Beispiel #1
std::shared_ptr<LayerRepresentation> Layer::createDefaultRepresentation() const {
    return createLayerRAM(getDimensions(), getLayerType(), getDataFormat());
Beispiel #2
 inline int getWidth() const { return getDimensions().x; }
Beispiel #3
void ModelOverlay::update(float deltatime) {
    if (_updateModel) {
        _updateModel = false;
        Transform transform = evalRenderTransform();
        if (_scaleToFit) {
            _model->setScaleToFit(true, transform.getScale() * getDimensions());
        } else {
        _model->simulate(deltatime, true);
    } else {
    _isLoaded = _model->isActive();

    if (isAnimatingSomething()) {
        if (!jointsMapped()) {

    // check to see if when we added our model to the scene they were ready, if they were not ready, then
    // fix them up in the scene
    render::ScenePointer scene = qApp->getMain3DScene();
    render::Transaction transaction;
    if (_model->needsFixupInScene()) {
        emit DependencyManager::get<scriptable::ModelProviderFactory>()->modelRemovedFromScene(getID(), NestableType::Overlay, _model);
        _model->removeFromScene(scene, transaction);
        _model->addToScene(scene, transaction);

        auto newRenderItemIDs{ _model->fetchRenderItemIDs() };
        transaction.updateItem<Overlay>(getRenderItemID(), [newRenderItemIDs](Overlay& data) {
            auto modelOverlay = static_cast<ModelOverlay*>(&data);
        emit DependencyManager::get<scriptable::ModelProviderFactory>()->modelAddedToScene(getID(), NestableType::Overlay, _model);
    if (_visibleDirty) {
        _visibleDirty = false;
        // don't show overlays in mirrors or spectator-cam unless _isVisibleInSecondaryCamera is true
        _model->setVisibleInScene(getVisible(), scene,
                                  render::ItemKey::TAG_BITS_0 |
                                  (_isVisibleInSecondaryCamera ? render::ItemKey::TAG_BITS_1 : render::ItemKey::TAG_BITS_NONE),
    if (_drawInFrontDirty) {
        _drawInFrontDirty = false;
        _model->setLayeredInFront(getDrawInFront(), scene);
    if (_drawInHUDDirty) {
        _drawInHUDDirty = false;
        _model->setLayeredInHUD(getDrawHUDLayer(), scene);

    if (!_texturesLoaded && _model->getGeometry() && _model->getGeometry()->areTexturesLoaded()) {
        _texturesLoaded = true;
Beispiel #4
glm::vec2 RayPick::projectOntoEntityXYPlane(const QUuid& entityID, const glm::vec3& worldPos, bool unNormalized) {
    auto props = DependencyManager::get<EntityScriptingInterface>()->getEntityProperties(entityID);
    return projectOntoXYPlane(worldPos, props.getPosition(), props.getRotation(), props.getDimensions(), props.getRegistrationPoint(), unNormalized);
Beispiel #5
void Image3DOverlay::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    if (!_isLoaded) {
        _isLoaded = true;
        _texture = DependencyManager::get<TextureCache>()->getTexture(_url);

    if (!_visible || !getParentVisible() || !_texture || !_texture->isLoaded()) {

    gpu::Batch* batch = args->_batch;

    float imageWidth = _texture->getWidth();
    float imageHeight = _texture->getHeight();

    QRect fromImage;
    if (_fromImage.isNull()) {
    } else {
        float scaleX = imageWidth / _texture->getOriginalWidth();
        float scaleY = imageHeight / _texture->getOriginalHeight();

        fromImage.setX(scaleX * _fromImage.x());
        fromImage.setY(scaleY * _fromImage.y());
        fromImage.setWidth(scaleX * _fromImage.width());
        fromImage.setHeight(scaleY * _fromImage.height());

    float maxSize = glm::max(fromImage.width(), fromImage.height());
    float x = fromImage.width() / (2.0f * maxSize);
    float y = -fromImage.height() / (2.0f * maxSize);

    glm::vec2 topLeft(-x, -y);
    glm::vec2 bottomRight(x, y);
    glm::vec2 texCoordTopLeft(fromImage.x() / imageWidth, fromImage.y() / imageHeight);
    glm::vec2 texCoordBottomRight((fromImage.x() + fromImage.width()) / imageWidth,
                                  (fromImage.y() + fromImage.height()) / imageHeight);

    const float MAX_COLOR = 255.0f;
    xColor color = getColor();
    float alpha = getAlpha();

    applyTransformTo(_transform, true);
    Transform transform = _transform;
    transform.postScale(glm::vec3(getDimensions(), 1.0f));

    batch->setResourceTexture(0, _texture->getGPUTexture());

    DependencyManager::get<DeferredLightingEffect>()->bindSimpleProgram(*batch, true, false, _emissive, true);
        *batch, topLeft, bottomRight, texCoordTopLeft, texCoordBottomRight,
        glm::vec4( / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, alpha)

    batch->setResourceTexture(0, args->_whiteTexture); // restore default white color after me
void RenderableWebEntityItem::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    QOpenGLContext * currentContext = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
    QSurface * currentSurface = currentContext->surface();
    if (!_webSurface) {
        _webSurface = new OffscreenQmlSurface();
        _webSurface->setBaseUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(PathUtils::resourcesPath() + "/qml/"));
        _webSurface->getRootItem()->setProperty("url", _sourceUrl);
        _connection = QObject::connect(_webSurface, &OffscreenQmlSurface::textureUpdated, [&](GLuint textureId) {
            // TODO change to atomic<GLuint>?
            withLock(_textureLock, [&] {
                std::swap(_texture, textureId);
            if (textureId) {
            if (_texture) {
                glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture);
                glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
                glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
                glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

        auto forwardMouseEvent = [=](const RayToEntityIntersectionResult& intersection, const QMouseEvent* event, unsigned int deviceId) {
            // Ignore mouse interaction if we're locked
            if (this->getLocked()) {

            if (event->button() == Qt::MouseButton::RightButton) {
                if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
                    const QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<const QMouseEvent*>(event);
                    _lastPress = toGlm(mouseEvent->pos());

            if (intersection.entityID == getID()) {
                if (event->button() == Qt::MouseButton::RightButton) {
                    if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
                        const QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<const QMouseEvent*>(event);
                        ivec2 dist = glm::abs(toGlm(mouseEvent->pos()) - _lastPress);
                        if (!glm::any(glm::greaterThan(dist, ivec2(1)))) {
                            AbstractViewStateInterface::instance()->postLambdaEvent([this] {
                                QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_webSurface->getRootItem(), "goBack");
                        _lastPress = ivec2(INT_MIN);

                // FIXME doesn't work... double click events not received
                if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) {
                    AbstractViewStateInterface::instance()->postLambdaEvent([this] {
                        _webSurface->getRootItem()->setProperty("url", _sourceUrl);

                if (event->button() == Qt::MouseButton::MiddleButton) {
                    if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
                        AbstractViewStateInterface::instance()->postLambdaEvent([this] {
                            _webSurface->getRootItem()->setProperty("url", _sourceUrl);

                // Map the intersection point to an actual offscreen pixel
                glm::vec3 point = intersection.intersection;
                point -= getPosition();
                point = glm::inverse(getRotation()) * point;
                point /= getDimensions();
                point += 0.5f;
                point.y = 1.0f - point.y;
                point *= getDimensions() * METERS_TO_INCHES * DPI;
                // Forward the mouse event.  
                QMouseEvent mappedEvent(event->type(),
                    QPoint((int)point.x, (int)point.y),
                    event->screenPos(), event->button(),
                    event->buttons(), event->modifiers());
                QCoreApplication::sendEvent(_webSurface->getWindow(), &mappedEvent);

        EntityTreeRenderer* renderer = static_cast<EntityTreeRenderer*>(args->_renderer);
        QObject::connect(renderer, &EntityTreeRenderer::mousePressOnEntity, forwardMouseEvent);
        QObject::connect(renderer, &EntityTreeRenderer::mouseReleaseOnEntity, forwardMouseEvent);
        QObject::connect(renderer, &EntityTreeRenderer::mouseMoveOnEntity, forwardMouseEvent);

    glm::vec2 dims = glm::vec2(getDimensions());
    dims *= METERS_TO_INCHES * DPI;
    // The offscreen surface is idempotent for resizes (bails early
    // if it's a no-op), so it's safe to just call resize every frame 
    // without worrying about excessive overhead.
    _webSurface->resize(QSize(dims.x, dims.y));

    PerformanceTimer perfTimer("RenderableWebEntityItem::render");
    Q_ASSERT(getType() == EntityTypes::Web);
    static const glm::vec2 texMin(0.0f), texMax(1.0f), topLeft(-0.5f), bottomRight(0.5f);

    gpu::Batch& batch = *args->_batch;
    bool textured = false, culled = false, emissive = false;
    if (_texture) {
        batch._glActiveBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture);
        textured = emissive = true;
    DependencyManager::get<DeferredLightingEffect>()->bindSimpleProgram(batch, textured, culled, emissive);
    DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>()->renderQuad(batch, topLeft, bottomRight, texMin, texMax, glm::vec4(1.0f));
Beispiel #7
void BabyDragon::onCreate(int x, int y)
	getDimensions()->x = x;
	getDimensions()->y = y;
Beispiel #8
void TensorFlowEngine::run() {
		throw Exception("At least one output node has to be given to the NeuralNetwork before execution");
		throw Exception("At least one output node has to be given to the NeuralNetwork before execution");

