std::vector<AsyncRequestsSender::Response> TransactionRouter::abortTransaction(
    OperationContext* opCtx, bool isImplicit) {
    // The router has yet to send any commands to a remote shard for this transaction.
    // Return the same error that would have been returned by a shard.
            "no known command has been sent by this router for this transaction",

    auto abortCmd = BSON("abortTransaction" << 1);

    std::vector<AsyncRequestsSender::Request> abortRequests;
    for (const auto& participantEntry : _participants) {
        abortRequests.emplace_back(ShardId(participantEntry.first), abortCmd);

    // Implicit aborts log earlier.
    if (!isImplicit) {
        LOG(0) << _txnIdToString() << " Aborting transaction on " << _participants.size()
               << " shard(s)";

    return gatherResponses(opCtx,
std::vector<AsyncRequestsSender::Response> scatterGatherUnversionedTargetAllShards(
    OperationContext* opCtx,
    StringData dbName,
    const BSONObj& cmdObj,
    const ReadPreferenceSetting& readPref,
    Shard::RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
    return gatherResponses(
        opCtx, dbName, readPref, retryPolicy, buildUnversionedRequestsForAllShards(opCtx, cmdObj));
std::vector<AsyncRequestsSender::Response> scatterGatherVersionedTargetByRoutingTable(
    OperationContext* opCtx,
    StringData dbName,
    const NamespaceString& nss,
    const CachedCollectionRoutingInfo& routingInfo,
    const BSONObj& cmdObj,
    const ReadPreferenceSetting& readPref,
    Shard::RetryPolicy retryPolicy,
    const BSONObj& query,
    const BSONObj& collation) {
    const auto requests =
        buildVersionedRequestsForTargetedShards(opCtx, nss, routingInfo, cmdObj, query, collation);

    return gatherResponses(opCtx, dbName, readPref, retryPolicy, requests);
AsyncRequestsSender::Response executeCommandAgainstDatabasePrimary(
    OperationContext* opCtx,
    StringData dbName,
    const CachedDatabaseInfo& dbInfo,
    const BSONObj& cmdObj,
    const ReadPreferenceSetting& readPref,
    Shard::RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
    auto responses =
                            opCtx, {dbInfo.primaryId()}, appendDbVersionIfPresent(cmdObj, dbInfo)));
    return std::move(responses.front());
std::vector<AsyncRequestsSender::Response> scatterGatherOnlyVersionIfUnsharded(
    OperationContext* opCtx,
    const NamespaceString& nss,
    const BSONObj& cmdObj,
    const ReadPreferenceSetting& readPref,
    Shard::RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
    auto routingInfo =
        uassertStatusOK(Grid::get(opCtx)->catalogCache()->getCollectionRoutingInfo(opCtx, nss));

    std::vector<AsyncRequestsSender::Request> requests;
    if ( {
        // An unversioned request on a sharded collection can cause a shard that has not owned data
        // for the collection yet to implicitly create the collection without all the collection
        // options. So, we signal to shards that they should not implicitly create the collection.
        requests = buildUnversionedRequestsForAllShards(opCtx, cmdObj);
    } else {
        requests = buildVersionedRequestsForTargetedShards(
            opCtx, nss, routingInfo, cmdObj, BSONObj(), BSONObj());

    return gatherResponses(opCtx, nss.db(), readPref, retryPolicy, requests);
void TransactionRouter::_clearPendingParticipants(OperationContext* opCtx) {
    const auto pendingParticipants = _getPendingParticipants();

    // Send abort to each pending participant. This resets their transaction state and guarantees no
    // transactions will be left open if the retry does not re-target any of these shards.
    std::vector<AsyncRequestsSender::Request> abortRequests;
    for (const auto& participant : pendingParticipants) {
        abortRequests.emplace_back(participant, BSON("abortTransaction" << 1));
    auto responses = gatherResponses(opCtx,

    // Verify each abort succeeded or failed with NoSuchTransaction, which may happen if the
    // transaction was already implicitly aborted on the shard.
    for (const auto& response : responses) {

    // Remove each aborted participant from the participant list. Remove after sending abort, so
    // they are not added back to the participant list by the transaction tracking inside the ARS.
    for (const auto& participant : pendingParticipants) {

    // If there are no more participants, also clear the coordinator id because a new one must be
    // chosen by the retry.
    if (_participants.empty()) {

    // If participants were created by an earlier command, the coordinator must be one of them.
    invariant(_participants.count(*_coordinatorId) == 1);