Beispiel #1
string ProfileSample::toString(void) const
	StringStream msg;
	msg << m_Name
		//<< ",OpenCount:" << m_OpenCount
		<< ",AverageTime:" << getAverageTime()
		<< ",AccuTime:" << getAccumulatedTime()
		<< ",CallCount:" << m_CallCount
		//<< ",ParentCount:" << m_ParentCount
		<< ",ChildTime:" << getChildrenTime();
	return msg.toString();
Beispiel #2
void PerformanceSample::print(int level, std::string recordName) const {
    std::string spaces = "";
    for(int j=0; j<level; j++)
        spaces += ' ';

    float percent = 100.0f;
        percent = 100.0f * time_ / parent_->getTime();

    float percentChildren = 100.0f * (getChildrenTime()) / time_;

    if (children_.size() > 0 && parent_)
        LINFO(spaces << recordName << name_ << " (" << children_.size() << " children): " << std::setprecision(10) << time_ << " secs (" << percent << "% of parent) (" << percentChildren << "% in children)");
    else if (children_.size() > 0 && !parent_)
        LINFO(spaces << recordName << name_ << " (" << children_.size() << " children): " << std::setprecision(10) << time_ << " secs (" << percentChildren << "% in children)");
    else if (children_.size() == 0 && parent_)
        LINFO(spaces << recordName << name_ << ": " << std::setprecision(10) << time_ << " secs (" << percent << "% of parent)");
        LINFO(spaces << recordName << name_ << ": " << std::setprecision(10) << time_ << " secs");

    for(size_t i=0; i<children_.size(); i++)