	// For each input, create a tensorflow tensor:
	std::vector <std::pair<std::string, tensorflow::Tensor>> input_tensors;
	for(auto inputNode : mInputNodes) {
		const std::string name = inputNode.first;
			throw Exception("Input node " + name + " has not received any data");
		auto shape =>getShape();
		if(shape.getUnknownDimensions() > 0)
		    throw Exception("Input shape must be fully known when executing NN");

		// Construct tensorflow tensor
        tensorflow::TensorShape tensorShape;
        for(auto i : shape.getAll()) {
        tensorflow::Tensor input_tensor(

        // Give tensor data to tensorflow
        // TODO is the data here actually moved?
        TensorAccess::pointer access =>getAccess(ACCESS_READ);
        switch(shape.getDimensions()) {
            case 2:
                input_tensor.tensor<float, 2>() = std::move(access->getData<2>());
            case 3:
                input_tensor.tensor<float, 3>() = std::move(access->getData<3>());
            case 4:
                input_tensor.tensor<float, 4>() = std::move(access->getData<4>());
            case 5:
                input_tensor.tensor<float, 5>() = std::move(access->getData<5>());
			case 6:
				input_tensor.tensor<float, 6>() = std::move(access->getData<6>());
                throw Exception("Invalid tensor dimension size");

		// Add tensorflow tensor to list of input tensors
		input_tensors.push_back(std::make_pair(name, input_tensor));

    for(std::string name : mLearningPhaseTensors) {
        // Create a scalar tensor which tells the system we are NOT doing training
        tensorflow::Tensor input_tensor2(
                tensorflow::TensorShape() // Scalar
        auto input_tensor_mapped2 = input_tensor2.tensor<bool, 0>();
        input_tensor_mapped2(0) = false;
        input_tensors.push_back(std::make_pair(name, input_tensor2));

	std::vector<tensorflow::Tensor> output_tensors;

	reportInfo() << "Running network" << reportEnd();
	tensorflow::Status s;
	std::vector<std::string> outputNames;
	for(auto node : mOutputNodes)
	s = mSession->Run(input_tensors, outputNames, {}, &output_tensors);

	if (!s.ok()) {
		throw Exception("Error during inference: " + s.ToString());
	reportInfo() << "Finished executing network" << reportEnd();

    // Collect all output data as FAST tensors
    for(int j = 0; j < outputNames.size(); ++j) {
        const std::string outputName = outputNames[j];
        const NetworkNode node = mOutputNodes[outputName];
        auto tensor = TensorflowTensor::New();
        mOutputNodes[outputName].data = tensor;
	reportInfo() << "Finished parsing output" << reportEnd();
Beispiel #9
// mjmarin: this version works with cv::Mat
cv::Mat FeatPyramid::process2( const IplImage *mximage, const float mxsbin )
//cout << "Init process pyramid" << endl;
  float *im = getImgData <float> (mximage);
  int dims[3];
	getDimensions (mximage, dims);

  if (dims[2] != 3)
    cout << "Invalid input" << endl;

  int sbin = (int) mxsbin;

  // memory for caching orientation histograms & their norms
  int blocks[2];
  blocks[0] = (int)round((float)dims[0]/(float)sbin);
  blocks[1] = (int)round((float)dims[1]/(float)sbin);

  assert (blocks[0] > 0);
  assert (blocks[1] > 0);

  float *hist = new float [blocks[0]*blocks[1]*18];

  for (int i = 0; i < blocks[0]*blocks[1]*18; i++)
    hist[i] = 0;

  float *norm = new float [blocks[0]*blocks[1]];

  for (int i = 0; i < blocks[0]*blocks[1]; i++)
    norm[i] = 0;

  // memory for HOG features
  int out[3];

  out[0] = max(blocks[0]-2, 0);
  out[1] = max(blocks[1]-2, 0);
  out[2] = 27+4+1;

  //CvMatND *mxfeat;
  cv::Mat mxfeat;
//cout << "POS" << endl;
  if (out[0] == 0 && out[1] == 0 )
    cout << "Empty matrix" << endl;
    mxfeat = 0.0;
    assert (out[0] > 0);
    assert (out[1] > 0);

    //mxfeat = createNDMatrix (3, out, CV_64FC1);
		//createMatrix (3, out, CV_64FC1, &mxfeat);
	mxfeat.create(3, out, CV_64FC1);
    //assert (mxfeat != NULL);
	assert (!mxfeat.empty());
//cout << "POS" << endl;
    //double *feat = new double [out[0] * out[1] * out[2]];
    //float *feat = getMatNData <float> (mxfeat);
	float *feat = new float [out[0] * out[1] * out[2]];
    assert (feat != NULL);
//cout << "POS" << endl;
    int visible[2];
    visible[0] = blocks[0]*sbin;
    visible[1] = blocks[1]*sbin;

		float *s;
		float dy, dx;
		float v;

		float dy2, dx2;
		float v2;

		float dy3, dx3;
		float v3;

		float best_dot = 0;
    int best_o = 0;

		float dot;

		float xp, yp;

    int ixp, iyp;
    float vx0, vy0, vx1, vy1;

		float *src1, *src2;
    float *dst, *end;

		float *dst2;
    float *src, *p, n1, n2, n3, n4;

		float t1 = 0;
    float t2 = 0;
    float t3 = 0;
    float t4 = 0;

		double h1, h2, h3, h4;
		float sum = 0;//
    for (int x = 1; x < visible[1]-1; x++)
      for (int y = 1; y < visible[0]-1; y++)
        // first color channel
        s = im + min(x, dims[1]-2)*dims[0] + min(y, dims[0]-2);
        dy = *(s+1) - *(s-1);
        dx = *(s+dims[0]) - *(s-dims[0]);
        v = dx*dx + dy*dy;

        // second color channel
        s += dims[0]*dims[1];
        dy2 = *(s+1) - *(s-1);
        dx2 = *(s+dims[0]) - *(s-dims[0]);
        v2 = dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2;

        // third color channel
        s += dims[0]*dims[1];
        dy3 = *(s+1) - *(s-1);
        dx3 = *(s+dims[0]) - *(s-dims[0]);
        v3 = dx3*dx3 + dy3*dy3;

        // pick channel with strongest gradient
        if (v2 > v)
          v = v2;
          dx = dx2;
          dy = dy2;

        if (v3 > v)
          v = v3;
          dx = dx3;
          dy = dy3;

        // snap to one of 18 orientations
        best_dot = 0;
        best_o = 0;

        for (int o = 0; o < 9; o++)
          dot = uu[o]*dx + vv[o]*dy;
          if (dot > best_dot)
            best_dot = dot;
            best_o = o;

          else if (-dot > best_dot)
            best_dot = -dot;
            best_o = o+9;

        // add to 4 histograms around pixel using linear interpolation
        xp = ((float)x+0.5)/(float)sbin - 0.5;
        yp = ((float)y+0.5)/(float)sbin - 0.5;

        ixp = (int)floor(xp);
        iyp = (int)floor(yp);
        vx0 = xp-ixp;
        vy0 = yp-iyp;
        vx1 = 1.0-vx0;
        vy1 = 1.0-vy0;
        v = sqrt(v);
//cout << "POS" << endl;
        if (ixp >= 0 && iyp >= 0)
          *(hist + ixp*blocks[0] + iyp + best_o*blocks[0]*blocks[1]) += vx1*vy1*v;

        if (ixp+1 < blocks[1] && iyp >= 0)
          *(hist + (ixp+1)*blocks[0] + iyp + best_o*blocks[0]*blocks[1]) += vx0*vy1*v;

        if (ixp >= 0 && iyp+1 < blocks[0])
          *(hist + ixp*blocks[0] + (iyp+1) + best_o*blocks[0]*blocks[1]) += vx1*vy0*v;

        if (ixp+1 < blocks[1] && iyp+1 < blocks[0])
          *(hist + (ixp+1)*blocks[0] + (iyp+1) + best_o*blocks[0]*blocks[1]) += vx0*vy0*v;
//cout << "POS" << endl;
    // compute energy in each block by summing over orientations
    for (int o = 0; o < 9; o++)
      src1 = hist + o*blocks[0]*blocks[1];
      src2 = hist + (o+9)*blocks[0]*blocks[1];
      dst = norm;
      end = norm + blocks[1]*blocks[0];

      while (dst < end)
        *(dst++) += (*src1 + *src2) * (*src1 + *src2);
//cout << "POS" << endl;
    // compute features
    for (int x = 0; x < out[1]; x++)
      for (int y = 0; y < out[0]; y++)
        dst2 = feat + x*out[0] + y;

        p = norm + (x+1)*blocks[0] + y+1;
        n1 = 1.0 / sqrt(*p + *(p+1) + *(p+blocks[0]) + *(p+blocks[0]+1) + eps);
        p = norm + (x+1)*blocks[0] + y;
        n2 = 1.0 / sqrt(*p + *(p+1) + *(p+blocks[0]) + *(p+blocks[0]+1) + eps);
        p = norm + x*blocks[0] + y+1;
        n3 = 1.0 / sqrt(*p + *(p+1) + *(p+blocks[0]) + *(p+blocks[0]+1) + eps);
        p = norm + x*blocks[0] + y;
        n4 = 1.0 / sqrt(*p + *(p+1) + *(p+blocks[0]) + *(p+blocks[0]+1) + eps);

        t1 = 0;
        t2 = 0;
        t3 = 0;
        t4 = 0;

