Residue::~Residue() { int i; if (name != NULL) { delete [] name; name = NULL; } if (resID != NULL) { delete [] resID; resID = NULL; } if (insertionName != NULL) { delete [] insertionName; insertionName = NULL; } // Delete the atom pointers, since that is the contract when they get passed in. for (i=0; i<getNumberAtoms(); i++) { if (getAtom(i) != NULL) { delete getAtom(i); setAtom(i, NULL); } } }
//------------------------------ double MolState::getGeomDifference(MolState& other) { double diff=0; for (int i=0; i<atoms.size(); i++) for (int j=0; j<CARTDIM; j++) // diff+=DeltaR^2[=DetaX^2+DeltaY^2+DeltaZ^2] diff+= (getAtom(i).getCoord(j)-other.getAtom(i).getCoord(j)) * (getAtom(i).getCoord(j)-other.getAtom(i).getCoord(j)); return diff; }
std::vector<int> MolpherMol::MolpherMolImpl::lockAtoms(const std::vector<int> &indices, int mask) { std::vector<int> ret; for (auto& i : indices) { getAtom(i)->setLockingMask(mask); ret.push_back(i); } return ret; }
std::vector<int> MolpherMol::MolpherMolImpl::lockAtoms(const std::string &SMARTS, int mask) { RDKit::RWMol *patt = RDKit::SmartsToMol(SMARTS); std::vector<RDKit::MatchVectType> hits_vect; std::vector<int> ret; if(RDKit::SubstructMatch(*rd_mol, *patt, hits_vect)) { for( size_t i = 0 ; i < hits_vect.size() ; ++i ) { for( size_t j = 0 ; j < hits_vect[i].size() ; ++j ) { int idx = hits_vect[i][j].second; getAtom(idx)->setLockingMask(mask); ret.push_back(idx); } } } return ret; }
void X11UIEngine::sendXClientMessage(XWindow window, long mask, long l0, long l1, long l2, long l3, long l4) { XClientMessageEvent xe; xe.type = XClientMessage; xe.window = window; xe.message_type = getAtom(X11_ATOM_WM_PROTOCOLS); xe.format = 32;[0] = l0;[1] = l1;[2] = l2;[3] = l3;[4] = l4; _XLib._XSendEvent(_display, window, false, mask, reinterpret_cast<XEvent*>(&xe)); }
XID X11UIEngine::getWMClientLeader() { if (_wmClientLeader) return _wmClientLeader; XSetWindowAttributes attr; long clientLeader = _XLib._XCreateWindow( _display, _root, -1, -1, 1, 1, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, 0UL, &attr); _XLib._XChangeProperty( _display, clientLeader, getAtom(X11_ATOM_WM_CLIENT_LEADER), XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char* )&clientLeader, 1); _wmClientLeader = static_cast<XID>(clientLeader); return _wmClientLeader; }
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MolpherAtom>> MolpherMol::MolpherMolImpl::getNeighbors(int idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= atoms.size()) { std::runtime_error("No such atom. Index out of range: " + std::to_string(idx)); } RDKit::ROMol& mol = *rd_mol; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MolpherAtom>> neighbors; RDKit::ROMol::ADJ_ITER beg, end; boost::tie(beg, end) = mol.getAtomNeighbors(mol.getAtomWithIdx(idx)); while (beg != end) { RDKit::Atom *neighbor = mol[*beg]; neighbors.push_back(getAtom(neighbor->getIdx())); ++beg; } return neighbors; }
void MolpherMol::MolpherMolImpl::lockAtom(int idx, int mask) { std::shared_ptr<MolpherAtom> atom = getAtom(idx); atom->setLockingMask(mask); mask = atom->getLockingMask(); if (mask & (MolpherAtom::KEEP_NEIGHBORS | MolpherAtom::KEEP_BONDS)) { for (auto ngh : getNeighbors(idx)) { if (mask & MolpherAtom::KEEP_NEIGHBORS) { ngh->setLockingMask(ngh->getLockingMask() | MolpherAtom::NO_MUTATION | MolpherAtom::NO_REMOVAL); } if (mask & MolpherAtom::KEEP_BONDS) { ngh->setLockingMask(ngh->getLockingMask() | MolpherAtom::NO_REMOVAL); } } } }
void LFSCCnfProof::printAtomMapping(std::ostream& os, std::ostream& paren) { ProofManager::var_iterator it = ProofManager::currentPM()->begin_vars(); ProofManager::var_iterator end = ProofManager::currentPM()->end_vars(); for (;it != end; ++it) { os << "(decl_atom "; if (ProofManager::currentPM()->getLogic().compare("QF_UF") == 0) { Expr atom = getAtom(*it); LFSCTheoryProof::printTerm(atom, os); } else { // print fake atoms for all other logics os << "true "; } os << " (\\ " << ProofManager::getVarName(*it) << " (\\ " << ProofManager::getAtomName(*it) << "\n"; paren << ")))"; } }
