Beispiel #1
Spike::Spike(Sint16 xcord, Sint16 ycord, const ParameterMap& param):
  Object(xcord,ycord,param) {

    /* Parameters */
    if (hasParam(parameters,"direction")) dir=getDirFromString(parameters["direction"]);
      else dir=DIR_UP;
Beispiel #2
* bk_get_dir_from_string()
* public function
* gets a pointer to a Dir in tree described by the string pathStr
* */
int bk_get_dir_from_string(const VolInfo* volInfo, const char* pathStr, 
                           BkDir** dirFoundPtr)
    return getDirFromString(&(volInfo->dirTree), pathStr, dirFoundPtr);
Beispiel #3
* getDirFromString()
* recursive
* gets a pointer to a Dir in tree described by the string pathStr
* */
int getDirFromString(const BkDir* tree, const char* pathStr, BkDir** dirFoundPtr)
    size_t count;
    size_t pathStrLen;
    bool stopLooking;
    /* name of the directory in the path this instance of the function works on */
    char* currentDirName;
    BkFileBase* child;
    int rc;
    pathStrLen = strlen(pathStr);
    if(pathStrLen == 1 && pathStr[0] == '/')
    /* root, special case */
        /* cast to prevent compiler const warning */
        *dirFoundPtr = (BkDir*)tree;
        return 1;
    if(pathStrLen < 3 || pathStr[0] != '/' || pathStr[1] == '/' || 
       pathStr[pathStrLen - 1] != '/')
    stopLooking = false;
    for(count = 2; count < pathStrLen && !stopLooking; count++)
    /* find the first directory in the path */
        if(pathStr[count] == '/')
        /* found it */
            /* make a copy of the string to use with strcmp */
            currentDirName = (char*)malloc(count);
            if(currentDirName == NULL)
                return BKERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
            strncpy(currentDirName, &(pathStr[1]), count - 1);
            currentDirName[count - 1] = '\0';
            child = tree->children;
            while(child != NULL && !stopLooking)
            /* each child directory in tree */
                if( strcmp(child->name, currentDirName) == 0 &&
                    IS_DIR(child->posixFileMode) )
                /* found the right child directory */
                    if(pathStr[count + 1] == '\0')
                    /* this is the directory i'm looking for */
                        *dirFoundPtr = BK_DIR_PTR(child);
                        stopLooking = true;
                        rc = 1;
                    /* intermediate directory, go further down the tree */
                        rc = getDirFromString(BK_DIR_PTR(child), 
                                              &(pathStr[count]), dirFoundPtr);
                        if(rc <= 0)
                            return rc;
                        stopLooking = true;
                child = child->next;
                return BKERROR_DIR_NOT_FOUND_ON_IMAGE;
        } /* if(found it) */
    } /* for(find the first directory in the path) */
    /* can't see how i could get here but to keep the compiler happy */
    return 1;