        // contrast-sensitive features
        src = hist + (x+1)*blocks[0] + (y+1);

        for (int o = 0; o < 18; o++)
          h1 = min(*src * n1, 0.2);
          h2 = min(*src * n2, 0.2);
          h3 = min(*src * n3, 0.2);
          h4 = min(*src * n4, 0.2);
          *dst2 = 0.5 * (h1 + h2 + h3 + h4);
          t1 += h1;
          t2 += h2;
          t3 += h3;
          t4 += h4;
          dst2 += out[0]*out[1];
          src += blocks[0]*blocks[1];

        // contrast-insensitive features
        src = hist + (x+1)*blocks[0] + (y+1);

        for (int o = 0; o < 9; o++)
          sum = *src + *(src + 9*blocks[0]*blocks[1]);
          h1 = min(sum * n1, 0.2);
          h2 = min(sum * n2, 0.2);
          h3 = min(sum * n3, 0.2);
          h4 = min(sum * n4, 0.2);
          *dst2 = 0.5 * (h1 + h2 + h3 + h4);
          dst2 += out[0]*out[1];
          src += blocks[0]*blocks[1];

        // texture features
        *dst2 = 0.2357 * t1;
        dst2 += out[0]*out[1];
        *dst2 = 0.2357 * t2;
        dst2 += out[0]*out[1];
        *dst2 = 0.2357 * t3;
        dst2 += out[0]*out[1];
        *dst2 = 0.2357 * t4;

        // truncation feature
        dst2 += out[0]*out[1];
        *dst2 = 0;

    delete[] hist;
    delete[] norm;
    setMatNData (mxfeat, feat);

    delete[] feat;
	delete[] im;
  return mxfeat;
Beispiel #10
bool Region::operator==(const Region &o) const {

  if (initialized_ != o.initialized_ || outputs_.size() != o.outputs_.size() ||
      inputs_.size() != o.inputs_.size()) {
    return false;

  if (name_ != o.name_ || type_ != o.type_ || 
      spec_ != o.spec_ || phases_ != o.phases_ ) {
    return false;
  if (getDimensions() != o.getDimensions()) {
    return false;

  // Compare Regions's Input (checking only input buffer names and type)
  static auto compareInput = [](decltype(*inputs_.begin()) a, decltype(*inputs_.begin()) b) {
    if (a.first != b.first) {
      return false;
    auto input_a = a.second;
    auto input_b = b.second;
    if (input_a->getDimensions() != input_b->getDimensions()) return false;
    if (input_a->isInitialized() != input_b->isInitialized()) return false;
    if (input_a->isInitialized()) {
      if (input_a->getData().getType() != input_b->getData().getType() ||
          input_a->getData().getCount() != input_b->getData().getCount())
        return false;
    auto links_a = input_a->getLinks();
    auto links_b = input_b->getLinks();
    if (links_a.size() != links_b.size()) {
      return false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < links_a.size(); i++) {
      if (*(links_a[i]) != *(links_b[i])) {
        return false;
    return true;
  if (!std::equal(inputs_.begin(), inputs_.end(), o.inputs_.begin(),
                  compareInput)) {
    return false;
  // Compare Regions's Output (checking only output buffer names and type.)
  static auto compareOutput = [](decltype(*outputs_.begin()) a, decltype(*outputs_.begin()) b) {
    if (a.first != b.first ) {
      return false;
    auto output_a = a.second;
    auto output_b = b.second;
    if (output_a->getDimensions() != output_b->getDimensions()) return false;
    if (output_a->getData().getType() != output_b->getData().getType() ||
        output_a->getData().getCount() != output_b->getData().getCount())
        return false;
    return true;
  if (!std::equal(outputs_.begin(), outputs_.end(), o.outputs_.begin(),
                  compareOutput)) {
    return false;

  return true;
Beispiel #11
Quad:: Quad
  Edge& edgeOne,
  Edge& edgeTwo,
  Edge& edgeThree,
  Edge& edgeFour,
  int   id )
  _edges( boost::assign::list_of(&edgeOne)(&edgeTwo)(&edgeThree)(&edgeFour).to_array(_edges) ),
  _id( id ),
  _normal( edgeOne.getDimensions() ),
  _center( edgeOne.getDimensions() ),
  _enclosingRadius ( 0.0 )
  assertion2(edgeOne.getDimensions() == edgeTwo.getDimensions(),
             edgeOne.getDimensions(), edgeTwo.getDimensions() );
  assertion2(edgeTwo.getDimensions() == edgeThree.getDimensions(),
             edgeTwo.getDimensions(), edgeThree.getDimensions() );
  assertion2(edgeThree.getDimensions() == edgeFour.getDimensions(),
             edgeThree.getDimensions(), edgeFour.getDimensions() );
  assertion1(getDimensions() == 3, getDimensions());

  // Determine vertex map
  Vertex& v0 = edge(0).vertex(0);
  Vertex& v1 = edge(0).vertex(1);

  // Check for edges 0 and 1 which vertex establishes connection
  if (&edge(1).vertex(0) == &v0){
    _vertexMap[0] = 1;
    _vertexMap[1] = 0;
  else if (&edge(1).vertex(1) == &v0){
    _vertexMap[0] = 1;
    _vertexMap[1] = 1;
  else if (&edge(1).vertex(0) == &v1){
    _vertexMap[0] = 0;
    _vertexMap[1] = 0;
  else {
    assertion(&edge(1).vertex(1) == &v1);
    _vertexMap[0] = 0;
    _vertexMap[1] = 1;

  // Check for edges 1 and 2 which vertex establishes connection
  if (_vertexMap[1] == 0){
    if (&edge(2).vertex(0) == &edge(1).vertex(1)){
      _vertexMap[2] = 0;
    else {
      assertion(&edge(2).vertex(1) == &edge(1).vertex(1));
      _vertexMap[2] = 1;
  else if (_vertexMap[1] == 1){
    if (&edge(2).vertex(0) == &edge(1).vertex(0)){
      _vertexMap[2] = 0;
    else {
      assertion(&edge(2).vertex(1) == &edge(1).vertex(0));
      _vertexMap[2] = 1;

  // Check for edges 2 and 3 which vertex establishes connection
  if (_vertexMap[2] == 0){
    if (&edge(3).vertex(0) == &edge(2).vertex(1)){
      _vertexMap[3] = 0;
    else {
      assertion(&edge(3).vertex(1) == &edge(2).vertex(1));
      _vertexMap[3] = 1;
  else if (_vertexMap[2] == 1){
    if (&edge(3).vertex(0) == &edge(2).vertex(0)){
      _vertexMap[3] = 0;
    else {
      assertion(&edge(3).vertex(1) == &edge(2).vertex(0));
      _vertexMap[3] = 1;

  assertion(&vertex(0) != &vertex(1));
  assertion(&vertex(0) != &vertex(2));
  assertion(&vertex(0) != &vertex(3));
  assertion(&vertex(1) != &vertex(2));
  assertion(&vertex(1) != &vertex(3));
  assertion(&vertex(2) != &vertex(3));

  assertion1((_vertexMap[0] == 0) || (_vertexMap[0] == 1), _vertexMap[0]);
  assertion1((_vertexMap[1] == 0) || (_vertexMap[1] == 1), _vertexMap[1]);
  assertion1((_vertexMap[2] == 0) || (_vertexMap[2] == 1), _vertexMap[2]);
  assertion1((_vertexMap[2] == 0) || (_vertexMap[2] == 1), _vertexMap[3]);
Beispiel #12
VolumeRAM* VolumeDiskRaw::loadBrick(const tgt::svec3& pOffset, const tgt::svec3& pDimensions) const
    throw (tgt::Exception)
    //check for wrong parameter
    if(tgt::hmul(pDimensions) == 0)
        throw std::invalid_argument("requested brick dimensions are zero!");
        throw std::invalid_argument("requested brick outside volume date!");

    //create new VolumeRam
    VolumeFactory vf;
    VolumeRAM* vr = vf.create(getFormat(), pDimensions);
    if (!vr)
        throw VoreenException("Failed to create VolumeRAM");

    //open file
    FILE* fin;
    fin = fopen(getFileName().c_str(),"rb");
    if (!fin)
        throw tgt::FileException("Failed to open file for reading: " + getFileName());

    size_t bytesPerVoxel = static_cast<size_t>(vr->getBitsAllocated() / 8);
    size_t numVoxels = pDimensions.x;
    size_t numBytes = numVoxels * bytesPerVoxel;

    int64_t offset = getOffset();
    if(offset < 0) {
        //Assume data is aligned to end of file.

