Beispiel #1
 * gdk_pixbuf_render_pixmap_and_mask_for_colormap:
 * @pixbuf: A pixbuf.
 * @colormap: A #GdkColormap
 * @pixmap_return: Location to store a pointer to the created pixmap,
 *   or %NULL if the pixmap is not needed.
 * @mask_return: Location to store a pointer to the created mask,
 *   or %NULL if the mask is not needed.
 * @alpha_threshold: Threshold value for opacity values.
 * Creates a pixmap and a mask bitmap which are returned in the @pixmap_return
 * and @mask_return arguments, respectively, and renders a pixbuf and its
 * corresponding tresholded alpha mask to them.  This is merely a convenience
 * function; applications that need to render pixbufs with dither offsets or to
 * given drawables should use gdk_draw_pixbuf(), and gdk_pixbuf_render_threshold_alpha().
 * The pixmap that is created uses the #GdkColormap specified by @colormap.
 * This colormap must match the colormap of the window where the pixmap
 * will eventually be used or an error will result.
 * If the pixbuf does not have an alpha channel, then *@mask_return will be set
 * to %NULL.
gdk_pixbuf_render_pixmap_and_mask_for_colormap (GdkPixbuf   *pixbuf,
						GdkColormap *colormap,
						GdkPixmap  **pixmap_return,
						GdkBitmap  **mask_return,
						int          alpha_threshold)
  GdkScreen *screen;

  g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf));
  g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_COLORMAP (colormap));

  screen = gdk_colormap_get_screen (colormap);
  if (pixmap_return)
      GdkGC *gc;
      *pixmap_return = gdk_pixmap_new (gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen),
				       gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf), gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf),
				       gdk_colormap_get_visual (colormap)->depth);

      gdk_drawable_set_colormap (GDK_DRAWABLE (*pixmap_return), colormap);
      gc = _gdk_drawable_get_scratch_gc (*pixmap_return, FALSE);

      /* If the pixbuf has an alpha channel, using gdk_pixbuf_draw would give
       * random pixel values in the area that are within the mask, but semi-
       * transparent. So we treat the pixbuf like a pixbuf without alpha channel;
       * see bug #487865.
      if (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf))
        gdk_draw_rgb_32_image (*pixmap_return, gc,
                               0, 0,
                               gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf), gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf),
                               gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf), gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf));
        gdk_draw_pixbuf (*pixmap_return, gc, pixbuf, 
                         0, 0, 0, 0,
                         gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf), gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf),
                         0, 0);
  if (mask_return)
      if (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf))
	  *mask_return = gdk_pixmap_new (gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen),
					 gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf), gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf), 1);

	  gdk_pixbuf_render_threshold_alpha (pixbuf, *mask_return,
					     0, 0, 0, 0,
					     gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf), gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf),
	*mask_return = NULL;
gboolean time_line_internal_draw_layer_name(TimeLinePrivate *priv, gint layer_number)
	// Local variables
	const GdkColor		colour_black = {0, 0, 0, 0 };
	static GdkColormap	*colourmap = NULL;			// Colourmap used for drawing
	static GdkGC		*display_buffer_gc = NULL;
	static PangoContext *font_context = NULL;
	static PangoFontDescription  *font_description = NULL;
	static PangoLayout	*font_layout = NULL;
	layer				*layer_data;
	GList				*layer_pointer;				// Points to the layers in the selected slide
	GString *message = NULL;

	message  = g_string_new(NULL);

	// Initialisation
	if (NULL == colourmap)
		colourmap = gdk_colormap_get_system();
		gdk_drawable_set_colormap(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_left), GDK_COLORMAP(colourmap));
	if (NULL == font_context)
		font_context = gdk_pango_context_get();
	if (NULL == font_layout)
		font_layout = pango_layout_new(font_context);
	if (NULL == display_buffer_gc)
		display_buffer_gc = gdk_gc_new(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_left));
	if (NULL == font_description)
		font_description = pango_font_description_from_string("Sans , 15px");
		pango_layout_set_font_description(font_layout, font_description);