void ast_serialize(const ast_node_t ast,int(*func)(int,void*),void*param) { char*srcptr; /* if ast is nil, output '()' */ /*inside_lisp = 1;*/ if(ast==PRODUCTION_OK_BUT_EMPTY) { func('E', param); func('M', param); func('P', param); func('T', param); func('Y', param); func(0, param); return; } if(!ast) { func('(',param); func(')',param); /* if ast is pair, serialize list */ } else if(isPair(ast)) { func('(',param); if(ast->node_flags&IS_FOREST) { func('@',param); func(' ',param); } ast_ser_list(ast,func,param); func(')',param); /* if ast is atom, output atom */ } else if(isAtom(ast)) { srcptr=regstr(getAtom(ast)); while(*srcptr!=0) { escape_chr(&srcptr,func,param, _LISP); } /* *output+=strlen(getAtom(ast));*/ } func('\0',param); /*inside_lisp = 0;*/ }
//------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------ uint8_t GUI_XvInit(GUI_WindowInfo * window, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) { unsigned int ver, rel, req, ev, err; unsigned int port, adaptors; static XvAdaptorInfo *ai; static XvAdaptorInfo *curai; #if 0 win = gtk_widget_get_parent_window(window); xv_display = GDK_WINDOW_XDISPLAY(win); // xv_win= RootWindow(xv_display,0); xv_win = GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW(GTK_WIDGET(window)->window); #endif xv_display=(Display *)window->display; xv_win=window->window; #define WDN xv_display xv_port = 0; if (Success != XvQueryExtension(WDN, &ver, &rel, &req, &ev, &err)) { printf("\n Query Extension failed\n"); goto failed; } /* check for Xvideo support */ if (Success != XvQueryAdaptors(WDN, DefaultRootWindow(WDN), &adaptors, &ai)) { printf("\n Query Adaptor failed\n"); goto failed; } curai = ai; XvFormat *formats; // Dump infos port = 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; (!port) && (i < adaptors); i++) { /* XvPortID base_id; unsigned long num_ports; char type; char *name; unsigned long num_formats; XvFormat *formats; unsigned long num_adaptors; */ #ifdef VERBOSE_XV printf("\n_______________________________\n"); printf("\n Adaptor : %d", i); printf("\n Base ID : %ld", curai->base_id); printf("\n Nb Port : %lu", curai->num_ports); printf("\n Type : %d,", curai->type); #define CHECK(x) if(curai->type & x) printf("|"#x); CHECK(XvInputMask); CHECK(XvOutputMask); CHECK(XvVideoMask); CHECK(XvStillMask); CHECK(XvImageMask); printf("\n Name : %s", curai->name); printf("\n Num Adap : %lu", curai->num_adaptors); printf("\n Num fmt : %lu", curai->num_formats); #endif formats = curai->formats; // uint16_t k; for (k = 0; (k < curai->num_ports) && !port; k++) { if (GUI_XvList(WDN, k + curai->base_id, &xv_format)) port = k + curai->base_id; } curai++; } // if (!port) { printf("\n no port found"); goto failed; } #ifdef COLORSPACE_YV12 printf("\n Xv YV12 found at port :%d, format : %ld", port, xv_format); #else printf("\n Xv YUY2 found at port :%d, format : %ld", port, xv_format); #endif if (Success != XvGrabPort(WDN, port, 0)) goto failed; { xv_port = port; /* Display *display, XvPortID port, int id, char* data, int width, int height, XShmSegmentInfo *shminfo */ XSetWindowAttributes xswa; XWindowAttributes attribs; static Atom xv_atom; unsigned long xswamask; int erCode; /* check if colorkeying is needed */ xv_atom = getAtom( "XV_AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY" ); if(xv_atom!