Vec2f GridLayout::layoutSize(const MFUnrecChildComponentPtr* Components, const Component* ParentComponent, SizeType TheSizeType) const { if(getRows() == 0 || getColumns() == 0) { return Vec2f(1.0f,1.0f); } Real32 maxSizeX = 0.0f; Real32 maxSizeY = 0.0f; Vec2f ComponentSize; //set the size to the perfered sizes for the buttons for(UInt16 i = 0; i<Components->size(); i++){ if ((*Components)[i] != NULL) { ComponentSize = getComponentSize((*Components)[i],TheSizeType); if(ComponentSize.x()>maxSizeX) maxSizeX = ComponentSize.x(); if(ComponentSize.y()>maxSizeY) maxSizeY = ComponentSize.y(); } } return Vec2f(maxSizeX * static_cast<Real32>(getColumns()) + getHorizontalGap() * static_cast<Real32>(getColumns()-1), maxSizeY * static_cast<Real32>(getRows()) + getVerticalGap() * static_cast<Real32>(getRows()-1)); }
double SqMRO_Cofactor::operator()(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int column) const { SquareMatrix newSquareMatrix(getRows() - 1); double sign; if (row >= getRows() || column >= getColumns()) { error("SquareMatrixAlias::cofactor : Subscript out of range\n"); return 0; } sign = (row + column) % 2 ? -1 : 1; // Top left quadrant if (row > 0 && column > 0) { newSquareMatrix.subMatrix(0, row-1, 0, column-1) = m_thisMatrix->subMatrix(0, row-1, 0, column-1); } // Top right quadrant if (row > 0 && column < (getColumns() - 1)) { newSquareMatrix.subMatrix(0, row-1, column, getColumns()-2) = m_thisMatrix->subMatrix(0, row-1, column+1, getColumns()-1); } // Bottom left quadrant if (row < (getRows() - 1) && column > 0) { newSquareMatrix.subMatrix(row, getRows()-2, 0, column-1) = m_thisMatrix->subMatrix(row+1, getRows()-1, 0, column-1); } // Bottom right quadrant if (row < (getRows() - 1) && column < (getColumns() - 1)) { newSquareMatrix.subMatrix(row, getRows()-2, column, getColumns()-2) = m_thisMatrix->subMatrix(row+1, getRows()-1, column+1, getColumns()-1); } return sign * newSquareMatrix.determinant(); }
void SqliteTableModel::setTable(const QString& table) { reset(); m_sTable = table; QString sColumnQuery = QString::fromUtf8("SELECT * FROM `%1`;").arg(table); if(m_db->getObjectByName(table).gettype() == "table") { sqlb::Table t = sqlb::Table::parseSQL(m_db->getObjectByName(table).getsql()).first; if( != "") // parsing was OK { m_headers.push_back(t.rowidColumn()); m_headers.append(m_db->getTableFields(table)); } else { m_headers.push_back("rowid"); m_headers.append(getColumns(sColumnQuery)); } } else { m_headers.push_back("rowid"); m_headers.append(getColumns(sColumnQuery)); } buildQuery(); }
void MWO_EqualsElementCopyResize::operator()(const MatrixAliasConstant& copy) const { unsigned int i, j; //printf("MWO_EqualsElementCopyResize called\n"); //printf("copy.getRows():%d\ngetRows():%d\ncopy.getColumns():%d\ncopy.getColumns():%d\n",copy.getRows(),getRows(),copy.getColumns(),copy.getColumns()); if(copy.getRows() != getRows() || copy.getColumns() != getColumns()) { // Resize!! // Change values setRows(copy.getRows()); setColumns(copy.getColumns()); // Delete old memory delete[] getDataPointer(); // Allocate new memory setDataPointer(new double[getRows()*getColumns()]); } for (i = 0; i < getRows(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < getColumns(); j++) { element(i, j) = copy.element(i, j); } } }
void RVWO_EqualsElementCopyResize::operator()(const MatrixAliasConstant& copy) const { unsigned int i; if(copy.isRowVector() == 0) { error("RVWO_EqualsElementCopyResize: Matrix to copy is not a row vector\n"); return; } if(copy.getColumns() != getColumns()) { // Resize!! // Change values setColumns(copy.getColumns()); // Delete old memory delete[] getDataPointer(); // Allocate new memory setDataPointer(new double[getColumns()]); } for (i = 0; i < getColumns(); i++) { element(0, i) = copy.element(0, i); } }