	// Retrieve the layer name string
	layer_pointer = get_current_slide_layers_pointer();
	layer_pointer = g_list_first(layer_pointer);
	layer_data = g_list_nth_data(layer_pointer, layer_number);
//	g_string_printf(message, "%d  %s ",layer_number,layer_data->name->str);
	pango_layout_set_text(font_layout, layer_data->name->str, -1);

	// Set a clip mask
//	clip_region.x = 0;
//	clip_region.y = (layer_number <= 0)?0:(layer_number * priv->row_height);
//	clip_region.width = priv->left_border_width - 1;
//	clip_region.height = priv->row_height * 2;
//	gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &clip_region);

	// Draw the text string
	gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &colour_black);
	gdk_draw_layout(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_left), GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), 5, (layer_number * priv->row_height)+1,font_layout);

	return TRUE;
void _HYPlatformGraphicPane::_SetPaneSize  (int h,int w, int d)
	g_object_unref (thePane);
	g_object_unref (theContext);
	thePane = gdk_pixmap_new (NULL, w, h, 24/*d<24?d:24*/);
	theContext   = gdk_gc_new (thePane);
	gdk_drawable_set_colormap (thePane, gdk_colormap_get_system ()); // ?
	gdk_gc_set_colormap (theContext, gdk_colormap_get_system ()); // ?
Beispiel #4
static VALUE
rg_set_colormap(VALUE self, VALUE colormap)
    VALUE old_colormap;

    old_colormap = GOBJ2RVAL(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(_SELF(self)));
    G_CHILD_REMOVE(self, old_colormap);

    G_CHILD_ADD(self, colormap);
    gdk_drawable_set_colormap(_SELF(self), GDK_COLORMAP(RVAL2GOBJ(colormap)));
    return self;
Beispiel #5
GdkWindow *
create_gdk_window (Window xframe)
    GdkDisplay  *display = gdk_display_get_default ();
    GdkScreen   *screen  = gdk_display_get_default_screen (display);
    GdkWindow   *window  = create_foreign_window (xframe);
    GdkColormap *cmap    = gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap (screen);

    gdk_drawable_set_colormap (GDK_DRAWABLE (window), cmap);

    return window;
Beispiel #6
GdkPixmap *
create_pixmap (int	  w,
	       int	  h,
	       GtkWidget *parent_style_window)
    GdkWindow *window;

    if (w == 0 || h == 0)
	abort ();

    window = gtk_widget_get_window (parent_style_window);
    GdkPixmap *pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new (GDK_DRAWABLE (window), w, h, -1 /* CopyFromParent */);

    GdkColormap *cmap = get_colormap_for_drawable (GDK_DRAWABLE (pixmap));
    gdk_drawable_set_colormap (GDK_DRAWABLE (pixmap), cmap);
    return pixmap;
_HYPlatformGraphicPane::_HYPlatformGraphicPane(int h, int w, int d)
	fillColor = (GdkColor){0,0,0,0};
	//printf ("Allocating pixmap\n");
	thePane = gdk_pixmap_new (NULL, w, h, 24/*d<24?d:24*/);
	//printf ("Allocating context\n");
	theContext   = gdk_gc_new (thePane);
	//printf ("Allocating context\n");
	textLayout   = pango_layout_new (screenPContext);
	theFont		 = pango_font_description_new ();
	//printf ("Setting colormaps\n");
	gdk_drawable_set_colormap (thePane, gdk_colormap_get_system ()); // ?
	gdk_gc_set_colormap (theContext, gdk_colormap_get_system ()); // ?
	charCachePangoItems   = NULL;
	for (long k=0; k<=60; k=k+1)
		cachedCharacterGlyphs[k] = NULL;
Beispiel #8
GdkPixmap *
create_native_pixmap_and_wrap (int	  w,
			       int	  h,
			       GtkWidget *parent_style_window)
    GdkWindow *window;

    if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
	abort ();

