SequencerComponent::~SequencerComponent() { for (int i = 0; i < sequencer->getTotalRows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sequencer->getTotalCols(); j++) { CellComponent* cell = getCellAt (i, j); cell->removeMouseListener (this); } } deleteAllChildren(); }
void SequencerComponent::resized() { float cellWidth = (float)getWidth() / sequencer->getTotalCols(); float cellHeight = (float)getHeight() / sequencer->getTotalRows(); for (int i = 0; i < sequencer->getTotalRows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sequencer->getTotalCols(); j++) { CellComponent* cell = getCellAt (i, j); cell->setBounds (j * cellWidth, i * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight); } } }
void Board::save(std::ostream& st) const { for (int i = 0; i < getWidth(); ++i) { st << "|"; for (int j = 0; j < getHeight(); ++j) { getCellAt(i, j)->save(st); st << "|"; } if (i != getWidth()-1) st << std::endl; } }
// void Prey::moveFrom(Coordinate from, Coordinate to) { Cell *toCell; --timeToReproduce; if (to != from) { toCell = getCellAt(to); delete toCell; setOffset(to); assignCellAt(to, this); if (timeToReproduce <= 0) { timeToReproduce = TimeToReproduce; assignCellAt(from, reproduce(from)); } else assignCellAt(from, new Cell(from)); } }
QVariant PlotDataExtendedTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (! data_) return QVariant(); if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (index.row() >= rowCount(index) || index.row() < 0) return QVariant(); if (index.row() == addLines_-1 && role == Qt::DisplayRole && addLines_ > 0 && showColumnType_) { int columntype = static_cast<int>(data_->getColumnType(index.column())); std::string ausgabe; switch (columntype) { case 1 : ausgabe = "STRING"; break; case 2 : ausgabe = "NUMBER"; break; default: ausgabe = "EMPTY"; break; } return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(ausgabe)); } if (index.row() == 0 && role == Qt::DisplayRole && (type_ == FunctionLibrary::SELECT || type_ == FunctionLibrary::GROUPBY)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < stringVector_.size(); ++i) { if ( == index.column()) { return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(; break; } } return QVariant(""); } if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole && index.row() < addLines_) { return QVariant(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); } if (index.row() < addLines_ && (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole)) return QVariant(); if ((index.row() >= addLines_) && (role == Qt::DisplayRole)) return getCellAt(index.row(), index.column()); return PlotDataSimpleTableModel::data(index,role); }
// Timer methods void SequencerComponent::timerCallback() { lastPlayheadCol = sequencer->getPlayheadCol(); repaint(); if (lastPanelIndex != pluginAudioProcessor->getPanelIndex() || lastTabIndex != pluginAudioProcessor->getTabIndex()) { lastPanelIndex = pluginAudioProcessor->getPanelIndex(); lastTabIndex = pluginAudioProcessor->getTabIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < sequencer->getTotalRows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sequencer->getTotalCols(); j++) { CellComponent* cellComponent = getCellAt (i, j); Cell* cell = sequencer->getCellAt (lastPanelIndex, lastTabIndex, i, j); cellComponent->setCell (cell); } } } }
QVariant PlotDataSimpleTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (! pData_) return QVariant(); if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (index.row() >= rowCount(index) || index.row() < 0) return QVariant(); if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) { if (pData_->getColumnType(index.column()) == PlotBase::NUMBER) return QVariant(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); if (pData_->getColumnType(index.column()) == PlotBase::STRING) return QVariant(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); return QVariant(Qt::AlignCenter); } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) return getCellAt(index.row(), index.column()); if (role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole && getPlotCellAt(index.row(),index.column()).isHighlighted()) { return highlightedColor_; } else if (role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole && selectedColumn_ == index.column()) { return selectColumnColor_; } else if (role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole && pData_->getKeyColumnCount() > index.column()) { return keyColumnColor_; } else if (role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole && pData_->getKeyColumnCount() <= index.column()) { return dataColumnColor_; } return QVariant(); }
