Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int listenfd, connectfd;
  struct sockaddr_in host_addr, pin_addr;
  int pin_addr_size;
  pthread_t multiCS;
  ADDR_ARG *arg = NULL;

  createSocket(&listenfd, 0);
  initHostAddr(&host_addr, myport);

  printf(" init ipaddress: %s\n", inet_ntoa(host_addr.sin_addr));
  bindPort(&listenfd, &host_addr);

  pin_addr_size = sizeof(pin_addr);
  while (1) {
    getAccept(&listenfd, &connectfd, &pin_addr, &pin_addr_size);

    arg = (ADDR_ARG *)malloc(sizeof(ADDR_ARG));
    arg->connectfd = connectfd;
    memcpy((void *)&arg->cli_addr, &pin_addr, sizeof(pin_addr));

    createPthread(&multiCS, start_talk, arg);

  return 0;
Beispiel #2
	const char *request::operator[](const char * val)
#define op(a) (strcmp(val, a) == 0)
		if (op("Accept"))              return getAccept();
		else if (op("Accept-Charset"))      return getAccept_Charset();
		else if (op("Accept-Encoding"))     return getAccept_Encoding();
		else if (op("Accept-Language"))     return getAccept_Language();
		else if (op("Authorization"))       return getAuthorization();
		else if (op("Expect"))              return getExpect();
		else if (op("From"))                return getFrom();
		else if (op("If-Match"))            return getIf_Match();
		else if (op("If-Modified-Since"))   return getIf_Modified_since();
		else if (op("If-None-Match"))       return getIf_None_Match();
		else if (op("If-Range"))            return getIf_Range();
		else if (op("If-Unmodified-Since")) return getIf_Unmodified_Since();
		else if (op("Max-Forwards"))        return getMax_Forwards();
		else if (op("Proxy-Authorization")) return getProxy_Authorization();
		else if (op("Range"))               return getRange();
		else if (op("Referer"))             return getReferrer();
		else if (op("TE"))                  return getTE();
		else if (op("User-Agent"))          return getUser_Agent();
		else if (op("URI"))                 return this->URI;
		return NULL;
#undef op
Beispiel #3
 // Function: send_headers
 // Send HTTP headers sends all the HTTP headers down the stream.
 void send_headers(std::ostream& stream) const
       << "Host: " << getHost() << "\r\n"
       << "User-Agent: " << getUserAgent() << "\r\n"
       << "Connection: close\r\n";
    if(this->accept != "")
       stream << getAccept();