=None) { XvSetPortAttribute( xv_display, xv_port, xv_atom, 1 ); } else printf("No autopaint \n"); /* if we have to deal with colorkeying ... */ xvimage = XvShmCreateImage(WDN, xv_port, xv_format, 0, w, h, &Shminfo); Shminfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, xvimage->data_size, IPC_CREAT | 0777); if(Shminfo.shmid<=0) { printf("shmget failed\n"); } Shminfo.shmaddr = (char *) shmat(Shminfo.shmid, 0, 0); Shminfo.readOnly = False; if(Shminfo.shmaddr==(char *)-1) { printf("Shmat failed\n"); } xvimage->data = Shminfo.shmaddr; XShmAttach(WDN, &Shminfo); XSync(WDN, False); erCode=shmctl(Shminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); if(erCode) { printf("Shmctl failed :%d\n",erCode); } memset(xvimage->data, 0, xvimage->data_size); xv_xgc.graphics_exposures = False; xv_gc = XCreateGC(xv_display, xv_win, 0L, &xv_xgc); //ADM_assert(BadWindow!=XSelectInput(xv_display, xv_win, ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask)); } printf("\n Xv init succeedeed\n"); return 1; failed: printf("\n Xv init failed..\n"); return 0; }
void Feld::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { int i, j, x, y; QPainter paint ( this ); paint.setPen (black); // spielfeld gleich zeichnen for (i = 0; i < FIELD_SIZE; i++) { for (j = 0; j < FIELD_SIZE; j++) { if(moving && i == xpos && j == ypos) continue; x = i * 30; y = j * 30; // zeichnet Randstücke if (feld [i] [j] == 254) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::None, true); continue; } if (feld[i][j] == 150) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::MoveUp); continue; } if (feld[i][j] == 151) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::MoveLeft); continue; } if (feld[i][j] == 152) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::MoveDown); continue; } if (feld[i][j] == 153) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::MoveRight); continue; } // zeichnet Atome if (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj <= '9' && getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj > '0') { bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj - '1') * 31, 0, 30, 30, CopyROP); } // zeichnet Kristalle if (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj == 'o') { bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, 31, 93, 30, 30, CopyROP); } // verbindungen zeichnen if (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj <= '9' || getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj == 'o') for (int c = 0; c < MAX_CONNS_PER_ATOM; c++) { char conn = getAtom(feld [i] [j]).conn[c]; if (!conn) break; if (conn >= 'a' && conn <= 'a' + 8) bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (conn - 'a') * 31, 31, 30, 30, XorROP); else bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (conn - 'A') * 31, 62, 30, 30, XorROP); } // zeichnet Verbindungsstäbe if (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj >= 'A' && getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj <= 'F') bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj - 'A' + 2) * 31 , 93, 30, 30, CopyROP); } } }
void STSDAtom::ReadVideoDescription() { uint64 descBytesLeft; // read in Video Sample Data VideoDescriptionV0 *aVideoDescription; aVideoDescription = new VideoDescriptionV0; Read(&aVideoDescription->basefields.Size); Read(&aVideoDescription->basefields.DataFormat); Read(aVideoDescription->basefields.Reserved,6); Read(&aVideoDescription->basefields.DataReference); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.Version); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.Revision); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.Vendor); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.TemporaralQuality); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.SpacialQuality); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.Width); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.Height); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.HorizontalResolution); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.VerticalResolution); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.DataSize); // FrameCount is actually No