Beispiel #1
int test(){
    T t ;
    t.x =1;
    t.y =2;
    T t1 = {3,4};
    Find f =&find;
    ListPtr list = initList(NULL,NULL);
    insertToList(list, &t, sizeof(t));
    insertToList(list, &t1, sizeof(t1));
    int a =1; 

    T* s = getFromList(list,f,args);
    //printf("%d %d\n", s->y, t.y);

    insertToList(list, &t1,sizeof(t1));
    insertToList(list, &t1,sizeof(t1));
    insertToList(list, &t1,sizeof(t1));
    insertToList(list, &t1,sizeof(t1));
    insertToList(list, &t1,sizeof(t1));
    a = 1;
    T* r = getFromList(list,f,args);
    printf("%d\n", r->y);
    printf("count %d\n", getCount(list));
    printf("remove %d\n",removeFromList(list,f,args));
    r = getFromList(list,f,args);
    //printf("%d\n", r);
    a = 3;
    int count = setToList(list,&t1,sizeof(t1),f,args);
    printf("update %d\n", count);
    ListPtr ptr = list;
    int i = 0;
        void * data = NULL;
            data= preFromList(&ptr,list,f,args);
            data = nextFromList(&ptr,list,f,args);
        if(ptr != list){

    int num = freeList(&list);
    printf("%d\n", num);

Beispiel #2
void ConnectivityGraph::removeNontreeEdge( Edge * e, ETForestLevel l ) {
	Vertex & u( vertices[e->vxid1] );
	Vertex & v( vertices[e->vxid2] );

	// remove e from adjacency lists
	EdgeIP eu = getFromList( e->vxid1, e->vxid2, u.adjNontreeEdges[l], l );
	EdgeIP ev = getFromList( e->vxid1, e->vxid2, v.adjNontreeEdges[l], l );
	assert( eu != NULL && eu == ev );

	u.ETvertices[l].loopNode->addWeight( -1, ETWeight::Nontree );
	v.ETvertices[l].loopNode->addWeight( -1, ETWeight::Nontree );
Beispiel #3
ConnectivityGraph::EdgeIP ConnectivityGraph::getFromAdjLists( Vertex & u,
		Vertex & v, ETForestLevel l, bool isTree ) {

	VertexID uvid( u.getETVertexID() );
	VertexID vvid( v.getETVertexID() );

	// look for the specified edge in the set of tree edges, organized by level
	// (note that this erases the edge from the adjacency lists)

	EdgeIP e = NULL;
	EdgeIP eu = NULL, ev = NULL;

	AdjacencyList * l1 = ( isTree ? &u.adjTreeEdges[l] : &u.adjNontreeEdges[l] );
	AdjacencyList * l2 = ( isTree ? &v.adjTreeEdges[l] : &v.adjNontreeEdges[l] );

	if ( l2->size() < l1->size() ) std::swap( l1, l2 );

	eu = getFromList( uvid, vvid, *l1, l );
	ev = getFromList( uvid, vvid, *l2, l );

//	if ( eu == NULL || ev == NULL ) e = NULL;

	if ( eu == NULL && ev == NULL ) {
		std::cout << "getFromAdjList: " << uvid << ", " << vvid <<
				" for vertices "<< std::endl;
		std::cout << "list l1: "; printContainer( *l1 ); std::cout << "\n";
		std::cout << "list l2: "; printContainer( *l2 ); std::cout << "\n";
	assert( eu != NULL && ev != NULL );

	if ( eu != ev ) {
		std::cout << "nt w: " << v.ETvertices[l].loopNode->weight[ETWeight::Nontree] <<
				", t w: " << v.ETvertices[l].loopNode->weight[ETWeight::Nontree] << std::endl;
		std::cout << *ev << ", l = " << l << std::endl;

	assert( eu == ev );
	assert( eu->level == l );
//	assert( eu->count == 0 );

	if ( eu != NULL ) {
		e = eu;

