int pngtofile(FILE *fin, FILE *fout) { gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreateFromPng(fin); int c = gdImageGetPixel(im, gdImageSX(im) - 1, gdImageSY(im) - 1); int data_size = (gdImageRed(im, c) << 8*2) + (gdImageGreen(im, c) << 8*1) + (gdImageBlue(im, c)); unsigned char buf[3]; long written_bytes = 0; int x, y; int nb = 0; for(y = 0; y < gdImageSY(im); y++) { for(x = 0; x < gdImageSX(im); x++) { c = gdImageGetPixel(im, x, y); buf[0] = gdImageRed(im, c); buf[1] = gdImageGreen(im, c); buf[2] = gdImageBlue(im, c); if(written_bytes >= data_size) { break; /* FIXME */ } else { nb = written_bytes + 3 > data_size ? data_size - written_bytes : 3; written_bytes += fwrite(buf, 1, nb, fout); } } } gdImageDestroy(im); return 1; }
gdImagePtr imagefilter_difference(gdImagePtr img1, gdImagePtr img2) { int x, y, c1, c2, r, g, b, np; int sx = img1->sx < img2->sx ? img1->sx : img2->sx; int sy = img1->sy < img2->sy ? img1->sy : img2->sy; gdImagePtr img = gdImageCreateTrueColor(sx, sy); for (y = 0; y < sy; y++) for (x = 0; x < sx; x++) { c1 = gdImageGetPixel(img1, x, y); c2 = gdImageGetPixel(img2, x, y); r = gdImageRed(img1, c1) - gdImageRed(img2, c2); g = gdImageGreen(img1, c1) - gdImageGreen(img2, c2); b = gdImageBlue(img1, c1) - gdImageBlue(img2, c2); np = gdImageColorAllocate(img, r < 0 ? -r : r, g < 0 ? -g : g, b < 0 ? -b : b ); gdImageSetPixel(img, x, y, np); } return img; }
int main() { gdImagePtr im; int error = 0; int c, c1, c2, c3, c4, color, i; im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(5, 5); c = gdImageColorExact(im, 255, 0, 255); c2 = gdImageColorExactAlpha(im, 255, 0, 255, 100); gdImageDestroy(im); if (gdTestAssert(c == 0xFF00FF) != 1) { error = -1; } if (gdTestAssert(c2 == 0x64FF00FF) != 1) { error = -1; } im = gdImageCreate(5, 5); c1 = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 0, 255); c2 = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 200, 0); c3 = gdImageColorAllocateAlpha(im, 255, 0, 255, 100); c1 = gdImageColorExact(im, 255, 0, 255); c2 = gdImageColorExact(im, 255, 200, 0); c3 = gdImageColorExactAlpha(im, 255, 0, 255, 100); c4 = gdImageColorExactAlpha(im, 255, 34, 255, 100); if (gdTestAssert(c1 == 0) != 1) { error = -1; } if (gdTestAssert(c2 == 1) != 1) { error = -1; } if (gdTestAssert(c3 == 2) != 1) { error = -1; } if (gdTestAssert(c4 == -1) != 1) { error = -1; } color = gdTrueColorAlpha(gdImageRed(im, c1), gdImageGreen(im, c1), gdImageBlue(im, c1), 0); if (gdTestAssert(color == 0xFF00FF) != 1) { error = -1; } color = gdTrueColorAlpha(gdImageRed(im, c2), gdImageGreen(im, c2), gdImageBlue(im, c2), 0); if (gdTestAssert(color == 0xFFC800) != 1) { error = -1; } color = gdTrueColorAlpha(gdImageRed(im, c3), gdImageGreen(im, c3), gdImageBlue(im, c3), 0); if (gdTestAssert(color == 0xFF00FF) != 1) { error = -1; } gdImageDestroy(im); return error; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ FILE *fp; gdImagePtr im1, im2, imOut; int i,x,y,xsize,ysize,c; int c1,c2; if(argc != 4){ fprintf(stderr, "[%s] compiled [%s/%s %s]\n", argv[0], __DATE__, __TIME__, DIRE); fprintf(stderr, "Usage : %s in-gif1 in-gif2 out-gif\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } im1 = fromGif(argv[1]); im2 = fromGif(argv[2]); outfile = argv[3]; xsize = gdImageSX(im1); ysize = gdImageSY(im2); imOut = gdImageCreate(xsize, ysize); for(i=0; i<gdImageColorsTotal(im1); i++){ int r,g,b; r = gdImageRed( im1, i); g = gdImageGreen(im1, i); b = gdImageBlue( im1, i); } for(y=0; y<ysize; y++){ int r,g,b; for(x=0; x<xsize; x++){ c1 = gdImageGetPixel(im1, x, y); c2 = gdImageGetPixel(im2, x, y); r = gdImageRed( im1, c1) - gdImageRed( im2, c2); g = gdImageGreen(im1, c1) - gdImageGreen(im2, c2); b = gdImageBlue( im1, c1) - gdImageBlue( im2, c2); r = (r + 256) % 256; g = (g + 256) % 256; b = (b + 256) % 256; c = allocOrExact(imOut, r, g, b); gdImageSetPixel(imOut, x, y, c); } } gdImageDestroy(im1); gdImageDestroy(im2); fp = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if(!fp){ fprintf(stderr, "Can't open [%s]\n", outfile); exit(1); } gdImageGif(imOut, fp); fclose(fp); gdImageDestroy(imOut); return 0; }
static int gdColorMatch(gdImagePtr im, int col1, int col2, float threshold) { const int dr = gdImageRed(im, col1) - gdImageRed(im, col2); const int dg = gdImageGreen(im, col1) - gdImageGreen(im, col2); const int db = gdImageBlue(im, col1) - gdImageBlue(im, col2); const int da = gdImageAlpha(im, col1) - gdImageAlpha(im, col2); const double dist = sqrt(dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db + da * da); const double dist_perc = sqrt(dist / (255^2 + 255^2 + 255^2)); return (dist_perc <= threshold); //return (100.0 * dist / 195075) < threshold; }
void draw_image(OLED64x48 *oled, gdImagePtr image) { uint8_t pages[HEIGHT / 8][WIDTH]; int row, column, bit, index; // Convert pixels into pages for (row = 0; row < HEIGHT / 8; row++) { for (column = 0; column < WIDTH; column++) { pages[row][column] = 0; for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) { index = gdImageGetPixel(image, column, (row * 8) + bit); if (gdImageRed(image, index) > 0) { pages[row][column] |= 1 << bit; } } } } // Write all pages oled_64x48_new_window(oled, 0, WIDTH - 1, 0, HEIGHT / 8 - 1); for (row = 0; row < HEIGHT / 8; row++) { oled_64x48_write(oled, pages[row]); } }
/* This routine reads a png-file from disk and puts it into buff in a format the LCD understands. (basically 16-bit rgb) */ int readpic(char* filename, char* buff) { FILE *in; gdImagePtr im; int x,y; int c,r,g,b; in=fopen(filename,"rb"); if (in==NULL) return 0; //Should try other formats too im=gdImageCreateFromPng(in); fclose(in); if (im==NULL) return 0; for (y=0; y<128; y++) { for (x=0; x<128; x++) { c = gdImageGetPixel(im, x, y); if (gdImageTrueColor(im) ) { r=gdTrueColorGetRed(c); g=gdTrueColorGetGreen(c); b=gdTrueColorGetBlue(c); } else { r=gdImageRed(im,c); g=gdImageGreen(im,c); b=gdImageBlue(im,c); } r>>=3; g>>=2; b>>=3; c=(r<<11)+(g<<5)+b; buff[x*2+y*256]=(c>>8); buff[x*2+y*256+1]=(c&255); } } gdImageDestroy(im); return 1; }
gdImagePtr rotatePixmapGD(gdImagePtr img, double angle_rad) { gdImagePtr rimg = NULL; double cos_a, sin_a; double x1 = 0.0, y1 = 0.0; /* destination rectangle */ double x2 = 0.0, y2 = 0.0; double x3 = 0.0, y3 = 0.0; double x4 = 0.0, y4 = 0.0; long minx, miny, maxx, maxy; int width=0, height=0; /* int color; */ sin_a = sin(angle_rad); cos_a = cos(angle_rad); /* compute distination rectangle (x1,y1 is known) */ x1 = 0 ; y1 = 0 ; x2 = img->sy * sin_a; y2 = -img->sy * cos_a; x3 = (img->sx * cos_a) + (img->sy * sin_a); y3 = (img->sx * sin_a) - (img->sy * cos_a); x4 = (img->sx * cos_a); y4 = (img->sx * sin_a); minx = (long) MS_MIN(x1,MS_MIN(x2,MS_MIN(x3,x4))); miny = (long) MS_MIN(y1,MS_MIN(y2,MS_MIN(y3,y4))); maxx = (long) MS_MAX(x1,MS_MAX(x2,MS_MAX(x3,x4))); maxy = (long) MS_MAX(y1,MS_MAX(y2,MS_MAX(y3,y4))); width = (int)ceil(maxx-minx); height = (int)ceil(maxy-miny); /* create the new image based on the computed width/height */ if (gdImageTrueColor(img)) { rimg = gdImageCreateTrueColor(width, height); gdImageAlphaBlending(rimg, 0); gdImageFilledRectangle(rimg, 0, 0, width, height, gdImageColorAllocateAlpha(rimg, 0, 0, 0, gdAlphaTransparent)); } else { int tc = gdImageGetTransparent(img); rimg = gdImageCreate(width, height); if(tc != -1) gdImageColorTransparent(rimg, gdImageColorAllocate(rimg, gdImageRed(img, tc), gdImageGreen(img, tc), gdImageBlue(img, tc))); } if(!rimg) { msSetError(MS_GDERR,"failed to create rotated pixmap","rotatePixmapGD()"); return NULL; } gdImageCopyRotated (rimg, img, width*0.5, height*0.5, 0, 0, gdImageSX(img), gdImageSY(img), angle_rad*MS_RAD_TO_DEG); return rimg; }
