Beispiel #1
int main()
	gdImagePtr im, im2;
	int error = 0;

	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(100, 100);

	if (im == NULL) {
		gdTestErrorMsg("gdImageCreateTruecolor failed\n");
		error = 1;
		goto exit;
	gdImageColorTransparent(im, -1);
	gdImageTrueColorToPalette(im, 1, 3);
	gdImageColorTransparent(im, 9);
	im2 = gdImageScale(im, 1, 65535);
	if (im2 == NULL) {
		error = 1;
		goto freeim;
	} else {

	return error;
Beispiel #2
int main()
    gdImagePtr im, tile;
    int im_white, im_black, tile_white, tile_black;
    int x,y, error = 0;
    FILE *fp;
    char path[1024];

    fputs("flag 0\n", stdout);
    im = gdImageCreate(150, 150);

    tile = gdImageCreateTrueColor(36, 36);

    tile_white = gdImageColorAllocate(tile,255,255,255);
    tile_black = gdImageColorAllocate(tile,55,0,0);
    im_white = gdImageColorAllocate(im,255,255,255);
    im_black = gdImageColorAllocate(im,0,0,0);

    gdImageFill(tile, 0,0, tile_white);
    gdImageColorTransparent(tile, tile_black);
    gdImageColorTransparent(im, im_black);

    /* create the dots pattern */
    for (x=0; x<36; x+=2) {
        for (y=0; y<36; y+=2) {

    gdImageRectangle(im, 9,9,139,139, im_black);
    gdImageLine(im, 9,9,139,139, im_black);
    gdImageFill(im, 11,12, gdTiled);

    fputs("flag 1\n", stdout);
    gdImageFill(im, 0, 0, 0xffffff);
    fputs("flag 2\n", stdout);
    gdImageFill(im, 0, 0, 0xffffff);
    fputs("flag 3\n", stdout);

    sprintf(path, "%s/gdimagefill/bug00002_3_exp.png", GDTEST_TOP_DIR);
    if (!gdAssertImageEqualsToFile(path, im)) {
        error = 1;

    /* Destroy it */
    return error;
Beispiel #3
int main()
	gdImagePtr im, im2;
	int error = 0;

	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(5, 5);
	if (!im) {
		printf("can't create the src truecolor image\n");
		return 1;

	gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, 49, 49, 0x00FFFFFF);
	gdImageColorTransparent(im, 0xFFFFFF);
	gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 1, 1, 4, 4, 0xFF00FF);

	im2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor(20, 20);
	if (!im2) {
		printf("can't create the dst truecolor image\n");
		return 1;

	gdImageCopy(im2, im, 2, 2 , 0, 0, gdImageSX(im), gdImageSY(im));

	if (!gdAssertImageEqualsToFile("gdimagecopy/bug00081_exp.png", im2)) {
		error = 1;
		printf("Reference image and destination differ\n");

	return error;
Beispiel #4
static void vrml_begin_node(GVJ_t *job)
    FILE *out = job->output_file;
    obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
    node_t *n = obj->u.n;
    double z = obj->z;
    int width, height;
    int transparent;

    fprintf(out, "# node %s\n", n->name);
    if (z < MinZ)
	MinZ = z;
    if (shapeOf(n) != SH_POINT) {
	PNGfile = nodefile(job->output_filename, n);

	width  = (ND_lw_i(n) + ND_rw_i(n)) * Scale + 2 * NODE_PAD;
	height = (ND_ht_i(n)             ) * Scale + 2 * NODE_PAD;
	im = gdImageCreate(width, height);

	/* make background transparent */
	transparent = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im,
                                           gdRedMax - 1, gdGreenMax,
                                           gdBlueMax, gdAlphaTransparent);
	gdImageColorTransparent(im, transparent);
Beispiel #5
static void init_gd()
	SP = 0;
	/* must create default background color first... */
	/* we have to force the background to be filled for some reason */
	white = gdImageColorResolve(im, gdRedMax,gdGreenMax,gdBlueMax);
	gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, im->sx-1, im->sy-1, white);

	black = gdImageColorResolve(im, 0, 0, 0);

	/* in truecolor images we don't need to allocate a color
		for transparent */
	if (! im->trueColor) {
		/* transparent uses an rgb value very close to white
	   	so that formats like GIF that don't support
	   	transparency show a white background */
		transparent = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im, gdRedMax,gdGreenMax,gdBlueMax-1, gdAlphaTransparent);
		gdImageColorTransparent(im, transparent);

	cstk[0].pencolor = black;		/* set pen black*/
	cstk[0].fillcolor = black;		/* set fill black*/
	cstk[0].fontfam = "times";		/* font family name */
	cstk[0].fontopt = REGULAR;		/* modifier: REGULAR, BOLD or ITALIC */
	cstk[0].pen = P_SOLID;		/* pen pattern style, default is solid */
	cstk[0].fill = P_NONE;
	cstk[0].penwidth = WIDTH_NORMAL;
Beispiel #6
int renderPixmapSymbolGD(imageObj *img, double x, double y, symbolObj *symbol, symbolStyleObj *style)
    gdImagePtr ip,pp;
    if(!(ip = MS_IMAGE_GET_GDIMAGEPTR(img))) return MS_FAILURE;
    assert(symbol->pixmap_buffer && symbol->pixmap_buffer->type == MS_BUFFER_GD);
    pp = symbol->pixmap_buffer->data.gd_img;
    /* gdImageAlphaBlending(ip,1); */
    /* gdImageAlphaBlending(pp,1); */

