Core::GeneratedFiles Html5App::generateFiles(QString *errorMessage) const { Core::GeneratedFiles files = AbstractMobileApp::generateFiles(errorMessage); if (m_mainHtmlMode == ModeGenerate) { files.append(file(generateFile(Html5AppGeneratedFileInfo::MainHtmlFile, errorMessage), path(MainHtml))); files.last().setAttributes(Core::GeneratedFile::OpenEditorAttribute); } files.append(file(generateFile(Html5AppGeneratedFileInfo::AppViewerPriFile, errorMessage), path(AppViewerPri))); files.append(file(generateFile(Html5AppGeneratedFileInfo::AppViewerCppFile, errorMessage), path(AppViewerCpp))); files.append(file(generateFile(Html5AppGeneratedFileInfo::AppViewerHFile, errorMessage), path(AppViewerH))); return files; }
Core::GeneratedFiles QtQuickApp::generateFiles(QString *errorMessage) const { Core::GeneratedFiles files = AbstractMobileApp::generateFiles(errorMessage); if (!useExistingMainQml()) { files.append(file(generateFile(QtQuickAppGeneratedFileInfo::MainQmlFile, errorMessage), path(MainQml))); if ((componentSet() == QtQuickApp::Meego10Components)) files.append(file(generateFile(QtQuickAppGeneratedFileInfo::MainPageQmlFile, errorMessage), path(MainPageQml))); files.last().setAttributes(Core::GeneratedFile::OpenEditorAttribute); } files.append(file(generateFile(QtQuickAppGeneratedFileInfo::AppViewerPriFile, errorMessage), path(AppViewerPri))); files.append(file(generateFile(QtQuickAppGeneratedFileInfo::AppViewerCppFile, errorMessage), path(AppViewerCpp))); files.append(file(generateFile(QtQuickAppGeneratedFileInfo::AppViewerHFile, errorMessage), path(AppViewerH))); return files; }
void generate( options *o) { FILE *fileHandle = fopen( o->file, "r" ); char line[ 256 ]; if( !fileHandle ) { perror( "Error opening the source file" ); } else { assert( fileHandle ); while( fgets( line, 256, fileHandle ) ) { count( line ); } rewind( fileHandle ); OBJModel.vertices = calloc( OBJModel.numOfObjVertex , sizeof( vertex ) ); assert( OBJModel.vertices ); if( OBJModel.numOfObjNormal > 0 ) { OBJModel.normals = calloc( OBJModel.numOfObjNormal , sizeof( normal ) ); assert( OBJModel.normals ); } if( OBJModel.numOfObjNormal > 0 ) { OBJModel.textures = calloc( OBJModel.numOfObjTex , sizeof( texture ) ); assert( OBJModel.textures ); } OBJModel.faces = calloc( OBJModel.numOfObjFaces , sizeof( face ) ); OBJModel.indexLength = OBJModel.numOfObjFaces * 3; OBJModel.indices = calloc( OBJModel.indexLength, sizeof( Index ) ); assert( OBJModel.faces ); assert( OBJModel.indices ); while( fgets( line, 256, fileHandle ) ) { processLine( line ); } generateFile( o->outputFile ); if( o->verbose ) { printf( "Total Vertices: %i\n", OBJModel.numOfObjVertex ); printf( "Total Normals: %i\n", OBJModel.numOfObjNormal ); printf( "Total Textures: %i\n", OBJModel.numOfObjTex ); printf( "Total Index: %i\n", OBJModel.indexCount ); } fclose( fileHandle ); } }
int _tmain(int argc, LPTSTR argv[]) { int a[] = {5, 23, 45, 67, 9, 23 }; int b[] = {12, 90, 65, 34, 24, 12, 0, 89, 29, 54, 12, 78, 3}; int c[] = {3, 9, 5, 1}; FILE *fA, *fB, *fC; fA = fopen("file1.txt", "w+"); fB = fopen("file2.txt", "w+"); fC = fopen("file3.txt", "w+"); generateFile(a, 6, fA); generateFile(b, 13, fB); generateFile(c, 4, fC); return 0; }
/* * The main routine. Read the command line arguments, read the text file, * remove the spaces, do the comparison and report the final results */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *fileName = "space.txt"; int arg = 1; UBool verbose = FALSE; UBool generate = FALSE; if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-generate") == 0) { generate = TRUE; arg += 1; } if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-verbose") == 0) { verbose = TRUE; arg += 1; } if (arg == argc - 1) { fileName = argv[arg++]; } if (arg != argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-verbose] [<file>]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } int32_t