BGD_DECLARE(int) gdImagePixelate(gdImagePtr im, int block_size, const unsigned int mode) { int x, y; if (block_size <= 0) { return 0; } else if (block_size == 1) { return 1; } switch (mode) { case GD_PIXELATE_UPPERLEFT: for (y = 0; y < im->sy; y += block_size) { for (x = 0; x < im->sx; x += block_size) { if (gdImageBoundsSafe(im, x, y)) { int c = gdImageGetPixel(im, x, y); gdImageFilledRectangle(im, x, y, x + block_size - 1, y + block_size - 1, c); } } } break; case GD_PIXELATE_AVERAGE: for (y = 0; y < im->sy; y += block_size) { for (x = 0; x < im->sx; x += block_size) { int a, r, g, b, c; int total; int cx, cy; a = r = g = b = c = total = 0; /* sampling */ for (cy = 0; cy < block_size; cy++) { for (cx = 0; cx < block_size; cx++) { if (!gdImageBoundsSafe(im, x + cx, y + cy)) { continue; } c = gdImageGetPixel(im, x + cx, y + cy); a += gdImageAlpha(im, c); r += gdImageRed(im, c); g += gdImageGreen(im, c); b += gdImageBlue(im, c); total++; } } /* drawing */ if (total > 0) { c = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im, r / total, g / total, b / total, a / total); gdImageFilledRectangle(im, x, y, x + block_size - 1, y + block_size - 1, c); } } } break; default: return 0; } return 1; }
JBoolean PadColormap ( gdImagePtr image ) { JSize colorCount = gdImageColorsTotal(image); if (colorCount >= kMinColorCount) { return kJFalse; } const JSize extraColorCount = kMinColorCount - colorCount; int x = gdImageSX(image) - extraColorCount; if (x < 0) { cerr << "image is too small to fit extra colors on single raster line" << endl; exit(1); } int y = gdImageSY(image) - 1; int c = gdImageGetPixel(image, x,y); int r = gdImageRed (image, c); int g = gdImageGreen(image, c); int b = gdImageBlue (image, c); int delta = -1; if (r < 127 || g < 127 || b < 127) { delta = +1; } for (JIndex i=1; i<=extraColorCount; i++) { assert( x < gdImageSX(image) ); while ((c = gdImageColorExact(image, r,g,b)) != -1) { r = JMax(0, JMin(r + delta, 255)); g = JMax(0, JMin(g + delta, 255)); b = JMax(0, JMin(b + delta, 255)); } c = gdImageColorAllocate(image, r,g,b); assert( c != -1 ); gdImageSetPixel(image, x,y, c); x++; } return kJTrue; }
void PrintGIFInfo ( gdImagePtr image ) { cout << endl; cout << "Index\tRed\tGreen\tBlue" << endl; const JSize colorCount = gdImageColorsTotal(image); for (JIndex i=0; i<colorCount; i++) { cout << i; cout << '\t' << gdImageRed (image, i); cout << '\t' << gdImageGreen(image, i); cout << '\t' << gdImageBlue (image, i); cout << endl; } cout << endl; cout << "Number of colors: " << colorCount << endl; const int transparentColor = gdImageGetTransparent(image); cout << "Transparent color index: "; if (transparentColor == kNoTransparentColor) { cout << "none"; } else { cout << transparentColor; } cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Width: " << gdImageSX(image) << endl; cout << "Height: " << gdImageSY(image) << endl; cout << "Interlaced: "; if (gdImageGetInterlaced(image)) { cout << "yes"; } else { cout << "no"; } cout << endl; cout << endl; }
/* This algorithm comes from pnmcrop ( * Three steps: * - if 3 corners are equal. * - if two are equal. * - Last solution: average the colors */ static int gdGuessBackgroundColorFromCorners(gdImagePtr im, int *color) { const int tl = gdImageGetPixel(im, 0, 0); const int tr = gdImageGetPixel(im, gdImageSX(im) - 1, 0); const int bl = gdImageGetPixel(im, 0, gdImageSY(im) -1); const int br = gdImageGetPixel(im, gdImageSX(im) - 1, gdImageSY(im) -1); if (tr == bl && tr == br) { *color = tr; return 3; } else if (tl == bl && tl == br) { *color = tl; return 3; } else if (tl == tr && tl == br) { *color = tl; return 3; } else if (tl == tr && tl == bl) { *color = tl; return 3; } else if (tl == tr || tl == bl || tl == br) { *color = tl; return 2; } else if (tr == bl || tr == br) { *color = tr; return 2; } else if (br == bl) { *color = bl; return 2; } else { register int r,b,g,a; r = (int)(0.5f + (gdImageRed(im, tl) + gdImageRed(im, tr) + gdImageRed(im, bl) + gdImageRed(im, br)) / 4); g = (int)(0.5f + (gdImageGreen(im, tl) + gdImageGreen(im, tr) + gdImageGreen(im, bl) + gdImageGreen(im, br)) / 4); b = (int)(0.5f + (gdImageBlue(im, tl) + gdImageBlue(im, tr) + gdImageBlue(im, bl) + gdImageBlue(im, br)) / 4); a = (int)(0.5f + (gdImageAlpha(im, tl) + gdImageAlpha(im, tr) + gdImageAlpha(im, bl) + gdImageAlpha(im, br)) / 4); *color = gdImageColorClosestAlpha(im, r, g, b, a); return 0; } }
void readBack(){ gdImagePtr im; FILE *in; int result; int i, j, x, y, maxX, maxY, c; in = fopen("back55.png", "rb"); im = gdImageCreateFromPng(in); if (!im) { printf("Cannot open file\n"); exit(1);} maxX = gdImageSX(im); maxY = gdImageSY(im); for (y=0; y< maxY; y++){ for (x=0; x < maxX; x++){ c = gdImageGetPixel(im, x, y); backSkyBox[maxY-y-1][x][0] = gdImageRed(im, c); backSkyBox[maxY-y-1][x][1] = gdImageGreen(im, c); backSkyBox[maxY-y-1][x][2] = gdImageBlue(im, c); backSkyBox[maxY-y-1][x][3] = 255; } } }
/* This routine reads a png-file from disk and puts it into buff in a format lib understands. (basically 24-bit rgb) */ int sendpic(st2205_handle *h, char* filename) { FILE *in; gdImagePtr im; unsigned char* pixels; int x,y; int p=0; unsigned int c,r,g,b; pixels=malloc(h->width*h->height*3); in=fopen(filename,"rb"); if (in==NULL) return 0; //Should try other formats too im=gdImageCreateFromPng(in); fclose(in); if (im==NULL) { printf("%s: not a png-file.\n",filename); return 0; } for (y=0; y<h->width; y++) { for (x=0; x<h->height; x++) { c = gdImageGetPixel(im, x, y); if (gdImageTrueColor(im) ) { r=gdTrueColorGetRed(c); g=gdTrueColorGetGreen(c); b=gdTrueColorGetBlue(c); } else { r=gdImageRed(im,c); g=gdImageGreen(im,c); b=gdImageBlue(im,c); } // pixels[p++]=0xff; // pixels[p++]=0; // pixels[p++]=0; pixels[p++]=r; pixels[p++]=g; pixels[p++]=b; } } st2205_send_data(h,pixels); gdImageDestroy(im); return 1; }
void Blend ( gdImagePtr image, const JFloat alpha, const JRGB& alphaColor, const JCharacter* outputFileName ) { const JSize w = gdImageSX(image); const JSize h = gdImageSY(image); gdImagePtr i2 = gdImageCreate(w,h); for (JIndex x=0; x<w; x++) { for (JIndex y=0; y<h; y++) { const int c = gdImageGetPixel(image, x,y); const int r = BlendComponent(gdImageRed(image, c),, alpha); const int g = BlendComponent(gdImageGreen(image, c),, alpha); const int b = BlendComponent(gdImageBlue(image, c),, alpha); int c2 = gdImageColorExact(i2, r,g,b); if (c2 == -1) { c2 = gdImageColorAllocate(i2, r,g,b); if (c2 == -1) { c2 = gdImageColorClosest(i2, r,g,b); } } gdImageSetPixel(i2, x,y, c2); } } WriteGIF(i2, outputFileName); gdImageDestroy(i2); }
void bp_image_get_color (image_t *image, double u, double v, float scalex, float scaley, vector_t color) { int c; int x, y; gdImagePtr im; im = image->im; x = rint (gdImageSX (im) * u); x = ((int) rint (x * scalex)) % gdImageSX (im); y = rint (gdImageSY (im) * (1 - v)); y = ((int) rint (y * scaley)) % gdImageSY (im); c = gdImageGetPixel (im, x, y); color [0] = gdImageRed (im, c) / 255.0; color [1] = gdImageGreen (im, c) / 255.0; color [2] = gdImageBlue(im, c) / 255.0; }
int main(void) { gdImagePtr im; char path[1024]; int c, result; sprintf(path, "%s/xpm/bug00166.xpm", GDTEST_TOP_DIR); im = gdImageCreateFromXpm(path); if (!im) { return 2; } c = gdImageGetPixel(im, 1, 1); if (gdImageRed(im, c) == 0xAA && gdImageGreen(im, c) == 0xBB && gdImageBlue(im, c) == 0xCC) { result = 0; } else { result = 1; } gdImageDestroy(im); return result; }
