM_CONNECTING) remove = TRUE; gaim_signal_emit(gaim_connections_get_handle(), "signing-off", gc); while (gc->buddy_chats) { GaimConversation *b = gc->buddy_chats->data; gc->buddy_chats = g_slist_remove(gc->buddy_chats, b); gaim_conv_chat_left(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(b)); } update_keepalive(gc, FALSE); gaim_proxy_connect_cancel_with_handle(gc); prpl_info = GAIM_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(gc->prpl); if (prpl_info->close) (prpl_info->close)(gc); /* Clear out the proto data that was freed in the prpl close method*/ buddies = gaim_find_buddies(account, NULL); for (tmp = buddies; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { GaimBuddy *buddy = tmp->data; buddy->proto_data = NULL; } g_slist_free(buddies); connections = g_list_remove(connections, gc); gaim_connection_set_state(gc, GAIM_DISCONNECTED); if (remove) gaim_blist_remove_account(account); gaim_signal_emit(gaim_connections_get_handle(), "signed-off", gc); #if 0 /* see comment later in file on if 0'd same code */ /* * XXX This is a hack! Remove this and replace it with a better event * notification system. */ for (wins = gaim_get_windows(); wins != NULL; wins = wins->next) { GaimConvWindow *win = (GaimConvWindow *)wins->data; gaim_conversation_update(gaim_conv_window_get_conversation_at(win, 0), GAIM_CONV_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE); } #endif gaim_request_close_with_handle(gc); gaim_notify_close_with_handle(gc); gaim_debug_info("connection", "Destroying connection %p\n", gc); gaim_account_set_connection(account, NULL); g_free(gc->password); g_free(gc->display_name); if (gc->disconnect_timeout) gaim_timeout_remove(gc->disconnect_timeout); GAIM_DBUS_UNREGISTER_POINTER(gc); g_free(gc); }
void gimp_text_buffer_insert (GimpTextBuffer *buffer, const gchar *text) { GtkTextIter iter, start; gint start_offset; gboolean insert_tags_set; GList *insert_tags; GList *remove_tags; GSList *tags_off = NULL; g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer)); gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), &iter, gtk_text_buffer_get_insert (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer))); start_offset = gtk_text_iter_get_offset (&iter); insert_tags_set = buffer->insert_tags_set; insert_tags = buffer->insert_tags; remove_tags = buffer->remove_tags; buffer->insert_tags_set = FALSE; buffer->insert_tags = NULL; buffer->remove_tags = NULL; tags_off = gtk_text_iter_get_toggled_tags (&iter, FALSE); gtk_text_buffer_begin_user_action (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer)); gtk_text_buffer_insert (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), &iter, text, -1); gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), &start, start_offset); if (insert_tags_set) { GList *list; for (list = remove_tags; list; list = g_list_next (list)) { GtkTextTag *tag = list->data; gtk_text_buffer_remove_tag (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), tag, &start, &iter); } for (list = insert_tags; list; list = g_list_next (list)) { GtkTextTag *tag = list->data; gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), tag, &start, &iter); } } if (tags_off) { GSList *slist; for (slist = tags_off; slist; slist = g_slist_next (slist)) { GtkTextTag *tag = slist->data; if (! g_list_find (remove_tags, tag) && ! g_list_find (buffer->kerning_tags, tag)) { gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), tag, &start, &iter); } } g_slist_free (tags_off); } g_list_free (remove_tags); g_list_free (insert_tags); gtk_text_buffer_end_user_action (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer)); }
/* * actually, we might want to queue the finalize requests in a separate thread, * but we need to be careful about the execution domain of the thread... */ void mono_gc_run_finalize (void *obj, void *data) { MonoObject *exc = NULL; MonoObject *o; #ifndef HAVE_SGEN_GC MonoObject *o2; #endif MonoMethod* finalizer = NULL; MonoDomain *caller_domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoDomain *domain; RuntimeInvokeFunction runtime_invoke; GSList *l, *refs = NULL; o = (MonoObject*)((char*)obj + GPOINTER_TO_UINT (data)); if (suspend_finalizers) return; domain = o->vtable->domain; #ifndef HAVE_SGEN_GC mono_domain_finalizers_lock (domain); o2 = g_hash_table_lookup (domain->finalizable_objects_hash, o); refs = mono_gc_remove_weak_track_object (domain, o); mono_domain_finalizers_unlock (domain); if (!o2) /* Already finalized somehow */ return; #endif if (refs) { /* * Support for GCHandles of type WeakTrackResurrection: * * Its not exactly clear how these are supposed to work, or how their * semantics can be implemented. We only implement one crucial thing: * these handles are only cleared after the finalizer has ran. */ for (l = refs; l; l = l->next) { guint32 gchandle = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (l->data); mono_gchandle_set_target (gchandle, o); } g_slist_free (refs); } /* make sure the finalizer is not called again if the object is resurrected */ object_register_finalizer (obj, NULL); if (o->vtable->klass == mono_defaults.internal_thread_class) { MonoInternalThread *t = (MonoInternalThread*)o; if (mono_gc_is_finalizer_internal_thread (t)) /* Avoid finalizing ourselves */ return; if (t->threadpool_thread && finalizing_root_domain) { /* Don't finalize threadpool threads when shutting down - they're finalized when the threadpool shuts down. */ add_thread_to_finalize (t); return; } } if (o->vtable->klass->image == mono_defaults.corlib && !strcmp (o->vtable->klass->name, "DynamicMethod") && finalizing_root_domain) { /* * These can't be finalized during unloading/shutdown, since that would * free the native code which can still be referenced by other * finalizers. * FIXME: This is not perfect, objects dying at the same time as * dynamic methods can still reference them even when !shutdown. */ return; } if (mono_runtime_get_no_exec ()) return; /* speedup later... and use a timeout */ /* g_print ("Finalize run on %p %s.