void SqMWO_EqualsElementCopyResize::operator()(const MatrixAliasConstant& copy) const { unsigned int i, j; if(copy.isSquareMatrix() == 0) { error("SqMWO_EqualsElementCopyResize: Matrix to copy is not a square matrix\n"); return; } if(copy.getColumns() != getColumns()) { // Resize!! // Change values setRows(copy.getRows()); setColumns(copy.getColumns()); // Delete old memory delete[] getDataPointer(); // Allocate new memory setDataPointer(new double[getRows()*getColumns()]); } for (i = 0; i < getRows(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < getColumns(); j++) { element(i, j) = copy.element(i, j); } } }
Matrix MRO_Multiply::operator()(const MatrixAliasConstant& operand) const { Matrix result(getRows(), operand.getColumns()); double thisElement; unsigned int i, j, k; if (operand.getRows() != getColumns()) { error("MatrixAlias::operator* : Dimensions are not consistent\n"); return result; // Return empty matrix } for (i = 0; i < getRows(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < operand.getColumns(); j++) { thisElement = 0; for (k = 0; k < getColumns(); k++) { thisElement += element(i, k) * operand.element(k, j); } result.element(i, j) = thisElement; } } return result; }
void GridLayout::updateLayout(const MFUnrecComponentPtr* Components, const Component* ParentComponent) const { Pnt2f borderTopLeft, borderBottomRight; dynamic_cast<const ComponentContainer*>(ParentComponent)->getInsideInsetsBounds(borderTopLeft, borderBottomRight); Vec2f borderSize(borderBottomRight-borderTopLeft); Real32 Xpos = 0; Real32 Ypos = 0; Real32 maxSizeX = 0; Real32 maxSizeY = 0; Real32 debug = 10; Int32 numComp = Components->getSize(); Real32 buttonXSize, buttonYSize; //set the size to the perfered sizes for the buttons for(UInt16 i = 0; i<Components->size(); i++){ if ((*Components)[i] != NULL) { if((*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().x()>maxSizeX) maxSizeX = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().x(); if((*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().y()>maxSizeY) maxSizeY = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().y(); } } //set the size of the button for(UInt16 i = 0; i < Components->size(); i++){ if ((*Components)[i] != NULL) { if(maxSizeX < (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x()) buttonXSize = maxSizeX; else buttonXSize = (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x(); if(maxSizeY<(*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y()) buttonYSize = maxSizeY; else buttonYSize = (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y(); (*Components)[i]->setSize(Vec2f(buttonXSize, buttonYSize)); } } //position each button for(UInt16 i = 0; i <= getRows()&& numComp>=0; i++){ if ((*Components)[i] != NULL) { for(UInt16 j = 0; j < getColumns()&& numComp>0; j++){ debug = i*getColumns()+j; (*Components)[i*getColumns()+j]->setPosition(borderTopLeft + Vec2f(Xpos, Ypos)); numComp--; Xpos = Xpos + (maxSizeX+getHorizontalGap()); } Xpos = 0; Ypos += maxSizeY+getVerticalGap(); } } }
//----------------------------------------- // Element Functions //----------------------------------------- double& MatrixWriteAccess::writeElement(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int column) { if (row >= getRows() || column >= getColumns()) { error("MatrixAlias::element : Subscript out of range\n"); return getDataPointer()[0]; } return getDataPointer()[row*(getColumns()) + column]; }
double& SubMatrixWriteAccess::writeElement(const unsigned int index) { if (index >= (getRows()*getColumns())) { error("Matrix::element : Subscript out of range\n"); return getDataPointer()[0]; } return writeElement(index / getColumns(), index % getColumns()); }
void MWO_EqualsMemCopy::operator()(const MatrixAliasConstant& copy) const { if(copy.getRows() != getRows() || copy.getColumns() != getColumns()) { error("MWO_EqualsMemCopy : Dimensions are not consistent\n"); return; } // Perform a direct memory copy memcpy(getDataPointer(), copy.getDataPointer(), sizeof(double)*getRows()*getColumns()); }
Matrix MRO_Multiply::operator()(const double& operand) const { Matrix result(getRows(), getColumns()); unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < getRows(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < getColumns(); j++) { result.element(i, j) = element(i, j) * operand; } } return result; }