int main(void) { gdImagePtr im; char path[1024]; int c, result; sprintf(path, "%s/xpm/color_name.xpm", GDTEST_TOP_DIR); im = gdImageCreateFromXpm(path); if (!im) { return 2; } c = gdImageGetPixel(im, 2, 2); if (gdImageRed(im, c) == 0xFF && gdImageGreen(im, c) == 0xFF && gdImageBlue(im, c) == 0x0) { result = 0; } else { result = 1; } gdImageDestroy(im); return result; }
gdImagePtr blendTransparency(gdImagePtr image, int height) { gdImageAlphaBlending(image, 0); int w = TARGET_WIDTH; int h = height; int h1 = h / 6; int h2 = 5 * h1; int l1 = w / 6; int l2 = 5 * 11; int row, col; for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < w; col++) { int aval = 40; if ((row < h1) || (row > h2)) aval = 80; else if ((col < l1) || (col > l2)) aval = 80; int c = gdImageGetPixel(image, col, row); int r = gdImageRed(image, c); int g = gdImageGreen(image, c); int b = gdImageBlue(image, c); int c1 = gdImageColorAllocateAlpha(image, r, g, b, aval); gdImageSetPixel(image, col, row, c1); } } gdImageSaveAlpha(image, 1); return image; }
static void _php_image_output_ctx(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int image_type, char *tn, void (*func_p)()) { zval **imgind, **file, **quality; gdImagePtr im; char *fn = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); int q = -1, i; gdIOCtx *ctx; /* The quality parameter for Wbmp stands for the threshold when called from image2wbmp() */ if (argc < 1 || argc > 3 || zend_get_parameters_ex(argc, &imgind, &file, &quality) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(im, gdImagePtr, imgind, -1, "Image", phpi_get_le_gd()); if (argc > 1) { convert_to_string_ex(file); fn = Z_STRVAL_PP(file); if (argc == 3) { convert_to_long_ex(quality); q = Z_LVAL_PP(quality); } } if ((argc == 2) || (argc > 2 && Z_STRLEN_PP(file))) { PHP_GD_CHECK_OPEN_BASEDIR(fn, "Invalid filename"); fp = VCWD_FOPEN(fn, "wb"); if (!fp) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to open '%s' for writing", fn); RETURN_FALSE; } ctx = gdNewFileCtx(fp); } else { ctx = emalloc(sizeof(gdIOCtx)); ctx->putC = _php_image_output_putc; ctx->putBuf = _php_image_output_putbuf; #if HAVE_LIBGD204 ctx->gd_free = _php_image_output_ctxfree; #else ctx->free = _php_image_output_ctxfree; #endif #if APACHE && defined(CHARSET_EBCDIC) /* XXX this is unlikely to work any more [email protected] */ /* This is a binary file already: avoid EBCDIC->ASCII conversion */ ap_bsetflag(php3_rqst->connection->client, B_EBCDIC2ASCII, 0); #endif } switch(image_type) { case PHP_GDIMG_CONVERT_WBM: if(q<0||q>255) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Invalid threshold value '%d'. It must be between 0 and 255", q); } case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_JPG: (*func_p)(im, ctx, q); break; case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_WBM: for(i=0; i < gdImageColorsTotal(im); i++) { if(gdImageRed(im, i) == 0) break; } (*func_p)(im, i, ctx); break; default: (*func_p)(im, ctx); break; } #if HAVE_LIBGD204 ctx->gd_free(ctx); #else ctx->free(ctx); #endif if(fp) { fflush(fp); fclose(fp); } RETURN_TRUE; }
int renderLineGD(imageObj *img, shapeObj *p, strokeStyleObj *stroke) { gdImagePtr ip; int c; gdImagePtr brush=NULL; if(!img || !p || !stroke) return MS_FAILURE; if(!(ip = MS_IMAGE_GET_GDIMAGEPTR(img))) return MS_FAILURE; SETPEN(ip, stroke->color); c = stroke->color->pen; if(stroke->patternlength > 0) { int *style; int i, j, k=0; int sc; for(i=0; i<stroke->patternlength; i++) k += MS_NINT(stroke->pattern[i]); style = (int *) malloc (k * sizeof(int)); MS_CHECK_ALLOC(style, k * sizeof(int), MS_FAILURE); sc = c; /* start with the color */ k=0; for(i=0; i<stroke->patternlength; i++) { for(j=0; j<MS_NINT(stroke->pattern[i]); j++, k++) { style[k] = sc; } sc = ((sc==c)?gdTransparent:c); } gdImageSetStyle(ip, style, k); free(style); c = gdStyled; } if(stroke->width > 1) { int brush_fc; brush = gdImageCreate(ceil(stroke->width), ceil(stroke->width)); gdImageColorAllocate(brush, gdImageRed(ip,0), gdImageGreen(ip, 0), gdImageBlue(ip, 0)); gdImageColorTransparent(brush,0); brush_fc = gdImageColorAllocate(brush, gdImageRed(ip,stroke->color->pen), gdImageGreen(ip,stroke->color->pen), gdImageBlue(ip,stroke->color->pen)); gdImageFilledEllipse(brush,MS_NINT(brush->sx/2),MS_NINT(brush->sy/2), MS_NINT(stroke->width),MS_NINT(stroke->width), brush_fc); gdImageSetBrush(ip, brush); if(stroke->patternlength > 0) { c = gdStyledBrushed; } else { c = gdBrushed; } } /* finally draw something */ imagePolyline(ip, p, c); /* clean up */ if(stroke->width>1) { gdImageDestroy(brush); } return MS_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *in; FILE *out; /* Declare our image pointer */ gdImagePtr im = 0; int i; /* We'll clear 'no' once we know the user has made a reasonable request. */ int no = 1; /* We'll set 'write' once we know the user's request requires that the image be written back to disk. */ int write = 0; /* C programs always get at least one argument; we want at least one more (the image), more in practice. */ if (argc < 2) { no = 1; goto usage; } /* The last argument should be the image. Open the file. */ in = fopen(argv[argc-1], "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: can't open file %s.\n", argv[argc-1]); } /* Now load the image. */ im = gdImageCreateFromGif(in); fclose(in); /* If the load failed, it must not be a GIF file. */ if (!im) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s is not a valid gif file.\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } /* Consider each argument in turn. */ for (i=1; (i < (argc-1)); i++) { /* -i turns on and off interlacing. */ if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-i")) { if (i == (argc-2)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: -i specified without y or n.\n"); no = 1; goto usage; } if (!strcmp(argv[i+1], "y")) { /* Set interlace. */ gdImageInterlace(im, 1); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i+1], "n")) { /* Clear interlace. */ gdImageInterlace(im, 0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: -i specified without y or n.\n"); no = 1; goto usage; } i++; no = 0; write = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-t")) { /* Set transparent index (or none). */ int index; if (i == (argc-2)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: -t specified without a color table index.\n"); no = 1; goto usage; } if (!strcmp(argv[i+1], "none")) { /* -1 means not transparent. */ gdImageColorTransparent(im, -1); } else { /* OK, get an integer and set the index. */ index = atoi(argv[i+1]); gdImageColorTransparent(im, index); } i++; write = 1; no = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-l")) { /* List the colors in the color table. */ int j; /* Tabs used below. */ printf("Index Red Green Blue\n"); for (j=0; (j < gdImageColorsTotal(im)); j++) { /* Use access macros to learn colors. */ printf("%d %d %d %d\n", j, gdImageRed(im, j), gdImageGreen(im, j), gdImageBlue(im, j)); } no = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) { /* Output dimensions, etc. */ int t; printf("Width: %d Height: %d Colors: %d\n", gdImageSX(im), gdImageSY(im), gdImageColorsTotal(im)); t = gdImageGetTransparent(im); if (t != (-1)) { printf("Transparent index: %d\n", t); } else { /* -1 means the image is not transparent. */ printf("Transparent index: none\n"); } if (gdImageGetInterlaced(im)) { printf("Interlaced: yes\n"); } else { printf("Interlaced: no\n"); } no = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument: %s\n", argv[i]); break; } } usage: if (no) { /* If the command failed, output an explanation. */ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: webgif [-i y|n ] [-l] [-t index|off ] [-d] gifname.gif\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Where -i controls interlace (specify y or n for yes or no),\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-l outputs a table of color indexes, -t sets the specified\n"); fprintf(stderr, "color index (0-255 or none) to be the transparent color, and\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-d reports the dimensions and other characteristics of the image.