    if(style->scale == 1.0 && style->rotation == 0.0) { /* don't scale */
        x -= .5*symbol->pixmap_buffer->width;
        y -= .5*symbol->pixmap_buffer->height;
        gdImageCopy(ip, pp, x, y, 0, 0, symbol->pixmap_buffer->width,symbol->pixmap_buffer->height);
    } else {
        int bRotated = MS_FALSE;
        if(style->rotation) {
            bRotated = MS_TRUE;
            pp = rotatePixmapGD(pp,style->rotation);
        x -=  .5*gdImageSX(pp)*style->scale;
        y -=  .5*gdImageSY(pp)*style->scale;
        gdImageCopyResampled(ip, pp, x, y, 0, 0,
                             (int)(gdImageSX(pp) * style->scale),
                             (int)(gdImageSY(pp) * style->scale),
        if(bRotated) {
    /* gdImageAlphaBlending(ip,0); */
    return MS_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #7
 * Bueno, vamos a ver si podemos obtener la pieza
 * */
int    tipojuego_get_tpieza_png( Tipojuego* tj, char* color, char* tpieza, int flags, void** png, int* width, int* height ){
    Tipopieza* tp = tj->tipo_piezas->data[ GETTIPOPIEZA(tj,tpieza) ];
    int  col      = GETCOLOR(tj,color);
    gdImagePtr gd = graph_tpieza_get_gd( tp, col );
    int  size = 0;

    if( flags == GETPNG_PIEZA_CAPTURADA ){
        gdImagePtr gd2 = gdImageCreate( gdImageSX( gd ) / 2, gdImageSY( gd ) / 2 );

        int transp = gdImageColorAllocate( gd2, 0, 255, 0 );
        gdImageColorTransparent( gd2, transp );
        gdImageFill( gd2, 0, 0 , transp );

        gdImageCopyResized( gd2, gd, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          gdImageSX(gd2), gdImageSY(gd2),
          gdImageSX(gd), gdImageSY(gd) );
        if( png ) *png = gdImagePngPtr( gd2, &size );
        if( width ) *width = gdImageSX( gd2 );
        if( height ) *height = gdImageSY( gd2 );
        gdImageDestroy( gd2 );
        return size;
    } else {
        if( png ) *png = gdImagePngPtr( gd, &size );
        if( width ) *width = gdImageSX( gd );
        if( height ) *height = gdImageSY( gd );
        return size;
    LOGPRINT( 2, "No compilado con el modulo GD tpieza = %s", tpieza );
    return 0;
Beispiel #8
result_t Image::set_transparent(int32_t newVal)
    if (!m_image)

    gdImageColorTransparent(m_image, newVal);
    return 0;
Beispiel #9
gdImagePtr rotatePixmapGD(gdImagePtr img, double angle_rad)
    gdImagePtr rimg = NULL;
    double cos_a, sin_a;
    double x1 = 0.0, y1 = 0.0; /* destination rectangle */
    double x2 = 0.0, y2 = 0.0;
    double x3 = 0.0, y3 = 0.0;
    double x4 = 0.0, y4 = 0.0;

    long minx, miny, maxx, maxy;

    int width=0, height=0;
    /* int color; */

    sin_a = sin(angle_rad);
    cos_a = cos(angle_rad);

    /* compute distination rectangle (x1,y1 is known) */
    x1 = 0 ;
    y1 = 0 ;
    x2 = img->sy * sin_a;
    y2 = -img->sy * cos_a;
    x3 = (img->sx * cos_a) + (img->sy * sin_a);
    y3 = (img->sx * sin_a) - (img->sy * cos_a);
    x4 = (img->sx * cos_a);
    y4 = (img->sx * sin_a);

    minx = (long) MS_MIN(x1,MS_MIN(x2,MS_MIN(x3,x4)));
    miny = (long) MS_MIN(y1,MS_MIN(y2,MS_MIN(y3,y4)));
    maxx = (long) MS_MAX(x1,MS_MAX(x2,MS_MAX(x3,x4)));
    maxy = (long) MS_MAX(y1,MS_MAX(y2,MS_MAX(y3,y4)));

    width = (int)ceil(maxx-minx);
    height = (int)ceil(maxy-miny);

    /* create the new image based on the computed width/height */

    if (gdImageTrueColor(img)) {
        rimg = gdImageCreateTrueColor(width, height);
        gdImageAlphaBlending(rimg, 0);
        gdImageFilledRectangle(rimg, 0, 0, width, height, gdImageColorAllocateAlpha(rimg, 0, 0, 0, gdAlphaTransparent));
    } else {
        int tc = gdImageGetTransparent(img);
        rimg = gdImageCreate(width, height);
        if(tc != -1)
            gdImageColorTransparent(rimg, gdImageColorAllocate(rimg, gdImageRed(img, tc), gdImageGreen(img, tc), gdImageBlue(img, tc)));
    if(!rimg) {
        msSetError(MS_GDERR,"failed to create rotated pixmap","rotatePixmapGD()");
        return NULL;

    gdImageCopyRotated (rimg, img, width*0.5, height*0.5, 0, 0, gdImageSX(img), gdImageSY(img), angle_rad*MS_RAD_TO_DEG);
    return rimg;
Beispiel #10
static gdImagePtr InitImage(void)
    gdImagePtr im;