        // get file size:
        fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
        int64_t fileSize = ftell(fin);

        //calculate real offset:
        offset = fileSize - hmul(getDimensions())*bytesPerVoxel;

    //modify offset to start at first slice
    offset += getDimensions().x*getDimensions().y*pOffset.z*bytesPerVoxel;

    fseek(fin, static_cast<long>(offset), SEEK_SET);

    //read into ram
    size_t pointerOffset = 0;
    for(size_t z = 0; z < pDimensions.z; z++){
        for(size_t y = 0; y < pDimensions.y; y++) {
            //read into ram
            if(fread(reinterpret_cast<char*>(vr->getData())+pointerOffset, numBytes, 1, fin) != 1) {
                delete vr;
                throw tgt::FileException("Failed to read from file: " + getFileName());
            //move offset
            pointerOffset += numBytes;

            //move to next read
            if(y < pDimensions.y)
                fseek(fin, static_cast<long>(getDimensions().x-pDimensions.x),SEEK_SET);
        //move to next read
        if(z < pDimensions.z)


    //swap endian
    if(getSwapEndian()) {
        Volume* tempHandle = new Volume(vr, vec3(1.0f), vec3(0.0f));
        delete tempHandle;

    return vr;
Beispiel #13
VolumeRAM* VolumeDiskRaw::loadSlices(const size_t firstSlice, const size_t lastSlice) const
    throw (tgt::Exception)
    //check for wrong parameter
    if(getDimensions().z <= lastSlice)
        throw std::invalid_argument("lastSlice is out of volume dimension!!!");
    if(firstSlice > lastSlice)
        throw std::invalid_argument("firstSlice has to be less or equal lastSlice!!!");

    //create new VolumeRam
    VolumeFactory vf;
    VolumeRAM* vr = vf.create(getFormat(), tgt::svec3(getDimensions().x,getDimensions().y, lastSlice-firstSlice+1));
    if (!vr)
        throw VoreenException("Failed to create VolumeRAM");

    //open file
    std::ifstream infile(getFileName().c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
    if (
        throw tgt::FileException("Failed to open file for reading: " + getFileName());

    size_t bytesPerVoxel = static_cast<size_t>(vr->getBitsAllocated() / 8);
    size_t numVoxels = getDimensions().x*getDimensions().y*(lastSlice-firstSlice+1);
    size_t numBytes = numVoxels * bytesPerVoxel;

    int64_t offset = getOffset();

    if(offset < 0) {
        //Assume data is aligned to end of file.

        // get file size:
        infile.seekg( 0, infile.end);
        std::streampos fileSize = infile.tellg();
        infile.seekg( 0, infile.beg);

        //calculate real offset:
        offset = static_cast<std::string::size_type>(fileSize) - hmul(getDimensions())*bytesPerVoxel;

    //modify offset to start at first slice
    offset += getDimensions().x*getDimensions().y*firstSlice*bytesPerVoxel;

    //read into ram<char*>(vr->getData()),numBytes);

    if ( {
        //LERRORC("voreen.RepresentationConverterLoadFromDisk", "read() failed");
        delete vr;
        throw tgt::FileException("Failed to read from file: " + getFileName());

    //swap endian
    if(getSwapEndian()) {
        Volume* tempHandle = new Volume(vr, vec3(1.0f), vec3(0.0f));
        delete tempHandle;

    return vr;
Beispiel #14
VolumeRAM* VolumeDiskRaw::loadVolume() const
    throw (tgt::Exception)
    VolumeRAM* volume = 0;
    LDEBUG("Creating volume from diskrepr. " << getFileName() << " format: " << getFormat());
    VolumeFactory vf;
    try {
        volume = vf.create(getFormat(), getDimensions());
    catch (std::bad_alloc&) {
        throw tgt::Exception("bad allocation");
    if (!volume)
        throw VoreenException("Failed to create VolumeRAM");

    FILE* fin;
    fin = fopen(getFileName().c_str(),"rb");

    if (fin == 0) {
        throw tgt::IOException("Unable to open raw file for reading", getFileName());

    size_t bytesPerVoxel = static_cast<size_t>(volume->getBitsAllocated() / 8);
    size_t numVoxels = hmul(getDimensions());
    size_t numBytes = numVoxels * bytesPerVoxel;

    int64_t offset = getOffset();
    if(offset < 0) {
        //Assume data is aligned to end of file.

        // get file size:
        fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
        int64_t fileSize = ftell(fin);

        //calculate real offset:
        offset = fileSize - numBytes;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    _fseeki64(fin, offset, SEEK_SET);
    fseek(fin, offset, SEEK_SET);

    if(fread(reinterpret_cast<char*>(volume->getData()), numBytes, 1, fin) != 1) {
        //LERRORC("voreen.RepresentationConverterLoadFromDisk", "fread() failed");
        delete volume;
        throw tgt::FileException("Failed to read from file: " + getFileName());


    if (getSwapEndian()) {
        Volume* tempHandle = new Volume(volume, vec3(1.0f), vec3(0.0f));
        delete tempHandle;

    return volume;
Beispiel #15
Transform Image3DOverlay::evalRenderTransform() {
    auto transform = Parent::evalRenderTransform();
    transform.postScale(glm::vec3(getDimensions(), 1.0f));
    return transform;
Beispiel #16
void HeightFieldMapper::process() {
    if (!inport_.isReady()) return;

    auto srcImg = inport_.getData();
    if (!srcImg) {
        LogWarn("No valid input image given");

    // check the number of channels
    const DataFormatBase *format = srcImg->getDataFormat();
    std::size_t numInputChannels = format->getComponents();
    size2_t dim = srcImg->getDimensions();

    Image *outImg = nullptr;

    // check format of output image
    if (!outImg || (outImg->getDataFormat()->getId() != DataFormatId::Float32)) {
        // replace with new floating point image
        Image *img = new Image(dim, DataFloat32::get());
        outImg = img;
    } else if (outImg->getDimensions() != dim) {
        // adjust dimensions of output image

    LayerRAM *dstLayer = outImg->getColorLayer(0)->getEditableRepresentation<LayerRAM>();
    float *data = static_cast<float *>(dstLayer->getData());

    // convert input image to float image
    const LayerRAM *srcLayer = srcImg->getColorLayer(0)->getRepresentation<LayerRAM>();

    // special case: input image is already FLOAT32 with 1 channel
    if ((numInputChannels == 1) && (format->getId() == DataFormatId::Float32)) {
        const float *srcData = static_cast<const float *>(srcLayer->getData());
        std::copy(srcData, srcData + dim.x * dim.y, data);
    } else {
        switch (numInputChannels) {
            case 2:
                for (unsigned int y = 0; y < dim.y; ++y) {
                    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < dim.x; ++x) {
                        data[y * dim.x + x] =
                            static_cast<float>(srcLayer->getValueAsVec2Double(glm::uvec2(x, y)).r);
            case 3:
                for (unsigned int y = 0; y < dim.y; ++y) {
                    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < dim.x; ++x) {
                        data[y * dim.x + x] =
                            static_cast<float>(srcLayer->getValueAsVec3Double(glm::uvec2(x, y)).r);
            case 4:
                for (unsigned int y = 0; y < dim.y; ++y) {
                    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < dim.x; ++x) {
                        data[y * dim.x + x] =
                            static_cast<float>(srcLayer->getValueAsVec4Double(glm::uvec2(x, y)).r);
            case 1:
                for (unsigned int y = 0; y < dim.y; ++y) {
                    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < dim.x; ++x) {
                        data[y * dim.x + x] =
                            static_cast<float>(srcLayer->getValueAsSingleDouble(glm::uvec2(x, y)));

    // rescale data set
    std::size_t numValues = dim.x * dim.y;
    // determine min/max values
    float minVal = *std::min_element(data, data + numValues);
    float maxVal = *std::max_element(data, data + numValues);

    switch (scalingModeProp_.get()) {
        case HeightFieldScaling::SeaLevel: {
            // scale heightfield based on sea level and min/max height
            float sealevel = seaLevel_.get();
            float aboveSea = maxVal - sealevel;
            float belowSea = minVal - sealevel;

            float factor = maxHeight_.get() / std::max(aboveSea, std::abs(belowSea));
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {
                data[i] = (data[i] - sealevel) * factor;
        } break;
        case HeightFieldScaling::DataRange: {
            // scale data to [heightRange_.min : heightRange_.max]
            glm::vec2 range(heightRange_.get());

            float factor = (range.y - range.x) / (maxVal - minVal);
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {
                data[i] = (data[i] - minVal) * factor + range.x;
        } break;
        case HeightFieldScaling::FixedRange:
        default: {
            // scale data to [0:1] range
            float delta = 1.0f / (maxVal - minVal);
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {
                data[i] = (data[i] - minVal) * delta;
        } break;
Beispiel #17
std::shared_ptr<VolumeRepresentation> Volume::createDefaultRepresentation() const {
    return createVolumeRAM(getDimensions(), getDataFormat());
Beispiel #18
void Web3DOverlay::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    QOpenGLContext * currentContext = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
    QSurface * currentSurface = currentContext->surface();
    if (!_webSurface) {
        _webSurface = DependencyManager::get<OffscreenQmlSurfaceCache>()->acquire(pickURL());
        // FIXME, the max FPS could be better managed by being dynamic (based on the number of current surfaces
        // and the current rendering load)
        if (_currentMaxFPS != _desiredMaxFPS) {
        _webSurface->resize(QSize(_resolution.x, _resolution.y));
        _webSurface->getRootItem()->setProperty("url", _url);
        _webSurface->getRootItem()->setProperty("scriptURL", _scriptURL);

        auto selfOverlayID = getOverlayID();
        std::weak_ptr<Web3DOverlay> weakSelf = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Web3DOverlay>(qApp->getOverlays().getOverlay(selfOverlayID));
        auto forwardPointerEvent = [=](OverlayID overlayID, const PointerEvent& event) {
            auto self = weakSelf.lock();
            if (self && overlayID == selfOverlayID) {

        auto overlays = &(qApp->getOverlays());
        QObject::connect(overlays, &Overlays::mousePressOnOverlay, this, forwardPointerEvent);
        QObject::connect(overlays, &Overlays::mouseReleaseOnOverlay, this, forwardPointerEvent);
        QObject::connect(overlays, &Overlays::mouseMoveOnOverlay, this, forwardPointerEvent);
        QObject::connect(overlays, &Overlays::hoverLeaveOverlay, this, [=](OverlayID overlayID, const PointerEvent& event) {
            auto self = weakSelf.lock();
            if (!self) {
            if (overlayID == selfOverlayID && (self->_pressed || (!self->_activeTouchPoints.empty() && self->_touchBeginAccepted))) {
                PointerEvent endEvent(PointerEvent::Release, event.getID(), event.getPos2D(), event.getPos3D(), event.getNormal(), event.getDirection(),
                                      event.getButton(), event.getButtons(), event.getKeyboardModifiers());
                forwardPointerEvent(overlayID, endEvent);

