 * Detects whether ball has collided with some object in window
 * by checking the four corners of its bounding box (which are
 * outside the ball's GOval, and so the ball can't collide with
 * itself).  Returns object if so, else NULL.
GObject detectCollision(GWindow window, GOval ball)
    // ball's location
    double x = getX(ball);
    double y = getY(ball);

    // for checking for collisions
    GObject object;

    // check for collision at ball's top-left corner
    object = getGObjectAt(window, x, y);
    if (object != NULL)
        //printf("check for collision at ball's top-left corner \n");
        return object;

    // check for collision at ball's top-right corner
    object = getGObjectAt(window, x + 2 * RADIUS, y);
    if (object != NULL)
        //printf("check for collision at ball's top-right corner\n");
        return object;

    // check for collision at ball's bottom-left corner
    object = getGObjectAt(window, x, y + 2 * RADIUS);
    if (object != NULL)
        //printf("check for collision at ball's bottom-left corner\n");
        return object;

    // check for collision at ball's bottom-right corner
    object = getGObjectAt(window, x + 2 * RADIUS, y + 2 * RADIUS);
    if (object != NULL)
        //printf("check for collision at ball's bottom-right corner\n");
        return object;

    // no collision
    return NULL;
Beispiel #2
 * Detects whether laser has collided with some object in window
 * by checking the four corners of its bounding box (which are
 * outside the laser's GRect, and so the laser can't collide with
 * itself).  Returns object if so, else NULL.
GObject detectCollision2(GWindow window, GRect laser)
    // ball's location
    double x = getX(laser);
    double y = getY(laser);

    // for checking for collisions
    GObject object2;

    // check for collision at ball's top-left corner
    object2 = getGObjectAt(window, x - 0.1, y - 0.1);
    if (object2 != NULL)
        return object2;

    // check for collision at ball's top-right corner
    object2 = getGObjectAt(window, x + LASERHEIGHT + 0.1, y - 0.1);
    if (object2 != NULL)
        return object2;

    // check for collision at ball's bottom-left corner
    object2 = getGObjectAt(window, x - 0.1, y + LASERWIDTH + 0.1);
    if (object2 != NULL)
        return object2;

    // check for collision at ball's bottom-right corner
    object2 = getGObjectAt(window, x + LASERHEIGHT + 0.1, y + LASERWIDTH + 0.1);
    if (object2 != NULL)
        return object2;

    // no collision
    return NULL;
Beispiel #3
int main() {
   GWindow gw = newGWindow(600, 400);
   GRect rect = NULL;
   bool dragging = false;
   double startX = 0.0;
   double startY = 0.0;
   while (true) {
      GEvent e = waitForEvent(MOUSE_EVENT | KEY_EVENT);
      if (getEventType(e) == MOUSE_PRESSED) {
         startX = getX(e);
         startY = getY(e);
         rect = getGObjectAt(gw, startX, startY);
         dragging = (rect != NULL);
         if (!dragging) {
            rect = newGRect(startX, startY, 0, 0);
            setFilled(rect, true);
            add(gw, rect);
      } else if (getEventType(e) == MOUSE_DRAGGED) {
         double x = getX(e);
         double y = getY(e);
         if (dragging) {
            move(rect, x - startX, y - startY);
            startX = x;
            startY = y;
         } else {
            double width = fabs(x - startX);
            double height = fabs(y - startY);
            x = fmin(x, startX);
            y = fmin(y, startY);
            setBounds(rect, x, y, width, height);
      } else if (getEventType(e) == MOUSE_CLICKED) {
         if (rect != NULL) sendToFront(rect);
      } else if (getEventType(e) == KEY_TYPED) {
         if (rect != NULL) {
            string color = "BLACK";
            switch (getKeyChar(e)) {
             case 'b': color = "BLUE"; break;
             case 'c': color = "CYAN"; break;
             case 'g': color = "GREEN"; break;
             case 'm': color = "MAGENTA"; break;
             case 'o': color = "ORANGE"; break;
             case 'r': color = "RED"; break;
             case 'w': color = "WHITE"; break;
             case 'y': color = "YELLOW"; break;
            setColor(rect, color);
Beispiel #4
int selectMode(GWindow window)
	int mode = 0;
	//button for 1 player mode
	GImage single = newGImage("single.png");
	add(window, single);
	setLocation(single, WIDTH/2 - getWidth(single)/2, HEIGHT/2 - 45);
	//button for 2 player mode
	GImage two = newGImage("two.png");
	add(window, two);
	setLocation(two, WIDTH/2 - getWidth(two)/2, HEIGHT/2 + 45);
    while (true)
        // check for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);