    window = gtk_widget_get_window (parent_style_window);
    GdkPixmap *pixmap =
	   gdk_pixmap_foreign_new (XCreatePixmap (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (gdk_display_get_default ()),
						  GDK_WINDOW_XID (window), w, h,
						  gdk_drawable_get_depth (window)));
    GdkColormap *cmap = get_colormap_for_drawable (GDK_DRAWABLE (pixmap));
    gdk_drawable_set_colormap (GDK_DRAWABLE (pixmap), cmap);
    return pixmap;
Beispiel #9
GtkWidget *build_line(gint start_x, gint start_y
        , gint width, gint height, GtkWidget *hour_line, GdkColor *line_color)
    GdkColormap *pic1_cmap;
    GdkVisual *pic1_vis;
    GdkPixmap *pic1;
    GdkGC *pic1_gc;
    GtkWidget *new_hour_line;
    gint depth = 16;
    gboolean first = FALSE;

     * GdkPixbuf *scaled;
    scaled = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (pix, w, h, GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR);
    pic1_cmap = gdk_colormap_get_system();
    pic1_vis = gdk_colormap_get_visual(pic1_cmap);
    depth = pic1_vis->depth;
    if (hour_line == NULL) {
        pic1 = gdk_pixmap_new(NULL, width, height, depth);
        gdk_drawable_set_colormap(pic1, pic1_cmap);
        first = TRUE;
        gtk_image_get_pixmap(GTK_IMAGE(hour_line), &pic1, NULL);
    pic1_gc = gdk_gc_new(pic1);
    if (first) {
        gdk_gc_set_foreground(pic1_gc, line_color);
        gdk_draw_rectangle(pic1, pic1_gc, TRUE, start_x, start_y, width, height);
    else {
        gdk_draw_rectangle(pic1, pic1_gc, TRUE, start_x, start_y, width, height);
    new_hour_line = gtk_image_new_from_pixmap(pic1, NULL);
Beispiel #10
create_pixmap (int  width,
               int  height)
  GdkColormap* colormap;
  GdkDrawable* drawable;
  cairo_t    * cr;

  colormap = gdk_screen_get_system_colormap (gdk_screen_get_default ());
  g_assert (colormap);

  drawable = gdk_pixmap_new (NULL, 200, 200, gdk_colormap_get_visual (colormap)->depth);
  g_test_queue_unref (drawable);
  gdk_drawable_set_colormap (drawable, colormap);

  cr = gdk_cairo_create (drawable);
  cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  cairo_paint (cr);
  cairo_destroy (cr);

  return drawable;
Beispiel #11
static void cdpalette(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int n, const long int *palette, int mode)
  int i;
  GdkColor clr;

  if (mode == CD_FORCE)
    /* if was POLITE then allocates own palette */
    if (ctxcanvas->colormap == gdk_gc_get_colormap(ctxcanvas->gc))
      ctxcanvas->colormap = gdk_colormap_new(ctxcanvas->vis, FALSE);

    /* allocate all the palette colors to the CD */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      clr = cdColorToGdk(palette[i]);
      gdk_colormap_alloc_color(ctxcanvas->colormap, &clr, FALSE, FALSE);

    /* set directly on the drawable */
    gdk_drawable_set_colormap(ctxcanvas->wnd, ctxcanvas->colormap);
    /* if was FORCE, remove the own palette */
    if (ctxcanvas->colormap != gdk_gc_get_colormap(ctxcanvas->gc))
      ctxcanvas->colormap = gdk_gc_get_colormap(ctxcanvas->gc);

    /* if POLITE then just try to allocate all the colors of the palette */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      clr = cdColorToGdk(palette[i]);
      gdk_colormap_alloc_color(ctxcanvas->colormap, &clr, FALSE, TRUE);
Beispiel #12
static gboolean
xfwmPixmapDrawFromGdkPixbuf (xfwmPixmap * pm, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf)
    GdkPixmap *dest_pixmap;
    GdkPixmap *dest_bitmap;
    GdkVisual *gvisual;
    GdkColormap *cmap;
    gint width, height;
    gint dest_x, dest_y;
    gint alpha_threshold;

    g_return_val_if_fail (pm != NULL, FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail (pm->pixmap != None, FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail (pm->mask != None, FALSE);

