int dgreed_main(int argc, const char** argv) { params_init(argc, argv); rand_init(time(NULL)); layouts_init(); layouts_set("dvorak"); bool fullscreen = true; if(params_find("-windowed") != ~0) fullscreen = false; video_init_ex(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "KeyMingler", fullscreen); font = font_load(FONT_FILE); float text_width = font_width(font, LOADING_TEXT); float text_height = font_height(font); Vector2 pos = vec2((SCREEN_WIDTH - text_width) / 2.0f, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - text_height) / 2.0f); font_draw(font, LOADING_TEXT, 0, &pos, COLOR_WHITE); video_present(); system_update(); game_init(); sounds_init(); music = sound_load_stream(MUSIC_FILE); sound_play(music); while(system_update()) { game_update(); game_render(); video_present(); sound_update(); if(key_up(KEY_QUIT)) break; } font_free(font); sound_free(music); sounds_close(); game_close(); video_close(); layouts_close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // SDL Event handler SDL_Event event; int key_press; int game_over, score; int game_grid[CELLS] = {0}; int row_test, last_row, drop_count, lock_in, key_count; int first_hold = 1; tetromino * falling; tetromino * next; tetromino * hold; tetromino * temp; set_rand(); lock_in = 0; drop_count = 1; game_over = 0; key_count = 0; score = 0; falling = tetromino_new(ACTIVE); next = tetromino_new(INACTIVE); hold = tetromino_new(INACTIVE); temp = NULL; //log = fopen("Log.txt","w"); //fprintf(log, "Begin Main\n"); if(init() == 0) {//printf(log, "SDL did not initialize.\n" ); return 0; } if(load_media() == 0) {//printf(log, "Media Loading failed\n" ); return 0; } gridRect.x = 0; gridRect.y = 0; fallingRect.x = 0; fallingRect.y = 0; prevRect.x = (BLOCK_SIZE*MAXCOL) + PREVIEW_OFFSET; prevRect.y = 100; scoreRect.x = SCORE_X; scoreRect.y = SCORE_Y; // Preview = PreviewSurfaces[SQUARE_BLOCK]; // set a dummy default //anim = 0; //fprintf(log, "Game Loop entry\n" ); while(game_over == 0) { /*if(anim == 0) tetromino_drop(falling, game_grid); anim = (anim == 200)? 0: anim+1;*/ drop_count = auto_drop(falling, game_grid, drop_count, score); key_press = 100; if(SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: game_over = 1; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch(event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: key_press = UP; break; case SDLK_DOWN: key_press = DOWN; break; case SDLK_LEFT: key_press = LEFT; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: key_press = RIGHT; break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: key_press = ESC; break; case SDLK_SPACE: key_press = SPACE; break; } break; } } //if(key_count == 0) //{ switch(key_press) { case UP: tetromino_rotate(falling, game_grid); break; case DOWN: tetromino_drop(falling, game_grid); break; case RIGHT: tetromino_shift_right(falling, game_grid); break; case LEFT: tetromino_shift_left(falling, game_grid); break; case ESC: game_over = 1; break; case SPACE: // this still would be nice with visuals... if(first_hold == 1) { temp = hold; tetromino_mod(temp); hold = falling; falling = next; tetromino_activate(falling); next = temp; temp = NULL; first_hold = 0; } else { temp = falling; falling = hold; tetromino_activate(falling); hold = temp; temp = NULL; } break; } //} key_count = (key_count < KEY_RATE) ? key_count + 1: 0; lock_in = (tetromino_lock(falling, game_grid) == 1)? lock_in+1:0; if(lock_in == 200) { tetromino_into_grid(falling, game_grid); score += falling->shape + 2 * 3; score += row_check(game_grid); // manage the tetrominos temp = falling; falling = next; tetromino_activate(falling); tetromino_mod(temp); next = temp; temp = NULL; lock_in = 0; } if(grid_row_any(game_grid,0) == 1) game_over = 1; //blit to screen SDL_FillRect(ScreenSurface, 0, 0); // so the images don't trail blit_preview(next->shape); blit_grid(game_grid); blit_tetromino(falling); blit_score(score); SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(MainWin); } game_close(); free(falling); free(next); free(hold); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { byte keypress; client_init(); if( argc > 1 ) /* Command line arguments */ handle_cl_args(argc, argv); srand( time(NULL) ); calc_lookup_tables(DEGREES); win_init(); entity_init(); if( (ent_img_loaded = (char *)malloc(num_entity_types)) == NULL ) { perror("Malloc"); ERR_QUIT("Error allocating ent_img_loaded array", 1); } else { memset(ent_img_loaded, 0, num_entity_types); } /* Load client preferences from file */ read_config_file( &client ); /* Set view dimensions, which are calculated by tile width & heights */ client.view_w = client.x_tiles * TILE_W; client.view_h = client.y_tiles * TILE_H; /* What the client WISHES their dimensions were (this may not be what it actually is, ie in demo's etc */ client.desired_w = client.view_w; client.desired_h = client.view_h; weapon_type_init(); particle_init(); menu_init(); cl_network_init(); client.state = MENU; if( client.demo == DEMO_PLAY ) { cl_network_connect(NULL, 42); client.state = GAME_LOAD; } for( ; ; ) { switch( client.state ) { case MENU: win_ungrab_pointer(); menu_driver(); break; case GAME_LOAD: win_set_properties(VERSION, client.view_w, client.view_h+STATUS_H); wait_till_expose(5); /* Finished loading, we are ready to play */ cl_change_map(, client.gamemode); break; case GAME_RESUME: /* Resume game from menu */ win_set_properties(VERSION, client.view_w, client.view_h+STATUS_H); wait_till_expose(5); input_clear(); draw_status_bar(); cl_netmsg_send_ready(); /* Tell server new details */ cl_net_finish(); /* Send the NETMSG_READY to the server */ client.state = GAME_JOIN; break; case GAME_JOIN: win_set_cursor( client.mousemode!=MOUSEMODE_ROTATE ); win_set_cursor( 1 ); if( client.mousemode ) { win_grab_pointer(); } text_buf_clear(); particle_clear(); case GAME_PLAY: cl_net_update(); if( client.state == GAME_PLAY ) { /* Maybe changed in net_update */ draw_crosshair( my_entity ); if( client.map_target_active ) draw_map_target( my_entity ); text_buf_update(); if( client.netstats ) cl_net_stats(); win_update(); /* Keyboard Input */ client.dir = my_entity.dir; keypress = get_input(); cl_netmsg_send_cl_update(keypress, client.dir); } cl_net_finish(); /* Send things that need sending */ cap_fps(client.fps); break; case QUIT: game_close(); image_close(); /* Free all the images */ win_close(); write_config_file(&client); if( ent_img_loaded != NULL ) free(ent_img_loaded); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }