Beispiel #1
    void insertObjects(const char *ns, const vector<BSONObj> &objs, bool keepGoing, uint64_t flags, bool logop ) {
        StringData _ns(ns);
        if (NamespaceString::isSystem(_ns)) {
            massert(16748, "need transaction to run insertObjects", cc().txnStackSize() > 0);
            uassert(10095, "attempt to insert in reserved database name 'system'", nsToDatabaseSubstring(_ns) != "system");
            massert(16750, "attempted to insert multiple objects into a system namspace at once", objs.size() == 1);

            // Trying to insert into a system collection.  Fancy side-effects go here:
            if (nsToCollectionSubstring(ns) == "system.indexes") {
                BSONObj obj = stripDropDups(objs[0]);
                NamespaceDetails *d = getAndMaybeCreateNS(obj["ns"].Stringdata(), logop);
                bool ok = d->ensureIndex(obj);
                if (!ok) {
                    // Already had that index

                // Now we have to actually insert that document into system.indexes, we may have
                // modified it with stripDropDups.
                vector<BSONObj> newObjs;
                _insertObjects(ns, newObjs, keepGoing, flags, logop);
            } else if (!legalClientSystemNS(ns, true)) {
                uasserted(16459, str::stream() << "attempt to insert in system namespace '" << ns << "'");
        _insertObjects(ns, objs, keepGoing, flags, logop);
Beispiel #2
 static int handle_system_collection_insert(const char *ns, const BSONObj &obj, bool logop) {
     // Trying to insert into a system collection.  Fancy side-effects go here:
     // TODO: see insert_checkSys
     if (mongoutils::str::endsWith(ns, ".system.indexes")) {
         // obj is something like this:
         // { _id: ObjectId('511d34f6d3080c48017a14d0'), ns: "test.leif", key: { a: -1.0 }, name: "a_-1", unique: true }
         const string &coll = obj["ns"].String();
         NamespaceDetails *details = getAndMaybeCreateNS(coll.c_str(), logop);
         BSONObj key = obj["key"].Obj();
         int i = details->findIndexByKeyPattern(key);
         if (i >= 0) {
             return ASSERT_ID_DUPKEY;
         } else {
     } else if (legalClientSystemNS(ns, true)) {
         if (mongoutils::str::endsWith(ns, ".system.users")) {
             uassert( 14051 , "system.users entry needs 'user' field to be a string", obj["user"].type() == String );
             uassert( 14052 , "system.users entry needs 'pwd' field to be a string", obj["pwd"].type() == String );
             uassert( 14053 , "system.users entry needs 'user' field to be non-empty", obj["user"].String().size() );
             uassert( 14054 , "system.users entry needs 'pwd' field to be non-empty", obj["pwd"].String().size() );
     } else {
         uasserted(16459, str::stream() << "attempt to insert in system namespace '" << ns << "'");
     return 0;
Beispiel #3
    void insertObjects(const char *ns, const vector<BSONObj> &objs, bool keepGoing, uint64_t flags, bool logop ) {
        if (mongoutils::str::contains(ns, "system.")) {
            massert(16748, "need transaction to run insertObjects", cc().txnStackSize() > 0);
            uassert(10095, "attempt to insert in reserved database name 'system'", !mongoutils::str::startsWith(ns, "system."));
            massert(16750, "attempted to insert multiple objects into a system namspace at once", objs.size() == 1);
            if (handle_system_collection_insert(ns, objs[0], logop) != 0) {

        NamespaceDetails *details = getAndMaybeCreateNS(ns, logop);
        NamespaceDetailsTransient *nsdt = &NamespaceDetailsTransient::get(ns);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
            const BSONObj &obj = objs[i];
            try {
                uassert( 10059 , "object to insert too large", obj.objsize() <= BSONObjMaxUserSize);
                BSONObjIterator i( obj );
                while ( i.more() ) {
                    BSONElement e =;
                    uassert( 13511 , "document to insert can't have $ fields" , e.fieldName()[0] != '$' );
                uassert( 16440 ,  "_id cannot be an array", obj["_id"].type() != Array );