        // if we heard one
        if (event != NULL)
            // if the event was movement
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_CLICKED)
                // print click's coordinates
                //printf("%.0f,%.0f\n", getX(event), getY(event));
                GObject object = getGObjectAt(window, getX(event), getY(event));
                if(object != NULL && object == single )
                	mode = 1;
                if(object != NULL && object == two )
                	mode = 2;
    // remove the buttons
    removeGWindow(window, single);
    removeGWindow(window, two);
    return mode;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);
    // add ball to window
    add(window, ball);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);
    // add paddle to window
    add(window, paddle);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);
    // add label to window
    add(window, label);
    // declare laser
    GRect laser = NULL;

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;
    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // ball velocity
    double velocity_x = drand48() * 2 + 3;
    double velocity_y = drand48() * 2 + 3;
    bool ballMove = false;
    // GOD mode on
    bool God = false;
    if (argc == 2)
        if (strcmp(argv[1], "GOD") == 0)
            God = true;
    // keep playing until game over
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        // check for mouse event
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        // when clicked, ball starts to move
        if (event != NULL)
            // if the event was moved
            if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_CLICKED)
                ballMove = true;
        // ball movement
        if (ballMove == true)
            move(ball, velocity_x, velocity_y);
            // when ball hits the left edge
            if (getX(ball) <= 0)
                velocity_x *= -1;
            // when ball hits the right edge
            else if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) >= getWidth(window))
                velocity_x *= -1;
            // when ball hits the top edge
            else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
                velocity_y *= -1;
            // when ball hit the bottom edge
            else if (getY(ball) >= getHeight(window))
                lives -= 1;
                ballMove = false;
                setLocation(ball, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2);
        // if God mode is on, paddle x-position follows ball
        if (God == true)
             double y = getY(paddle);
             setLocation(paddle, getX(ball) + RADIUS - PADDLEWIDTH / 2.0, y);
        // else if God mode is off, paddle follow mouse movement
            // if we heard one
            if (event != NULL)
                // if the event was moved
                if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED && ballMove == true)
                    double x = getX(event) - PADDLEWIDTH / 2;
                    double y = getY(paddle);
                    // ensure paddle doesn't go out of window
                    if (getX(event) <= 0 + PADDLEWIDTH / 2)
                        setLocation(paddle, 0, y);    
                    else if (getX(event)>= getWidth(window) - PADDLEWIDTH / 2)
                        setLocation(paddle, getWidth(window) - PADDLEWIDTH, y);
                        setLocation(paddle, x, y);
        // during gameplay, when mouse is clicked, shoot laser
        if (event != NULL)