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Note: you may wish to pipe to \"more\" when using the -l option.\n"); } if (write) { /* Open a temporary file. */ out = fopen("temp.tmp", "wb"); if (!out) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write to temp.tmp -- exiting\n"); exit(1); } /* Write the new gif. */ gdImageGif(im, out); fclose(out); /* Erase the old gif. */ unlink(argv[argc-1]); /* Rename the new to the old. */ rename("temp.tmp", argv[argc-1]); } /* Delete the image from memory. */ if (im) { gdImageDestroy(im); } /* All's well that ends well. */ return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPNG gdImagePtr im, ref, im2, im3; FILE *in, *out; void *iptr; int sz; char of[256]; int colRed, colBlu; gdSource imgsrc; gdSink imgsnk; int foreground; int i; if (argc != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: gdtest filename.png\n"); exit (1); } in = fopen (argv[1], "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "Input file does not exist!\n"); exit (1); } im = gdImageCreateFromPng (in); rewind (in); ref = gdImageCreateFromPng (in); fclose (in); printf ("Reference File has %d Palette entries\n", ref->colorsTotal); CompareImages ("Initial Versions", ref, im); /* */ /* Send to PNG File then Ptr */ /* */ #ifdef VMS sprintf (of, "%s-png", argv[1]); #else sprintf (of, "%s.png", argv[1]); #endif out = fopen (of, "wb"); gdImagePng (im, out); fclose (out); in = fopen (of, "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "PNG Output file does not exist!\n"); exit (1); } im2 = gdImageCreateFromPng (in); fclose (in); CompareImages ("GD->PNG File->GD", ref, im2); unlink (of); gdImageDestroy (im2); /* 2.0.21: use the new From*Ptr functions */ iptr = gdImagePngPtr (im, &sz); im2 = gdImageCreateFromPngPtr (sz, iptr); gdFree (iptr); CompareImages ("GD->PNG ptr->GD", ref, im2); gdImageDestroy (im2); /* */ /* Send to GD2 File then Ptr */ /* */ #ifdef VMS sprintf (of, "%s-gd2", argv[1]); #else sprintf (of, "%s.gd2", argv[1]); #endif out = fopen (of, "wb"); gdImageGd2 (im, out, 128, 2); fclose (out); in = fopen (of, "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "GD2 Output file does not exist!\n"); exit (1); } im2 = gdImageCreateFromGd2 (in); fclose (in); CompareImages ("GD->GD2 File->GD", ref, im2); unlink (of); gdImageDestroy (im2); iptr = gdImageGd2Ptr (im, 128, 2, &sz); /*printf("Got ptr %d (size %d)\n",iptr, sz); */ im2 = gdImageCreateFromGd2Ptr (sz, iptr); gdFree (iptr); /*printf("Got img2 %d\n",im2); */ CompareImages ("GD->GD2 ptr->GD", ref, im2); gdImageDestroy (im2); /* */ /* Send to GD File then Ptr */ /* */ #ifdef VMS sprintf (of, "%s-gd", argv[1]); #else sprintf (of, "", argv[1]); #endif out = fopen (of, "wb"); gdImageGd (im, out); fclose (out); in = fopen (of, "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "GD Output file does not exist!\n"); exit (1); } im2 = gdImageCreateFromGd (in); fclose (in); CompareImages ("GD->GD File->GD", ref, im2); unlink (of); gdImageDestroy (im2); iptr = gdImageGdPtr (im, &sz); /*printf("Got ptr %d (size %d)\n",iptr, sz); */ im2 = gdImageCreateFromGdPtr (sz, iptr); gdFree (iptr); /*printf("Got img2 %d\n",im2); */ CompareImages ("GD->GD ptr->GD", ref, im2); gdImageDestroy (im2); /* * Test gdImageCreateFromPngSource' */ in = fopen (argv[1], "rb"); imgsrc.source = freadWrapper; imgsrc.context = in; im2 = gdImageCreateFromPngSource (&imgsrc); fclose (in); if (im2 == NULL) { printf ("GD Source: ERROR Null returned by gdImageCreateFromPngSource\n"); } else { CompareImages ("GD Source", ref, im2); gdImageDestroy (im2); }; /* * Test gdImagePngToSink' */ #ifdef VMS sprintf (of, "%s-snk", argv[1]); #else sprintf (of, "%s.snk", argv[1]); #endif out = fopen (of, "wb"); imgsnk.sink = fwriteWrapper; imgsnk.context = out; gdImagePngToSink (im, &imgsnk); fclose (out); in = fopen (of, "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "GD Sink: ERROR - GD Sink Output file does not exist!\n"); } else { im2 = gdImageCreateFromPng (in); fclose (in); CompareImages ("GD Sink", ref, im2); gdImageDestroy (im2); }; unlink (of); /* */ /* Test Extraction */ /* */ in = fopen ("test/gdtest_200_300_150_100.png", "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "gdtest_200_300_150_100.png does not exist!\n"); exit (1); } im2 = gdImageCreateFromPng (in); fclose (in); in = fopen ("test/gdtest.gd2", "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "gdtest.gd2 does not exist!\n"); exit (1); } im3 = gdImageCreateFromGd2Part (in, 200, 300, 150, 100); fclose (in); CompareImages ("GD2Part (gdtest_200_300_150_100.png, gdtest.gd2(part))", im2, im3); gdImageDestroy (im2); gdImageDestroy (im3); /* */ /* Copy Blend */ /* */ in = fopen ("test/gdtest.png", "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "gdtest.png does not exist!\n"); exit (1); } im2 = gdImageCreateFromPng (in); fclose (in); im3 = gdImageCreate (100, 60); colRed = gdImageColorAllocate (im3, 255, 0, 0); colBlu = gdImageColorAllocate (im3, 0, 0, 255); gdImageFilledRectangle (im3, 0, 0, 49, 30, colRed); gdImageFilledRectangle (im3, 50, 30, 99, 59, colBlu); gdImageCopyMerge (im2, im3, 150, 200, 10, 10, 90, 50, 50); gdImageCopyMerge (im2, im3, 180, 70, 10, 10, 90, 50, 50); gdImageCopyMergeGray (im2, im3, 250, 160, 10, 10, 90, 50, 50); gdImageCopyMergeGray (im2, im3, 80, 70, 10, 10, 90, 50, 50); gdImageDestroy (im3); in = fopen ("test/gdtest_merge.png", "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "gdtest_merge.png does not exist!\n"); exit (1); } im3 = gdImageCreateFromPng (in); fclose (in); printf ("[Merged Image has %d colours]\n", im2->colorsTotal); CompareImages ("Merged (gdtest.png, gdtest_merge.png)", im2, im3); gdImageDestroy (im2); gdImageDestroy (im3); #ifdef HAVE_LIBJPEG out = fopen ("test/gdtest.jpg", "wb"); if (!out) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't create file test/gdtest.jpg.\n"); exit (1); } gdImageJpeg (im, out, -1); fclose (out); in = fopen ("test/gdtest.jpg", "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't open file test/gdtest.jpg.\n"); exit (1); } im2 = gdImageCreateFromJpeg (in); fclose (in); if (!im2) { fprintf (stderr, "gdImageCreateFromJpeg failed.\n"); exit (1); } gdImageDestroy (im2); printf ("Created test/gdtest.jpg successfully. Compare this image\n" "to the input image manually. Some difference must be\n" "expected as JPEG is a lossy file format.\n"); #endif /* HAVE_LIBJPEG */ /* Assume the color closest to black is the foreground color for the B&W wbmp image. */ fprintf (stderr, "NOTE: the WBMP output image will NOT match the original unless the original\n" "is also black and white. This is OK!\n"); foreground = gdImageColorClosest (im, 0, 0, 0); fprintf (stderr, "Foreground index is %d\n", foreground); if (foreground == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "Source image has no colors, skipping wbmp test.\n"); } else { out = fopen ("test/gdtest.wbmp", "wb"); if (!out) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't create file test/gdtest.wbmp.\n"); exit (1); } gdImageWBMP (im, foreground, out); fclose (out); in = fopen ("test/gdtest.wbmp", "rb"); if (!in) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't open file test/gdtest.wbmp.\n"); exit (1); } im2 = gdImageCreateFromWBMP (in); fprintf (stderr, "WBMP has %d colors\n", gdImageColorsTotal (im2)); fprintf (stderr, "WBMP colors are:\n"); for (i = 0; (i < gdImageColorsTotal (im2)); i++) { fprintf (stderr, "%02X%02X%02X\n", gdImageRed (im2, i), gdImageGreen (im2, i), gdImageBlue (im2, i)); } fclose (in); if (!im2) { fprintf (stderr, "gdImageCreateFromWBMP failed.\n"); exit (1); } CompareImages ("WBMP test (gdtest.png, gdtest.wbmp)", ref, im2); out = fopen ("test/gdtest_wbmp_to_png.png", "wb"); if (!out) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't create file test/gdtest_wbmp_to_png.png.\n"); exit (1); } gdImagePng (im2, out); fclose (out); gdImageDestroy (im2); } gdImageDestroy (im); gdImageDestroy (ref); #else fprintf (stderr, "No PNG library support.\n"); #endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */ return 0; }
