Beispiel #1
static GeglTile *
gegl_tile_backend_swap_get_tile (GeglTileSource *self,
                                 gint            x,
                                 gint            y,
                                 gint            z)
  GeglTileBackend     *backend;
  GeglTileBackendSwap *tile_backend_swap;
  SwapEntry           *entry;
  GeglTile            *tile = NULL;
  gint                 tile_size;

  backend           = GEGL_TILE_BACKEND (self);
  tile_backend_swap = GEGL_TILE_BACKEND_SWAP (backend);
  entry             = gegl_tile_backend_swap_lookup_entry (tile_backend_swap, x, y, z);

  if (!entry)
    return NULL;

  tile_size = gegl_tile_backend_get_tile_size (GEGL_TILE_BACKEND (self));
  tile      = gegl_tile_new (tile_size);
  gegl_tile_mark_as_stored (tile);

  gegl_tile_backend_swap_entry_read (tile_backend_swap, entry, gegl_tile_get_data (tile));

  return tile;
static GeglTile *
get_tile (GeglTileSource *gegl_tile_source,
          gint            x,
          gint            y,
          gint            z)
  GeglTileSource       *source = ((GeglTileHandler *) gegl_tile_source)->source;
  GeglTileHandlerEmpty *empty  = (GeglTileHandlerEmpty *) gegl_tile_source;
  GeglTile             *tile   = NULL;

  if (source)
    tile = gegl_tile_source_get_tile (source, x, y, z);
  if (tile)
    return tile;

  if (G_UNLIKELY(!empty->tile))
      gint tile_size = gegl_tile_backend_get_tile_size (empty->backend);
      empty->tile    = gegl_tile_new (tile_size);
      memset (gegl_tile_get_data (empty->tile), 0x00, tile_size);
      empty->tile->is_zero_tile = 1;

  return gegl_tile_handler_dup_tile (GEGL_TILE_HANDLER (empty),
                                     empty->tile, x, y, z);
/* this is the only place that actually should
 * instantiate tiles, when the cache is large enough
 * that should make sure we don't hit this function
 * too often.
static GeglTile *
gegl_tile_backend_file_get_tile (GeglTileSource *self,
          gint            x,
          gint            y,
          gint            z)
  GeglTileBackend     *backend;
  GeglTileBackendFile *tile_backend_file;
  GeglBufferTile      *entry;
  GeglTile            *tile = NULL;
  gint                 tile_size;

  backend           = GEGL_TILE_BACKEND (self);
  tile_backend_file = GEGL_TILE_BACKEND_FILE (backend);
  entry             = gegl_tile_backend_file_lookup_entry (tile_backend_file, x, y, z);

  if (!entry)
    return NULL;

  tile_size = gegl_tile_backend_get_tile_size (GEGL_TILE_BACKEND (self));
  tile      = gegl_tile_new (tile_size);
  gegl_tile_set_rev (tile, entry->rev);
  gegl_tile_mark_as_stored (tile);

  gegl_tile_backend_file_file_entry_read (tile_backend_file, entry, gegl_tile_get_data (tile));
  return tile;
static GeglTile *
get_tile (GeglTileSource *gegl_tile_source,
          gint            x,
          gint            y,
          gint            z)
  GeglTileSource      *source = ((GeglTileHandler*)(gegl_tile_source))->source;
  GeglTileHandlerZoom *zoom   = (GeglTileHandlerZoom*)(gegl_tile_source);
  GeglTile            *tile   = NULL;
  const Babl          *format = gegl_tile_backend_get_format (zoom->backend);
  gint                 tile_width;
  gint                 tile_height;
  gint                 tile_size;

  if (source)
      tile = gegl_tile_source_get_tile (source, x, y, z);

  if (tile)
    return tile;

  if (z == 0)/* at base level with no tile found->send null, and shared empty
               tile will be used instead */
      return NULL;

  if (z>zoom->tile_storage->seen_zoom)
    zoom->tile_storage->seen_zoom = z;

  g_assert (zoom->backend);
  g_object_get (zoom->backend, "tile-width", &tile_width,
                "tile-height", &tile_height,
                "tile-size", &tile_size,

    gint      i, j;
    GeglTile *source_tile[2][2] = { { NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL } };

    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
          /* we get the tile from ourselves, to make successive rescales work
           * correctly */
            source_tile[i][j] = gegl_tile_source_get_tile (gegl_tile_source,
                                                          x * 2 + i, y * 2 + j, z - 1);

    if (source_tile[0][0] == NULL &&
        source_tile[0][1] == NULL &&
        source_tile[1][0] == NULL &&
        source_tile[1][1] == NULL)
        return NULL;   /* no data from level below, return NULL and let GeglTileHandlerEmpty
                          fill in the shared empty tile */

    g_assert (tile == NULL);
    if (tile == NULL)
        tile = gegl_tile_new (tile_size);

        tile->x = x;
        tile->y = y;
        tile->z = z;
        tile->tile_storage = zoom->tile_storage;

        if (zoom->cache)
          gegl_tile_handler_cache_insert (zoom->cache, tile, x, y, z);
    gegl_tile_lock (tile);

    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
          if (source_tile[i][j])
              set_half (tile, source_tile[i][j], tile_width, tile_height, format, i, j);
              gegl_tile_unref (source_tile[i][j]);
              set_blank (tile, tile_width, tile_height, format, i, j);
    gegl_tile_unlock (tile);

  return tile;