Beispiel #1
static void
vknn_init_context (VKnnContextPtr ctx, const char *table, const char *column,
		   gaiaGeomCollPtr geom, int max_items,
		   sqlite3_stmt * stmt_dist, sqlite3_stmt * stmt_rect)
/* initializing a KNN context */
    int i;
    if (ctx == NULL)
    vknn_reset_context (ctx);
    i = strlen (table);
    ctx->table_name = malloc (i + 1);
    strcpy (ctx->table_name, table);
    i = strlen (column);
    ctx->column_name = malloc (i + 1);
    strcpy (ctx->column_name, column);
    ctx->minx = geom->MinX;
    ctx->maxx = geom->MaxX;
    ctx->miny = geom->MinY;
    ctx->maxy = geom->MaxY;
    gaiaToSpatiaLiteBlobWkb (geom, &(ctx->blob), &(ctx->blob_size));
    ctx->max_items = max_items;
    ctx->stmt_dist = stmt_dist;
    ctx->stmt_rect = stmt_rect;
    ctx->knn_array = malloc (sizeof (VKnnItem) * max_items);
    for (i = 0; i < max_items; i++)
	  /* initializing the KNN sorted array */
	  VKnnItemPtr item = ctx->knn_array + i;
	  item->rowid = 0;
	  item->dist = DBL_MAX;
    ctx->max_dist = -DBL_MAX;
    ctx->curr_items = 0;
    ctx->tree = NULL;
    ctx->levels = 0;
    ctx->curr_level = -1;
Beispiel #2
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int ret;
    sqlite3 *handle;
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    char sql[256];
    char *err_msg = NULL;
    double x;
    double y;
    int pk;
    int ix;
    int iy;
    gaiaGeomCollPtr geo = NULL;
    unsigned char *blob;
    int blob_size;
    int i;
    char **results;
    int n_rows;
    int n_columns;
    char *count;
    clock_t t0;
    clock_t t1;
    void *cache;

    if (argc != 2)
	  fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s test_db_path\n", argv[0]);
	  return -1;

trying to connect the test DB: 
- this demo is intended to create a new, empty database
    ret = sqlite3_open_v2 (argv[1], &handle,
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
	  printf ("cannot open '%s': %s\n", argv[1], sqlite3_errmsg (handle));
	  sqlite3_close (handle);
	  return -1;
    cache = spatialite_alloc_connection ();
    spatialite_init_ex (handle, cache, 0);

/* showing the SQLite version */
    printf ("SQLite version: %s\n", sqlite3_libversion ());
/* showing the SpatiaLite version */
    printf ("SpatiaLite version: %s\n", spatialite_version ());
    printf ("\n\n");

we are supposing this one is an empty database,
so we have to create the Spatial Metadata
    strcpy (sql, "SELECT InitSpatialMetadata(1)");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("InitSpatialMetadata() error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

now we can create the test table
for simplicity we'll define only one column, the primary key
    strcpy (sql, "CREATE TABLE test (");
    strcat (sql, "PK INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("CREATE TABLE 'test' error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

... we'll add a Geometry column of POINT type to the test table 
    strcpy (sql, "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test', 'geom', 3003, 'POINT', 2)");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("AddGeometryColumn() error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

and finally we'll enable this geo-column to have a Spatial Index based on R*Tree
    strcpy (sql, "SELECT CreateSpatialIndex('test', 'geom')");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("CreateSpatialIndex() error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

	("\nnow we are going to insert 1 million POINTs; wait, please ...\n\n");

    t0 = clock ();
beginning a transaction

*** this step is absolutely critical ***

the SQLite engine is a TRANSACTIONAL one
the whole batch of INSERTs has to be performed as an unique transaction,
otherwise performance will be surely very poor
    strcpy (sql, "BEGIN");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("BEGIN error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

preparing to populate the test table
we'll use a Prepared Statement we can reuse in order to insert each row
    strcpy (sql, "INSERT INTO test (pk, geom) VALUES (?, ?)");
    ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (handle, sql, strlen (sql), &stmt, NULL);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("INSERT SQL error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg (handle));
	  goto abort;

    pk = 0;
    for (ix = 0; ix < 1000; ix++)
	  x = 1000000.0 + (ix * 10.0);
	  for (iy = 0; iy < 1000; iy++)
/* this double loop will insert 1 million rows into the the test table */

		y = 4000000.0 + (iy * 10.0);
		if ((pk % 25000) == 0)
		      t1 = clock ();
		      printf ("insert row: %d\t\t[elapsed time: %1.3f]\n",
			      pk, (double) (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

/* preparing the geometry to insert */
		geo = gaiaAllocGeomColl ();
		geo->Srid = 3003;
		gaiaAddPointToGeomColl (geo, x, y);

