Beispiel #1
mat4 Transform::getModelMatrix()
	mat4 out = translate(glm::mat4(), getGlobalPosition());
	out = rotate(out, getGlobalRotation().x, vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
	out = rotate(out, getGlobalRotation().y, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
	out = rotate(out, getGlobalRotation().z, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	out = scale(out, getGlobalScale());
	return out;
Beispiel #2
Vector3d CSkeleton::fitToLocation(Joint_handle hJoint, Vector3d target_loc)
	Joint_handle hRoot = rootOf(hJoint);

	if(hRoot == parents[hJoint])
		return globals[hJoint].getOffset();

	Joint_handle hParent = parents[hJoint];

	Vector3d dJoint, dTarget;
	Vector3d pJoint, pParent;
	pJoint = getGlobalPosition(hJoint);
	pParent = getGlobalPosition(hParent);
	dJoint = (pJoint - pParent).Normalize();
	dTarget = (target_loc - pParent).Normalize();

	Quaterniond qParent = getGlobalRotation(hParent);
	//	dJoint = cast_to_vector(!qParent*dJoint*qParent);
	//	dTarget = cast_to_vector(!qParent*dTarget*qParent);

	Vector3d axis = Vector3d::Cross(dJoint, dTarget);
	double dot = Vector3d::Dot(dJoint, dTarget);
	double angle = acos(Vector3d::Dot(dJoint, dTarget));

	Quaterniond qtemp = !qParent*Quaterniond(0, axis.X(), axis.Y(), axis.Z())*qParent;
	axis = Vector3d(qtemp.X(), qtemp.Y(), qtemp.Z());

	Quaterniond rot;
	rot.FromAxisAngle(angle, axis.X(), axis.Y(), axis.Z());
	qtemp = rot*Quaterniond(0, dJoint.X(), dJoint.Y(), dJoint.Z())*!rot;
	Vector3d pos(qtemp.X(), qtemp.Y(), qtemp.Z());
	Vector3d err = pos - dTarget;

	if( angle == 0.f ||
		(axis.X() == 0 && axis.Y() == 0 && axis.Z() ==0) ||
		dJoint == dTarget)
		return globals[hJoint].getOffset();
	//rotateJoint(hParent, rot);

	return globals[hJoint].getOffset();
Beispiel #3
void CSkeleton::drawSkeleton(void)
	for(size_t i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
	size_t n = joints.size();
	Quaterniond rot, a;
	Vector3d pos;
	for(size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
		rot = getGlobalRotation( i );
		pos = getGlobalPosition( i );
		a = rot.Log();

		glTranslated(pos.X(), pos.Y(), pos.Z());
		glRotated(a.W()*180/M_PI, a.X(), a.Y(), a.Z());
		glColor3ub(255, 255, 0);
		glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
		glVertex3f(0, 0, joints[i].getScale().Z());

		glColor3ub(255, 0, 0);
		glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
		glVertex3f(0.1, 0, 0);

		glColor3ub(0, 255, 0);
		glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
		glVertex3f(0, 0.1, 0);

		glColor3ub(0, 0, 255);
		glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
		glVertex3f(0, 0, 0.1);
Beispiel #4
void Sprite::draw()

	if (!_visible)

	//fix bug of transform of difference window size

	Vec2 windowSize = Director::getInstance()->getWindowSize();

	auto originalSize = _texture2d->getRect();
	Vec2 localAnchorPoint(originalSize.x*_anchor.x, originalSize.y*_anchor.y);

	Vec2 vertexes[4] = { -localAnchorPoint, { originalSize.x - localAnchorPoint.x, -localAnchorPoint.y }, originalSize - localAnchorPoint, { -localAnchorPoint.x, originalSize.y - localAnchorPoint.y } };

	auto globalPosition = getGlobalPosition();

	auto globalScale = getGlobalScale();
	auto globalRotation = getGlobalRotation();
	  Vec2 _glScale{ 2 / windowSize.x, 2 / windowSize.y };
	// init for rotating
	auto sin = Math::sin(globalRotation);
	auto cos = Math::cos(globalRotation);
	for (auto &vertex : vertexes)
		// local transform
		// rotate
			auto tempX = vertex.x;
			vertex.x = tempX*cos - vertex.y*sin;
			vertex.y = tempX*sin + vertex.y*cos;
		vertex.x *= globalScale.x; vertex.y *= globalScale.y; // scale

		// global transform
		vertex.x += globalPosition.x;
		vertex.y += globalPosition.y;

		// gl transform
		vertex.x *= _glScale.x;
		vertex.y *= _glScale.y;
		vertex.x -= 1;
		vertex.y -= 1;


	// draw

	float *_coord2f = _texture2d->getCoord2fPoints();

	int _index_1 = 0;
	int _index_2 = 1;
	int _index_3 = 2;
	int _index_4 = 3;

	if (_is_flipx)
		_index_1 = 2; _index_3 = 0;
	if (_is_flipy)
		_index_2 = 3;	_index_4 = 1;
	if (!cmd)

	cmd = new RenderCmd_Quad;
	cmd->_vertex[0] = vertexes[_index_1];
	cmd->_vertex[1] = vertexes[_index_2];
	cmd->_vertex[2] = vertexes[_index_3];
	cmd->_vertex[3] = vertexes[_index_4];

	cmd->_coord2f = _coord2f;
	cmd->tex = _texture2d;
	cmd->_opacity = _opactiy;

	there are two methods to slove flip


	//method one

	int _index_1 = 0;
	int _index_2 = 1;
	int _index_3 = 2;
	int _index_4 = 3;

	if (_is_flipx)
	_index_1 = 2; _index_3 = 0;
	if (_is_flipy)
	_index_2 = 3;	_index_4 = 1;

	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[_index_1].x, vertexes[_index_1].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[_index_2].x, vertexes[_index_2].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[_index_3].x, vertexes[_index_3].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[_index_4].x, vertexes[_index_4].y);

	// method two
	if (_is_flipx == false && _is_flipy == false)
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[0].x, vertexes[0].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[1].x, vertexes[1].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[2].x, vertexes[2].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[3].x, vertexes[3].y);
	else if (_is_flipx == true && _is_flipy == false)
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[1].x, vertexes[1].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[0].x, vertexes[0].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[3].x, vertexes[3].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[2].x, vertexes[2].y);
	else if (_is_flipx == false && _is_flipy == true)
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[3].x, vertexes[3].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[2].x, vertexes[2].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[1].x, vertexes[1].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[0].x, vertexes[0].y);
	else if (_is_flipx == true && _is_flipy == true)
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[2].x, vertexes[2].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[3].x, vertexes[3].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[0].x, vertexes[0].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[1].x, vertexes[1].y);