spaceCount, nonSpaceCount; const UChar *spaces, *noSpaces; spaces = ThaiWordbreakTest::readFile(fileName, spaceCount); if (spaces == 0) { return 1; } if (generate) { return generateFile(spaces, spaceCount); } noSpaces = ThaiWordbreakTest::crunchSpaces(spaces, spaceCount, nonSpaceCount); if (noSpaces == 0) { return 1; } ThaiWordbreakTest test(spaces, spaceCount, noSpaces, nonSpaceCount, verbose); printf("word count: %d\n", test.getWordCount()); printf("breaks not found: %d\n", test.getBreaksNotFound()); printf("invalid breaks found: %d\n", test.getInvalidBreaks()); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int z; unsigned char nombreFichTiempos[100]; int iterations = 1; unsigned int numFiles =1; unsigned int i; /* Read parameters */ if (argc < 5) { printf("\nUsage: %s <AllPatternsFile> <outPrefix> <MaxIters> <numPatterns1> [<numPatterns2>] [<numPatterns3>] ... \n\n", *argv); exit(0); } {/* PREPARES the tmp directory and deletes previous tmp files */ struct stat buf; if (stat ("tmp", &buf )) {fprintf(stderr,"\n...Creating directory ./tmp"); int err= system("mkdir tmp"); } } srand( time(NULL) ); iterations = atoi(argv[3]); numFiles = argc-4; //starting from argv[3] to argv[3+numPatterns -1] fprintf(stderr, "fichero con patrones: [%s], maxIters: [%d]\n", argv[1], iterations); fprintf(stderr, " numFiles [%d]\n", numFiles); CargaVocabulario(argv[1]); //Each file contains #iterations with #numPatts patterns each. for (i=0;i<numFiles;i++){ int numPatts; numPatts = atoi(argv[4+i]); fprintf(stderr,"\n NUMPATTS %ld",(long)numPatts); generateFile(iterations, numPatts ,argv[2]); } //frees memory fprintf(stderr,"\n FREEING MEMORY ...\n"); for (i=0; i<numPalabras; i++) { free(lista[i].palabra); } free(lista); }
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) { if (argc != 3) { wprintf(L"usage: %ws <filename> <number pcm samples>\n", argv[0]); return -1; } wprintf(L"open file %ws\n", argv[1]); int n = _wtoi(argv[2]); wprintf(L"synthesize %d samples long mp3 file\n",n); generateFile(argv[1], n); return 0; }
ConfigFile::ConfigFile(std::string path) { this->path = path; std::cout << "Loading file at " << path << std::endl; root = loadJSONFile(path.c_str()); if(root.empty()) { //Invalid file generateFile(); } else { //File is valid loadConfig(); } }
//convert the assembly language program in "asmFile" into a C language program void asm2C( void ) { //get one function at a time and translate it to C int i; vector< BlockTab * > allFunctions; do { BlockTab *curBlockTab = new BlockTab; LabelTab curLabelTab; if ( ( i = yyparse( curLabelTab, *curBlockTab ) ) == true ) { if ( VERBOSE ) verbose( "\tLinking blocks" ); curBlockTab -> linkBlocks( curLabelTab ); if ( VERBOSE ) verbose( "\tFinished linking blocks" ); if ( VERBOSE ) verbose( "\tStarting Control Flow Analysis" ); curBlockTab -> reduce( ); if ( VERBOSE ) verbose( "\tFinished Control flow Analysis\n" ); allFunctions.push_back( curBlockTab ); } } while ( i ); if ( VERBOSE ) { verbose( "\nFinished Decompiling\n" ); verbose( "No of \"if..else\" stms found : " + itoa( noIfElses ) ); verbose( "No of \"if\" stmts found : " + itoa( noIfs ) ); verbose( "No of \"while\" loops found : " + itoa( noWhiles ) ); verbose( "No of \"do-while\" loops found : " + itoa( noDoWhiles )); verbose( "No of \"endless\" loops found : " + itoa( noEndless ) ); } cout << "#include<ourHeader.h>\n\n"; /* generate the declarations for global variables */ generateDecls( curSymTab ); /* generate the prototypes for the functions defined in the program */ generateProts( curFuncTab ); /* generate the C file */ generateFile( allFunctions ); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int m = atoi(argv[1]); int option = atoi(argv[2]); int k = (2*m-1); int N = k*k; int x[2*N], y[2*N]; int count = 0; int count1; x[0] = 0; y[0] = 0; count = 1; count1 = 0; for (int j=0; j<m; ++j) { for (int k1=0; k1<2*j; ++k1) { x[count]= x[count1]+1; y[count]= y[count1]+k1; ++count; } count1 = count-1; for (int k2=0; k2<2*j; ++k2) { x[count]= x[count1]-k2-1; y[count]= y[count1]; ++count; } count1 = count-1; for (int k3=0; k3<2*j; ++k3) { x[count]= x[count1]; y[count]= y[count1]-k3-1; ++count; } count1 = count-1; for (int k4=0; k4<2*j; ++k4) { x[count]= x[count1]+k4+1; y[count]= y[count1]; ++count; } count1 = count-1; } generateFile(N, x, y, option); }
