Beispiel #1
void OpenGLGraphicsManager::displayMessageOnOSD(const char *msg) {
#ifdef USE_OSD
	// HACK: Actually no client code should use graphics functions from
	// another thread. But the MT-32 emulator still does, thus we need to
	// make sure this doesn't happen while a updateScreen call is done.
	Common::StackLock lock(_osdMutex);

	// Slip up the lines.
	Common::Array<Common::String> osdLines;
	Common::StringTokenizer tokenizer(msg, "\n");
	while (!tokenizer.empty()) {

	// Do the actual drawing like the SDL backend.
	const Graphics::Font *font = getFontOSD();
	Graphics::Surface *dst = _osd->getSurface();

	// Determine a rect which would contain the message string (clipped to the
	// screen dimensions).
	const int vOffset = 6;
	const int lineSpacing = 1;
	const int lineHeight = font->getFontHeight() + 2 * lineSpacing;
	int width = 0;
	int height = lineHeight * osdLines.size() + 2 * vOffset;
	for (uint i = 0; i < osdLines.size(); i++) {
		width = MAX(width, font->getStringWidth(osdLines[i]) + 14);

	// Clip the rect
	width  = MIN<int>(width,  dst->w);
	height = MIN<int>(height, dst->h);

	int dstX = (dst->w - width) / 2;
	int dstY = (dst->h - height) / 2;

	// Draw a dark gray rect.
	const uint32 color = dst->format.RGBToColor(40, 40, 40);
	dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(dstX, dstY, dstX + width, dstY + height), color);

	// Render the message, centered, and in white
	const uint32 white = dst->format.RGBToColor(255, 255, 255);
	for (uint i = 0; i < osdLines.size(); ++i) {
		font->drawString(dst, osdLines[i],
		                 dstX, dstY + i * lineHeight + vOffset + lineSpacing, width,
		                 white, Graphics::kTextAlignCenter);

	// Init the OSD display parameters.
	_osdAlpha = kOSDInitialAlpha;
	_osdFadeStartTime = g_system->getMillis() + kOSDFadeOutDelay;
Beispiel #2
void OpenGLGraphicsManager::osdMessageUpdateSurface() {
	// Split up the lines.
	Common::Array<Common::String> osdLines;
	Common::StringTokenizer tokenizer(_osdMessageNextData, "\n");
	while (!tokenizer.empty()) {

	// Do the actual drawing like the SDL backend.
	const Graphics::Font *font = getFontOSD();

	// Determine a rect which would contain the message string (clipped to the
	// screen dimensions).
	const int vOffset = 6;
	const int lineSpacing = 1;
	const int lineHeight = font->getFontHeight() + 2 * lineSpacing;
	uint width = 0;
	uint height = lineHeight * osdLines.size() + 2 * vOffset;
	for (uint i = 0; i < osdLines.size(); i++) {
		width = MAX<uint>(width, font->getStringWidth(osdLines[i]) + 14);

	// Clip the rect
	width  = MIN<uint>(width,  _displayWidth);
	height = MIN<uint>(height, _displayHeight);

	delete _osdMessageSurface;
	_osdMessageSurface = nullptr;

	_osdMessageSurface = createSurface(_defaultFormatAlpha);
	// We always filter the osd with GL_LINEAR. This assures it's
	// readable in case it needs to be scaled and does not affect it
	// otherwise.

	_osdMessageSurface->allocate(width, height);

	Graphics::Surface *dst = _osdMessageSurface->getSurface();

	// Draw a dark gray rect.
	const uint32 color = dst->format.RGBToColor(40, 40, 40);
	dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(0, 0, width, height), color);

	// Render the message in white
	const uint32 white = dst->format.RGBToColor(255, 255, 255);
	for (uint i = 0; i < osdLines.size(); ++i) {
		font->drawString(dst, osdLines[i],
		                 0, i * lineHeight + vOffset + lineSpacing, width,
		                 white, Graphics::kTextAlignCenter);


	// Init the OSD display parameters.
	_osdMessageAlpha = kOSDMessageInitialAlpha;
	_osdMessageFadeStartTime = g_system->getMillis() + kOSDMessageFadeOutDelay;

	// Clear the text update request
	_osdMessageChangeRequest = false;