    im = gdImageCreate(150, 350);
    gdImageColorTransparent (im, grey);
    gdImageFilledRectangle (im, 0, 0, 150, 350, grey);
    gdImageFilledRectangle (im, 50, 0, 150, 300, green);

    return im;
Beispiel #11
int renderPolygonTiledGD(imageObj *img, shapeObj *p,  imageObj *tile)
    gdImagePtr ip, tp;

    if(!img || !p || !tile) return MS_FAILURE;
    if(!(ip = MS_IMAGE_GET_GDIMAGEPTR(img))) return MS_FAILURE;
    if(!(tp = MS_IMAGE_GET_GDIMAGEPTR(tile))) return MS_FAILURE;
    gdImageSetTile(ip, tp);
    imageFilledPolygon(ip, p, gdTiled);
    return MS_SUCCESS;
	gdImagePtr	image,
	const int	color
	if (color != kTransparentColorNotSet)
		gdImageColorTransparent(image, color);
		return kJTrue;
		return kJFalse;
Beispiel #13
int GIFFlusht0(Metafile *mf, char *filename)
transparent, color 0
int GIFFlusht0(Metafile *mf, char *filename)
  mf_cgmo *cgmo	= mf->cgmo;
  GIFmetafile *meta = find_meta(cgmo);
  int status = 1;
  int tcolor;
  int i;

  FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w");
  if (fp != NULL && meta != 0){
    status = OK;

    gdImageGif(meta->image, fp);/*save the image as gif */

      /* open the gif, change transparency and then save */
    FILE *inGif;
    FILE *ouGif;
    gdImagePtr gifImg;

    inGif = fopen(filename,"rb");
    gifImg = gdImageCreateFromGif(inGif);

    ouGif = fopen(filename,"w");

        //(0,0,0) is for white background
    tcolor   = gdImageColorClosest(gifImg, 255, 255, 255);

    for (i=0; i < 256; i+=1) {

        tcolor   = gdImageColorClosest(gifImg, i, i, i);

    gdImageColorTransparent(gifImg, tcolor);

    gdImageGif(gifImg, ouGif);


  return status;
Beispiel #14
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  	FILE *out;
	int transparent, green, black;
	gdImagePtr im;

	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(100,100);

        black =  gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im, 0, 0, 0, gdAlphaOpaque);
        green =  gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im, 0, gdGreenMax, 0, gdAlphaOpaque);
        transparent = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im,
                        gdRedMax-1, gdGreenMax, gdBlueMax, gdAlphaTransparent);
        gdImageColorTransparent(im, transparent);

	/* Blending must be off to lay a transparent basecolor.
                Nothing to blend with anyway. */
        gdImageAlphaBlending(im, FALSE);
        gdImageFill (im, im->sx/2, im->sy/2, transparent);
        /* Blend everything else together,
                especially fonts over non-transparent backgrounds */
        gdImageAlphaBlending(im, TRUE);

	gdImageFilledRectangle (im, 30, 30, 70, 70, green);
	gdImageStringFT (im, NULL, black, "Times", 18, 0, 50, 50, "Hello");

	gdImageSaveAlpha (im, TRUE);
	out = fopen ("testtr.png", "wb");
	gdImagePng (im, out);
	fclose (out);
	fprintf(stderr, "Compiled without libpng support\n");
#endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */
	gdImageDestroy (im);

	return 0;
	fprintf(stderr, "Compiled without freetype support\n");
	return 0;
Beispiel #15
result_t Image::rotate(int32_t dir)
    if (dir != gd_base::_LEFT && dir != gd_base::_RIGHT)

    int32_t sx = gdImageSX(m_image);
    int32_t sy = gdImageSY(m_image);
    int32_t i, j;
    gdImagePtr newImage;

    if (gdImageTrueColor(m_image))
        newImage = gdImageCreateTrueColor(sy, sx);
        newImage = gdImageCreate(sy, sx);
        gdImagePaletteCopy(newImage, m_image);

    gdImageColorTransparent(newImage, gdImageGetTransparent(m_image));

    if (dir == gd_base::_LEFT)
        for (i = 0; i < sx; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < sy; j++)
                gdImageSetPixel(newImage, j, sx - i - 1,
                                gdImageGetPixel(m_image, i, j));
        for (i = 0; i < sx; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < sy; j++)
                gdImageSetPixel(newImage, sy - j - 1, i,
                                gdImageGetPixel(m_image, i, j));

    m_image = newImage;

    return 0;
Beispiel #16
static void init2_gd(gdImagePtr im)
    SP = 0;

    white = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im,
                                     gdRedMax, gdGreenMax, gdBlueMax,
    black = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im, 0, 0, 0, gdAlphaOpaque);
    transparent = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im,
                                           gdRedMax - 1, gdGreenMax,
                                           gdBlueMax, gdAlphaTransparent);
    gdImageColorTransparent(im, transparent);

    cstk[0].pencolor = black;	/* set pen black */
    cstk[0].fontfam = "times";	/* font family name */
    cstk[0].fontopt = REGULAR;	/* modifier: REGULAR, BOLD or ITALIC */
    cstk[0].pen = P_SOLID;	/* pen pattern style, default is solid */
    cstk[0].fill = P_NONE;
    cstk[0].penwidth = WIDTH_NORMAL;
Beispiel #17
result_t Image::New(int32_t width, int32_t height, obj_ptr<Image> &retVal)
    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)

    obj_ptr<Image> img = new Image();

    if (gdImageTrueColor(m_image))
        img->m_image = gdImageCreateTrueColor(width, height);
        img->m_image = gdImageCreate(width, height);

    gdImagePaletteCopy(img->m_image, m_image);
    gdImageColorTransparent(img->m_image, gdImageGetTransparent(m_image));


    retVal = img;
    return 0;
Beispiel #18
** GD driver-specific image handling functions.
imageObj *createImageGD(int width, int height, outputFormatObj *format, colorObj* bg) 
  imageObj *img = NULL;
  gdImagePtr ip;

  img = (imageObj *) calloc(1, sizeof (imageObj));
  MS_CHECK_ALLOC(img, sizeof (imageObj), NULL); 