/* {{{ _php_image_output_ctx */ static void _php_image_output_ctx(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int image_type, char *tn, void (*func_p)()) { zval *imgind; char *file = NULL; int file_len = 0; long quality, basefilter; gdImagePtr im; FILE *fp = NULL; int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); int q = -1, i; int f = -1; gdIOCtx *ctx; /* The third (quality) parameter for Wbmp stands for the threshold when called from image2wbmp(). * The third (quality) parameter for Wbmp and Xbm stands for the foreground color index when called * from imagey<type>(). */ if (image_type == PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_XBM) { if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "rs!|ll", &imgind, &file, &file_len, &quality, &basefilter) == FAILURE) { return; } } else { /* PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_GIF * PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_PNG * PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_JPG * PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_WBM */ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "r|s!ll", &imgind, &file, &file_len, &quality, &basefilter) == FAILURE) { return; } } ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(im, gdImagePtr, &imgind, -1, "Image", phpi_get_le_gd()); if (argc > 1) { if (argc >= 3) { q = quality; /* or colorindex for foreground of BW images (defaults to black) */ if (argc == 4) { f = basefilter; } } } if (argc > 1 && file_len) { PHP_GD_CHECK_OPEN_BASEDIR(file, "Invalid filename"); fp = VCWD_FOPEN(file, "wb"); if (!fp) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to open '%s' for writing: %s", file, strerror(errno)); RETURN_FALSE; } ctx = gdNewFileCtx(fp); } else { ctx = emalloc(sizeof(gdIOCtx)); ctx->putC = _php_image_output_putc; ctx->putBuf = _php_image_output_putbuf; ctx->gd_free = _php_image_output_ctxfree; } switch(image_type) { case PHP_GDIMG_CONVERT_WBM: if(q<0||q>255) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Invalid threshold value '%d'. It must be between 0 and 255", q); } case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_JPG: (*func_p)(im, ctx, q); break; case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_PNG: (*func_p)(im, ctx, q, f); break; case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_XBM: case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_WBM: if (argc < 3) { for(i=0; i < gdImageColorsTotal(im); i++) { if(!gdImageRed(im, i) && !gdImageGreen(im, i) && !gdImageBlue(im, i)) break; } q = i; } if (image_type == PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_XBM) { (*func_p)(im, file, q, ctx); } else { (*func_p)(im, q, ctx); } break; default: (*func_p)(im, ctx); break; } ctx->gd_free(ctx); if(fp) { fflush(fp); fclose(fp); } RETURN_TRUE; }
static ngx_buf_t * ngx_http_image_resize(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_image_filter_ctx_t *ctx) { int sx, sy, dx, dy, ox, oy, ax, ay, size, colors, palette, transparent, sharpen, red, green, blue, t, offset_x, offset_y; u_char *out; ngx_buf_t *b; ngx_uint_t resize; gdImagePtr src, dst; ngx_pool_cleanup_t *cln; ngx_http_image_filter_conf_t *conf; src = ngx_http_image_source(r, ctx); if (src == NULL) { return NULL; } sx = gdImageSX(src); sy = gdImageSY(src); conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_image_filter_module); if (!ctx->force && ctx->angle == 0 && (ngx_uint_t) sx <= ctx->max_width && (ngx_uint_t) sy <= ctx->max_height) { gdImageDestroy(src); return ngx_http_image_asis(r, ctx); } colors = gdImageColorsTotal(src); if (colors && conf->transparency) { transparent = gdImageGetTransparent(src); if (transparent != -1) { palette = colors; red = gdImageRed(src, transparent); green = gdImageGreen(src, transparent); blue = gdImageBlue(src, transparent); goto transparent; } } palette = 0; transparent = -1; red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0; transparent: gdImageColorTransparent(src, -1); dx = sx; dy = sy; if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_RESIZE) { if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) { dy = dy * ctx->max_width / dx; dy = dy ? dy : 1; dx = ctx->max_width; } if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) { dx = dx * ctx->max_height / dy; dx = dx ? dx : 1; dy = ctx->max_height; } resize = 1; } else if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_ROTATE) { resize = 0; } else { /* NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_CROP */ resize = 0; if ((double) dx / dy < (double) ctx->max_width / ctx->max_height) { if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) { dy = dy * ctx->max_width / dx; dy = dy ? dy : 1; dx = ctx->max_width; resize = 1; } } else { if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) { dx = dx * ctx->max_height / dy; dx = dx ? dx : 1; dy = ctx->max_height; resize = 1; } } } if (resize) { dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx, dy, palette); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } if (colors == 0) { gdImageSaveAlpha(dst, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(dst, 0); } gdImageCopyResampled(dst, src, 0, 0, 0, 0, dx, dy, sx, sy); if (colors) { gdImageTrueColorToPalette(dst, 1, 256); } gdImageDestroy(src); } else { dst = src; } if (ctx->angle) { src = dst; ax = (dx % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0; ay = (dy % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0; switch (ctx->angle) { case 90: case 270: dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dy, dx, palette); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } if (ctx->angle == 90) { ox = dy / 2 + ay; oy = dx / 2 - ax; } else { ox = dy / 2 - ay; oy = dx / 2 + ax; } gdImageCopyRotated(dst, src, ox, oy, 0, 0, dx + ax, dy + ay, ctx->angle); gdImageDestroy(src); t = dx; dx = dy; dy = t; break; case 180: dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx, dy, palette); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } gdImageCopyRotated(dst, src, dx / 2 - ax, dy / 2 - ay, 0, 0, dx + ax, dy + ay, ctx->angle); gdImageDestroy(src); break; } } if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_CROP) { src = dst; if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) { ox = dx - ctx->max_width; } else { ox = 0; } if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) { oy = dy - ctx->max_height; } else { oy = 0; } if (ox || oy) { dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx - ox, dy - oy, colors); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } offset_x = ngx_http_image_filter_get_value(r, conf->oxcv, conf->offset_x); offset_y = ngx_http_image_filter_get_value(r, conf->oycv, conf->offset_y); if (offset_x == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_OFFSET_LEFT) { ox = 0; } else if (offset_x == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_OFFSET_CENTER) { ox /= 2; } if (offset_y == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_OFFSET_TOP) { oy = 0; } else if (offset_y == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_OFFSET_CENTER) { oy /= 2; } ngx_log_debug4(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "image crop: %d x %d @ %d x %d", dx, dy, ox, oy); if (colors == 0) { gdImageSaveAlpha(dst, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(dst, 0); } gdImageCopy(dst, src, 0, 0, ox, oy, dx - ox, dy - oy); if (colors) { gdImageTrueColorToPalette(dst, 1, 256); } gdImageDestroy(src); } } if (transparent != -1 && colors) { gdImageColorTransparent(dst, gdImageColorExact(dst, red, green, blue)); } sharpen = ngx_http_image_filter_get_value(r, conf->shcv, conf->sharpen); if (sharpen > 0) { gdImageSharpen(dst, sharpen); } out = ngx_http_image_out(r, ctx->type, dst, &size); ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "image: %d x %d %d", sx, sy, colors); gdImageDestroy(dst); ngx_pfree(r->pool, ctx->image); if (out == NULL) { return NULL; } cln = ngx_pool_cleanup_add(r->pool, 0); if (cln == NULL) { gdFree(out); return NULL; } b = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (b == NULL) { gdFree(out); return NULL; } cln->handler = ngx_http_image_cleanup; cln->data = out; b->pos = out; b->last = out + size; b->memory = 1; b->last_buf = 1; ngx_http_image_length(r, b); return b; }
/* {{{ _php_image_output_ctx */ static void _php_image_output_ctx(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int image_type, char *tn, void (*func_p)()) { zval *imgind; char *file = NULL; int file_len = 0; long quality, basefilter; gdImagePtr im; int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); int q = -1, i; int f = -1; gdIOCtx *ctx = NULL; zval *to_zval = NULL; php_stream *stream; /* The third (quality) parameter for Wbmp stands for the threshold when called from image2wbmp(). * The third (quality) parameter for Wbmp and Xbm stands for the foreground color index when called * from imagey<type>(). */ if (image_type == PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_XBM) { if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "rp!|ll", &imgind, &file, &file_len, &quality, &basefilter) == FAILURE) { return; } } else { /* PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_GIF * PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_PNG * PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_JPG * PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_WBM * PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_WEBP * */ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "r|z/!ll", &imgind, &to_zval, &quality, &basefilter) == FAILURE) { return; } } ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(im, gdImagePtr, &imgind, -1, "Image", phpi_get_le_gd()); if (argc >= 3) { q = quality; /* or colorindex for foreground of BW images (defaults to black) */ if (argc == 4) { f = basefilter; } } if (argc > 1 && to_zval != NULL) { if (Z_TYPE_P(to_zval) == IS_RESOURCE) { php_stream_from_zval_no_verify(stream, &to_zval); if (stream == NULL) { RETURN_FALSE; } } else if (Z_TYPE_P(to_zval) == IS_STRING) { stream = php_stream_open_wrapper(Z_STRVAL_P(to_zval), "wb", REPORT_ERRORS|IGNORE_PATH|IGNORE_URL_WIN, NULL); if (stream == NULL) { RETURN_FALSE; } } else { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Invalid 2nd parameter, it must a filename or a stream"); RETURN_FALSE; } } else { ctx = emalloc(sizeof(gdIOCtx)); ctx->putC = _php_image_output_putc; ctx->putBuf = _php_image_output_putbuf; ctx->gd_free = _php_image_output_ctxfree; #if APACHE && defined(CHARSET_EBCDIC) /* XXX this is unlikely to work any more [email protected] */ /* This is a binary file already: avoid EBCDIC->ASCII conversion */ ap_bsetflag(php3_rqst->connection->client, B_EBCDIC2ASCII, 0); #endif } if (!ctx) { ctx = emalloc(sizeof(gdIOCtx)); ctx->putC = _php_image_stream_putc; ctx->putBuf = _php_image_stream_putbuf; ctx->gd_free = _php_image_stream_ctxfree; ctx->data = (void *)stream; } switch(image_type) { case PHP_GDIMG_CONVERT_WBM: if(q<0||q>255) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Invalid threshold value '%d'. It must be between 0 and 255", q); } case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_JPG: (*func_p)(im, ctx, q); break; case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_WEBP: if (q == -1) { q = 80; } (*func_p)(im, ctx, q); break; case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_PNG: (*func_p)(im, ctx, q, f); break; case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_XBM: case PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_WBM: if (argc < 3) { for(i=0; i < gdImageColorsTotal(im); i++) { if(!gdImageRed(im, i) && !gdImageGreen(im, i) && !gdImageBlue(im, i)) break; } q = i; } if (image_type == PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_XBM) { (*func_p)(im, file, q, ctx); } else { (*func_p)(im, q, ctx); } break; default: (*func_p)(im, ctx); break; } ctx->gd_free(ctx); RETURN_TRUE; }
// Generates the count image from the count string, returns true if all ok bool CreateImage(const char *pcCount, const char *pcFont, int iDigits) { // Set the spare value int iCountLen = strlen(pcCount); if (iDigits < iCountLen) iDigits = iCountLen; int iSpare = 0; if (iDigits > iCountLen) iSpare = iDigits - iCountLen; // Loop vars char pcDigitName[STR_SIZE] = ""; gdImagePtr pImg = NULL; FILE *pPic = NULL; // Load the zero digit image sprintf(pcDigitName, COUNTER_ZERO, pcFont); pPic = fopen(pcDigitName, "rb+"); if (pPic == NULL) return false; pImg = gdImageCreateFromGif(pPic); fclose(pPic); if (pImg == NULL) return false; // Create the output image gdImagePtr pOutImg = NULL; pOutImg = gdImageCreate(iDigits * pImg->sx, pImg->sy); if (pOutImg == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(pImg); return false; } // Copy the palette info from one to the other... int iColTotal = gdImageColorsTotal(pImg); for (int i = 0; i < iColTotal; i++) { gdImageColorAllocate(pOutImg, gdImageRed(pImg, i), gdImageGreen(pImg, i), gdImageBlue(pImg, i)); } int iTransCol = gdImageGetTransparent(pImg); if (iTransCol >= 0) { gdImageColorTransparent(pOutImg, iTransCol); gdImageFill(pOutImg, 0, 0, iTransCol); } // Loop through each leading zero int iPos = 0; while (iSpare-- > 0) { // paste in the image gdImageCopy(pOutImg, pImg, iPos, 0, 0, 0, pImg->sx, pImg->sy); iPos += pImg->sx; } // Delete the zero image gdImageDestroy(pImg); // Loop through each counter character const char *pcPos = pcCount; while (*pcPos != '\0') { sprintf(pcDigitName, COUNTER_PIC, pcFont, *pcPos); // Load the image pPic = fopen(pcDigitName, "rb+"); if (pPic == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(pOutImg); return false; } pImg = gdImageCreateFromGif(pPic); if (pImg == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(pOutImg); return false; } // Paste in the image gdImageCopy(pOutImg, pImg, iPos, 0, 0, 0, pImg->sx, pImg->sy); iPos += pImg->sx; // Delete the image gdImageDestroy(pImg); // Update the position counter pcPos++; } // Write out the output image if (g_oCGI.Debug()) { char pcGIFName[STR_SIZE] = COUNTER_ROOT; strcat(pcGIFName, "out.gif"); FILE *pGIFFile = NULL; pGIFFile = fopen(pcGIFName, "wb"); if (pGIFFile) { gdImageGif(pOutImg, pGIFFile); fclose(pGIFFile); } } else { gdImageInterlace(pOutImg, 1); #ifdef WIN32 _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY); #endif printf("Content-type: image/gif\n\n"); gdImageGif(pOutImg, stdout); } // Destroy the image gdImageDestroy(pOutImg); return true; } // CreateImage