of Frames per Sample which is usually 1 Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.FrameCount); Read(aVideoDescription->desc.CompressorName,32); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.Depth); Read(&aVideoDescription->desc.ColourTableID); aVideoDescription->VOLSize = 0; aVideoDescription->theVOL = NULL; theVideoDescArray[0] = aVideoDescription; descBytesLeft = getBytesRemaining(); // May be a VOL // If not then seek back to where we are as it may be a complete new video description if (descBytesLeft > 0) { off_t pos = theStream->Position(); // More extended atoms AtomBase *aAtomBase = getAtom(theStream); aAtomBase->OnProcessMetaData(); printf("%s\n",aAtomBase->getAtomName()); if (dynamic_cast<ESDSAtom *>(aAtomBase)) { // ESDS atom good aVideoDescription->VOLSize = aAtomBase->getDataSize(); aVideoDescription->theVOL = (uint8 *)(malloc(aVideoDescription->VOLSize)); memcpy(aVideoDescription->theVOL,dynamic_cast<ESDSAtom *>(aAtomBase)->getVOL(),aVideoDescription->VOLSize); } else { // Seek Back theStream->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); } delete aAtomBase; } PRINT(("Size:Format=%ld:%ld %Ld\n",aVideoDescription->basefields.Size,aVideoDescription->basefields.DataFormat,getBytesRemaining())); }
void STSDAtom::ReadSoundDescription() { uint64 descBytesLeft; SoundDescriptionV1 *aSoundDescriptionV1; aSoundDescriptionV1 = new SoundDescriptionV1; Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->basefields.Size); Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->basefields.DataFormat); Read(aSoundDescriptionV1->basefields.Reserved,6); Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->basefields.DataReference); aSoundDescriptionV1->VOLSize = 0; aSoundDescriptionV1->theVOL = NULL; // Read in Audio Sample Data // We place into a V1 description even though it might be a V0 or earlier Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.Version); Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.Revision); Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.Vendor); Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.NoOfChannels); Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.SampleSize); Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.CompressionID); Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.PacketSize); Read(&aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.SampleRate); if ((aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.Version == 1) && (aSoundDescriptionV1->basefields.DataFormat != AUDIO_IMA4)) { Read(&(aSoundDescriptionV1->samplesPerPacket)); Read(&(aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerPacket)); Read(&(aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerFrame)); Read(&(aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerSample)); } else { // Calculate? if (aSoundDescriptionV1->basefields.DataFormat == AUDIO_IMA4) { aSoundDescriptionV1->samplesPerPacket = 64; aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerFrame = aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.NoOfChannels * 34; aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerSample = aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.SampleSize / 8; aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerPacket = 64 * aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerFrame; } else { aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerSample = aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.SampleSize / 8; aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerFrame = aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.NoOfChannels * aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerSample; aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerPacket = aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.PacketSize; aSoundDescriptionV1->samplesPerPacket = aSoundDescriptionV1->desc.PacketSize / aSoundDescriptionV1->bytesPerFrame; } } // 0 means we dont have one aSoundDescriptionV1->theWaveFormat.format_tag = 0; descBytesLeft = getBytesRemaining(); while (descBytesLeft > 0) { // More extended atoms AtomBase *aAtomBase = getAtom(theStream); aAtomBase->OnProcessMetaData(); printf("%s\n",aAtomBase->getAtomName()); if (dynamic_cast<WAVEAtom *>(aAtomBase)) { // WAVE atom aSoundDescriptionV1->theWaveFormat = dynamic_cast<WAVEAtom *>(aAtomBase)->getWaveFormat(); } if (dynamic_cast<ESDSAtom *>(aAtomBase)) { // ESDS atom good aSoundDescriptionV1->VOLSize = aAtomBase->getDataSize(); aSoundDescriptionV1->theVOL = (uint8 *)(malloc(aSoundDescriptionV1->VOLSize)); memcpy(aSoundDescriptionV1->theVOL,dynamic_cast<ESDSAtom *>(aAtomBase)->getVOL(),aSoundDescriptionV1->VOLSize); } if ((aAtomBase->getAtomSize() > 0) && (descBytesLeft >= aAtomBase->getAtomSize())) { descBytesLeft = descBytesLeft - aAtomBase->getAtomSize(); } else { DEBUGGER("Invalid Atom found when reading Sound Description\n"); descBytesLeft = 0; } delete aAtomBase; } theAudioDescArray[0] = aSoundDescriptionV1; PRINT(("Size:Format=%ld:%ld %Ld\n",aSoundDescriptionV1->basefields.Size,aSoundDescriptionV1->basefields.DataFormat,descBytesLeft)); }
void CMOVAtom::OnProcessMetaData() { BMallocIO *theUncompressedData; uint8 *outBuffer; CMVDAtom *aCMVDAtom = NULL; uint32 compressionID = 0; uint64 descBytesLeft; uint32 Size; descBytesLeft = getAtomSize(); // Check for Compression Type while (descBytesLeft > 0) { AtomBase *aAtomBase = getAtom(theStream); aAtomBase->OnProcessMetaData(); printf("%s [%Ld]\n",aAtomBase->getAtomName(),aAtomBase->getAtomSize()); if (aAtomBase->getAtomSize() > 0) { descBytesLeft = descBytesLeft - aAtomBase->getAtomSize(); } else { printf("Invalid Atom found when reading Compressed Headers\n"); descBytesLeft = 0; } if (dynamic_cast<DCOMAtom *>(aAtomBase)) { // DCOM atom compressionID = dynamic_cast<DCOMAtom *>(aAtomBase)->getCompressionID(); delete aAtomBase; } else { if (dynamic_cast<CMVDAtom *>(aAtomBase)) { // CMVD atom aCMVDAtom = dynamic_cast<CMVDAtom *>(aAtomBase); descBytesLeft = 0; } } } // Decompress data if (compressionID == 'zlib') { Size = aCMVDAtom->getUncompressedSize(); outBuffer = (uint8 *)(malloc(Size)); printf("Decompressing %ld bytes to %ld bytes\n",aCMVDAtom->getBufferSize(),Size); int result = uncompress(outBuffer, &Size, aCMVDAtom->getCompressedData(), aCMVDAtom->getBufferSize()); if (result != Z_OK) { printf("Failed to decompress headers uncompress returned "); switch (result) { case Z_MEM_ERROR: DEBUGGER("Lack of Memory Error\n"); break; case Z_BUF_ERROR: DEBUGGER("Lack of Output buffer space Error\n"); break; case Z_DATA_ERROR: DEBUGGER("Input Data is corrupt or not a compressed set Error\n"); break; } } // Copy uncompressed data into BMAllocIO theUncompressedData = new BMallocIO(); theUncompressedData->SetSize(Size); theUncompressedData->WriteAt(0L,outBuffer,Size); free(outBuffer); delete aCMVDAtom; // reset position on BMAllocIO theUncompressedData->Seek(SEEK_SET,0L); // Assign to Stream theUncompressedStream = theUncompressedData; // All subsequent reads should use theUncompressedStream } }
//------------------------------ bool MolState::Read() { int i,j,k,l; char tmpCh; std::string tmp_str, tmp_atomName; std::istringstream tmp_iStr; Atom tmp_atom; //------------ Read IP (if provided) ---------------------------------- if ( xmlF.CheckSubNode("ip") ) { xmlF.node("ip"); energy = xmlF.getDoubleValue(); xmlF.stepBack(); } //------------ Read the Geometry -------------------------------------- xmlF.node("geometry"); int tmp_nAtoms, tmp_nNormMds; tmp_nAtoms=xmlF.getIntValue("number_of_atoms"); std::string units; units=xmlF.value("units"); ifLinear= xmlF.getBoolValue("linear"); if (ifLinear) tmp_nNormMds = (3*tmp_nAtoms - 5); else tmp_nNormMds = (3*tmp_nAtoms - 6); tmp_iStr.str(xmlF.value("text")); tmp_iStr.clear(); atoms.clear(); for (i=0; i<tmp_nAtoms; i++) { tmp_atomName=""; tmpCh=' '; while ( !ifLetterOrNumber(tmpCh) and !