    dest_pixmap = gdk_xid_table_lookup (pm->pixmap);
    if (dest_pixmap)
        g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (dest_pixmap));
        dest_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_foreign_new (pm->pixmap);

    if (!dest_pixmap)
        g_warning ("Cannot get pixmap");
        return FALSE;

    dest_bitmap = gdk_xid_table_lookup (pm->mask);
    if (dest_bitmap)
        g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (dest_bitmap));
        dest_bitmap = gdk_pixmap_foreign_new (pm->mask);

    if (!dest_bitmap)
        g_warning ("Cannot get bitmap");
        g_object_unref (dest_pixmap);
        return FALSE;

    gvisual = gdk_screen_get_system_visual (pm->screen_info->gscr);
    cmap = gdk_x11_colormap_foreign_new (gvisual, pm->screen_info->cmap);

    if (!cmap)
        g_warning ("Cannot create colormap");
        g_object_unref (dest_pixmap);
        g_object_unref (dest_bitmap);
        return FALSE;

    width = MIN (gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf), pm->width);
    height = MIN (gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf), pm->height);
    dest_x = (pm->width - width) / 2;
    dest_y = (pm->height - height) / 2;

    gdk_drawable_set_colormap (GDK_DRAWABLE (dest_pixmap), cmap);
    gdk_draw_pixbuf (GDK_DRAWABLE (dest_pixmap), NULL, pixbuf, 0, 0, dest_x, dest_y,
                     width, height, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);

    alpha_threshold = (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf) ? 0xFF : 0);
    gdk_pixbuf_render_threshold_alpha (pixbuf, dest_bitmap,
                                       0, 0, dest_x, dest_y,
                                       width, height, alpha_threshold);

    g_object_unref (cmap);
    g_object_unref (dest_pixmap);
    g_object_unref (dest_bitmap);

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #13
static XImage * drawtheme_calc_alpha ( MCThemeDrawInfo &p_info)
	XImage *t_bm_black ;
	XImage *t_bm_white ;
	GdkPixmap *t_black ;
	GdkPixmap *t_white ;

	GdkColormap *cm ;
	GdkVisual *best_vis ;
	uint4	t_w ;
	uint4	t_h ;	
	t_w = p_info.drect.width ;
	t_h = p_info.drect.height ;

	// MM-2013-11-06: [[ Bug 11360 ]] Make sure we take into account the screen depth when creating pixmaps.
	uint4 t_screen_depth;
	t_screen_depth = ((MCScreenDC*) MCscreen) -> getdepth();
	// Create two new pixmaps
	t_black = gdk_pixmap_new( NULL, t_w, t_h, t_screen_depth);
	t_white = gdk_pixmap_new( NULL, t_w, t_h, t_screen_depth);
	// We need to attach a colourmap to the Drawables in GDK
	best_vis = gdk_visual_get_best_with_depth(t_screen_depth);
	cm = gdk_colormap_new( best_vis , False ) ;
	gdk_drawable_set_colormap( t_black, cm);
	gdk_drawable_set_colormap( t_white, cm);

	// Render solid black into one and white into the other.
	//black_and_white_masks ( gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid( t_black ) , gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid(t_white));
	fill_gdk_drawable(t_black, cm, 0, 0, 0, t_w, t_h);
	fill_gdk_drawable(t_white, cm, 65535, 65535, 65535, t_w, t_h);
	MCThemeDrawInfo t_info;
	t_info = p_info;
	moz_gtk_widget_paint ( p_info.moztype, t_white , &t_info.drect, &t_info.cliprect, &t_info.state, t_info.flags ) ;
	t_info = p_info;
	moz_gtk_widget_paint ( p_info.moztype, t_black , &t_info.drect, &t_info.cliprect, &t_info.state, t_info.flags ) ;