                BSONObj objModified = obj;
                if (details->isCapped() && logop) {
                    // unfortunate hack we need for capped collections
                    // we do this because the logic for generating the pk
                    // and what subsequent rows to delete are buried in the
                    // namespace details object. There is probably a nicer way
                    // to do this, but this works.
                    details->insertObjectIntoCappedAndLogOps(objModified, flags);
                    if (nsdt != NULL) {
                else {
                    insertOneObject(details, nsdt, objModified, flags); // may add _id field
                    if (logop) {
                        OpLogHelpers::logInsert(ns, objModified, &cc().txn());
            } catch (const UserException &) {
                if (!keepGoing || i == objs.size() - 1) {
Beispiel #4
    // Does not check magic system collection inserts.
    void _insertObjects(const char *ns, const vector<BSONObj> &objs, bool keepGoing, uint64_t flags, bool logop ) {
        NamespaceDetails *details = getAndMaybeCreateNS(ns, logop);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
            const BSONObj &obj = objs[i];
            try {
                uassert( 10059 , "object to insert too large", obj.objsize() <= BSONObjMaxUserSize);
                BSONObjIterator i( obj );
                while ( i.more() ) {
                    BSONElement e =;
                    // check no $ modifiers.  note we only check top level.
                    // (scanning deep would be quite expensive)
                    uassert( 13511 , "document to insert can't have $ fields" , e.fieldName()[0] != '$' );

                    // check no regexp for _id (SERVER-9502)
                    if (str::equals(e.fieldName(), "_id")) {
                        uassert(17033, "can't use a regex for _id", e.type() != RegEx);
                uassert( 16440 ,  "_id cannot be an array", obj["_id"].type() != Array );

                BSONObj objModified = obj;
                if (details->isCapped() && logop) {
                    // unfortunate hack we need for capped collections
                    // we do this because the logic for generating the pk
                    // and what subsequent rows to delete are buried in the
                    // namespace details object. There is probably a nicer way
                    // to do this, but this works.
                    details->insertObjectIntoCappedAndLogOps(objModified, flags);
                else {
                    insertOneObject(details, objModified, flags); // may add _id field
                    if (logop) {
                        OpLogHelpers::logInsert(ns, objModified);
            } catch (const UserException &) {
                if (!keepGoing || i == objs.size() - 1) {
Beispiel #5
    UpdateResult _updateObjects( const char* ns,
                                 const BSONObj& updateobj,
                                 const BSONObj& patternOrig,
                                 bool upsert,
                                 bool multi,
                                 bool logop ,
                                 OpDebug& debug,
                                 bool fromMigrate,
                                 const QueryPlanSelectionPolicy& planPolicy ) {

        TOKULOG(2) << "update: " << ns
                   << " update: " << updateobj
                   << " query: " << patternOrig
                   << " upsert: " << upsert << " multi: " << multi << endl;

        debug.updateobj = updateobj;

        NamespaceDetails *d = getAndMaybeCreateNS(ns, logop);

        auto_ptr<ModSet> mods;
        const bool isOperatorUpdate = updateobj.firstElementFieldName()[0] == '$';
        bool modsAreIndexed = false;

        if ( isOperatorUpdate ) {
            if ( d->indexBuildInProgress() ) {
                set<string> bgKeys;
                mods.reset( new ModSet(updateobj, d->indexKeys(), &bgKeys) );
            else {
                mods.reset( new ModSet(updateobj, d->indexKeys()) );
            modsAreIndexed = mods->isIndexed();

        int idIdxNo = -1;
        if ( planPolicy.permitOptimalIdPlan() && !multi && !modsAreIndexed &&
             (idIdxNo = d->findIdIndex()) >= 0 && mayUpdateById(d, patternOrig) ) {
            debug.idhack = true;
            IndexDetails &idx = d->idx(idIdxNo);
            BSONObj pk = idx.getKeyFromQuery(patternOrig);
            TOKULOG(3) << "_updateObjects using simple _id query, pattern " << patternOrig << ", pk " << pk << endl;
            UpdateResult result = _updateById( pk,
            if ( result.existing || ! upsert ) {
                return result;
            else if ( upsert && ! isOperatorUpdate && ! logop) {
                debug.upsert = true;
                BSONObj objModified = updateobj;
                insertAndLog( ns, d, objModified, logop, fromMigrate );
                return UpdateResult( 0 , 0 , 1 , updateobj );