        QObject::connect(this, &Web3DOverlay::scriptEventReceived,, &OffscreenQmlSurface::emitScriptEvent);
        QObject::connect(, &OffscreenQmlSurface::webEventReceived, this, &Web3DOverlay::webEventReceived);
    } else {
        if (_currentMaxFPS != _desiredMaxFPS) {

    if (_mayNeedResize) {
        _mayNeedResize = false;
        _webSurface->resize(QSize(_resolution.x, _resolution.y));

    if (!_visible || !getParentVisible()) {

    vec2 halfSize = getSize() / 2.0f;
    vec4 color(toGlm(getColor()), getAlpha());

    Transform transform = getTransform();

    // FIXME: applyTransformTo causes tablet overlay to detach from tablet entity.
    // Perhaps rather than deleting the following code it should be run only if isFacingAvatar() is true?
    applyTransformTo(transform, true);

    if (glm::length2(getDimensions()) != 1.0f) {
        transform.postScale(vec3(getDimensions(), 1.0f));

    if (!_texture) {
        auto webSurface = _webSurface;
        _texture = gpu::Texture::createExternal(OffscreenQmlSurface::getDiscardLambda());
    OffscreenQmlSurface::TextureAndFence newTextureAndFence;
    bool newTextureAvailable = _webSurface->fetchTexture(newTextureAndFence);
    if (newTextureAvailable) {
        _texture->setExternalTexture(newTextureAndFence.first, newTextureAndFence.second);

    gpu::Batch& batch = *args->_batch;
    batch.setResourceTexture(0, _texture);
    auto geometryCache = DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>();
    if (color.a < OPAQUE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) {
        geometryCache->bindTransparentWebBrowserProgram(batch, _isAA);
    } else {
        geometryCache->bindOpaqueWebBrowserProgram(batch, _isAA);
    geometryCache->renderQuad(batch, halfSize * -1.0f, halfSize, vec2(0), vec2(1), color, _geometryId);
    batch.setResourceTexture(0, nullptr); // restore default white color after me
bool AnimationThread::threadLoop()
    if (android::uptimeMillis() - m_stallTime < MS_PER_FRAME)
        return true;
    m_stallTime = android::uptimeMillis();

    m_idleTime += android::uptimeMillis() - m_startIdleTime;
    m_startExecutionTime = android::uptimeMillis();

    bool reCreateFlag = false;
    int width, height;
    getDimensions(width, height);

    if (m_bitmap->width() != width || m_bitmap->height() != height)
        delete m_canvas;
        delete m_bitmap;
        m_bitmap = constructBitmap(width, height);
        m_canvas = new SkCanvas(*m_bitmap);

        // change the ball's speed to match the size
        m_dx = width * .005f;
        m_dy = height * .007f;
        reCreateFlag = true;

    // setup variables
    const float OW = width * .125f;
    const float OH = height * .125f;

    // clear the old oval

    // update the coordinates of the oval
    bounce(&m_x, &m_dx, width - OW);
    bounce(&m_y, &m_dy, height - OH);

    // draw the new oval
    m_oval.fLeft = m_x;
    m_oval.fTop = m_y;
    m_oval.fRight = m_x + OW;
    m_oval.fBottom = m_y + OH;
    m_canvas->drawOval(m_oval, *m_paint);

    if (!reCreateFlag)
        updateNativeWindow(m_ANW, *m_bitmap);
        setupNativeWindow(m_ANW, *m_bitmap);

    m_executionTime += android::uptimeMillis() - m_startExecutionTime;

    if (android::uptimeMillis() - m_lastPrintTime > 5000)
        float fps = m_counter / ((android::uptimeMillis() - m_startTime) / 1000);
        float spf = ((android::uptimeMillis() - m_startTime)) / m_counter;
        float lpf = (m_idleTime) / m_counter;
        float exe = (m_executionTime) / m_counter;
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "TEXT: counter(%d) fps(%f) spf(%f) lock(%f) execution(%f)\n", (int)m_counter, fps, spf, lpf, exe);
        m_lastPrintTime = android::uptimeMillis();

        m_counter = 0;
        m_executionTime = 0;
        m_idleTime = 0;
        m_startExecutionTime = 0;
        m_startTime = android::uptimeMillis();

    m_startIdleTime = android::uptimeMillis(); // count delay between frames
    return true;
Beispiel #20
glm::vec2 Web3DOverlay::getSize() const {
    return _resolution / _dpi * INCHES_TO_METERS * getDimensions();
Beispiel #21
/** This function traces a single detection.
 *  \param padX - is the horizontal padding used on the features pyramid
 *  \param padY - is the vertical padding used on the features pyramid
 *  \param scales - is the scales field of the <tt>FeatPyramid</tt> object
 *  \param sx - indicates the current detection \e x coordinate
 *  \param sy - indicates the current detection \e y coordinate
 *  \param sl - indicates the current detection features pyramid level
 *  \param sval - indicates the current detection score
 *  \param out - contains learning information. Given in a linear vector way
 *  \param dets - contains each detection coordinates and scores. Given in
 *  a linear vector way
 *  \param detsdim - indicates the dimension of the bidimensional matrix
 *  <tt>dets</tt>
 *  \param boxes - contains each part of the detection coordinates. Given in
 *  a linear vector way
 *  \param boxesdim - indicates the dimension of the bidimensional matrix
 *  <tt>boxes</tt>
static void trace(int padX, int padY, const float *scales, int sx, int sy,
                  int sl, double sval, double *out, double *dets,
                  int *detsdim, double *boxes, int *boxesdim)
  // initial stack for tracing the detection
  int cur = 0;
  Q[cur].symbol = startSymbol;
  Q[cur].x = sx;
  Q[cur].y = sy;
  Q[cur].l = sl;
  Q[cur].ds = 0;
  Q[cur].val = sval;

  node n;
  double *info;
  char type;
  int fi;
  int *fsz;
  double scale;
  int x1;
  int y1;
  int x2;
  int y2;

  bool success = false;
  rules symRules;
  int rulesDim;
  int r = 0;

  int probeY;
  int probeX2;
  int probeX;
  int probeY2;
  CvMat *mxScore;
  double *score;
  int sz[2];

  int *detwin;

  int *rhs;
  int rhsDim;

  anchor anch;
  int ax;
  int ay;
  int ds;

  int px;
  int py;
  int pl;

  CvMat *mxIx;
  CvMat *mxIy;
  int *Ix;
  int *Iy;

  int isz[2];
//cout << "Init trace" << endl;
  while (cur >= 0)
    // Pop a node off the stack
    n = Q[cur];

    // Detection information for the current symbol
    info = out + DET_SZ * n.symbol;
    info[DET_USE] = 1;
    info[DET_VAL] = n.val;

    type = model->getSymbols()[n.symbol].type;

    // Symbol is a terminal
    if (type == 'T')
      // Detection info for terminal
      info[DET_IND] = -1;
      info[DET_X] = n.x + 1;
      info[DET_Y] = n.y + 1;
      info[DET_L] = n.l + 1;
      info[DET_DS] = n.ds;

      // Terminal symbol
      fi = model->getSymbols()[n.symbol].filter-1;

      // Filter size
      fsz = model->getFilters()[fi].size;

      // Detection scale
      scale = model->getSbin()/scales[n.l];

      // Compute and record image coordinates for the filter
      x1 = cvRound((n.x-padX*pow2(n.ds))*scale);
      y1 = cvRound((n.y-padY*pow2(n.ds))*scale);
      x2 = cvRound(x1 + fsz[1]*scale - 1);
      y2 = cvRound(y1 + fsz[0]*scale - 1);

      boxes[boxesdim[0]*(4*fi + 0)] = x1 + 1;
      boxes[boxesdim[0]*(4*fi + 1)] = y1 + 1;
      boxes[boxesdim[0]*(4*fi + 2)] = x2 + 1;
      boxes[boxesdim[0]*(4*fi + 3)] = y2 + 1;