  /* we're only doing PC256 for the moment */
  ip = gdImageCreate(width, height);
  if(!format->transparent && bg && MS_VALID_COLOR(*bg))
	  gdImageColorAllocate(ip, bg->red, bg->green, bg->blue); /* set the background color */
  else {
	  gdImageColorAllocate(ip,117,17,91); /*random bg color (same one as picked in msResampleGDALToMap) */
	  gdImageColorTransparent(ip, 0);

  img->img.plugin = (void *) ip;
  return img;
static void make_thumb(void *conf)
	int colors = 0;
	int transparent = -1;
	ngx_image_conf_t *info = conf;
	info->dst_im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(info->width,info->height);
	colors = gdImageColorsTotal(info->src_im);
	transparent = gdImageGetTransparent(info->src_im);
	if (transparent == -1)
		gdImageColorTransparent(info->src_im, -1);
		if(colors == 0)
    if(info->w_margin == 1)

		info->w_im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(info->width,info->height);
		gdImageFilledRectangle(info->w_im, 0, 0, info->width,info->height, gdImageColorAllocate(info->w_im, 255, 255, 255));
        info->dst_im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(info->max_width,info->max_height);
        gdImageFilledRectangle(info->dst_im, 0, 0, info->max_width,info->max_height, gdImageColorAllocate(info->dst_im, 255, 255, 255));
		gdImageCopyResampled(info->w_im, info->src_im, 0, 0, info->src_x, info->src_y,info->width, info->height, info->src_w,info->src_h);
		gdImageCopyResampled(info->dst_im, info->w_im, info->dst_x,info->dst_y, 0, 0,info->width, info->height, info->width, info->height);

Beispiel #20
Datei: GD.c Projekt: drudru/cel
void GDallocColorTransparent(void)
    Proto  proto;
    Proto  tmp;
    Proto  blob;
    gdImagePtr imgPtr;
    char * p;
    uchar  t;
    proto = (Proto) stackAt(Cpu, 2);

    objectGetSlot(proto, stringToAtom("_gdp"), &blob);
    p = (char *) objectPointerValue(blob);
    memcpy(&imgPtr, p, sizeof(imgPtr));
    tmp = (Proto) stackAt(Cpu, 4);
    t = objectIntegerValue(tmp);

    gdImageColorTransparent(imgPtr, t);

    VMReturn(Cpu, (unsigned int) proto, 4);
Beispiel #21
static void noimage (void)
    gdImagePtr	    im;

    im = gdImageCreate (150, 350);


    gdImageColorTransparent (im, grey);

    gdImageFilledRectangle (im, 0, 0, 150, 300, grey);

    gdImageString (im, gdFontLarge, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)"Data not available", black);

    gdImagePng (im, stdout);
    gdImageGif (im, stdout);
    gdImageDestroy (im);
Beispiel #22
void _transparent_bitmap_part(const void *src, int src_x, int src_y,
                                        int stride, int x, int y, int width, int height)
    FILE *_image;
    gdImagePtr image;
    int pink;
    DEBUGF2("transparent_bitmap_part(const void *src=%s, int src_x=%d, int src_y=%d, int stride=%d, int x=%d, int y=%d, int width=%d, int height=%d\n", (char*)src, src_x, src_y, stride, x, y, width, height);
    _image = fopen(src, "rb");
    if(_image == NULL)
    image = gdImageCreateFromBmp(_image);
    pink = gdTrueColor(255, 0, 255); 
    gdImageColorTransparent(image, pink);
    gdImageCopy(framebuffer, image, x, y, src_x, src_y, width, height);
Beispiel #23
int main()
	gdImagePtr im, im2;
	int error = 0;

	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(width, width);
	gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0,0, width, width, 0xFF0000);
	gdImageColorTransparent(im, 0xFF0000);
	gdImageFilledEllipse(im, width/2, width/2, width - 20, width - 10,

	im2 = gdImageCreateTrueColor(width, width);

	gdImageCopyRotated(im2, im, width / 2, width / 2, 0,0, width, width, 60);

	if (!gdAssertImageEqualsToFile("gdimagecopyrotated/bug00020_exp.png", im2)) {
		error = 1;

	return error;
Beispiel #24
int main()
	gdImagePtr im, tile;
	char exp[] = "bug00032_exp.png";
	FILE *fp;

	tile = gdImageCreateTrueColor(10, 10);
	gdImageFill(tile, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFF);
	gdImageLine(tile, 0,0, 9,9, 0xff0000);
	gdImageColorTransparent(tile, 0xFFFFFF);

	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(50, 50);
	gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, 25, 25, 0x00FF00);

	gdImageSetTile(im, tile);
	gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 10, 10, 49, 49, gdTiled);

	gdAssertImageEqualsToFile(exp_img, im);

 	/* Destroy it */
	return 0;
Beispiel #25
static void writePng(char *filename, wlImages cursors, int cursorNo)
    gdImagePtr output;
    int x, y, i;
    int palette[17];
    int transparent;
    int color;
    FILE *file;
    wlImage image;

    image = cursors->images[cursorNo];
    output = gdImageCreate(image->width, image->height);
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        palette[i] = gdImageColorAllocate(output, wlPalette[i].red,
                wlPalette[i].green, wlPalette[i].blue);
    transparent = gdImageColorAllocate(output, 0, 0, 0);
    gdImageColorTransparent(output, transparent);
    for (y = 0; y < image->height; y++)       
        for (x = 0; x < image->width; x++)
            color = image->pixels[y * image->width + x];
            gdImageSetPixel(output, x, y, color < 16 ? palette[color] : transparent);
    file = fopen(filename, "wb");
    if (!file)
        die("Unable to write PNG to %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    gdImagePng(output, file);
Beispiel #26
int renderLineGD(imageObj *img, shapeObj *p, strokeStyleObj *stroke)
    gdImagePtr ip;
    int c;
    gdImagePtr brush=NULL;

    if(!img || !p || !stroke) return MS_FAILURE;
    if(!(ip = MS_IMAGE_GET_GDIMAGEPTR(img))) return MS_FAILURE;

    SETPEN(ip, stroke->color);
    c = stroke->color->pen;

    if(stroke->patternlength > 0) {
        int *style;
        int i, j, k=0;
        int sc;

        for(i=0; i<stroke->patternlength; i++)
            k += MS_NINT(stroke->pattern[i]);
        style = (int *) malloc (k * sizeof(int));
        MS_CHECK_ALLOC(style, k * sizeof(int), MS_FAILURE);

        sc = c; /* start with the color */

        for(i=0; i<stroke->patternlength; i++) {
            for(j=0; j<MS_NINT(stroke->pattern[i]); j++, k++) {
                style[k] = sc;
            sc = ((sc==c)?gdTransparent:c);

        gdImageSetStyle(ip, style, k);

        c = gdStyled;

    if(stroke->width > 1) {
        int brush_fc;
        brush = gdImageCreate(ceil(stroke->width), ceil(stroke->width));
        gdImageColorAllocate(brush, gdImageRed(ip,0), gdImageGreen(ip, 0), gdImageBlue(ip, 0));
        brush_fc = gdImageColorAllocate(brush, gdImageRed(ip,stroke->color->pen),
                                        gdImageGreen(ip,stroke->color->pen), gdImageBlue(ip,stroke->color->pen));
                             MS_NINT(stroke->width),MS_NINT(stroke->width), brush_fc);
        gdImageSetBrush(ip, brush);
        if(stroke->patternlength > 0) {
            c = gdStyledBrushed;
        } else {
            c = gdBrushed;

    /* finally draw something */
    imagePolyline(ip, p, c);

    /* clean up */
    if(stroke->width>1) {
    return MS_SUCCESS;
static ngx_buf_t *
ngx_http_image_resize(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_image_filter_ctx_t *ctx)
    int                            sx, sy, dx, dy, ox, oy, ax, ay, size,
                                   colors, palette, transparent, sharpen,
                                   red, green, blue, t,
                                   offset_x, offset_y;
    u_char                        *out;
    ngx_buf_t                     *b;
    ngx_uint_t                     resize;
    gdImagePtr                     src, dst;
    ngx_pool_cleanup_t            *cln;
    ngx_http_image_filter_conf_t  *conf;

    src = ngx_http_image_source(r, ctx);

    if (src == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    sx = gdImageSX(src);
    sy = gdImageSY(src);

    conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_image_filter_module);

    if (!ctx->force
        && ctx->angle == 0
        && (ngx_uint_t) sx <= ctx->max_width
        && (ngx_uint_t) sy <= ctx->max_height)
        return ngx_http_image_asis(r, ctx);

    colors = gdImageColorsTotal(src);

    if (colors && conf->transparency) {
        transparent = gdImageGetTransparent(src);

        if (transparent != -1) {
            palette = colors;
            red = gdImageRed(src, transparent);
            green = gdImageGreen(src, transparent);
            blue = gdImageBlue(src, transparent);

            goto transparent;

    palette = 0;
    transparent = -1;
    red = 0;
    green = 0;
    blue = 0;


    gdImageColorTransparent(src, -1);

    dx = sx;
    dy = sy;

    if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_RESIZE) {

        if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) {
            dy = dy * ctx->max_width / dx;
            dy = dy ? dy : 1;
            dx = ctx->max_width;

        if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) {
            dx = dx * ctx->max_height / dy;
            dx = dx ? dx : 1;
            dy = ctx->max_height;

        resize = 1;

    } else if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_ROTATE) {

        resize = 0;

    } else { /* NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_CROP */

        resize = 0;

        if ((double) dx / dy < (double) ctx->max_width / ctx->max_height) {
            if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) {
                dy = dy * ctx->max_width / dx;
                dy = dy ? dy : 1;
                dx = ctx->max_width;
                resize = 1;

        } else {
            if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) {
                dx = dx * ctx->max_height / dy;
                dx = dx ? dx : 1;
                dy = ctx->max_height;
                resize = 1;

    if (resize) {
        dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx, dy, palette);
        if (dst == NULL) {
            return NULL;

        if (colors == 0) {
            gdImageSaveAlpha(dst, 1);
            gdImageAlphaBlending(dst, 0);

        gdImageCopyResampled(dst, src, 0, 0, 0, 0, dx, dy, sx, sy);

        if (colors) {
            gdImageTrueColorToPalette(dst, 1, 256);