void ConfigFile::loadConfig() { loadVersion(); //Loads data depending on the file's version if (conf_file_ver >= 1) { loadProjects(); } else { //File may be invalid generateFile(); } //Updates the file if (conf_file_ver < CONFIG_FILE_VER) { updateFile(); } }
ConcatString::ConcatString(QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent) { groupBoxInfo = new QGroupBox(tr("Saisi information"), this); cbb = new QComboBox; cbb->addItem(tr("Min")); cbb->addItem(tr("Hour")); cbb->addItem(tr("Day")); cbb->addItem(tr("Mouth")); cbb->setFixedWidth(80); cbb->setCurrentIndex(1); dateDebut = new QDateTimeEdit(QDate::currentDate()); dateDebut->setDisplayFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); dateDebut->setMaximumWidth(200); dateFin = new QDateTimeEdit(QDate::currentDate().addDays(1)); dateFin->setDisplayFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); dateFin->setMaximumWidth(200); periode = new QSpinBox; periode->setMinimum(1); timeZone = new QSpinBox; timeZone->setMaximum(18); timeZone->setMinimum(-18); longitude = new QLineEdit; altitude = new QLineEdit; check = new QCheckBox(tr("Sunsets sun values")); genAzimuthzenit = new QPushButton(tr("Zenit Azimuth generate")); genAzimuthzenit->setEnabled(false); QHBoxLayout * topLeftLayout = new QHBoxLayout; topLeftLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Date begin"))); topLeftLayout->addWidget(dateDebut); topLeftLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Date end"))); topLeftLayout->addWidget(dateFin); QHBoxLayout * topLeftLayout1 = new QHBoxLayout; topLeftLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Periode"))); topLeftLayout1->addWidget(periode); topLeftLayout1->addWidget(cbb); topLeftLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel); topLeftLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Time zone"))); topLeftLayout1->addWidget(timeZone); QHBoxLayout *topLeftLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout; topLeftLayout2->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Longitude"))); topLeftLayout2->addWidget(longitude); topLeftLayout2->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Latitude"))); topLeftLayout2->addWidget(altitude); QVBoxLayout *leftLayout = new QVBoxLayout; leftLayout->addLayout(topLeftLayout); leftLayout->addLayout(topLeftLayout1); leftLayout->addLayout(topLeftLayout2); leftLayout->addWidget(check); leftLayout->addWidget(genAzimuthzenit); groupBoxInfo->setLayout(leftLayout); connect(genAzimuthzenit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(generateFile())); connect(longitude, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(longitudeEdit(QString))); connect(altitude, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(altitudeEdit(QString))); }
void CompilGenerator::generateObject(const ObjectSPtr& pObject) { switch (pObject->runtimeObjectId().value()) { case EObjectId::kImport: { ImportSPtr pImport = boost::static_pointer_cast<Import>(pObject); generateImport(pImport); break; } case EObjectId::kEnumeration: { EnumerationSPtr pEnumeration = boost::static_pointer_cast<Enumeration>(pObject); generateEnumerationPrefix(pEnumeration); const std::vector<EnumerationValueSPtr>& enumerationValues = pEnumeration->enumerationValues(); std::vector<EnumerationValueSPtr>::const_iterator it; for (it = enumerationValues.begin(); it != enumerationValues.end(); ++it) { generateEnumerationValuePrefix(*it); generateEnumerationValueSuffix(*it); } generateEnumerationSuffix(pEnumeration); break; } case EObjectId::kSpecimen: { SpecimenSPtr pSpecimen = boost::static_pointer_cast<Specimen>(pObject); generateSpecimenPrefix(pSpecimen); generateSpecimenSuffix(pSpecimen); break; } case EObjectId::kFactory: { FactorySPtr pFactory = boost::static_pointer_cast<Factory>(pObject); generateFactoryPrefix(pFactory); generateFactorySuffix(pFactory); break; } case EObjectId::kFile: { FileSPtr file = boost::static_pointer_cast<File>(pObject); generateFile(file); break; } case EObjectId::kStructure: { StructureSPtr pStructure = boost::static_pointer_cast<Structure>(pObject); generateStructurePrefix(pStructure); generateObjects(pStructure->objects()); generateStructureSuffix(pStructure); break; } case EObjectId::kAlter: break; case EObjectId::kField: { FieldSPtr pField = boost::static_pointer_cast<Field>(pObject); generateFieldPrefix(pField); generateFieldSuffix(pField); break; } case EObjectId::kIdentification: { IdentificationSPtr pIdentification = boost::static_pointer_cast<Identification>(pObject); generateIdentificationPrefix(pIdentification); generateIdentificationSuffix(pIdentification); break; } case EObjectId::kInterface: { InterfaceSPtr pInterface = boost::static_pointer_cast<Interface>(pObject); generateInterfacePrefix(pInterface); generateObjects(pInterface->objects()); generateInterfaceSuffix(pInterface); break; } case EObjectId::kMethod: { MethodSPtr pMethod = boost::static_pointer_cast<Method>(pObject); generateMethodPrefix(pMethod); generateObjects(pMethod->objects()); generateMethodSuffix(pMethod); break; } case EObjectId::kParameter: { ParameterSPtr pParameter = boost::static_pointer_cast<Parameter>(pObject); generateParameterPrefix(pParameter); generateParameterSuffix(pParameter); break; } default: assert(false); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int cnt; const char *fileName; int startadr; int endadr; FILE *outputFile; // default/initial options fileName = NULL; startadr = -1; endadr = -1; for(cnt=1; cnt<argc; cnt++) { if( !strcmp(argv[cnt],"-o") ) { if(++cnt>=argc) { fprintf( stderr, "No Arg for '-o'!\n"); exit(1); } fileName=argv[cnt]; } else if( !strcmp(argv[cnt],"-s") ) { if(++cnt>=argc) { fprintf( stderr, "No Arg for '-s'!\n"); exit(1); } if ( sscanf(argv[cnt],"%i",&startadr)!=1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Funny Arg for '-s'\n"); exit(1); } if( startadr<0 || startadr>=0x010000 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Startaddress must be >=0x0000 and <=0xffff ! Startaddress is: 0x%04x\n", startadr); exit(1); } } else if( !strcmp(argv[cnt],"-e") ) { if(++cnt>=argc) { fprintf( stderr, "No Arg for '-e'!\n"); exit(1); } if ( sscanf(argv[cnt],"%i",&endadr)!=1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Funny Arg for '-e'\n"); exit(1); } if( endadr<0 || endadr>=0x010000 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Endaddress must be >=0x0000 and <=0xffff ! Endaddress is: 0x%04x\n", endadr); exit(1); } } else if( !strcmp(argv[cnt],"--help") ) { showHelp(); exit(0); } else { showHelp(); exit(1); } } if( startadr==-1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "No startaddress provided!\n"); exit(1); } if( endadr==-1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "No endaddress provided!\n"); exit(1); } if( startadr>=endadr ) { fprintf( stderr, "Startaddress must be smaller than endaddress! Startaddress is: 0x%04x. Endaddress is: 0x%04x\n", startadr, endadr); exit(1); } if( fileName==NULL ) { outputFile = stdout; } else if( (outputFile=fopen(fileName,"wb"))==NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error opening output file \"%s\"!\n", fileName); exit(1); } generateFile(outputFile, startadr, endadr); if( fileName!=NULL ) { fclose( outputFile ); } exit(0); }