%s\n", o, mono_object_class (o)->name_space, mono_object_class (o)->name); */ /* Use _internal here, since this thread can enter a doomed appdomain */ mono_domain_set_internal (mono_object_domain (o)); /* delegates that have a native function pointer allocated are * registered for finalization, but they don't have a Finalize * method, because in most cases it's not needed and it's just a waste. */ if (o->vtable->klass->delegate) { MonoDelegate* del = (MonoDelegate*)o; if (del->delegate_trampoline) mono_delegate_free_ftnptr ((MonoDelegate*)o); mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain); return; } finalizer = mono_class_get_finalizer (o->vtable->klass); #ifndef DISABLE_COM /* If object has a CCW but has no finalizer, it was only * registered for finalization in order to free the CCW. * Else it needs the regular finalizer run. * FIXME: what to do about ressurection and suppression * of finalizer on object with CCW. */ if (mono_marshal_free_ccw (o) && !finalizer) { mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain); return; } #endif /* * To avoid the locking plus the other overhead of mono_runtime_invoke (), * create and precompile a wrapper which calls the finalize method using * a CALLVIRT. */ if (!domain->finalize_runtime_invoke) { MonoMethod *invoke = mono_marshal_get_runtime_invoke (mono_class_get_method_from_name_flags (mono_defaults.object_class, "Finalize", 0, 0), TRUE); domain->finalize_runtime_invoke = mono_compile_method (invoke); } runtime_invoke = domain->finalize_runtime_invoke; mono_runtime_class_init (o->vtable); runtime_invoke (o, NULL, &exc, NULL); if (exc) { /* fixme: do something useful */ } mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain); }
static gboolean mate_panel_applet_load_idle_handler (gpointer dummy) { PanelObjectType applet_type; MatePanelAppletToLoad *applet = NULL; PanelToplevel *toplevel = NULL; PanelWidget *panel_widget; GSList *l; if (!mate_panel_applets_to_load) { mate_panel_applet_have_load_idle = FALSE; return FALSE; } for (l = mate_panel_applets_to_load; l; l = l->next) { applet = l->data; toplevel = panel_profile_get_toplevel_by_id (applet->toplevel_id); if (toplevel) break; } if (!l) { /* All the remaining applets don't have a panel */ for (l = mate_panel_applets_to_load; l; l = l->next) free_applet_to_load (l->data); g_slist_free (mate_panel_applets_to_load); mate_panel_applets_to_load = NULL; mate_panel_applet_have_load_idle = FALSE; if (mate_panel_applets_loading == NULL) { /* unhide any potential initially hidden toplevel */ mate_panel_applet_queue_initial_unhide_toplevels (NULL); } return FALSE; } mate_panel_applets_to_load = g_slist_delete_link (mate_panel_applets_to_load, l); mate_panel_applets_loading = g_slist_append (mate_panel_applets_loading, applet); panel_widget = panel_toplevel_get_panel_widget (toplevel); if (applet->right_stick) { if (!panel_widget->packed) applet->position = panel_widget->size - applet->position; else applet->position = -1; } /* We load applets asynchronously, so we specifically don't call * mate_panel_applet_stop_loading() for this type. However, in case of * failure during the load, we might call mate_panel_applet_stop_loading() * synchronously, which will make us lose the content of the applet * variable. So we save the type to be sure we always ignore the * applets. */ applet_type = applet->type; switch (applet_type) { case PANEL_OBJECT_APPLET: mate_panel_applet_frame_load_from_gsettings ( panel_widget, applet->locked, applet->position, applet->id); break; case PANEL_OBJECT_DRAWER: drawer_load_from_gsettings (panel_widget, applet->locked, applet->position, applet->id); break; case PANEL_OBJECT_MENU: panel_menu_button_load_from_gsettings (panel_widget, applet->locked, applet->position, TRUE, applet->id); break; case PANEL_OBJECT_LAUNCHER: launcher_load_from_gsettings (panel_widget, applet->locked, applet->position, applet->id); break; case PANEL_OBJECT_ACTION: panel_action_button_load_from_gsettings ( panel_widget, applet->locked, applet->position, TRUE, applet->id); break; case PANEL_OBJECT_MENU_BAR: panel_menu_bar_load_from_gsettings ( panel_widget, applet->locked, applet->position, TRUE, applet->id); break; case PANEL_OBJECT_SEPARATOR: panel_separator_load_from_gsettings (panel_widget, applet->locked, applet->position, applet->id); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } /* Only the real applets will do a late stop_loading */ if (applet_type != PANEL_OBJECT_APPLET) mate_panel_applet_stop_loading (applet->id); return TRUE; }
static void dissect_file_record(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree) { proto_item *volatile ti = NULL; guint cap_len = 0, frame_len = 0; proto_tree *volatile tree; proto_item *item; const gchar *cap_plurality, *frame_plurality; tree=parent_tree; pinfo->current_proto = "File"; /* if FILE is not referenced from any filters we don't need to worry about generating any tree items. */ if(!proto_field_is_referenced(tree, proto_file)) { tree=NULL; } else { proto_tree *fh_tree; gboolean old_visible; /* Put in frame header information. */ cap_len = tvb_length(tvb); frame_len = tvb_reported_length(tvb); cap_plurality = plurality(cap_len, "", "s"); frame_plurality = plurality(frame_len, "", "s"); ti = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_file, tvb, 0, -1, "File record %u: %u byte%s", pinfo->fd->num, frame_len, frame_plurality); proto_item_append_text(ti, ", %u byte%s", cap_len, cap_plurality); fh_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_file); proto_tree_add_int(fh_tree, hf_file_ftap_encap, tvb, 0, 0, pinfo->fd->lnk_t); proto_tree_add_uint(fh_tree, hf_file_record_number, tvb, 0, 0, pinfo->fd->num); proto_tree_add_uint_format(fh_tree, hf_file_record_len, tvb, 0, 0, frame_len, "Record Length: %u byte%s (%u bits)", frame_len, frame_plurality, frame_len * 8); ti = proto_tree_add_boolean(fh_tree, hf_file_marked, tvb, 0, 0,pinfo->fd->flags.marked); PROTO_ITEM_SET_GENERATED(ti); ti = proto_tree_add_boolean(fh_tree, hf_file_ignored, tvb, 0, 0,pinfo->fd->flags.ignored); PROTO_ITEM_SET_GENERATED(ti); if(proto_field_is_referenced(tree, hf_file_protocols)) { /* we are going to be using proto_item_append_string() on * hf_frame_protocols, and we must therefore disable the * TRY_TO_FAKE_THIS_ITEM() optimisation for the tree by * setting it as visible. * * See proto.h for details. */ old_visible = proto_tree_set_visible(fh_tree, TRUE); ti = proto_tree_add_string(fh_tree, hf_file_protocols, tvb, 0, 0, ""); PROTO_ITEM_SET_GENERATED(ti); proto_tree_set_visible(fh_tree, old_visible); } if(pinfo->fd->pfd != 0){ proto_item *ppd_item; guint num_entries = g_slist_length(pinfo->fd->pfd); guint i; ppd_item = proto_tree_add_uint(fh_tree, hf_file_num_p_prot_data, tvb, 0, 0, num_entries); PROTO_ITEM_SET_GENERATED(ppd_item); for(i=0; i<num_entries; i++){ proto_tree_add_text (fh_tree, tvb, 0, 0, "%s",p_get_proto_name_and_key(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, i)); } } #if 0 if (show_file_off) { proto_tree_add_int64_format_value(fh_tree, hf_frame_file_off, tvb, 0, 0, pinfo->fd->file_off, "%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "d (0x%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "x)", pinfo->fd->file_off, pinfo->fd->file_off); } #endif if(pinfo->fd->color_filter != NULL) { const color_filter_t *color_filter = (const color_filter_t *)pinfo->fd->color_filter; item = proto_tree_add_string(fh_tree, hf_file_color_filter_name, tvb, 0, 0, color_filter->filter_name); PROTO_ITEM_SET_GENERATED(item); item = proto_tree_add_string(fh_tree, hf_file_color_filter_text, tvb, 0, 0, color_filter->filter_text); PROTO_ITEM_SET_GENERATED(item); } } if (pinfo->fd->flags.ignored) { /* Ignored package, stop handling here */ col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "<Ignored>"); proto_tree_add_text (tree, tvb, 0, -1, "This record is marked as ignored"); return; } /* Portable Exception Handling to trap Wireshark specific exceptions like BoundsError exceptions */ TRY { #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Win32: Visual-C Structured Exception Handling (SEH) to trap hardware exceptions like memory access violations. (a running debugger will be called before the except part below) */ /* Note: A Windows "exceptional exception" may leave the kazlib's (Portable Exception Handling) stack in an inconsistent state thus causing a crash at some point in the handling of the exception. See: */ __try { #endif if (!dissector_try_uint(file_encap_dissector_table, pinfo->fd->lnk_t, tvb, pinfo, parent_tree)) { col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "UNKNOWN"); col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "FTAP_ENCAP = %d", pinfo->fd->lnk_t); call_dissector(data_handle,tvb, pinfo, parent_tree); } #ifdef _MSC_VER } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER /* handle all exceptions */) { switch(GetExceptionCode()) { case(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION): show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, DissectorError, "STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION: dissector accessed an invalid memory address"); break; case(STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO): show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, DissectorError, "STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: dissector tried an integer division by zero"); break; case(STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW): show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, DissectorError, "STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW: dissector overflowed the stack (e.g. endless loop)"); /* XXX - this will have probably corrupted the stack, which makes problems later in the exception code */ break; /* XXX - add other hardware exception codes as required */ default: show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, DissectorError, g_strdup_printf("dissector caused an unknown exception: 0x%x", GetExceptionCode())); } } #endif } CATCH_BOUNDS_AND_DISSECTOR_ERRORS { show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, EXCEPT_CODE, GET_MESSAGE); } ENDTRY; if(proto_field_is_referenced(tree, hf_file_protocols)) { wmem_strbuf_t *val = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_packet_scope(), ""); wmem_list_frame_t *frame; /* skip the first entry, it's always the "frame" protocol */ frame = wmem_list_frame_next(wmem_list_head(pinfo->layers)); if (frame) { wmem_strbuf_append(val, proto_get_protocol_filter_name(GPOINTER_TO_UINT(wmem_list_frame_data(frame)))); frame = wmem_list_frame_next(frame); } while (frame) { wmem_strbuf_append_c(val, ':'); wmem_strbuf_append(val, proto_get_protocol_filter_name(GPOINTER_TO_UINT(wmem_list_frame_data(frame)))); frame = wmem_list_frame_next(frame); } proto_item_append_string(ti, wmem_strbuf_get_str(val)); } /* Call postdissectors if we have any (while trying to avoid another * TRY/CATCH) */ if (have_postdissector()) { TRY { #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Win32: Visual-C Structured Exception Handling (SEH) to trap hardware exceptions like memory access violations */ /* (a running debugger will be called before the except part below) */ /* Note: A Windows "exceptional exception" may leave the kazlib's (Portable Exception Handling) stack in an inconsistent state thus causing a crash at some point in the handling of the exception. See: */ __try { #endif call_all_postdissectors(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree); #ifdef _MSC_VER } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER /* handle all exceptions */) { switch(GetExceptionCode()) { case(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION): show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, DissectorError, "STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION: dissector accessed an invalid memory address"); break; case(STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO): show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, DissectorError, "STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: dissector tried an integer division by zero"); break; case(STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW): show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, DissectorError, "STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW: dissector overflowed the stack (e.g. endless loop)"); /* XXX - this will have probably corrupted the stack, which makes problems later in the exception code */ break; /* XXX - add other hardware exception codes as required */ default: show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, DissectorError, g_strdup_printf("dissector caused an unknown exception: 0x%x", GetExceptionCode())); } } #endif } CATCH_BOUNDS_AND_DISSECTOR_ERRORS { show_exception(tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, EXCEPT_CODE, GET_MESSAGE); } ENDTRY; } tap_queue_packet(file_tap, pinfo, NULL); if (pinfo->frame_end_routines) { g_slist_foreach(pinfo->frame_end_routines, &call_file_record_end_routine, NULL); g_slist_free(pinfo->frame_end_routines); pinfo->frame_end_routines = NULL; } }
/* * get_throw_trampoline: * * Generate a call to mono_x86_throw_exception/ * mono_x86_throw_corlib_exception. * If LLVM is true, generate code which assumes the caller is LLVM generated code, * which doesn't push the arguments. */ static guint8* get_throw_trampoline (const char *name, gboolean rethrow, gboolean llvm, gboolean corlib, gboolean llvm_abs, gboolean resume_unwind, MonoTrampInfo **info, gboolean aot) { guint8 *start, *code; int i, stack_size, stack_offset, arg_offsets [5], regs_offset; MonoJumpInfo *ji = NULL; GSList *unwind_ops = NULL; guint kMaxCodeSize = NACL_SIZE (128, 256); start = code = mono_global_codeman_reserve (kMaxCodeSize); stack_size = 128; /* * On apple, the stack is misaligned by the pushing of the return address. */ if (!llvm && corlib) /* On OSX, we don't generate alignment code to save space */ stack_size += 4; else stack_size += MONO_ARCH_FRAME_ALIGNMENT - 4; /* * The stack looks like this: * <pc offset> (only if corlib is TRUE) * <exception object>/<type token> * <return addr> <- esp (unaligned on apple) */ mono_add_unwind_op_def_cfa (unwind_ops, (guint8*)NULL, (guint8*)NULL, X86_ESP, 4); mono_add_unwind_op_offset (unwind_ops, (guint8*)NULL, (guint8*)NULL, X86_NREG, -4); /* Alloc frame */ x86_alu_reg_imm (code, X86_SUB, X86_ESP, stack_size); mono_add_unwind_op_def_cfa_offset (unwind_ops, code, start, stack_size + 4); arg_offsets [0] = 0; arg_offsets [1] = 4; arg_offsets [2] = 8; arg_offsets [3] = 12; regs_offset = 16; /* Save registers */ for (i = 0; i < X86_NREG; ++i) if (i != X86_ESP) x86_mov_membase_reg (code, X86_ESP, regs_offset + (i * 4), i, 4); /* Calculate the offset between the current sp and the sp of the caller */ if (llvm) { /* LLVM doesn't push the arguments */ stack_offset = stack_size + 4; } else { if (corlib) { /* Two arguments */ stack_offset = stack_size + 4 + 8; #ifdef __APPLE__ /* We don't generate stack alignment code on osx to save space */ #endif } else { /* One argument + stack alignment */ stack_offset = stack_size + 4 + 4; #ifdef __APPLE__ /* Pop the alignment added by OP_THROW too */ stack_offset += MONO_ARCH_FRAME_ALIGNMENT - 4; #else if (mono_do_x86_stack_align) stack_offset += MONO_ARCH_FRAME_ALIGNMENT - 4; #endif } } /* Save ESP */ x86_lea_membase (code, X86_EAX, X86_ESP, stack_offset); x86_mov_membase_reg (code, X86_ESP, regs_offset + (X86_ESP * 4), X86_EAX, 4); /* Set arg1 == regs */ x86_lea_membase (code, X86_EAX, X86_ESP, regs_offset); x86_mov_membase_reg (code, X86_ESP, arg_offsets [0], X86_EAX, 4); /* Set arg2 == exc/ex_token_index */ if (resume_unwind) x86_mov_reg_imm (code, X86_EAX, 0); else x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_EAX, X86_ESP, stack_size + 4, 4); x86_mov_membase_reg (code, X86_ESP, arg_offsets [1], X86_EAX, 4); /* Set arg3 == eip */ if (llvm_abs) x86_alu_reg_reg (code, X86_XOR, X86_EAX, X86_EAX); else x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_EAX, X86_ESP, stack_size, 4); x86_mov_membase_reg (code, X86_ESP, arg_offsets [2], X86_EAX, 4); /* Set arg4 == rethrow/pc_offset */ if (resume_unwind) { x86_mov_membase_imm (code, X86_ESP, arg_offsets [3], 0, 4); } else if (corlib) { x86_mov_reg_membase (code, X86_EAX, X86_ESP, stack_size + 8, 4); if (llvm_abs) { /* * The caller is LLVM code which passes the absolute address not a pc offset, * so compensate by passing 0 as 'ip' and passing the negated abs address as * the pc offset. */ x86_neg_reg (code, X86_EAX); } x86_mov_membase_reg (code, X86_ESP, arg_offsets [3], X86_EAX, 4); } else { x86_mov_membase_imm (code, X86_ESP, arg_offsets [3], rethrow, 4); } /* Make the call */ if (aot) { // This can be called from runtime code, which can't guarantee that // ebx contains the got address. // So emit the got address loading code too code = mono_arch_emit_load_got_addr (start, code, NULL, &ji); code = mono_arch_emit_load_aotconst (start, code, &ji, MONO_PATCH_INFO_JIT_ICALL_ADDR, corlib ? "mono_x86_throw_corlib_exception" : "mono_x86_throw_exception"); x86_call_reg (code, X86_EAX); } else { x86_call_code (code, resume_unwind ? (gpointer)(mono_x86_resume_unwind) : (corlib ? (gpointer)mono_x86_throw_corlib_exception : (gpointer)mono_x86_throw_exception)); } x86_breakpoint (code); nacl_global_codeman_validate(&start, kMaxCodeSize, &code); g_assert ((code - start) < kMaxCodeSize); if (info) *info = mono_tramp_info_create (name, start, code - start, ji, unwind_ops); else { GSList *l; for (l = unwind_ops; l; l = l->next) g_free (l->data); g_slist_free (unwind_ops); } return start; }
void g_str_slist_free(GSList * list) { g_slist_foreach(list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(list); }
gchar * gda_postgres_render_CREATE_TABLE (GdaServerProvider *provider, GdaConnection *cnc, GdaServerOperation *op, GError **error) { GString *string; const GValue *value; gboolean hasfields = FALSE; gint nrows; gint i; gboolean first; GSList *pkfields = NULL; /* list of GValue* composing the pkey */ gint nbpkfields = 0; gchar *sql = NULL; gchar *tmp; string = g_string_new ("CREATE "); value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/TABLE_DEF_P/TABLE_TEMP"); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && g_value_get_boolean (value)) g_string_append (string, "TEMP "); g_string_append (string, "TABLE "); tmp = gda_server_operation_get_sql_identifier_at (op, cnc, provider, "/TABLE_DEF_P/TABLE_NAME", error); if (!tmp) { g_string_free (string, TRUE); return NULL; } g_string_append (string, tmp); g_free (tmp); g_string_append (string, " ("); /* FIELDS */ GdaServerOperationNode *node; node = gda_server_operation_get_node_info (op, "/FIELDS_A"); g_assert (node); /* finding if there is a composed primary key */ nrows = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (node->model); for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) { value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_PKEY/%d", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && g_value_get_boolean (value)) { tmp = gda_server_operation_get_sql_identifier_at (op, cnc, provider, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_NAME/%d", error, i); if (!tmp) { g_string_free (string, TRUE); return NULL; } pkfields = g_slist_append (pkfields, tmp); nbpkfields ++; } } /* manually defined fields */ first = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) { hasfields = TRUE; if (first) first = FALSE; else g_string_append (string, ", "); tmp = gda_server_operation_get_sql_identifier_at (op, cnc, provider, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_NAME/%d", error, i); if (!tmp) { g_string_free (string, TRUE); return NULL; } g_string_append (string, tmp); g_free (tmp); g_string_append_c (string, ' '); value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_AUTOINC/%d", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && g_value_get_boolean (value)) g_string_append (string, "serial"); else { value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_TYPE/%d", i); g_string_append (string, g_value_get_string (value)); } value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_SIZE/%d", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_UINT)) { g_string_append_printf (string, "(%d", g_value_get_uint (value)); value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_SCALE/%d", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_UINT)) g_string_append_printf (string, ",%d)", g_value_get_uint (value)); else g_string_append (string, ")"); } value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_DEFAULT/%d", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_STRING)) { const gchar *str = g_value_get_string (value); if (str && *str) { g_string_append (string, " DEFAULT "); g_string_append (string, str); } } value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_NNUL/%d", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && g_value_get_boolean (value)) g_string_append (string, " NOT NULL"); value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_UNIQUE/%d", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && g_value_get_boolean (value)) g_string_append (string, " UNIQUE"); if (nbpkfields == 1) { value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_PKEY/%d", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && g_value_get_boolean (value)) g_string_append (string, " PRIMARY KEY"); } value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FIELDS_A/@COLUMN_CHECK/%d", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_STRING)) { const gchar *str = g_value_get_string (value); if (str && *str) { g_string_append (string, " CHECK ("); g_string_append (string, str); g_string_append_c (string, ')'); } } } /* LIKE inheritance */ nrows = gda_server_operation_get_sequence_size (op, "/TABLE_PARENTS_S"); for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) { value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/TABLE_PARENTS_S/%d/TABLE_PARENT_COPY", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && !g_value_get_boolean (value)) { tmp = gda_server_operation_get_sql_identifier_at (op, cnc, provider, "/TABLE_PARENTS_S/%d/TABLE_PARENT_TABLE", error, i); if (!tmp) { g_string_free (string, TRUE); return NULL; } hasfields = TRUE; if (first) first = FALSE; else g_string_append (string, ", "); g_string_append (string, "LIKE "); g_string_append (string, tmp); value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/TABLE_PARENTS_S/%d/TABLE_PARENT_COPY_DEFAULTS", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && g_value_get_boolean (value)) g_string_append (string, " INCLUDING DEFAULTS"); g_free (tmp); } } /* composed primary key */ if (nbpkfields > 1) { GSList *list; g_string_append (string, ", PRIMARY KEY ("); for (list = pkfields; list; list = list->next) { if (list != pkfields) g_string_append (string, ", "); g_string_append (string, (gchar*) list->data); } g_string_append_c (string, ')'); } g_slist_foreach (pkfields, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (pkfields); /* foreign keys */ first = TRUE; node = gda_server_operation_get_node_info (op, "/FKEY_S"); if (node) { nrows = gda_server_operation_get_sequence_size (op, "/FKEY_S"); for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) { gint nbfields = 0; gint j; g_string_append (string, ", FOREIGN KEY ("); node = gda_server_operation_get_node_info (op, "/FKEY_S/%d/FKEY_FIELDS_A", i); if (!node || ((nbfields = gda_data_model_get_n_rows (node->model)) == 0)) { g_string_free (string, TRUE); g_set_error (error, GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_ERROR, GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_INCORRECT_VALUE_ERROR, "%s", _("No field specified in foreign key constraint")); return NULL; } else { for (j = 0; j < nbfields; j++) { if (j != 0) g_string_append (string, ", "); tmp = gda_server_operation_get_sql_identifier_at (op, cnc, provider, "/FKEY_S/%d/FKEY_FIELDS_A/@FK_FIELD/%d", error, i, j); if (tmp) { g_string_append (string, tmp); g_free (tmp); } else { g_string_free (string, TRUE); return NULL; } } } g_string_append (string, ") REFERENCES "); tmp = gda_server_operation_get_sql_identifier_at (op, cnc, provider, "/FKEY_S/%d/FKEY_REF_TABLE", error, i); if (tmp) { g_string_append (string, tmp); g_free (tmp); } else { g_string_free (string, TRUE); return NULL; } g_string_append (string, " ("); for (j = 0; j < nbfields; j++) { if (j != 0) g_string_append (string, ", "); tmp = gda_server_operation_get_sql_identifier_at (op, cnc, provider, "/FKEY_S/%d/FKEY_FIELDS_A/@FK_REF_PK_FIELD/%d", error, i, j); if (tmp) { g_string_append (string, tmp); g_free (tmp); } else { g_string_free (string, TRUE); return NULL; } } g_string_append_c (string, ')'); value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FKEY_S/%d/FKEY_MATCH_TYPE", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_STRING) && g_value_get_string (value)) g_string_append_printf (string, " %s", g_value_get_string (value)); value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FKEY_S/%d/FKEY_ONUPDATE", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_STRING) && g_value_get_string (value)) g_string_append_printf (string, " ON UPDATE %s", g_value_get_string (value)); value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FKEY_S/%d/FKEY_ONDELETE", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_STRING) && g_value_get_string (value)) g_string_append_printf (string, " ON DELETE %s", g_value_get_string (value)); value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/FKEY_S/%d/FKEY_DEFERRABLE", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_STRING) && g_value_get_string (value)) g_string_append_printf (string, " %s", g_value_get_string (value)); } } g_string_append (string, ")"); /* INHERITS */ first = TRUE; nrows = gda_server_operation_get_sequence_size (op, "/TABLE_PARENTS_S"); for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) { value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/TABLE_PARENTS_S/%d/TABLE_PARENT_COPY", i); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && g_value_get_boolean (value)) { tmp = gda_server_operation_get_sql_identifier_at (op, cnc, provider, "/TABLE_PARENTS_S/%d/TABLE_PARENT_TABLE", error, i); if (tmp) { hasfields = TRUE; if (first) { g_string_append (string, " INHERITS "); first = FALSE; } else g_string_append (string, ", "); g_string_append (string, tmp); g_free (tmp); } else { g_string_free (string, TRUE); return NULL; } } } if (!hasfields) { g_string_free (string, TRUE); g_set_error (error, GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_ERROR, GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_INCORRECT_VALUE_ERROR, "%s", _("Table to create must have at least one row")); return NULL; } value = gda_server_operation_get_value_at (op, "/TABLE_DEF_P/TABLE_WITH_OIDS"); if (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS (value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) && g_value_get_boolean (value)) g_string_append (string, " WITH OIDS"); sql = string->str; g_string_free (string, FALSE); return sql; }
