Beispiel #1
void LLWLAnimator::update(LLWLParamSet& curParams)
	F64 curTime;
	curTime = getDayTime();

	// don't do anything if empty
	if(mTimeTrack.size() == 0) {

	// start it off
	mFirstIt = mTimeTrack.begin();
	mSecondIt = mTimeTrack.begin();

	// grab the two tween iterators
	while(mSecondIt != mTimeTrack.end() && curTime > mSecondIt->first) {

	// scroll it around when you get to the end
	if(mSecondIt == mTimeTrack.end() || mFirstIt->first > curTime) {
		mSecondIt = mTimeTrack.begin();
		mFirstIt = mTimeTrack.end();

	F32 weight = 0;

	if(mFirstIt->first < mSecondIt->first) {
		// get the delta time and the proper weight
		weight = F32 (curTime - mFirstIt->first) / 
			(mSecondIt->first - mFirstIt->first);
	// handle the ends
	} else if(mFirstIt->first > mSecondIt->first) {
		// right edge of time line
		if(curTime >= mFirstIt->first) {
			weight = F32 (curTime - mFirstIt->first) /
			((1 + mSecondIt->first) - mFirstIt->first);
		// left edge of time line
		} else {
			weight = F32 ((1 + curTime) - mFirstIt->first) /
			((1 + mSecondIt->first) - mFirstIt->first);

	// handle same as whatever the last one is
	} else {
		weight = 1;

	// do the interpolation and set the parameters
		LLWLParamManager::instance()->mParamList[mSecondIt->second], weight);
Beispiel #2
Date::getSecond( void )
    double th, tm, ts ;
    getDayTime(static_cast<double>(jul.time), &th, &tm, &ts);
    return ts;
Beispiel #3
Date::getMinute( void )
    double th, tm, ts ;
    getDayTime(static_cast<double>(jul.time), &th, &tm, &ts);
    return tm;
Beispiel #4
Date::julian2ProlGreg( const Date::Julian &myJul,
                       double *yr, double *mo, double *day, double *hr, double *mi, double *se )
     uint32_t J = static_cast<uint32_t>(myJul.jdn)  ;
     uint32_t j = J + static_cast<uint32_t>(32044) ;

     uint32_t g  = j / 146097;
     uint32_t dg = j % 146097;

     uint32_t c  = (dg / 36524 + 1) * 3 / 4;
     uint32_t dc = dg - c * 36524;

     uint32_t b  = dc / 1461;
     uint32_t db = dc % 1461;

     uint32_t a  = (db / 365 + 1) * 3 / 4;
     uint32_t da = db - a * 365;

     uint32_t y = g * 400 + c * 100 + b * 4 + a;

     uint32_t m = (da * 5 + 308) / 153 - 2;

     uint32_t d = da - (m + 4) * 153 / 5 + 122;

     uint32_t Y = y - 4800 + (m + 2) / 12;
     uint32_t M = (m + 2) % 12 + 1;

     *yr = Y ;
     *mo = M ;
     *day = d + 1;

    uint32_t f = static_cast<uint32_t>(myJul.jdn) ;
    f = f + 1401 + ((( 4*f + 274277)/146097) * 3)/4 -38 ;
    uint32_t e = 4*f + 3 ;
    uint32_t g = ( e % 1461 ) / 4 ;
    uint32_t h = 5 * g + 2 ;
    uint32_t D = (h % 153) / 5 + 1 ;
    uint32_t M = (h/153 + 2) % 12 + 1 ;
    uint32_t Y = e/1461 - 4716 + (12 + 2 - M)/12 ;

    *yr = Y ;
    *mo = M ;
    *day = D ;

    // get the civil time
    getDayTime(static_cast<double>(myJul.time), hr, mi, se);

Beispiel #5
void LLWLAnimator::update(LLWLParamSet& curParams)
	//llassert(mUseLindenTime != mUseLocalTime);

	F64 curTime;
	curTime = getDayTime();

	// don't do anything if empty
	if(mTimeTrack.size() == 0)

	// start it off
	mFirstIt = mTimeTrack.begin();
	mSecondIt = mTimeTrack.begin();

	// grab the two tween iterators
	while(mSecondIt != mTimeTrack.end() && curTime > mSecondIt->first)

	// scroll it around when you get to the end
	if(mSecondIt == mTimeTrack.end() || mFirstIt->first > curTime)
		mSecondIt = mTimeTrack.begin();
		mFirstIt = mTimeTrack.end();

	F32 weight = 0;

	if(mFirstIt->first < mSecondIt->first)
		// get the delta time and the proper weight
		weight = F32 (curTime - mFirstIt->first) / 
			(mSecondIt->first - mFirstIt->first);
	// handle the ends
	else if(mFirstIt->first > mSecondIt->first)
		// right edge of time line
		if(curTime >= mFirstIt->first)
			weight = F32 (curTime - mFirstIt->first) /
			((1 + mSecondIt->first) - mFirstIt->first);
		// left edge of time line
			weight = F32 ((1 + curTime) - mFirstIt->first) /
			((1 + mSecondIt->first) - mFirstIt->first);