( ) tmp_iStr.get(tmpCh); if ( { std::cout << "\nError: less then "<< tmp_nAtoms <<" atoms found or the format error, \"text\"-s line nuumber "<<i+1<<"\n"; xmlF.exitOnFormatError(true); } do { tmp_atomName+=tmpCh; tmp_iStr.get( tmpCh ); } while( ifLetterOrNumber(tmpCh) ); tmp_atom.Name() = tmp_atomName; for (k=0; k<CARTDIM; k++) { tmp_iStr >> tmp_atom.Coord(k); if (units=="au") tmp_atom.Coord(k)*=AU2ANGSTROM; } if ( { std::cout << "\nError: less then "<< tmp_nAtoms <<" atoms found or the format error in the atomic coordinates,\n" << " \"text\"-s line number "<<i+1<<"\n"; xmlF.exitOnFormatError(true); } atoms.push_back(tmp_atom); } //------------ Convert atomic names to masses -------------------------- for (i=0; i<NAtoms(); i++) { tmp_iStr.str( amuF.reset().node("masses").node( getAtom(i).Name().c_str() ).value() ); tmp_iStr.clear(); tmp_iStr >> getAtom(i).Mass(); amuF.exitOnFormatError(; } //------------ Read Normal Modes --------------------------------------- NormalMode tmp_normMode(NAtoms(),0); // one temp. norm mode normModes.clear(); xmlF.stepBack(); xmlF.node("normal_modes"); tmp_iStr.str(xmlF.value("text")); tmp_iStr.clear(); for (i=0; i < tmp_nNormMds; i++) normModes.push_back( tmp_normMode ); int nModesPerLine=3; // three number of vib. modes per Line int nLines; nLines = tmp_nNormMds / nModesPerLine; if ( tmp_nNormMds % nModesPerLine != 0) nLines++; for (k = 0; k < nLines; k++) // number of blocks with 3 norm.modes. ("lines") { int current_nModesPerLine = nModesPerLine; // for the last entree, nModesPerString may differ from 3 if (nLines - 1 == k) if ( tmp_nNormMds % nModesPerLine != 0 ) current_nModesPerLine = tmp_nNormMds % nModesPerLine; for (i=0; i < NAtoms(); i++) for (j=0; j < current_nModesPerLine; j++) for (l=0; l < CARTDIM; l++) { tmp_iStr >> normModes[k*nModesPerLine+j].getDisplacement()[i*CARTDIM+l]; if ( { std::cout << "\nError: less normal modes found than expected or the format error\n"; xmlF.exitOnFormatError(true); } } } //------------ Read Frequencies ---------------------------------------- xmlF.stepBack(); xmlF.node("frequencies"); tmp_iStr.str(xmlF.value("text")); tmp_iStr.clear(); for (i=0; i < tmp_nNormMds; i++) { tmp_iStr >> getNormMode(i).getFreq(); if ( { std::cout << "\nError: format error at frequency #"<<i<< " or less than " << tmp_nNormMds <<" frequencies found\n"; xmlF.exitOnFormatError(true); } if (getNormMode(i).getFreq()<=0) { std::cout <<"\nError. The frequency ["<<getNormMode(i).getFreq() <<"] is negative\n"; xmlF.exitOnFormatError(true); } } // Now MolState is in a good shape, and some transformations can be performed //------------ 1. Un-mass-weight normal modes---------------------------- xmlF.stepBack(); xmlF.node("normal_modes"); bool if_massweighted; if_massweighted=xmlF.getBoolValue("if_mass_weighted"); //------------ 1. mass un-weight normal modes, if needed (QChem-->ACES format; )---------------- // qchem if_massweighted="true"; aces if_massweighted="false"; reduced_masses.Adjust(NNormModes(),1); reduced_masses.Set(1); if (if_massweighted) { // Read atomic names from "...->normal_modes->atoms" std::vector<Atom> normalModeAtoms; tmp_iStr.str(xmlF.value("atoms")); tmp_iStr.clear(); normalModeAtoms.clear(); for (i=0; i<NAtoms(); i++) { tmp_atomName=""; tmpCh=' '; while ( !ifLetterOrNumber(tmpCh) and !