		// decrease the appropriate weight now that we've removed it
		ETWeight::Type t = ( e->isTree ? ETWeight::Tree : ETWeight::Nontree );
		u.ETvertices[e->level].loopNode->addWeight( -1, t );
		v.ETvertices[e->level].loopNode->addWeight( -1, t );

	return e;
Beispiel #4
NodeT *getFromList(NodeL **pointer)

    NodeT *p;
    NodeL *firstFromList=*pointer;
        return NULL;
        return p;
Beispiel #5
int isInTrie(Trie trie, char *w) {
  size_t length = strlen(w);
  int curState = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    int next = getFromList(trie->transition[curState], w[i]);
    if (next < 0) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      curState = next;
  return trie->finite[curState];
Beispiel #6
int main()

    input=fopen("input.dat", "r");
    NodeT *root = createBinTree();
    NodeL *firstFromList = getListFromTree(root);
    prettyPrint(root, 0);

    return 0;
Beispiel #7
void ConnectivityGraph::raiseTreeEdges( ETNode * n, ETForestLevel l ) {
	assert( n->isLoop() );
	Vertex & u( vertices[n->vx1->vxid] );

	auto & list = u.adjTreeEdges[l];

	while ( !list.empty() ) {
		// get and remove the last edge (efficient in a vector)
		EdgeIP e = list.back();

		assert( e->isTree );
		assert( e->level == l );

//		removeTreeEdge( e.get(), l );


		Vertex & v( e->vxid1 == n->vx1->vxid ? vertices[e->vxid2] :
				vertices[e->vxid1] );

		assert( EulerTourTree::connected( &u.ETvertices[l], &v.ETvertices[l] ) );

		// remove e from v's adjacency lists
		EdgeIP ev = getFromList( e->vxid1, e->vxid2, v.adjTreeEdges[l], l );
		assert( ev == e );

		u.ETvertices[l].loopNode->addWeight( -1, ETWeight::Tree );
		v.ETvertices[l].loopNode->addWeight( -1, ETWeight::Tree );

		// get the previous roots on level l+1
		ETNode * ru = u.ETvertices[l+1].loopNode->findRoot();
		ETNode * rv = v.ETvertices[l+1].loopNode->findRoot();

		assert( ru != rv );

		// remove the previous roots
		removeRoot( ru, l+1 );
		removeRoot( rv, l+1 );

		// move the edge up a level, add it to this new level (and the forest)
		e->level = l + 1;
		ETNode * newroot = addTreeEdge( u, v, e, l+1 );

		// remember the new root
		insertRoot( newroot, l+1 );
Beispiel #8
int insertInTrie(Trie trie, char *w) {
  size_t length = strlen(w);
  int curState = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    int next = getFromList(trie->transition[curState], w[i]);
    if (next > -1) {
      curState = next;
    } else {
      trie->transition[curState] = 
	addToList(trie->transition[curState], trie->nextNode, w[i]);
      curState = trie->nextNode;
      trie->nextNode = trie->nextNode + 1;
  trie->finite[curState] = 1;
  return curState;
Beispiel #9
static XGMCommand* XGMCommand_createPSGCommand(List* commands, int* offset)
    const int size = min(16, commands->size - *offset);
    unsigned char* data = malloc(size + 1);
    int i, off;

    data[0] = XGM_PSG | (size - 1);

    off = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        data[off++] = VGMCommand_getPSGValue(getFromList(commands, i + *offset));

    // remove elements we have done
    *offset += size;

    return XGMCommand_create(data, size + 1);
Beispiel #10
XGMCommand* XGMCommand_createYMKeyCommand(List* commands, int* offset, int max)
    const int size = min(max, commands->size - *offset);
    unsigned char* data = malloc(size + 1);
    int i, off;

    data[0] = XGM_YM2612_REGKEY | (size - 1);

    off = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        data[off++] = VGMCommand_getYM2612Value(getFromList(commands, i + *offset));

