Beispiel #1
  void operator()(tbb::blocked_range2d<int> i_range) const {
    ewav::Rand48_Engine r48;
    std::normal_distribution<float> gdist{0.0f, 1.0f};

    const float maxKmag = float(N / 2) * M_TAU / Domain;

    const float dk = float(1) * M_TAU / Domain;

    for (int j = i_range.rows().begin(); j != i_range.rows().end(); ++j) {
      // kj is the wave number in the j direction.
      int realJ = j <= (N / 2) ? j : j - N;
      float kj  = float(realJ) * M_TAU / Domain;

      for (int i = i_range.cols().begin(); i != i_range.cols().end(); ++i) {
        // ki is the wave number in the i direction
        float ki = float(i) * M_TAU / Domain;

        // Magnitude of the wave vector.
        float kMag = std::hypot(ki, kj);

        // Index into the array.
        std::size_t index = (std::size_t(j) * StrideJ) + i;

        // If the wavenumber is zero, or we're in the outer ring,
        // set it to zero.
        if ((i == 0 && realJ == 0) || (kMag > maxKmag)) {
          Spectral[index] = Cf(0.0, 0.0);
        } else {
          r48.seed(ewav::SeedFromWavenumber(Imath::V2f(ki, kj), Seed));
          Spectral[index] = dk * dk * Cf(gdist(r48), gdist(r48));
int geodesicCenter( const Edges &edges, const VectorXf &edge_weights ) {
	// Find the geodesic center of a graph
	GeodesicDistance gdist( edges, edge_weights );
	// First find a few corners of the graph (a point with the maximal distance to any other point)
	ArrayXf max_geodesic = ArrayXf::Zero( gdist.N() );
	// 3 iterations should be enough, but you can never be paranoid enough
	int seed = 0;
	for( int it=0; it<3; it++ ) {
		// Update the geodesic from the new seed
		ArrayXf d = gdist.compute( seed );
		max_geodesic = d.max( max_geodesic );
		d.maxCoeff( &seed );
	// The center is the point with the minimal max_geodesic (distance to the side of the graph)
	int center;
	return center;
Beispiel #3
int main(int, char**) {
  // Create r with a random seed
  RandomLib::Random r; r.Reseed();
  std::cout << "Using " << r.Name() << "\n"
            << "with seed " << r.SeedString() << "\n\n";
      << "Sampling exactly from the normal distribution.  First number is\n"
      << "in binary with ... indicating an infinite sequence of random\n"
      << "bits.  Second number gives the corresponding interval.  Third\n"
      << "number is the result of filling in the missing bits and rounding\n"
      << "exactly to the nearest representable double.\n";
    const int bits = 1;
    RandomLib::ExactNormal<bits> ndist;
    long long num = 20000000ll;
    long long bitcount = 0;
    int numprint = 16;
    for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
      long long k = r.Count();
      RandomLib::RandomNumber<bits> x = ndist(r); // Sample
      bitcount += r.Count() - k;
      if (i < numprint) {
        std::pair<double, double> z = x.Range();
        std::cout << x << " = "   // Print in binary with ellipsis
                  << "(" << z.first << "," << z.second << ")"; // Print range
        double v = x.Value<double>(r); // Round exactly to nearest double
        std::cout << " = " << v << "\n";
      } else if (i == numprint)
        std::cout << std::flush;
      << "Number of bits needed to obtain the binary representation averaged\n"
      << "over " << num << " samples = " << bitcount/double(num) << "\n\n";
      << "Sampling exactly from exp(-x).  First number is in binary with\n"
      << "... indicating an infinite sequence of random bits.  Second\n"
      << "number gives the corresponding interval.  Third number is the\n"
      << "result of filling in the missing bits and rounding exactly to\n"
      << "the nearest representable double.\n";
    const int bits = 1;
    RandomLib::ExactExponential<bits> edist;
    long long num = 50000000ll;
    long long bitcount = 0;
    int numprint = 16;
    for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
      long long k = r.Count();
      RandomLib::RandomNumber<bits> x = edist(r); // Sample
      bitcount += r.Count() - k;
      if (i < numprint) {
        std::pair<double, double> z = x.Range();
        std::cout << x << " = "   // Print in binary with ellipsis
                  << "(" << z.first << "," << z.second << ")"; // Print range
        double v = x.Value<double>(r); // Round exactly to nearest double
        std::cout << " = " << v << "\n";
      } else if (i == numprint)
        std::cout << std::flush;
      << "Number of bits needed to obtain the binary representation averaged\n"
      << "over " << num << " samples = " << bitcount/double(num) << "\n\n";
      << "Sampling exactly from the discrete normal distribution with\n"
      << "sigma = 7 and mu = 1/2.\n";
    RandomLib::DiscreteNormal<int> gdist(7,1,1,2);
    long long num = 50000000ll;
    long long count = r.Count();
    int numprint = 16;
    for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
      int k = gdist(r);         // Sample
      if (i < numprint)
        std::cout << k << " ";
      else if (i == numprint)
        std::cout << std::endl;
    count = r.Count() - count;
      << "Number of random variates needed averaged\n"
      << "over " << num << " samples = " << count/double(num) << "\n\n";
      << "Sampling exactly from the discrete normal distribution with\n"
      << "sigma = 1024 and mu = 1/7.  First result printed is a uniform\n"
      << "range (with covers a power of two).  The second number is the\n"
      << "result of sampling additional bits within that range to obtain\n"
      << "a definite result.\n";
    RandomLib::DiscreteNormalAlt<int,1> gdist(1024,1,1,7);
    long long num = 20000000ll;
    long long count = r.Count();
    long long entropy = 0;
    int numprint = 16;
    for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
      RandomLib::UniformInteger<int,1> u = gdist(r);
      entropy += u.Entropy();
      if (i < numprint)
        std::cout << u << " = ";
      int k = u(r);
      if (i < numprint)
        std::cout << k << "\n";
      else if (i == numprint)
        std::cout << std::flush;
    count = r.Count() - count;
      << "Number of random bits needed for full result (for range) averaged\n"
      << "over " << num << " samples = " << count/double(num) << " ("
      << (count - entropy)/double(num) << ")\n\n";
      << "Random bits with 1 occurring with probability 1/pi exactly:\n";
    long long num = 100000000ll;
    int numprint = 72;
    RandomLib::InversePiProb pp;
    long long nbits = 0;
    long long k = r.Count();
    for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
      bool b = pp(r);
      nbits += int(b);
      if (i < numprint) std::cout << int(b);
      else if (i == numprint) std::cout << "..." << std::flush;
    std::cout << "\n";
    std::cout << "Frequency of 1 averaged over " << num << " samples = 1/"
              << double(num)/nbits << "\n"
              << "bits/sample = " << (r.Count() - k)/double(num) << "\n\n";
      << "Random bits with 1 occurring with probability 1/e exactly:\n";
    long long num = 200000000ll;
    int numprint = 72;
    RandomLib::InverseEProb ep;
    long long nbits = 0;
    long long k = r.Count();
    for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
      bool b = ep(r);
      nbits += int(b);
      if (i < numprint) std::cout << int(b);
      else if (i == numprint) std::cout << "..." << std::flush;
    std::cout << "\n";
    std::cout << "Frequency of 1 averaged over " << num << " samples = 1/"
              << double(num)/nbits << "\n"
              << "bits/sample = " << (r.Count() - k)/double(num) << "\n";
  return 0;