Beispiel #1
static void
query_progress_cb (GDataEntry *entry, guint entry_key, guint entry_count, QueryData *data)
	GList *thumbnails;
	GDataMediaThumbnail *thumbnail = NULL;
	gint delta = G_MININT;
	GtkTreeIter iter;
	const gchar *title, *id;
	GtkProgressBar *progress_bar;
	TotemYouTubePlugin *self = data->plugin;

	/* Add the entry to the tree view */
	title = gdata_entry_get_title (entry);
	id = gdata_youtube_video_get_video_id (GDATA_YOUTUBE_VIDEO (entry));

	gtk_list_store_append (self->list_store[data->tree_view], &iter);
	gtk_list_store_set (self->list_store[data->tree_view], &iter,
			    0, NULL, /* the thumbnail will be downloaded asynchronously and added to the tree view later */
			    1, title,
			    2, NULL, /* the video URI will be resolved asynchronously and added to the tree view later */
			    3, entry,
	g_debug ("Added entry %s to tree view (title: \"%s\")", id, title);

	/* Update the progress bar; we have three steps for each entry in the results: the entry, its thumbnail, and its t parameter */
	g_assert (entry_count > 0);
	progress_bar = self->progress_bar[data->tree_view];
	self->progress_bar_increment[data->tree_view] = 1.0 / (entry_count * 3.0);
	g_debug ("Setting progress_bar_increment to 1.0 / (%u * 3.0) = %f", entry_count, self->progress_bar_increment[data->tree_view]);
	gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (progress_bar, gtk_progress_bar_get_fraction (progress_bar) + self->progress_bar_increment[data->tree_view]);

	/* Resolve the t parameter for the video, which is required before it can be played */
	/* This will be cancelled if the main query is cancelled, in query_finished_cb() */
	data->t_param_cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();
	resolve_t_param (self, entry, &iter, data->tree_view, data->t_param_cancellable);

	/* Download the entry's thumbnail, ready for adding it to the tree view.
	 * Find the thumbnail size which is closest to the wanted size (THUMBNAIL_WIDTH), so that we:
	 * a) avoid fuzzy images due to scaling up, and
	 * b) avoid downloading too much just to scale down by a factor of 10. */
	thumbnails = gdata_youtube_video_get_thumbnails (GDATA_YOUTUBE_VIDEO (entry));
	for (; thumbnails != NULL; thumbnails = thumbnails->next) {
		gint new_delta;
		GDataMediaThumbnail *current_thumb = (GDataMediaThumbnail*) thumbnails->data;

		g_debug ("%u pixel wide thumbnail available for entry %s", gdata_media_thumbnail_get_width (current_thumb), id);

		new_delta = gdata_media_thumbnail_get_width (current_thumb) - THUMBNAIL_WIDTH;
		if (delta == 0) {
		} else if ((delta == G_MININT) ||
			   (delta < 0 && new_delta > delta) ||
			   (delta > 0 && new_delta > 0 && new_delta < delta)) {
			delta = new_delta;
			thumbnail = current_thumb;
			g_debug ("Choosing a %u pixel wide thumbnail (delta: %i) for entry %s",
				 gdata_media_thumbnail_get_width (current_thumb), new_delta, id);

	if (thumbnail != NULL) {
		GFile *thumbnail_file;
		ThumbnailData *t_data;

		t_data = g_slice_new (ThumbnailData);
		t_data->plugin = g_object_ref (self);
		t_data->path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL (self->list_store[data->tree_view]), &iter);
		t_data->tree_view = data->tree_view;

		/* We can use the same cancellable for reading the file and making a pixbuf out of it, as they're consecutive operations */
		/* This will be cancelled if the main query is cancelled, in query_finished_cb() */
		data->thumbnail_cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();
		t_data->cancellable = g_object_ref (data->thumbnail_cancellable);

		g_debug ("Starting thumbnail download for entry %s", id);
		thumbnail_file = g_file_new_for_uri (gdata_media_thumbnail_get_uri (thumbnail));
		g_file_read_async (thumbnail_file, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, data->thumbnail_cancellable,
				   (GAsyncReadyCallback) thumbnail_opened_cb, t_data);
		g_object_unref (thumbnail_file);
Beispiel #2
main (void)
	GDataDocumentsFeed *feed = NULL;
	GDataDocumentsQuery *query = NULL;
	GDataDocumentsService *service = NULL;
	GError *error = NULL;
	GList *accounts = NULL;
	GList *entries;
	GList *l;
	GoaClient *client = NULL;

	client = goa_client_new_sync (NULL, &error);
	if (error != NULL) {
		g_warning ("%s", error->message);
		g_error_free (error);
		goto out;

	accounts = goa_client_get_accounts (client);
	for (l = accounts; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		GoaAccount *account;
		GoaObject *object = GOA_OBJECT (l->data);
		const gchar *provider_type;

		account = goa_object_peek_account (object);
		provider_type = goa_account_get_provider_type (account);

		if (g_strcmp0 (provider_type, "google") == 0) {
			GDataGoaAuthorizer *authorizer;

			authorizer = gdata_goa_authorizer_new (object);
			service = gdata_documents_service_new (GDATA_AUTHORIZER (authorizer));
			g_object_unref (authorizer);

	if (service == NULL) {
		g_warning ("Account not found");
		goto out;

	query = gdata_documents_query_new_with_limits (NULL, 1, 10);
	gdata_documents_query_set_show_folders (query, TRUE);

	while (TRUE) {
		feed = gdata_documents_service_query_documents (service, query, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error);
		if (error != NULL) {
			g_warning ("%s", error->message);
			g_error_free (error);
			goto out;

		entries = gdata_feed_get_entries (GDATA_FEED (feed));
		if (entries == NULL) {
			goto out;

		for (l = entries; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
			GDataEntry *entry = GDATA_ENTRY (l->data);
			const gchar *title;

			title = gdata_entry_get_title (entry);
			g_message ("%s", title);

		gdata_query_next_page (GDATA_QUERY (query));
		g_object_unref (feed);

	g_clear_object (&feed);
	g_clear_object (&query);
	g_clear_object (&service);
	g_clear_object (&client);
	g_list_free_full (accounts, g_object_unref);

	return 0;