    } else {
        dst = src;

    if (ctx->angle) {
        src = dst;

        ax = (dx % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
        ay = (dy % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0;

        switch (ctx->angle) {

        case 90:
        case 270:
            dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dy, dx, palette);
            if (dst == NULL) {
                return NULL;
            if (ctx->angle == 90) {
                ox = dy / 2 + ay;
                oy = dx / 2 - ax;

            } else {
                ox = dy / 2 - ay;
                oy = dx / 2 + ax;

            gdImageCopyRotated(dst, src, ox, oy, 0, 0,
                               dx + ax, dy + ay, ctx->angle);

            t = dx;
            dx = dy;
            dy = t;

        case 180:
            dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx, dy, palette);
            if (dst == NULL) {
                return NULL;
            gdImageCopyRotated(dst, src, dx / 2 - ax, dy / 2 - ay, 0, 0,
                               dx + ax, dy + ay, ctx->angle);

    if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_CROP) {

        src = dst;

        if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) {
            ox = dx - ctx->max_width;

        } else {
            ox = 0;

        if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) {
            oy = dy - ctx->max_height;

        } else {
            oy = 0;

        if (ox || oy) {

            dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx - ox, dy - oy, colors);

            if (dst == NULL) {
                return NULL;

            offset_x = ngx_http_image_filter_get_value(r, conf->oxcv,
            offset_y = ngx_http_image_filter_get_value(r, conf->oycv,

            if (offset_x == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_OFFSET_LEFT) {
                ox = 0;

            } else if (offset_x == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_OFFSET_CENTER) {
                ox /= 2;

            if (offset_y == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_OFFSET_TOP) {
                oy = 0;

            } else if (offset_y == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_OFFSET_CENTER) {
                oy /= 2;

            ngx_log_debug4(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                           "image crop: %d x %d @ %d x %d",
                           dx, dy, ox, oy);

            if (colors == 0) {
                gdImageSaveAlpha(dst, 1);
                gdImageAlphaBlending(dst, 0);

            gdImageCopy(dst, src, 0, 0, ox, oy, dx - ox, dy - oy);

            if (colors) {
                gdImageTrueColorToPalette(dst, 1, 256);


    if (transparent != -1 && colors) {
        gdImageColorTransparent(dst, gdImageColorExact(dst, red, green, blue));

    sharpen = ngx_http_image_filter_get_value(r, conf->shcv, conf->sharpen);
    if (sharpen > 0) {
        gdImageSharpen(dst, sharpen);

    out = ngx_http_image_out(r, ctx->type, dst, &size);

    ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                   "image: %d x %d %d", sx, sy, colors);

    ngx_pfree(r->pool, ctx->image);

    if (out == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    cln = ngx_pool_cleanup_add(r->pool, 0);
    if (cln == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    b = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t));
    if (b == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    cln->handler = ngx_http_image_cleanup;
    cln->data = out;

    b->pos = out;
    b->last = out + size;
    b->memory = 1;
    b->last_buf = 1;

    ngx_http_image_length(r, b);

    return b;
Beispiel #28
// Generates the count image from the count string, returns true if all ok
bool CreateImage(const char *pcCount, const char *pcFont, int iDigits) {
	// Set the spare value 
	int iCountLen = strlen(pcCount);
	if (iDigits < iCountLen)
		iDigits = iCountLen;
	int iSpare = 0;
	if (iDigits > iCountLen)
		iSpare = iDigits - iCountLen;
	// Loop vars
	char pcDigitName[STR_SIZE] = "";
	gdImagePtr pImg = NULL;
	FILE *pPic = NULL;
	// Load the zero digit image
	sprintf(pcDigitName, COUNTER_ZERO, pcFont);
	pPic = fopen(pcDigitName, "rb+");
	if (pPic == NULL)
		return false;
	pImg = gdImageCreateFromGif(pPic);
	if (pImg == NULL)
		return false;
	// Create the output image
	gdImagePtr pOutImg = NULL;
	pOutImg = gdImageCreate(iDigits * pImg->sx, pImg->sy);
	if (pOutImg == NULL) {
		return false;
	// Copy the palette info from one to the other...
	int iColTotal = gdImageColorsTotal(pImg);
	for (int i = 0; i < iColTotal; i++) {
		gdImageColorAllocate(pOutImg, gdImageRed(pImg, i), gdImageGreen(pImg, i), gdImageBlue(pImg, i));
	int iTransCol = gdImageGetTransparent(pImg);
	if (iTransCol >= 0) {
		gdImageColorTransparent(pOutImg, iTransCol);
		gdImageFill(pOutImg, 0, 0, iTransCol);
	// Loop through each leading zero
	int iPos = 0;
	while (iSpare-- > 0) {
		// paste in the image
		gdImageCopy(pOutImg, pImg, iPos, 0, 0, 0, pImg->sx, pImg->sy);
		iPos += pImg->sx;
	// Delete the zero image
	// Loop through each counter character
	const char *pcPos = pcCount;
	while (*pcPos != '\0') {
		sprintf(pcDigitName, COUNTER_PIC, pcFont, *pcPos);
		// Load the image
		pPic = fopen(pcDigitName, "rb+");
		if (pPic == NULL) {
			return false;
		pImg = gdImageCreateFromGif(pPic);
		if (pImg == NULL) {
			return false;
		// Paste in the image
		gdImageCopy(pOutImg, pImg, iPos, 0, 0, 0, pImg->sx, pImg->sy);
		iPos += pImg->sx;
		// Delete the image
		// Update the position counter
	// Write out the output image
	if (g_oCGI.Debug()) {
		strcat(pcGIFName, "out.gif");
		FILE *pGIFFile = NULL;
		pGIFFile = fopen(pcGIFName, "wb");
		if (pGIFFile) {
			gdImageGif(pOutImg, pGIFFile);
	else {
		gdImageInterlace(pOutImg, 1);
#ifdef WIN32
		_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);
		printf("Content-type: image/gif\n\n");
		gdImageGif(pOutImg, stdout);
	// Destroy the image