( ) tmp_iStr.get(tmpCh); xmlF.exitOnFormatError(; do { tmp_atomName+=tmpCh; tmp_iStr.get( tmpCh ); } while( ifLetterOrNumber(tmpCh) ); tmp_atom.Name() = tmp_atomName; normalModeAtoms.push_back(tmp_atom); } // Get masses for each atomic name: for (i=0; i<NAtoms(); i++) { tmp_iStr.str( amuF.reset().node("masses").node( normalModeAtoms[i].Name().c_str() ).value() ); tmp_iStr.clear(); tmp_iStr >> normalModeAtoms[i].Mass(); amuF.exitOnFormatError(; } // Mass-un-weight normal modes: for (int nm=0; nm<NNormModes(); nm++) for (int a=0; a<NAtoms(); a++) for (int i=0; i<CARTDIM; i++ ) getNormMode(nm).getDisplacement().Elem1(a*CARTDIM+i) *= sqrt(normalModeAtoms[a].Mass()); // normolize each normal mode (/sqrt(norm) which is also /sqrt(reduced mass)): // KMatrix reduced_masses(NNormModes(),1); for (int nm=0; nm<NNormModes(); nm++) { reduced_masses[nm] = 0; for (int a=0; a<NAtoms(); a++) for (int i=0; i<CARTDIM; i++ ) reduced_masses[nm]+= getNormMode(nm).getDisplacement().Elem1(a*CARTDIM+i) * getNormMode(nm).getDisplacement().Elem1(a*CARTDIM+i); } // reduced_masses.Print("Reduced masses:"); // Normalize: for (int nm=0; nm<NNormModes(); nm++) for (int a=0; a<NAtoms(); a++) for (int i=0; i<CARTDIM; i++ ) getNormMode(nm).getDisplacement().Elem1(a*CARTDIM+i)/=sqrt(reduced_masses[nm]); } xmlF.stepBack(); //------------ 2. Align geometry if requested ---------------------------- if_aligned_manually=false; double man_rot_x, man_rot_y, man_rot_z; Vector3D man_shift; if ( xmlF.CheckSubNode("manual_coordinates_transformation") ) { xmlF.node("manual_coordinates_transformation"); man_rot_x=xmlF.getDoubleValue("rotate_around_x"); man_rot_y=xmlF.getDoubleValue("rotate_around_y"); man_rot_z=xmlF.getDoubleValue("rotate_around_z"); man_shift.getCoord(0)=-xmlF.getDoubleValue("shift_along_x"); man_shift.getCoord(1)=-xmlF.getDoubleValue("shift_along_y"); man_shift.getCoord(2)=-xmlF.getDoubleValue("shift_along_z"); std::cout << "Molecular structure and normal modes of this electronic state\nwill be transformed as requested in the input.\n"; shiftCoordinates(man_shift); rotate(man_rot_x*PI,man_rot_y*PI,man_rot_z*PI); applyCoordinateThreshold(COORDINATE_THRESHOLD); if_aligned_manually=true; xmlF.stepBack(); } //------------ 3. Reorder normal modes if requested -------------------- if ( xmlF.CheckSubNode("manual_normal_modes_reordering") ) { xmlF.node("manual_normal_modes_reordering"); if_nm_reordered_manually=false; normModesOrder.clear(); std::cout << "New normal modes order was requested:\n" << xmlF.value("new_order") <<"\n"; tmp_iStr.str(xmlF.value("new_order")); int tmpInt; for (int nm=0; nm < NNormModes(); nm++) { tmp_iStr >> tmpInt; //input error check: if ( { std::cout << "\nFormat error: non numeric symbol or less entries then the number of normal modes\n\n"; xmlF.exitOnFormatError(true); } if ( (tmpInt<0) or (tmpInt>=NNormModes()) ) { std::cout << "\nError: normal mode number ["<< tmpInt<<"] is out of range [0.."<<NNormModes()-1<<"].\n\n"; xmlF.exitOnFormatError(true); } normModesOrder.push_back(tmpInt); } // check if there are duplicates in the list: std::vector<int> tmpIntVector, tmpIntVector2; tmpIntVector = normModesOrder; std::sort( tmpIntVector.begin(), tmpIntVector.end() ); tmpIntVector2 = tmpIntVector; std::vector<int>::const_iterator intVec_iter; intVec_iter= unique( tmpIntVector.begin(), tmpIntVector.end() ); if (intVec_iter != tmpIntVector.end()) { std::cout << "\nFormat error: there are non unique entries. Check the sorted list:\n"; for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator tmp_iter=tmpIntVector2.begin(); tmp_iter!=tmpIntVector2.end(); tmp_iter++) std::cout << ' ' << *tmp_iter; std::cout<<'\n'; xmlF.exitOnFormatError(true); } // backup normal modes std::vector<NormalMode> oldNormModes; oldNormModes.clear(); for (int nm=0; nm < NNormModes(); nm++) { tmp_normMode = getNormMode(nm); oldNormModes.push_back( tmp_normMode ); } // copy normal modes using new order for (int nm=0; nm < NNormModes(); nm++) getNormMode(nm) = oldNormModes[ normModesOrder[nm] ]; std::cout << "Normal modes were reordered accordingly.\n"; if_nm_reordered_manually=true; xmlF.stepBack(); }