            if (ballMove == true && getEventType(event) == MOUSE_CLICKED && laser == NULL)
                // instantiate laser
                laser = newGRect(getX(paddle) + PADDLEWIDTH / 2 - LASERWIDTH / 2, getY(paddle) - LASERHEIGHT, LASERWIDTH, LASERHEIGHT);
                setColor(laser, "RED");
                setFilled(laser, true);
                add(window, laser);
        // if laser exists
        if (laser != NULL)
            // detect collision of laser with object
            GObject object2 = detectCollision2(window, laser);
            if (object2 != NULL)
                // if laser hits brick
                if (strcmp(getType(object2), "GRect") == 0 && object2 != paddle)
                    // remove laser and brick hit
                    GObject laserObj = getGObjectAt(window, getX(laser), getY(laser));
                    removeGWindow(window, laserObj);
                    laser = NULL;
                    removeGWindow(window, object2);
                    //  bricks higher in the game’s grid are worth more points than are bricks lower in the game’s grid
                    int brickheight = (100 - GAP * (ROWS + 1)) / ROWS;
                    for (int k = 0; k < ROWS; k++)
                        if (getY(object2) == 50 + (GAP * (k + 1)) + (brickheight * k))
                            points += ROWS - k;
                    updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                    // decrease paddle width
                    bricks -= 1;
                    setSize(paddle, PADDLEWIDTH - PADDLEWIDTH * 2 / 4.0 * (((ROWS * COLS) - bricks) / (float)(ROWS * COLS)), PADDLEHEIGHT);
                    // increase velocity of ball
                    velocity_x += 0.1;
                    velocity_y += 0.1;
                // else if laser hits ball
                else if (object2 == ball)
                    GObject laserObj = getGObjectAt(window, getX(laser), getY(laser));
                    removeGWindow(window, laserObj);
                    laser = NULL;
                // else if laser over top edge
                else if (getY(laser) + LASERHEIGHT >= 0)
                    GObject laserObj = getGObjectAt(window, getX(laser), getY(laser));
                    removeGWindow(window, laserObj);
                    laser = NULL;
                move(laser, 0, -velocity_laser);
        // detect collision of ball with object
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object != NULL)
            // if ball collide with paddle
            if (object == paddle)
                velocity_y *= -1;
            // if ball collide with GRect object other than paddle (i.e. bricks)
            else if (strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0)
                velocity_y *= -1;
                removeGWindow(window, object);
                //  bricks higher in the game’s grid are worth more points than are bricks lower in the game’s grid
                int brickheight = (100 - GAP * (ROWS + 1)) / ROWS;
                for (int k = 0; k < ROWS; k++)
                    if (getY(object) == 50 + (GAP * (k + 1)) + (brickheight * k))
                        points += ROWS - k;
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                // paddle width decrease
                bricks -= 1;
                setSize(paddle, PADDLEWIDTH - PADDLEWIDTH * 2 / 4.0 * (((ROWS * COLS) - bricks) / (float)(ROWS * COLS)), PADDLEHEIGHT);
                // velocity of ball increases
                velocity_x += 0.1;
                velocity_y += 0.1;
        // when no more live or all bricks are broken
        if (lives == 0 || bricks == 0)

