Beispiel #1
// Garbage collecting m_documentResources is a workaround for the
// ResourcePtrs on the RHS being strong references. Ideally this
// would be a weak map, however ResourcePtrs perform additional
// bookkeeping on Resources, so instead pseudo-GC them -- when the
// reference count reaches 1, m_documentResources is the only reference, so
// remove it from the map.
void ResourceFetcher::garbageCollectDocumentResourcesTimerFired(Timer<ResourceFetcher>* timer)
    ASSERT_UNUSED(timer, timer == &m_garbageCollectDocumentResourcesTimer);
// Garbage collecting m_documentResources is a workaround for the
// CachedResourceHandles on the RHS being strong references. Ideally this
// would be a weak map, however CachedResourceHandles perform additional
// bookkeeping on CachedResources, so instead pseudo-GC them -- when the
// reference count reaches 1, m_documentResources is the only reference, so
// remove it from the map.
void CachedResourceLoader::garbageCollectDocumentResourcesTimerFired(Timer<CachedResourceLoader>* timer)
    ASSERT_UNUSED(timer, timer == &m_garbageCollectDocumentResourcesTimer);