/* transforming this geometry into the SpatiaLite BLOB format */
		gaiaToSpatiaLiteBlobWkb (geo, &blob, &blob_size);

/* we can now destroy the geometry object */
		gaiaFreeGeomColl (geo);

/* resetting Prepared Statement and bindings */
		sqlite3_reset (stmt);
		sqlite3_clear_bindings (stmt);

/* binding parameters to Prepared Statement */
		sqlite3_bind_int64 (stmt, 1, pk);
		sqlite3_bind_blob (stmt, 2, blob, blob_size, free);

/* performing actual row insert */
		ret = sqlite3_step (stmt);
		if (ret == SQLITE_DONE || ret == SQLITE_ROW)
/* an unexpected error occurred */
		      printf ("sqlite3_step() error: %s\n",
			      sqlite3_errmsg (handle));
		      sqlite3_finalize (stmt);
		      goto abort;

/* we have now to finalize the query [memory cleanup] */
    sqlite3_finalize (stmt);

committing the transaction

*** this step is absolutely critical ***

if we don't confirm the still pending transaction,
any update will be lost
    strcpy (sql, "COMMIT");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("COMMIT error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

now we'll optimize the table
    strcpy (sql, "ANALYZE test");
    ret = sqlite3_exec (handle, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
	  printf ("ANALYZE error: %s\n", err_msg);
	  sqlite3_free (err_msg);
	  goto abort;

    for (ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
	  printf ("\nperforming test#%d - not using Spatial Index\n", ix);
now we'll perform the spatial query WITHOUT using the Spatial Index
we'll loop 3 times in order to avoid buffering-caching side effects
	  strcpy (sql, "SELECT Count(*) FROM test ");
	  strcat (sql, "WHERE MbrWithin(geom, BuildMbr(");
	  strcat (sql, "1000400.5, 4000400.5, ");
	  strcat (sql, "1000450.5, 4000450.5))");
	  t0 = clock ();
	  ret = sqlite3_get_table (handle, sql, &results, &n_rows, &n_columns,
	  if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
		printf ("NoSpatialIndex SQL error: %s\n", err_msg);
		sqlite3_free (err_msg);
		goto abort;
	  count = "";
	  for (i = 1; i <= n_rows; i++)
		count = results[(i * n_columns) + 0];
	  t1 = clock ();
	  printf ("Count(*) = %d\t\t[elapsed time: %1.4f]\n", atoi (count),
		  (double) (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
/* we can now free the table results */
	  sqlite3_free_table (results);

    for (ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
	  printf ("\nperforming test#%d - using the R*Tree Spatial Index\n",
now we'll perform the spatial query USING the R*Tree Spatial Index
we'll loop 3 times in order to avoid buffering-caching side effects
	  strcpy (sql, "SELECT Count(*) FROM test ");
	  strcat (sql, "WHERE MbrWithin(geom, BuildMbr(");
	  strcat (sql, "1000400.5, 4000400.5, ");
	  strcat (sql, "1000450.5, 4000450.5)) AND ROWID IN (");
	  strcat (sql, "SELECT pkid FROM idx_test_geom WHERE ");
	  strcat (sql, "xmin > 1000400.5 AND ");
	  strcat (sql, "xmax < 1000450.5 AND ");
	  strcat (sql, "ymin > 4000400.5 AND ");
	  strcat (sql, "ymax < 4000450.5)");
YES, this query is a very unhappy one
the idea is simply to simulate exactly the same conditions as above
	  t0 = clock ();
	  ret = sqlite3_get_table (handle, sql, &results, &n_rows, &n_columns,
	  if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
/* an error occurred */
		printf ("SpatialIndex SQL error: %s\n", err_msg);
		sqlite3_free (err_msg);
		goto abort;
	  count = "";
	  for (i = 1; i <= n_rows; i++)
		count = results[(i * n_columns) + 0];
	  t1 = clock ();
	  printf ("Count(*) = %d\t\t[elapsed time: %1.4f]\n", atoi (count),
		  (double) (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
/* we can now free the table results */
	  sqlite3_free_table (results);