    // Find the rule that produced the current node by looking at
    // which score table holds n.val at the symbol's location
    success = false;
    symRules = rul[n.symbol];
    rulesDim = symRules.n;

    for (r = 0; r < rulesDim; r++)
      // probe location = symbol location minus virtual padding
      probeY = n.y - virtpadding(padY, n.ds);
      probeX = n.x - virtpadding(padX, n.ds);
	  cv::Mat tmpScore;
      tmpScore = symRules.structure[r].getScore()[n.l];
	  CvMat mxScore2 = tmpScore;
	  mxScore = &mxScore2;
      score = new double [mxScore->rows * mxScore->cols];
      getMatData  <double> (mxScore, score);
      getDimensions(mxScore, sz);

      // pick this rule if the score at the probe location matches n.val
      if (score[probeX*sz[0] + probeY] - 0.005 <= n.val && score[probeX*sz[0] + probeY] + 0.005 >= n.val)
        success = true;
        delete [] score;

      delete[] score;

    // Record the rule index used (same as model "component" for mixtures of
    // star models)
    info[DET_IND] = r;

    // Record a detection window for the start symbol
    if (n.symbol == startSymbol)
      // Get detection window for startSymbol and rule r
      detwin = symRules.structure[r].getDetwindow();

      // Detection scale
      scale = model->getSbin()/scales[n.l];

      // Compute and record image coordinates of the detection window
      x1 = cvRound((n.x-padX*pow2(n.ds))*scale);
      y1 = cvRound((n.y-padY*pow2(n.ds))*scale);
      x2 = cvRound(x1 + detwin[1]*scale - 1);
      y2 = cvRound(y1 + detwin[0]*scale - 1);

      dets[detsdim[0]*0] = x1 + 1;
      dets[detsdim[0]*1] = y1 + 1;
      dets[detsdim[0]*2] = x2 + 1;
      dets[detsdim[0]*3] = y2 + 1;
      dets[detsdim[0]*4] = r + 1;
      dets[detsdim[0]*5] = n.val;

      boxes[boxesdim[0]*(boxesdim[1]-2)] = r + 1;
      boxes[boxesdim[0]*(boxesdim[1]-1)] = n.val;

      info[DET_X]  = n.x + 1;
      info[DET_Y]  = n.y + 1;
      info[DET_L]  = n.l + 1;
      info[DET_DS] = n.ds;


    // Push rhs symbols from the selected rule
    type = symRules.structure[r].getType();
    rhs = symRules.structure[r].getRhs();
    rhsDim = symRules.structure[r].getRhsDim();

    if (type == 'S')
      // Structural rule
      for (int j = 0; j < rhsDim; j++)
        anch = symRules.structure[r].getAnchor()[j];
        ax = (int) anch.array[0];
        ay = (int) anch.array[1];
        ds = (int) anch.array[2];

        // Compute location of the rhs symbol
        px = n.x * pow2(ds) + ax;
        py = n.y * pow2(ds) + ay;
        pl = n.l - (interval + 1) * ds;
        probeX = px - virtpadding(padX, n.ds+ds);

        // Remove virtual padding for to compute the probe location in the
        // score table
        probeY = py - virtpadding(padY, n.ds+ds);
        push(n, cur, probeX, probeY, px, py, pl, ds, rhs, j);

      // Deformation rule (only 1 rhs symbol)
	  cv::Mat tmpMxIx;
      tmpMxIx = symRules.structure[r].getIx()[n.l];
	  CvMat mxIx2 = tmpMxIx;
	  mxIx = &mxIx2;

	  cv::Mat tmpMxIy;
      tmpMxIy = symRules.structure[r].getIy()[n.l];
	  CvMat mxIy2 = tmpMxIy;
	  mxIy = &mxIy2;

      Ix = new int [mxIx->rows * mxIx->cols];
      getMatData <int> (mxIx, Ix);
      Iy = new int [mxIy->rows * mxIy->cols];
      getMatData <int> (mxIy, Iy);

      getDimensions (mxIx, isz);
      px = n.x;
      py = n.y;

      // Probe location for looking up displacement of rhs symbol
      probeX = n.x - virtpadding(padX, n.ds);
      probeY = n.y - virtpadding(padY, n.ds);

      // Probe location for accessing the score of the rhs symbol
      probeX2 = probeX;
      probeY2 = probeY;

      // If the probe location is in the feature pyramid retrieve the
      // deformation location from Ix and Iy
      // subtract 1 because Ix/Iy use 1-based indexing
      // *NOTE: Ix and Iy has values -1 yet
      px = Ix[probeX*isz[0] + probeY] + virtpadding(padX, n.ds);
      py = Iy[probeX*isz[0] + probeY] + virtpadding(padY, n.ds);

      // Remove virtual padding for score look up
      probeX2 = Ix[probeX*isz[0] + probeY];
      probeY2 = Iy[probeX*isz[0] + probeY];

      push(n, cur, probeX2, probeY2, px, py, n.l, 0, rhs, 0);

      // save detection information
      info[DET_X] = px + 1;     // actual location (x)
      info[DET_Y] = py + 1;     // actual location (y)
      info[DET_PX] = n.x + 1;   // Ix probe location
      info[DET_PY] = n.y + 1;   // Iy probe location

      delete[] Ix;
      delete[] Iy;
void RenderableModelEntityItem::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    PerformanceTimer perfTimer("RMEIrender");
    assert(getType() == EntityTypes::Model);
    bool drawAsModel = hasModel();

    glm::vec3 position = getPosition() * (float)TREE_SCALE;
    float size = getSize() * (float)TREE_SCALE;
    glm::vec3 dimensions = getDimensions() * (float)TREE_SCALE;
    if (drawAsModel) {
            float alpha = getLocalRenderAlpha();

            if (!_model || _needsModelReload) {
                // TODO: this getModel() appears to be about 3% of model render time. We should optimize
                PerformanceTimer perfTimer("getModel");
                EntityTreeRenderer* renderer = static_cast<EntityTreeRenderer*>(args->_renderer);
            if (_model) {
                // handle animations..
                if (hasAnimation()) {
                    if (!jointsMapped()) {
                        QStringList modelJointNames = _model->getJointNames();

                    if (jointsMapped()) {
                        QVector<glm::quat> frameData = getAnimationFrame();
                        for (int i = 0; i < frameData.size(); i++) {
                            _model->setJointState(i, true, frameData[i]);

                glm::quat rotation = getRotation();
                if (needsSimulation() && _model->isActive()) {
                    _model->setScaleToFit(true, dimensions);
                    _model->setSnapModelToRegistrationPoint(true, getRegistrationPoint());
                    // make sure to simulate so everything gets set up correctly for rendering
                        PerformanceTimer perfTimer("_model->simulate");
                    _needsInitialSimulation = false;

                // TODO: should we allow entityItems to have alpha on their models?
                Model::RenderMode modelRenderMode = args->_renderMode == OctreeRenderer::SHADOW_RENDER_MODE 
                                                        ? Model::SHADOW_RENDER_MODE : Model::DEFAULT_RENDER_MODE;
                if (_model->isActive()) {
                    // TODO: this is the majority of model render time. And rendering of a cube model vs the basic Box render
                    // is significantly more expensive. Is there a way to call this that doesn't cost us as much? 
                    PerformanceTimer perfTimer("model->render");
                    _model->render(alpha, modelRenderMode, args);
                } else {
                    // if we couldn't get a model, then just draw a cube
                        glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
            } else {
                // if we couldn't get a model, then just draw a cube
                    glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
    } else {
        glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
Beispiel #23
void Button::draw()
	Color *color;

	if(mHover && !mPressed)
		color = &mSelectedColor;
		color = &mBackColor;


	//Draw outline.
	mpBuffer->drawRect(Vec2d(0,0), mpBuffer->getDimensions()-2, mForeColor, 2.0);

	//Draw button caption.
	mpBuffer->writeText(mText,(getDimensions() - mTextDimensions)/2, *mpFont, mForeColor);*/


	glTranslatef(mPosition.X(), mPosition.Y(), 0);

	//Draw button.


	glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), 0);
	glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), mDimensions.Y());
	glVertex2f(0, mDimensions.Y());


	//Draw outline

	//Set line width to 2.0.


	glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), 0);

	glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), 0);
	glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), mDimensions.Y());

	glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), mDimensions.Y());
	glVertex2f(0, mDimensions.Y());

	glVertex2f(0, mDimensions.Y());




	Vec2d center = (getDimensions() - mTextDimensions)/2;

	glTranslatef(center.X(), center.Y(), 0);


	Vec2d center = mPosition + (getDimensions() - mTextDimensions)/2;

	mpFont->print(mText, center.X(), center.Y());

Beispiel #24
void BillboardOverlay::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    if (!_isLoaded) {
        _isLoaded = true;
        _texture = DependencyManager::get<TextureCache>()->getTexture(_url);

    if (!_visible || !_texture->isLoaded()) {

    glm::quat rotation;
    if (_isFacingAvatar) {
        // rotate about vertical to face the camera
        rotation = args->_viewFrustum->getOrientation();
        rotation *= glm::angleAxis(glm::pi<float>(), IDENTITY_UP);
        rotation *= getRotation();
    } else {
        rotation = getRotation();

    float imageWidth = _texture->getWidth();
    float imageHeight = _texture->getHeight();

