void hkvTagfileAsset::getInternalProperties(hkvPropertyList& properties, hkvProperty::Purpose purpose) const
  int iFlags = (purpose == hkvProperty::PURPOSE_USER_INTERFACE_READ_ONLY) ? hkvProperty::FLAG_READ_ONLY : 0;
  if (purpose == hkvProperty::PURPOSE_SERIALIZATION)
    m_tagfiles[0].getTagfileEntryProperties(properties, purpose);
    const TagfileEntry& entry = m_tagfiles[0];
    hkStringBuf absSourcePath;

    hkStringBuf relAssetFolder;

    hkStringBuf name = getName();

    hkStringBuf relTargetPath;
    entry.getRelativeTargetPath(relTargetPath, relAssetFolder, name);

    const char* absLibraryPath = getOwnerLibrary()->getPath();
    hkStringBuf absTargetPath = absLibraryPath;

    entry.getTagfileEntryProperties(properties, purpose, absSourcePath, absTargetPath, absLibraryPath);
bool ProjectPanel::buildTreeFrom(TiXmlNode *projectRoot, HTREEITEM hParentItem)
    for (TiXmlNode *childNode = projectRoot->FirstChildElement();
            childNode ;
            childNode = childNode->NextSibling())
        const TCHAR *v = childNode->Value();
        if (lstrcmp(TEXT("Folder"), v) == 0)
            HTREEITEM addedItem = _treeView.addItem((childNode->ToElement())->Attribute(TEXT("name")), hParentItem, INDEX_CLOSED_NODE);
            if (!childNode->NoChildren())
                bool isOK = buildTreeFrom(childNode, addedItem);
                if (!isOK)
                    return false;
        else if (lstrcmp(TEXT("File"), v) == 0)
            const TCHAR *strValue = (childNode->ToElement())->Attribute(TEXT("name"));
            generic_string fullPath = getAbsoluteFilePath(strValue);
            TCHAR *strValueLabel = ::PathFindFileName(strValue);
            int iImage = ::PathFileExists(fullPath.c_str())?INDEX_LEAF:INDEX_LEAF_INVALID;
            _treeView.addItem(strValueLabel, hParentItem, iImage, fullPath.c_str());
    return true;
Beispiel #3
void ProcessLister::handleProcessInformationAndAddToList( PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION pProcess )
    Process process;
    WCHAR tempProcessName[MAX_PATH*2] = {0};

    process.PID = (DWORD)pProcess->UniqueProcessId;

    HANDLE hProcess = ProcessAccessHelp::NativeOpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION|PROCESS_VM_READ, process.PID);

    if (hProcess)
        ProcessType processType = checkIsProcess64(hProcess);

#ifdef _WIN64
        if (processType == PROCESS_64)
        if (processType == PROCESS_32)
            process.sessionId = pProcess->SessionId;

            memcpy(tempProcessName, pProcess->ImageName.Buffer, pProcess->ImageName.Length);
            wcscpy_s(process.filename, tempProcessName);

            getAbsoluteFilePath(hProcess, &process);
            process.pebAddress = getPebAddressFromProcess(hProcess);
            getProcessImageInformation(hProcess, &process);

Beispiel #4
 * Helper function for constructor.  Creates all the new tables for a
 * psm file.  Requires that the database has been successfully opened.
 * Sets the _blibSearchID.
void PsmFile::createTables(const ops::variables_map& options_table){

    SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT("BEGIN", db_);

    char zSql[2048];

    Verbosity::status("Creating results tables.");

    //create msExperiment and msExperimentRun
    if(!SqliteRoutine::TABLE_EXISTS("msExperiment", db_)) {
        strcpy(zSql, "create table msExperiment"
               "(id INTEGER primary key autoincrement not null,"
               "serverAddress TEXT, serverDirectory TEXT, uploadDate TEXT, "
               "lastUpdate TEXT)");
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
    if(!SqliteRoutine::TABLE_EXISTS("msExperimentRun", db_)) {
        strcpy(zSql,"create table msExperimentRun(experimentID INTEGER, "
               "runID INTEGER, primary key(experimentID, runID))");
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
    //create msSearch table
    if(!SqliteRoutine::TABLE_EXISTS("msSearch", db_)) {
        strcpy(zSql, "create table msSearch(id INTEGER primary key autoincrement "
               "not null, "
               "experimentID INTEGER, expDate TEXT, serverDirectory TEXT, "
               "analysisProgramName TEXT, analysisProgramVersion TEXT, "
               "uploadDate TEXT)");
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
    } else { 
        // delete existing results

    //fill in the msSearch table
    //get path
    char szFile[1024];
    char* result = getcwd(szFile,1024);