/* tiffWriter * ---------- * Write the gd image as a tiff file (called by gdImageTiffCtx) * Parameters are: * image: gd image structure; * out: the stream where to write * bitDepth: depth in bits of each pixel */ BGD_DECLARE(void) tiffWriter(gdImagePtr image, gdIOCtx *out, int bitDepth) { int x, y; int i; int r, g, b, a; TIFF *tiff; int width, height; int color; char *scan; int samplesPerPixel = 3; int bitsPerSample; int transparentColorR = -1; int transparentColorG = -1; int transparentColorB = -1; uint16 extraSamples[1]; uint16 *colorMapRed = 0; uint16 *colorMapGreen = 0; uint16 *colorMapBlue = 0; tiff_handle *th; th = new_tiff_handle(out); if (!th) { return; } extraSamples[0] = EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA; /* read in the width/height of gd image */ width = gdImageSX(image); height = gdImageSY(image); /* reset clip region to whole image */ gdImageSetClip(image, 0, 0, width, height); /* handle old-style single-colour mapping to 100% transparency */ if(image->transparent != 0xffffffff) { /* set our 100% transparent colour value */ transparentColorR = gdImageRed(image, image->transparent); transparentColorG = gdImageGreen(image, image->transparent); transparentColorB = gdImageBlue(image, image->transparent); } /* Open tiff file writing routines, but use special read/write/seek * functions so that tiff lib writes correct bits of tiff content to * correct areas of file opened and modifieable by the gdIOCtx functions */ tiff = TIFFClientOpen("", "w", th, tiff_readproc, tiff_writeproc, tiff_seekproc, tiff_closeproc, tiff_sizeproc, tiff_mapproc, tiff_unmapproc); TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, width); TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, height); TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, COMPRESSION_DEFLATE); TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG); TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, (bitDepth == 24) ? PHOTOMETRIC_RGB : PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE); bitsPerSample = (bitDepth == 24 || bitDepth == 8) ? 8 : 1; TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, bitsPerSample); /* build the color map for 8 bit images */ if(bitDepth != 24) { colorMapRed = (uint16 *) gdMalloc(3 * (1 << bitsPerSample)); if (!colorMapRed) { return; } colorMapGreen = (uint16 *) gdMalloc(3 * (1 << bitsPerSample)); if (!colorMapGreen) { return; } colorMapBlue = (uint16 *) gdMalloc(3 * (1 << bitsPerSample)); if (!colorMapBlue) { return; } for(i = 0; i < image->colorsTotal; i++) { colorMapRed[i] = gdImageRed(image,i) + (gdImageRed(image,i) * 256); colorMapGreen[i] = gdImageGreen(image,i)+(gdImageGreen(image,i)*256); colorMapBlue[i] = gdImageBlue(image,i) + (gdImageBlue(image,i)*256); } TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_COLORMAP, colorMapRed, colorMapGreen, colorMapBlue); samplesPerPixel = 1; } /* here, we check if the 'save alpha' flag is set on the source gd image */ if( (bitDepth == 24) && (image->saveAlphaFlag || image->transparent != 0xffffffff)) { /* so, we need to store the alpha values too! * Also, tell TIFF what the extra sample means (associated alpha) */ samplesPerPixel = 4; TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, samplesPerPixel); TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES, 1, extraSamples); } else { TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, samplesPerPixel); } TIFFSetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, 1); if(overflow2(width, samplesPerPixel)) { return; } if(!(scan = (char *)gdMalloc(width * samplesPerPixel))) { return; } /* loop through y-coords, and x-coords */ for(y = 0; y < height; y++) { for(x = 0; x < width; x++) { /* generate scan line for writing to tiff */ color = gdImageGetPixel(image, x, y); a = (127 - gdImageAlpha(image, color)) * 2; a = (a == 0xfe) ? 0xff : a & 0xff; b = gdImageBlue(image, color); g = gdImageGreen(image, color); r = gdImageRed(image, color); /* if this pixel has the same RGB as the transparent colour, * then set alpha fully transparent */ if( transparentColorR == r && transparentColorG == g && transparentColorB == b ) { a = 0x00; } if(bitDepth != 24) { /* write out 1 or 8 bit value in 1 byte * (currently treats 1bit as 8bit) */ scan[(x * samplesPerPixel) + 0] = color; } else { /* write out 24 bit value in 3 (or 4 if transparent) bytes */ if(image->saveAlphaFlag || image->transparent != 0xffffffff) { scan[(x * samplesPerPixel) + 3] = a; } scan[(x * samplesPerPixel) + 2] = b; scan[(x * samplesPerPixel) + 1] = g; scan[(x * samplesPerPixel) + 0] = r; } } /* Write the scan line to the tiff */ if(TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(tiff, y, scan, width * samplesPerPixel) == -1){ /* error handler here */ fprintf(stderr, "Could not create TIFF\n"); return; } } /* now cloase and free up resources */ TIFFClose(tiff); gdFree(scan); gdFree(th); if(bitDepth != 24) { gdFree(colorMapRed); gdFree(colorMapGreen); gdFree(colorMapBlue); } }
static ngx_buf_t * ngx_http_image_resize(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_image_filter_ctx_t *ctx) { int sx, sy, dx, dy, ox, oy, ax, ay, size, colors, palette, transparent, sharpen, red, green, blue, t; u_char *out; ngx_buf_t *b; ngx_uint_t resize; gdImagePtr src, dst; ngx_pool_cleanup_t *cln; ngx_http_image_filter_conf_t *conf; src = ngx_http_image_source(r, ctx); if (src == NULL) { return NULL; } sx = gdImageSX(src); sy = gdImageSY(src); conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_image_filter_module); if (!ctx->force && ctx->angle == 0 && (ngx_uint_t) sx <= ctx->max_width && (ngx_uint_t) sy <= ctx->max_height) { gdImageDestroy(src); return ngx_http_image_asis(r, ctx); } colors = gdImageColorsTotal(src); if (colors && conf->transparency) { transparent = gdImageGetTransparent(src); if (transparent != -1) { palette = colors; red = gdImageRed(src, transparent); green = gdImageGreen(src, transparent); blue = gdImageBlue(src, transparent); goto transparent; } } palette = 0; transparent = -1; red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0; transparent: gdImageColorTransparent(src, -1); dx = sx; dy = sy; if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_RESIZE) { if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) { dy = dy * ctx->max_width / dx; dy = dy ? dy : 1; dx = ctx->max_width; } if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) { dx = dx * ctx->max_height / dy; dx = dx ? dx : 1; dy = ctx->max_height; } resize = 1; } else if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_ROTATE) { resize = 0; } else if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_WATERMARK) { resize = 0; } else { /* NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_CROP */ resize = 0; if ((double) dx / dy < (double) ctx->max_width / ctx->max_height) { if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) { dy = dy * ctx->max_width / dx; dy = dy ? dy : 1; dx = ctx->max_width; resize = 1; } } else { if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) { dx = dx * ctx->max_height / dy; dx = dx ? dx : 1; dy = ctx->max_height; resize = 1; } } } if (resize) { dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx, dy, palette); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } if (colors == 0) { gdImageSaveAlpha(dst, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(dst, 0); } gdImageCopyResampled(dst, src, 0, 0, 0, 0, dx, dy, sx, sy); if (colors) { gdImageTrueColorToPalette(dst, 1, 256); } gdImageDestroy(src); } else { dst = src; } if (ctx->angle) { src = dst; ax = (dx % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0; ay = (dy % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0; switch (ctx->angle) { case 90: case 270: dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dy, dx, palette); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } if (ctx->angle == 90) { ox = dy / 2 + ay; oy = dx / 2 - ax; } else { ox = dy / 2 - ay; oy = dx / 2 + ax; } gdImageCopyRotated(dst, src, ox, oy, 0, 0, dx + ax, dy + ay, ctx->angle); gdImageDestroy(src); t = dx; dx = dy; dy = t; break; case 180: dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx, dy, palette); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } gdImageCopyRotated(dst, src, dx / 2 - ax, dy / 2 - ay, 0, 0, dx + ax, dy + ay, ctx->angle); gdImageDestroy(src); break; } } if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_CROP) { src = dst; if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) { ox = dx - ctx->max_width; } else { ox = 0; } if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) { oy = dy - ctx->max_height; } else { oy = 0; } if (ox || oy) { dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx - ox, dy - oy, colors); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } ox /= 2; oy /= 2; ngx_log_debug4(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "image crop: %d x %d @ %d x %d", dx, dy, ox, oy); if (colors == 0) { gdImageSaveAlpha(dst, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(dst, 0); } gdImageCopy(dst, src, 0, 0, ox, oy, dx - ox, dy - oy); if (colors) { gdImageTrueColorToPalette(dst, 1, 256); } gdImageDestroy(src); } } if (transparent != -1 && colors) { gdImageColorTransparent(dst, gdImageColorExact(dst, red, green, blue)); } if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_WATERMARK && conf-> { FILE *watermark_file = fopen((const char *)conf->, "r"); if (watermark_file) { gdImagePtr watermark, watermark_mix; ngx_int_t wdx = 0, wdy = 0; watermark = gdImageCreateFromPng(watermark_file); if(watermark != NULL) { watermark_mix = gdImageCreateTrueColor(watermark->sx, watermark->sy); if (ngx_strcmp(conf->, "bottom-right") == 0) { wdx = dx - watermark->sx - 10; wdy = dy - watermark->sy - 10; } else if (ngx_strcmp(conf->, "top-left") == 0) { wdx = wdy = 10; } else if (ngx_strcmp(conf->, "top-right") == 0) { wdx = dx - watermark->sx - 10; wdy = 10; } else if (ngx_strcmp(conf->, "bottom-left") == 0) { wdx = 10; wdy = dy - watermark->sy - 10; } else if (ngx_strcmp(conf->, "center") == 0) { wdx = dx / 2 - watermark->sx / 2; wdy = dy / 2 - watermark->sy / 2; } gdImageCopy(watermark_mix, dst, 0, 0, wdx, wdy, watermark->sx, watermark->sy); gdImageCopy(watermark_mix, watermark, 0, 0, 0, 0, watermark->sx, watermark->sy); gdImageCopyMerge(dst, watermark_mix, wdx, wdy, 0, 0, watermark->sx, watermark->sy, 75); gdFree(watermark); gdFree(watermark_mix); } else { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "watermark file '%s' is not PNG", conf->;} } else { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "watermark file '%s' not found", conf->; } } sharpen = ngx_http_image_filter_get_value(r, conf->shcv, conf->sharpen); if (sharpen > 0) { gdImageSharpen(dst, sharpen); } gdImageInterlace(dst, (int) conf->interlace); out = ngx_http_image_out(r, ctx->type, dst, &size); ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "image: %d x %d %d", sx, sy, colors); gdImageDestroy(dst); ngx_pfree(r->pool, ctx->image); if (out == NULL) { return NULL; } cln = ngx_pool_cleanup_add(r->pool, 0); if (cln == NULL) { gdFree(out); return NULL; } b = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (b == NULL) { gdFree(out); return NULL; } cln->handler = ngx_http_image_cleanup; cln->data = out; b->pos = out; b->last = out + size; b->memory = 1; b->last_buf = 1; ngx_http_image_length(r, b); return b; }
static ngx_buf_t * ngx_http_image_resize(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_image_filter_ctx_t *ctx) { int sx, sy, dx, dy, ox, oy, size, colors, palette, transparent, red, green, blue; u_char *out; ngx_buf_t *b; ngx_uint_t resize; gdImagePtr src, dst; ngx_pool_cleanup_t *cln; ngx_http_image_filter_conf_t *conf; src = ngx_http_image_source(r, ctx); if (src == NULL) { return NULL; } sx = gdImageSX(src); sy = gdImageSY(src); conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_image_filter_module); if (!ctx->force && (ngx_uint_t) sx <= ctx->max_width && (ngx_uint_t) sy <= ctx->max_height) { gdImageDestroy(src); return ngx_http_image_asis(r, ctx); } colors = gdImageColorsTotal(src); if (colors && conf->transparency) { transparent = gdImageGetTransparent(src); if (transparent != -1) { palette = colors; red = gdImageRed(src, transparent); green = gdImageGreen(src, transparent); blue = gdImageBlue(src, transparent); goto transparent; } } palette = 0; transparent = -1; red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0; transparent: gdImageColorTransparent(src, -1); dx = sx; dy = sy; if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_RESIZE) { if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) { dy = dy * ctx->max_width / dx; dy = dy ? dy : 1; dx = ctx->max_width; } if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) { dx = dx * ctx->max_height / dy; dx = dx ? dx : 1; dy = ctx->max_height; } resize = 1; } else { /* NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_CROP */ resize = 0; if ((ngx_uint_t) (dx * 100 / dy) < ctx->max_width * 100 / ctx->max_height) { if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) { dy = dy * ctx->max_width / dx; dy = dy ? dy : 1; dx = ctx->max_width; resize = 1; } } else { if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) { dx = dx * ctx->max_height / dy; dx = dx ? dx : 1; dy = ctx->max_height; resize = 1; } } } if (resize) { dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx, dy, palette); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } if (colors == 0) { gdImageSaveAlpha(dst, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(dst, 0); } gdImageCopyResampled(dst, src, 0, 0, 0, 0, dx, dy, sx, sy); if (colors) { gdImageTrueColorToPalette(dst, 1, 256); } gdImageDestroy(src); } else { dst = src; } if (conf->filter == NGX_HTTP_IMAGE_CROP) { src = dst; if ((ngx_uint_t) dx > ctx->max_width) { ox = dx - ctx->max_width; } else { ox = 0; } if ((ngx_uint_t) dy > ctx->max_height) { oy = dy - ctx->max_height; } else { oy = 0; } if (ox || oy) { dst = ngx_http_image_new(r, dx - ox, dy - oy, colors); if (dst == NULL) { gdImageDestroy(src); return NULL; } ox /= 2; oy /= 2; ngx_log_debug4(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "image crop: %d x %d @ %d x %d", dx, dy, ox, oy); if (colors == 0) { gdImageSaveAlpha(dst, 1); gdImageAlphaBlending(dst, 0); } gdImageCopy(dst, src, 0, 0, ox, oy, dx - ox, dy - oy); if (colors) { gdImageTrueColorToPalette(dst, 1, 256); } gdImageDestroy(src); } } if (transparent != -1 && colors) { gdImageColorTransparent(dst, gdImageColorExact(dst, red, green, blue)); } out = ngx_http_image_out(r, ctx->type, dst, &size); ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "image: %d x %d %d", sx, sy, colors); gdImageDestroy(dst); ngx_pfree(r->pool, ctx->image); if (out == NULL) { return NULL; } cln = ngx_pool_cleanup_add(r->pool, 0); if (cln == NULL) { gdFree(out); return NULL; } b = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); if (b == NULL) { gdFree(out); return NULL; } cln->handler = ngx_http_image_cleanup; cln->data = out; b->pos = out; b->last = out + size; b->memory = 1; b->last_buf = 1; ngx_http_image_length(r, b); return b; }