	// Get the byte data for each of these pixmaps
	t_bm_black = ((MCScreenDC*)MCscreen) -> getimage ( gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid(t_black), 0, 0, t_w, t_h, False ) ;
	t_bm_white = ((MCScreenDC*)MCscreen) -> getimage ( gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid(t_white), 0, 0, t_w, t_h, False ) ;
	// Calculate the alpha from these two bitmaps --- the t_bm_black image now has full ARGB
	calc_alpha_from_bitmaps ( t_bm_black, t_bm_white ) ;
	// clean up.
	g_object_unref( t_black ) ;
	g_object_unref( t_white ) ;
	g_object_unref( cm ) ;
	return ( t_bm_black ) ;
Beispiel #14
static GdkPixbuf* drawtheme_calc_alpha (MCThemeDrawInfo &p_info)
	GdkPixbuf *t_pb_black;
    GdkPixbuf *t_pb_white;
	GdkPixmap *t_black ;
	GdkPixmap *t_white ;

	GdkColormap *cm ;
	GdkVisual *best_vis ;
	uint4	t_w ;
	uint4	t_h ;	
	t_w = p_info.drect.width ;
	t_h = p_info.drect.height ;

	// MM-2013-11-06: [[ Bug 11360 ]] Make sure we take into account the screen depth when creating pixmaps.
	uint4 t_screen_depth;
	t_screen_depth = ((MCScreenDC*) MCscreen) -> getdepth();
	// Create two new pixmaps
	t_black = gdk_pixmap_new(NULL, t_w, t_h, t_screen_depth);
	t_white = gdk_pixmap_new(NULL, t_w, t_h, t_screen_depth);
	// We need to attach a colourmap to the Drawables in GDK
	best_vis = gdk_visual_get_best_with_depth(t_screen_depth);
    if (best_vis == NULL)
        return NULL;
	cm = gdk_colormap_new(best_vis, FALSE) ;
	gdk_drawable_set_colormap(t_black, cm);
	gdk_drawable_set_colormap(t_white, cm);

	// Render solid black into one and white into the other.
	fill_gdk_drawable(t_black, cm, 0, 0, 0, t_w, t_h);
	fill_gdk_drawable(t_white, cm, 65535, 65535, 65535, t_w, t_h);
	MCThemeDrawInfo t_info;
	t_info = p_info;
	moz_gtk_widget_paint ( p_info.moztype, t_white , &t_info.drect, &t_info.cliprect, &t_info.state, t_info.flags ) ;
	t_info = p_info;
	moz_gtk_widget_paint ( p_info.moztype, t_black , &t_info.drect, &t_info.cliprect, &t_info.state, t_info.flags ) ;

    // Convert the server-side pixmaps into client-side pixbufs. The black
    // pixbuf will need to have an alpha channel so that we can fill it in.
    t_pb_black = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, t_w, t_h);
    if (t_pb_black == NULL)
        return NULL;
    t_pb_white = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, t_w, t_h);
    if (t_pb_white == NULL)
        return NULL;
    t_pb_black = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(t_pb_black, t_black, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, t_w, t_h);
    if (t_pb_black == NULL)
        return NULL;
    t_pb_white = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(t_pb_white, t_white, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, t_w, t_h);
    if (t_pb_white == NULL)
        return NULL;
	// Calculate the alpha from these two bitmaps --- the t_bm_black image now has full ARGB
    // Note that this also frees the t_pb_white pixbuf
	calc_alpha_from_pixbufs(t_pb_black, t_pb_white);
	// clean up.
	return t_pb_black;
Beispiel #15
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    GtkWidget *window;
    GtkWidget *fixed;
    GtkWidget *area;

    gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

    // Window
    window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "gui");
    gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(window), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
    gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(window), 0);
    gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), width, height);
    printf("window ok\n");

    // layout
    fixed = gtk_fixed_new();
    gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), fixed);
    printf("fixed ok\n");