/* disconnecting the test DB */
    ret = sqlite3_close (handle);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
	  printf ("close() error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg (handle));
	  return -1;
    spatialite_cleanup_ex (cache);
    printf ("\n\nsample successfully terminated\n");
    return 0;

    sqlite3_close (handle);
    spatialite_cleanup_ex (cache);
    return -1;
Beispiel #3
static int
vbbox_column (sqlite3_vtab_cursor * pCursor, sqlite3_context * pContext,
              int column)
    /* fetching value for the Nth column */
    VirtualBBoxCursorPtr cursor = (VirtualBBoxCursorPtr) pCursor;
    SqliteValuePtr value;
    int icol = 0;
    int icol_ok = 0;
    if (column == 0)
        /* the BBox Geometry */
        if (cursor->pVtab->BBoxGeom == NULL)
            sqlite3_result_null (pContext);
            unsigned char *blob;
            int size;
            gaiaToSpatiaLiteBlobWkb (cursor->pVtab->BBoxGeom, &blob, &size);
            sqlite3_result_blob (pContext, blob, size, free);
        return SQLITE_OK;
    while (icol < cursor->pVtab->nColumns)
        if (*(cursor->pVtab->Visible + icol) != 'Y')
        if (icol_ok == column)
            value = *(cursor->pVtab->Value + icol);
            switch (value->Type)
            case SQLITE_INTEGER:
                sqlite3_result_int64 (pContext, value->IntValue);
            case SQLITE_FLOAT:
                sqlite3_result_double (pContext, value->DoubleValue);
            case SQLITE_TEXT:
                sqlite3_result_text (pContext, value->Text, value->Size,
            case SQLITE_BLOB:
                sqlite3_result_blob (pContext, value->Blob, value->Size,
                sqlite3_result_null (pContext);
            return SQLITE_OK;
    sqlite3_result_null (pContext);
    return SQLITE_OK;
static void
check_end2_fid (struct gml_params *params, const char *el)
/* checking if the FID tag ends here */
    int ret;
    int fld = 1;
    struct gml_column *col;
    if (strcasecmp (params->fid_tag, el) == 0)
	  params->is_fid = 0;
	  if (params->stmt == NULL)

	  /* resetting the SQL prepared statement */
	  sqlite3_reset (params->stmt);
	  sqlite3_clear_bindings (params->stmt);
	  col = params->first;
	  while (col)
		/* binding ordinary column values */
		switch (col->value_type)
		  case VALUE_INT:
		      sqlite3_bind_int64 (params->stmt, fld, col->int_value);
		  case VALUE_FLOAT:
		      sqlite3_bind_double (params->stmt, fld, col->dbl_value);
		  case VALUE_TEXT:
		      sqlite3_bind_text (params->stmt, fld, col->txt_value,
					 strlen (col->txt_value),
		      sqlite3_bind_null (params->stmt, fld);
		col = col->next;
	  /* setting up the latest Polygon (if any) */
	  polygon_set_up (params);
	  /* binding Geometry BLOB value */
	  if (params->geometry == NULL)
	      sqlite3_bind_null (params->stmt, fld);
		unsigned char *blob;
		int blob_size;
		params->geometry->Srid = params->srid;
		params->geometry->DeclaredType = params->declared_type;
		gaiaToSpatiaLiteBlobWkb (params->geometry, &blob, &blob_size);
		sqlite3_bind_blob (params->stmt, fld, blob, blob_size, free);
	  /* performing INSERT INTO */
	  ret = sqlite3_step (params->stmt);
	  clean_values (params);
	  if (ret == SQLITE_DONE || ret == SQLITE_ROW)
	  fprintf (stderr, "sqlite3_step() error: INSERT INTO\n");
	  sqlite3_finalize (params->stmt);
	  params->stmt = NULL;
Beispiel #5
gaiaExportDxf (gaiaDxfWriterPtr dxf, sqlite3 * db_handle,
	       const char *sql, const char *layer_col_name,
	       const char *geom_col_name, const char *label_col_name,
	       const char *text_height_col_name,
	       const char *text_rotation_col_name, gaiaGeomCollPtr geom_filter)
/* exporting a complex DXF by executing an arbitrary SQL query */
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
    int ret;
    int params;
    int first_row = 1;
    int layer_col = -1;
    int geom_col = -1;
    int label_col = -1;
    int text_height_col = -1;
    int text_rotation_col = -1;
    int i;
    unsigned char *p_blob;
    const unsigned char *blob;
    int len;
    const char *layer;
    const char *label = NULL;
    gaiaGeomCollPtr geom;
    gaiaDxfExportPtr aux = NULL;
    gaiaDxfExportLayerPtr lyr;
    if (dxf == NULL)
	return 0;
    if (dxf->error)
	return 0;
    if (dxf->out == NULL)
	return 0;
    if (db_handle == NULL)
	return 0;
    if (sql == NULL)
	return 0;
    if (layer_col_name == NULL)
	return 0;
    if (geom_col_name == NULL)
	return 0;