    // remove elements we have done
    *offset += size;

    return XGMCommand_create(data, size + 1);
Beispiel #11
List* XGMCommand_createPCMCommands(XGM* xgm, VGM* vgm, List* commands)
    List* result;
    int i;

    // allocate
    result = createList();

    for(i = 0; i < commands->size; i++)
        VGMCommand* command = getFromList(commands, i);

        if (VGMCommand_isStreamStartLong(command) || VGMCommand_isStreamStart(command) || VGMCommand_isStreamStop(command))
            addToList(result, XGMCommand_createPCMCommand(xgm, vgm, command, -1));

    return result;
Beispiel #12
QueryIdentifier QueryContext::findClass(const String& inAlias) const
    // look for alias match
    QueryIdentifier _class;
    if (_AliasClassTable.lookup(inAlias, _class)) return _class;

    // look if inAlias is really a class name
    CIMName _aliasName(inAlias);
    Array<QueryIdentifier> _identifiers = getFromList();
    for (Uint32 i = 0; i < _identifiers.size(); i++)
        if (_aliasName == _identifiers[i].getName())
            return _identifiers[i];

    // could not find inAlias
    return QueryIdentifier();
Beispiel #13
static XGMCommand* XGMCommand_createYMPort1Command(List* commands, int* offset)
    const int size = min(16, commands->size - *offset);
    unsigned char* data = malloc((size * 2) + 1);
    int i, off;

    data[0] = XGM_YM2612_PORT1 | (size - 1);

    off = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        VGMCommand* command = getFromList(commands, i + *offset);

        data[off++] = VGMCommand_getYM2612Register(command);
        data[off++] = VGMCommand_getYM2612Value(command);

    // remove elements we have done
    *offset += size;

    return XGMCommand_create(data, (size * 2) + 1);
Beispiel #14
void *FilterPlugin::processEvent(Event *e)
    if (e->type() == EventMessageReceived){
        Message *msg = (Message*)(e->param());
        if (!msg || (msg->type() == MessageStatus))
            return NULL;
        Contact *contact = getContacts()->contact(msg->contact());
        FilterUserData *data = NULL;
        // check if we accept only from users on the list
        if (getFromList() && ((contact == NULL) || contact->getTemporary())){
            delete msg;
            delete contact;
            return msg;
        if (!contact)
            return NULL;
        // check if the user is a ignored user
        if (contact->getIgnore()){
            delete msg;
            return msg;
        // get filter-data
        data = (FilterUserData*)(contact->getUserData(user_data_id));
        if (data && data->SpamList.ptr && *data->SpamList.ptr){
            if (checkSpam(msg->getPlainText(), QString::fromUtf8(data->SpamList.ptr))){
                delete msg;
                return msg;
        return NULL;
    if (e->type() == EventCheckState){
        CommandDef *cmd = (CommandDef*)(e->param());
        if (cmd->id == CmdIgnore){
            cmd->flags &= ~BTN_HIDE;
            Contact *contact = getContacts()->contact((unsigned)(cmd->param));
            if (contact && contact->getGroup())
                cmd->flags |= BTN_HIDE;
            return e->param();
        if (cmd->id == CmdIgnoreText){
            cmd->flags &= ~COMMAND_CHECKED;
            if (cmd->menu_id == MenuMsgView){
                MsgViewBase *edit = (MsgViewBase*)(cmd->param);
                if (edit->hasSelectedText())
                    return e->param();
            }else if (cmd->menu_id == MenuTextEdit){
                TextEdit *edit = ((MsgEdit*)(cmd->param))->m_edit;
                if (edit->hasSelectedText())
                    return e->param();
            return NULL;
        if (cmd->menu_id == MenuContactGroup){
            if (cmd->id == CmdIgnoreList){
                Contact *contact = getContacts()->contact((unsigned)(cmd->param));
                if (contact == NULL)
                    return NULL;
                cmd->flags &= COMMAND_CHECKED;
                if (contact->getIgnore())
                    cmd->flags |= COMMAND_CHECKED;
                return e->param();
    if (e->type() == EventCommandExec){
        CommandDef *cmd = (CommandDef*)(e->param());
        if (cmd->id == CmdIgnore){
            Contact *contact = getContacts()->contact((unsigned)(cmd->param));
            if (contact){
                QString text = i18n("Add %1 to ignore list?") .arg(contact->getName());
                Command cmd;
                cmd->id		= CmdIgnore;
                cmd->param	= (void*)(contact->id());
                Event e(EventCommandWidget, cmd);
                QWidget *w = (QWidget*)(e.process());
                BalloonMsg::ask((void*)(contact->id()), text, w, SLOT(addToIgnore(void*)), NULL, NULL, this);
            return e->param();
Beispiel #15
void* countCandidatesThreaded(void *dummyParam)
	//printf("DYNAMIC ALGO\n");
	ThreadParam* th = (ThreadParam*)dummyParam;
	UINT level = th->level; 
	UINT tnumCandidates = th->numCandidates;
	UINT offset = th->offset;

