Beispiel #1
BOOL CCgxWindow::getCommand(int index, RECT* rectOut)
	int size = getCommandSize();
	if(index < 0 || index >= size)
		return FALSE;
	memcpy(rectOut, &commandRECTs[index], sizeof(RECT));
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
 * First compiler transition mainly for searching all labels and data array building
 * Algorithem:
 * 1. int ic = 0, dc = 0;
 * 2. Read next line
 * 3. check is label exists in the line start
 * 4. Rise isLabelExists flag - if it exists
 * 5. if it is .data or .string command? if not go to step 8
 * 6. if there is a label add it to the symbols table with the value of dc counter (if it exists in the table throw error)
 * 7. identify the data type and store it in the data AssemblyBytes
 * 7.1. update the dc counter according to the data size return to step 2(!)
 * 8. if the command is .extern or .entry (if not go to step 11)
 * 9. it is .extern order add it to the symbols table with extern flag on and no value
 * 10. return to step 2
 * 11. if there is a label add it to the symbols table with the value of ic counter (if it exists in the table throw error)
 * 12. Check command & operands type and calculate the command memory size
 * 13. Add to ic the value of ic + the calculated command size value
 * 14. go back to step 2
 * 15. When all lines have been process check for failures and see that the RAM size doesnt exceeds the maximum allowed
 * 16. Update the data labels (.data or .string) in the symbols table with the mathcing address (the dc location + calulated final ic)
 * @param fileContent parsed file lines
 * @param assembly final struct to fill with symbols and bytes, should be PARCIALLY FULL by the end of the method
 * @return Status (Pass/Fail)
Status runFirstTransition(FileContent *fileContent, AssemblyStructure *assembly) {
    int i, calcCommandSize;
    Status status = Pass;
    assembly->dc = 0;

    for (i=0; i < fileContent->size; i++){ /* For every line in file */
        FileLine line = fileContent->line[i];

        bool isLabelExists = false;
        if (line.label != NULL) { /* If Label Exists for line */
            isLabelExists = true;

        /* Handle Data Storage Symbols */
        if (line.actionType == DATA || line.actionType == STRING) {
            /* Steps 6 ,7 and 7.1 */

            /* Push into data array */
            int calcDataSize = 0;
            int firstByte = 0;
            bool isMemAllocOk;
            if (line.actionType == DATA ) {
                calcDataSize = line.firstOperValue->dataSize; /* check how much space to save in data array */
                firstByte = line.firstOperValue->data[0];
                isMemAllocOk = pushBytesFromIntArray(assembly->dataArray, line.firstOperValue->data,  /* push data into data array */
            else {
                calcDataSize = (int)strlen(line.firstOperValue->string) + 1; /* calculate how much space needed to save for string - +1 for /0 at the end of string */
                firstByte = line.firstOperValue->string[0];
                isMemAllocOk = pushBytesFromString(assembly->dataArray, line.firstOperValue->string);  /* Push string into data array */

            if(isMemAllocOk == false) { /* if any error in memory allocation, throw error */
                printInternalError(ERR_DATA_RAM_OVERFLOW, fileContent->filename);
                status =  Fail;
            if (isLabelExists) { /* if .data/.string has label then add it to symbols table and check that it does not already exist */
                if (addNewLabelToTable(assembly->symbolsTable, line.label, assembly->dc, false, false, false, firstByte) == false) {
                    printCompileError(errMessage(ERR_LABEL_DEFINED_TWICE, line.label), fileContent->filename, line.lineNumber); /* throw error if label exist twice */
                    status =  Fail;
            assembly->dc += calcDataSize; /* increase dc size */
            /* Handle External Symbols */
        else if (line.actionType == EXTERN || line.actionType == ENTRY) {
            if (isLabelExists) { /* Throw warning if .extern/.entry has label */
                printCompileWarning(errMessage(WARN_LABEL_IN_BAD_LOCATION, line.label), fileContent->filename, line.lineNumber);
            /* Steps 9, 9.1, 10 */
            if (line.actionType == EXTERN) { /* add extern label to symbols table */
                addNewLabelToTable(assembly->symbolsTable, line.firstOperValue->entryOrExtern, 0, true, false, false, 0);
        else {/*  handle command line */

            /* Handle Command labels */
            if (isLabelExists) {  /* if there is label, add it to symbols table and calculate its binary bits (if needed by another dynamic cmd) */
                /* Step 11 */
                int binCommandForDynamicAddressing = buildBinaryCommand(line); /* calculate dynamic binary bits */
                if (addNewLabelToTable(assembly->symbolsTable, line.label, assembly->ic, false, true, false, /* add to sybolsTable and check no duplication */
                                       binCommandForDynamicAddressing) == false) {
                    printCompileError(errMessage(ERR_LABEL_DEFINED_TWICE, line.label), fileContent->filename, line.lineNumber); /* Throw error if label is duplicated */
                    status =  Fail;

            /* Steps 12, 13, 13.1, 14 */
            /* handle Command size */
            calcCommandSize = getCommandSize(&line);
            /* Step 14 */
            assembly->ic += calcCommandSize;
    if (status == Fail) {
        return Fail;

    if (assembly->ic + assembly->dc >= MAX_CPU_MEMORY) { /* If more than 1000 commands, throw error */
        printInternalError(ERR_RAM_OVERFLOW, fileContent->filename);
        return Fail;

    /* update the .data & .string records in the symbols table */
    updateSymbolsTableDataAddresses(assembly->symbolsTable, assembly->ic);
    return Pass;