/* attempting to create the SQL prepared statement */
    ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (db_handle, sql, strlen (sql), &stmt, NULL);
    if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
	  spatialite_e ("exportDXF - CREATE STATEMENT error: %s\n",
			sqlite3_errmsg (db_handle));
	  goto stop;
    params = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count (stmt);

    if (params > 0 && geom_filter != NULL)
	  /* parameter binding - Spatial Filter */
	  sqlite3_reset (stmt);
	  sqlite3_clear_bindings (stmt);
	  for (i = 1; i <= params; i++)
		gaiaToSpatiaLiteBlobWkb (geom_filter, &p_blob, &len);
		ret = sqlite3_bind_blob (stmt, i, p_blob, len, free);
		if (ret != SQLITE_OK)
		      spatialite_e ("exportDXF - parameter BIND error: %s\n",
				    sqlite3_errmsg (db_handle));
		      goto stop;

/* pass #1 - sniffing the result set */
    while (1)
	  /* scrolling the result set rows */
	  ret = sqlite3_step (stmt);
	  if (ret == SQLITE_DONE)
	      break;		/* end of result set */
	  if (ret == SQLITE_ROW)
		if (first_row)
		      /* this one is the first row of the resultset */
		      for (i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count (stmt); i++)
			    /* attempting to identify the resultset columns */
			    if (strcasecmp
				 sqlite3_column_name (stmt, i)) == 0)
				layer_col = i;
			    if (strcasecmp
				 sqlite3_column_name (stmt, i)) == 0)
				geom_col = i;
			    if (label_col_name != NULL)
				  if (strcasecmp
				       sqlite3_column_name (stmt, i)) == 0)
				      label_col = i;
			    if (text_height_col_name != NULL)
				  if (strcasecmp
				       sqlite3_column_name (stmt, i)) == 0)
				      text_height_col = i;
			    if (text_rotation_col_name != NULL)
				  if (strcasecmp
				       sqlite3_column_name (stmt, i)) == 0)
				      text_rotation_col = i;
		      if (layer_col < 0)
				("exportDXF - Layer Column not found into the resultset\n");
			    goto stop;
		      if (geom_col < 0)
				("exportDXF - Geometry Column not found into the resultset\n");
			    goto stop;
		      first_row = 0;
		      aux = alloc_aux_exporter ();
		layer = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text (stmt, layer_col);
		blob = sqlite3_column_blob (stmt, geom_col);
		len = sqlite3_column_bytes (stmt, geom_col);
		geom = gaiaFromSpatiaLiteBlobWkb (blob, len);
		if (geom)
		      update_aux_exporter (aux, layer, geom);
		      gaiaFreeGeomColl (geom);

/* pass #2 - exporting the DXF file */
    gaiaDxfWriteHeader (dxf, aux->minx, aux->miny, 0, aux->maxx, aux->maxy, 0);
    gaiaDxfWriteTables (dxf);
    lyr = aux->first;
    while (lyr != NULL)
	  gaiaDxfWriteLayer (dxf, lyr->layer_name);
	  lyr = lyr->next;
    gaiaDxfWriteEndSection (dxf);
    gaiaDxfWriteEntities (dxf);

    sqlite3_reset (stmt);
    while (1)
	  /* scrolling the result set rows */
	  int ival;
	  double height = 10.0;
	  double rotation = 0.0;
	  ret = sqlite3_step (stmt);
	  if (ret == SQLITE_DONE)
	      break;		/* end of result set */
	  if (ret == SQLITE_ROW)
		layer = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text (stmt, layer_col);
		if (label_col >= 0)
		    label =
			(const char *) sqlite3_column_text (stmt, label_col);
		if (text_height_col >= 0)
		      if (sqlite3_column_type (stmt, text_height_col) ==
			    ival = sqlite3_column_int (stmt, text_height_col);
			    height = ival;
		      if (sqlite3_column_type (stmt, text_height_col) ==
			  height =
			      sqlite3_column_double (stmt, text_height_col);
		if (text_rotation_col >= 0)
		      if (sqlite3_column_type (stmt, text_rotation_col) ==
			    ival = sqlite3_column_int (stmt, text_rotation_col);
			    rotation = ival;
		      if (sqlite3_column_type (stmt, text_height_col) ==
			  rotation =
			      sqlite3_column_double (stmt, text_rotation_col);
		blob = sqlite3_column_blob (stmt, geom_col);
		len = sqlite3_column_bytes (stmt, geom_col);
		geom = gaiaFromSpatiaLiteBlobWkb (blob, len);
		if (geom)
		      gaiaDxfWriteGeometry (dxf, layer, label, height, rotation,
		      gaiaFreeGeomColl (geom);
    gaiaDxfWriteEndSection (dxf);
    gaiaDxfWriteFooter (dxf);

    sqlite3_finalize (stmt);
    if (aux != NULL)
	destroy_aux_exporter (aux);
    return dxf->count;

    if (stmt != NULL)
	sqlite3_finalize (stmt);
    if (aux != NULL)
	destroy_aux_exporter (aux);
    return 0;