    // Image
    GList *visuals = gdk_list_visuals();
    void tst(gpointer data, gpointer udata) {
        if (((GdkVisual*)data)->depth == 32)
        printf("visual :\n\ttype = %d\n\ttype = %d\n\tdepth = %d\n\tbits/rgb = %d\n\torder = %d\n\tred = %08X\n\tgreen = %08X\n\tblue = %08X\n"
                , ((GdkVisual*)data)->type
                , ((GdkVisual*)data)->colormap_size
                , ((GdkVisual*)data)->depth
                , ((GdkVisual*)data)->bits_per_rgb
                , ((GdkVisual*)data)->byte_order
                , ((GdkVisual*)data)->red_mask
                , ((GdkVisual*)data)->green_mask
                , ((GdkVisual*)data)->blue_mask
    g_list_foreach(visuals, &tst, NULL);
    GdkVisual *visu = gdk_visual_get_best_with_depth(32);
    ximg = gdk_image_new(GDK_IMAGE_SHARED, visu, width, height);
    printf("GdkImage : bytes/pix = %d, linesize = %d, bits/pix = %d ; type %d (mem = %p)\n"
            , ximg->bpp, ximg->bpl, ximg->bits_per_pixel
            , ximg->type, ximg->mem
    // GdkPixbufAnimation

    GdkColormap *dcm = gdk_colormap_new(visu, FALSE);
    // drawing area
    area = gtk_drawing_area_new();
    gdk_drawable_set_colormap(window, dcm);
    gdk_drawable_set_colormap(area, dcm);
    gtk_drawing_area_size(GTK_DRAWING_AREA(area), width, height);
    printf("area ok\n");

    gtk_fixed_put(GTK_FIXED(fixed), area, 0, 0);
    printf("fixed ok\n");

    bgra_alloc650(&bgra, width, height);
    bgra_origin650(&bgra, +width/2, +height/2);
    bgra_scale650(&bgra, 1, -1);
    printf("bgra alloc ok\n");
    printf("bgra maj done, still (%p <- %p)\n", ximg->mem,;
//    // Ximg
//    memcpy(ximg->mem,, bgra.size);
//    printf("mcpy done\n");
    // Pixmap
    GdkColor bg;
    GdkColor fg;
    fg.pixel = 0xff000000; = 0; = 0; = 0;
    bg.pixel = 0xff000000; = 0; = 0; = 0;
    pixmap = gdk_pixmap_create_from_data(
            , width
            , height
            , 32
            , &fg
            , &bg

//    img = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(
//              (guchar*)
//            , GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB
//            , TRUE
//            , 8
//            , width
//            , height
//            , width << 2
//            , &pbd, NULL
//    );
//    printf("PixBuf new ok\n");

    // Image
//    frame = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(img);
////    frame = gtimg;
//    gtk_fixed_put(GTK_FIXED(fixed), frame, 0, 0);
//    printf("fixed ok\n");

    // Events
    g_signal_connect(area, "expose-event", G_CALLBACK (on_expose_event), NULL);
//    g_signal_connect(frame, "expose-event", G_CALLBACK (on_expose_event), NULL);
    g_signal_connect(window, "delete-event", G_CALLBACK (delete_event), NULL);
    g_signal_connect(window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (destroy), NULL);
    printf("signals ok\n");

    // Show
//    gtk_widget_show(area);
    printf("show ok\n");

    // Timer
    g_timeout_add(500, (GSourceFunc)time_handler, (gpointer)area);
    printf("timer ok\n");


    return 0;
Beispiel #16
gwy_graph_export_pixmap(GwyGraph *graph,
                        G_GNUC_UNUSED gboolean export_title,
                        G_GNUC_UNUSED gboolean export_axis,
                        G_GNUC_UNUSED gboolean export_labels)
    GdkColor color = { 0, 65535, 65535, 65535 };
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
    GdkColormap *cmap;
    GdkGC *gc;
    GdkVisual *visual;
    GdkPixmap *pixmap;
    PangoLayout *layout;
    PangoContext *context;
    gint width, height, topheight, bottomheight, rightwidth, leftwidth;
    gint labelx, labely, labelw, labelh;

    width = (GTK_WIDGET(graph))->allocation.width;
    height = (GTK_WIDGET(graph))->allocation.height;

