// Format the positional info string contain J2000/of date/altaz/hour angle positions for the object
QString StelObject::getPositionInfoString(const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup& flags) const
	bool withAtmosphere=core->getSkyDrawer()->getFlagHasAtmosphere();
	QString res;
	if (flags&RaDecJ2000)
		double dec_j2000, ra_j2000;
		res += q_("RA/DE (J2000): %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_j2000,true), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_j2000,true)) + "<br>";

	if (flags&RaDecOfDate)
		double dec_equ, ra_equ;
		res += q_("RA/DE (of date): %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_equ), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_equ)) + "<br>";

	if (flags&HourAngle)
		double dec_sidereal, ra_sidereal;
		ra_sidereal = 2.*M_PI-ra_sidereal;
		if (withAtmosphere)
		    res += q_("Hour angle/DE: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_sidereal), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_sidereal)) + " " + q_("(geometric)") + "<br>";
		    ra_sidereal = 2.*M_PI-ra_sidereal;
		    res += q_("Hour angle/DE: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_sidereal), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_sidereal)) + " " + q_("(apparent)") + "<br>";
		    res += q_("Hour angle/DE: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_sidereal), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_sidereal)) + " " + "<br>";

	if (flags&AltAzi)
		// calculate alt az
		double az,alt;
		az = 3.*M_PI - az;  // N is zero, E is 90 degrees
		if (az > M_PI*2)
			az -= M_PI*2;
		if (withAtmosphere)
		    res += q_("Az/Alt: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToDmsStr(az), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(alt)) + " " + q_("(geometric)") + "<br>";

		    az = 3.*M_PI - az;  // N is zero, E is 90 degrees
		    if (az > M_PI*2)
			    az -= M_PI*2;
		    res += q_("Az/Alt: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToDmsStr(az), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(alt)) + " " + q_("(apparent)") + "<br>";
		    res += q_("Az/Alt: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToDmsStr(az), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(alt)) + " " + "<br>";
	return res;
Beispiel #2
// Format the positional info string contain J2000/of date/altaz/hour angle positions for the object
QString StelObject::getPositionInfoString(const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup& flags) const
	bool withAtmosphere=core->getSkyDrawer()->getFlagHasAtmosphere();
	QString res;
	if (flags&RaDecJ2000)
		double dec_j2000, ra_j2000;
		res += q_("RA/DE (J2000): %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_j2000,true), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_j2000,true)) + "<br>";

	if (flags&RaDecOfDate)
		double dec_equ, ra_equ;
		res += q_("RA/DE (of date): %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_equ), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_equ)) + "<br>";

	if (flags&GalCoordJ2000)
		double glong, glat;
		StelUtils::rectToSphe(&glong, &glat, getJ2000GalacticPos(core));
		// Note that Gal. Coords are DEFINED in B1950 coordinates, and writing "J2000" to them does not make any sense.
		res += q_("Galactic longitude/latitude: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToDmsStr(glong,true), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(glat,true)) + "<br>";

	if (flags&HourAngle)
		double dec_sidereal, ra_sidereal;
		ra_sidereal = 2.*M_PI-ra_sidereal;
		if (withAtmosphere)
		    res += q_("Hour angle/DE: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_sidereal), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_sidereal)) + " " + q_("(geometric)") + "<br>";
		    ra_sidereal = 2.*M_PI-ra_sidereal;
		    res += q_("Hour angle/DE: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_sidereal), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_sidereal)) + " " + q_("(apparent)") + "<br>";
		    res += q_("Hour angle/DE: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToHmsStr(ra_sidereal), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(dec_sidereal)) + " " + "<br>";

	if (flags&AltAzi)
		// calculate alt az
		double az,alt;
		az = 3.*M_PI - az;  // N is zero, E is 90 degrees
		if (az > M_PI*2)
			az -= M_PI*2;
		if (withAtmosphere)
		    res += q_("Az/Alt: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToDmsStr(az), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(alt)) + " " + q_("(geometric)") + "<br>";

		    az = 3.*M_PI - az;  // N is zero, E is 90 degrees
		    if (az > M_PI*2)
			    az -= M_PI*2;
		    res += q_("Az/Alt: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToDmsStr(az), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(alt)) + " " + q_("(apparent)") + "<br>";
		    res += q_("Az/Alt: %1/%2").arg(StelUtils::radToDmsStr(az), StelUtils::radToDmsStr(alt)) + " " + "<br>";
	return res;
Beispiel #3
// Get observer local sidereal coordinate
Vec3d StelObject::getSideralPosGeometric(const StelCore* core) const
	// Hour Angle corrected to Delta-T value
	double dt = (core->getDeltaT(core->getJDay())/240.)*M_PI/180.;
	return Mat4d::zrotation(-core->getLocalSideralTime()+dt)* getEquinoxEquatorialPos(core);
// Draw the Comet and all the related infos : name, circle etc... GZ: Taken from Planet.cpp 2013-11-05 and extended
void Comet::draw(StelCore* core, float maxMagLabels, const QFont& planetNameFont)
	if (hidden)
	if (getEnglishName() == core->getCurrentLocation().planetName)
	{ // GZ moved this up. Maybe even don't do that? E.g., draw tail while riding the comet? Decide later.

