 * Publish completion report of this robot's task
void MedicationRobot::eventTriggerReply() {
    // Create response message
    elderly_care_simulation::EventTrigger msg;
    msg.event_type = MY_TASK;
    msg.event_priority = EVENT_TRIGGER_PRIORITY_UNDEFINED;
    msg.event_weight = getEventWeight(msg.event_type);

    ROS_INFO("MedicationRobot: Reply Message Sent");
void DileptonAnalyzer::Loop()
  // Check you have a file/chain
  if (fChain == 0) return;

  // Get number of entries in chain
  Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntries();

  double nEventCount=0;
  double nEventGot=0;

  // Loop over events
  for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
    // Checks recommended from TTree:MakeClass
    Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
    if (ientry < 0) break;


    // Study gen level info if this is signal MC
    // In particular, get total number of exotics decaying to something this analysis is sensitive to?
    if ( isSignalMC_ ) {
      // Filter out events where there is no interesting exotics
      // This can happen when e.g. the generated event is H->XX and both X->jj
      if ( !interestingExoticInEvent() ) continue;

      // Check which triggers fired

      if ( !signalTriggerFired() ) continue;

    // Loop over candidates in event
    for( unsigned int iTreeCand=0; iTreeCand != candidates->candidates_.size(); ++iTreeCand ) {

      TreeDipseudoLeptonCandidate cand = candidates->candidates_.at(iTreeCand);

      // Check what type of leptons make up this candidate
      if ( !correctLeptonsInCandidate(cand) ) continue;

      // Get leptons
      TreeLepton leptonL = getLepton( cand.leptonIndexL );
      TreeLepton leptonH = getLepton( cand.leptonIndexH );

      // Choose appropiate mass to plot
      double mass = cand.mass;
      if (anaType_==_2eTrack) mass=cand.caloCorrMass;

      // Sign of Lxy/sigma
      int sign = 1;
      if( cand.dPhiCorr > TMath::PiOver2() ) sign = -1;

      // Apply analysis cuts.
      // And fill histograms_
      DileptonAnalysisCuts::PassedWhichCuts finalCuts = dileptonCuts_final_.whichCuts( cand, leptonL, leptonH, anaType_, lxyScale_, d0Scale_ );
      DileptonAnalysisCuts::PassedWhichCuts removedLifetimeCuts = dileptonCuts_removedLifetime_.whichCuts( cand, leptonL, leptonH, anaType_, lxyScale_, d0Scale_ );

      // Final Selection
      // n-1 plots

      // Lxy significance
      DileptonAnalysisCuts::PassedWhichCuts finalCutsTemp = finalCuts;
      finalCutsTemp.passMinLxySig = true;
      finalCutsTemp.passMaxLxySig = true;

      if ( dileptonCuts_final_.passAllCuts( finalCutsTemp ) ) {
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_LxySig_finalCuts->Fill( sign*cand.decayLengthSignificance*lxyScale_, eventWeight_ );

      // Also remove deltaPhi cut to see -ve Lxy/sigma distibution
      finalCutsTemp.passDeltaPhi = true;
      if ( dileptonCuts_final_.passAllCuts( finalCutsTemp ) ) {
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_LxySig_removeDeltaPhi_finalCuts->Fill( sign*cand.decayLengthSignificance*lxyScale_, eventWeight_ );

      // Chi^2
      finalCutsTemp = finalCuts;
      finalCutsTemp.passVertexChi2 = true;

      if ( dileptonCuts_final_.passAllCuts( finalCutsTemp ) ) {
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_vertexChi2_finalCuts->Fill( cand.vertexChi2, eventWeight_);

      // dPhi
      finalCutsTemp = finalCuts;
      finalCutsTemp.passDeltaPhi = true;

      if ( dileptonCuts_final_.passAllCuts( finalCutsTemp ) ) {
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_deltaPhi_finalCuts->Fill( cand.dPhiCorr, eventWeight_);

      // smallest d0/sigma of the two leptons
      finalCutsTemp = finalCuts;
      finalCutsTemp.passLeptonAbsD0 = true;

      if ( dileptonCuts_final_.passAllCuts( finalCutsTemp ) ) {
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_leptonAbsD0Sig_finalCuts->Fill( std::min(leptonL.d0Significance,leptonH.d0Significance), eventWeight_ );

      // Calo match delta R (largest of two leptons)
      finalCutsTemp = finalCuts;
      finalCutsTemp.passCaloMatch = true; // Shouldn't do anything at the moment.  Cut at deltaR < 0.2, which is very loose and applied in Tree Producer anyway.
      if ( dileptonCuts_final_.passAllCuts( finalCutsTemp ) ) {
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_leptonCaloMatchDeltaR_finalCuts->Fill( std::max(leptonL.cmDeltaR,leptonH.cmDeltaR), eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_leptonCaloMatchDeltaEta_finalCuts->Fill( std::max(leptonL.cmDeltaEta,leptonH.cmDeltaEta), eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_leptonCaloMatchDeltaPhi_finalCuts->Fill( std::max(leptonL.cmDeltaPhi,leptonH.cmDeltaPhi), eventWeight_ );

      // Track pt cut
      finalCutsTemp = finalCuts;
      finalCutsTemp.passTrackPt = true;
      if ( dileptonCuts_final_.passAllCuts( finalCutsTemp ) ) {