	return true;
} // CreateImage
Beispiel #29
bool wfg_generateImage(char* audioFileName, char* pictureFileName, WFGO* options)
	int width = options->width;
	int height = options->height;
	int seconds;
	long framesPerLine;

	// Initial audio part
	SF_INFO sfinfo;
	memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(sfinfo));
	SNDFILE *sfile;
	if(audioFileName != NULL) {
		sfile =  sf_open(audioFileName, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
	} else {
		sfile = sf_open_fd(STDIN_FILENO, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, 0);
	if(sfile == NULL)
		lastErrorMessage = "Could not open input file!";
		return false;
	if(audioFileName == NULL) {
		seconds = options->trackLength;
		framesPerLine = ((long) seconds * sfinfo.samplerate) / width;
	} else {
		seconds = sfinfo.frames / sfinfo.samplerate;
		framesPerLine = (long) sfinfo.frames / width;
	long samplesPerLine = framesPerLine * sfinfo.channels;
	// although one could think, that these values are flexible, the loops
	// below only work in these configurations (1/all or all/1)
	int channelsPerDrawing = 1;
	int drawnChannels = sfinfo.channels;
		channelsPerDrawing = sfinfo.channels;
		drawnChannels = 1;
	float * buffer = malloc(sizeof(float) * samplesPerLine);
	// malloc fail
	if(buffer == NULL)
		lastErrorMessage = "Could not allocate memory!";
		return false;
	// Allocate Image
	gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreate(width,height);
	if(im == NULL)
		lastErrorMessage = "Could not allocate image!";
		return false;
	// calculate how large one drawing should be
	int drawHeight = height;
	// leave space for the timeline
		drawHeight -= 13;
	// subtract spacing
	drawHeight = drawHeight - ((drawnChannels - 1) * options->channelSpacing);
	// divide by drawnChannels
	drawHeight = drawHeight / drawnChannels;
	// background color
	int bgColor = gdImageColorAllocate(im,WFG_UNPACK_RGB(options->bgColor));
	if(options->transparentBg) {
	int rmsColor =  gdImageColorAllocate(im, WFG_UNPACK_RGB(options->rmsColor));
	int peakColor = gdImageColorAllocate(im, WFG_UNPACK_RGB(options->peakColor));
	// too many nested loops ...
	for(int i = 0; i < width; i++)
		if(sf_read_float(sfile, buffer, samplesPerLine) != samplesPerLine)
			if(audioFileName == NULL) {
				memset(buffer, 0, samplesPerLine);
			} else {
				lastErrorMessage = "Could not read samples from audio file!";
				return false;
		int drawOffset = 0;

		for(int d = 0; d < drawnChannels; d++)
			double val = 0.0;
			float peakP = 0.0;
			float peakM = 0.0;
			for(long e = 0; e < framesPerLine; e++)
				for(int f = 0; f < channelsPerDrawing; f++)
					float smpl = buffer[e * drawnChannels + d];
					val = val + (smpl*smpl);
					if(peakM > smpl)
						peakM = smpl;
					if(peakP < smpl)
						peakP = smpl;
			val = val / (float) (framesPerLine * channelsPerDrawing);
			val = sqrt(val);
			double ddrawHeight = drawHeight;
			int peakPP = drawHeight/2 -  round(peakP * (ddrawHeight/2.0));
			int peakMP = drawHeight/2 +  round(peakM * -1.0 * (ddrawHeight/2.0));
			// avoid rounding errors when peak is very small
			// if(peakP > 0.001 || peakM < -0.001) 
			gdImageLine(im, i,peakPP + drawOffset,i,peakMP + drawOffset, peakColor);
			int rmsSize;
			rmsSize = val * (double) (drawHeight/2);
			gdImageLine(im, i,drawHeight/2 - rmsSize + drawOffset,i,drawHeight/2 + rmsSize + drawOffset, rmsColor);
			drawOffset += drawHeight + options->channelSpacing;

		drawTimeline(im, options, seconds);
	// write out file
	FILE* file;
	if(pictureFileName) {
		file = fopen(pictureFileName,"wb");
	} else {
		file = stdout;
	if(file == NULL)
		lastErrorMessage = "Could not open output file!";
	return true;
Beispiel #30
main (void)
  /* Input and output files */
  FILE *in;
  FILE *out;

  /* Input and output images */
  gdImagePtr im_in = 0, im_out = 0;

  /* Brush image */
  gdImagePtr brush;

  /* Color indexes */
  int white;
  int blue;
  int red;
  int green;

  /* Points for polygon */
  gdPoint points[3];
  int i;

