Beispiel #1
TEST_F(LaunchdTests, test_parse_launchd_item) {
  QueryData results;
  genLaunchdItem(kTestDataPath + "test_launchd.plist", results);

  Row expected = {
      {"path", kTestDataPath + "test_launchd.plist"},
      {"name", "test_launchd.plist"},
      {"label", ""},
      {"run_at_load", ""},
      {"keep_alive", ""},
      {"on_demand", "false"},
      {"disabled", ""},
      {"username", "_mdnsresponder"},
      {"groupname", "_mdnsresponder"},
      {"stdout_path", ""},
      {"stderr_path", ""},
      {"start_interval", ""},
      {"program_arguments", "/usr/sbin/mDNSResponder"},
      {"program", ""},
      {"watch_paths", ""},
      {"queue_directories", ""},
      {"inetd_compatibility", ""},
      {"start_on_mount", ""},
      {"root_directory", ""},
      {"working_directory", ""},
      {"process_type", ""},
  ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 1);
  for (const auto& column : expected) {
    EXPECT_EQ(results[0][column.first], column.second);
Beispiel #2
TEST_F(LaunchdTests, test_parse_launchd_item) {
  // Read the contents of our testing launchd plist.
  pt::ptree tree;
  auto launchd_path = kTestDataPath + "test_launchd.plist";
  auto status = osquery::parsePlist(launchd_path, tree);

  // Parse the contents into a launchd table row.
  QueryData results;
  genLaunchdItem(tree, launchd_path, results);
  ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 1U);

  Row expected = {
      {"path", kTestDataPath + "test_launchd.plist"},
      {"name", "test_launchd.plist"},
      {"label", ""},
      {"run_at_load", ""},
      {"keep_alive", ""},
      {"on_demand", "0"},
      {"disabled", ""},
      {"username", "_mdnsresponder"},
      {"groupname", "_mdnsresponder"},
      {"stdout_path", ""},
      {"stderr_path", ""},
      {"start_interval", ""},
      {"program_arguments", "/usr/sbin/mDNSResponder"},
      {"program", ""},
      {"watch_paths", ""},
      {"queue_directories", ""},
      {"inetd_compatibility", ""},
      {"start_on_mount", ""},
      {"root_directory", ""},
      {"working_directory", ""},
      {"process_type", ""},

  // We could compare the entire map, but iterating the columns will produce
  // better error text as most likely parsing for a certain column/type changed.
  for (const auto& column : expected) {
    EXPECT_EQ(results[0][column.first], column.second);