    QRect fromImage;
    if (_fromImage.isNull()) {
    } else {
        float scaleX = imageWidth / _texture->getOriginalWidth();
        float scaleY = imageHeight / _texture->getOriginalHeight();

        fromImage.setX(scaleX * _fromImage.x());
        fromImage.setY(scaleY * _fromImage.y());
        fromImage.setWidth(scaleX * _fromImage.width());
        fromImage.setHeight(scaleY * _fromImage.height());

    float maxSize = glm::max(fromImage.width(), fromImage.height());
    float x = fromImage.width() / (2.0f * maxSize);
    float y = -fromImage.height() / (2.0f * maxSize);

    glm::vec2 topLeft(-x, -y);
    glm::vec2 bottomRight(x, y);
    glm::vec2 texCoordTopLeft(fromImage.x() / imageWidth, fromImage.y() / imageHeight);
    glm::vec2 texCoordBottomRight((fromImage.x() + fromImage.width()) / imageWidth,
                                  (fromImage.y() + fromImage.height()) / imageHeight);

    const float MAX_COLOR = 255.0f;
    xColor color = getColor();
    float alpha = getAlpha();

    auto batch = args->_batch;

    if (batch) {
        Transform transform = _transform;
        transform.postScale(glm::vec3(getDimensions(), 1.0f));
        batch->setUniformTexture(0, _texture->getGPUTexture());
        DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>()->renderQuad(*batch, topLeft, bottomRight, texCoordTopLeft, texCoordBottomRight,
                                                            glm::vec4( / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, alpha));
        batch->setUniformTexture(0, args->_whiteTexture); // restore default white color after me
    } else {
        glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.5f);


        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture->getID());

        glPushMatrix(); {
            glTranslatef(getPosition().x, getPosition().y, getPosition().z);
            glm::vec3 axis = glm::axis(rotation);
            glRotatef(glm::degrees(glm::angle(rotation)), axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
            glScalef(_dimensions.x, _dimensions.y, 1.0f);

            DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>()->renderQuad(topLeft, bottomRight, texCoordTopLeft, texCoordBottomRight,
                                                                glm::vec4( / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, alpha));

        } glPopMatrix();


        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
Beispiel #25
void Text3DOverlay::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    if (!_visible) {
        return; // do nothing if we're not visible

    glPushMatrix(); {
        glTranslatef(_position.x, _position.y, _position.z);
        glm::quat rotation;
        if (_isFacingAvatar) {
            // rotate about vertical to face the camera
            rotation = Application::getInstance()->getCamera()->getRotation();
        } else {
            rotation = getRotation();
        glm::vec3 axis = glm::axis(rotation);
        glRotatef(glm::degrees(glm::angle(rotation)), axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);

        const float MAX_COLOR = 255.0f;
        xColor backgroundColor = getBackgroundColor();
        glColor4f( / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, 

        glm::vec2 dimensions = getDimensions();
        glm::vec2 halfDimensions = dimensions * 0.5f;
        const float SLIGHTLY_BEHIND = -0.005f;

            glVertex3f(-halfDimensions.x, -halfDimensions.y, SLIGHTLY_BEHIND);
            glVertex3f(halfDimensions.x, -halfDimensions.y, SLIGHTLY_BEHIND);
            glVertex3f(halfDimensions.x, halfDimensions.y, SLIGHTLY_BEHIND);
            glVertex3f(-halfDimensions.x, halfDimensions.y, SLIGHTLY_BEHIND);
        const int FIXED_FONT_SCALING_RATIO = FIXED_FONT_POINT_SIZE * 40.0f; // this is a ratio determined through experimentation
        // Same font properties as textWidth()
        TextRenderer* textRenderer = TextRenderer::getInstance(SANS_FONT_FAMILY, FIXED_FONT_POINT_SIZE);
        float maxHeight = (float)textRenderer->calculateHeight("Xy") * LINE_SCALE_RATIO;
        float scaleFactor =  (maxHeight / FIXED_FONT_SCALING_RATIO) * _lineHeight; 

        glTranslatef(-(halfDimensions.x - _leftMargin), halfDimensions.y - _topMargin, 0.0f);

        glm::vec2 clipMinimum(0.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::vec2 clipDimensions((dimensions.x - (_leftMargin + _rightMargin)) / scaleFactor, 
                                 (dimensions.y - (_topMargin + _bottomMargin)) / scaleFactor);

        glScalef(scaleFactor, -scaleFactor, 1.0);
        enableClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE0, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, clipMinimum.x + clipDimensions.x);
        enableClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE1, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -clipMinimum.x);
        enableClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE2, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, clipMinimum.y + clipDimensions.y);
        enableClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE3, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, -clipMinimum.y);
        glColor3f( / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR);
        float alpha = getAlpha();
        QStringList lines = _text.split("\n");
        int lineOffset = maxHeight;
        foreach(QString thisLine, lines) {
            textRenderer->draw(0, lineOffset, qPrintable(thisLine), alpha);
            lineOffset += maxHeight;

    } glPopMatrix();
bool RenderableWebEntityItem::buildWebSurface(EntityTreeRenderer* renderer) {
    if (_currentWebCount >= MAX_CONCURRENT_WEB_VIEWS) {
        qWarning() << "Too many concurrent web views to create new view";
        return false;
    qDebug() << "Building web surface";

    // Save the original GL context, because creating a QML surface will create a new context
    QOpenGLContext * currentContext = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
    QSurface * currentSurface = currentContext->surface();
    _webSurface = new OffscreenQmlSurface();
    _webSurface->setBaseUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(PathUtils::resourcesPath() + "/qml/"));
    _webSurface->getRootItem()->setProperty("url", _sourceUrl);
    _connection = QObject::connect(_webSurface, &OffscreenQmlSurface::textureUpdated, [&](GLuint textureId) {
        _texture = textureId;
    // Restore the original GL context

    auto forwardMouseEvent = [=](const RayToEntityIntersectionResult& intersection, const QMouseEvent* event) {
        // Ignore mouse interaction if we're locked
        if (this->getLocked()) {

        if (event->button() == Qt::MouseButton::RightButton) {
            if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
                const QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<const QMouseEvent*>(event);
                _lastPress = toGlm(mouseEvent->pos());

        if (intersection.entityID == getID()) {
            if (event->button() == Qt::MouseButton::RightButton) {
                if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
                    const QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<const QMouseEvent*>(event);
                    ivec2 dist = glm::abs(toGlm(mouseEvent->pos()) - _lastPress);
                    if (!glm::any(glm::greaterThan(dist, ivec2(1)))) {
                        AbstractViewStateInterface::instance()->postLambdaEvent([this] {
                            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_webSurface->getRootItem(), "goBack");
                    _lastPress = ivec2(INT_MIN);

            // FIXME doesn't work... double click events not received
            if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) {
                AbstractViewStateInterface::instance()->postLambdaEvent([this] {
                    _webSurface->getRootItem()->setProperty("url", _sourceUrl);

            if (event->button() == Qt::MouseButton::MiddleButton) {
                if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
                    AbstractViewStateInterface::instance()->postLambdaEvent([this] {
                        _webSurface->getRootItem()->setProperty("url", _sourceUrl);

            // Map the intersection point to an actual offscreen pixel
            glm::vec3 point = intersection.intersection;
            glm::vec3 dimensions = getDimensions();
            point -= getPosition();
            point = glm::inverse(getRotation()) * point;
            point /= dimensions;
            point += 0.5f;
            point.y = 1.0f - point.y;
            point *= dimensions * (METERS_TO_INCHES * DPI);

            if (event->button() == Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton) {
                if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
                    this->_pressed = true;
                    this->_lastMove = ivec2((int)point.x, (int)point.y);
                } else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
                    this->_pressed = false;
            if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) {
                this->_lastMove = ivec2((int)point.x, (int)point.y);

            // Forward the mouse event.  
            QMouseEvent mappedEvent(event->type(),
                QPoint((int)point.x, (int)point.y),
                event->screenPos(), event->button(),
                event->buttons(), event->modifiers());
            QCoreApplication::sendEvent(_webSurface->getWindow(), &mappedEvent);
    _mousePressConnection = QObject::connect(renderer, &EntityTreeRenderer::mousePressOnEntity, forwardMouseEvent);
    _mouseReleaseConnection = QObject::connect(renderer, &EntityTreeRenderer::mouseReleaseOnEntity, forwardMouseEvent);
    _mouseMoveConnection = QObject::connect(renderer, &EntityTreeRenderer::mouseMoveOnEntity, forwardMouseEvent);
    _hoverLeaveConnection = QObject::connect(renderer, &EntityTreeRenderer::hoverLeaveEntity, [=](const EntityItemID& entityItemID, const MouseEvent& event) {
        if (this->_pressed && this->getID() == entityItemID) {
            // If the user mouses off the entity while the button is down, simulate a mouse release
            QMouseEvent mappedEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease,
                QPoint(_lastMove.x, _lastMove.y),
                Qt::MouseButtons(), Qt::KeyboardModifiers());
            QCoreApplication::sendEvent(_webSurface->getWindow(), &mappedEvent);
    return true;
Beispiel #27
 inline int getHeight() const { return getDimensions().y; }
Beispiel #28
OctreeElement::AppendState EntityItem::appendEntityData(OctreePacketData* packetData, EncodeBitstreamParams& params, 
                                            EntityTreeElementExtraEncodeData* entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData) const {
    // ALL this fits...
    //    object ID [16 bytes]
    //    ByteCountCoded(type code) [~1 byte]
    //    last edited [8 bytes]
    //    ByteCountCoded(last_edited to last_updated delta) [~1-8 bytes]
    //    PropertyFlags<>( everything ) [1-2 bytes]
    // ~27-35 bytes...
    OctreeElement::AppendState appendState = OctreeElement::COMPLETED; // assume the best

