 * Determines the absolute path (including drive letter for Windows) for the 
 * current path.
 * @return the absolute path
const std::string Filename::getAbsolutePath(void) const
std::string path;

#if defined(WIN32)
	char *pathBuf;
	DWORD bufsize = GetFullPathName(getFullFilename().c_str(), 0, NULL, NULL);
	if (bufsize != 0)
		pathBuf = new char[bufsize + 1];
		char * filenamePart;
		GetFullPathName(getFullFilename().c_str(), bufsize + 1, pathBuf, &filenamePart);
		*filenamePart = '\0';
		path = pathBuf;
		delete[] pathBuf;
#elif defined(linux)
	char pathBuf[PATH_MAX];
	if (getcwd(pathBuf, PATH_MAX) != NULL)
		strcat(pathBuf, "/");
		strcat(pathBuf, getFullFilename().c_str());
		strcat(pathBuf, "/");
		path = pathBuf;

	return path;
}	// Filename::getAbsolutePath
Beispiel #2
void MainWindow::new_database()
	load_db l;
	QString selectedFilter;
	QString fname = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, l.caption, homedir,
			l.filter, &selectedFilter, QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite);
	// make sure that, if the 3 letter extension was left selected
	// in Qt's OS X file open dialog,
	// the filename actually ends with that extension.
	// Otherwise usability breaks in jarring ways.
	changeDB(getFullFilename(fname, selectedFilter));
 * Save an MD workspace to a vts/vtu file.
 * @param workspace: the workspace which is to be saved.
 * @param filename: the name of the file to which the workspace is to be saved.
 * @param normalization: the visual normalization option
 * @param recursionDepth: the recursion depth for MDEvent Workspaces determines
 * @param compressorType: the compression type used by VTK
 * from which level data should be displayed
void SaveMDWorkspaceToVTKImpl::saveMDWorkspace(
    const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr &workspace,
    const std::string &filename, VisualNormalization normalization,
    int recursionDepth, const std::string &compressorType) {
  auto isHistoWorkspace =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace>(workspace) !=
  auto fullFilename = getFullFilename(filename, isHistoWorkspace);

  const vtkXMLWriter::CompressorType compressor = [&compressorType] {
    if (compressorType == "NONE") {
      return vtkXMLWriter::NONE;
    } else if (compressorType == "ZLIB") {
      return vtkXMLWriter::ZLIB;
    } else {
      // This should never happen.
      Mantid::Kernel::Logger g_log("SaveMDWorkspaceToVTK");
      g_log.warning("Incorrect CompressorType: " + compressorType +
                    ". Using CompressorType=NONE.");
      return vtkXMLWriter::NONE;
  // Define a time slice.
  auto time = selectTimeSliceValue(*workspace);

  // Get presenter and data set factory set up
  auto factoryChain =
      getDataSetFactoryChain(isHistoWorkspace, normalization, time);

  auto presenter = getPresenter(isHistoWorkspace, workspace, recursionDepth);

  // Create the vtk data
  NullProgressAction nullProgressA;
  NullProgressAction nullProgressB;
  auto dataSet =
      presenter->execute(factoryChain.get(), nullProgressA, nullProgressB);

  // Do an orthogonal correction
  dataSet = getDataSetWithOrthogonalCorrection(dataSet, presenter.get(),
                                               workspace, isHistoWorkspace);

  // ParaView 5.1 checks the range of the entire signal array, including blank
  // cells.
  if (isHistoWorkspace) {
    auto structuredGrid = vtkStructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(dataSet);
    vtkIdType imageSize = structuredGrid->GetNumberOfCells();
    vtkNew<vtkFloatArray> signal;
    auto oldSignal = structuredGrid->GetCellData()->GetScalars();
    for (vtkIdType index = 0; index < imageSize; ++index) {
      if (structuredGrid->IsCellVisible(index)) {
        signal->SetComponent(index, 0, oldSignal->GetTuple1(index));
      } else {
        signal->SetComponent(index, 0, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());

  // Write the data to the file
  vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLWriter> writer = getXMLWriter(isHistoWorkspace);
  auto writeSuccessFlag =
      writeDataSetToVTKFile(writer, dataSet, fullFilename, compressor);
  if (!writeSuccessFlag) {
    throw std::runtime_error("SaveMDWorkspaceToVTK: VTK could not write "
                             "your data set to a file.");