Matrix MRO_Absolute::operator()() const { Matrix newMatrix(getColumns(), getRows()); unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < getRows(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < getColumns(); j++) { newMatrix.element(i, j) = fabs(element(i, j)); } } return newMatrix; }
Matrix MRO_Transpose::operator()() const { Matrix newMatrix(getColumns(), getRows()); unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < getRows(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < getColumns(); j++) { newMatrix.element(j, i) = element(i, j); } } return newMatrix; }
Geometry::Geometry(int n_vertex, std::vector<int> attributes, const float* data) : n_vertex(n_vertex), attributes(attributes) { // save to RAM raw_data.reserve(n_vertex * getColumns()); for(int i = 0; i < n_vertex * getColumns(); i++) { raw_data.push_back(data[i]); } glGenVertexArrays(1, &vertex_array); glGenBuffers(1, &vertex_buffer); sendToGPU(); }
void MRO_PrintMatlabFriendly::operator()() const { unsigned int i, j; printf("[\n"); for (i = 0; i < getRows(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < (getColumns()-1); j++) { printf("%.2lf ", element(i, j)); } printf("%.2lf;", element(i, getColumns()-1)); printf("\n"); } printf("]\n"); }
int Board::findOpenColumn( unsigned int current, int step ) const { unsigned int started = current; current += step; if ( current == getColumns() ) { current = 0; } current = clamp( current, 0U, getColumns()-1 ); while ( get( current, 0 ) ) { if ( current == started ) { return -1; } current += step; if ( current == getColumns() ) { current = 0; } current = clamp( current, 0U, getColumns()-1 ); } return current; }
RowVector MRO_ColumnSum::operator()() const { RowVector newVector(getColumns()); unsigned int i, j; for (j = 0; j < getColumns(); j++) { newVector.element(j) = 0; for (i = 0; i < getRows(); i++) { newVector.element(j) += element(i, j); } } return newVector; }
const double& SimInputVectorReadAccess::readElement(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int column) { // Cast data pointer const double * const * dataPointer = (const double * const *)getDataPointer(); if (row >= getRows() || column >= getColumns()) { error("MatrixAlias::element : Subscript out of range\n"); return *dataPointer[0]; } return *(dataPointer[row*(getColumns()) + column]); }
CharacteristicValue CharacteristicDefinition::getValue(const cv::Mat& img, bool skip_datacalc) const { CharacteristicValue val; val.definition = this; val.weight = 0.0; //init result grid std::vector<std::vector<double> > grid(getRows()); for (int r=0 ; r<getRows() ; r++) { grid[r] = std::vector<double>(getColumns()); } //fill result grid if (!classify_frame(img, val, grid, skip_datacalc)) std::cerr << "UNKNOWN ERROR processing frame" << std::endl; //process results int pos_tally = 0; int neg_tally = 0; double pos_sum = 0.0; double neg_sum = 0.0; for (int row=0 ; row<getRows() ; row++) { for (int col=0 ; col<getColumns() ; col++) { if (grid[row][col] > 0) { pos_tally++; pos_sum += grid[row][col]; } else { neg_tally++; neg_sum += grid[row][col]; } } } //save result if (pos_tally > 0 && pos_tally >= getRows()*getColumns()*getRequiredRatio()) val.weight = pos_sum/pos_tally; else val.weight = neg_sum/neg_tally; return val; }
void ITableDeclaration::check(const NamesAndTypesList & provided_columns, const Names & column_names) const { const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns = getColumns().getAllPhysical(); const auto available_columns_map = getColumnsMap(available_columns); const NamesAndTypesMap & provided_columns_map = getColumnsMap(provided_columns); if (column_names.empty()) throw Exception("Empty list of columns queried. There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_QUERIED); using UniqueStrings = GOOGLE_NAMESPACE::dense_hash_set<StringRef, StringRefHash>; UniqueStrings unique_names; unique_names.set_empty_key(StringRef()); for (const String & name : column_names) { NamesAndTypesMap::const_iterator it = provided_columns_map.find(name); if (provided_columns_map.end() == it) continue; NamesAndTypesMap::const_iterator jt = available_columns_map.find(name); if (available_columns_map.end() == jt) throw Exception("There is no column with name " + name + ". There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE); if (!it->second->equals(*jt->second)) throw Exception("Type mismatch for column " + name + ". Column has type " + jt->second->getName() + ", got type " + it->second->getName(), ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH); if (unique_names.end() != unique_names.find(name)) throw Exception("Column " + name + " queried more than once", ErrorCodes::COLUMN_QUERIED_MORE_THAN_ONCE); unique_names.insert(name); } }
int MRO_IsColumnVector::operator()() const { if(getColumns() == 1) return 1; // Matrix is column vector return 0; // Matrix is NOT column vector }
void CompressedDataColumn::convertColumnToDense(int nRows) { if (formatType == DENSE) { return; } // real_vector* oldData = data; RealVectorPtr oldData = data; // data = new real_vector(); data = make_shared<RealVector>(); data->resize(nRows, static_cast<real>(0)); int* indicators = getColumns(); int n = getNumberOfEntries(); // int nonzero = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const int k = indicators[i]; // cerr << " " << k; // nonzero++; real value = (formatType == SPARSE) ? oldData->at(i) : 1.0; data->at(k) = value; } formatType = DENSE; // delete columns; columns = NULL; // if (oldData) { // delete oldData; // } }
void ITableDeclaration::check(const Names & column_names) const { const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns = getColumns().getAllPhysical(); if (column_names.empty()) throw Exception("Empty list of columns queried. There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_QUERIED); const auto columns_map = getColumnsMap(available_columns); using UniqueStrings = GOOGLE_NAMESPACE::dense_hash_set<StringRef, StringRefHash>; UniqueStrings unique_names; unique_names.set_empty_key(StringRef()); for (const auto & name : column_names) { if (columns_map.end() == columns_map.find(name)) throw Exception("There is no column with name " + name + " in table. There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE); if (unique_names.end() != unique_names.find(name)) throw Exception("Column " + name + " queried more than once", ErrorCodes::COLUMN_QUERIED_MORE_THAN_ONCE); unique_names.insert(name); } }
StorageTinyLog::StorageTinyLog( const std::string & path_, const std::string & name_, const ColumnsDescription & columns_, bool attach, size_t max_compress_block_size_) : IStorage{columns_}, path(path_), name(name_), max_compress_block_size(max_compress_block_size_), file_checker(path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/' + "sizes.json"), log(&Logger::get("StorageTinyLog")) { if (path.empty()) throw Exception("Storage " + getName() + " requires data path", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_FILE_NAME); String full_path = path + escapeForFileName(name) + '/'; if (!attach) { /// create files if they do not exist if (0 != mkdir(full_path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) && errno != EEXIST) throwFromErrno("Cannot create directory " + full_path, ErrorCodes::CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY); } for (const auto & col : getColumns().getAllPhysical()) addFiles(, *col.type); }
Block ITableDeclaration::getSampleBlockForColumns(const Names & column_names) const { Block res; NamesAndTypesList all_columns = getColumns().getAll(); std::unordered_map<String, DataTypePtr> columns_map; for (const auto & elem : all_columns) columns_map.emplace(, elem.type); for (const auto & name : column_names) { auto it = columns_map.find(name); if (it != columns_map.end()) { res.insert({ it->second->createColumn(), it->second, it->first }); } else { /// Virtual columns. NameAndTypePair elem = getColumn(name); res.insert({ elem.type->createColumn(), elem.type, }); } } return res; }