  /* Create output image, in true color. */
  im_out = gdImageCreateTrueColor (256 + 384, 384);
  /* 2.0.2: first color allocated would automatically be background in a 
     palette based image. Since this is a truecolor image, with an 
     automatic background of black, we must fill it explicitly. */
  white = gdImageColorAllocate (im_out, 255, 255, 255);
  gdImageFilledRectangle (im_out, 0, 0, gdImageSX (im_out),
			  gdImageSY (im_out), white);

  /* Set transparent color. */
  gdImageColorTransparent (im_out, white);

  /* Try to load demoin.png and paste part of it into the
     output image. */
  in = fopen ("demoin.png", "rb");
  if (!in)
      fprintf (stderr, "Can't load source image; this demo\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "is much more impressive if demoin.png\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "is available.\n");
      im_in = 0;
      int a;
      im_in = gdImageCreateFromPng (in);
      fclose (in);
      /* Now copy, and magnify as we do so */
      gdImageCopyResampled (im_out, im_in, 32, 32, 0, 0, 192, 192, 255, 255);
      /* Now display variously rotated space shuttles in a circle of our own */
      for (a = 0; (a < 360); a += 45)
	  int cx = cos (a * .0174532925) * 128;
	  int cy = -sin (a * .0174532925) * 128;
	  gdImageCopyRotated (im_out, im_in,
			      256 + 192 + cx, 192 + cy,
			      0, 0, gdImageSX (im_in), gdImageSY (im_in), a);
  red = gdImageColorAllocate (im_out, 255, 0, 0);
  green = gdImageColorAllocate (im_out, 0, 255, 0);
  blue = gdImageColorAllocate (im_out, 0, 0, 255);
  /* Fat Rectangle */
  gdImageSetThickness (im_out, 4);
  gdImageLine (im_out, 16, 16, 240, 16, green);
  gdImageLine (im_out, 240, 16, 240, 240, green);
  gdImageLine (im_out, 240, 240, 16, 240, green);
  gdImageLine (im_out, 16, 240, 16, 16, green);
  gdImageSetThickness (im_out, 1);
  /* Circle */
  gdImageArc (im_out, 128, 128, 60, 20, 0, 720, blue);
  /* Arc */
  gdImageArc (im_out, 128, 128, 40, 40, 90, 270, blue);
  /* Flood fill: doesn't do much on a continuously
     variable tone jpeg original. */
  gdImageFill (im_out, 8, 8, blue);
  /* Polygon */
  points[0].x = 64;
  points[0].y = 0;
  points[1].x = 0;
  points[1].y = 128;
  points[2].x = 128;
  points[2].y = 128;
  gdImageFilledPolygon (im_out, points, 3, green);
  /* 2.0.12: Antialiased Polygon */
  gdImageSetAntiAliased (im_out, green);
  for (i = 0; (i < 3); i++)
      points[i].x += 128;
  gdImageFilledPolygon (im_out, points, 3, gdAntiAliased);
  /* Brush. A fairly wild example also involving a line style! */
  if (im_in)
      int style[8];
      brush = gdImageCreateTrueColor (16, 16);
      gdImageCopyResized (brush, im_in,
			  0, 0, 0, 0,
			  gdImageSX (brush), gdImageSY (brush),
			  gdImageSX (im_in), gdImageSY (im_in));
      gdImageSetBrush (im_out, brush);
      /* With a style, so they won't overprint each other.
         Normally, they would, yielding a fat-brush effect. */
      style[0] = 0;
      style[1] = 0;
      style[2] = 0;
      style[3] = 0;
      style[4] = 0;
      style[5] = 0;
      style[6] = 0;
      style[7] = 1;
      gdImageSetStyle (im_out, style, 8);
      /* Draw the styled, brushed line */
      gdImageLine (im_out, 0, 255, 255, 0, gdStyledBrushed);
  /* Text (non-truetype; see gdtestft for a freetype demo) */
  gdImageString (im_out, gdFontGiant, 32, 32, (unsigned char *) "hi", red);
  gdImageStringUp (im_out, gdFontSmall, 64, 64, (unsigned char *) "hi", red);
  /* Random antialiased lines; coordinates all over the image, 
    but the output will respect a small clipping rectangle */
  gdImageSetClip(im_out, 0, gdImageSY(im_out) - 100,
    100, gdImageSY(im_out)); 
  /* Fixed seed for reproducibility of results */
  for (i = 0; (i < 100); i++) {
    int x1 = rand() % gdImageSX(im_out);
    int y1 = rand() % gdImageSY(im_out);
    int x2 = rand() % gdImageSX(im_out);
    int y2 = rand() % gdImageSY(im_out);
    gdImageSetAntiAliased(im_out, white);
    gdImageLine (im_out, x1, y1, x2, y2, gdAntiAliased);
  /* Make output image interlaced (progressive, in the case of JPEG) */
  gdImageInterlace (im_out, 1);
  out = fopen ("demoout.png", "wb");
  /* Write PNG */
  gdImagePng (im_out, out);
  fclose (out);
  /* 2.0.12: also write a paletteized version */
  out = fopen ("demooutp.png", "wb");
  gdImageTrueColorToPalette (im_out, 0, 256);
  gdImagePng (im_out, out);
  fclose (out);
  gdImageDestroy (im_out);
  if (im_in)
      gdImageDestroy (im_in);
  fprintf (stderr, "No PNG library support.\n");
#endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */
  return 0;