    //get search time
    time_t t= time(NULL);
    char* date = ctime(&t);

    sprintf(zSql,"insert into msSearch(serverDirectory, analysisProgramName,"
            "analysisProgramVersion, uploadDate) "
            "values('%s','BlibSearch','1.0','%s')", result, date);
    SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);

    int searchID = (int)sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db_);

    //create msRunSearch table
    if(!SqliteRoutine::TABLE_EXISTS("msRunSearch", db_)) {
        strcpy(zSql, "create table msRunSearch(id INTEGER primary key "
               "autoincrement not null, "
               "runID INTEGER, searchID INTEGER, originalFileType TEXT, "
               "searchDate TEXT, "
               "searchDuration INTEGER, uploadDate TEXT)");
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
        zSql[0] = '\0';
    //insert into msRunSearch
    sprintf(zSql, "insert into msRunSearch(runID,searchID, searchDate, "
            "uploadDate) values (1,%d,'%s','%s')",
    SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);

    int runSearchID = (int)sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db_);

    //create BiblioLibrary table
    if(!SqliteRoutine::TABLE_EXISTS("BiblioLibrary", db_)) {
        strcpy(zSql, "create table BiblioLibrary(id INTEGER primary key "
               "autoincrement not null,"
               "searchID INTEGER, name VARCHAR(255))");
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
    } else {
        Verbosity::error("The BiblioLibrary table exists and it shouldn't.");

    //insert into BiblioLibrary table
    vector<string> libfilenames = options_table["library"].as< vector<string> >();
    for(size_t i = 0; i < libfilenames.size(); i++) {
        string libname = getAbsoluteFilePath(libfilenames.at(i));
        sprintf(zSql, "insert into BiblioLibrary(searchID,name) values(%d,'%s')",
                searchID, libname.c_str());
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
    //create BiblioParams table
    if(!SqliteRoutine::TABLE_EXISTS("BiblioParmas", db_)) {
        strcpy(zSql, "create table BiblioParams(id INTEGER primary key "
               "autoincrement not null, "
               "searchID INTEGER,param VARCHAR(255),value REAL)");
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
    } else {
        Verbosity::error("The BiblioParams table exists and it shouldn't.");
    // replace with other options
    //fill in BiblioParams table
    ops::variables_map::const_iterator i;
    for(i = options_table.begin(); i != options_table.end(); ++i) {

        const ops::variable_value& v = i->second;
        if( ! v.empty() ) {
            const type_info& type = v.value().type();
            if( type == typeid(int) ) {
                sprintf(zSql, "insert into BiblioParams(searchID, param, value) "
                        searchID, (i->first).c_str(), v.as<int>());

            } else if( type == typeid(bool) ) {
                sprintf(zSql, "insert into BiblioParams(searchID, param, value) "
                        searchID, (i->first).c_str(), (int)v.as<bool>());

            } else if( type == typeid(double) ) {
                sprintf(zSql, "insert into BiblioParams(searchID, param, value) "
                        searchID, (i->first).c_str(), v.as<double>());

            }  // else don't use values of any other types

            SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
            zSql[0] = '\0';
        } // else don't insert empty values
    } // next value

    //create table BiblioSpecSpectrumData
    if(!SqliteRoutine::TABLE_EXISTS("BiblioSpecSpectrumData", db_)) {
        strcpy(zSql, "create table BiblioSpecSpectrumData (scanID INTERGER,"
               "runSearchID INTEGER, numLibraryMatches REAL, binSize REAL, "
               "shape REAL, scale REAL, fraction2fit REAL, "
               "weibullHistogram BLOB, primary key(scanID,runSearchID))");
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
    } else {
        Verbosity::error( "Table BiblioSpecSpectrumData exists and shouldn't.");
    //create table msRunSearchResult
    if(!SqliteRoutine::TABLE_EXISTS("msRunSearchResult", db_)) {
        strcpy(zSql, "create table msRunSearchResult(id INTEGER primary key "
               "autoincrement not null, "
               "runSearchID INTEGER, scanID INTEGER, charge INTEGER, "
               "peptide VARCHAR(255), preResidue CHAR(1), postResidue CHAR(1), "
               "validationStatus CHAR(1))");
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
    if(!SqliteRoutine::TABLE_EXISTS("BiblioSpecSearchResult", db_)) {
        strcpy(zSql, "create table BiblioSpecSearchResult(resultID INTEGER "
               "primary key, "
               "bsSpectrumID INTEGER, bslibraryID INTEGER, rank INTEGER, "
               "dotProductScore REAL, "
               "weibullPValue REAL, PeptideModSeq VARCHAR(255))");
        SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_);
    } else {
        Verbosity::error("Table BiblioSpecSearchResult exists and shouldn't.");
    SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT("COMMIT", db_);
    blibRunSearchID_ = runSearchID;