    topheight = (GTK_WIDGET(graph->axis[GTK_POS_TOP]))->allocation.height;
    bottomheight = (GTK_WIDGET(graph->axis[GTK_POS_BOTTOM]))->allocation.height;
    leftwidth = (GTK_WIDGET(graph->axis[GTK_POS_LEFT]))->allocation.width;
    rightwidth = (GTK_WIDGET(graph->axis[GTK_POS_RIGHT]))->allocation.width;

    labelx = (GTK_WIDGET(graph->area->lab))->allocation.x + leftwidth;
    labely = (GTK_WIDGET(graph->area->lab))->allocation.y + topheight;
    labelw = (GWY_GRAPH_LABEL(graph->area->lab))->reqwidth;
    labelh = (GWY_GRAPH_LABEL(graph->area->lab))->reqheight;

    visual = gdk_visual_get_best();
    cmap = gdk_colormap_new(visual, FALSE);

    pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new(NULL, width, height, visual->depth);
    gdk_drawable_set_colormap(pixmap, cmap);

    gc = gdk_gc_new(pixmap);
    gdk_gc_set_colormap(gc, cmap);

    gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &color);
    gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, gc, TRUE, 0, 0, width, height);

    gwy_graph_area_draw_on_drawable(graph->area, pixmap, gc,
                                    leftwidth, topheight,
                                    width - leftwidth - rightwidth,
                                    height - topheight - bottomheight);

    /* Draw axes */
    gwy_axis_draw_on_drawable(graph->axis[GTK_POS_TOP], pixmap, gc,
                              leftwidth, 0,
                              width - leftwidth - rightwidth, topheight);
    gwy_axis_draw_on_drawable(graph->axis[GTK_POS_BOTTOM], pixmap, gc,
                              leftwidth, height - bottomheight,
                              width - leftwidth - rightwidth, bottomheight);
    gwy_axis_draw_on_drawable(graph->axis[GTK_POS_LEFT], pixmap, gc,
                              0, topheight,
                              leftwidth, height - topheight - bottomheight);
    gwy_axis_draw_on_drawable(graph->axis[GTK_POS_RIGHT], pixmap, gc,
                              width - rightwidth, topheight,
                              rightwidth, height - topheight - bottomheight);

    context = gdk_pango_context_get_for_screen(gdk_screen_get_default());
    pango_context_set_font_description(context, graph->area->lab->font_desc);
    layout = pango_layout_new(context);
    gwy_graph_label_draw_on_drawable(graph->area->lab, pixmap, gc, layout,
                                     labelx, labely, labelw, labelh);

    pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(NULL, pixmap, cmap,
                                          0, 0, 0, 0,
                                          -1, -1);


    return pixbuf;
gboolean time_line_internal_draw_layer_duration(TimeLinePrivate *priv, gint layer_number)
	// Local variables
	const GdkColor		colour_black = {0, 0, 0, 0 };
	const GdkColor		colour_fade = {0, (160 << 8), (160 << 8), (190 << 8) };
	const GdkColor		colour_fully_visible = {0, (200 << 8), (200 << 8), (230 << 8) };
	static GdkColormap	*colourmap = NULL;			// Colormap used for drawing
	static GdkGC		*display_buffer_gc = NULL;
	gint				layer_height;
	layer				*layer_data;
	GList				*layer_pointer;				// Points to the layers in the selected slide
	gint				layer_width;
	gint				layer_x;
	gint				layer_y;
	gint				left_border;

	// Initialisation
	if (NULL == colourmap)
		colourmap = gdk_colormap_get_system();
		gdk_drawable_set_colormap(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right), GDK_COLORMAP(colourmap));
	if (NULL == display_buffer_gc)
		display_buffer_gc = gdk_gc_new(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right));
	left_border = 0;// time_line_get_left_border_width(priv);

	// Select the layer we're working with
	layer_pointer = get_current_slide_layers_pointer();
	layer_pointer = g_list_first(layer_pointer);
	layer_data = g_list_nth_data(layer_pointer, layer_number);

	// Set the height related variables
	layer_y =  (layer_number * priv->row_height) + 2;
	layer_height = priv->row_height - 3;