        int numModded = 0;
        debug.nscanned = 0;
        shared_ptr<Cursor> c = getOptimizedCursor( ns, patternOrig, BSONObj(), planPolicy );

        if( c->ok() ) {
            set<BSONObj> seenObjects;
            MatchDetails details;
            auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc;
            do {


                if ( mods.get() && mods->hasDynamicArray() ) {
                    // The Cursor must have a Matcher to record an elemMatchKey.  But currently
                    // a modifier on a dynamic array field may be applied even if there is no
                    // elemMatchKey, so a matcher cannot be required.
                    //verify( c->matcher() );

                if ( !c->currentMatches( &details ) ) {

                BSONObj currPK = c->currPK();
                if ( c->getsetdup( currPK ) ) {

                BSONObj currentObj = c->current();
                BSONObj pattern = patternOrig;

                if ( logop ) {
                    BSONObjBuilder idPattern;
                    BSONElement id;
                    // NOTE: If the matching object lacks an id, we'll log
                    // with the original pattern.  This isn't replay-safe.
                    // It might make sense to suppress the log instead
                    // if there's no id.
                    if ( currentObj.getObjectID( id ) ) {
                        idPattern.append( id );
                        pattern = idPattern.obj();
                    else {
                        uassert( 10157 ,  "multi-update requires all modified objects to have an _id" , ! multi );

                /* look for $inc etc.  note as listed here, all fields to inc must be this type, you can't set some
                   regular ones at the moment. */
                struct LogOpUpdateDetails loud;
                loud.logop = logop;
                loud.ns = ns;
                loud.fromMigrate = fromMigrate;
                if ( isOperatorUpdate ) {

                    if ( multi ) {
                        // Make our own copies of the currPK and currentObj before we invalidate
                        // them by advancing the cursor.
                        currPK = currPK.copy();
                        currentObj = currentObj.copy();

                        // Advance past the document to be modified. This used to be because of SERVER-5198,
                        // but TokuMX does it because we want to avoid needing to do manual deduplication
                        // of this PK on the next iteration if the current update modifies the next
                        // entry in the index. For example, an index scan over a:1 with mod {$inc: {a:1}}
                        // would cause every other key read to be a duplicate if we didn't advance here.
                        while ( c->ok() && currPK == c->currPK() ) {

                        // Multi updates need to do their own deduplication because updates may modify the
                        // keys the cursor is in the process of scanning over.
                        if ( seenObjects.count( currPK ) ) {
                        } else {
                            seenObjects.insert( currPK );

                    ModSet* useMods = mods.get();

                    auto_ptr<ModSet> mymodset;
                    if ( details.hasElemMatchKey() && mods->hasDynamicArray() ) {
                        useMods = mods->fixDynamicArray( details.elemMatchKey() );
                        mymodset.reset( useMods );

                    auto_ptr<ModSetState> mss = useMods->prepare( currentObj );
                    updateUsingMods( d, currPK, currentObj, *mss, &loud );

                    if ( ! multi )
                        return UpdateResult( 1 , 1 , numModded , BSONObj() );

                } // end if operator is update

                uassert( 10158 ,  "multi update only works with $ operators" , ! multi );

                updateNoMods( d, currPK, currentObj, updateobj, &loud );

                return UpdateResult( 1 , 0 , 1 , BSONObj() );
            } while ( c->ok() );
        } // endif

        if ( numModded )
            return UpdateResult( 1 , 1 , numModded , BSONObj() );

        if ( upsert ) {
            BSONObj newObj = updateobj;
            if ( updateobj.firstElementFieldName()[0] == '$' ) {
                // upsert of an $operation. build a default object
                BSONObj newObj = mods->createNewFromQuery( patternOrig );
                debug.fastmodinsert = true;
                insertAndLog( ns, d, newObj, logop, fromMigrate );
                return UpdateResult( 0 , 1 , 1 , newObj );
            uassert( 10159 ,  "multi update only works with $ operators" , ! multi );
            debug.upsert = true;
            insertAndLog( ns, d, newObj, logop, fromMigrate );
            return UpdateResult( 0 , 0 , 1 , newObj );

        return UpdateResult( 0 , isOperatorUpdate , 0 , BSONObj() );