void Sequencer::processBlock (AudioSampleBuffer& buffer, MidiBuffer& midiMessages) { AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo pos (pluginAudioProcessor->lastPosInfo); // If we aren't playing... if (! pos.isPlaying) { if (noteOffs.size() > 0) { // Send any upcoming note-off events Array<NoteOff*> notesToRemove; for (int i = 0; i < noteOffs.size(); i++) { int noteNumber = noteOffs[i]->noteNumber; MidiMessage m2 = MidiMessage::noteOff (1, noteNumber); midiMessages.addEvent (m2, 0); playingNotes.set (noteNumber, false); notesToRemove.add (noteOffs[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < notesToRemove.size(); i++) { // Remove the event from the note-off event list // (We do this in two steps so that the noteOffs array isn't modified inside a loop) noteOffs.removeObject (notesToRemove[i], true); } } return; } double ppq = pos.ppqPosition; double timeInSeconds = pos.timeInSeconds; double bpm = pos.bpm; //if (primary) { SharedState::getInstance()->setPpqPosition (ppq); SharedState::getInstance()->setTimeInSeconds (timeInSeconds); SharedState::getInstance()->setBpm (bpm); //} /* int numerator = pos.timeSigNumerator; int denominator = pos.timeSigDenominator; const int ppqPerBar = (numerator * 4 / denominator); // e.g. 4 if 4/4 const double beats = (fmod (ppq, ppqPerBar) / ppqPerBar) * numerator; const int bar = ((int) ppq) / ppqPerBar + 1; const int beat = ((int) beats) + 1; const int ticks = ((int) (fmod (beats, 1.0) * 960.0)); */ double tickCountPrecise = fmod (ppq * speed * ticksPerCol, getTotalCols() * ticksPerCol); tickCount = (int)tickCountPrecise; lastPlayheadColPrecise = tickCountPrecise / ticksPerCol; jassert (lastPlayheadColPrecise >= 0.0) jassert (lastPlayheadColPrecise <= 16.0) //if (primary) { SharedState::getInstance()->setPlayheadColPrecise (lastPlayheadColPrecise); //} if (tickCount != lastTickCount) { lastTickCount = tickCount; // Check if we should be degrading... int panelIndex = pluginAudioProcessor->getPanelIndex(); int state = SharedState::getInstance()->getState(panelIndex); if (state == Panel::DEGRADING_SLOW || state == Panel::DEGRADING_FAST) { // degrade at most once per tempo sweep, in column 0 if (getPlayheadCol() == 0) { if (!columnZeroDegradeUpdate) { SharedState::getInstance()->degradeStep(panelIndex); columnZeroDegradeUpdate = true; } } else { columnZeroDegradeUpdate = false; } } else { columnZeroDegradeUpdate = false; if (state == Panel::ACTIVE) { if (SharedState::kDegradeAfterInactiveSec > 0 && (SharedState::getInstance()->getLastTouchElapsedMs(panelIndex) >= SharedState::kDegradeAfterInactiveSec * 1000)) { DBG(String(Time::currentTimeMillis()) + " " + "Start degrading panel " + String(panelIndex)); SharedState::getInstance()->startDegrade(panelIndex); } } } // Update starfield if necessary if (SharedState::getInstance()->getStarFieldActive()) { // bug:67 - for production running, we could assert that the following is true: // SharedState::getInstance()->allAttracting() // but that won't work if someone turns on the star field by hand via the sequencer GUI if (pluginAudioProcessor->getPanelIndex() == 0) { SharedState::getInstance()->updateStarField(); } } bool playCol = false; // play the current column of notes? float velocity = 0.9f; // Swing... // If we're on an odd column if (getPlayheadCol() % 2 != 0) { // If we've waited for enough ticks for the swing if (tickCount == (getPlayheadCol() * ticksPerCol) + swingTicks) { playCol = true; } } else { // Else we're on an even column // If we're on the first tick of the column... if (tickCount % ticksPerCol == 0) { playCol = true; } } // Calculate the latency double beatsPerSec = bpm * speed * ticksPerCol / 60.0; double secPerBeat = 1.0 / beatsPerSec; double tickOffset = tickCountPrecise - tickCount; int tickOffsetSamples = tickOffset * secPerBeat * sampleRate; tickOffsetSamples = jmax (buffer.getNumSamples() - tickOffsetSamples - 1, 0); // Send any upcoming note-off events Array<NoteOff*> notesToRemove; for (int i = 0; i < noteOffs.size(); i++) { if (noteOffs[i]->tick == tickCount) { int noteNumber = noteOffs[i]->noteNumber; MidiMessage m2 = MidiMessage::noteOff (1, noteNumber); midiMessages.addEvent (m2, tickOffsetSamples); playingNotes.set (noteNumber, false); notesToRemove.add (noteOffs[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < notesToRemove.size(); i++) { // Remove the event from the note-off event list // (We do this in two steps so that the noteOffs array isn't modified inside a loop) noteOffs.removeObject (notesToRemove[i], true); } // If we should play the current column of notes if (playCol) { int panelIndex = pluginAudioProcessor->getPanelIndex(); int tabIndex = pluginAudioProcessor->getTabIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < getTotalRows(); i++) { Cell* cell = getCellAt (panelIndex, tabIndex, i, getPlayheadCol()); if (cell->isOn()) { int noteNumber = cell->getNoteNumber(); // If this note is currently playing if (playingNotes[noteNumber] == true) { Array<NoteOff*> notesToRemove; // Remove any pending note-offs for (int j = 0; j < noteOffs.size(); j++) { if (noteOffs[j]->noteNumber == noteNumber) { notesToRemove.add (noteOffs[j]); } } for (int j = 0; j < notesToRemove.size(); j++) { noteOffs.removeObject (notesToRemove[j], true); } // Send a note-off before retriggering MidiMessage m = MidiMessage::noteOff (1, noteNumber); midiMessages.addEvent (m, tickOffsetSamples); playingNotes.set (noteNumber, false); } // Play this note MidiMessage m = MidiMessage::noteOn (1, noteNumber, velocity); midiMessages.addEvent (m, tickOffsetSamples); playingNotes.set (noteNumber, true); // Add an upcoming note-off event NoteOff* no; noteOffs.add (no = new NoteOff()); no->tick = (tickCount + noteLength) % (ticksPerCol * getTotalCols()); no->noteNumber = noteNumber; } } } } }