void SqliteTableModel::setTable(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& table, int sortColumn, Qt::SortOrder sortOrder, const QMap<int, QString> filterValues, const QVector<QString>& display_format) { // Unset all previous settings. When setting a table all information on the previously browsed data set is removed first. reset(); // Save the other parameters m_sTable = table; m_vDisplayFormat = display_format; for(auto filterIt=filterValues.constBegin(); filterIt!=filterValues.constEnd(); ++filterIt) updateFilter(filterIt.key(), filterIt.value(), false); // The first column is the rowid column and therefore is always of type integer m_vDataTypes.push_back(SQLITE_INTEGER); // Get the data types of all other columns as well as the column names bool allOk = false; if(m_db.getObjectByName(table) && m_db.getObjectByName(table)->type() == sqlb::Object::Types::Table) { sqlb::TablePtr t = m_db.getObjectByName<sqlb::Table>(table); if(t && t->fields.size()) // parsing was OK { m_sRowidColumn = t->rowidColumn(); m_headers.push_back(m_sRowidColumn); m_headers.append(t->fieldNames()); // parse columns types static QStringList dataTypes = QStringList() << "INTEGER" << "REAL" << "TEXT" << "BLOB"; for(const sqlb::Field& fld : t->fields) { QString name(fld.type().toUpper()); int colType = dataTypes.indexOf(name); colType = (colType == -1) ? SQLITE_TEXT : colType + 1; m_vDataTypes.push_back(colType); } allOk = true; } } // If for one reason or another (either it's a view or we couldn't parse the table statement) we couldn't get the field // information we retrieve it from SQLite using an extra query. // NOTE: It would be nice to eventually get rid of this piece here. As soon as the grammar parser is good enough... if(!allOk) { QString sColumnQuery = QString::fromUtf8("SELECT * FROM %1;").arg(table.toString()); m_sRowidColumn = "rowid"; m_headers.push_back("rowid"); m_headers.append(getColumns(nullptr, sColumnQuery, m_vDataTypes)); } // Set sort parameters. We're setting the sort column to an invalid value before calling sort() because this way, in sort() the // current sort order is always changed and thus buildQuery() is always going to be called. // This is also why we don't need to call buildQuery() here again. m_iSortColumn = -1; sort(sortColumn, sortOrder); }
void SqliteTableModel::setQuery(const QString& sQuery, bool dontClearHeaders) { // clear if(!dontClearHeaders) reset(); if(!m_db->isOpen()) return; m_sQuery = removeComments(sQuery).trimmed(); // do a count query to get the full row count in a fast manner m_rowCount = getQueryRowCount(); if(m_rowCount == -1) { m_valid = false; return; } // headers if(!dontClearHeaders) { m_headers.append(getColumns(sQuery)); } // now fetch the first entries clearCache(); fetchData(0, m_chunkSize); m_valid = true; emit layoutChanged(); }
void SqliteTableModel::setQuery(const QString& sQuery, bool dontClearHeaders) { // clear if(!dontClearHeaders) reset(); else clearCache(); if(!m_db.isOpen()) return; m_sQuery = sQuery.trimmed(); removeCommentsFromQuery(m_sQuery); worker->setQuery(m_sQuery); worker->triggerRowCountDetermination(m_lifeCounter); if(!dontClearHeaders) m_headers.append(getColumns(worker->getDb(), sQuery, m_vDataTypes)); // now fetch the first entries triggerCacheLoad(m_chunkSize / 2 - 1); emit layoutChanged(); }
bool Console::printHints(const Common::UString &command) { if (_tabCount < 2) return false; uint32 maxSize; uint32 count; const std::list<Common::UString> &hints = _readLine->getCompleteHint(maxSize, count); if (count == 0) return false; maxSize = MAX<uint32>(maxSize, 3) + 2; uint32 lineSize = getColumns() / maxSize; uint32 lines = count / lineSize; if (lines >= (kConsoleLines - 3)) { if (!_printedCompleteWarning) printf("%d completion candidates", count); _printedCompleteWarning = true; if (_tabCount < 4) return true; } _console->scrollBottom(); _console->print(Common::UString(kPrompt) + " " + command); printList(hints, maxSize); _tabCount = 0; _printedCompleteWarning = false; return true; }