	// Check if there's a fade in transition for this layer
	if (TRANS_LAYER_FADE == layer_data->transition_in_type)
		// Draw the fade in
		layer_x = left_border + (layer_data->start_time * time_line_get_pixels_per_second()) + 1;
		layer_width = (layer_data->transition_in_duration * time_line_get_pixels_per_second());
		gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &colour_fade);
		gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right), GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), TRUE,
				layer_x, layer_y, layer_width, layer_height);
		gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &colour_black);
		gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right), GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), FALSE,
				layer_x, layer_y, layer_width, layer_height - 1);

		// Draw the fully visible duration
		layer_x = left_border + ((layer_data->start_time + layer_data->transition_in_duration) * time_line_get_pixels_per_second()) + 1;
		layer_width = (layer_data->duration * time_line_get_pixels_per_second());
		gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &colour_fully_visible);
		gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right), GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), TRUE,
				layer_x, layer_y, layer_width, layer_height);
		gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &colour_black);
		gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right), GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), FALSE,
				layer_x - 1, layer_y, layer_width, layer_height -1);
	} else
		// There's no fade in transition for this layer
		layer_x = left_border + (layer_data->start_time * time_line_get_pixels_per_second()) + 1;
		layer_width = (layer_data->duration * time_line_get_pixels_per_second());
		gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &colour_fully_visible);
		gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right), GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), TRUE,
				layer_x, layer_y, layer_width, layer_height);
		gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &colour_black);
		gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right), GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), FALSE,
				layer_x, layer_y, layer_width - 1, layer_height - 1);

	// Check if there's a fade out transition for this layer
	if (TRANS_LAYER_FADE == layer_data->transition_out_type)
		// Draw the fade out
		layer_x += (layer_data->duration * time_line_get_pixels_per_second());
		layer_width = (layer_data->transition_out_duration * time_line_get_pixels_per_second());
		gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &colour_fade);
		gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right), GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), TRUE,
				layer_x, layer_y, layer_width, layer_height);
		gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), &colour_black);
		gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(priv->display_buffer_bot_right), GDK_GC(display_buffer_gc), FALSE,
				layer_x - 1, layer_y, layer_width, layer_height - 1);

	return TRUE;
Beispiel #18
 * draw_border_shape
 * Returns: void
 * Description: Draws a slight border around the decoration
static void
draw_border_shape (Display	   *xdisplay,
		   Pixmap	   pixmap,
		   Picture	   picture,
		   int		   width,
		   int		   height,
		   decor_context_t *c,
		   void		   *closure)
    static XRenderColor white = { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff };
    GdkColormap		*colormap;
    decor_t		d;
    decor_shadow_info_t *info = (decor_shadow_info_t *) closure;
    double		save_decoration_alpha;

    memset (&d, 0, sizeof (d));

    if (info)
	gwd_decor_frame_ref (info->frame);

	d.frame = info->frame;
	d.state = info->state;
	d.actions = info->active;
	d.frame = gwd_get_decor_frame ("normal");
	d.state = 0; = TRUE;

    d.pixmap  = gdk_pixmap_foreign_new_for_display (gdk_display_get_default (),
    d.width   = width;
    d.height  = height;  = TRUE;
    d.draw    = theme_draw_window_decoration;
    d.picture = picture;
    d.context = c;

    /* we use closure argument if maximized */
    if (info)
	d.state = info->state;
	d.state = 0;

    decor_get_default_layout (c, 1, 1, &d.border_layout);

    colormap = get_colormap_for_drawable (GDK_DRAWABLE (d.pixmap));
    gdk_drawable_set_colormap (d.pixmap, colormap);

    /* create shadow from opaque decoration
     * FIXME: Should not modify settings value
     * like this */
    save_decoration_alpha = decoration_alpha;
    decoration_alpha = 1.0;

    (*d.draw) (&d);

    decoration_alpha = save_decoration_alpha;

    XRenderFillRectangle (xdisplay, PictOpSrc, picture, &white,
			  width - c->left_space - c->right_space,
			  height - c->top_space - c->bottom_space);

    if (!info)
	gwd_decor_frame_unref (d.frame);

    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (d.pixmap));