	UINT** waits = th->waits;
	UINT* waits_size = th->waits_size;
	UINT* waits_max = th->waits_max;
	FLOAT* timestamps = th->timestamps;
	UINT* timestampSizeAll = th->timestampSizeAll;

	UINT timestampMatrixSize = level * max_timestamp_per_level;

	// Initialize sizes of timestamp arrays
	clearListsAll(timestampSizeAll, level, tnumCandidates);
	clearCount(h_episodeSupport+offset, tnumCandidates);
	initWaits(waits, waits_size, waits_max, offset, tnumCandidates, level);

	for (UINT eventIdx = 0; eventIdx < eventSize; eventIdx++ )
		UBYTE eventSymbol = h_events[eventIdx];
		if (cid_flag == 1 && eventIdx > 0)
			if (h_cid[eventIdx]!= h_cid[eventIdx-1]) 
				clearListsAll(timestampSizeAll, level, tnumCandidates);

		UINT* eps_list = waits[eventSymbol];
		for( UINT eps_idx = 0; eps_idx < waits_size[eventSymbol]; eps_idx++)
			UINT eps_index = eps_list[eps_idx];
			FLOAT* timestampMatrix = &timestamps[timestampMatrixSize * (eps_index - offset)];
			UINT* timestampSize = &timestampSizeAll[level * (eps_index - offset)];
			UINT gCandidateIdx = level * eps_index;
			UINT gIntervalIdx = 2*(level-1)* eps_index;
			bool breakOuterLoop = false;

			// Check other symbols in the episode for matches to the current event
			for (int symbolIdx = level-1; symbolIdx >= 0 && !breakOuterLoop; symbolIdx-- )
				if ( eventSymbol == h_episodeCandidates[gCandidateIdx + symbolIdx] )
					if (symbolIdx == 0)
						if ( symbolIdx == level-1 )
							if (timestampSize[0] > 0 &&
									- getFromList(timestampMatrix, 0, timestampSize[0]-1) 
								> h_episodeIntervals[gIntervalIdx+1])
								timestampSize[0] = 0;

							if (duration_flag == 1)
								addToList(timestampMatrix, timestampSize, symbolIdx, h_end_times[eventIdx]);
								addToList(timestampMatrix, timestampSize, symbolIdx, h_start_times[eventIdx]);
					else if (timestampSize[symbolIdx-1] > 0)
						FLOAT distance = h_start_times[eventIdx] - 
							getFromList(timestampMatrix, symbolIdx-1, timestampSize[symbolIdx-1]-1);
						FLOAT lowerBound = h_episodeIntervals[gIntervalIdx + (symbolIdx-1)*2+0];
						FLOAT upperBound = h_episodeIntervals[gIntervalIdx + (symbolIdx-1)*2+1];