	// The CometOrbit is in fact available in userDataPtr!
	CometOrbit* orbit=(CometOrbit*)userDataPtr;
	if (!orbit->objectDateValid(core->getJDay())) return; // out of useful date range. This allows having hundreds of comet elements.

	if (orbit->getUpdateTails()){
		// Compute lengths and orientations from orbit object, but only if required.
		// TODO: This part should possibly be moved to another thread to keep draw() free from too much computation.

		Vec2f tailFactors=getComaDiameterAndTailLengthAU();
		float gasTailEndRadius=qMax(tailFactors[0], 0.025f*tailFactors[1]) ; // This avoids too slim gas tails for bright comets like Hale-Bopp.
		float gasparameter=gasTailEndRadius*gasTailEndRadius/(2.0f*tailFactors[1]); // parabola formula: z=r²/2p, so p=r²/2z
		// The dust tail is thicker and usually shorter. The factors can be configured in the elements.
		float dustparameter=gasTailEndRadius*gasTailEndRadius*dustTailWidthFactor*dustTailWidthFactor/(2.0f*dustTailLengthFactor*tailFactors[1]);

		// Find valid parameters to create paraboloid vertex arrays: dustTail, gasTail.
		computeParabola(gasparameter, gasTailEndRadius, -0.5f*gasparameter, gastailVertexArr,  gastailTexCoordArr, gastailIndices);
		// This was for a rotated straight parabola:
		//computeParabola(dustparameter, 2.0f*tailFactors[0], -0.5f*dustparameter, dusttailVertexArr, dusttailTexCoordArr, dusttailIndices);
		// Now we make a skewed parabola. Skew factor 15 (last arg) ad-hoc/empirical. TBD later: Find physically correct solution.
		computeParabola(dustparameter, dustTailWidthFactor*gasTailEndRadius, -0.5f*dustparameter, dusttailVertexArr, gastailTexCoordArr, gastailIndices, 25.0f*orbit->getVelocity().length());

		// Note that we use a diameter larger than what the formula returns. A scale factor of 1.2 is ad-hoc/empirical (GZ), but may look better.
		orbit->setUpdateTails(false); // don't update until position has been recalculated elsewhere

	Mat4d mat = Mat4d::translation(eclipticPos) * rotLocalToParent;
/*  // We can remove that - a Comet has no parent except for the sun...
	PlanetP p = parent;
	while (p && p->parent)
		mat = Mat4d::translation(p->eclipticPos) * mat * p->rotLocalToParent;
		p = p->parent;
	// This removed totally the Planet shaking bug!!!
	StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP transfo = core->getHeliocentricEclipticModelViewTransform();

	// Compute the 2D position and check if in the screen
	const StelProjectorP prj = core->getProjection(transfo);
	float screenSz = getAngularSize(core)*M_PI/180.*prj->getPixelPerRadAtCenter();
	float viewport_left = prj->getViewportPosX();
	float viewport_bottom = prj->getViewportPosY();
	if (prj->project(Vec3d(0), screenPos)
		&& screenPos[1]>viewport_bottom - screenSz && screenPos[1] < viewport_bottom + prj->getViewportHeight()+screenSz
		&& screenPos[0]>viewport_left - screenSz && screenPos[0] < viewport_left + prj->getViewportWidth() + screenSz)
		// Draw the name, and the circle if it's not too close from the body it's turning around
		// this prevents name overlapping (ie for jupiter satellites)
		float ang_dist = 300.f*atan(getEclipticPos().length()/getEquinoxEquatorialPos(core).length())/core->getMovementMgr()->getCurrentFov();
		// if (ang_dist==0.f) ang_dist = 1.f; // if ang_dist == 0, the Planet is sun.. --> GZ: we can remove it.

		// by putting here, only draw orbit if Comet is visible for clarity
		drawOrbit(core);  // TODO - fade in here also...

		if (flagLabels && ang_dist>0.25 && maxMagLabels>getVMagnitude(core))
		drawHints(core, planetNameFont);

	// tails should also be drawn if core is off-screen...
	drawTail(core,transfo,true);  // gas tail
	drawTail(core,transfo,false); // dust tail

	//Coma: this is just a fan disk tilted towards the observer;-)
	drawComa(core, transfo);
// Get observer local sideral coordinate
Vec3d StelObject::getSideralPosGeometric(const StelCore* core) const
	return Mat4d::zrotation(-core->getLocalSideralTime())* getEquinoxEquatorialPos(core);