void p_slist_free_full(GSList *items, GDestroyNotify free_func) { g_slist_foreach (items, (GFunc) free_func, NULL); g_slist_free (items); }
/* * Decodes map data from a <data> node */ static void decode_layer_data(xmlNode *data_node, ALLEGRO_MAP_LAYER *layer) { char *str = g_strstrip((char *)data_node->children->content); int datalen = layer->width * layer->height; layer->data = (char *)calloc(datalen, sizeof(char)); char *encoding = get_xml_attribute(data_node, "encoding"); if (!encoding) { int i = 0; GSList *tiles = get_children_for_name(data_node, "tile"); GSList *tile_item = tiles; while (tile_item) { xmlNode *tile_node = (xmlNode*)tile_item->data; tile_item = g_slist_next(tile_item); char *gid = get_xml_attribute(tile_node, "gid"); layer->data[i] = atoi(gid); i++; } g_slist_free(tiles); } else if (!strcmp(encoding, "base64")) { // decompress gsize rawlen; unsigned char *rawdata = g_base64_decode(str, &rawlen); // check the compression char *compression = get_xml_attribute(data_node, "compression"); if (compression != NULL) { if (strcmp(compression, "zlib") && strcmp(compression, "gzip")) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown compression format '%s'\n", compression); return; } // set up files used by zlib to decompress the data ALLEGRO_PATH *srcpath; ALLEGRO_FILE *datasrc = al_make_temp_file("XXXXXX", &srcpath); al_fwrite(datasrc, rawdata, rawlen); al_fseek(datasrc, 0, ALLEGRO_SEEK_SET); //al_fclose(datasrc); //datasrc = al_fopen(al_path_cstr(srcpath, ALLEGRO_NATIVE_PATH_SEP), "rb"); ALLEGRO_FILE *datadest = al_make_temp_file("XXXXXX", NULL); // decompress and print an error if it failed int status = inf(datasrc, datadest); if (status) zerr(status); // flush data and get the file length al_fflush(datadest); int len = al_fsize(datadest); // read in the file al_fseek(datadest, 0, ALLEGRO_SEEK_SET); char *data = (char *)calloc(len, sizeof(char)); if (al_fread(datadest, data, len) != len) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to read in map data\n"); return; } // every tile id takes 4 bytes int i; for (i = 0; i<len; i += 4) { int tileid = 0; tileid |= data[i]; tileid |= data[i+1] << 8; tileid |= data[i+2] << 16; tileid |= data[i+3] << 24; layer->data[i/4] = tileid; } /* printf("layer dimensions: %dx%d, data length = %d\n", layer->width, layer->height, len); */ al_destroy_path(srcpath); al_fclose(datasrc); al_fclose(datadest); al_free(data); } else { // TODO: verify that this still works int i; for (i = 0; i<rawlen; i += 4) { int tileid = 0; tileid |= rawdata[i]; tileid |= rawdata[i+1] << 8; tileid |= rawdata[i+2] << 16; tileid |= rawdata[i+3] << 24; layer->data[i/4] = tileid; } } g_free(rawdata); } else if (!strcmp(encoding, "csv")) { int i; for (i = 0; i<datalen; i++) { char *id = strtok((i == 0 ? str : NULL), ","); layer->data[i] = atoi(id); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown encoding format '%s'\n", encoding); } }
void mu_script_info_list_destroy (GSList *lst) { g_slist_foreach (lst, (GFunc)script_info_destroy, NULL); g_slist_free (lst); }
static void status_menu_clear_status_message_dialog_run (StatusMenu *self) { GtkTreeIter iter, liter; GSList *conf_list [3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; GtkWidget *dialog = NULL; GtkWidget *vbox = NULL; GtkWidget *frame = NULL; GtkWidget *tree_view = NULL; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL; GtkTreeSelection *selection = NULL; GtkListStore *list_store = NULL; GtkCellRenderer *renderer = NULL; GtkTreeViewColumn *column = NULL; GtkWidget *label = NULL; bool found = false; bool close = false; int response = 0; int i = 0; gchar *message = NULL; gchar *presence = NULL; gchar *status = NULL; // Current status presence = gm_conf_get_string (PERSONAL_DATA_KEY "short_status"); status = gm_conf_get_string (PERSONAL_DATA_KEY "long_status"); // Build the dialog dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Custom Message"), self->priv->parent, (GtkDialogFlags) (GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT), GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY, GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE, NULL); gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE); gtk_window_set_icon_name (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GTK_STOCK_DELETE); vbox = gtk_vbox_new (false, 0); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), vbox, false, false, 2); label = gtk_label_new (_("Delete custom messages:")); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, false, false, 2); list_store = gtk_list_store_new (3, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT); tree_view = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (list_store)); g_object_unref (list_store); gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view), false); column = gtk_tree_view_column_new (); renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new (); gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, FALSE); gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes (column, renderer, "pixbuf", 0, NULL); renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, FALSE); gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes (column, renderer, "text", 1, NULL); gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view), column); frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), tree_view); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 2); if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (self->priv->list_store), &iter)) { do { gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (self->priv->list_store), &iter, COL_MESSAGE_TYPE, &i, -1); if (i == TYPE_CUSTOM_ONLINE || i == TYPE_CUSTOM_AWAY || i == TYPE_CUSTOM_DND) { gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (self->priv->list_store), &iter, COL_ICON, &pixbuf, COL_MESSAGE, &message, -1); gtk_list_store_append (GTK_LIST_STORE (list_store), &liter); gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (list_store), &liter, COL_ICON, pixbuf, COL_MESSAGE, message, COL_MESSAGE_TYPE, i, -1); g_free (message); g_object_unref (pixbuf); } } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (self->priv->list_store), &iter)); } // Select the first iter selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view)); if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (list_store), &iter)) gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (selection, &iter); gtk_widget_show_all (dialog); while (!close) { response = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); switch (response) { case GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY: if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, NULL, &iter)) gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE (list_store), &iter); if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (list_store), &iter)) gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (selection, &iter); else close = true; break; case GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE: default: close = true; } } if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (list_store), &iter)) { do { gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (list_store), &iter, 1, &message, 2, &i, -1); if (status && message && !strcmp (status, message)) found = true; conf_list[i - NUM_STATUS_TYPES - 1] = g_slist_append (conf_list[i - NUM_STATUS_TYPES - 1], g_strdup (message)); g_free (message); } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (list_store), &iter)); } for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) { gm_conf_set_string_list (status_types_keys[j], conf_list[j]); g_slist_foreach (conf_list[j], (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (conf_list[j]); } if (!found) { // Reset current config self->priv->personal_details->set_presence_info ("online", ""); } gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); }
/* * Analyze a JPEG file according to the command-line options. */ static gboolean analyze_file (gchar *filename) { struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; struct my_error_mgr jerr; FILE *f; gint i; gint num_quant_tables; GSList *source_list; if ((f = fopen (filename, "rb")) == NULL) { g_printerr ("Cannot open '%s'\n", filename); return FALSE; } if (option_summary) g_print ("%s:\n", filename); cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&; = my_error_exit; if (setjmp (jerr.setjmp_buffer)) { /* if we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error. */ jpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo); fclose (f); return FALSE; } jpeg_create_decompress (&cinfo); jpeg_stdio_src (&cinfo, f); jpeg_read_header (&cinfo, TRUE); num_quant_tables = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[i]) num_quant_tables++; source_list = detect_source (&cinfo, num_quant_tables); if (! source_list) { add_unknown_table (&cinfo, filename); } if (! option_unknown) { if (option_summary) print_summary (&cinfo, num_quant_tables); if (option_ctable) { g_print (" {\n /* %s */\n \"?\", \"?\",\n %hd, %hd,\n %d,\n", filename, cinfo.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor, cinfo.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor, num_quant_tables); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[i]) print_ctable (i, cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[i]->quantval, (i < 3) && cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[i + 1]); g_print (" },\n"); } if (option_table_2cols) { print_table_2cols (0, cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[0]->quantval, 1, cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[1]->quantval); if (cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[2] || cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[3]) print_table_2cols (2, cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[2]->quantval, 3, cinfo.quant_tbl_ptrs[3]->quantval); } } if (source_list) g_slist_free (source_list); jpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo); fclose (f); return TRUE; }