						if ( distance > upperBound )
							// Clear list
							timestampSize[symbolIdx-1] = 0;
							// Check previous for acceptable interval
							for (int prevIdx = timestampSize[symbolIdx-1]-1; prevIdx >= 0; prevIdx--)
								distance = h_start_times[eventIdx] - getFromList(timestampMatrix, symbolIdx-1, prevIdx);
								if (distance > lowerBound && distance <= upperBound)
									if (symbolIdx == level-1)
										// The final symbol has been found, clear all lists
//#pragma message (__LOC__"### Some thing wrong in usage of offset ###")
										//episodeSupport[eps_index - offset]++;
										clearLists(timestampSize, level);
										breakOuterLoop = true;
										if ( timestampSize[symbolIdx] > 0 &&
											h_start_times[eventIdx] - 
											getFromList(timestampMatrix, symbolIdx, timestampSize[symbolIdx]-1) > 
											h_episodeIntervals[gIntervalIdx + 2*(symbolIdx)+1] )
											timestampSize[symbolIdx] = 0;

										if (duration_flag == 1)
											addToList(timestampMatrix, timestampSize, symbolIdx, h_end_times[eventIdx]);
											addToList(timestampMatrix, timestampSize, symbolIdx, h_start_times[eventIdx]);
	return NULL;
Beispiel #16
ConnectivityGraph::EdgeIP ConnectivityGraph::getFromAdjLists(
		Vertex & u, Vertex & v ) {

	VertexID uvid( u.getETVertexID() );
	VertexID vvid( v.getETVertexID() );

	EdgeIP e, eu, ev;

	bool istree = false;
	ETForestLevel l = 0;

//	std::cout << "trying to getFromAdjLists edge " << uvid << " -- " << vvid << std::endl;

	AdjacencyList * l1 = NULL, * l2 = NULL;

	// look in all of the lists for this edge
	for ( l = numlevels-1; l >= 0 && !eu && !ev; --l ) {
		for ( int isT = 0; isT <= 1; ++isT ) {
			istree = (bool) isT;
			l1 = ( istree ? &u.adjTreeEdges[l] : &u.adjNontreeEdges[l] );
			l2 = ( istree ? &v.adjTreeEdges[l] : &v.adjNontreeEdges[l] );

			// find (and remove) the edge from the smaller list
			if ( !l1->empty() && !l2->empty() ) {
				if ( l1->size() <= l2->size() ) {
					eu = getFromList( uvid, vvid, *l1, l );
					if ( eu != NULL ) {
						ev = getFromList( uvid, vvid, *l2, l );
				} else {
					ev = getFromList( uvid, vvid, *l2, l );
					if ( ev != NULL ) {
						eu = getFromList( uvid, vvid, *l1, l );

	if ( eu == NULL || ev == NULL ) {
		std::cout << "eu NULL? " << (eu == NULL) << ", ev NULL? " << (ev==NULL)
				<< std::endl;
		if ( eu != NULL ) std::cout << "eu " << *eu << std::endl;
		if ( ev != NULL ) std::cout << "ev " << *ev << std::endl;
		std::cout << "istree " << istree << ", lvl " << l << std::endl;
		std::cout << "l1: "; printContainer( *l1 ); std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "l2: "; printContainer( *l2 ); std::cout << std::endl;

	// make sure we found it, otherwise something went wrong...
	assert( eu != NULL && ev != NULL );
	assert( eu == ev );

	if ( eu != NULL ) {
		e = eu;

		// decrease the appropriate weight now that we've removed it
		ETWeight::Type t = ( e->isTree ? ETWeight::Tree : ETWeight::Nontree );
		u.ETvertices[e->level].loopNode->addWeight( -1, t );
		v.ETvertices[e->level].loopNode->addWeight( -1, t );

	return e;