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;
Beispiel #6
void play(int mode, GWindow window)
	/* Initialize the Game */
	//create the game-board
	G3DRect board = newG3DRect(BOARD_X, BOARD_Y, 3*BOX, 3*BOX, true);
	setColor(board, "LIGHT_GRAY");
    setFilled(board, true);
    add(window, board);
    //creates the array of small rects
    GRect rect[9];
    int k = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    	for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
    		rect[k] = newGRect(BOX*j + BOARD_X, BOX*i + BOARD_Y, BOX, BOX);
    		setColor(rect[k], "#0000FF");
        	add(window, rect[k]);
    GLabel status = newGLabel("Player 1");
    setFont(status, "SansSerif-26");
    setLabel(status, "Player 1");
    add(window, status);
    double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    setLocation(status, x, y);
	A[0][0] = -1; A[0][0] = -1; A[0][0] = -1;
	A[0][0] = -1; A[0][0] = -1; A[0][0] = -1;
	A[0][0] = -1; A[0][0] = -1; A[0][0] = -1;
	int i = 0, player = 0, flag = -1;
	// if 2 player is seleceted	          
	if (mode == 2)
		while( i <= 8)
			player = i%2;
			if (player == 0)
				setLabel(status, "Player 1");
				double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    			double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    			setLocation(status, x, y);
				setLabel(status, "Player 2");
				double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    			double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    			setLocation(status, x, y);
			printf("Player %d move....\n", player + 1);
			// wait for click
			while (true)
        		GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);		// check for mouse event		
        		if (event != NULL)								// if we heard one
           			if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_CLICKED)	// if the event was movement
                		GObject object = getGObjectAt(window, getX(event), getY(event));
                		if(object != NULL)
                			int j;
                			int rightClick = 0;
                			for(j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                				if (object == rect[j])
                					//remove the rect and add appropriate image
                					int x = getX(object);
                					int y = getY(object);
                					printf("Rect[%d] clicked by player %d\n", j, player);
                					removeGWindow(window, object);
                					updateArray(player, j);	
        							if(player == 0)
        								GImage cross = newGImage("cross.png");
        								addAt(window, cross, x, y);
        								GImage circle = newGImage("circle.png");
        								addAt(window, circle, x, y);
        							rightClick = 1;
                			if(rightClick == 1)
    		}// end of a click operation
    		// check Status
    		if (checkStatus())
    			printf("Player %d won\n", player);
    			flag = player;
		}// end of i = 0 to 8 loop
	}// if mode == 2
	else // if mode == 1
		while( i <= 8)
			player = i%2;
			if (player == 0)
				setLabel(status, "Player 1");
				double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    			double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    			setLocation(status, x, y);
				setLabel(status, "Player 2");
				double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    			double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    			setLocation(status, x, y);
			printf("Player %d move....\n", player + 1);
			//showPlayer(player, mode);
			if (player == 0)  // aka human being
				// wait for click
				while (true)
        			GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);		// check for mouse event		
        			if (event != NULL)								// if we heard one
           				if (getEventType(event) == MOUSE_CLICKED)	// if the event was movement
                			GObject object = getGObjectAt(window, getX(event), getY(event));
                			if(object != NULL)
                				int j;
                				int rightClick = 0;
                				for(j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                					if (object == rect[j])
                						//remove the rect and add appropriate image
                						int x = getX(object);
                						int y = getY(object);
                						printf("Rect[%d] clicked by player %d\n", j, player);
                						removeGWindow(window, object);
                						updateArray(player, j);	
        								GImage cross = newGImage("cross.png");
        								addAt(window, cross, x, y);
        								rightClick = 1;
                				if(rightClick == 1)
    			}// end of a click operation
			}// end if player == 0 aka human being
			else // if player is computer
				// find the position
				int pos;
				if(check(59) >= 0)
					pos = check(59);
				else if (check(5) >= 0)
					pos = check(5);
					pos = any();
				updateArray(player, pos);
				//remove the rect and add appropriate image
                int x = getX(rect[pos]);
                int y = getY(rect[pos]);
                printf("Rect[%d] clicked by player %d\n", pos, player);
                removeGWindow(window, rect[pos]);
        		GImage circle = newGImage("circle.png");
        		addAt(window, circle, x, y);		
			}// end if player is computer
    		// check Status
    		if (checkStatus())
    			printf("Player %d won\n", player);
    			flag = player;
		}// end of i = 0 to 8 loop
	}// end if mode == 1
    if (flag == 0 && mode == 2)
		setLabel(status, "Player 1 Wins!!!");
		double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    	double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    	setLocation(status, x, y);
	else if (flag == 1 && mode == 2)
		setLabel(status, "Player 2 Wins!!!");
		double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    	double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    	setLocation(status, x, y);
	else if (flag == 0 && mode == 1)
		setLabel(status, "You Win !!!");
		double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    	double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    	setLocation(status, x, y);
	else if (flag == 1 && mode == 1)
		setLabel(status, "You Lose !!!");
		double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    	double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    	setLocation(status, x, y);
	else if (flag == -1)
		setLabel(status, "Game Draws !!!");
		double x = WIDTH/2 - getWidth(status)/2;
    	double y = HEIGHT/2 + 200;
    	setLocation(status, x, y);
	printf("flag = %d\n", flag);