Beispiel #1
void lcp_nsgs_SBM_buildLocalProblem(int rowNumber, const SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* const blmat, LinearComplementarityProblem* local_problem, double* q, double* z)

  assert(blmat->blocksize0[rowNumber] > 0);

  /* Position in vector blmat->block of the required diagonal block */
  int diagPos = getDiagonalBlockPos(blmat, rowNumber);
  /* Gets diagonal block = MLocal  */
  local_problem->M->matrix0 = blmat->block[diagPos];
  local_problem->size = blmat->blocksize0[rowNumber];
  int pos = 0;
  if (rowNumber != 0)
    local_problem->size -= blmat->blocksize0[rowNumber - 1];
    pos =  blmat->blocksize0[rowNumber - 1];

  local_problem->M->size0 = local_problem->size;
  local_problem->M->size1 = local_problem->size;

  /* Computes qLocal */
  /* qLocal = q[rowNumber] + sum (rowM.z),
     sum over all non-diagonal blocks, rowM being the current
     row of blocks of M
  cblas_dcopy_msan(local_problem->size, &q[pos], 1, local_problem->q, 1);
  rowProdNoDiagSBM(blmat->blocksize0[blmat->blocknumber0 - 1], local_problem->size, rowNumber, blmat, z, local_problem->q, 0);

Beispiel #2
void getDiagonalBlock(NumericsMatrix* m, int numBlockRow, int numRow, int size, double ** Bout)
    int storageType = m->storageType;
    if (storageType == 0)
        double * MM = m->matrix0;
        double * elem = 0;
        /* The part of MM which corresponds to the current block is copied into MLocal */
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            elem = MM + numRow + (numRow + i) * (m->size0);
            for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                (*Bout)[j + i * size] = *elem;
    else if (storageType == 1)
        int diagPos = getDiagonalBlockPos(m->matrix1, numBlockRow);
        (*Bout) = m->matrix1->block[diagPos];

void AC_fillMLocal(FrictionContactProblem * problem, FrictionContactProblem * localproblem, int contact)

  NumericsMatrix * MGlobal = problem->M;
  int n = 3 * problem->numberOfContacts;

  // Dense storage
  int storageType = MGlobal->storageType;
  if (storageType == 0)
    int in = 3 * contact, it = in + 1, is = it + 1;
    int inc = n * in;
    double * MM = MGlobal->matrix0;
    double * MLocal =  localproblem->M->matrix0;
    /* The part of MM which corresponds to the current block is copied into MLocal */
    MLocal[0] = MM[inc + in];
    MLocal[1] = MM[inc + it];
    MLocal[2] = MM[inc + is];
    inc += n;
    MLocal[3] = MM[inc + in];
    MLocal[4] = MM[inc + it];
    MLocal[5] = MM[inc + is];
    inc += n;
    MLocal[6] = MM[inc + in];
    MLocal[7] = MM[inc + it];
    MLocal[8] = MM[inc + is];
  else if (storageType == 1)
    int diagPos = getDiagonalBlockPos(MGlobal->matrix1, contact);
    localproblem->M->matrix0 = MGlobal->matrix1->block[diagPos];
    /*     cblas_dcopy(9, MGlobal->matrix1->block[diagPos], 1, localproblem->M->matrix0 , 1); */

    numericsError("FrictionContact3D_AlartCurnier:AC_fillMLocal() -", "unknown storage type for matrix M");

void frictionContact3D_projection_update_with_regularization(int contact, FrictionContactProblem * problem, FrictionContactProblem * localproblem, double* reaction, SolverOptions* options)

  /* Build a local problem for a specific contact
     reaction corresponds to the global vector (size n) of the global problem.

  /* Call the update function which depends on the storage for MGlobal/MBGlobal */
  /* Build a local problem for a specific contact
   reaction corresponds to the global vector (size n) of the global problem.

  /* The part of MGlobal which corresponds to the current block is copied into MLocal */

  NumericsMatrix * MGlobal = problem->M;

  int n = 3 * problem->numberOfContacts;

  int storageType = MGlobal->storageType;
  if (storageType == 0)
    // Dense storage
    int in = 3 * contact, it = in + 1, is = it + 1;
    int inc = n * in;
    double * MM = MGlobal->matrix0;
    double * MLocal =  localproblem->M->matrix0;

    /* The part of MM which corresponds to the current block is copied into MLocal */
    MLocal[0] = MM[inc + in];
    MLocal[1] = MM[inc + it];
    MLocal[2] = MM[inc + is];
    inc += n;
    MLocal[3] = MM[inc + in];
    MLocal[4] = MM[inc + it];
    MLocal[5] = MM[inc + is];
    inc += n;
    MLocal[6] = MM[inc + in];
    MLocal[7] = MM[inc + it];
    MLocal[8] = MM[inc + is];
  else if (storageType == 1)
    int diagPos = getDiagonalBlockPos(MGlobal->matrix1, contact);
    /*     for (int i =0 ; i< 3*3 ; i++) localproblem->M->matrix0[i] = MGlobal->matrix1->block[diagPos][i] ; */
    cblas_dcopy(9, MGlobal->matrix1->block[diagPos], 1, localproblem->M->matrix0 , 1);

    numericsError("FrictionContact3D_projection -", "unknown storage type for matrix M");

  /****  Computation of qLocal = qBlock + sum over a row of blocks in MGlobal of the products MLocal.reactionBlock,
     excluding the block corresponding to the current contact. ****/
  frictionContact3D_nsgs_computeqLocal(problem, localproblem, reaction, contact);

  double rho = options->dparam[3];
  for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) localproblem->M->matrix0[i + 3 * i] += rho ;

  double *qLocal = localproblem->q;
  int in = 3 * contact, it = in + 1, is = it + 1;

  /* qLocal computation*/
  qLocal[0] -= rho * reaction[in];
  qLocal[1] -= rho * reaction[it];
  qLocal[2] -= rho * reaction[is];

  /* Friction coefficient for current block*/
  localproblem->mu[0] = problem->mu[contact];