	// handle same as whatever the last one is
		weight = 1;

		// *TODO_JACOB: this is kind of laggy.  Not sure why.  The part that lags is the curParams.mix call, and none of the other mixes.  It works, though.
		clock_t current = clock();
		if(current >= mInterpEndTime)
			if (mIsInterpolatingSky)
				// FIRE-3245: Some settings do not get fully mixed properly (possibly due to value extremes)
				// at the end of the interp cycle, force the end settings to get applied
			// <FS:Ansariel> FIRE-11158: Set final merge for water WL on extreme values

			mIsInterpolating = false;
			mIsInterpolatingSky = false;

		// <FS:Ansariel> Custom Windlight interpolate time
		static LLCachedControl<F32> interpolate_time(gSavedSettings, "FSWindlightInterpolateTime");
		if (mIsInterpolatingSky)
			// <FS:Ansariel> Custom Windlight interpolate time
			//weight = (current - mInterpStartTime) / (INTERP_TOTAL_SECONDS * CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
			weight = (current - mInterpStartTime) / ((F64)interpolate_time * CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
			curParams.mix(*mInterpBeginWL, *mInterpEndWL, weight);
			// determine moving target for final interpolation value
			// *TODO: this will not work with lazy loading of sky presets.
			LLWLParamSet buf = LLWLParamSet();
			buf.setAll(LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mParamList[mFirstIt->second].getAll());	// just give it some values, otherwise it has no params to begin with (see comment in constructor)
			buf.mix(LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mParamList[mFirstIt->second], LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mParamList[mSecondIt->second], weight);	// mix to determine moving target for interpolation finish (as below)

			// mix from previous value to moving target
			// <FS:Ansariel> Custom Windlight interpolate time
			//weight = (current - mInterpStartTime) / (INTERP_TOTAL_SECONDS * CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
			weight = (current - mInterpStartTime) / ((F64)interpolate_time * CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
			curParams.mix(*mInterpBeginWL, buf, weight);

		// mix water
		LLWaterParamManager::getInstance()->mCurParams.mix(*mInterpBeginWater, *mInterpEndWater, weight);
	// do the interpolation and set the parameters
		// *TODO: this will not work with lazy loading of sky presets.
		curParams.mix(LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mParamList[mFirstIt->second], LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mParamList[mSecondIt->second], weight);
Beispiel #6
Date::julian2ModelDate( const Date::Julian &j,
                        double *y, double *mo, double *d, double *h, double *mi, double *s )
    double resid;
    *mo = *d = 1.;
    *h = *mi = *s = 0.;

    if( currCalendarEnum == EQUAL_MONTHS )
        long double jd=j.jdn + j.time ;
        // this kind of julian day starts at 0000-01-01T00:00:00
        *y = static_cast<double>
             (  static_cast<long long int> (jd / 360. ) ) ;

        resid = static_cast<double>( jd - *y*360. );
        if( resid == 0. )
            *y += 1.;

        *mo = static_cast<double>( static_cast<int>(resid / 30.) ) ;
        resid -= *mo*30 ;

        *d = static_cast<double>( static_cast<int>(resid) ) ;
        resid -= *d ;
        // explicitly: months and/or leap year and/or leap_month
        // For calender: NO_LEAP, ALL_LEAP, UNDEF and not provided
        long double jd=j.jdn + j.time ;

        long double yrDays;
        if( currCalendarEnum == ALL_LEAP )
            yrDays = 366. ;
        else if( lY_is )
            yrDays = lY_yrDays + 0.25;
            yrDays = 365. ;

        // this kind of julian day==0 starts at 0000-01-01T00:00:00
        *y = static_cast<double>
             (  static_cast<long long int> (jd / yrDays ) ) ;

        resid = static_cast<double>( jd - *y*yrDays );

        if( resid == 0. )

        bool isCurrLY = false;
        if( lY_is )
            if( (static_cast<int>(*y) - lY_start) % 4  == 0 )
                isCurrLY = true;

        // we are looking for the current month
        double tmp=0. ;
        for(int imon=0 ; imon < 12 ; ++imon)
            double currMon = regularMonthDays[imon];
            if( isCurrLY && imon == lY_month )
                currMon += 1.;

            tmp += currMon;

            if( tmp > resid )
                *mo = static_cast<double>(imon) ;
                resid -= (tmp - currMon);
                *d=static_cast<double>( static_cast<int>(resid) ) ;
                resid -= *d;

    // day time
    getDayTime(resid, h, mi, s);

    // convert from numerical to date representation
    // y=1900, mo=11, d=30, h=24 <--> 1901-01-01 00:00:00
    *y  += 1. ;
    *mo += 1. ;
    *d  += 1. ;

    return ;