      // Isolation
      // Gen matched signal only
      if ( isSignalMC_ && correctlyReconstructed( cand ) ) {
        finalCutsTemp = finalCuts;
        finalCutsTemp.passIso = true;

        if ( dileptonCuts_final_.passAllCuts( finalCutsTemp ) ) {
          histograms_.h_nMinus1_isolationLeptonL_finalCuts_genMatched->Fill( cand.leptonIsoL, eventWeight_ );
          histograms_.h_nMinus1_isolationLeptonH_finalCuts_genMatched->Fill( cand.leptonIsoH, eventWeight_ );
          histograms_.h_nMinus1_relIsolationLeptonL_finalCuts_genMatched->Fill( cand.leptonIsoL/cand.leptonPtL, eventWeight_ );
          histograms_.h_nMinus1_relIsolationLeptonH_finalCuts_genMatched->Fill( cand.leptonIsoH/cand.leptonPtH, eventWeight_ );

          histograms_.h_nMinus1_isolationLeptonL_vsPU_finalCuts_genMatched->Fill( cand.leptonIsoL, candidates->numPV, eventWeight_ );
          histograms_.h_nMinus1_isolationLeptonH_vsPU_finalCuts_genMatched->Fill( cand.leptonIsoH, candidates->numPV, eventWeight_ );
          histograms_.h_nMinus1_relIsolationLeptonL_vsPU_finalCuts_genMatched->Fill( cand.leptonIsoL/cand.leptonPtL, candidates->numPV, eventWeight_ );
          histograms_.h_nMinus1_relIsolationLeptonH_vsPU_finalCuts_genMatched->Fill( cand.leptonIsoH/cand.leptonPtH, candidates->numPV, eventWeight_ );

      // Final selection
      // All cuts

      // Monitor cut flow for final selection cuts
      monitorCutFlow( finalCuts, eventWeight_ );

      if ( dileptonCuts_final_.passAllCuts( finalCuts ) ) {
        // These candidates have passed all final selection criteria
        histograms_.h_mass_finalCuts->Fill( mass, eventWeight_ );
//        histograms_.h_mt_finalCuts->Fill( cand.transverseMass, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_Lxy_finalCuts->Fill( cand.decayLength, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_nRecoPV_finalCuts->Fill(candidates->numPV, eventWeight_ );

        // Study efficiencies etc.

        // Study gen level info
        // Count number of correctly reconstructed candidates
        if ( isSignalMC_ ) storeNumberOfExoticsRECO( cand );


      // Removed lifetime cuts
      // All cuts
      if ( dileptonCuts_removedLifetime_.passAllCuts( removedLifetimeCuts ) ) {
        histograms_.h_mass_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( mass, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_nRecoPV_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( candidates->numPV, eventWeight_ );

        // Calculate different event weight with different pu weight
        double puP5weight = puweights_p5_.weight( candidates->nvtx_true );
        double puM5weight = puweights_m5_.weight( candidates->nvtx_true );
        histograms_.h_nRecoPV_p5_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill(candidates->numPV, puP5weight * weight_ );
        histograms_.h_nRecoPV_m5_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill(candidates->numPV, puM5weight * weight_ );

        histograms_.h_leptonLPt_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( leptonL.pt, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_leptonHPt_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( leptonH.pt, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_leptonLEta_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( leptonL.eta, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_leptonHEta_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( leptonH.eta, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_leptonLCaloMatchDeltaR_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( leptonL.cmDeltaR, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_leptonHCaloMatchDeltaR_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( leptonH.cmDeltaR, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_LxySig_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( sign*cand.decayLengthSignificance*lxyScale_, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_leptonAbsD0Sig_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( std::min(leptonL.d0Significance,leptonH.d0Significance)*d0Scale_, eventWeight_ );

      // n-1 (for isolation)
      DileptonAnalysisCuts::PassedWhichCuts removedLifetimeCutsTemp = removedLifetimeCuts;
      removedLifetimeCutsTemp.passIso = true;

      if ( dileptonCuts_removedLifetime_.passAllCuts( removedLifetimeCutsTemp ) ) {
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_isolationLeptonL_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( cand.leptonIsoL, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_isolationLeptonH_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( cand.leptonIsoH, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_relIsolationLeptonL_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( cand.leptonIsoL/cand.leptonPtL, eventWeight_ );
        histograms_.h_nMinus1_relIsolationLeptonH_removedLifetimeCuts->Fill( cand.leptonIsoH/cand.leptonPtH, eventWeight_ );

    } // cand loop
  } // event loop

  // Draw overflow of histograms_ in final bin

  // Save histograms_
  TString type("dummy");
  if ( anaType_==_2eTrack) type = "2eTrack";
  else if ( anaType_==_2muTrack ) type = "2muTrack";
  else if ( anaType_==_2globalMu ) type = "2globalMu";
  else if ( anaType_==_2trackerMu ) type = "2trackerMu";
  else if ( anaType_==_2saMu ) type = "2saMu";

  TString outputFileName("WeightedFiles/"+dirName_+"_weighted_"+type+".root");

  TFile outputFile(outputFileName, "RECREATE");


  // Report cut flow

  if ( isSignalMC_ ) {

    // Store signal efficiencies

    // Report trigger info
    for ( unsigned int iTrig=0; iTrig < signalTriggers_.size(); iTrig++ ) {
      std::cout << "Trigger : " << signalTriggers_[iTrig].c_str() << " Number times fired : " << triggerFired_[iTrig] << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Writing and closing files" << std::endl;
  // Close file

  std::cout << "Deleting histograms" << std::endl;
  // Delete histograms