    // encode our ID as a byte count coded byte stream
    QByteArray encodedID = getID().toRfc4122();

    // encode our type as a byte count coded byte stream
    ByteCountCoded<quint32> typeCoder = getType();
    QByteArray encodedType = typeCoder;

    quint64 updateDelta = getLastUpdated() <= getLastEdited() ? 0 : getLastUpdated() - getLastEdited();
    ByteCountCoded<quint64> updateDeltaCoder = updateDelta;
    QByteArray encodedUpdateDelta = updateDeltaCoder;
    EntityPropertyFlags propertyFlags(PROP_LAST_ITEM);
    EntityPropertyFlags requestedProperties = getEntityProperties(params);
    EntityPropertyFlags propertiesDidntFit = requestedProperties;

    // If we are being called for a subsequent pass at appendEntityData() that failed to completely encode this item,
    // then our entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData should include data about which properties we need to append.
    if (entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData && entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->entities.contains(getEntityItemID())) {
        requestedProperties = entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->entities.value(getEntityItemID());

    LevelDetails entityLevel = packetData->startLevel();

    quint64 lastEdited = getLastEdited();

    const bool wantDebug = false;
    if (wantDebug) {
        float editedAgo = getEditedAgo();
        QString agoAsString = formatSecondsElapsed(editedAgo);
        qDebug() << "Writing entity " << getEntityItemID() << " to buffer, lastEdited =" << lastEdited 
                        << " ago=" << editedAgo << "seconds - " << agoAsString;

    bool successIDFits = false;
    bool successTypeFits = false;
    bool successCreatedFits = false;
    bool successLastEditedFits = false;
    bool successLastUpdatedFits = false;
    bool successPropertyFlagsFits = false;
    int propertyFlagsOffset = 0;
    int oldPropertyFlagsLength = 0;
    QByteArray encodedPropertyFlags;
    int propertyCount = 0;

    successIDFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedID);
    if (successIDFits) {
        successTypeFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedType);
    if (successTypeFits) {
        successCreatedFits = packetData->appendValue(_created);
    if (successCreatedFits) {
        successLastEditedFits = packetData->appendValue(lastEdited);
    if (successLastEditedFits) {
        successLastUpdatedFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedUpdateDelta);
    if (successLastUpdatedFits) {
        propertyFlagsOffset = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset();
        encodedPropertyFlags = propertyFlags;
        oldPropertyFlagsLength = encodedPropertyFlags.length();
        successPropertyFlagsFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedPropertyFlags);

    bool headerFits = successIDFits && successTypeFits && successCreatedFits && successLastEditedFits 
                              && successLastUpdatedFits && successPropertyFlagsFits;

    int startOfEntityItemData = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset();

    if (headerFits) {
        bool successPropertyFits;

        propertyFlags -= PROP_LAST_ITEM; // clear the last item for now, we may or may not set it as the actual item

        // These items would go here once supported....
        //      PROP_PAGED_PROPERTY,

        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_POSITION, appendPosition, getPosition());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_DIMENSIONS, appendValue, getDimensions()); // NOTE: PROP_RADIUS obsolete

        if (wantDebug) {
            qDebug() << "    APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY() PROP_DIMENSIONS:" << getDimensions();

        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ROTATION, appendValue, getRotation());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_MASS, appendValue, getMass());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_VELOCITY, appendValue, getVelocity());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_GRAVITY, appendValue, getGravity());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_DAMPING, appendValue, getDamping());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_LIFETIME, appendValue, getLifetime());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_SCRIPT, appendValue, getScript());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_REGISTRATION_POINT, appendValue, getRegistrationPoint());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, appendValue, getAngularVelocity());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANGULAR_DAMPING, appendValue, getAngularDamping());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_VISIBLE, appendValue, getVisible());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_IGNORE_FOR_COLLISIONS, appendValue, getIgnoreForCollisions());
        APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_COLLISIONS_WILL_MOVE, appendValue, getCollisionsWillMove());

        appendSubclassData(packetData, params, entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData,

    if (propertyCount > 0) {
        int endOfEntityItemData = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset();
        encodedPropertyFlags = propertyFlags;
        int newPropertyFlagsLength = encodedPropertyFlags.length();
                (const unsigned char*)encodedPropertyFlags.constData(), encodedPropertyFlags.length());
        // if the size of the PropertyFlags shrunk, we need to shift everything down to front of packet.
        if (newPropertyFlagsLength < oldPropertyFlagsLength) {
            int oldSize = packetData->getUncompressedSize();
            const unsigned char* modelItemData = packetData->getUncompressedData(propertyFlagsOffset + oldPropertyFlagsLength);
            int modelItemDataLength = endOfEntityItemData - startOfEntityItemData;
            int newEntityItemDataStart = propertyFlagsOffset + newPropertyFlagsLength;
            packetData->updatePriorBytes(newEntityItemDataStart, modelItemData, modelItemDataLength);
            int newSize = oldSize - (oldPropertyFlagsLength - newPropertyFlagsLength);

        } else {
            assert(newPropertyFlagsLength == oldPropertyFlagsLength); // should not have grown
    } else {
        appendState = OctreeElement::NONE; // if we got here, then we didn't include the item
    // If any part of the model items didn't fit, then the element is considered partial
    if (appendState != OctreeElement::COMPLETED) {
        // add this item into our list for the next appendElementData() pass
        entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->entities.insert(getEntityItemID(), propertiesDidntFit);

    return appendState;
Beispiel #29
	virtual Vector2 getExtends() const {
		Vector2 ret = getDimensions();
		ret = ret / 2;
//		cout << "Extends: " << ret << endl;
		return ret;
Beispiel #30
void Cube3DOverlay::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    if (!_visible) {
        return; // do nothing if we're not visible

    float alpha = getAlpha();
    xColor color = getColor();
    const float MAX_COLOR = 255.0f;
    glm::vec4 cubeColor( / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, / MAX_COLOR, alpha);

    // TODO: handle registration point??
    glm::vec3 position = getPosition();
    glm::vec3 dimensions = getDimensions();
    glm::quat rotation = getRotation();

    auto batch = args->_batch;

    if (batch) {
        Transform transform;
        if (_isSolid) {
            // if (_borderSize > 0) {
            //     // Draw a cube at a larger size behind the main cube, creating
            //     // a border effect.
            //     // Disable writing to the depth mask so that the "border" cube will not
            //     // occlude the main cube.  This means the border could be covered by
            //     // overlays that are further back and drawn later, but this is good
            //     // enough for the use-case.
            //     transform.setScale(dimensions * _borderSize);
            //     batch->setModelTransform(transform);
            //     DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>()->renderSolidCube(*batch, 1.0f, glm::vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha));
            // }

            DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>()->renderSolidCube(*batch, 1.0f, cubeColor);
        } else {

            if (getIsDashedLine()) {

                glm::vec3 halfDimensions = dimensions / 2.0f;
                glm::vec3 bottomLeftNear(-halfDimensions.x, -halfDimensions.y, -halfDimensions.z);
                glm::vec3 bottomRightNear(halfDimensions.x, -halfDimensions.y, -halfDimensions.z);
                glm::vec3 topLeftNear(-halfDimensions.x, halfDimensions.y, -halfDimensions.z);
                glm::vec3 topRightNear(halfDimensions.x, halfDimensions.y, -halfDimensions.z);

                glm::vec3 bottomLeftFar(-halfDimensions.x, -halfDimensions.y, halfDimensions.z);
                glm::vec3 bottomRightFar(halfDimensions.x, -halfDimensions.y, halfDimensions.z);
                glm::vec3 topLeftFar(-halfDimensions.x, halfDimensions.y, halfDimensions.z);
                glm::vec3 topRightFar(halfDimensions.x, halfDimensions.y, halfDimensions.z);

                auto geometryCache = DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>();

                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, bottomLeftNear, bottomRightNear, cubeColor);
                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, bottomRightNear, bottomRightFar, cubeColor);
                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, bottomRightFar, bottomLeftFar, cubeColor);
                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, bottomLeftFar, bottomLeftNear, cubeColor);

                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, topLeftNear, topRightNear, cubeColor);
                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, topRightNear, topRightFar, cubeColor);
                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, topRightFar, topLeftFar, cubeColor);
                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, topLeftFar, topLeftNear, cubeColor);

                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, bottomLeftNear, topLeftNear, cubeColor);
                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, bottomRightNear, topRightNear, cubeColor);
                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, bottomLeftFar, topLeftFar, cubeColor);
                geometryCache->renderDashedLine(*batch, bottomRightFar, topRightFar, cubeColor);

            } else {
                DependencyManager::get<DeferredLightingEffect>()->renderWireCube(*batch, 1.0f, cubeColor);