void CBunny::Update( float deltaTime )
	// Do specific stuff, and optionally call the base class, perhaps
	// Like following things...
	switch ( this->m_CurrentState )
	case CBunny::IS_FOLLOWING_CLOSEST_OBJECT:		// Only ints or enum (which is an int... Shhh, don't tell anyone)
		{	// **** STARTOF: ADDED to get around scope operator declaration rules *****
			// Find the closest object
			std::vector< unsigned int > vecIDs;
			vecIDs = this->m_pMediator->GetIDOfNearestObjects( this->position, 20.0f ); 
			// Did we find anything close? 
			if ( !vecIDs.empty() )
			{	// Yup, we did, so pick the first
				// (m_closestObject is a CVector3f)
				this->m_pMediator->GetPositionByID( vecIDs[0], this->m_closestObject );
				// Do the "following" stuff.
				float distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints( this->position, this->m_closestObject );
				// Are we close enough
				if ( distance >= this->m_followClosestDistance )
				{	// Move closer
					this->m_followAtSpeed( this->m_closestObject, this->m_followSpeed * deltaTime );
				} // if ( distance >= this->m_followClosestDistance )
			}	// if ( !vecIDs.empty() )
		}	// **** ENDOF: ADDED to get around scope operator declaration rules *****

			// Get the position of the object we are supposed to follow...
			this->m_pMediator->GetPositionByID( this->m_ID_of_ObjectToFollow, this->m_closestObject );
			// Do the "following" stuff.
			float distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints( this->position, this->m_closestObject );
			// Are we close enough
			if ( distance >= this->m_followClosestDistance )
			{	// Move closer
				this->m_followAtSpeed( this->m_closestObject, this->m_followSpeed * deltaTime );
			} // if ( distance >= this->m_followClosestDistance )

	CGameObject::Update( deltaTime );

double Odometer::getDistanceToGoal() {
//	Serial.print("x distance: ");
//	Serial.println(GoalX - X);
//	Serial.print("y distance: ");
//	Serial.println(GoalY - Y);

	return getDistanceBetweenPoints(X, Y, goalX, goalY);
double Odometer::getDistanceFromMarkedPoint() {
	return getDistanceBetweenPoints(X, Y, markX, markY);
Beispiel #4
/* Function: getMeshFlows
 * Description: Finds the flow of each point in the mesh by finding the k closest 
 *     mesh points in the sebsequent frame and finding a weighted average of those 
 *     flows, based on their distances to the mesh point.
 * Parameters:
 *     flows: output Vector array to contain the deltas of the flows
 *     f1MeshPoints: input CvPoint3D32f array of mesh points from frame 1
 *     f1NumMeshPoints: number of mesh points from frame 1
 *     f2MeshPoints: input CvPoint3D32f array of mesh points from frame 2
 *     f2NumMeshPoints: number of mesh points from frame 2
void getMeshFlows(
    _Out_ Vector *flows,
    _In_ CvPoint3D32f *f1MeshPoints,
    _In_ int f1NumMeshPoints, 
    _In_ CvPoint3D32f *f2MeshPoints,
    _In_ int f2NumMeshPoints)
    // go through each frame 2 mesh point
    for (int i = 0; i < f2NumMeshPoints; i++)
        CvPoint3D32f f2CurMeshPoint = f2MeshPoints[i];
        double shortestDistances[K];
        int shortestDistanceIndices[K];

        // find the mesh point from frame 1 that is closest to the current frame 
        // 2 mesh point k times, excluding ones already found to be closer
        for (int j = 0; j < K; j++)
            int shortestDistanceIndex;
            double shortestDistance = DBL_MAX;
            // go through the mesh points from frame 1
            for (int n = 0; n < f1NumMeshPoints; n++)
                bool indexUsed = false;
                // make sure that the current frame 1 mesh point isn't already 
                // contained in the list of closest feature points to the frame 
                // 2 mesh point
                for (int m = 0; m < j; m++)
                    if (shortestDistanceIndices[m] == n)
                        indexUsed = true;
                // if current frame 1 mesh point is already contained in list of 
                // closest feature points to the frame 2 mesh point, skip to the 
                // next frame 1 mesh point
                if (indexUsed)
                // get the distance from frame 2 mesh point to current frame 1 
                // mesh point
                double curDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints(f2CurMeshPoint, f1MeshPoints[n]);
                // if distance is the shortest distance so far, set it as the 
                // shortest distance, and save the index of the frame 1 mesh point
                if (curDistance < shortestDistance)
                    shortestDistance = curDistance;
                    shortestDistanceIndex = n;
            bool insertAtEnd = true;
            // insert the closest frame 1 mesh point found in this iteration into 
            // the sorted array of k closest points
            for (int n = 0; n < j; n++)
                if (shortestDistance < shortestDistances[n])
                    for (int m = j; m > n; n--)
                        shortestDistances[m] = shortestDistances[m-1];
                        shortestDistanceIndices[m] = shortestDistanceIndices[m-1];
                    shortestDistances[n] = shortestDistance;
                    shortestDistanceIndices[n] = shortestDistanceIndex;
                    insertAtEnd = false;
            if (insertAtEnd)
                shortestDistances[j] = shortestDistance;
                shortestDistanceIndices[j] = shortestDistanceIndex;
        // create an array of weights, where the indices correspond to the indices
        // of the sorted array of closest points
        double weights[K];
        // we need to get the sum of the weights to find the percent to multiply 
        // each flow between the mesh point of frames 1 and 2 to to find the 
        // final flow
        double weightSum = 0.0;
        for (int j = 0; j < K; j++)
            // set the weight to be the distance of the k-th furthest frame 1 
            // mesh point from the frame 2 mesh point divided by the distance 
            // of the frame 2 mesh point from the frame 1 mesh point
            weights[j] = shortestDistances[K-1]/shortestDistances[j];
            weightSum += weights[j];
        double deltaX = 0.0;
        double deltaY = 0.0;
        double deltaZ = 0.0;
        for (int j = 0; j < K; j++)
            double weightFraction = weights[j]/weightSum;
            // deltas for mesh flow point is determined by the sum of the weight
            // fractions mulitiplied by the flow between the k closest mesh points
            // between frames 1 and 2
            deltaX += weightFraction * (f1MeshPoints[shortestDistanceIndices[j]].x - f2CurMeshPoint.x);
            deltaY += weightFraction * (f1MeshPoints[shortestDistanceIndices[j]].y - f2CurMeshPoint.y);
            deltaZ += weightFraction * (f1MeshPoints[shortestDistanceIndices[j]].z - f2CurMeshPoint.z);
        flows[i].deltaX = deltaX;
        flows[i].deltaY = deltaY;
        flows[i].deltaZ = deltaZ;