bool GUITable::OnEvent(const SEvent &event) { if (!isEnabled()) return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event); if (event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) { if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown && ( event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_DOWN || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_UP || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_HOME || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_END || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_NEXT || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_PRIOR)) { s32 offset = 0; switch (event.KeyInput.Key) { case KEY_DOWN: offset = 1; break; case KEY_UP: offset = -1; break; case KEY_HOME: offset = - (s32) m_visible_rows.size(); break; case KEY_END: offset = m_visible_rows.size(); break; case KEY_NEXT: offset = AbsoluteRect.getHeight() / m_rowheight; break; case KEY_PRIOR: offset = - (s32) (AbsoluteRect.getHeight() / m_rowheight); break; default: break; } s32 old_selected = m_selected; s32 rowcount = m_visible_rows.size(); if (rowcount != 0) { m_selected = rangelim(m_selected + offset, 0, rowcount-1); autoScroll(); } if (m_selected != old_selected) sendTableEvent(0, false); return true; } else if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown && ( event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_LEFT || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RIGHT)) { // Open/close subtree via keyboard if (m_selected >= 0) { int dir = event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_LEFT ? -1 : 1; toggleVisibleTree(m_selected, dir, true); } return true; } else if (!event.KeyInput.PressedDown && ( event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RETURN || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE)) { sendTableEvent(0, true); return true; } else if (event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_ESCAPE || event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE) { // pass to parent } else if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown && event.KeyInput.Char) { // change selection based on text as it is typed s32 now = getTimeMs(); if (now - m_keynav_time >= 500) m_keynav_buffer = L""; m_keynav_time = now; // add to key buffer if not a key repeat if (!(m_keynav_buffer.size() == 1 && m_keynav_buffer[0] == event.KeyInput.Char)) { m_keynav_buffer.append(event.KeyInput.Char); } // find the selected item, starting at the current selection // don't change selection if the key buffer matches the current item s32 old_selected = m_selected; s32 start = MYMAX(m_selected, 0); s32 rowcount = m_visible_rows.size(); for (s32 k = 1; k < rowcount; ++k) { s32 current = start + k; if (current >= rowcount) current -= rowcount; if (doesRowStartWith(getRow(current), m_keynav_buffer)) { m_selected = current; break; } } autoScroll(); if (m_selected != old_selected) sendTableEvent(0, false); return true; } } if (event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT) { core::position2d<s32> p(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y); if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL) { m_scrollbar->setPos(m_scrollbar->getPos() + (event.MouseInput.Wheel < 0 ? -3 : 3) * - (s32) m_rowheight / 2); return true; } // Find hovered row and cell bool really_hovering = false; s32 row_i = getRowAt(p.Y, really_hovering); const Cell *cell = NULL; if (really_hovering) { s32 cell_j = getCellAt(p.X, row_i); if (cell_j >= 0) cell = &(getRow(row_i)->cells[cell_j]); } // Update tooltip setToolTipText(cell ? m_strings[cell->tooltip_index].c_str() : L""); // Fix for #1567/#1806: // IGUIScrollBar passes double click events to its parent, // which we don't want. Detect this case and discard the event if (event.MouseInput.Event != EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED && m_scrollbar->isVisible() && m_scrollbar->isPointInside(p)) return true; if (event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed() && (isPointInside(p) || event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED)) { s32 sel_column = 0; bool sel_doubleclick = (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK); bool plusminus_clicked = false; // For certain events (left click), report column // Also open/close subtrees when the +/- is clicked if (cell && ( event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN || event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK || event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK)) { sel_column = cell->reported_column; if (cell->content_type == COLUMN_TYPE_TREE) plusminus_clicked = true; } if (plusminus_clicked) { if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN) { toggleVisibleTree(row_i, 0, false); } } else { // Normal selection s32 old_selected = m_selected; m_selected = row_i; autoScroll(); if (m_selected != old_selected || sel_column >= 1 || sel_doubleclick) { sendTableEvent(sel_column, sel_doubleclick); } // Treeview: double click opens/closes trees if (m_has_tree_column && sel_doubleclick) { toggleVisibleTree(m_selected, 0, false); } } } return true; } if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT && event.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_SCROLL_BAR_CHANGED && event.GUIEvent.Caller == m_scrollbar) { // Don't pass events from our scrollbar to the parent return true; } return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event); }